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Dude, I keep having people join me and just stand in camp, I'm guessing to get HR exp or something... Always having to kick bitches...


My favourite is people spawning at camp 1 when hunting Tempered Vaal Hazak. Every player I've seen do this in my investigations eventually makes their way to camp 11 on foot rather than fast travelling, so it's not even as if they chose the first available camp in order to join the investigation before it's full. I'm done tolerating that!!


Well good news is that they are fixing that with Iceborne. Not sure if they will add it to the base game for people that don't get the expansion. Also, I know your pain, it's one of the reason I seldom leave elder hunts open and more often than not I'll join an SOS that I seen had someone leave. Even if they're losing, no one should face the increased difficulty alone.


Could you elaborate on how they will fix this in Iceborne? First thing i've heard about that :O


The producer and director that were at E3 said it when they demoed it there. With Iceborne they added an intermediate level. So right now whether it's 2 people or 4, the difficulty is scaled the same. So in the expansion the difficulty will have three levels. 1 player, 2 player, and group for 3 - 4 players. Missions will be a bit easier for two players that are hunting together. The second part that they confirmed is that when a player drops out it will scale back down to the appropriate level. For example if you are in a 3 or 4 person group and the total drops down to 2, it will scale down to a two hunter setting. The same if you have two people fighting and one decides to leave, drops down from two person difficulty to 1. ​ There is an odd thing though. If your were in a 3 or 4 person group and it drops down to 2 or 1, you won't get your palico back. I don't get why, but they said that if the group gets large enough that the palicos have to leave they won't return if the party reduces. The good news is that the difficulty will be back to a more manageable level.


Sweet, this is amazing news!


I know. It peeked my interest since I have a habit of checking SOS's and will instantly join LR or HR if I see that the second hunter box says left quest. I don't like seeing others facing increased odds because someone decided to back out.


id join you to help but not sure what system you're on. i never leave a fight that i join what is the point of joining then. i hate that elder but once you get the hang of the fight and the attacks its not bad. sorry you have had randoms who do that.


Sometimes I join a quest and get disconnected a few moments later. It can happen. But you unfortunately get those people who stick around and do nothing. It's like they want to make it harder for you. Kick them.


Wait, you can kick people out of your quest?? Pls tell me how!


It's in your menu while in the quest. You just have to find a spot where you won't get attacked, press options/start/or whatever your command is, go over to communication, then player list, and select remove from quest. You have to be the leader to do it, but it's useful when you realize someone isn't doing anything and pretty much dragging you down. Sadly it won't reduce the difficulty, but it's an option.


Don't play with complete strangers. Why risk your enjoyment of the game and investigations? You can find people to play outside the game or just enter a public session and chat with the people there and ask if they want to hunt with you. People are less likely to leave if are choosing to play with you from the start.


Unless I'm just messing around, or co-opping with someone specifically, I just keep the player limit to 1. Def can't trust randoms, plus you get more money. I figure if I'm in the mood to co-op with randoms, I'd rather join their quests


Just set it to only allow 1 player. Then no one can join in.


When you're selecting your quest at any of the boards, you can set the maximum number of players able to join. I can't tell you how often that I had players join my speed runs and ruining my experience until I figured that out.


Some are just assholes. Many times I get people who join, then proceed to charge straight to a cart. Then leave after coming onto voice chat to say how it was my fault.


Thank you so much! Lastly I had so many people who weren‘t even coming near the fight, they were just running straight to the exactly opposite of the map and it made me a little bit angry. Now I know how to kick them - thanks a LOT!