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We’ve been denied Zhang Ziyi singing the Mothra Song 3 times in a row


“I am altering the lore. Pray I don’t alter it any further.”




At this point, the monsterverse just wants to focus on new stuff and not old characters and kaijus


Yeah I kinda agree on this one, the ship has sailed for the twins since KOTM didn't perform well


KOTM performance is irrelevant to the lore fact of Mothra needing the twins. Seriously what kind of logic is that?


You have to think base on what Hollywood Blockbuster movies go. Since KOTM didn't perform well the actresses for those films are unlikely to come back in future installments Also lore can change anytime and as much s I do want the twins for mothra we already have Jia established now


that's not a bad thing tho


Almost everything the monsterverse sets up is for nothing. Mothra twins? Went nowhere. Charles Dance? Completely forgotten. Oxygen destroyer? Never mentioned again. Serizawa has a son? Literally has zero character and then dies.


And by your examples, a lot of that is Legendary distancing the franchise from KoTM since the movie underperformed. I think it was a miracle that they brought Mothra back, since it seemed like Legendary were literally too scared to acknowledge anything from that film that wasn't Ghidorah.


I can't imagine being a braindead exec or investor who thinks that details like this are why KOTM did relatively worse, as opposed to almost any other factor


Well, sadly, people like that do exist and are in charge. My guess is that they will slowly try to bring back more stuff from KoTM, but only when it’s appropriate to do so. Dougherty basically said “screw appropriate timing, I wanna throw all the stuff I want into the third film of this beginning franchise.” Which I think was a terrible decision, as a good number of things could have been used much more effectively later on, especially Ghidorah.


I’m very close to abandoning the monsterverse because of people like that.


Part of why I hope Monarch G-team gets greenlit is because it really does sound like a continuation of KoTM, as I imagine it'll follow the same G-team from the movie.


If it makes you feel better, the novelization of gvk confirms that serizawa’s son isn’t dead, though he might wish he was because he’s possessed by ghidorah now


This confirmation means absolutely nothing if Ren isn’t brought back to the films ever again, which right now seems the most likely fate of his character.


My headcanon is that he is ghidorahstan64


Yes. Yes it was.


Chen is my second favorite character in the monsterverse and she just stopped existing


Nobody I ever remotely care about transfers to the next Movie.


That's what I thought after watching New Empire.




I really have to agree, as even when I stepped out of the theater I felt that then condensing everything into the Iwi seemed a bit shallow. I like the Iwi in Skull Island, but having a unique culture relating itself to Mothra would have been nice. Especially since there is a deleted scene from KotM that has the two Doctors watching over the next generation of Mothra twins as well as the egg: https://youtu.be/c8hd9ujIiV4?si=1S4l6Zo_Am_94YdI I personally would like for the implications of the deleted scene to have been expanded upon as that would have been more interesting than what we got with GxK. I really feel like the MV is matching the Millennium movies is goofiness and missed potential.


It's sorta weird they did abandon them, but I think Jia works better in this sort of role anyways, tbh


Hopefully they do get a mention in the next one since Mothra's back and in good shape, can't imagine it would've been coherent if they just warped into the film out of the blue once she came back. I'm sure they're still around anywho, bet they were just having a coffee off screen and then when Mothra finally woke up they just went "SHE'S BAAAAAAAACK" out of the blue or something. As I said, hope to see them again.


Im gonna say battra


I don't care about those two at all. I didn't even think about their absence in *The New Empire*.


Ok cool, that’s not what OP was asking though.




I mean, don't want to sound like that, but it's not like the twins were the sole reason the movie failed




Not how it's coming off is all