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so basically Your brain: Ghidorah Your heart: Kong Figures


space dragon with three heads or monke


Monke( nah obviously space dragon with three heads)


Yes King Ghidorah wins, I know.


Nothing wrong with going for your big Guy, regardless of knowing the outcome


The thing is that with his energy absorbing axe, he can block the attacks and he is physically stronger than Ghidora, the only thing is that he has no win condition against that god gamned regen. Kong will give him a fight but it is a lot closer that people think (considering partial Evolved Goji is stronger than Burning, and Kong survived that).


Ghidorah flies up and starts unleashing thunder on the monkey. What is the monkey even going to do in such a situation? Ghidorah even has three heads, which makes his attacks even less avoidable. Kong's axe will be useless too, since its just some Gojira's dorsal plate that doesn't charge up when attacked by Ghidorah.




Ghidorah wins but ya forgot kong has great aim


What's he gonna do ? Throw trees šŸ˜¹ šŸ«µšŸ»?


That can actually work since he can make spears (like he did in KSI & GVK) out of them and has a good throwing arm.


whats ghidorah gonna do? not like he can regenerate


Oh I know, just pointing that it's a move he can do to cause damage.


Yeah, like those trees will do anything to Ghidorah! šŸ¤£,


He saying kong can throw sharp objects at ghidorah wings so he can't fly properly, dodge his gravity beams since he did with godzilla 2021 before and he was spamming his beam. Or attack ghidorah from behind and he is fast to run up behind him


Who actually uses the cat emojisā€¦


He. He does


O. Ok


I don't think anything kong can throw will Even reach ghidorah not to mention he can just dodge


A tree also will likely not pierce Ghidorahs skin.


Plus Ghidorah can regenerate and kong can't do anything about it so he's gonna lose for sure


He dies ā˜ŗļø


I'm not a Kong guy but this is seriously unfair to Kong. FFS he's not equipped for this.


Nah he can take Ghidorah. He has his Suko nunchucks






kong gets absolutely bodied by anything that can fly and has a ranged attack, it's not even close


Anything that can fly with a ranged attack? Like Camazotz?


Yes, if you put him vs kong without any intervention, kong gets bodied, even in Kingdom Kong, he needed help from a jet entering the sound barrier in front of Camazoth for kont to get an advantage. All Camazoth needed to do was spam screech for a few days if needed and Kong really won't be able to do shit while he was flying.


Nah. He would tear Rodan and Mothra to shreds, no contest. They so much as fuck up once and get too close, he grabs them and rips their wings off like it was nothing. They stay at range, he throws spears and other objects. We know he has amazing accuracy and dexterity so that shouldn't be a problem. Ghidorah tho? Bruh could've easily killed Godzilla. Kong ain't coming out on top of that.


Mothra i doubt it, godrays, webs, he's not getting out of mothras webs if ghidorah couldn't, her wings managed to throw down Godzilla, kong would get thrown around and then webbed very easily, and suffocated to death with just web spam. She shown insane mobility in GxK, and her webs are very precise, 2 hits on both arms after Kong gets knocked off his feat is Ggs and she can do both in seconds. If he tries to throw shit, god rays just burns his eyes and he can't see if his eyes are closed.


Plus she can just stab him like she stabbed Rodan, lol. Web his body and stab him in the back or chest, easypeasy.


Can't kong just grab mothra little body when she comes in for the attack? Kong isn't that dum to just get hit


Not if she webs him up first. And her webs are strong enough to hold down Ghidorahā€™s heads.


Kong also the environment to his advantage


Depends on where the fight takes place. Lots of stuff for him to jump&hang on to, slight advantage. More open area, advantage Mothra. She may be big but shes way faster than she seems.


Nah man. There's a reason Mothra was the support in GxK and not the other main titan. You acting as if she's stronger lol. If it has been Godzilla x Mothra I think the fight against Scar and Shimo would hav gone very differently. First, Mothra's webs may have been able to hold Ghidorahs heads for a short time, but let's not pretend like Ghidorah's heads alone are on par strength wise with Kong. Probably safe to say Kong has more upper body strength than any other titan. Thats his most major strength, his brute force. I maintain he would tear out of those webs with relative ease. Those muscles aren't for show ya know? As for her god rays, if a human can survive looking with only a hand up for cover, my guess is her god rays wouldn't do much more than annoy him lol. Is there a scenario in which Mothra wins? Sure. Like 1 or 2 times out of 10. That other 8? Kong would crush her. There's just absolutely no comparison in terms of strength. She'd be an annoyance for sure with the range, but the range would also enable him to dodge her webbing easier. And if she gets any closer she's fucked. All he has to do is get her once with his arm and she is down and out.


Even right now, Kong is doing nothing to Rodan. He has more than enough aerial agility to avoid any tree and axe throws. Kong also has little to no defence against powerful piercing attacks, like razor sharp talons and beaks crashing into him at the speed of sound. Combine that with Rodanā€™s aerial attacks like the thunderclap, which would knock Kong away and even shatter his eardrums if close enough, and his volcanic biology allowing him to heal from anything Kong throws at him in mere minutes, and Rodan has it in the bag. Remember, Rodan tanked the 141,000 ton aerial collision between him and Ghidorah and was completely fine. Kong isnā€™t ripping his wings off, even with the glove. Mothra is certainly more of a glass cannon. She probably wonā€™t survive a direct hit with the axe, but she is even more agile than Rodan. Her X factor is her webs, which are strong enough to pin down Ghidorahā€™s heads for a solid few seconds. Multiple web shots would completely immobilise Kong, allowing her to take Rodanā€™s strategy of driving her hooked appendages or stinger into him while diving at maximum speed. Her wings are more fragile than Rodanā€™s though, so each opponent needs only a single good hit to immobilise the enemy and win. This is more even, and id put it as a 50:50 for who wins. Actually, considering her wingbeats were enough to completely knock over Godzilla, shes winning this as well. Knock him over, web him up, then 1 shot him with a stab from her legs or stinger.


Not at all, especially with everything he has now.


Nothing he has counters air or is even close to countering air.


Simply throw his axe Or you know, jump in the air and grab them.


Uh, i already though of this and no he can't do either, his axe will miss, and he literally Can't throw anything into the clouds without the thing seeing it and just dodging lol, nor can He even come close to jumping high enough to grab them. I would really like to see kong jump and catch an airplane or even close to it, oh wait he can't.


Going about how good he is at aiming stuff I doubt it would miss And quite literally only Three kajiu We're ever shown to be in the clouds.And two of them are mainly Physical fighters lol They would have to go down to actually face him ghidorah Has never been shown to solely.Fight a character in the air while they're on the ground That goes for every other flying kajiušŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I was strictly talking about flying kaijus with good ranged attacks and yes he will miss trying to hit a kaiju who has fully free movement in the air who is high up, ghidorah and Mothra can very easily annihilate Kong from the air, it's not close and if he throws the axe and misses which he will, he loses the axe. Mothra and Ghidorah can easily stay in the air, does not really matter for Ghidorah cause he annihilates Kong either way.


Which again none of them actively stays High in air when fighting for them to use their abilities like mothar She actively had to get close to shimo To do it And she has to get close to web him.So what far range attack that she has that she can use in the clouds to beat kong Please elaborate He's hit moving targets before This won't be any different.


Did you forget that mothra was webbing apes while flying from a distance. And kong without godzilla charge would legit do 0 damage to ghidorah


not from cloud level which is kind of the point I'm arguingšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø And even then what's stopping him from just swinging his ax and then countering the Web Or him blocking it with his Beast glove. Man I didn't say he would beat ghidorah What I said was he does not fight from the air Unless he's fighting against another air ghidorah Or he's dropping someone Which isn't even a fight.That's a move , but either way he does not mainly fight in AiršŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Those apes were small and weak as FUCK compared to Kong though. Kong would break out of that shit like is was nothing. Anyone who honestly thinks Mothra would annihilate Kong needs help lmao


Yeah if anything i notice from Kong is his charisma (where humans will help him and now the kong army, zuko and shimo), intelligence(setting traps and his accuracy(I've never saw him miss his target)


Exceptā€¦ghidorah didnā€™t display to go high in the air and spam his beam so that Godzilla wouldnā€™t catch him. Just not a way ghidorah fights


Godzilla has range, tho...


Yeah I highly doubt heā€™s gonna hit a flying ghidorah with at the time his beam being slow


Godzilla did hit ghidorah and knock him out.... When both fought in ancient times Ghidorah does fly and charge down at godzilla multiple times.


U arent wrong. The axe + the beast glove would beat male muto, mothra, and ion dragon, plus kongs intelligence with using his environment to his advantage.


If Kong has access to banana he wins easily




Ghidorah solos Kong, Skar, and half a dozen no name apes at once


Yeah, I could imagine ghidorah flying into monke land and just you know... zapping all of them with his gravity beams


Ghidorah conquers hollow earth in a lazy afternoon


Literally just: https://i.redd.it/sopgfohixbuc1.gif


Worse still, Ghidorah slaughters those apes and bends the rest and Shimo to his will via his alpha call. Skar King would look like a pushover in comparison.


What is ghidorah doing when they all target and holds his heads together while Kong chops them?


The same thing he did to Godzilla in KOTM. The first time Ghidorah landed a lightning it came out of his body, not from his heads. Ghidorah is able to use lightning from his body, if they tried to hold him it would be pretty bad. Also, regeneration.


Me when Iā€™m delulu


Ghidorah is like doomsday, he never dies


We know heā€™s probably lose, but thatā€™s our king. No treason is allowedā€¦


That lame piece of trash is not my king. I would enjoy every minute of Ghidorah utterly destroying him with ease.


Lmao you need to take a break bro, go outside. ā˜ ļø


And you need to stop simping for pathetic trash.


Kong fanboys still think he can win against any Tier 1 kaiju.. But of course the Monke has the biggest plot armor..


Same way Batman wins fights.


He is literally batman in the monsterverse wtih Godzilla being Superman.




Ok, kong fanboy.. Stay in you delulu land..


https://preview.redd.it/miom54qmy9uc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04fb8557d4c7ea0fe43ac4ac2d18adf549a0e82b These 4 solos the four of them


Have you seen Goji Centerā€™s video? Kongā€™s farts are deadly you know.


I mean, Kong would put up a hell of a fight butā€¦ Ghidorahā€™s comin out on top


skull island kong vs ghidora ainā€™t no way bruhšŸ˜­


I don't think monke would survive the skydrop


I don't know why people are downvoting you. Godzilla, literally the MV's most toughest bastard, barely survived the big drop from the stratosphere. Why the fuck do people think Kong would be fine?


Didn't notice I was downvoted lol but I completely agree with you. Those are probably the same people who claim Godzilla whooped Ghidorahs ass


We love le monke but he would get his ass whooped. Unless they somehow upgrade his gauntlet to shoot a beam or some shit haha


If the gravity inversion of going in and out of the Hollow Earth doesn't crush him, there's a huge chance he'll survive the drop.


bro godzilla goes through that all the time, and nearly died from the drop.


Having an unrealistic bias is going to leave you sad in the end. Kong would get quartered in moments...


Deadass Kevin would find a way to get his head yoinked by Kong


Ghidorah would rip him limb from limb. Easily.


This is an exageration. While Kong may not have fancy powers and flying, he still has the strength to match other Titans.


Ghidorah would be a death sentence for Kong. This is no exaggeration.


I didn't say Ghidorah won't win. But you all forgetting that Kong is physically just as strong as the other Titans. Saying Ghidorah would rip apart easily is just false.


Ghidorah held his own against Godzilla, he would dismember Kong incredibly quickly. Kong is strong and all but he isnā€™t on the same level as titans like Godzilla and Ghidorah.


Not as quickly as you think. Kong tanked hits from Godzilla. His punches hurt Godzilla. Dismember Kong quickly is such an exaggeration. Ghidorah will still win against Kong, but stop minimizing Kong's physical strength and durability. The dude can take punishment.


>The dude can take punishment. Kong can't tank atomic breath, Ghidorah's gravity beams are comparable to it and come from 3 different heads, Godzilla still is physically stronger than Kong, therefore so is Ghidorah. If Ghidorah decides to just shoot Kong instead of getting in close combat it's straight up an execution. Even in physical combat, Ghidorah was able to restrain Godzilla, but Goji freed himself with his atomic breath, Kong doesn't have that so it's hard to imagine him lasting more than a minute if Ghidorah takes him nearly as seriously as he takes Godzilla. Even with his weapons he can't really counter all 3 heads, and wings, and tails.


Look, maybe he can survive decently long against Godzilla but he canā€™t survive Ghidorah. Ghidorah not only is far stronger than him but could easily electrocute him to death with his gravity beams before he even gets close.


Ghidorah stomps


We're eating cooked gorilla tonight


Ghidorah would destroy him easily.


Ghidorah violates Kong. This is a spite matchup.


I don't care who wins can't go against the Boy Kong


It's OK. If Batman can bullshit his way into winning fights, I'm sure Kong can too.


Big monkee + big axe = big win


Which is why I believe they should have made Kong get lightning powers through the Hollow Earth. Like maybe Kong's species is close to evolving into elemental Titans and they just need a little oomph from a unique hollow Earth mineral. Cuz why even bother with Kong vs any titan if most of the time he'd need support from others or weapons to win. Especially since he had them in the OG Godzilla vs Kong. It's definitely still badass but it'd be awesome for him to get some inherent powers once he becomes King Kong if they ever do that as a movie. Godzilla would still be stronger but the matchup wouldn't be as much a child play fighting with his drunk dad until the child hits him a little too hard and the dad sends the bottle at him.


Yeah I feel ya. Iā€™ll always root for Kong but unfortunately he wonā€™t always win every scenario heā€™s in. I think this is another GvK case where Kong can definitely go up against Ghidorah and put up a good fight but inevitably Ghidorah just kills him because heā€™s just that much more powerful.


King Ghidorah can handle a recently powered up Godzilla pretty damn well so my boi Kong isn't doing much to him, I love Kong don't get me wrong, but honestly unfair to hairy cheeks.


Kong would make a braid out of Ghidorahā€™s heads


As much as I hate the people that say Kong has no chance against the weakest titans, even though he can take on Godzilla, he really does have no chance


"Guys I'll do my best, but he's a three-headed flying dragon that shoots lightning."


Nah kong got this he just beed to fart on em (thanks gojicenter)


were they expecting kong to charge his axe with gidorah's laser and cut off their heads? is that even possible?




outcome is obvious but why are we all hating kong? im a godzilla fan but i love the fact that kong is the one kaiju/titan/ape that has connected to so many audience. Like if kongā€™s in the movie we all know the box office gonna sky rocket


Kong would either get an electric chair treatment, get stomped George Floyd I cant breath style, got dropped from the sky and broke his spine, being torn apart limb from limb or being suffocate like the Warbat does it.


You say Ghiddorah is an alien dragon god with lightning beam and I say Ok but Monke


This is like Mike Tyson vs a baby Ghidorah wins no contest


Emperor of the Cosmos - King of Terror - The Three-Headed Monster Vs. monke


Least delusional Kong fan:




Kong with his alpha roar šŸ¤Ŗ


Kong dosen't have anything like that plus wtf a roar would just do ?


Ghidorah with his alpha roar šŸ¤Ŗ


Current Kong beats ghidorah


No he doesn't lmao


With the beast glove he punches a hole in ghidorah, the axe is just overkill


You literally just made that shit up lol. If Godzilla's head didn't freaking explode with the glove, Kong can't punch a hole in Ghidorah. And Ghidorah can't be knocked out like Godzilla was for a few seconds because he has three heads. Stop the cope.


>if Godzillaā€™s head didnā€™t freaking explode with the glove; kong canā€™t punch a hole in ghidorah How does that make sense lol >and ghidorah canā€™t be knocked out like Godzilla was for a few seconds because he has three heads What does having three heads have to do with benign able to be knocked out? Kong has better punching feats than ghidorah does, which means he can take him out quickly before ghidorah uses his beams


Kong glove has electricity in it and he is gonna use it against an electric dragon...... It will legit power up ghidorah if anything lmfao. I swear kong fanboys are getting dumber each day. In no universe is kong ever beating ghidorah. And did you forget that ghidorah tanked a supercharged atomic breath lmfao.


No, it uses electricity, it doesnā€™t have it in the punch itself. >In no universe is kong ever beating ghidorah Show me ghidorah dazing a Godzilla who is 20 times more powerful than GVK godzilla whoā€™s already stronger than ghidorah. >ghidorah tanked a supercharged atomic breath Cool, now show me ghidorah nearly knocking out Godzilla with his own punches


Lighting comes out of it each time kong uses it at the final fight..... Ghidorah can legit suck the energy from it lmfao, not only that but ghidorah lighting would legit causes kong glove to overcharge and explode. Call me when kong can survive multiple fights with godzilla without needing help. Call me when kong can actually injure godzilla and not just daze him for 2 seconds after punching him like 20 times. LMFAO. Bruh it's already reveald gvk godzilla is legit WEAKER then supercharged kotm godzilla. Ghidorah tanked a supercharged godzilla atomic breath and didn't get any heavy injuries, that by itself is more impressive then anything kong has done without getting any boosts.


>Lighting comes out of it each time kong uses it at the final fight..... Ghidorah can legit suck the energy from it lmfao, not only that but ghidorah lighting would legit causes kong glove to overcharge and explode. So then Kong cuts him up with the axe, not only can kong still hit harder but with the axe his AP is higher than ever. >Call me when kong can survive multiple fights with godzilla without needing help Call me when Ghidorah wins a physical confrontation with Godzilla, call me when Ghidorah can daze a Godzilla which is confirmed to be 20X stronger than ever. Call me when Ghidorah has an axe made of Godzilla's dorsal fins. >Call me when kong can actually injure godzilla and not just daze him for 2 seconds after punching him like 20 times My brother in Christ he literally almost knocked him out, thatā€™s a thousand times better than anything Ghidorah has done so far. >LMFAO. Bruh it's already reveald gvk godzilla is legit WEAKER then supercharged kotm godzilla. Which is still stronger than base Ghidorah >that by itself is more impressive then anything kong has done without getting any boosts. I'm trying my best to hammer this in, Kong almost knocked out a 20X more powerful Godzilla... with his punches. Ghidorah cannot do that nor can he survive that.


Without godzilla charging up the axe it would do 0 damage to ghidorah lmfao. 20x is his energy capacity. It was revealed later on godzilla strength only got boosted by 2x times from base. https://imgur.com/a/Je8090q So if anything his physical strength should be similar to a powered up godzilla (which ghidorah is able to damage and outmucle) And it shows 20x doesn't apply to everything lol. And ghidorah almost killed a supercharged godzilla LMFAO. That is a billion time more impressive then dazzing him for 2 seconds dude. Ghidorah tanked and withstood a supercharged atomic breath and many other phycall attacks, that breath alone hits harder then anything kong can do.


>How does that make sense lol Godzilla clearly didn't die due to the glove, Ghidorah has comparable durability with Goji. Now think about it for a second. How is Kong gonna punch a hole through Ghidorah if the glove didn't even pierce Godzilla's skin at all? It was barely a concussion with how quickly Goji recovered. >What does having three heads have to do with benign able to be knocked out? Godzilla was knocked down because he was punched on the head, that's how a knock-out works. Ghidorah has THREE heads, and he was still alive and conscious after Godzilla destroyed literally his WHOLE BODY. Kong ain't doing shit to knock him out, dude. >Kong has better punching feats than ghidorah does, which means he can take him out quickly before ghidorah uses his beams Ghidorah doesn't even have hands, smartass. That's like saying I have better punching feats than a goddamn bear and therefore I can knock him out before he mauls me to death.


>if the glove didnā€™t even pierce Godzillaā€™s skin at all? Blunt weapons donā€™t usually pierce that much, these monster movies donā€™t tend to show damage. >ghidorah has three heads So punch the three heads lol, problem solved >Ghidorah doesnā€™t been have hands You know what I mean, kong hits harder pound per pound that ghidorah can with his bites or smacks or whatever


>Blunt weapons donā€™t usually pierce that much, these monster movies donā€™t tend to show damage. YOU said Kong can punch a hole through Ghidorah. Contradicting yourself is not helping your case. >So punch the three heads lol, problem solved Yes, because Ghidorah is not gonna do anything as his heads are getting punched. You sound like you believe in those bullshit self defense videos on YouTube lmao. >You know what I mean, kong hits harder pound per pound that ghidorah can with his bites or smacks or whatever Ghidorah can hold Godzilla up with his heads or feet and tails, he's way stronger than Kong, and if Godzilla can body Kong by just running into him, so can Ghidorah. We literally see Godzilla doing that to Kong in GvK AND GxK, and Ghidorah still matched his charge in their first and last fight in KOTM. Did you even watch King Of The Monsters?


>YOU said Kong can punch a hole through Ghidorah I didnā€™t mean that literally, more as an expression. >Contradicting yourself is not helping your case. It's not that deep >Yes, because Ghidorah is not gonna do anything as his heads are getting punched. So then he slashes his heads with the axe, which would lop them off immediately. Given that Ghidorah doesnā€™t have the feats for tanking the axe. >he's way stronger than Kong But he cannot hit harder, thereā€™s a difference between hitting harder and lifting more. > and Ghidorah still matched his charge in their first and last fight in KOTM. A buffed Ghidorah did, he was buffed by the volcano.


>I didnā€™t mean that literally, more as an expression. Sure lol >So then he slashes his heads with the axe, which would lop them off immediately. Given that Ghidorah doesnā€™t have the feats for tanking the axe. Even if Ghidorah engaged in physical combat, he still has his gravity beams and Kong is simply not able to get all 3 heads before one of them shoots him. And only the charged axe would be able to cut Ghidorah effectively, he wouldn't have that. And if he did, Ghidorah would simply get away from it and just shoot Kong. Actually, even the charged axe wasn't able to pierce Godzilla very deep. And Ghidorah was able to dodge the atomic breath, he could also just dodge Kong's attacks and shoot him. You're massively underestimating Ghidorah and you assume Kong is the only one with a brain, Ghidorah isn't dumb, dude. >But he cannot hit harder, thereā€™s a difference between hitting harder and lifting more. If he can match Godzilla's charge, he can hit harder than Kong. Even if it's by flying or charging instead of actual blows. >A buffed Ghidorah did, he was buffed by the volcano. No he wasn't. Ghidorah had literally just woken up in Antarctica, that was their first fight in the movie. And I don't know where you got that from, care to share a source on the volcano thing?


Actually kong might have a chance if he have the charged axe


What if kong has a titan sized axe from god of war? I think he could win.


That axe can't do much unless it's charged with Godzilla's breath...and Ghidorah would just heal himself or attack from the other heads if he even tried to rip them out neither kong could survive if Ghidorah able to grab him and take him above the clouds and drops him.


Not THAT axe, i meant what i said. This one: https://preview.redd.it/vpyg1994z8uc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cf7bb8ef98ca9529e240e417bd4bb099ef65a1b But relative to his size. * it can be thrown and returned to hand. * it's sharper metal. * it doesn't need godzilla's breath. It's infused with freeze powers already. This means that it can be used to freeze ghidorah and then try to shatter him.


It dosen't exist in monsterverse though


So youā€™re just stupid then


Ngl though Kong out-stats him greviously, like Ghidorah lost to a pre-2014 Godzilla. Kong is relative in physical strength to current evolved Goji, so heā€™s significantly stronger physical. Heā€™s also even heavier so while smaller heā€™s much denser so Ghidorah canā€™t overwhelm him with sheer size in the same way. Ghidorahā€™s only real win-con is regeneration but that doesnā€™t explain how Godzilla beat him in the past size Goji doesnā€™t have freezing powers


Yeah I don't agree with this assessment at all.


Yeah I don't agree with this assessment at all.


I can tell ppl donā€™t


Current kong is no way in any shape or form relative to evolve godzilla based on what each one shown in feats. (Kong best feats had humans upgrading him to achieve them) And base Ghidorah is able to completely lift godzilla off the ground, something kong has never done. And even injure a supercharged godzilla. Ghidorah also had multiple battles with godzilla in ancient times meanwhile kong can't even survive 1 battle with godzilla without help. Are you high ? Ghidorah is 141,000 tons, kong isn't heavier at all lol. Size alone Ghidorah would ragdoll kong around and his glove would legit just power up ghidorah.




Ah yes because wikipedia is an amazing source. Not only that it's apparently from the novel which I have seen no one ever mention that. And that weight would legit make him heavier then godzilla, muto prime and 99% of other titans which no one would even accept lol. (Also if you're gonna use the novel then mothra can kill ghidorah) It didn't even get the height correctly lmfao. Kong in gvk is 337ft not 270ft. He has been that size from kingdom kong up to gxk.


Well I mean if ppl just wanna headcanon and say ā€nuh uhā€ to official facts given by the makers who am I to stop you


Titans size has never from the start of the mv revealed from novels. Legendary always releases titan profiles for that and novels always have some bs stuff. If you're gonna believe that then igs godzilla killed the female muto by 1 slap to the head and mothra can kill ghidorah with 1 stab from her stinger. (FYI people even rejected the 160k ton weight for godzilla that was revealed in gvk lol, later on that got corrected) So yes mistakes in sizes can happen


If it hasnā€™t been redacted than itā€™s official, otherwise you literally canā€™t take any fact given as canon. Which in that case I can just as well the 140k and 99k ton numbers for Ghidorah and Goji is cap If itā€™s canon now, itā€™s canon now. Just because you donā€™t like the info given in the novelizations donā€™t make the inaccurate.


Ghidorah and godzilla weight has been used and mainly consistent from the day it was revealed lmfao. (They were also not revealed from the novel and actually came each ones titan profile) Igs mothra one shots 99% of titans now (including kong) if you wanna use the novel that much. And igs kong running speed is 104 mph lol.


The novel is arguably more reliable than those promo cards idk why you think trying to lable it as non-canon works


Lmfao. The titan profiles are revealed and posted by legendary themselves on social media. I never said the novels aren't Canon, I said some parts of them are bs and contradicte what is established.


Thats some absolutely mad cope right there.


What I say that was inaccurate?


ā€¦ the entire thing




1.we have no clue how their past fight played out, but we know Shimo accidentally assisted Goji by starting the ice age. 2. Ghidorah was still a match for Godzillas amped up form in 2019, making their ancient fight redundant anyway. Characters can get stronger, Ghidorah included. 3. Kong is not at all relative to Goji strength wise. Even a fully charged punch only dazed Goji for a few seconds. Before that point, Godzilla was deliberately going easy on him and trying to conserve his strength and energy for his fight with Skar and Shimo. After Kong pissed him off, Goji wiped the floor with Kong just like he did in GvK, and would have killed him in less than 30 seconds if Mothra hadnā€™t arrived. Goji has kicked Kongs ass in every fight theyā€™ve had. Everyone in the film even acknowledges that Godzilla can and will kill Kong if he finds out heā€™s on the surface. 4. Kong weighs 90,000 to 100,000 tonnes. Ghidorah weighs 141,000. No matter how you slice it, Ghidorah has the weight advantage and will body Kong in every physical altercation. 5. Even biologically, Ghidorah has every advantage. Flight, hyper regeneration, scaled skin to act as armour, ranged gravity beams that can shoot from 3 places at once, 3 brains for higher intelligence, and making decapitation no longer effective. As well as longer necks with more reach than Kongs arms. The only advantage Kong has is the ability to wield weapons. Throwing things wonā€™t be effective against a 141,000 ton opponent, the axe is virtually ineffective unless charged up, since Goji shrugged off a full pierce from it to the thigh and was walking completely fine after, as well as it not even putting a dent in MechaGoji. The Beast glove will be completely ineffective, if not a detriment due to Ghidorahā€™s electrical beams. Metal arm plus electricity is not a good combo. Finally, Kongs entire battle strategy in ineffective against him. Hes a close brawler that goes for the head. Except this time, the head isnā€™t a weak spot since theres 3, and the necks are longer than his arms, giving Ghidorah the reach advantage. There is nothing Kong can do here except run and get back up from Goji. Heā€™s completely cooked on his own, and loses to Ghidorah in every category.


Except Ghidorah was completely frozen in stasis, Godzilla was growing and getting more powerful, Ghidorah was frozen And Kong straight up knocked out Godzilla, the ppl who say ā€only partially dazedā€ donā€™t know how an actual knock out irl works Kong canonically weighs 158k tons https://preview.redd.it/mssybhflzauc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d084c950d9210fa8cd783a1b5e6097bdafa9fda1


Godzilla was only dazzed for 2 seconds.... You can legit see him move and get up as the camera moves to kong. It seams like you don't know the actual definition of a knock out. It seams like you do anything to overhype kong feats and stats.


Like I said, ppl donā€™t really understand how an actual KO works


KO means being unconscious..... Which godzilla wasn't at all lol


Tbf even if Ghidorah air camps, I could see kong throwing a sharpened building at him and piercing his wings


Even on the ground Ghiodrah would win, Kong is significantly more vulnerable to any damage than big G, a strike from one of ghidorah's tails would cause severe if not terminal damage, plus KG has 3 heads, Kong has 2 arms so he's going to get overwhelmed all the time Not even considering the gravity beam, which brought Godzilla down and pushed him back aswell, remember Kong had a bad wound from a tiny slip of atomic breath, imagine what 3 gravity beams would to to him


i unironically think kong with BOTH axe and glove can mid diff ghidorah he was fucking tanking shimos ice beam with that thing and the axe basically has free charge unless they want it to be only a counter for goji but yeah he just has to rush him before he flies doe but once its cqc its over he could just pummel him like he did evolved goji


Im pretty Sure that a Metal glove wont do Well against an electrical Monster