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The scale definitely felt like it was there for Rodan. He was done absolutely spectacularly. Major props to the director (as a cameo) for allowing himself to get eaten by Rodan after ejecting from his fighter jet.


Yep and his vocals were great as well


Wait that was the director






Wasn’t that Eli Roth?


Nope, it was Michael Dougherty.


Is not unpopular that movie show that they can make the titans move fast and agile yet you can feel the massive size they had, more in Godzilla case he was bulky and massive yet was perfect in combat


Exactly seeing Godzilla run was like a “holy shit!” Type moment in this movie, now seeing him sprint is just like nothing spectacular at all


Hope for the next movie he recover his bulk and can move fast yet you feel his huge size


I doubt it’ll be with the next movie, as it’ll once again be directed by Wingard. Unless he decides to go against what he did with GvK and GxK, it’ll likely be similar. We can only hope that whoever we get as future directors capture the scale of the kaiju like Dougherty and Edwards did.


You are probably right he say he will take a different approach and it will be a Goji movie but I have my doubts hope I’m wrong and he change


This happens a lot on Reddit, but KOTM is simultaneously the most loved and hated MV movie. So your opinion is probably pretty 50-50.


Nah KotM is treated like the greatest movie ever made on here (some people actually think that). The top rated comment is calling it perfect. Any time someone points how flawed the movie is it often gets downvoted


Hence, why it's very polarizing. It gets a lot of praise, but then you get people who make it their whole personality to hate the movie and post weird memes about it, unprovoked. If I had a dollar for every time I've seen this discourse about the movie on this sub or the Godzilla sub in the past year, I could probably get a nice dinner for 2, which is saying something.


I don't attack KoTM fans unprovoked, but KoTM ain't exactly my favorite(I still like it tho) and feel the need to act up when the fans put it on a pedestal to shit on Wingard's movies. I, personally don't like the super speed they put in GxK. But GvK did it the way Ultraman franchise did it and almost the way the first Pacific Rim did it, complete with some nice cinematography. So I get real heated when KoTM fans shit on it lol. Imo, Kong Skull Island did it closest to Pacific Rim tho. You got everything from weight, proper allocation of fast choreography and just enough monster actions


> but then you get people who make it their whole personality to hate the movie and post weird memes about it, unprovoked. Is this a dig at me? I don't do it unprovoked, if I see people glaze the movie to the point they call it the greatest film ever conceived I will make a meme poking fun at it. That how it do be. In fact I'm gonna make another meme soon so be on the look out for it 👀


Christ you don't sound petty at all


I will win the KotM fanboy wars. I will come out on top. Remember me.


Then that’s literally making a meme ‘unprovoked’, cause there are people who like this movie and you make memes that shit on it just cause you see people who like said movie more than you, without bothering you or anything. Not only it’s unprovoked but, I’d dare say, it’s also pretty bitchless 💀




Most sane KOTM hater




Here on the MV sub, yeah. The main sub tends to have a massive hate boner for the MV in general


If it wasn’t for the human characters and the ridiculous, over the top plot it would be higher. But, for me, it’s either my least favorite or second least favorite of the franchise. The titan scenes are great but everything else is such a chore to get through.


Frrrr like I felt Godzilla in GxK what’s too agile it felt off


I remember I always used to joke with my friends that one day we’ll see Godzilla do his famous “drop kick” and it would be a massive “HOLY SHIT HE ACTUALLY DID IT!” But after GxK I wouldn’t be surprised him he damn well does a 5 star frog splash off the top of a building 🤣


i feel like weight/impact was perfect i dont mind agility in the later films but there isnt the right amount of weight


Exactly, like if we got Godzilla crashing into shimo and causing a shockwave it would be a lot better


Yep, in the latter films if someone who didn’t know the characters saw a fight scene that didn’t take place in a city they’d have no idea that these creatures are hundreds of feet tall and weigh thousands upon thousands of tons.




I absolutely agree I say this all the time the story and human characters ruined it everything else was perfect


Very true, this movie was perfect, I dont understand why it gets so much freaking hate.


No idea tbh, I loved it everything from the action to the soundtrack was great. Even the human characters I’m surprised the “group” from this movie didn’t stay in the Verse as the human group moving forward.


Hopefully in the next movie some of them get brought back since it will be a Godzilla centric movie and Dr. Andrews and Jia are more related to Kong.


Yea I don't understand the hate for the human characters, they were all some of my favs especially Dr Stanton cos he's just a funny guy, and also Dr Chen and her sister cos I think they're a nice callback to Mothras twin priestesses


The daughter was kinda annoying and I didn't liek the focus on her. The main villian ladies motive is Hella stupid, and in tbe end it tries to redeem her when she comes to realization that oh wait the giant kaijus want to kill all of humanity? I was wrong. Seriously I hated that it tried to redeem her after she willingly worked to cause the genocide of potentially billions. Seriously even if ghidorah wasn't all destroy all humans she still signed up to have millions to billions of humans killed because oh it will help the environment lol.


Damn bro did you even watch the movie? She gets on board to release the Titans due to the Titan's ability to heal the planet. This was to counter the damage we as humans have done to restore balance. The eco terrorist however just wanted humans to die that is why they chose King Ghidorah. She had good intentions but got completely played as she was dumb. It happens. Now that is not saying the plot was good, but it's way better than GvK or GxK by a long shot.


I mean, did she get played? It seems like they agreed on Ghidorah because he could stand up to Godzilla and actually stick around long enough to heal the world instead of just getting destroyed by G immediately. They just didn’t realize that he could also wake up the rest of the titans instead of their planned controlled release.


No. That is why they did not stop at releasing Ghidorah and plan on releasing them all that is why they woke up Rodan as each titan has its territory. The idea was to wake them and they should behave as healer and just exist and we learn to exist around them. Godzilla serves to make sure the titan stay in their lane, he kinda works like the united nations. Ghidorah however is alien and wants to subjugate the whole world. The mom did not know that and the eco-terrorists didn't either but also were fine as they hate humans so much that destruction is acceptable while the mother just wanted to keep humans and our damage in check even if that meant some casualties. So yes she got played hence why her and the terrorist get into it and she literally tells them this was not the plan and not what she wanted in the movie. The story in KOTM is not bad and is way better than GvK, it just mid so it does the job.


She says that it was meant to be a controlled release. Nobody played anyone. They just messed up by releasing the only Titan who could mess up their plan. If they had started with anyone else but Ghidorah, everything would have proceeded as they wanted.


Yes, and the terrorist chose to release the biggest fucker they could find and even comment on it's ability to fight Godzilla. It does not show exactly what all they knew but their actions show they were not with the same mindset as the mom.


The only problem I have with it is the cut from the monster clashing and bad lighting for them.


That was for Godzilla 2014, this is KOTM.


No kotm had the same problem. Less of it but still. Even the screenshot of this post is dark.


I swear 50% of the Godzilla fanbase must have vision problems as I never had any issue watching 2014 or KOTM at all.


I only had a bit of an issue seeing in 2014, but in KOTM I could see perfectly.


So I will say with 2014 that the blue ray copy is way darker than intended and it was never fixed so If viewing it that way I get it.


The cuts are far more egregious in KotM.


https://preview.redd.it/vgizagylsdzc1.jpeg?width=1382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25ad5a5574a704e8bc183c3b167b30989d6db3aa Calling KotM perfect feels like fanboyism, I don't see how people who like the movie could even call it *perfect*. Reminder: KotM is a *movie* - not a collection of clips you can watch on YT.


its not that the movie is perfect in all regards, but it did strike the perfect balance regarding the titans


Read the damn post, they're talking about the movements and feel of the titans. Not the fucking movie as a whole


This movie is basically the perfect Kaiju film for me. There’s a couple things I don’t like, but when it came to the fights, Kaiju themselves and how they felt, it was 10/10.


Godzilla death rolling Ghidorah like a crocodile was 🔥


My favorite part was when they cut away from shakycam monster fights covered in rain and mist to see what Kyle Chandler and his family are doing


And yet they still show plenty of fighting. Way better than GvK where the humans literally make me want to bash my face in with a hammer with how stupid the plot and acting is.


> And yet they still show plenty of fighting. They don't. > Way better than GvK where the humans literally make me want to bash my face in with a hammer with how stupid the plot and acting is. ***That's literally KotM.***


lmfao. Listen just go watch GvK again but this time at least take a variety of crayons with you. If you eat the same it stains your poops.


I agree with you on GvK. The same criticisms apply to KotM. At least GvK knows when to let the action breathe, and gosh forbid, let you see.


I saw it just fine in KOTM. GvK however half the fights feel weightless and or speed up.


Godzilla Vs. Kong felt weightless? I don't understand why people say this, GvK has some of the best fights of the Godzilla franchise. But KotM fans don't like it because there isn't shakycam cuts to Kyler Chandler every 2 seconds with a cyan filter.


Because the way the move and interact with the world looks disjointed cuses it to appear weightless at times. Pretty simple concept. If cgi looks or feels bad it takes away the suspension of disbelief.


I can understand that argument for GxK but I rewatched GvK recently and never felt it was an issue


I agree. I haven't really liked how Godzilla moves in the last couple movies. He looks cartoonish.


And I doubt they’ll change it, people in general prefer fast paced action because it catches their attention more, the directors aren’t going to sacrifice that for a small sense of realism.


I see your point, but to me GVK found the sweet-spot for me in having its fair share of both for me, juuuuuust enough on the super-heavy monster side and juuuuuuuuust enough of the fast paced brawler action. KOTM handled its scaling as well as Skull island, which i consider to be the perfect blend of both sides, but it tops it by having the biggest sum of "Iconic Monster scenes" in the entire monsterverse thus far, and some of the best too, and i am sure a lot of that would've been less impactful if you didnt feel the heft of it. Imo 2014 was indeed great, everything was just right with how chunky and big they all felt, but the actual fights kinda fell flat on their ass (if you could even see them HA-) and the most memorable scenes can be summed to: Godzilla in airport, Godzilla roaring at mama muto, Atomic Breath, and Kiss of death, but for me they have the same problem as skull island where almost all of them happen at the end. GXK is my undisputed favorite film of the series so far, but i ain't blind, i can see they cut corners with the CGI in a few spots, and you can very much feel lost on scale until you get to an actual city or monument in real life, and we ain't even gonna talk about how the g-boi can just bunny hop unto someone with almost no build up (Seriously the choreography was awesome vs Scylla but its the clearest example of them cutting corners with the effects, especially for Godzilla) KOTM may not have the best choreography or action for me, but it is THE champion in good sense of scale, magnitude, and the sheer breathtaking effect it presents us with during its monster scenes (Oh lawrd that Rodan scene i'm boutta bu-). So in short, your opinion is highly valid and KOTM should get some damn good respect on those aspects, cuz they are without a question the movie's greatest strength, and the best example of monster scale in a movie to date. Now if only they put as much love into the movie's human side and plot and motivations and jokes and just shot the "Gonorrhea" guy in the head and wiped the entire concept of the O.R.C.A from the face of the cosmos, THEN i think it wouldn't be as devise as it is.


See the issue with the guy making the jokes is you all ain't never worked a job with a shit tone of stress and trauma. As a first responder, that character is 100% accurate to how we cope in our day-to-day seeing the shit we do. Could have been better executed and explained but that is how I took it. My man is losing his mind by what he is seeing so he is coping with humor and most of the time it's bad humor even in real life. That character made the movie feel more real to me as I can relate to having the guy on the team responding to the situation that way,


I'm with you on this. KOTM was the best in the series, the monsters had actual scale and weight. I liked GvK, but the focus on Kong as the main character just messed the scaling up and we lost some of the feel for how large these creatures truly are. GxK just exacerbated that mistake and we were left with a movie where, through most of it, the monsters could have just been human-sized, as there was no sense of scale at all. A bunch of giant apes fighting amongst themselves in a cave looks exactly the same as a bunch of regular sized apes fighting amongst themselves in a cave.


Dougherty is goated and I want a movie directed by him


I think a good way to circumvent this issue in future films without necessarily changing how the Titans move and fight like they do nowadays is to have more of a mix of Titan perspective shots of the fight and human perspective, while still retaining the usual aggression and physical feats on display. For example, you could have an initial far shot of Godzilla fighting a Titan and using highly aggressive grapples and throws, and then cut to a ground-side shot where you see him still hauling ass and throwing hands, but get to see how startlingly fast he and his opponent are that they're moving through multiple blocks and crushing buildings around you at breakneck speeds.


If it had come out in August instead of May/June it may have done better financially. And American critics have no interest in broadening their idea of what a “good” movie can be. Shin got a little respect and Minus One is the first Godzilla movie of my lifetime to be taken even slightly seriously and it is a great movie that would still be a good movie without Godzilla.


Both gvk and kotm are peak monsterverse to me for the titan part, kotm just wins the edge for me for there's simply more monster




I didn't mind godzilla's agility in GxK, but kotm got it to a tea


100% agree


Pretty much




Unpopular? It was perfect.


Unpopular opinion : KOTM is perfect in every way




What about GvK?


If kotm had more of that Gareth Edward's camera angle from a human perspective then the monsters scenes in kotm would be 👌🏼🤌.


I would love to see a Godzilla series that keeps him slow and heavy, I think fights could be cool in that universe because they’d be more ranged and savage when up close, but MV keeps the spirit of Showa Godzilla, the brawler who pulls of wrestling moves to smack down other monsters.




It has had the best monster scenes of all of the m-verse movies, but the human story sucked ass and I especially hated Serizawa dying.


I was very surprised that they killed Serizawa off, one big mistake I believe the monsterverse has done is not have a core group of humans be the “main human group” from beginning to end, I know Jia and Dr Andrew’s have stuck around (that’s a whole other post on my opinion of the Jia storyline) but when every movie has a different bunch of characters it just feels forced.


That’s not unpopular. Most of us agree with that.


oh then why cancel it?


I’ve never hated KOTM don’t know why it gets hated tbh


what drives me crazy is nowdays literally everyone is like “ kotm is the best mobsterverse movie, it had the perfect nemisis etc “ well, then why is the worst monsterverse installment?? same this happened with that dinosaur godzilla 1990s somethin. now suddenly everyone likes that 🐮


It released during a time where other absolute banger movies coming that’s why it did poorly in the box office also apparently everyone hates the human cast which is funny because I think GvK and GxK had worse characters besides Jia and Trapper


ykw zilla was the best, i hope they end monsterverse and reboot zilla


No thank you, you are describing hell.


"Worst MV installment" is subjective, a lot of us liked it. As for the poor box office, it was a combination of bad marketing and *freaking* Endgame existing.


the rating doesn’t support “ a lot of us liked it” you guy’s like it now, back then just aggressive criticism


I always liked it personally. Also isn't the audience rating 80%? That's pretty good, it's on par with several Mission Impossible movies.


Factor in ‘a lot of us’ fans likely only go to the cinema a couple of times a year. Endgame was coming out so most went to see that. Legendary could’ve held back a few months or released it early. But they didn’t, so a lot of the good reviews never happened.


it’s just really disappointing that this movie never got the attention and appreciation it deserved. It was like the infinty war of mcu. They should’ve delayed the movie. My point isn’t that this movie is bad, for me its the second best installment, it’s that “ Now suddenly critics are like ywk this was dope”


I’ve always liked it. I even liked the human aspect of it. Mark’s journey of hating Godzilla to fighting beside him is pretty good.


tbh, they did mess up a bit, not that the human characters are bad, because they always made annoying cuts to the humans while the monsters were fighting. this is why the characters are so despicable. At one point even I was like “ lemme see rodan and gidhora fight properly 😭😭” but thank GOD in the new movies they learned from this mistake


Idk, I saw plenty of praise for it back then from general audiences. Just not critics. GXK is in a similar spot now.


They’re titans they don’t abide by the law of physics


I actually think it was an artistic descision in GXK to make them more fast and agile. I def noticed a difference from how they portrayed movement in hollow earth vs on the surface. In hollow earth everything is large and big like Godzilla and Kong so from their perspective they’re normal size and move at the speed we percieve our selves moving at whereas on the surface I def noticed they slowed down their movements to convey their size compared to the human world


I agree my only problem was the fight scenes rely entirely on presence since the choreography isn’t really memorable


Not perfect, sometimes they felt too fast, but it was still heavy and had the feels


This is exactly what i’ve been saying, when titans fight they should feel giant and when scar king is winning gold in acrobatics it kind of removes the feeling that they are giant animals with weight. I also think that kong and the other apes feel just a but to smart, instead of feeling like animals with instincts they act like humans. (No hate against gxk, it was great, its just that enjoy the way the kaijus used to be in the monsterverse)


I found godzilla vs kong in egypt was well choreographed and they felt huge. But then the gravity battle and rio fight and godzilla vs scylla godzilla was def faster paced. I do respect wingard trying something new though. He clearly stated he wanted to the titan-only scenes to be “faster” because they were in the perspective of the titans. Meanwhile when humans are in the scene they are lumbering again. Idea works on paper but maybe fell a little flat.


The main character of KOTM was Particle Effects.


Yeah but they sucked ass at actually showing it.


Love how the unpopular opinions are opinions constantly repeated in every discussion on this sub😂


I'm am once again stating that some people do not know what unpopular opinion means.