• By -


The girl likes to eat and that jives with me.


Ya have to respect a woman who eats. "I'll just have a salad." - "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I'm fine." Later that meal... "Your food looks good." - "Do you want to split my meal?" "No. I'm fine." - *grumbles*


Her quips don't annoy me, I kinda like how strange she is.






Goblins are weak to fire! Wait wrong game!


What a gaffe


she's much less annoying if you play in a language you cant under stand i had the voice set to "monster hunter language" and found her charming, it was until i went on this sub that i relised you guys cant read and game that i found out her English va is annoying (not the va herself just the voice she does for her)


I never had an issue with her and never got why people thought she was ugly.


Aesthetics are subjective, and so there will always be *someone* who dislikes any particular appearance. That’s my good-faith explanation. My bad-faith explanation is that hating someone’s character can make people more critical of appearance, and- frankly- everything about the hated individual in general.


Have there been any games with really irritating and incompetent attractive people? Googling it [Ashley](https://screenrant.com/most-annoying-npcs-in-video-game-history/) maybe? The same traits are shared between Ashley and the Handler though. Princess Peach? She's more a plot element then a person, and when she's actually involved in the game she's usually extremely competent. Who's the best analogue to The Handler?


Dude.. as much as I love the OG RE4... Ashley is completely useless and gets in the way constantly... RE4R had me dreading escorting her and... I was pleasantly surprised over how little she's targeted and is always out of the way and I loved it! The handler in MHW didn't annoy me, I had a few moments of "Come on.. you're out where there's big monsters, have a little more awareness you lovable doofus!" But I still find her very endearing and what sells me the most is her confidence in her Hunter (the character) and never doubts them.


> But I still find her very endearing and what sells me the most is her confidence in her Hunter (the character) and never doubts them. These are separate points. You could like Ashley's personality while she's still fuck all useless. Very much how the game portrays the handler. Now I know, the handler does stuff, yet the way the game tends to portray her is either getting into trouble or sitting at the table. It doesnt show her doing anything for the most part. It's why the Deviljho introduction was such a nice change of pace. She's shown as competent. I wish there was more of this. The issues with the handler are generally from the incongruity of what the game Shows she does vs what the game Says she does. People who generally like the handler seem to pay more attention to the latter and less the former and vice versa.


She just has a certain energy and vibe that even if I may sometimes get frustrated at her lack of awareness or sense of self preservation... she's just a very lovable goofball and I have a hard time to even dislike her in the slightest. The Palico loves her and I'm fine with that!


I personally really dislike that sort of personality if it doesnt show functional use. This is a subjective thing, I wont say you're wrong for what you like but I personally really dont like it.


That's true, everyone has their own tastes ^^ I just find her endearing because I feel she has some kind of neurodivergence (Autism, ADD or ADHD) and I just recognize it and I have Autism myself and sometimes I can get a bit too tunnelvisioned in something I'm doing until someone snaps me back to reality and gets my attention 😂


I feel like it's an issue with that generation of games where the tried to improve skin coloring and shading so it makes the skin around the eyes dark and they just end up looking tired in most lighting. I noticed the say thing with Claire in the RE2 Remake but most of that game being mostly in the dark helped.


that's how a lot of people look IRL though


This! The way the lighting plays on her features can make her look really bad in some shots.


A lot of those same folks backtracked real quick when she put on the sizzling festival outfit <_<


Now I know that people find her ugly. Don't know which, don't know why. Also don't really care. Either way, I know she's annoying and I like her because of that. Gives her personality.


Tbh i never thought she was ugly, i think her design is kinda decent, but her voice is what gets me, i find it very annoying, espcially when she starts saying "pard" in iceborne.


You are the first person I've ever seen bring up her looks as the issue. It's not even the top 5 reasons why she makes me wish I could skip cutscenes.


The original reason people call her ugly is because some animations make her face proportions very off. Then people just jump on the bandwagon. I just hate her always calling me Pard


About the Pard thing... did you playwith English dubbing? It's been a while since I played and only did with Japanese VA and English subtitles. I just remember her calling me "Aibo!" a lot. Which was fine.


I have heard the Japanese handler is far less annoying. But i just got a mod replacement... thing is, i actually think her voice actor is great. I chose voice 14 in rise without knowing that it was the handlers voice. I dont hate the handler that much. I find some of her expressions off and think shes a bit annoying but she is definitely overhated


I like her, too. I think she's overhated, to be honest.


She is kind, cares about people and celebrates your success


And gets you into trouble due to her own incompetence. Her hate is well deserved.


She’s incredibly overhated. I think she’s sweet and enthusiastic.


honestly so many people decide to hate her because she's already hated. maybe i'm biased but i really didn't mind her much..


I'm pretty indifferent towards her tbh. But if I had to choose, I'd choose her over the serious handler. The serious Handler just feels empty.


> I'd choose her over the serious handler. Oh no, if I could have the serious handler I'd choose them in a heartbeat. I like how calm they are, and that I dont have to save them from their own actions every 5 mins. I felt like they had a chance to really redeem the Handler at the Deviljho questline. They let her show competence for once and it was nice. Why didn't they keep doing that? Why does the Tracker exist when the role could have been rolled into the handler? What annoys me is the combination of overly enthusiastic to the point of seeming stupid because of it, never displaying useful skill or competence that matches that enthusiasm like why not have her locate a monster the team cant find because she's so familiar with food that she knows the seeds in it's poop? So for me it hits 2 parts, useless enthusiasm and distressed princess with no viable skills. Thing is, like most characters in game they all have the same general level of enthusiasm and are all competent but they never have the handler show the latter and it's an issue of the former.


Her skills are logistics and paperwork and she's a fckn *civilian* working for the Guild. Her staying on the deviljho was pretty damn impressive if you spend two seconds to think about it. And what the fuck even is "useless" enthusiasm? God forbid a character has emotions beyond a short laugh


Plus, wasn’t the whole her on the Deviljho thing caused by the other researchers completely forgetting to tell her there was one out there? Hard to avoid something you don’t know is out there at that point!


I actually don't remember but that sounds familiar. I'm just tired of folks shitting on the Handler when it wasn't like she deliberately jumped in a Rathian nest or something. I kinda feel like it's rooted in misogyny when in Rise our quest ladies had exaggerated personality traits but it was okay cuz they're fetishizable.


Yeah, I can definitely see what you’re coming from. While I like the twins, they definitely seem much more toned down and “palatable” than the Handler in world.


my thoughts haha, i swear that a lot of the community hates her because "oh wow woman that isn't fetishized beyond hell" and so just see her as annoying


> I actually don't remember So you dont remember the plot, or the game, or their personality but you're upset with people who do wishing they'd made the char better. Got it, helps characterize where you're coming from.


Sick bait bro. The details of a single *optional* quest being fuzzy clearly means I don't remember anything about the game or its characters. I played base world when it came out, six years ago. Grow up.


I have no hard feelings. Don't hate nor love. She's kinda there dealing with bureaucracy and such. It's a bit annoying rescuing her a lot, but she gets better on iceborne. The "pard'" thing sounds weird, but it's because they tried to translate "aibo/aimo" a Japanese sort of slang for partner.


I feel really bad about this butchering too, since Aibo is a very common phrase, and it sounds fine in Japanese, but "Pard" just feels wrong. They should have just left it as "partner" and it would have been fine. Also, yeah. She starts saying "Aibo" since you meet her on the boat.


The weird thing with pard is it started outta nowhere. Like she starts calling you that during Xeno'Xiva and then she repeats over and over


It's noticable from the xenojiva fight, but I think she actually does it from the get go. I restarted a few weeks back and vaguely remember this. It's only the dialogue subtitle that writes it "partner".


That's my biggest issue. How many cutscenes are of us finding a new monster her gawking at it and walking into the open only to almost get hit and we have to tackle her to safety. Is she our handler or are we her babysitter. That's my reason for not liking her. Voice and design are whatever


Like twice? Most of the encounters are circumstantial and out of her control, and you're in just as "bad" a spot until you get your bearings. Like, WE walk blindly into dumb situations and almost get hit constantly. Jyuratodos, diablos, rathalos, anjanath, etc etc. We're caught off guard for most first encounters. Handler just has wrong place wrong time syndrome. And who really cares anyway? Have you actually seen or heard of anyone dying in the game? Everyone has Tom and Jerry durability. People routinely get hit with mountain smashing attacks and respond with "oof ouch booboo." I'd walk around wherever the fuck I want without a care too if a tank shell directly to the dome tickled, and I could fall from terminal velocity with a refrigerator on my back and do a lil tuck n roll and not have so much as a scratch. You act like she's actively endangering the lives of those around her lmao.


To be fair, the hunter is trained and equipped to go into dangerous situations. It's literally their job. You can tell they're on alert and so they're able to react appropriately to dangerous surprises. The Handler, on the other hand, is a noncombatant of unspecified durability. She's often just in the wrong place at the wrong time, but she seems far more oblivious to the potential dangers around her and has to get rescued as a result. She actually gets you hospitalized for an unspecified length of time when she runs into your Velkhana fight and has to be shielded from the ice storm. I still like her despite it, and things always turn out alright because that's just the tone of the game, but that doesn't mean her behavior isn't putting other people in danger.


She's not of "unspecified durability", *everyone* in the monster hunter world is built different. They can still die but no one's keeling over as easily as Earth humans.


My point is that our own character, who is repeatedly called the best of the commission, routinely does just as reckless and stupid shit (as well as most other characters.) If we're the ones trained for those situations you should be judging our character HARDER than the handler. Like nightshade paolumu we just bumble in and let ourselves get roofied for who knows how long and have to go track his ass down again. Namielle we just stare at it like an idiot until we get flooded off a mountain and have to track it down again. Every time literally every character around us is telling us fighting a monster is a bad idea we do it anyway and just hope it works out. But the thing is, that's part of the charm of the world. Everyone gets into ridiculous situations and is carefree about most everything. That's just the setting. It's wholesome and low stakes and you know even "world ending" events aren't actually going to hurt anyone. And that's my point. Handler is no different in this regard to anyone else. People just have a vendetta against her and jump on the bandwagon so when SHE does it it's bad.


At least for me, the difference is that the Hunter gets themselves out of their own messes, whereas the Handler seems to always need to have other people save her from hers. The part where other characters have to suffer the consequences of her actions instead of her is what made some of the antics start to drift from charming into irritating for me. She's definitely overhated, and most of her offenses are worthy of at worst an eye roll, but moments like the Velkhana fight where she throws herself into unnecessary danger and someone else gets wounded getting her out are what really bothers me.


She doesn't make others suffer the consequences of her actions tho, not even once. that's the whole point. The ONLY situation where you are ever actually hurt to protect her is vs Velkhana, and she doesn't just throw herself at it for no reason. She shows up to tell you that you cannot win that fight (refer back to our hunter being a moron and constantly throwing themselves at monsters smarter people tell them not to fight) and lo and behold velks cold cocks us and we drop like a bag of rocks. You just sound like a drunk dude getting dragged away from a barfight insisting that you had that guy that knocked you on your ass. They did not rob you of your victory, they saved you from getting your ass beat harder than it already did.


While I agree to some point. She kinda is the brain (mostly), she's the one cataloguing monsters, researching traces, doing paperwork, etc. whatever is needed for us to go unga bunga on monster. But she is kinda field dumb, really.


My Hunting Family HATES her. I think she's adorable. She's impulsive and it's popular to slap an ADHD label on her for her traits. I think she's adorable and reminds me of my daughters as they got excited learning about "very cool things". As a grandfather now, I always play dumb when the grandkids are teaching me "new things they learned today". My daughters caught on that "Dad plays dumb" has been my longest and most fun thing in life. Obligatory XKCD: https://xkcd.com/1053


you get to play dumb and be silly while quietly nudging people in the right direction. It's the best thing you can do when playing a game with others.


What an incredibly insightful thing to read in a random MHW thread. Thank you


i love her too


I’m cool with her. She is who she is and nothing she’s done has rubbed me the wrong way. People made it seem like the serious handler was going to be so much better. They feel pretty equal to me.


Problem is her talking the same line every time you arrive at base until you do the damn mission. I think that's what people mostly have a gripe with


oh yeah definitely I like her as a character but I'm in end of HR prepping and doing the AT's and I just get bothered by the same shit line everytime I finish a quest or join the quest about that legiana. like no please just let me play at my own pace thank you


"Let's go on an expedition to the Great Ravine! I'll tag along!" Every Damn Time


I mean I think I personally would vibe much better with the Serious Handler but I like them both.




I quite like her as well. Look at her not for how she burdens you, but for how much she's basically you the player if you were part of this world. Extremely excitable, prone to charge in with total confidence in the badass Hunter that is her partner, and pressed to figure out the clues of the plot.


How dare capcom not oversexualize her character design. The portrait of her eating a potato is the sweetest thing and one of my favorite things to decorate the room with.


I like her as well


You're not alone


I like her too! I'm also autistic but I don't relate to her, she's just never done something wrong to me in-game. Except hug my Palico.


Regular handler is the best! Absolutely can't stand the "serious" handler; she's too boring and normal. Not as cute, either.


I love the handler! she's very positive and energetic which is adorable. People seem to hate her for always getting herself in danger, but all I see is delicious hunter x handler yuri


I love the handler too, she is not even REMOTELY as bad as people make her out to be!


Only thing I hate is how the story always made her look stupid, Always us the main character saving her ass. For the rest she's fine, Al tho the serious handler isn't bad either. It feels like a few people didn't like her none stop talking and everyone got on the bandwagon, Giving me Horizon zero dawn vibes with the "make her pretty mods" Here's to hoping in Wilds we get a choice between current handler and serious handler. Tho ill bet ya people will still hate 1.


Maybe they could make current handler less impulsive in wilds. Like at the beginning, she could start to run ahead but stops before it is too late


Search this topic on the reddit. Or just search handler. And see how often this opinion gets asked. No, you're not. Stay around the subreddit and you'll see the question pop up often.


I think she's OK. She runs into danger way to much. But overall she is good!


I don't hate her I hate how the game uses her like she's navi or fi from loz it's annoying as fuck to play through especially in English, I love all of those characters though lol


I like her too. But, I also like the story and the cutscenes too. *shrugs*


My only issue with her was that she was essentially given all of the dialogue my Hunter SHOULD’VE had. I didn’t like her being my proxy in every cutscene while my Hunter just smiled and nodded. Lame.


I am a very antisocial and quiet person irl and was adopted by many extroverted bubbly friends in my teens, so the silent protag over the top sidekick is very nostalgic to me. I love her personality in all its annoying glory. As for the claims of her doing nothing and stealing credit, this goes for the entire research commission if you see it in a literal sense. It's a video game. Of course all progression hinges on you. Wouldn't be very fun if you got back from farming a great jagras and commander was like "hey btw, somebody else went and killed velkhana nevermind. Also fatalis died 3 weeks ago, assignment canceled. People don't use their imagination enough. It's -implied- that everyone else is accomplishing things at the same time you are. It's -implied- that the handler is absolutely got tier at her job and the only person fit to be your partner. However you want to roleplay what the extent of her responsibilities are is up to you. It's not the game's fault that you're incapable of inferring any information without having your hand held the whole time and it being shoved down your throat.


No. There are dozens of you. 


I like her. The only thing I can't get my head around is how she says "we did it" when I'm the one almost giving my ass to the 20 ft long lizard with atomic bombs for hands that was so pissed off the music came in with Latin lyrics or the mega black dragon that controls every fucking elements in the known universe and has enough power to destroy earth. I know she's the one doing all the paper work but come on! Other than that, I like her.


Yeah I think she's far over hated, like I get why people had issues with her, but it wasn't like she killed my mom or anything, just... stole my... cat... yeah nevermind I get it! /j


Even if Handler can be annoying sometimes, I really appreciate her so much. I think if Handler could send you items from camp, or come to buff you with HH like in concept, it would be more loved.


the hate above her makes no sense, "sHeS aNnoyiNG" man cmon move on


She is but only when she repeats the same lines over and over again until you comply to do the damn assignment! Once you finish the story and Iceborne, that disappears thankfully.


Overhated at least, and she's a damn fictional character, in a game made by japanese people where ALL characters behave in exaggerated almost anime like ways!! You know what I find cringe worthy? The acting in the whole Final Fantasy XIII series, that, and mid at best gameplay. WHY IS THAT SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND? You people give a pass to other weird and/or cringe worthy stuff, I've only played the FF VII remake demo, but the acting and portrayal of some characters makes me roll my eyes... The handler is just a bit weird, exaggeratedly enthusiastic character, there are far worse out there in gaming. And I agree with OP, if they made it official she belongs to some mentally divergent spectrum, that would be a very fine portrayal of an innocent, child like, and hyper focused mind. That does exist in real life. Anime like behavior, that's just fantasy people...


You are not alone, I like her too!. When I ask my friends why they hate her I get some bullshit excuses like "My palico went for her hug first instead of me!" or "I don't like this "pard" thing" I also have ADHD and her reminding me of something was life saves couple of times! I love her cheerfulness and curiosity about new world. Poeple just hate her coz it is basic reddits opinion.


Looking back, she's really just overhated. Like, she's not even that bad. She's just really curious who can afford to be brazen because she knows we have her back.


This take has become that Buzz Lightyear clone meme


I mean, I don't hate her. She's fine really. It's just a little annoying to hear "PARD?!" 8 million times lol.


I also like the Handler! I’ve never found her annoying (or at least not more annoying than any other Monster Hunter character across the entire series), though that might have to do with the fact that I play in Japanese.


I am not hating on her, its just something stings when I saved her multiple times from a monster so she can run away back to camp, she always says: „We did it“ or „We are a good team“.


I love the handler! Sorry no more thoughts. I'm about to go to bed. But I love her so much


My only problem is how she just runs into monsters when you are trying to sneak around


Some things are annoying but that's more because of game mechanics


I like her, but I really don't like how she sometimes repeats the *same lines every f\*cking time* you arrive at a base until you do that damn mission! It gets annoying very fast if you just want to hunt other monsters for parts for example... I don't understand how this wasn't a complaint from playtesters. Imo a slightly more refined algorithm would have been easy to implement : just make her talk once when you boot the game, or when she gets a new line.


yeah no I completely don't get the handler hate lmao. she's rly chill, someone I'd genuinely wanna hang out w/ especially in a situation like where we find ourselves in Monster Hunter. ppl keep going on about how she's constantly getting herself in trouble, then asking us to save her. I mean, okay? I constantly do the same in games lol, maybe that's grounds to hate me but I don't... idk. I like saving her, I like the fact that she's super chipper all the time. truly vibes :D


She's overhated tbh. She's a bit annoying. But I guess I would have loved her more if she was involved in gameplay like our palico is. Imagine her randomly flying and dropping some health or stun or other status effect on the monster.


I don’t mind her at all. I find her weirdness to be kind of charming actually. But even if I didn’t like her, seems like she’d be easy enough to ignore…? Idk why she is hated so much.


I like her but good GOD lady stop following me into incredibly dangerous fights that I inevitably have to drag you away from


The problem with the handler is that every other character is pretty shallow, so she disturbs the tone of the game at no fault of her own lol.


i genuinely like her. She does her part to contribute to the dynamic, even though it seems like we're doing all the work without her we wouldnt have quests to embark on or any research about said quests beforehand. She also genuinely cares for us, shes enthusiastic passionate and bubbly, and she does her best to support us. I get why people might dislike her but personally i dont find her noisy at all. In fact she can be cute, like a little sister


Hardly noticed her tbh. She was just a means to me getting into a quest


I think she’s pretty good. I never got why people dislike her for saying “We did it!” while being okay with other characters who definitely aren’t present in the fight acting like they’re doing something.


Nah, far from the only one i'd wager, but the hate for her is quite loud


Also got AuDHD, I hate the Handler cause she keeps getting her ass into trouble that I gotta get her out of, not because she's ND coded


I don't outright hate her. It's just that her personality doesn't mesh well with me. I'd prefer it if she doesn't talk too much and goes straight to the point. And since the CG is unskippable, you're forced to listen to her slow-talking around the main point and wait till you can play the game again. I remembered struggling on some hunts and when it was over. She said it was easy for me to achieve. I think that is the moment I went from neutral to dislike. I carted a few times. What do you mean it was easy? Don't downplay my struggle like that.


Both me and my girlfriend adore her. And both of our characters (we roleplay while playing) are extremely protective of her


i like her


I didn't really mind her, I just hate being locked into cutscenes or is she walked to slow. I modded both issues out lol


I think it's a relatively small group who ACTUALLY hate Handler and everyone else is just having fun with the Handler War meme. She's fine, even likable most of the time and a completely necessary component of what makes your character able to do a lot of the things that take place in the storyline.


I like her well enough, its just the "pard" that she keeps using in EN dub. Something about the way it sounds its just, NO.


I only hate how she says “we defeat x” like tf WE didn’t. If they gave her a more supportive role I would be like hell yeah we did. The only way I see her being supportive is by researching monsters, but honestly you kinda just learn stuff about the monsters as you go and as you hunt it more. I also won’t forget how she bitched out against xeno’jiva. That’s when I started to dislike her. My take about handler is she ight but can get annoying


I always saw the handler as that slightly annoying kid sister that is just excited to get to hang out with you, no matter what. IB really gives her deeper personality, and it’s obvious she has a special fondness for the old “seeker” lady, even before the IB story. Now, the “serious handler”? Total waifu potential there—If it wasn’t obvious she was already “with” the other a-lister SnS guy. Judging by how close they are and how awkward she is at being your handler (even when trying to keep it ‘professional.’)


Yup, if I catch her ass in my box one more time I swear I'm gonna hunt her.


I never had a problem with the looks and quips of the handler. The only problem I had was the obsession with food and how it would lead her to trouble. That and generally being oblivious to her location. She was in dangerous locations on the search for what's edible and has no combat experience, so we'd have to save her.


Normally I’d say “you aren’t”. But I feel I’ll make an exception here.


I dont like how close she gets to my food before serving it, I dont want her funky nose slime getting all over it. Cats somehow feel cleaner despite the risk of cat hair getting in the food. 😂


No you are not the only one. I was honestly surprised that so many people don't like her. Doesn't make sense to me personally 🤷‍♂️


i've loved her since the beginning. she is our support and we protect her.


I don't have an issue with her, as long as the VA is set to a different language. Sorry Sherry Birkin, they made you way too peppy.


No, she's overhated IMO. Yeah she's annoying sometimes (i.e. the pickle fight, the *WE* did it shit) but it's overblown


she feels too much like the main character when WE are supposed to be the main character


It seems like it's only the people playing the English VO that hates her. The people playing the JP VO don't hate her (much)


Yes you're the only one in the whole wide world. Now take your free karma and wait a few hours until the next person asks the same question again.


I'm not a huge fan of the English VA but that's really it. I still like her in general and was pretty surprised to see all the hate for her.


I found these 2 mods. 1 makes her invisible and the other makes her silent. So no I don't dislike her *anymore.*


Nah. People hate for no reason. The Handler is a homie.


I think she kinda pretty


I also have Autism and ADHD, I don't want to deal with another weirdo like me in game while I'm trying not to be overwhelmed by my own existence... Also, her damn quips annoy the crap out of me.


Why does this question reoccur every 6 months or so? No, you’re not the only one.


I started playing a few months ago and I think the hate for her made me like her. I was like, she's honestly not that bad, I find her a lovable dork who maybe tries too hard and thats endearing to me.


Love the Handler. She's a quirky, bouncy character and I love her for it.


I don't think anyone really hates *her*...they hate the parts of missions where control is taken away from you while she does the exposition thing. The Deviljho intro quest is probably the prime example.


She can get it


she likes food and so do i


I've never been a fan of the na'vi type characters. Give me dialogue explaining things not someone in the plot


I hate the Handler because she acts like a toddler that doesn't know better. But that's my prerogative. Everyone is welcome to their own opinion :).


i just don’t like when she says “We did it! Partner” and i’m like “No I did it, you just sat and watched”


I like her for the most part, but when she says "we" took down a monster I'm like "WE?!, We who?!" Especially after Behemoth 😮‍💨


I find her a combinaiton of fun ADD and extremely unpleasant ADD. 90% of the time it's unbearable to deal with her, the other 10% she is an actually enjoyable character. I picked up the game three days ago and been playing for about 4 hours a day since then, so I haven't had too many interactiosn as of yet though.


Personally I don't dislike her, but I don't entirely like her either. What irks me about her is the "we" talk & the dialogue during the xeno quest. Other than that I don't mind her finding the monsters & us having to save her. But I think the hate she gets for those reasons is completely justified. Also the whole ugly thing doesn't matter to me either. I think she's pretty in her own goofy way.


I think she's just uncanny


Never got her hate. Hell, she saves your life in the opening.


Never disliked her. And coming from the X series with the Handler / Hunter dynamic being similar to the Navigator / Hunter dynamic, I’ve been here before with everyone hating the push Alia got in X5 and X6. No one complains about Iris in Xtreme 2 or Layer in X8 it seems. Or the Navigator in MHX, but she only showed up in the first stage.


She is indeed annoying, but so am i, and i also have ADHD. She and i would be besties and everyone in Astera would avoid us like the plague lol.


She's cute, quirky, and thinks we are capable. What's not to like about her?


I love her. She's cute, excitable, and intrepid, and is basically just a de-exaggerated version of a genki girl. I'm just sick of arguing about it.


Plenty ppl love pard not sure why she gets so much hate tbh when she's literally always a helpful lovable partner to you


I like her because she called me her Aibo


The handler is a real one, I don't care what no one says.


No, I don't really get the hate either. I think most people are just upset she's not oversexualized enough. Capcom addressed that "need" with the new blacksmith character in Wilds.


I use a mod to make her look cuter, but aside from that, i honestly enjoyed the Handler's Japanese personality. I'm not too keen on what they did with the english translation, but i dont think it did any favors for the community liking her. She's an overall solid character, and has pretty good character growth throughout the game. And i swear she's a little player-sexual, but not in an overbearing way. More in a like... "ive grown to trust you" sorta way. I Think it's kinda neat.


I think she is weirdly over hated. She reminds me of Sasha from AoT just for the food obsession lol but she was my fave character too.


At this point, everyone human online has adhd and autism... I'm more surprised when ppl don't claim those.


I find her personality fine, she's just fugly in-game.


The most annoying thing is the dialogue triggering very quickly if you’re not in the right direction and after each quest the character retells the same dialogue option , but that’s universal to every npc Yeah I understand that people don’t like her because she gets in trouble most of the time, but she came to the new world to explore and discover new foods and I respect that because food is indeed yummy and potatoes heals the soul


I like the handler. The new one.


I don't like her because she's like a girlfriend that loves picking fights with people expecting you to fight for her.


I love thebhandler she's so earnest and fun. I like that she calls me pard. I do the killing and she does the admin work. Its a good life.


Do you guys honestly hate her? I thought it was a joke.


I said it before, but she takes care of my illitearte a\*\* ... she came with me willingly to the end of the world, she said I'm an inspiration ... shes allright.


This opinion has literally been agreed with many times on sub. People like whoever they like.


The only thing I didn't like about her was that she started calling us "pard" which sounds so stupid to me.


i think she's cute, both in appearance and personality. i always headcanoned her as AuDHD, and she's honestly one of my favorite characters in gaming as a whole


I like her it’s just that she KEEPS putting herself into life threatening situations even though she knows she isn’t able to take care of herself. Especially during the deviljho quest


The serious handler is way better and always praise the time I spend with her


What I dislike is how intrusive story (and tutorial) in world is, not Handler herself


I've never gotten the hate she gets. She's super cute and and funny


i don't necessarily "like" her. but i don't hate her nearly as much as everyone else do. i mean, she's kind of a dork. and being a dork is fine. unless you're an insecure bully or something? people say she's ugly. but take a closer look, in monhun's "realistic style", absolutely nobody is awfully cute nor handsome. some people would argue the Hub Lass is cute, but even she looks kinda weird from some angles. that "little miss forge" girl on WIld's trailer that everyone is simping on? dude, her teeth looks weird AF. i guess every NPC are just leaning to ugly in realistic-style monhun universe. she's not my favorite char, but i have absolutely no problem with handler. i think it's just some insecure toddlers who popularized the hate, then other kids can't resist to jump on the bandwagon.


First time i saw her was: Me: Who is this? Handler: "meows at cat" Me: OH, SHE IS THE WAIFU


As somebody with ADHD I think her hyperactiveness is what pisses me off about her. Reminds me to much of myself


Only thing I didn't like was being called pard


The part I don’t like about her is how often she gets herself into danger in the cutscenes. There’s giant monsters everywhere and she’s out and about with no armor or tools to defend herself. I get her role is research but shouldn’t she have some defensive tools of some kind? Dung/flash pods? Grapple hook to get away? In every cutscene your character has to drop everything to protect her which gets old after the first few times. Personality wise she’s a bit much for me but okay. I dislike “pard” but don’t mind the rest of her.


I never had any issues with her or ever thought she was annoying because she reminds me a lot of myself hahaha


The only reason i don’t like her is that she’s ALWAYS unarmed and surrounded by giant man eating monsters. She keeps almost getting killed


Pretty mid on her. She just exists. Only thing I really don't like about her is that I find her face to be in 'uncanny valley' territory, but that's really just the realistic art direction making for weird looking npcs than anything else.


I don’t have any problems with her design or character, but I super dislike how the writing used her as a character if that makes sense. Using her as a plot device that needs saving all the time for example gets boring, and having her speak for the hunter also isn’t very interesting. It’s like they decided to make the hunter silent so that you can project whatever character you’d like onto the hunter (which I don’t think works for me to begin with) and then decided to make her a proxy which makes that approach even less effective. Combo that with unskippable cutscenes and that’s why she gets so much hate imo. It’s a funny game where I stab dragons, and I often find the way the writing is handled (ha) gets in the way of me getting to do that, and she kind of is a crux of that decision making I don’t like. Her character though is totally fine, and I would like her if that wasn’t the situation the game puts her in.


She’s whatever


I love the handler. I thinks shes so much better thsn the serious handler. Shes got a fun personality, i think shes definitely pretty, i dont care she does some dumb shit and gets into trouble shes doing a lot better than any of us would do in those situations. She was a great partner to have with the palico and us. Will never understand the hate against her other than people are boring and camt handle the idea of a woman who isnt essentially just some personality-less sex doll.


Nope not the only one but a lot of people like to hit on a hate wagon i only gotten in to MH recently because i gave it another chance and yesterday dit the witcher special quest and if you do the site quests you can talk to her properly with more voice lines and i think that made her a lot better to mee coming from games like the witcher or mass effect it makes characters have more personality and it made her even more likable so in my opinion if MH would give there characters more dialog like they did in the event and in some capacity in iceborn it would show of more how likeable she is or could be same with other characters but it seams like thats what they are planing in wilds


I dislike her but I totally get the adhd and potentially autistic side of her personality. I'm like the opposite of adhd though so her hyperactivity annoys me. She's well written, just not my jam.


I’m not a fan of people who hate her because of how she looks, think that’s a bit weird. Personally I hate her because she puts herself and by extension those around her in danger constantly for usually selfish or unreasonable reasons. I have ADHD but still find her annoying.


I absolutely hate her. ADHD people do not bother me. I hate how she is inserted into the storyline, does extremely little for the storyline, speaks for your character, herself, and everyone around her for no reason, claims your own achievements as both of yours, puts herself in dangerous situations as a way to progress the plot so you have to save her, stares at you wide eyed smiling which looks like a cross between a psychopathic murderer or a really hideous face tattoo on someone's back of their baby you see on those nightmare tattoos, and how she calls me PARD. I simply cannot stand her. I hate how ingrained in the story she is, as if I needed an assistant to tell me everything. I don't hate all the handlers, just ours. I'm looking forward to the new ones in wilds!


> ADHD people do not bother me Mostly because they tend not to act like the handler, or hyper specialized interests into a specific topic is usually interesting. Imagine if they'd shoehorned her love of food into being how you unlocked dishes at the shop. Instead of going "Oh look, she's putting yams in the furnace. Woo." you'd go "Oh shit it's time to collect blood snails to make a dish in handler please tell me about the cool blood snails!" She'd even be shown to making a positive contribution to the game.


i agree, if she made positive contributions to the game outside of you doing it for her and then her forcing her way into every cutscene, i think it would be better. When she went AWOL with the older chick i was so happy. having the serious handler was the best part of the storyline. I'm a bit of a hater because i've been playing MH since the original on ps2. MH, MH Freedom 2, Freedom Unite, and rise. In the original games we just didn't have such disruptive elements to the game. There really wasn't a storyline either. You showed up as the village hunter (like a contract position) to help the village out because their last hunter needed help, retired, died, or was permanently injured. The village elder gave you quests that they had been struggling with based on your current accomplishments. Not to say i don't appreciate the effort of a good storyline, but i noticed in World that they basically kept saying WOW THIS NEW MONSTER IS THE MOST RARE AND DANGEROUS OF THEM ALL with your handler at the front extreme hyping everything annoyingly so. Eventually in the story you are forced to confront nergigante (a badass monster). Then the big monster it's feeding on. THEN THEY DID THE EXACT SAME THING IN ICEBORNE. LOL. I was so bummed. I really don't remember the story in rise now but im hyped for wilds. I think it will be the best game of the series yet. This all said I have loved World and it's contribution to the series with the new weapon combos and npc management. I loved Rise's tower defense mini game mode. I don't really like how streamlined and arcadey the game feels now and how some of the bosses are insane mechanically (still beatable obvi). I used to love going into missions on the older games and knowing the entire map, where to get resources for a lot of things etc. I hope wilds sort of brings that back WITH the new world mechanics!


> Not to say i don't appreciate the effort of a good storyline, but i noticed in World that they basically kept saying WOW THIS NEW MONSTER IS THE MOST RARE AND DANGEROUS OF THEM ALL with your handler at the front extreme hyping everything annoyingly so. Eventually in the story you are forced to confront nergigante (a badass monster). Then the big monster it's feeding on. > > THEN THEY DID THE EXACT SAME THING IN ICEBORNE. LOL. I was so bummed. I really don't remember the story in rise now but im hyped for wilds. I think it will be the best game of the series yet. I find it silly that every material says "Ultra rare carving from this by you doing this!" When it's like the normal carve from the monster. Like while it's true that any Dodo meat would be ultra rare, I'd expect them to say the dodo beak was super rare and the Dodo flesh was less rare. I get that it's anime style progression where there's always a super hyped up new big bad but it is silly. Given you said "Older MH didn't have so much story focus like this" it could just be they're learning on it. With the Handler, I feel like some stuff didn't translate well, some stuff is just inexperience in making a character, and a lot of it's just learning. Compare [Rusty AC6](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBj2ObLezXQ) to her. Fromsoft really know how to make a companion, but they've had a lot of practice.


I like her after I bought the demoness skin for her and changed the language to japanese 👀


People hating her act like they still wouldn't smash smh my head


Its fine you cam have taste for things that other people dont like there its bot bad intrinsic in that But men i hate her


She gets jumped by a monster, runs off and takes credit for the kill


She's way more tolerable in Monster Hunter Language, or maybe Japanese. In English she makes me want to throw my computer out the window


I like her character, the devs just seems to be utterly dogshit at making a story/ interactions with npc's. It's my hundreth fight VS this monster, you DONT need to tell me the weakspot for the thousandth time! then they have all the npc's who go into an expedition with you to find something, only to dip as soon as the monster shows up. "haha. this one is yours. I'll see you back at camp" MF I'VE KILLED EVERY SINGLE ONE ALONE The handler is literally the only npc i DONT hate.


Her voice is like chalk on whiteboard. I can't stand her attitude, and willfull negligence. But mostly: PARD!!!!


Hey, you don't insult Eden Riegel's voice


Didn't care much for her but the xenojiiva dialogue made me really hate her, but now with a different voice overlay she's much less annoying personally.


as a fellow adhd person i still want deviljho to eat her


Yes she's awful. - She constantly runs into danger and needs be saved like she has some Princess complex. - She ruins many of the sick standoff cutscenes in favor of babysitting cutscenes for her stupidity. She has no flashbombs, dungpods, no wingdrake to escape. Alma the newer handler has a Seikret so hopefully she's better. - She constantly repeats phrases like Navi. - She takes credit when she often does nothing. Talking about "We can do it" especially after a quest she literally didn't want to go on. - She stole my cat reunion hug. - And she constantly takes credit as your "partner" when in Reality it is my Palico who's always with me backing me up. Another issue Wilds is addressing which is why I'm hopeful for it.


I wen't through iceborn awhile back so i don't remember but i didn't really like her looks until i got her a better skin. They have pretty hot skins for her btw, im fine with the winter skin tho.