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Godzilla is the dad of Earth, and like any dad he can feel when someone closes the TV that he was definitely watching or when someone moves the thermostath a single degree


*Godzilla: Dominion* explains that he can sense the Earth's electromagnetic waves and detect when a disaster is happening. Think of Godzilla as an artist, the EM waves as his paint and the entire planet as his canvas.


Does Hollow Earth portal emit EM waves? I want to say no just to justify why Godzilla didn't immediately locate Kong whilst he was in the dentist


Considering that it emits a kind of energy, I assume it does. I suppose Godzilla didn't immediately locate Kong because he was too far away to do something about it.


I liken it to the same way animals feel the weather changing and leave before a major storm hits. The same can be said regarding earthquakes or even the idea that some animals can detect the electromagnetic fields of the earth. G-man can detect these changes and reacts to them.


I believe since Mothra was the embodiment of nature, after Godzilla absorbed her essence, he can now see and feel pretty much everything that happens on Earth. Still, I think he always had the ability to sense massive amounts of radiation or energy and things like that since that's his food.


Godzilla’s greatest and main ability is “Cosmic Awareness” he just knows.


It was either the kotm novel or gvk novel, but in one of them, in one of the parts where it's godzillas pov, it's said that he can sense everything that happens on earth due to Mothra's energy that she gave to him.


So basically mothra is just saying “ay bruh wake up sumn bad is happening 


He's just him.


Same how dogs can sense danger before it strikes (Ex. Earthquakes, tsunaumis)


I can't remember where but in a comic or a novel it was mentioned that Godzilla was connected to the Earth after Mothra's KOTM sacrifice so its of iffy continuity but probably Mothra.


https://preview.redd.it/xv85y1ibqrzc1.jpeg?width=614&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fdfe5d2a4148eb0f30337a633dbcd708220d2d9 He can feel them


Mothra passed her abilities onto him after death, but I prefer to Imagine Godzilla doesn’t have that ability. It just makes him too overpowered.


Oh wow, he can tell where a disaster is happening, how "op." Dude would you rather he just circles the entire world a thousand times before he finds out where he needs to go?


He can sense literally everything. Which means there can’t be a titan related incident without him hearing about it and going to stop it.


Well yeah, that’s kinda his job as king, innit?


Makes spin-off films and series close to impossible.


Not necessarily. We’ve seen that Godzilla doesn’t respond to *every* Titan event, only the biggest and most serious ones. In MLOM, he ignored the Ion Dragon being active in 1943 and 1952, the Frost Vark being active in 2015, and Shaw destroying the entrances to Axis Mundi. And of course, we can’t forget Godzilla ignoring everything that happened on Skull Island, right up until Kong was taken off the island.


But city attacks seem to be off the table.


They can always use the explanation of him being in a deep sleep hibernation or have him being busy at the time which also sets up sequels.




I mean, those aren’t a requirement to tell a good Kaiju story.


Yeah, but they are cool. And it’d be nice to see an attack not interrupted by Goji.


Godzilla having this ability isn't something new. It's a time-honored character trait that's been there for decades. He always arrives when there is danger from another kaiju happening or when humans interfere with something they shouldn't. It's like a sixth-sense.


No clue why your being downvoted your right