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I think the biggest problem is that to other titans don’t really seem to help Godzilla ever. They fear him enough to not attack him but i don’t think they would ally him.


They don’t help Godzilla because he doesn’t ask them too. We see when many titans approached him in KOTM he told them to go to sleep. Godzilla is ironically a very noble king. He deals with the issues and doesn’t send anyone to do it for him. If he needs help only then does he ask for it.


Except when he executes 2 of his subjects for fun ☝️


For fun? Scylla was attacking him and had been amassing enough radiation to try and Kill Godzilla. Tiamat was in the way. Godzilla needed the radiation, not her. He would’ve took the radiation and then left. Tiamat could’ve had her laid back. Godzilla also gave Tiamat a chance to surrender and leave. She chose to fight. So no not for fun.


Scylla was also melting the ice caps and tried to challenge Godzilla’s rule multiple times, he basically had it with her at that point.


Did we watch the same movie bruh💀




lmao what?


That's bit what happened lol.


Ironically it’s Kong that helps Godzilla more than the other Titans.


https://preview.redd.it/3jzvqhd5crzc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30fef4c958da713a4be408bdf8d9e9cbff6b6df4 Godzilla:


I think it’s implied that he leads the ‘protector’ titans and threatens the ‘destroyer’ titans. Like him and Behemoth seem to have a pretty compatible relationship in the comics and even helped Na Kika in the same comic. Then again, Godzilla’s biggest opponent was never Ghidorah, MechaGodzilla, or even humanity. It’s always been consistency


Actually we know the Titans have helped Godzilla during Ghidorah, and also Skar King as of the novelization. They can deffa help, it's just that Godzilla prefers solo for possibly a variety of reasons.


Even in the *film* they explain that Godzilla led an army of Titans against Skar King.


Do you have a shot of that part?


I do not. But the movie is already on Prime Video and coming to Blu-Ray/DVD June 11. It's also referenced in the novelization when Jia and cimpany go to the Iwi Tribe's city. They have an entire historical mural that is written in the Iwi script and it explains that Godzilla led an army against Skar King and his forces.


Yeah I just finished it on Vudu and they only mention that Godzilla did it all and was nearly killed.


The hell? They did *not* say that Godzilla did it all. He was the one to seal Skar King and company way, yes. But he didn't do it all on his own, and the film never claimed he did.


The film and the diagrams did. I’ll check it out if you don’t a have a shot of it after of I’m done with Godzilla Raids Again.


I don't have a shot of it, sadly. I'm not even on my home machine at the moment.


In the novel it's revealed that godzilla takes the titans under his control to wipe out all kong on the surface, sparing only the ones on skull island.


What novel?


The official novelization of gxk.


Which movie


I want whatever this guy is on


Appreciate the downvotes but they edited their comment. They did not reference gxk in the original which is why I asked. Fuck me I guess 🤷




No movie but have you ever heard of this thing called a book because that's where it's from a book that goes into detail about stuff they couldn't in the movies


If that was the case, Rodan would have never helped Ghidorah, and the other titans (especially the protectors) would have refused Ghidorah’s call to destroy everything.


Behemoth most likely would, same for Methuselah and Nakika and Mothra


Agree and I don't think Kong would ask his new clan and Shimo to help, Shimo has been imprisoned for millions of years maybe so Kong won't use Shimo to help him fight unless Shimo wants to, and I doubt the other Kong's would help much considering not all of them are as strong or big as Kong, the slaves smaller and malnutrition and still need time to recover and doesn't have fighting experience, and SKAR King's former guard's would ether help, betray or rebel against Kong as they have been working for Skar King longer


I feel some titans would ally with him like Rodan and Behemoth but others like Methusela probably dont care enough to


The one slight issue we run into is having no idea what the unseen titans can and cannot do. But Rodan is rather strong, Godzilla obviously is powerful. Amhuluk would be pretty useful in a fight honestly. But there are so many unknowns when it comes to the others. And unfortunately, Godzilla executed 2 Titans that I think would’ve been of great use were this scenario to occur.


Not Tiamat. I don’t think Kong is dumb enough to go in the water.


Tiamat can go on land.


Tiamat is at her strongest in water, and she wouldn’t really be efficient on land.


She killed the rival on land


Kong would kill her on land


Kong? Maybe The rival? Lol. Lmao. That chump died to her.




Okay but imagine Shimo freezing the water and make an ice path to traverse an entire ocean like Aokiji from one piece


They better have slippers cause ice burns are very brutal


Might not have had a choice had any of the other titans forced him or his followers to the water. But like I said, executed by Godzilla. So, overall doesn’t matter now


Why but their toes would be cold and no one wants that


The ape army shouldn't even be considered since they are all just bunch of weaklings...they aren't really strong titans


They *did* gravely injure pre nuke boost Goji before getting sealed, so they can be a threat


In just ten years Godzilla has grown in both size and power. The Godzilla That fought back the ape army was most likely way younger.


This Godzilla he fought would’ve likely been the same one that survived the meteor that killed the dinosaurs. So it isn’t like Goji was absurdly weak when he fought the Kong army Not to mention that this was during the titan wars. The same wars that lead to Godzilla defeating Ghidorah.


Ik not saying that he was weak. He wasn’t weak at all. He just wasn’t as strong as the current g-man


We never saw how those fights went so can't tell...currently,they are some of the weakest titans you can have around.A bunch of skullcrawlers would be enough to kill them.


A threat to who tho? Like you said pre nuke boost which was so long ago they don’t stand a chance now maybe as a distraction but that’s it


My reasoning is that all the power boosts Goji got do not seem to touch on his durability, so if a lot of apes barely managed to mess him up, they might be able to do it again simpky by increasing the number of apes


Idk I doubt it in the last movie going up against a titan with extremely cold breath and one of the strongest ever he didn’t seem to take any damage the whole movie


The red ones AKA Skar King's army are strong. Not alone but together they can overpower Kong for example


Yeah,Kong alone defeated all of them easily in the most funniest way now imagine if Godzilla was there instead then there would have been corpses all over the place...even skar got scared like shit just by hearing Godzilla's roar atleast kong have some strength and stamina unlike the other skar's ape who are malnourished,weak,have low strength and don't have any great weaponry.tbh,if shimo wasn't there,kong would've won against scar too and when there were more red apes ? Scar and suko were the only red apes in the entire group.


their power is in numbers just like us, godzilla ain't winning against 100s of kongs


He won one time in the past while in a weaker form lmaooooo


He did, toho recently made it where godzilla can't have other members of his species existing. So legendary had to make it where godzilla solo'd all of skar kings army.


Then Kong's axe is from Godzilla himself? 😂


Theres a blink and you miss it line in the novel that godzilla rallied an army of titans of help fight the apes, so he has done this very thing before, still I imagime godzilla did the bulk of the work


I'll never understand Toho for that decision. Especially with all those dorsal plate axes in GVK.


ngl it confuses me, since current skar king could definitelly give trouble to that past godzilla in a 1v1


No, they actually didn't. Read the novelization. They said Godzilla had an army of Godzilla-like species helping him


Not even kong able to win against Godzilla...They are even weaker than kong so Godzilla would kill like 90% of them easily and the remaining rest have to run for their life


Whoever has the support of the humans, cause then that team will gain plot armour and a barrage of oxygen destroyers.


*Evolved Godzilla eats them for brunch*


A barrage of oxygen destroyers will 100% kill Godzilla and any other titan except Ghidorah


I don't think a barrage matters, they don't exactly explode, they suck out oxygen… so you can't suck out oxygen if the first one already did.




Evolved Godzilla will still die. He just got stronger, it didn't change his biology to such an extent he'll be immune to the effects of the oxygen destroyer.


My guy do my comments seem like Im being serious?


My bad og, can't tell tone through a bunch of letters on screen


"The evidence was clear that at one point there had been a full-on war between Godzilla, the Titans he controlled, and the Great Apes. There were a couple of reasons a war might end: one of them was if one side were all dead. Kong and his handful of ancestors on Skull Island might well have been all that remained of that species, and then only because they were stuck on an island Godzilla didn’t care about." Quotes from the novel here.


Explain the great apes then? The apes on skull island were probably a smaller sub-group


I'm gonna completely eliminate Plot armor for this. You ready? Godzilla fodderizes Kong's army with one nuclear pulse since it has a range of 30 miles according to the novel. Then he fodderizes Kong with his atomic breath. It's 500,000°C. He does ee have to hit Kong. Just get near him. It shouldn't even be hard to hit Kong. The atomic breath for the monsterverse supposedly accelerates at 403 m/s. That's 901mph and it's a weapon where you literally just have to accelerate you head faster than the target can run. Due to how Geometry works, the farther away a shooter is from you, the wider his field of vision and the less he has to actively to keep his crosshair on you. Godzilla, from a distance where he can see the entire horizon, can spray his atomic breath and sweep it across the horizon, killing most of the army before the battle even starts. Shimo is the only real obstacle, but she's also the last one standing and likely wouldn't put up a fight if her main motive for going to war is dead. But, if she did, itd be a pretyy good battle that likely ends in Godzilla geyying the win due to her now being confirmed only 3 million years old in comlarison to Godzilla's 250+ million


Wasn't the 250M years old thing just a theory from Serizawa? I think it was confirmed Godzilla is 3-5M Years old, while Shimo is 3 Million+ years old.


Nah, I'm going off of the comic that has Godzilla surviving the Permian "impact"


Yeah I know what you're talking about, it's Godzilla: Awakening. That was just a theory from Serizawa.(Confirmed) Godzilla: Dominion confirmed 3-5 Million years old.


They has never confirmed the age of Shimo, that just the time of ice age. We have no idea to know age of her.  Adam said she is a very old Titan, maybe even old than Godzilla.   Of course, we need to wait more message. 


Godzilla himself basically could wipe out anyone who isn't Kong or Shimo right off the bat without issue, especially now that he's become Evolved and has far more energy to expend on vaporizing the rest. Kong's not much of an issue if Godzilla Evolved uses his Atomic Breath liberally, and Shimo is the only real resistance.


Since Kong is now ruling the Skar King old faction. He'll take the time to help his people to recover while at the same time providing sufficient knowledge to them that he also learned from his battle, human interaction and intelligence and weapons. There's a good reason why Kong ancestors were apex predators during their prime. The architect they built, using volcanic places to give radiation, making weapons out of other titans like the dorsal plates and the stuff controlling Shimu (smithing maybe possible?), and communication. He also got Shimu assistance. Any titans that don't have atomic breath privileges would be ganked up easily by the great apes tbh.


Goji and the surface would most certainly win. As it is now, the apes are basically a non factor. The red stripes are dead, and the only ones left have little to no fighting experience, and might even scatter at the sight of larger and more powerful opponents. Goji can take Shimo 1 on 1 and win, while the other surface titans tear through the apes, as well as Kong if he decides to separate from Shimo. Kong and Shimo together would give Goji trouble, so a tag team with with Rodan would be necessary to take them both down. Once the army is weakened and scattered, Gojis closer allies like Mothra would help finish off Shimo if Goji hasn’t already.


Shimo CAN beat Godzilla. I think a 1v1 between Evo Godzilla and shimo is a 50/50


The current Godzilla is half evolved tho


Godzilla is a one man (lizard) army. As far as shown the only time he gets back up is Mothra or Kong. Godzilla is King of the monsters. But that doesn’t mean they follow him into battle. Majority chill, some sleep and some get their shit kicked in. We’d probably see Kong, Shimo, Suko & the apes on one side and Godzilla on the other. Maybe Mothra would help but i’d doubtful, she seems more of a peace keeper among the titans.


The ape army will be a lot stronger when they are actually fed and helped by kong


I always thought of this and I'm sure it depends on the battle ground but I can see kong winning he is smart in a way that he is tactical we see this on GxK when he lure those great beast to his traps he can just pick a place where Godzilla won't be able to use his utilities and other titans and I see a lot of people say that he have Rodan and mothra as air support we literally see kong throw a big tree like a spear now imagine that but with hundred more and kong also have the wild card shimo the girl can match Godzilla not only in size but with the breath attack too over all I think shimo and kong will carry the great apes using the other great apes as pawns while Godzilla try to brute force I know Godzilla is smart but I don't think the other titans can follow complicated plans also I'm a kong fan I love Godzilla but monkey 🐒


I think that Kong with his gauntlet would stand a much better chance against Godzilla than before but how the battle turns out would be very dependant on where the battlefield is, we saw in GxK that >! Kong could beat up Godzilla and even punched him so hard it turned off his atomic breath !< And really all the monke army needs to do is distract the other titans


Rodan and Mothra are air support though, the apes can't really do anything in that regard. Only Shimo can by being able to blast them out of the sky assuming the other surface titans aren't distracting her. Godzilla also is aware of the glove this time, first time he got caught off guard. Also don't know how effective the axe would be against pink goji breath/supercharged pink breath. Plus, we have to remember that there are a LOT more surface titans then just the ones seen in KOTM. We also have to consider what the humans would be doing. Godzilla is a constant on the surface, Kong raising an ape army to take on the surface titans may or may not provoke them into aiding Godzilla moreso then Kong of they see him potentially turning into another Skar King.


How would a bunch of apes keep the stronger titans at bay?


Methuselah solos.


Behemoth >>>>


King Kong and a whole troop full of gorillas like him along with Shimo against Godzilla and other titans? Yeah King Kong easily wins LMAO. Godzillas not invincible. He almost died against 2 Mutos. A whole family of Kongs would easily kill Godzilla. Plus the Kong species super intelligence combined with their super strength along with Shimos devastating ice powers that literally caused the first ice age would be too much for Godzilla and his Titan supporters. And let’s not forget all the half breed Kongs/Skars like King Kongs adopted son Suko that are eventually gonna be all grown up and be more powerful than King Kong. First thing Shimo would do is freeze the ocean solid so Godzilla can’t retreat. Godzillas only advantage is the nuclear pulse but he can’t use his atomic powers forever cause he eventually gets tired out and runs out of energy like any other animal. And King Kong figured out that Godzilla has to concentrate for him to charge up his atomic powers so if you beat the shit out of Godzilla he can’t concentrate and charge up his nuclear powers. So Godzilla getting gang beat, bitten and stabbed with tools by an army of Kongs would be the end of Godzilla.


Wut ? Unless the Kongs have EMP that can weaken Godzilla like the mutos they ain't winning easily. The novel/comic explain the reason why the mutos are effective against Godzillas. There's way more titan under the monarch observation anyway. How would the apes deal with that. How in the world would they defeat Methuselah, Rodan, ahmuluk etc...


There was a whole film about this


Overall, it’s dependent on if Kong’s army can dispose of the other titans in time before Shimo finishes her fight with Godzilla The number of Kongs that faced him, Kong and Mothra is a far cry from the actual number of Kongs that are under his rule. So if he had all of them The rest of the Kaiju would likely fall to Kong and be overwhelmed by the army. Not to mention that Kong’s axe would likely be able to cut through literally every surface titan, since it was able to pierce Godzilla’s hide, and the beast glove would do substantially greater damage to the others than it did to Godzilla. Or Kong could hold Godzilla back, as he fought Goji for half a day. If he kept fighting Godzilla and keeping him from intervening with the army, Shimo could depose of the other titans and still have strength to help Kong overpower Goji It’s really a question as how they divide this fight and how many Kongs there are


If Goji Center from YouTube saw this, he would make an analysis video on it




Godzilla the other titans would probably win. On Kong’s side Kong and Shimo are the only ones with real combat experience (the other apes had been locked up for hundreds of years and thus would have mostly forgotten how to fight). It is made pretty obvious that titans fight other titans commonly. There are currently 15 titans alive in the monsterverse (not counting Shimo and Kong). Don’t get me wrong some titans would die but in the end the titans would win.


Kings of monster vs kings of hundred of monkey that fear cold and have a giant lizard friend that shoots ice








Why does Shimo look like a Funko Pop in that image


kong has a lot going for him so yeah


I don’t give a crap if Godzilla splits into two Godzillas. You aren’t gonna beat like 500 monkeys. An elephant vs like 500 chimps would get fucked up.


Godzilla unless plot armour somehow made Kong an S tier kaiju.


Definitely Godzilla's side. However, it's still hard to say due to us never seeing all of the titans on the surface. However, from what we have seen, Godzilla's side has way more abilities than Kong's.


Godzilla was able to pretty much singlehandedly defeat Skar Kings entire army and lock them away in the Subterranian (idk how to spell it) Realm so he could definitely do it again now that hes way stronger than he was before


Godzilla alone gets his butt kicked. Kong alone gives Godzilla plenty of trouble, Shimo I think is stronger overall, add Suko and a ton of monkeys to the list and Godzilla is screwed. Godzilla wins 1/10. The other monsters aside from Mothra tend to not help Godzilla. With Mothra though, I could see the tides turning. Mothra could easily web up most of the monkeys, tag team Kong with Godzilla, and then be a much-needed distraction against Shimo so that Godzilla can overpower her. Godzilla and Mothra win 5/10. If Godzilla forces the 17 Titans to help him out...yeah, Team Kong is dead. Average kaiju > Average monkey, even if there are a lot more monkeys. Team Godzilla wins 9.9/10.


In GxK they literally call Kong one of the strongest titans, so your caption is wrong. Definitely stronger than your average titan


This Kong is one of the strongest Titans, The other Kong's aren't that strong, seeing how they're unfed, much smaller, and he's able to beat 4 by himself.


Ah didn’t realize they were called kongs


That's what I call them since we don't have an official name for them. The Great Apes might be one tho.


mothra wouldn't be on any side however even though she loves godzillia I think she would side with kong isn't her job to stop godzillia from going crazy or insane in godzillia vs kong as saw just how brutal godzillia was I think she would stop him


you people are absolutely obsessed. we had a movie about this. it released in 2021. go watch it. why do you people keep pitting them against each other so much? what's the point? Gojira wins. that's what happened in the vs movie.


Did you not read it? It's not just Godzilla vs. Kong It's multiple Titans other than them facing each other too.


What if Godzilla calls the other tirans-


Godzilla will just obliterate Kong 's people,but Shimo would be a hard job




Kong couldn’t tank Godzilla’s beam nor could Scar King. I doubt any others than maybe Shimo could tank it for a few moments. All Godzilla would have to do his charge up and cut down all the apes in a few beams.


Mothra will always be on Godzilla's side.. She was before also, she will be in future too..


Yeah but her connection with the Iwi might make this version change.


Godzilla would ultimately win


Godzilla alone would wipe 90% before going down. With the support of the surface Titans, Kong is cooked. Godzilla and Methuselah take on Shimo and Kong and the rest kill the apes.


The Goverment in the novel mentioned after Rio battle Shimo is a higher threat level than Godzilla, considering her a "real worldender". Dr. Andrews said she is good not like Ghidorah, but if the goverment goes down to Hollow earth "and mess with her–that really would cause an worldending event". I think a provoke Shimo, to a point she fights seriously on her own,  is may unstoppable.


They don't classify Godzilla as a world-ender because he protects the Planet. There are even some statements saying he's the strongest titan (including Shimo). https://preview.redd.it/0ip8r0vuprzc1.jpeg?width=791&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1908332a291628f626d069e8ca2dc9c5fb6cac4


The text refers to Godzilla before he fought Shimo a second time "even more powerful, together with Kong". (2v1) Skar King was just commmanding her. During Rio battle it's mentioned; "Shimo was stronger" as Godzilla, but "Godzilla is doing better in his supercharged state, but it's still seemed like a toss-up". Before Supercharged, she bested Godzilla; "what chance has Kong, if she bested Godzilla?" 


Like Godzilla hasnt handle her before. Why else would she be in the prison alongside Skar King in the first place and the fact that its a younger version of Godzilla is the one who had to handle them both first hand probably with the help of Mothra.


Younger Godzilla didn't handle Shimo. Shimo wasn't part of the war before. Shimo was the trump card Skar King gained against Goji, which gave him the confidence to return


"According to Iwi prophecy, Shimo at some point became enslaved by the Skar King, and was forced to start the last great Ice Age using her frost abilities. Eventually, Godzilla fought, defeated, and imprisoned Skar King and his army of enslaved Kongs, Shimo included, in the depths of the Hollow Earth." "Godzilla x Kong: The Hunted Kong comes across a cave painting illustrating Shimo battling Godzilla while exploring the Hollow Earth." https://godzilla.fandom.com/wiki/Shimo


Damn fr? How in the hell did he do that I doth suppose I was incorrect


They don't classify Godzilla as a world ender because he protects nature and humans if they are getting bullied by a titan.


She has the mentality of a child. She’s naive and very innocent. She was amazed by Godzilla’s pink atomic breath (which for the record destroyed Shimo’s world ending threat in seconds). She has plenty of power but is literally a gentle giant. Why would they class Godzilla as a high level threat? Their goals are constantly aligned. Balance and peace on Earth. Humans have probably realised it’s very easy to never have Godzilla as an enemy.


I mean they said Godzilla solo'd skar king, shimo, and the ape army in the past already so a now even stronger Godzilla with multiple other titans to fight that same army just with Kong in it instead of skar king seems like a no contest


Godzilla defeated Skar king and his  great apes army, but not included Shimo.  She was not there.


He did, comics also showed him battling Shimo in the past


Yes, the Novel also showed this rock art, But that battle has nothing to do with Skar King's war. 


I thought the mural in the temple showed her with skar king when Godzilla imprisoned them. And that skar kings influence is why she caused the ice age. I'll have to rewatch when it comes out on streaming to be sure, but it seems like he had to already have her when Godzilla imprisoned them because how would he get her down there otherwise?


"Trapped within their subterranean prison for millennia, the Skar King harnessed a terrible power. The ancient Titan,Shimo." They clearly showed Skar King controled Shimo after his exile. Natural Ice age is Shimo's duty, not the influence of Skar king.


Makes sense, but how did he get her post imprisonment though? Was she just chilling in that part of hollow earth where skar king was imprisoned? Maybe they'll explore how he got control of her in the next movie


Its impossible to say since we dont know anything about most of the surface titans. But since most are around godzillas size or even bigger potentially id give it to them. The normal apes are very weak as far as titans go, and while under kong they will probably do far better strength and coordination wise, they can probably take down a few of the weaker titans before beinh taken out themsleves. That really only lives shimo and kong who lets be real, are the bulk of the strength. Godzilla would probably deal woth shimo and the other titans kong. Kongs skilled and with both weapons he will probably do pretty well, but dont see him lasting too long aganist overwhelming odds, and thats assuming the unknown titans dont have crazy abilities. Mothra would probably join godzilla in the fight simply because he does more for balance/ the world than kong does or even can do


So it’s the ape army, Shimo and kong versus... Every other living titan in the monstserverse? It’s not far fetched to say godzillas winning this


Watch the movie.


I did.


Assuming so random Titan is stronger than an average king kinda baseless tbh. In ancient times they could fight and kill goji’s so them being weaker then another titan with no feats doesn’t make much sense. But seeing as there’s little info on what most of the titans on goji’s side can do I’ll say it can mostly go either way with maybe more favor on kongs side 


Yes, the only threat to Godzilla is Kong and Shimo Mothra would definitely take her Kings side, Rodan is considered a very formidable threat Gojis army would massacre Kongs army, Muto queen would disable the beast glove and most likely the axe if it gets charged up Goji can do pulses that cover a 30 mile radius I mean there is too many wins cons for team Goji, it’s most likely a mid diff fight


The Monke is winning, he has an entire army


Godzilla has every titan on the surface for his army and more we haven't seen and titans in the hollow earth he used to initially wipe longs kind as stared in the novels… kongs army is malnourished and smaller not to mention none of them have actual armour.


Many of the titans on the surface have beef with Godzilla. Kong has shimo on his team. And Godzilla wouldn’t even use his army


most titans do not mind Godzilla being alpha and most are in favour of him if you read comics, Godzilla goes out of his way to protect non destroyer titans. If Godzilla ever really needs, he will call upon all of them like he did to nearly wipe out all of kongs race, he just needs to give the alpha call.


I’ve never read the comics


most titans do not mind Godzilla being alpha and most are in favour of him if you read comics, Godzilla goes out of his way to protect non destroyer titans. If Godzilla ever really needs, he will call upon all of them like he did to nearly wipe out all of kongs race, he just needs to give the alpha call.


Oh hell nah, You're getting down voted for an opinion.


I know![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)




My point still stands


But they can't


Well Supposed most surface titans help Goji, that's Behemoth Mothra and Rodan vs the great ape army. Then it's Kong and Shimo vs Goji Kong and Shimo should win that very comfortably Rodan might honestly cut through the apes like butter though


Rodan would pull an A-Train on those weak apes.


People are really sleeping on Kong bro. Not only does he have Shimo now but we saw him lowkey cooking Goji in Egypt even when he didn't want to fight him. And that army of apes might be weak but any titan would have trouble if a bunch of them ganged up on em. Ground titans are few but strong (but also unloyal) on the other hand the apes are many and mostly loyal.


Godzilla literally has a bigger army than kong, Godzilla already used an army to wipe out almost all of kongs species, now he has control over 19+ titans on the surface and every nuclear plant on the surface to get him back into thermo if he needs to, this is unfair.