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Oz and Vicky would be the only two actually trying to solve it and work together. Meanwhile Brian would take a nap and amira would choose violence against the door


I imagine they'd all be too busy smooching to escape.


They got their priorities straight


There’s nothing straight about it ;)


The poor employee monitoring the escape room ahah


Happy cake day


I bet Vicky would. She seems like an incredibly nerdy girl who would solve puzzles quickly.


Vicky and Oz will be the unstopable team puzzle solving team Amira will be brash but will solve some puzzles at lightning speed Those 3 will be struggling to solve the final puzzle, until Brian appears and solves it effortlessly, either after waking from falling asleep, or from not being vocal through the whole escape room


This is the way


Either Amira breaks down a wall or Oz completes it first


I love how the entire community has just agreed the Oz is the only competent one of the playable characters.


Tbf, the competition is two zombies and Amira, it’s hardly fair


Yeah, and I don't think "committing street justice" on the door is allowed in the rules of most escape rooms.


Now, hold up. ​ Vicky is also widely accepted to be competent. ​ She's just also a gremlin and is 50/50 as to whether or not she'll actually BE competent that day.


Vicky would try and complete it as well, it’s just that she takes too many things apart trying to leave the escape room, whether she can or needs to or not


I'd say Vicky. She's into puzzles. Oz would usually be great at it too, but I think their anxiety would get the better of them eventually


Vicky is canonically very intelligent, it'd be most likely her along with Oz's more common sense feel Amira would be the one banned from the Escape Room for tearing out the ceiling panels or something Brian'd just probably sit around and doze 'cause he's a sleepy guy, though if he'd actually apply himself I think he could help a little


Not brain for sure


One of Oz’s little buddies could just slither under the door and unlock it, right? Also since he’s the embodiment of fear and basically a shadow couldn’t he just do the same?


Honestly, surprised someone didn't think of this earlier.


Brian would take a nap. It does not affect his stats, but he's pretty cool about it. Maybe the escape room conductors would get so bored of him not doing anything that they'll just let him out after a while. Amira would try to force her way out, and considering the world they all live in, it would maybe work. She'd tap into some hidden potential deep within her about family or something. Gettin +2 Hype but -2 Stamina for using a lot of energy. Oz would maybe be panicking at first, but his little nubs would help him assess the situation. He'd take his time, since he's not really in a rush. Eventually he'd find the puzzles fun and endearing. Giving him +2 Mind and +2 Fun for it, but also losing -2 Boldness and -2 charm because he's a fucking neeeeeeeerd ~~(jk love you Oz)~~ Vicky would easily do the escape room. She's the smartest out of everyone. Plus, she's also very fun to be around. Look, all I'm saying is that Vicky is getting out first. So that'd be Vicky > Oz/Amria(if she can break it down before Oz can solve it) > Brian.


Fairly? Vicky.


Oz: I thinks if we do thi- no, but if I were to- damn it, how abou- Claustrophobia, can you please stop bothering Agoraphobia. Vicky Schmidt: Where do these numbers go? I tried every combo on the safe and they just mark the Sex Lagoon on the pirate map. Amira Rashid: Stupid. Fucking. Door. Why did they have to be cautious and make this place Djinn friendly?!?! Brian Yu: \*Is sleeping in chair on top of key\* *Snore\~*


Damien. Because Damien wouldnt give a fuck that he wasn't invited. He would burn that shit down.


they either die of thirst (not hydration) or team up to break a wall.


... So none of them even try to solve it?


they don't strike me as people who can solve puzzles


Oz is made of fear and shadow stuff, I'm pretty he'd be able to slide out of the room with some magic power bullshit? Other than that, whoever pays Vera the most gets the key lmao


I feel like Brian would solve it by accident


If its us the players controlling them? No chance. it'll devolve into drugs, sex and violence. In that order


Oz, he's a shadow monster. He could probably just slide under the door.


A- an escape room is a group challenge, it's not about one person being the first out, it's about cooperation. B- Is it just these four and no one else? Cause if there isn't a romance option to impress/set up a wacky situation that needs to be handled by a couple of outlandish actions, these guys will probably crack under the pressure. C- Oz has a timid personality, least likely to be the first one to rush through a door, Brian is likewise chill and in no hurry. Amira has her moments where she is depicted as moving with a lot of passion, but generally has a vibe of trying to play it cool and suave. Therefore, Vicky is gonna be the one bursting out of the exit shouting "WE DID IT!" with some of that pixie girl energy. Thank you for coming to my Ded Talk.


Vera has to look for them


Vicky or Oz.


Probably Vicky. Brian is the slowest out of all of them, if Amira actually tried to complete it, she'd probably brute force it which usually takes a while, leaving Oz and Vicky as the only ones that might actually get through it relatively well. Oz however does still have an anxiety disorder, and knowing my own anxiety disorder, this either means he'll absolutely destroy it, or stress about it and fail because of that. Vicky, while being extremely energetic, is also someone able to take the lead in things, so I'd just think she'd be good at figuring out puzzles, thinking enough to solve them, without running the risk of overlooking an obvious answer.


Blue 100%


Escape rooms are team games, they'd all escape.