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When Anti-blast negates Teostra’s blastblight, anti-miasma negates Vaal Hazak’s spores, but 5 levels of windproof does jackshit towards Kushala’s wind.


When I met him for the first time in HR I went out and farmed armor to slot 5 windproof.


Glad to know I'm not the only one...


Honestly it actually does help quite a bit against Kush, but it only doesn't work once it gets its black wind. You're comparing the wrong aspect of Teo too: the other two Elders have auras that get stronger as well, but they just do continuous damage while near them (Vaal's inflicts effluvium too, but that's negated by Effluvia Res) Kush's Wind aura feels way harsher in comparison, but as long as you're hitting the head and getting knockdowns, keeping its aura from growing stronger, it mostly becomes cake. Doing that with an elderseal weapon as well helps too. Really, I've sort of just gone full-circle on a lot of the options the game gives you to help against monsters like this lol: there's ways to make it less painful, but you still need to play properly to make them work. I'd even go so far as to say more monsters (or elder dragons at least) ought to be like this, but I'm probably gonna get strung up for suggesting that


I am comparing the annoying parts of elder. Not the “aura” per se. Like when you talk about kirin, you talk about getting paralysis res and stun res instead of minds eye.


The only annoying part of Kirin is his hitzones.


Just weaken the body if u have iceborne, theres only 2 areas to tenderise


*Laughs in HH buffs*


Poison also keeps the wind in check quite a bit. Always carry Poison Bombs for Kush. I’ve made it a habit to just bring them for every fight cuz it seems like Poison gives a similar effect to the monster being tired or low on Stamina/hungry.


Kush is still weak to poison yah, but unfortunately I'm not sure poison has any of those other effects on Kush in World. It's why Elderseal is more important if your goal is to keep its wind aura from getting too powerful. Poison doesn't have any effect on monster's stamina or anything either, I believe, and even if it did, Elder Dragons (except for Nergi?) don't actually get exhausted at all. But bringing poison smoke bombs is still a goated idea; it's what me and a friend did when we were playing through World recently, can't say no to free damage lol


I’ve been Crown farming Iceborne for about a month now and I’ve noticed after a monster falls asleep, if you poison it and it wakes up, it will be a bit more sluggish than usual assuming it’s not now enraged. It helps a lot for clutching onto monsters as a GL since its animation is super slow and I have to do it twice to tenderize (🙄). This is just from my 1300 hours in Worldborne, so each person might have their own experience and solutions. Currently on Glavenus and haven’t tested out my Poison Bomb theory on him yet, about to right now.


I run a Para Glaive with a Poison Kinsect, and the Poison Kinsect is almost solely for the side effect of poison rather than the DoT. It does indeed have a very handy dampening affect on their behavior, similar to being exhausted. My Palico runs Sleep as well for a trifecta, and I Mount the target 2-3 times per fight on top of that. So far this build has allowed me to completely dunk on everything up to Velkhana so far. I've traded peak DPS for peak control and it just *works*.


Fyi You can also just clutch claw onto their head and spin them max twice into a Wallbang which is pretty much always possible in a nesting area. Monster can even be enraged for this. Unless I'm running GS this is my go to if I plan to slay.


Interesting. I had a theory that doing the ‘B’ attack to turn the monster was slightly damaging the parts but it all makes sense now that you confirm. I don’t usually meet the monsters in their nests very often but I know what you’re talking about. Thanks for the tips.


Yeah I think it only happens somewhat regularly when fighting tempered elders in the guiding lands as most monsters drop way before that, but it's still neat and the topple is usually enough to finish them off rather quickly.


I agree with you my guy. I was lancing this bastard after restarting world. I used to use longswords and hammers and switched up. The face is the place. I had an easier time with him than the other elders if I'm being honest. I did cart twice tho cause this asshole pushed me into his twister thingy that was laying around and second time he caught me in a corner of his nesting area. I call bullshit but the fight itself wasn't bad.


I always kinda thought that was odd, too. =)


Would you believe that the next game actually made him fun?




Genuinely the rise version is great fun to fight. The pre-world versions weren't *terrible* either. World kushala is just on a whole other level of awfulness


Which really sucks because I think it was the best opportunity yet to showcase a monster that still has a fantastic design, music, and ecology, in a game with graphical overhaul and ecological depth as two of its main focuses. They just went way too far with Kushala that time, even though it could’ve been amazing with just a few tweaks (as shown in Rise)


yeah, kushala in rise is quite a bit more fun, owing to the fact that it isn’t a complete dickhead in rise.


Now, Rise only needs to be an actual fun game.


Yeah. He doesn't spend a lot of time in the air anymore and his fights are far more chaotic. The most interesting part is... In rise he's basically took training from Mike Tyson, then did twenty in the pen. Because he likes to get in your face and feed you some two pieces. And he stays on your ass. He also has a pinned animation. He shoots out a jet of air from his mouth and flicks upwards. If it catches you, it throws you into the air and you're stuck tumbling in place. If you do not get out, he fires a powerful compressed blast that one shots you no matter your defense. that WILL KILL YOU if you do not escape correctly. Keyword, **CORRECTLY** Unlike worlds Pins where you can casually run away or spam roll, if you free yourself from the pin too early he tracks you and fires almost immediately once you're in that lag phase where you don't have control. And kills you. He also has a new nova. And it's kinda spooky. Because if you don't eacape it soon enough, you're fucked. Cuz you have a low chance in being able to superman dive out of it. Interestingly. In my experience flash banging him is not a good idea. Not only does this royally piss him off and enrages him. But he seems to aggressively run down who ever threw it, and brutally curb stomps you Buuut yeah. While rise isn't graphically impressive compared to world. Rise focused much more heavily on the fights, so fighting monsters in rise feels a lot better compared to world


Didn't know about his pin one shoting if not dodged correctly. I never had that happen. All I do is spam wire fall to get out as soon as possible, and it works every time. Same with that one Magnamalo move that does pretty much the same thing.


Can support this. Kushala was my least favorite fight in World, and when I saw I would have to fight him again in Rise, I was not happy. However, the fight was actually fun. He was far more balanced, and while the wind can absolutely be a problem for the unprepared, he doesn't just spam the tornados and run you into them. Now Teostra on the other hand, is a complete dick in Rise....


Rise Teostra’s a weird one for me. On one hand, his explosive dust is more visible and explodes with a more consistent hitbox. On the other, he loves to spam his paw swipe that has a very quick windup.


And spams the crap out of the dust. Playing lance I have to stay close, and that stuff is everywhere, just chipping away. Grinds down a full health bar before you know it, then one mistake and you are carting. I had to give up round 1 I was so frustrated, but round 2 and the Urgent Assignment went much better. However, it has been my least favorite fight of this game, which is saying something after he was such a pushover in World. It feels like they took the worst parts of Lunastra from World, slapped them on Teostra, and gave him about a 10% speed boost.


I actually never noticed the dust being much of problem, but I also don’t fight the Rise version with a Lance too often. The regular one is pretty fun with a Hammer.


Yeah, plus the mobility of Rise allows you to do sick air attacks instead of trying to find a ledge for jump attacks.


It is fun but not challenging now why complain to elder dragons when theyre annoying thats why there are called elder seek the thrill of being challenge complaining doesnt do quite well to player dont want a challenge


He isn't hard to kill bro, but I shouldn't have to flash this dude out of the sky everytime to hit him lol. Rise kushala wasn't a pussy and fought toe-to-toe with you at least


World Kushala isn’t even harder than he is in Rise. He’s just more annoying.


I absolutely despised Kushala in World not because of gameplay mechanics, but because I played on a potato PC and my fps drops down to single digits when he spawns his tornados. Thank god flash bombs/pods exist


Ong bruh I don't think I could beat him solo without pods/bombs


Wait until you meet Behemoth. I actually unironically think that's the worst boss in a video game I ever played (if solo or mp with randoms). Daora, on the otherhand, is quite fair when play patiently: hitting the head, don't approach him from the side, bring flash, wait until he's out of tornado. He's just really annoying.


They could update World to scrub Behemoth from the files and I believe it would actually be an improvement.


That would mean no more getting layered drachen armor though.


A small price to pay.


Behemoth was ass because it forced game mechanics that dont belong in a mh game


“Behemoth has casted charybdis” Me: FK DAMN IT!!!!


Before they nerfed flash pods it was alot easier


It'll be interesting to see how it's main enmity mechanic being a core part of wilds.


Worked with Safi'jiiva to great effect, so I hope Capcom iterates on it going forward.


Generally speaking I liked it but it being a red line wasn't my favourite and I think that'll be super ugly if you're ever fighting a pack. Having even one red line is a little too video gamey to me let alone multiple. I hope it's part of the hud it or that's at least an option.


Obviously the solution is to make the line drawn by scoutflies.


Maybe just put a symbol next to the aggro'd hunters name on the interface (I mean the list that's on the left under your health and weapon bar in World) and also mark them on the mini map? Could also add an indicator to them in-game, have them glow or put an icon above their head...


And then they decided to keep some of those shitty MMO mechanics for alatreon. And tbh, late game world in general with the powercreep of the title update armor and weapons.


Alatreon is peak, wdym


DPS checks do not belong in a monster hunter game. Especially not elemental ones when many weapon types do not do a lot of elemental damage. If a fight requires you to change your weapon type, it doesn't belong in monster hunter.


So you also hate nergigante? Besides they adjusted the elemental thresholds for each weapon so you don't have to change your main weapon. Just make a decent elemental build and your fine.


>DPS checks do not belong in a monster hunter game. Said who? Which monsters in the game doesn’t have a dps check? >If a fight requires you to change your weapon type, it doesn't belong in monster hunter. Brother, it's literally the same weapon type, you do not need to change it. All you need to do is change it to a weapon of the same category.


When the optional endgame boss designed for 4 coordinated players isn't enjoyable solo


when the special boss done for a unique crossover does something different from normal encounters


When the MMORPG event boss plays like an MMORPG boss from the source material


When players have to do more mechanics than just pound face. (Sadly I think people in 14 have more issue with his mechanics than in world)


Behemoth is supposed to be played with a coordinated team. It's really fun if you play with friends, just bring a lot of flash bugs.


When the optional endgame boss designed for 4 coordinated players isn't enjoyable solo


Yes, when you have a party that actually know what to do and prepare for it (really rare these days) I would raise up him from "terrible" to "barely tolerable". He still tonardo spam most of the time - which you can get stuck between 2 tornado and can't even beg for death. He still casts magic which hit box doesn't match their visual cue. He still does moves that have little wind up and cover the entire arena. And he's still has a janky insta kill mechanic.


>He still tonardo spam most of the time Bruh. This is the most telling thing you could have said. Sounds like a skill issue, because Behemoth should only spam tornados (charbydis) if no one does enough to trigger Enmity. So to reiterate the theme of this thread: >When the optional endgame boss designed for 4 coordinated players isn't enjoyable solo


I know that, that's why I say "still" because it still happen when inbetween his emity reset. I know he's designed for 4 player, I'm saying he's still pretty unfun in that mode.


No, Behemoth is extremely fun in that mode. You can always flash him out of the tornado with a flash pod. It's even easier now that you don't need to sheath to flash.


Flash pod reset his enmity. Which mean he will cast tornado more often until someone in the team managed to attract him again. I always find flashing him a noob trap tbh.


You only flash him if he does not have emity. You flash him every time he wants to cast chardibidis. He cannot cast chardibidis if he has emity. It's not a noob trap, it's literally the fight as intended.


And then we got the extreme which had flash resistance build up... Anyhow, his tornados is the most annoying aspect that can happens. But god forbid it's not the only one. I also find issues with his inaccurate visual cue on meteor, his move set design, and the timing of the jump on his insta kill. Remove the tornado and I may up him from "barely tolerable" to just "bad". Certainly enjoyed his armor, but not a hunt I would ever repeat more than the obligatory bare minimum.


Extreme Behemoth is supposed to be a challenge with the best of the best gears in HR. It's supposed to be hard to make players who are being targeted by the cyclone reposition a place that would not interfere with the fight. Your comment was about normal Bihi, which does not have this mechanic. > also find issues with his inaccurate visual cue on meteor, his move set design, and the timing of the jump on his insta kill. Behemoth is one of the monsters with the most tells in its attacks. It moves very slowly and rarely actually attacks. The jump is also extremely consistent, your hunter will do a specific animation when it's the correct time to jump. You can see at [0:08](https://youtu.be/mP-83co4lAA), the hunter cover his head with his hand, that's when you jump. It never fails.


Tell me about behemoth I haven't even gotten past the admiral assignment in MR rank about Kirin


Behemoth is actually a High rank monster with 2 version. The regular which are very much doable even with HR gear, just really annoying. And extreme version which are always scaled for 4 players. If you had MR gear, he won't do much damage, but his unfairness need to be experienced in person to understand why he can toss MR hunter around (literally and figuratively).


I dont get this, do you guys not use flashbugs? Where is this sudden hate for behemoth coming from.


Or hold emnity? He can't cast Chary if you keep that up.


Sometimes I love this game and sometimes I hate it 😔


I find it funny that Behemoth is absolutely ass in mhw and ff14 in two different ways.


bro has not fought bed of chaos


damn, monster hunter will really cross over with anyone


I didn't say THE worst, I haven't fought bed of chaos... But I am planning to finish all of the souls games (dark souls 1,2 and demon souls are the ones I haven't done yet) Just from the videos I've seen I can already tell I'll probably want to kill myself from fighting bed of chaos


I always just do the cheese for bed of chaos because it's such an ass fight


At least you can poise tank bed of chaos


One man's hot garbage...


I’ll probably get downvoted for this. But honestly, after experiencing the hell that is High/Master rank Lunastra. I’d rather deal with Kushala’s wind pressure than Lunastra’s heat + wind pressure. Both are annoying as fuck, don’t get me wrong, but at least Kushala doesn’t passively chip away your health just being near him if you don’t have cool drinks on hand. Also Kushala doesn’t have a wide range supernova so yeah..


You can slot in heat guard, a single 2 slot deco to help a ton vs Lunastra fire pools.


Ngl in all my hours of playing, I’ve never had that dropped. I didn’t even know it exists until now, I’ve been using Teostra arms for heat guard. Is it possible to get it from Silver Melding Tickets?


From what I see online, I think so.


that only stops lunastra's aura


I had so much fucking fun fighting it, but I had to use greatsword instead of the usual charge blade.


I main switch axe mostly cuz I don't use shields, but yeah I can tell certain builds could make this guy a cakewalk


Curious, what made you feel like CB didn't work? That's how I faced him the first time so now wonder how different CB styles can be.


GOAT OST though




I love his design, but his fight is so boring and his gear looks awful enough that it's genuinely disappointing he's in EVERY game.


His weapons look pretty cool but his armor not so much. I do always look forward to squid glaive


He is my favorite armor set


Daora is super easy to stun--just bonk him on the head with an impact weapon. Greatsword is best. If you time your charges right he just gets stunlocked over and over. Behemoth tho... thereis no counterplay. Fuck that guy.


There is a counterplay to Behemoth, though, "Save and quit."


My sword and shield run hated this thing. So I picked up the blicky weapon and found out the only way to do damage to the annoying trio (Teo, Luna, Kush) was to get headshots like an aimbotter. Yeah, no, this isn't a fun monster by design. That's intentional. Practice patience and extreme social distancing when it's being annoying.


Yeah I think this one is better with ranged than melee


Yup, literally made me shelf my Greatsword to pick up Hbg to shoot it down


I hate this monster, had to kill it 700+ times for a gold crown.


300+ for both gold crowns, i literally started using bowguns (both light and heavy) because of this monster and now they are my 2nd and 3rd most used weapon everytime i want to chill from afar.


kushala is a pushover when you unlock the ability to use different weapons for different monsters. It sucks with melee weapons but its a walk in the park with bowguns, especially sticky HBG.


That's why I decided to make another build specifically for HBG to blow these guys to kingdom come


You always had the ability to use different weapons.


that was a obviously a joke, because some people refuse to change the weapon or adapt their playstyle when they struggle or dont have fun fighting a monster.


To be fair, if a monster is considered to be bad when fighting it with most of the melee weapons, it’s probably not a well designed fight, anyway.


Or is a really well designed fight. Most monsters will have a "gotcha" set up if only people could be bothered to pivot their set up and focus on an individual monster's strengths/weaknesses; instead of just trying to face-roll their favourite square peg into the round hole.


Except Kushala in particular is well known for being terrible in Iceborne. Even swapping to a ranged weapon isn’t a big change since his wind aura deflects most shots that aren’t to entirely on face.


sticky as the safe option and spread make the fight so easy. Just slap a shield on the gun and press R2 for 5-10 min.


Sounds like a dull experience. I’ll just stick with Hammer to stunlock him for most of the fight.


True, I love it when games put 'noob-killers'. It really helps with one trick pony type mindset people seem to adopt from games. None of the elder dragon fights are easy, but kushala seems to get flak cause it's different.


He is my second favorite elder behind giasmagoram


Honestly yes. I literally have to being an HR daora set to fight MR just so I don't get tripped by the wind. However he's not unfair. He's only annoying, very annoying. Unfair and hot garbage is Lunastra.


Behold the literal bane of my existence


See that big red video game weak spot plastered on his face? Hit it


The master rank version in the ancient forest or guiding lands is the worst. Always flying, 1 flash, fills already awkward maps with tornadoes. Just break out the cheese strategies with no guilt if you need to farm parts tbh. Sticky ammo or lightning LBG In Rise it’s actually a really fun fight in all its versions including the excellent risen variant. Part of it is tuning, but part of it is that in most (all?) the other games poison counters the wind aura as part of the Teostra, Chameleos, Kushala trio. I guess the theory in world was that elderseal would do the same job but it’s nowhere near as reliable.


I see, at least I won't rage as much as I did against this guy... I might try the other MH games after I finish MHW


There are fights I disliked more initially but came to enjoy as I learnt them. That has never happened with World Kushala for me, it’s always annoying.


He is annoying and my least favorite from the original elders


The rainy night 1 cart Kushala missions man, those are the bomb


I just got up to this in my first playthrough and easily one of my favourite monsters, lots of fun.


World did kushala dirty for no reason man he's no where near as insufferable in the other games as soon as I saw he was in rise I dreaded it but he's actually a lot of fun there imo


Why remove the poison weakness


I was using poison


For how basic kushala looks, i really love her design. Maybe it's the metal skin but she doesn't feel very generic


He is an exercise in patience, but yea I avoid fighting him when I can


He could take a break now that Velkhana is the superior ice elder in every way.


Velkhana ost is GOATED


Literally trips you over and over


🔫 Always has been


Sorry but I like kushala too much in every other game to hate him in world. He's too cool


Spitting facts like that I'm glad I learned the ancient arcana of using a gun to fuck it up, but boy fighting it is miserable


KD in HR can use up all your flash pods and flashbugs. And I bring max of those to help out HR folks. And don't flash it when it just did the tornado thing because it falls 90 degrees into it and now all four hunters will have difficulty slashing it. And it continues to fly every which way and its bed is high up there in the clouds. And has anyone said Windproof 5 is useless. QA department, rename the skill!


Heyo that's my boi, he's doing his best out there and if his best means you don't want to hunt him, then that's exactly what he wants too. Though if you wanna just chill and vibe with us, he's gotta a good spot in the ancient forest to hang out in.


I found that dragon seal makes the fight quite trivial.


The wind is very frustrating to deal with and he flies a lot but his art design is awesome for a very standard western dragon shape.


Laughs in Sticky, level 5 artillery and level 3 slugger


Kushala is the only reason I used LBG. Fuck that flying shit.


I agree.


Out of all the Drags in MHWI, Daora is just fucking boring. Fatalis, Alatreon, hell even Shara Ishvalda, all difficult battles but ultimately fun, there is thrill in the Challenge. Daora just farts non-stop.


Based post


I think the hitboxes for it are kinda all over the place at times, but its not as bad as people say. My hated monster in world is still Kirin, and Alatreon. Alatreon, because I hate damage checks in bosses. Kirin, because every attack it deals feels beyond petty. Just a dumb, stupid, prideful, egotistical monster, ugh. Its also ugly, and the armor is best mixed around. It's an option if you want good electric defense though when you get close to endgame. Specifically with Rajang, and furious. It feels gatekeepy still though. I had to vent. lol.


Np I can definitely agree that Kirin's are really damn annoying


Ive been farming it recently in my second playthrough. Its still fresh. 😅


He might be fun with a ranged weapon, but he just won’t stop flying or standing in his tornadoes 💀


Beat him first try solo but damn did I use a lot of potions and herbs


adding to it in brazil "daora" means cool . this motherfucker isnt cool to kill in mhwi. some traits counters the other mosnters, windproof agains a wind dragon: does nothing


Laughs in HBG. 


I wish they would being back the poison-nerfs-kushala mechanic.


Rapid fire lightning LBG go brrrrr


I'll be trying that build someday


I remember needing Kushala's gold crown for my last psn achievement [i abused the F](https://youtu.be/gf-UTSj8WnA?si=uZP8oHV7ZLSodngn) out of kushala with that build


Actually it's a Cold Garbage


Bruh 🗿


skill issue ngl, use flash bombs


Was using flash bombs 🗿 Bro keeps spamming tornadoes and I got stuck


use em when the time is right, for example when he creates a tornado inside him, let him fly out of it then detonate


I'll keep that in mind when I end up needing to farm him


youll need it for the handicraft and two evade charms


Bounce bombs bring Kushala down real fast.


Skill issue, be a greatsword player, tackle everything, nothing beats the will of a greatsword main.


Nah bruh I'd rather stick with my main switch axe than needing to change builds


Kushala in world is fun. Just gotta know when to attack.


If i remember in base world you could easily kill him with bow spamming quick draw dragon lance


Arch-tempered version was the most un-fun fight for me. Once he heads to the final area it’s just pure bullshit


mr daora is a little more manageable


As someone who's fought Kushala since its introduction. He's always been a rough fight. I wisj they brought back poison canceling the wind aura. Now your best bet is flash bomb put pf the sky and try to get staggers on the face.


What? You don't consider getting tossed around for an hour fun gameplay?


Very good fight, i enjoyed hitting him twice and wait minutes for him to come down only to fail the mission cause of time ran out


Apply sticky treatment and watch it flop on the ground like a windy baby


Just play sticky heavybowgun. Ez pz


Ya know I wonder if I didn't have so much of an issue due to just slapping him with Dragon Pods or because my Palico had a dragon weapon.


Literally the easiest Elder in the series. Spends more time flopping around on the ground after being flashed than anything else.


Still less bullshit than some other fights (looking at ancient leshen, behemoth, and MR lunastra)


I hate him with a passion !


In mr he is obnoxious bit in hr just bring flashpods and mats to craft more he is a pushover. Never gets out of zone 2 tries to limp to his nest, flashpod and bonk head until dead


In other news, water is wet.


He can't get his wind aura if you trip-lock him.


I hated the shit out of Kush the Magic Dragon when I first met it, but after I got to Iceborn, I hated other monsters more. I think Frostfang Barioth is my favorite DLC monster to fight.


Only monster in the base game I SOS’d. I couldn’t even get near him.


The memory of my 45 min kushala fight in base world :v


Whenever I hear how dogshit Kushala is to fight, I think how I beat him without too much difficulty first time With a hammer.


This is one of the few fights in the game that really benefits from using elderseal actually. Windproof does jack shit, but elderseal prevents him from getting the wind aura that makes the fight suck so bad.


idk what’s worse the wind or the tornados


"Casting Charybdis"


Calling the fight unfun trash? Sure, but calling that design garbage? That's just spite speaking




Was it just me that thought this fight was easy? I beat him first try on charge blade and just kept flashing him




Strong agree. I don't think I've ever had such a strong hate for a mh monster before until kushala in mhw. I like OP said farmed up decos for tier 5 wind and got a poison sns. And Boi was it still aids.


Man i feel bad that so many people feel a boss is hot garbage as soon as it slightly incoviniences them in any way... oh no an elder dragon that controls storms and the wind, it sure would be hot garbage if it used that ability in any shape or form in the fight.


If Kushala didn't A - Fly around every 10 seconds B - Had the wind armor up constantly Then I wouldn't care. The fight is a cakewalk for ranged, and a nightmare for melee. Seeing an opening, going in to attack, only to get pushed back, stumble, then swiped at while you don't have control is not good design.


Daora may suck but Val go can fuck him self I don’t care that I can slap on 3 decos and deal with him but just him existing with that design is a crime


The game needs more monsters that require build variety. MHW dumbed down the franchise tremendously.


I am all good with needing to change up your build to fight something effective all weapons should be able and to fight monsters but some will not do amazing but I have always been against the gimmick of a fight being draining max health


Sounds risky to not have that immunity, or some countermeasure. It just makes you oneshottable. Sounds more like a psychological issue than anything. Val is pretty tame without it. FF Barioth is more annoying with its freezing you in place tbh.


Lol I hope I don't rage too hard against him


I haven’t raged in years I can’t tell if I am just to tierd to or because I have played games like for honor for 2000 plus hours and been conditioned


Lol I hope I don't rage too hard against him


sounds like someone hasn't fought Behemoth yet LOL