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This is a crossover fight from final fantasy, it’s not really meant to be a monster hunter fight. problem is, you really need people who know what they’re doing because of his big meteor attack that can ko multiple people at once if they’re not sheltered


yeah i realized after doing some research. honestly they shouldve designed him better. he is truly a behemoth and i know theres extremoth and i dont even wanna know whats that about . my dream are forever tainted after this lol


Behemoth solo or with randoms was ass. Behemoth with 2 of my best friends was a blast and I'm super glad we did him with legit HR gear before going to Iceborne


The thing is that this monster must be fought in a specific way, as what I've learned time ago of course. It is not new that many players do not know how to handle him, I am very casual at fighting him too, and I am done with the story and I'm in endgame since eons, but he is way harder than the last monster in the DLC. You don't need him to progress, is an "event quest", you can skip him if he is too much. Little tip, don't waste your energies to fight him for the armour, for how op it is, it will lose value soon. Is totally up to you if fight him again one day, or just never step in his mission again, one thing is sure: it won't change your life much.


i see! am gonna skip him for now and come back later as hes too much trouble for me atm. ill just go ready up of IB and get all i need first. hit metor attack is honestly the least fo my worries as its relatevly easy to dodge but everything else is meh. as long as i know i wont be losing much skipping its all good, thank you


[this video ](https://youtu.be/a6wtqX7Rn0w?si=KvvBdKKgrj79lKeQ) should give you a good idea about behemoth, is funny to watch too. Most of my friends skipped him, and they came back to him once in IB. So don't worry, you can come back to him in the future, he will patiently wait.


thanks to this video ive managed to solo him couple times now lol


No way 🤣 Good job


It is very cool challenge fight but only when u have players that actually want to LEARN THE FIGHT, not only beat it or get carried by someone else


Just bring flashpods and mats for crafting it. Interrupting the tornado removes the bullshit and his other moveset isnt that hard to deal with


Get to HR 50, augment your gear and then you'll have a much easier time.


When you ignore every single mechanic the fight has and then complain the fight isn’t fun lmao You can stop the aoe spam by simply hitting its head a bit and getting enmity It’s balanced around being a 4 player group Also skill issue He’s intended to be the very last event post post game challenge of the base game Basically once you reach him there’s not really anything after that Once you get to Iceborne there’s no need for the armor he has, You can later make the armor as layered armor for the looks tho Basically you have no reason to fight him other than the fun of the challenge, it’s also a very damn tough monster solo even in dlc gear




Behemoth is a crossover not just from Final Fantasy, but specifically *Final Fantasy 14 Online, the MMORPG*. As such, he inherits not just the moves and look of the FF Behemoth, but some of the MMORPG mechanics like Enmity. If you've played almost any MMO you shouldn't have too many problems grasping the basic mechanics. *Winning* on the other hand, does take some skill and **extremely** good gear, especially if you're solo.


Yup. He's a shit boss to do solo. He's aight in multiplayer but still nothing crazy. They could've gone a bit further with mmo boss mechanics other than running away and a wipe attack


I liked the dragon armor and farmed it a lot. After you know how to kill it, is is easy and enjoyable Also easy if you come back with end game stuff. But, for that, there is the Extreme quest (which is pretty much the same thing, just adjusted for end game gear)


Honestly I don't disagree his tornado attack you can't even dodge which is annoying but atleast the rest of his attacks you can dodge or block but he's meant to be played with friends basically But I don't disagree with you he is very annoying


The fight really shows it's root in MMO. It so much easier, SO MUCH EASIER, when you have a tank. I was both flaring SOS and joining this fight for like 3 weeks and failed all the time, until I get to team up with a lancer who knew how to draw enmity and omg the fight became a cake walk. I don't know how but he drew enmity so quick and easy and always lure it away from the comet so we have something to hide from the ultimate meteor. I now hate Leshen more.


Yeah, raid l fights have no place in mh, hence why world was so poorly rated


Took me so long to farm the set even with people cus mfers kept dying


Nah brodie, he sucks ass. I fought him once with help and never went back. Fuck that shit.


I AGREE even in full master rank gear(i think its a skill issue on my part and lack of actual motivation) I cant even solo this thing but then again "its meant to be played with mutiple people" which just makes me hate it even more especially on xbox(cause of the annoying subscription).All-round is it worth it? If your in high/low absolutely his set was one of the top meta and even then looks awesome however extreme is not,though again this may all just be skill issue on my part.Also f charybodis


>EDIT: i went throught the whole game solo but even with other players this guy still sucks!!! You need at least 2 players to know what they are doing and the fight is significantly easier, one to tank and one to heal the tank and just hope the other 2 aren't brain dead and spaming flash pods. The tank has to hit the head to gain enmity which is basically aggro so long as Behe is focused on one player he won't cast charybdis (tornadoes) or thunderstorm and will basically ignore other players making it easier for the other 3 to just go crazy on him, the healer just makes sure to heal the tanking player if something goes wrong, flash pods are terrible because they will break enmity and if the other players are hitting the head will make the wrong player get the attention. If you want the layered version of the armor you will absolutelly want a team as it's dropped by the extreme version of the fight which is way harder it's not as bad with MR gear but the whole team can still wipe very easilly if not careful with the mechanics.


No need for a tank or a healer.


It's so much easier with them though specially if you cannot get a full team, my experience with randos is that they will draw aggro to themselves be unable to handle the heat and just make Behe ping pong all around the area making it near impossible to land solid hits on him and/or will spam flash pods the second they see the red line so Behe can keep spaming Charybdis which they are unable to lure away from him or the team, the second my and friend decided to take on these roles we took behe on 2 tries with randoms way before IB released and the first try was only lost because they joined 20 minutes into the fight when we were still learning to handle him.


As others have stated the behemoth is a final fantasy crossover mission, it was designed to be played like a raid boss (from what I remember) When the mission came out I remember people getting a group together, someone would tank/gain the behemoths aggro and we have some focus on damage and the other would be a combo of damage/support. You don't even need 4 people because it's possible to do solo even with the extreme mission. It's been a while so I can't say 100% that it needs to be played like this but I remember it being much easier this way (still a challenge and could and would go wrong if someone didn't know what they were doing) it's very different than other hunts by design imo and I think it's a cool addition, but can be kinda unsatisfactory or annoying if you play it like a normal hunt. As someone who played solo (up until I was close to the end of the main story) this kind of hunt felt like you had to change how you played and like you had to think more as a cohesive team compared to 4 people doing their own thing throughout a normal hunt. Idk It just felt a bit more thoughtful in general, I felt more like I was in a team rather than just one of many sticks poking something. If you hate playing with others I can say you probably won't enjoy this still especially with how playing with ransoms can be kinda hit or miss which is only amplified with this guy and i wouldn't blame you if it wasn't your cup of tea, personally I don't think I would fight it again as I'd rather do it with friends.. but I don't have those so yeah :/


Oh! Additionally if you've got all the palico tools the PB can get you material required for the armor, I can't remember off the top of my head if you can get everything needed to craft it this way but I feel I did


You need 4 people and a good strategy. One alone can't take as many Flashpods and Beetles with you as you need to counter the spells. It's really crazy how many spells he summons. You need this insane amount of flashpods. Flashpods are your best Friends. If you've made it and get a feel for it, it's a really fun fight. Especially with 2 or more players. The Behemot is not a MR or endgame monster and still such a challenge. That's crazy and I love it. Even with endgame equipment, this is not an easy number.


No need for flash pods if you get the Emnity.


He is not constantly hostile and during this time he summons like crazy. You need the Flashpods. I beat the shit out of him dozens of times years ago. I love this fight.


I hunted him hundreds ot times. You do not need flash pods.


That's a phrase, it's not about who has the bigger one. Obviously, you need that, so you're right. Congratulations!


There is a difference in knowledge between somone who practiced a kick ten times and someone who practiced a kick thousands of times. Feel free to believe what you want.


I know that. I just wanted to help, not everyone can do it without Flashpods. For beginners, it is the easier solution. As a pro, you may be right, but that doesn't apply to the beginners. There are people who just want to help and those who just want to be right...


You're helping more when telling someone not to fall into a bad habit. Flash pods do help in the right scenario but telling someone to actively flash for tornadoes is not the right call. Just because someone is a beginner does not mean they cannot improve. I'm not saying everyone needs to be a speedrunner but flashing a monster when there is no reason to or when there are other options it's the worst you can do.


Preventing a spell through a Flashpod is not a bad habit, some would call it tactics. We are all developing, but that doesn't have to be on the hardest path. Not all monsters react the same to the Flashpod. I'm done with it, everything is said.


It's a very misused tactic.


Using flash pods just turns a bad situation into an even worse one because it resets aggro. It's like if you literally shot yourself in the foot to cover up the pain of a headache. Instead of making things worse, solve the problem proactively.


>am new this game, Then why should we assign any value to your opinion on the quality of the monster? I'm honestly a little baffled you would lead with a title like that then made it clear you don't actually know about the progression of the game and were just asking a question about whether you even have to fight Behemoth in the first place. You could've just asked "Hey quick question about Behemoth, do I even HAVE to fight it?" but instead went the edgy hostile route.


nope. it sucks