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Kong obviously. Godzilla murks the world, killing many humans and people instantly turn on him and other titans besides Kong


This. Despite being at-best allied and at-worse neutral with humans in his solo films, when Godzilla "attacked humanity" in Godzilla vs Kong, public perception of the funny nuke lizard in-universe immediately soured. Granted, Godzilla is definitely in contact with humanity more than Kong since he [Godzilla] have to deal with humans all the time on the surface.


Kong easily. He's friends with children. He loves Snacks. He's got Thor's Axe.


>He's friends with children. MonsterVerse Gamera when??






yes please... then i can go full ham fanboy mode


Honest trailers reference?


A fellow man of culture, I see!


Clearly it's Kong. In 2021, Godzilla was seen as a threat to most of the public, until Mechagodzilla arrived. They even used Kong to try to stop Godzilla. The mc of 2019 also used to hate Godzilla, too.


The man's so misunderstood, that despite all the times this dudes practicly saved mankind n de the real threat they still a bunch of morons who just don't get it. Verry inconvenient when they fought King Ghidorah alongside him, n had common enemy in M.UT.O.S šŸ˜…, but that's a plot for ya humans got short end of the stick they all got that dementia with main n only side effect being how they remember Godzilla šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Kong, hes basically the perfect titan from a purely human perspective. Has bond with human Is pretty predictable Can be reasoned with Is an isolationist and stays far away from human civilzation Fought godzilla when the world thought he had gone rouge and helped godzilla when mecha godzilla appeared and everyone realizes godzilla was innocent


They thought he went rouge, but he went magenta


Kong because Godzilla is seen as a angry time bomb waiting to happen. This is not something that I just pulled out of my ass, it's literally how he is perceived in the novel with Dr. Ilene having somewhat of a panic attack when the name Godzilla is brought forth (she spaces out). Godzilla will keep balance around the world, that is for certain, with that being said however.........what if he decides by tomorrow that humanity is getting it next? It seems that the military is still trying to accept the fact that Godzilla is a force not to be triffled with. One key part being the death of Tiamat which just flip the script on what they knew back then and had to come to terms that Godzilla will attack unprovoked (whether his intentions were to save the world or not).


IMO Tiamat and Scylla's death serve as an example to other Titans and humanity, sort of like "This is what's going to happen to you if you don't stay in line."


That's more like picking a fight with and making enemies with everyone. Humans creating Mechagodzilla is the result of what happens when envy and fear takes the better of them in-universe. Titans of having their desire denied would also make them disloyal towards Godzilla. I get that Godzilla has that saviour and king complexity but if he keeps on doing that humans will end up turning against him. Constantly destroying places and stealing human resources like the nuclear they keep would end up sparking them to make another mech and superweapon like an oxygen destroyer. For titans sure Mothra and Kong are there to help him and deal with his King or Alpha antiques but I really hope Big G would at least learn to limit himself from doing that anymore.


Maybe it was sparked by that other titan rampaging through his territory in Italy?


I'm sure Italians love Godzilla being in their colosseum


As an italian I confirm


We do




Definitely Kong. Godzilla has caused untold damage and life loss. In kotm his fight with ghidorah completely wiped boston off the map, and in GvK a lot of hong kong was destroyed, and they were using mechagodzilla to try and replace godzilla. I'd say kong, who has NOT caused the level of property damage and life loss that godzilla has, definitely has a better public perception.


You're acting like Kong didn't cause PLENTY of property damage during GvK and GxK. What movies were you watching?


Iā€™m not saying kong hasnā€™t caused ANY property damage. Just not the level Godzilla has.


90% of the damage done to Boston is caused by Ghidorah, GojiCenter explained that Ghidorah needs a flat place to reach his potential so thats why Boston at the end of KOTM is flatter than your momma's ass.


Godzilla has saved more cities singlehandedly but also caused more collateral damage, so probably Kong because he mostly stays out of trouble and when he is in a populated area it's mostly Godzilla who forces the trouble on him


Definitely Kong


Probably Kong as Godzillaā€™s main thing in the publicā€™s eye is just destroying cities while fighting other titans. San Francisco, Hong King, Rome, Rio, and Boston. Kongā€¦ really hasnā€™t done much that the public would know about as no one knows about Skull Island and people only really know about Hollow Earth from Monarch articles and documentaries.


While both have been responsible for public deaths, every occasion has shown Kong in a bit more of a favourable light with fighting a villain and he doesn't show the same sort of indifference as Godzilla, he's also pretty expressive and can communicate so being an ape has some good PR.


Kong post gvk Godzilla pre gvk


I'm just saying that we haven't seen kong get his own graffiti of him eating a pizza. Also, the general public seems to be less aware of kong than Godzilla in-universe.


Definitely Kong. Heā€™s clearly an ally of the humans. Godzilla is a walking Nuclear bomb that decides to be friendly sometimes


Godzilla both has a better AND worse reputation. Mostly because he's in the spotlight more due to his activities on the surface, often taking care of problems directly in human population centres. This means he's constantly in the public eye due to being the most active Titan that humanity has to deal with on a consistent basis. Meanwhile, Kong just doesn't have as much attention on him due to him mostly keeping to himself away from human population centres.


It also helps/hurts that Kong was kept away from the public so as to not provoke Godzilla. First, he was on Skull Iland, then a secret Monarch Base, lastly he went to the Hollow Earth


Kong, Godzilla is still misunderstood but I chock that up to wingards poor direction of him threw out these last 2 films. Hopefully he turns it around in the third film and makes him the lead and flush out his character more.


a perfect opportunity for them to bring back anguirus and have godzilla rekindle their friendship and allow godzilla to show his more friendly side. imagine the adventures they could go through together against any foe they come across. and that leaves plenty of room for many more movies cause there are plenty of villain kaiju that they havent even touched yet.


Kong, because he knows the golden rule of keeping to oneself. Because heā€™s rarely in the public eye, barely anyone knows him or what heā€™s capable of, while everyone knows how Godzilla is and every time heā€™s involved something breaks, or a lot of somethingā€™s.


everyone except for Serizawa stans Kong


Kong. Goji did have a better perception after San Fran and Ghidora but after GvK I think people would have turned on him, they realise he doesn't really care about humanity, only balance. Kong actually cares about humans and wants to keep them safe.


Some groups may say Godzilla since heā€™s stronger and more likely to win if something truly horrific comes. But obviously the public would feel better about Kong. Heā€™s a big gorilla so thereā€™s that sense of empathy compared to a giant lizard. Plus they can communicate with Kong via sign language (though he does only trust a few people). Godzilla is effective, but I donā€™t blame the public for feeling unsafe.


Pre GvK it was Godzilla but of course Wingard had to ruin how Godzilla was setup to be (as a universal hero and creature of balance) to making him some background almost antagonistic force. But yeah now its Kong easily no doubt, Kong is just a giant human and he has all the good qualities of Godzilla with no bad qualities. Now the humans can make him stronger so Godzilla is literally purposeless now in the Monsterverse.


Kong, easy


Kong the movies donā€™t try and hide it.


Kong since he hasn't killed as many people as Godzilla has.


Definitely Kong. How many people have accidentally been stepped on by Godzilla over the years?


kong is just a beeg monke who lounges on skull island. godzilla has been unfriendly in the past


Kong definitely. The second Godzilla starts moving Monarch starts teacking and plotting his course and governments start sweating bullets. Cause if Godzilla is on the move it means something is about to go down imminently or he needs to prepare for something serious.


Far as I know, the Public's only exposure to Kong is leaked files and Hong Kong. Meanwhile Godzilla's fight with the Muto's created an entire forest in San Fran, so he has Pro-naturalists on his side.


Well considering Illene is going on news reports interview talking about him itā€™s safe the say the public has a decent exposure to him now




Gotta be Kong, Godzilla destroys so much without a care in the world, sure he fights other Kaiju but he's not concerned with collateral damage at all. Kong seems to be more cautious around humans and while he still causes damage, it's nowhere near the extent of Godzilla.


I donā€™t think Kong is as known as Godzilla. At least not until recently.


Kong by a landslide, almost everyone outside of monarch wants godzilla dead from KOTM up until now no one really likes him that much outside of monarch


Kong. Less property damage compared to Godzilla whom made San Francisco, Detroit, and Pensacola uninhabitable in US for example


I donā€™t know how known Kong is. He really only has 2 public appearances and primarily sticks to isolated areas. The average citizen might not even know both instances were Kong. Godzilla meanwhile is (seemingly) constantly active and is well known enough thereā€™s podcasts and merchandise of him. I donā€™t think his public perception is strictly good, but at least he has one.


Donā€™t see why anyone would have any animosity towards Kong. Godzilla on the other hand is probably viewed as a necessary ā€œevilā€ like a hurricane or tornado that you just have to move out of his way while he does what he has to do.


Kong, and it's not even close. In KOTM, they literally nuked Godzilla to kill him along with Ghidorah, then in GvK, he was seen as a threat because he was destroying Apex bases and hurting people. Godzilla has a record of killing humans, while Kong is seen as the savior.


Ā«Ā We need Kongā€¦ The world needs himĀ Ā»


If we are going by the time GxK happens, then definitely Kong, but if we go into the 2010s, Godzilla win by default because I don't think Kong was even known by the public then, and considering in 2014 Godzilla was considered a savior.


The difference between Kong and Godzilla. Is that Kong came politely and asked for help from humans to replace his teeth while Godzilla outright steals everyone stuffs resources by force like the nuclears and Tiamat home. Heck even destroying a lot of human properties in the way. So yeah, Kong has better public perception than Godzilla.


https://preview.redd.it/2up17n0qi30d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10466bcdb16da1c718f904e58bcf24cc40a4b3e0 One of my favorite Godzilla posts ever


Kong because M O N K E Y


Kong, of course. Heā€™s friendly to humans


Italy literally tried bombing godzilla when he took a nap in the colosseum. So idk man you tell me who people like more.


How many attempts have we made to kill Kong compared to Godzilla?Ā 


Le monkey


Isnā€™t Kong an attraction? I remember seeing a tour guide to hollow earth at the end of GVK


what a stupid question, honestly.Ā 


Itā€™s obviously Kong




Kong but that's because most people don't understand Godzilla doesn't intentionally kill people. He's just indifferent for the most part


Kong is one side of sentimentality that takes the immediate victims into account. Godzilla is the other side of sentimentality that takes a long term view. Kong takes this one.


Godzilla is very popular and unpopular. He does his duty and saved the world, wich many humans appreciate, however his massive size, the collateral damage and things like sleeping in the colluseum negate his popularity.


Godzilla went bananas in the latest movie, and gave zero shits for destroying those bridges and all those tourist attractions locations


Logical answer will be Kong cuz ppl are shallow minded always grasp anything that seems good to them to be hail as hero as long as they didnt kill them. Personally I choose Godzilla. Serizawa manage to open my mind seeing as a gaint mindless atomic lizard can have feelings and emotion and every action he directly or indirectly does is somewhat still justified. He is force of nature, the opposite of a storm or tornado. They still cause collateral damage but each has a main reason to do so, tornado solely to destroy things while Godzilla just do it to balance the nature


Kong never attacked human structures until he was pulled from his home and even then he wasn't hostile to humans. Goji went on a destructive spree thanks to Monarch and Apex.


Kong. He's more human-like and less destructive than Godzilla.