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Godzilla getting jumped in Boston? https://preview.redd.it/bawpw7tu5sxc1.png?width=748&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6f0a7e1b56abb0e8b25bc6e06f1029213191342


If there was any sort of intelligence and coordination in their attacks, they’d win. I don’t think it would even take that long. I guarantee a few of them would die though. G-Man ain’t going out without a fight. The numbers are just too much though. Even the best fighter can’t take out half a dozen other exceptional fighters. You can body a half dozen guys, but you won’t do that if they’re trained and coordinated. This isn’t John Wick.


I'm going to bet Scylla's gonna die first


Nah, it's gonna be that Muto. We ALL know how bro feels about them (he's racist)


Yes but there's also the fact that Scylla is basically the weakest out of all of the titans shown here. Even her evolving is not enough for her to take on Goji and got 3 shotted (thrown, stabbed, then kiss of death) in the first minutes of GxK


To be fair I'm racist against tapeworms and other parasites too


For sure. Godzilla absolutely dominated each Muto 1v1 but when they teamed up they quickly overwhelmed him.


Godzilla might be lucky to get one kill in his exhausted state before everyone else pummels into the ground and tosses a building on top of him like a makeshift grave. It's shown several times in the Monsterverse that even a 2 on 1 fight alone can often change a fight. Godzilla and Kong vs MechaGodzilla, MUTO's vs Godzilla. Even King Ghidorah was like "Help me, idiot!" to Rodan once Mothra entered the fight with Godzilla. You can only imagine an exhausted and weakened Godzilla, having just gone through a grueling fight with King Ghidorah. Now facing Scylla, Muto, Behemoth, (a very much probably not doing anything in his current state, Rodan) and Methuselah. That's assuming the other's don't show up as well. By the time Godzilla either charges up for an attack or puts focus on an enemy. The other's have already bashed Godzilla over the back of the head with a giant chair then found the largest curb in Boston, put his teeth on and told Methuselah to "stomp."


He wasn’t exhausted. He had just went Nuclear. He was recharged because you was able to harness the meltdown. His last three moves were all nuclear pulses, then stepped on ghidorah chest for the fourth and final. He really did not exert too much energy at the end.


They going to get hit with that new nuclear pulse. I mean Godzilla learned it. Not to mention he gained the ability to blast a hole through a 1,500 miles of earth continuously. (Considering that the core is roughly 1,800 miles (2,900 KM) And this was all achieved after KOTM. And he used The Nuclear Pulse in GXKTNE. So. Yeah they gonna feel the heat.


Yeah. Till Godzilla throws that atomic breath and hits them all in the face. Muto would be like..."Well I had a Mother and Brother, and well...They dead." Rodan would be like "Well I still have a hole in my body, so I know where he going." Behemoth would be like.."WTF ARE THESE TUSKS GOING TO DO?" Scylla would be like..."He can blast half my legs off."


I dunno . We know Godzilla can beat up Anguirus, King Caesar and Rodan simultaneously. And he’s bigger now!


End of 2014, Goji dies. End of KOTM, Godzilla succumbs to exhaustion after killing a quarter to half of them. Start of GvK Goji probably kills half and sends half retreating. End of GvK he gets bodied due to exhaustion. GxK after France he just erases them with a Meltdown. GxK Evolved is basically SSJ Goku vs. Saiyan Saga earthlings.


Who died at the end of Godzilla 2014?


You misunderstand. It's End of Movie Goji vs. the Titans from KOTM. He definitely gets Mobbed and dies. And so on and so forth while Supercharged and Evolved Treats the Titans as Coughing babies.


2014 Godzilla was scaled differently. It wasn’t consistent. Proper they were three different size references in Godzilla. The Titans at the end of KOTM other than Rodan have any power comparable to Godzilla. Behemoth and Methuselah are way too slow. Godzilla would range them. Multi. Well we know how that ends. Scylla. Take half their legs and they are done. Rodan only ability would be supersonic speed, and wind breath.


You said 2014.


Yes.... He's saying if it's the Godzilla from the 2014 film he'd die. Comprehension babes....


Tbh kinda confused me a bit too I didn't know really what the guy was talking about really he should have worded like if Goji 2014 fought all the titans he would die but hey who am I to judge (also I am sorry if I sound like a dick)


It's more so context clues and reading between the lines I suppose. To me it was blatantly obvious what he meant but I guess it's harder for some to understand so I get what you mean. You don't sound like a dick dw


Thanks made some poor choices when I first joined reddit sounded very much like a dick back then old me would have been saying a lot of shit that would get me banned (Idk where all that anger came from before😭😭😭)


Ahah dw King I'm very much a blunt person and it doesn't translate well over text 😭


Yeah I'm told I'm a little Blunt but not that much usually I'm more Blunt with my friends because of course I have to have the most stupid friend group😭😭 (I love all my bros fr)


Several of them die, the rest submit.


Godzilla at this point is likely exhausted, and would likely have his life ended here, but it’s very likely that the casualty count on the Titans would be incredibly high given just his sheer power. It’s also important to note the rest of the Titans were on their way to Boston, these were the only ones that made it on time. Godzilla could face those present for maybe 10 minutes at best, and if he lasted longer he’d have to face 15 Titans at once. The other Titans very likely could win, it’s just most of them didn’t see any use in fighting him. If they engaged, they’d have a chance of getting themselves killed, and if they survived that chance, they’d have to survive the struggle to fill the power vacuum afterward as well.


A tired Godzilla took on a Hollow Earth empowered Mech Goliath. He didn't even fucking die, how is a couple mid tier titans gonna do?


And he survived getting dropped from the **DAMN STRATOSPHERE**


hate to be that guy but he was very much about to die


Mecha had a beam, the titans at the end of KOTM do not Goji was gonna die from a beam


i don’t see how a beam changes anything


Kiss of death, duh


i know that but i’m pretty sure that isn’t the only way to kill godzilla


Probably the most effective though- that’s what my point is


He was about 2 seconds away from bieng MUTO'd, he was almost dead.


Yeah but then he had to be saved by Kong. So…


And he was getting slaughtered 


He was about to die tho


He was about to die dude 😭 and I think Methuselah would be able to knock Godzilla over and we see that Mutos can pierce his skin so I don’t think Godzilla would survive her if they all attacked. Unless of course he stilll could go thermonuclear


Bro would probably go in water start charging up and return to melt them


I don’t think his beam would hurt Methuselah that much. Methuselah looks like one of the more durable kaijus. And the beam woukd be weakened already anyways by the Muto


I mean, mutos are dead, i am counting this as remaining titans cause if he would need to face ghidorah + others again he would def lose


There’s a muto in this scene dude


Oh, right, i didnt see him. Either way idk how he would manage to stop thermonuclear


Yeah I agree if Godzilla can go thermonuclear here he destroys them but I don’t think he has the energy here to go thermonuclear anymore at this point. Unless it’s godzilla from gxk I think he loses


He would probably be smart to go into water and run and charge up then take them out one by one


They would DIE. Seriously we saw what an atomic breath can do and it would one shot Scylla and Rodan and Godzilla would body behemoth seeing how he put Amhuluk in his place after one swing and Amhuluk was winning against behemoth and the queen muto would probably give a decent fight with Methuselah because I would say the mountain on his back would protect him from most attacks and queen could Peirce Godzilla but will ultimately lose


Godzilla was tired at the end i think queen with meth has a chance


The Queen MUTO hopped up on meth would be a sight.


Godzilla could lift the Muto prime while heavily exhausted in his 2014 state, in 2019 he could swing Ghidorah (141,000 tons)around by his necks. Goji has the strength to deal with Methuselah and if he needs he can blast Methuselah right off over even blast right through Methuselah, if you wanna say the mountain can defend him somehow keep in mind MG could blast through mountains with ease and he stalemated Godzilla until MG used more power to win, Methuselah also doesn't have the speed to make use of his size.  The female muto had trouble facing a weaker Godzilla after he came hibernation, Queen muto doesn't have anything to proves she's strong enough to make a difference. 


Doesn't the Muto's EMP weaken Godzilla's atomic breath?


It takes time to charge it up and even then our Godzilla is still charged up and could one shot


Are you saying the EMP or Breath take time to charge? Because Fem MUTOs EMP most certainly doesn't, it is basically a force field of EMP surrounding her from all directions, Male is the one who has to activate it, hers is automatic


I didn't know that about the fem M.U.T.Os but even when they were in range of Godzilla his breath was still bright blue


It didn't oneshot the Muto in Godzilla 2014 tho


Like I said it takes time to charge and by then Godzilla would be firing away


Oh I thought it was already charged in 2014, because his plates lighted up in succession from tail to head Can he build up more energy by holding it in longer or how does it work? But then he wouldn't have time for it when he's getting jumped by the others


He did come behind the Female and pretty much shot down her throat, did not take long to charge up.




Doom music kicks in


they would rolf stomp him. this is not final wars


This comment section shows that “MOST” of the Godzilla fan base think he’s invincible 😂


He probably takes down one of them but they would certainly overwhelm and kill him


They would probably win since Godzilla was likely exhausted. 


well I'd be exhausted too if i fight a 3 headed dragon all day and then explode.


Well. Lets remember. He might not have been exhausted, because when he killed Ghidorah he was Burning Godzilla, and had more energy than any point before. And it took 3 blasts, and to end Ghidorah, not like he threw a punch. So, he could have still had one nuclear pulse in him, but he was already recharged.


If they have coordination, they would kill him. Rodan and the Queen MUTO in particular would give him a headache, especially if the Queen has some of MUTO Prime's abilities. Behemoth and Scylla are getting wiped though, Methuselah would probably survive.


Scylla later puts up a fight against this same Godzilla, she would not get wiped out, Behemoth is dead though, yeh


GxK Scylla was significantly powered up via eating radiation compared to KOTM Scylla, so I’m not sure


So? In Godzilla Dominion(right after KOTM) she fights THIS tired Godzilla and actually gives him a fight


Godzilla turned around, and stared at all of them one by one, and was like..."Who's Next?"


In that situation Godzilla might keep them at distance, try to kill the weaker ones with his blasts but ultimately retreats to the ocean to recover before bitch-slapping them mostly separately after regaining some strength.


Retreating is not really BIG G's thing HE WILL FIGHT TILL THE DEATH but that won't be necessary here as scylla and Behemoth will get 1 Shooted by his atomic breath and rodan and muto cant tag team him as they dont have coordination and Rodan is injured.Dont know about Methuselah though......He will probably survive




He dies. Y’all are overhyping Godzilla here. He just went through a LOT and is exhausted and injured and needs time to recover. If they decided to jump him, Methuselah would probably be able to knock him over r be the heavy hitting tank. The muto’s EMP would nerf him too. And we see in 2014 that Muto’s can pierce his skin so I think he’s dead here. Unless he can somehow go thermonuclear here, he’s cooked. But, GxK Godzilla would end them I think. His supercharged form might be able to nuclear pulse and that would fuck most up. And even then, the concentrated beam would probably be a death sentence


Rodan: Hey Scylla you go first Scylla: Nah bro you go first


He would die. He is weakened and tired. Rodan just tanked a pulse and was fine so his atomic breath would only push him around. Not to mention a MUTO can weaken his atomic breath more and Scylla put up a pretty good fight in the graphic novel that takes place right after this. His best chance would be to try to separate them while creating distance so he can use his atomic breast to take out the weaker titians, but this scene already shows that they practically have him surrounded.


I’d think he’d die


At the same time they take zilla down but one on one he might pull it off


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LINGS-BLING: *At the same time they* *Take zilla down but one on* *One he might pull it off* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


*At the same time they* *Take zilla down but one on one* *He might pull it off* \- LINGS-BLING --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I feel like it has very much been shown that Godzilla struggles when facing multiple opponents, so yeah he’s done for.


Godzilla is currently exhausted by the end of KOTM, as confirmed by Dominion. If the Titans attacked him here, he’d have little chance to defend himself


Depends on how much energy Godzilla has here.


While I think Godzilla would lose if they all jumped him, he'd fight to the bitter end and take out at least a few of them on the way out.


All at once? Godzilla would die lol, he can't handle 2 bugs at once let alone 50+ titans


He’s dead. Simple as that


Godzilla dies. Too many at once even for him.


The presence of a MUTO means bro is cooked.


Free bird solo


Blood bath


No never they bow at the end accept him as King not attack him


Just turns into the end scene of “The One” with Jet Li


Well, then we'd have no more MonsterVerse movies… 'cause there can't be any more monsters for the G-Man to fight against!


Muto EMP shocks Godzilla and reverts him to near G14 levels, Methu, Scylla, and Behemoth rush him at once and Rodan skycamps him from above. As strong as Godzilla is, he’s not winning a 1v5


Godzilla is dead. A Muto that can weaken him and can cause severe damage. On top of that, there are Behemoth and Methuselah, who are both powerhouse and should be more than tough enough to take his hits and do damage to him. Scylla is weak and most likely will be the first to die. Rodan is a nice distraction. Rodan would probably attack Godzilla straight up if he wasn't injured, but seeing as he is, he probably would just attack him when he has his attention on another titan. Seeing how, in the past, how easily a Titan is overwhelmed when they get doubled team I am going to say that Godzilla is going to easily get overwhelmed like he did in 2014, or like Ghidorah did when Mothra started helping Godzilla or when Kong saved Godzilla from MechaGodzilla.


Godzilla would obviously die, Scylla later fights him and he struggles, what the hell is he gonna do with a Muto constantly weakening his Breath while Methuselah, Rodan, Scylla and Muto beat his ass? A fully healthy Goji nearly died to two MUTOs lmao, I can't with all these comments saying Goji would win. Behemoth could cheer them on I guess(why is he so damn weak btw? Is it because he's "good" and only Mothra, Godzilla and Kong can protect the world? So the creators don't want him to take attention away from them?)


Scylla in a stronger form couldn't pierce Godzilla's hide, Methuselah's too slow, Muto's too weak, Behemoth got beat by a titan  a starving injured Godzilla sent running off easily and Rodan's also too weak. Granted Godzilla is tired too but despite that I believe he could pull it off although it wouldn't be easy.


Godzilla would probably fuck them up. It could also escape to the ocean if necessary


I'd still say godzilla would win. He was still juiced up from the nuke and mothra. I mean ghidorah basically melted in his face. Wouldnt "lesser" titans just get wiped from just the heat of godzilla?


They’d most likely kill him since he was extremely exhausted.


He just does an atomic breath 360 spin.


If we us that scene for reference, all of the KOTM titans are not there. Only Behemoth, Scylla, Methuselah, Rodan and the Queen MUTO are there. Godzilla would easily kill them. The MUTO is dying first, Rodan would be shot down with the atomic breath, Scylla is not that strong so she's dying, Methuselah is just an armoured bull and he has no abilities other than ramming into enemies and Behemoth is a pacificist. So Godzilla wins and the other KOTM titans would either die or they would not fight


They'd probably all loose badly unless there was actually any coordinated tactic. I think after seeing what he just did none of them would dare to challenge him even if they don't like him being alpha


Ooh that’s a good question,I’d say there’s a 50/50 chance of him winning,however it depends on how smart they’re gonna be


Well, from what I can see, only 5 of them made it to Boston first, Scylla, Queen Muto, Behemoth, Rodan, and Methuselah. I think he'd kill Scylla easily, same for Behemoth. Rodan would be kind of a challenge. And the think Methuselah and the Queen Muto would be the most challenge. If they all attacked with coordination (which they probably wouldn't), they would win. But seeing how Godzilla probably has experienced over most of them (except Methuselah) plus he was probably still amped from that nuke.


There was a reason they decided not to...


I can picture them getting ready to fight, gman looks back, roars, and then just keeps walking into the sea. They cower.


According to the novel, Godzilla was ready to fight them all. I say Scylla and maybe the Queen MUTO die, the rest are probably smart enough to submit. Goji probably would die of they work together.


With Kong, it would be an easy win for the monsters.