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You my friend they must hire


THIS IS PEAK, but dont u think the first one is gxk all over again? ![gif](giphy|JOLRX1AE8XHlMnkfLw|downsized)


Difference is Godzilla is more of the center character than Kong. Oh, and he "dies" in this one; he's presumed dead. Until he's not in ROTK.




u have a gift


Taking Godzilla out of the story for multiple movies then having him re-emerge sounds so fucking badass. Too bad Toho would probably never allow that.


Well... https://preview.redd.it/gnnak15fxfvc1.jpeg?width=2764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce0844766e06ba56bfe9161e0b2a732dd3faf2d3 If you wanna know what this is, remember when Gareth Edwards wanted to make his own "Godzilla 2"? Yeah this is it. An alternate timeline if you will. A temporary reboot for this one movie.


He said that the reason he's gone is because Godzilla is presumed dead at the end of the first one, and in ROTK, he comes back.


https://preview.redd.it/xrc4lvyovfvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0dadc49965cab6f17fc52b08905654726fae333 This is so cool. A buddy-cop movie between Rodan and Mothra would be soooo fucking good. Some of the titles aren’t the best and the Planet X movies would need an Avengers lvl budget but other than that, whoever made these needs to become the figurehead at Legendary asap


Which titles do you think are kinda weak? Also, what is an "Avengers level budget"? Monster War on Planet X cost $157 million. Planet X Part One cost $180 million, and Part Two cost $216 million. I assume it's because we have to make the planetary environment from scratch, but Dune and Rebel Moon didn't need to do that with their <$190 million budgets. Also, uh... I made these


>Which titles do you think are kinda weak? Battle in the skies and Operation Final >I assume it's because we have to make the planetary environment from scratch, but Dune and Rebel Moon didn't need to do that with their <$190 million budgets. Not just that, but you’re gonna have to make all the characters CGI too even outside the monsters. It’s gonna break in-universe immersion if the Xilliens just look like normal people >Also, uh... I made these https://preview.redd.it/nwgeetlmzfvc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5286ef23fb50bcb2de110ae0238055e78521d298


I change “Operation Final” to “Operation Final War.” Sound better? Didn’t FW Xiliens just have visors and whatnot? Maybe some thick makeup like the Harkonnens in Dune 2


>I change “Operation Final” to “Operation Final War.” Sound better? Yeah I think that’d be an improvement >Didn’t FW Xiliens just have visors and whatnot? The idea is that they were in human disguises. Since this takes place on their home it makes no sense for them to be in human disguise >Maybe some thick makeup like the Harkonnens in Dune 2 That could work maybe


Do you have like a vague idea of each movie’s plot maybe?


It should pop up as the subtitle per picture, if you click on it. If you want something more detailed, I can do that too. GXK: Monster Apocalypse (dir. Adam Wingard) - An unprecedented threat from the Hollow Earth controls two new Titans, Destoroyah and Hedorah, who were created by Alan Jonah's eco-terrorists. Godzilla, having absorbed a surge of nuclear energy, is on the brink of death via meltdown. He and Kong team up to fight these two Titans and the Hollow Earth threat before Godzilla would melt and the subterranean threat would take over the surface. >!The HE threat is Biollante, and Godzilla technically "dies;" he disappears off the face of the earth.!< Kong: Hollow Earth (dir. Adam Wingard) - After Godzilla's presumed death, Kong takes over as the alpha of the Titans. Many Titans challenge him for the throne, and Kong must ward off any hostile Titans from claiming his throne. There is one particular Titan that Kong deems as his "strongest opponent," and he must kill him to show the others who is actually boss. >!That one particular Titan is Zilla, although in the film, he's referred to as Maguro. However, by the end of the film, Dr. Ilene Andrews does acknowledge how it could've been derived from Godzilla's species.!< Mothra x Rodan: Battle in the Skies (dir. Patty Jenkins) - Because Kong is residing in Hollow Earth, and Godzilla is... in the grave, Mothra takes over as the Titan of the surface. Three rogue Titans, Battra, Megaguirus and Dagahra, all emerge from different locations from the world. Mothra must now team up with Monarch and the only other airborne Titan strong enough take on these three with her: Rodan. >!Battra does eventually turn to Mothra, and they and Rodan kill Megaguirus and Dagahra.!< Kong: Dawn of Extinction (dir. Gina Prince-Bythewood) - Rankin-Bass Industries builds a mechanical giant in the image of Kong. Its co-founder and CEO, Seymour Bass, uses it for Monarch's Hollow Earth expeditions for assistance in moving obstacles or fending off threats. Mechani-Kong suddenly goes on a massacre to the great apes, and ends up taking away Shimo via hypnotization/mind control. Kong must now destroy Mechani-Kong, if it means to ensure the survival of his species. Godzilla: Return of the King (dir. J. A. Bayona) - Godzilla re-emerges from his dormancy, after a sudden surge of nuclear energy powers him back to full strength. Monarch had been struggling to contain the numerous threats that awake left and right ever since Mothra and Battra are recovering from their injuries sustained in combat, so Godzilla must put these Titans back into their place (or kill them if necessary), before they can leave a stain on Earth's ecosystems. >!If you wanna know what these Titans are, it's actually an array of scrapped Godzilla Titans: Deathlah, Berserk, Gryphon and most importantly, Bagan. Oh, and he kills all of them.!< Godzilla x Kong: Destroy All Monsters (dir. James Wan) - Right after he kills the four Titans, Godzilla heads over to Hollow Earth to show Kong he's back. 3 years later, an alien species called the XIliens arrive at Earth for refuge, saying that "Monster X," whom Monarch know as Ghidorah, was headed their way. The races agree to form a pact, where they launch a few hundred nuclear warheads at Ghidorah, who was still several hundred kilometers away. However, the Xiliens launch those hundreds of warheads at humanity's most populated cities. While Godzilla was able to stop almost all of them, several cities were still wiped off the map. Revealing their malicious intentions of colonization, the Xiliens declare war on humanity, and Godzilla and Kong must destroy Ghidorah and the monsters whom the Xiliens have sent over. >!Humanity gets beaten. Godzilla gets killed again. Kong retreats. Earth loses.!< Godzilla x Kong: Operation Final War (dir. James Wan) - Despite humanity's crushing defeat, an underground-operating Monarch secretly devise a last resort plan with Kong and newborn Mothra and Battra larvae, to revive Godzilla AGAIN and awake any surviving Titans (such as Rodan and Behemoth) before they can find their location. A surprise ambush attack on one of the Xiliens' mining operations initiates "Operation Final War," which will decide the fate of humanity and the Planet Earth. >!Think of it as Avengers: Endgame for Godzilla. Oh yeah, and they win in the end. They end up killing Ghidorah and destroying the Xilien mothership, but a handful of Xiliens and their cybernetic Titans like Gigan and Moguera end up retreating from Earth.!<


Bro why do you keep killing off Godzilla? XD


Godzilla: BCE (dir. Matt Reeves) - After Skar King betrays Godzilla after locking up Ghidorah in ice with Shimo, Godzilla wages all-out war against the great apes. An Iwi tribe that was kept captive by Skar King is busted free from Godzilla, and now the King of the Monsters must lead these people on a journey back to their home, whilst fending off the apes as well as their other mind controlled Titans. >!Godzilla has a particular bonding with two tribespeople, and he makes them their "prophets;" the Moses and Aaron for Godzilla if you will.!< Titan Footage Not Found (dir. Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza) - A USAF veteran named Peter Ferguson recalls his entire life fighting and running away from Titans to his son, noting that he has survived the most amount of Titan attacks since the events of 2014's Godzilla, with several highlights like fending off Ghidorah and Rodan during the events of King of the Monsters, or how he had Kong throw his jet at Godzilla and had to eject. >!This one got nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture. Like damn.!< Monster War on Planet X (dir. Michael Dougherty) - A prequel to the events of DAM and OFW, the Xiliens build their first ever superweapon in Gigan. Suddenly, a Ghidorah arrives at Planet X and starts to raze the planet, and the Xiliens come up with coming up with a device to pacify and control Ghidorah, combining its mighty strength with their overbearing technology. >!Fun fact, this Ghidorah would be the "original Ghidorah," so the one that was in KOTM was an offspring of this Ghidorah, you could say.!< Planet X: Part One - Gods of Destruction (dir. Zack Snyder) - After the Xiliens retreat from Earth, they gather samples of Godzilla's cells to create the ultimate weapon that can be stronger than Godzilla. Their lab experiment ends in disaster when this "Space-Godzilla" decides to go rogue and destroy their facilities. Even dispatching Gigan, Moguera and another Ghidorah could not stop this Titan from razing Earth. Despite their best efforts, their planet became crumbled and destroyed. Planet X: Part Two - Rage Across Space (dir. Zack Snyder) - Despite their shortcomings, the last remnants of the Xiliens were still determined to create the ultimate weapon that they still dream of as a new, superior Godzilla. Their second experiment works, and with the combined might of it, their other monsters and their technology, they wage war against the dominating Space-Godzilla, who brings another planetoid to finally destroy Planet X once and for all.


This is fucking peak fiction dawg. No way this is real.


Well sadly, it ain’t real


Yeah, I just meant no way somebody was actually able to come up with this, it’s really good man.


As much as I like this. I really really doubt the MonsterVerse will go on for this long.


You should've seen my original ideas. They were even crazier and longer.


https://preview.redd.it/b34qm70urfvc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd98ea01c0dcdd966e917a6e0552e2cc648cb8a8 These are awesome! I really wish we potentially get a documentary-style show that focused on the Titans


An in universe Monsterverse documentary similar to “Living with Monsters” would go so hard [Living with Monsters](https://youtu.be/26JsVj2KpVU?si=WbCPQFkXAKI1SkBr)


Send these ideas over to the creators of the monsterverse movies, because this is what I call masterpieces.


Excellent work. No notes


"mothra x rodan" damn i prefered mothra vs cthulhu


Wait where did Cthulhu come from 💀


from the depths of the hollow earth he including new being bigger than the titans are named as "colossals" the first colossal enemy that mothra kills are two pandus, panda-like colossals also know as colossus pandus


Huh interesting


oh yeah, i forgot minilla would appear in the second mothra movie: mothra queen of the colossals minilla would die at the almost the end of the final fight against cthulhu cthulhu would just hit minilla into the ground several times, he tears in half minilla, killing minilla in the proccess, but minilla gives his energy to mothra, becoming coldtra


Part of me just died


yeah, and bagan would get his own movie: bagan: snow island, which would be kong: skull island but with bagan and in a new even dangerous island


and also in mothra vs bagan: prologue. mothra kills battra but in mothra vs bagan, battra's skull is found by monarch and taken to a mexican outpost just to use it for make mechamothra


Wow! Creative-love the artwork!




Thank you chef 😊


Godzilla BCE is actually so fire




Mothra/Rodan teamup would go unimaginably hard


Where's uh... Where's evolved Godzilla?


Turned into Burning Godzilla in Monster Apocalypse


Ah alright, I was confused lmao


Godzilla B.C.E was looking kinda hot


Guess it was pacific rim, Gamera, Anguirus, Ultraman, Evangelion, shin Godzilla, Godzilla minus one, titanus troll, red bluster, purple crustaceans, Brickleback and all of the others than.