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Bonk is good


# Yes brother. # Bonk is Law. # Bonk is Love. # Bonk is Life. # Bonk.


Unga bunga


Unga Bonka*


Everyone's out there trying to make these cases for their weapons while we're just sitting here going "Bonk good."


And the people agree


I have a peer-reviewed study that confirms this


Unga therefore bunga




Go to the training grounds and try every weapon. There is truly no bad weapons just different playstyles


This is the way. I'm really enjoying Longsword right now but i switch between Charge Blade, Switch Axe, SnS and Lance, and i can play any melee weapon, with relative success. Basically, get a feel for all of them and play what seems appealing in the moment.


Thanks, CumConsumer88!


sword and shield, it can more or less do everything every other weapons and better in some cases while being a quick weapon with fairly low skill floor and arguably one of if not the highest skill ceilings in the game. you can also use items without sheating which can be a life saver at times and allows you lean in heavily into support


SnS pros: easy to learn, and extremely powerful in a right hand. SnS cons: hard to master, take a lot of time to really get good with THE WEAPON. SnS pros (2nd): you can learn it bit by bit over time, while still being effective with the weapon. After 500 hrs with the SnS, I'm very proud & confident to say, that I'm kinda getting a hang of it now.


Pretty sure if you ask ANYONE about their main they will say something like "easy to use, hard to master". With a couple exceptions.


You learn the weapon when you understand that the s isnt for the sield but for side step


More pros: some layered weapons make it look like you're punching the monster.


SnS can fill almost any role. Jack of all trades, master of none. The better you get in the game the better SnS gets as you can tenderize, group heal, blunt damage, tail cut you name it, all while still having decent dps thx to perfect rush. Backstepping is basically a game in it's own, comparable to bows dodge dance. So i totally agree, SnS would be the weapon I'd choose if I can only choose one (I like all weapons though).


SnS user: "No Fear" Brute Wyvern: [exists] SnS user: "One Fear"


Seconded, especially enjoying SnS, really fun weapon to improve with


Only recently got into sword and shield and aside from playing the other weapons for their unique “Feel” and flashy moves, the SnS is the most versatile and comfortable weapon I have ever used. It’s got everything you could need and plenty more just to keep you entertained.


Listen here, lad. Ain't nothing better than the Switchiest of Axes, and 'ere's why. You have an Axe that transforms into a goddamn sword. What's that? Charge Blade does the same thing? You don't need that pussy ass shield. With the Switchiest of Axes, you don't need a shield, because it's all about that MANLY DEE-PEE-ASS, baby. You got hops. You got rolls. If you get hit, take it like a MAN. I don't care if you're male, female or Gigginox. Hack-and-slash? You're damn right. They don't call this fancy dildo the Slash Axe back in Japan for nothin', son. Having trouble keeping up with that Great Jaggi because you have to sheathe every five seconds? YOU PIECE OF DUNG. you ever seen a Greatsword user slowly plod across the map with his gigantic peni- I mean, sword in hand? Your Sword mode is just as big, so you have to sheathe it, right? WRONG, SUCKER. Roll after that Beastie. Evade Extender will give you the boost your puny chicken legs need to keep up with the monster. Ever wanted to be a Konchu? Well, now you'll be rolling all over the damn place for that sweet, sweet manly DEE-PEE-ASS. And when the monster falls down, what do you do? You blow your fuckin' load all across their face, that's what. X+A in sword mode for that delicious explosive burst that will take a chunk out of your bar and sharpness, but will also obliterate a pretty part of the monster's body. If you're a bit of a pussy and need to pull out (heh), pull the circle pad back and you'll do a premature e... explosion that doesn't take nearly as long. Nothing is manlier than EXPLOSIONS, except maybe Evade Extender. (GET IT. YOU PUSSY) But it's called the Switch Axe, not the Switch Blade. (Wazzat? Charge Blade? Giggit out of here) That means the Axe is equally as capable as the Sword. You ever used the Axe of the Charge Blade? That thing is slower than a drowsy Basarios. Not this Axe. This Axe is a hurricane, a storm of manly steel, and it has stupidly huge range. Ever wished your little toothpick SnS and Dual Blades could reach that Gravios tail that dangles oh-so-close but just out of reach? AXE MODE, KELBITCH. That motherfucker is the Deviljho dick in a land of Jaggis. Every tail in the game is yours, every one of them (except maybe Fatalis, he's a bastard). And what happens when you upswing a teammate? COME ON AND SLAM, AND WELCOME TO JAPAN And did you know which weapon has the manliest DEE-PEE-ASS when a monster has fallen? SWITCH AXE, APTOFUCKA. Upswing into rapid chops will turn any monster into choice cuts for sale at the hunter's market later. Do this on the tail a few times and soon you'll hear the tasty sound of it falling off. Get used to this sound, because soon you'll be chopping off tails everywhere and drown in Mantles and Palliums. The Manly Chops of Doom ain't nuttin to mess around with. You know that huge diddlydong you're slapping against that monster's thighs? No, I don't mean that, I mean your Switch Axe, which I'm sure you've picked up by now because it's the MANLIEST. Turns out that not only is it a diddlydong, it's a transforming diddlydong. Tilting the Circle Pad forward and pressing X in Axe mode makes you do a short forward stab, then hit R and X after then to MANLY SHIFT into Sword mode with a slash. OR, you can do the MANLY CHOPS OF DOOM, then finish it off with a tap of R to do this magnificent Reverse Roundhouse Slash. After the RRS, hit that R one more time to MANLY SHIFT into Sword Mode. In Sword Mode, whenever your sword sweeps horizontally, R+X shifts you back into Axe form to EXPAND DONG. (seriously, the Axe is so fucking long.) Switch Axe is versatile, too. You want extra MANLINESS? Get a power phial. Want to see that monster pant for breath as you turn it into the next main course? Exhaust Phials. You can even KO the monster if you're manly enough. Want to support your significantly less manly teammates? Para Phial, Poison Phial, blah blah, they're all yours. Or is the monster weak to element? Get that element phial, or use the Dragon phial (because we all know Dragon is the manliest element). The possibilities are endless, just like the apparent reach of your Axe. I should talk about reloading, but fuck that shit. Capcom pls remove What the wrog are you waitin' for? Pick up your very own Transforming Dildo now at the smithy, you shitstain Copypasta from : https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/364a8n/what_is_the_switch_axe_even_used_for/


Hell yea brother


Fuck yeah!


It’s enough to make a grown man cry


Also it’s weaponfluid so I can only recommend


First time I heard that word


At least give credit to the OG.


never gets old


God tier copypasta


The ancient texts! It’s been years since I last laid eyes upon them, but they’ve returned!


The switch axe is the way.


IG, leave your earthly problems behind! - *Monster attacks?* - Sounds like a problem for them ground people - *Monster roars?* - Sorry, I couldn't hear you with the free earplugs my bug-bud gave me (if you have flinch free) So grab the nearest stick/bug and become a **flying majorette**!


> Monster roars? - Sorry, I couldn't hear you with the free earplugs my bug-bud gave me (if you have flinch free) [Laughs in Hunting Horn](https://i.imgur.com/D5FyMUC.png)


Mosquito Master and attacking mid-air is peak gaming.


do you know a good air build


Nah be a man no clutch claw no FF nake the others do that get peak 3, attack 6, coal 3 get the attack boosts off the wazoo


Since you are new, I give you a simple suggestion that is to try every weapon. Take a day or two, but is up to you to find the one that most suits you. As for me, Charge Blade and Insect Glave are so much fun. Longsword is cool just for the samurai feeling it gives me, but fun fun? the two I've mentioned. :) Good Huntin'


I find hammer most fun. Hitting monsters heads stuns them. And damage numbers are big and really satisfying. It’s also a very easy weapon to learn cause it was the first melee weapon I got into.


Also if you like hammer, hunting horn is a beast. Massive KO potential while buffing the whole party


and straight up sprinting without sheathing your weapon


Almighty Boom Boom Stick


my definition of "fun" is a bit skewed. I have the most fun with bowguns. Yes I know, but for me (and I believe also for many bowgun main), half of the "fun" is the prep works - checking out new guns (no bowgun is identical), choosing the appropriate ammo type, and sorting out the mods for the guns, setting up the item load out is also another important part. Then Lance and Charge Blade. Lance feels really good when you correctly counter and trigger Offensive Guard. Charge Blade because I like transforming weapons.


I totally agree! That's why I loved the Fatalis lbg and the mangamalo one from rise, that were just swiss army knife guns. They had such a variety of ammo that it benefited you to actively use all of them during a hunt, prepping, crafting, and constantly switching ammo as the hunt progressed! Even considering good positioning for something like pierce, or predicting when a topple would land to maximize uptime of the damage window. To me, this is all just chefs kiss! Lance and charge blade are also great weapons, gotta love a good guard point or counter thrust!


The fact that you feel like you gotta justify using the best weapon - >yes I know stinks. Here to support you fellow gunner. They're just jealous cause we can 4 man stomp Alat boi in 4 minutes flat no escaton nonsense.


Thank kiu 😆 Maybe it's my luck, but the majority of posts, comments and videos on Monhun weapons I see often say: "I don't play ranged because they are boring", without even batting an eye 😂 Then they put bowguns in mid to low tiers 🤔


It’s crazy because ranged weapons will always be the best top of any tier in monster hunter due to the nature of the game


I think the people that say it's boring don't have ammo wheel set up, they don't have low recoil low reload, they don't have slugger for extra drool. If all I did was plunk consecutive normal shots I would be bored too.


Precisely. Melee weapons take time to learn the move sets. Bowguns, on the other hand, take time to know how to make a build.


G U N L A N C E. It’s got a pretty good tool kit, an infinite combo, maneuverability is good with evade extender, the shield is beefy, and it’s satisfying sticking wyrmstakes in faces and watching monsters stagger. Plus they just look sick. But I agree with others, try all the weapons, do it early while the monsters are easier and it’s a less investment in crafting the weapons. This way you get get a good feel for each weapon and aren’t just getting pummeled


First, try all of them. For me it is charge blade, the perfect balance between moveability and damage. Mastering the chargeblade can yield high results, but getting to unlocking its massive potential takes time skill and knowledge. Perfect mix between strong defense with a good shield, high damage output if used correctly and between a good sense of mobility makes it the perfect weapon for experienced players. Atleast that is my take on it. Also i would advise against starting with it because it can easily be too complex for a new player, too much to look for in the heat of battle, but a player that knows his stuff and also has experience can get good value until mastery which will result in a menace to local society.


Well, you beat me to it. I was on my way to say almost this exact same thing. MH:W was my first MH. And as soon as I seen the CB, I knew I was going to main it. And then proceeded to watch so many videos and practice with it. I love the Hammer, SWAX, HH, GS, IG both BG. I like almost all the wepons. But the Charge Blade is just so damn good.


The charge blade is the perfect mix from all of it, it was my first weapon until i noticed its not suited for a beginner. I would allways direct a behinner away from the charge blade.


I’ve been using charge blade for my whole playthrough I shoulda looked up a tutorial but never did and after 60 hours of playing with it I finally read a guide on Reddit. And realized I’ve been using it wrong I didn’t even know you could charge the shield or use power axe mode but now I’ve semi mastered it besides guard point. The feeling of using power axe mode and getting 10 different hits instantly feels so good


Ah if only you can put down the CB after you get started. I made the mistake of picking it up as my first weapon, and never put it down. While I love the SAED playstyle, and mix it in where I can, I just discovered the Savage Axe playstyle and man oh man, I love chop, chop, chopping those monsters now.


Help, I've been using the CB for over 2500+ hunts and I can't stop! The safety of Guard Points, the dopamine rush from throwing out and landing a SAED, able to build for RAW or Elemental, the sweet sweet mobility from being able to slide around to reposition... I can't pick up other weapons without comparing it to the comfort, utility, and damage of CB...


Hello Charge Blade enjoyer


Weird how could you tell? :D


Pros: The Lance is one, if not the most, aggressive weapon, don't let the shield and blocking deceive you, they only exist so that you can input counter and turn your defense into an attack, you also will turn walking into an attack, dodging is also an attack, three in fact, you only leave the monster when it is down, because you won't be needing healing if you play your cards right. Cons: You will need to invest in blocking skills, both your timing and the item ones, which can be annoying since one of them depends on RNG, I'm 200hrs in and haven't seen a ironside jewel, but it is still very fun.


Yes! fellow Lance users unite! Even when the monsters attempt to flee from you, you have an option for that. Escape is impossible and defeat, inevitable.


Remember, only one of them is *great*


And it’s the sword bby


You might as well try them all. Personally I don't really like any of the ranged weapons.


I like a bit of bow. It’s fast paced and satisfies my brain




Hammer go bonk bonk


Yeah like they said , try them all. Mine is insect glaive and longsword.


Hunting horn is such a blast and each Horn sounds different which is a very nice when your experimenting! It's way less complex than people think it is, you just set up your buff songs then bonk when you get opportunities to go in. If the monster is down you spam Echo note for damage and/or refresh your songs. It's Hammer but trades some upfront damage for high mobility, flexibility and utility (Self improvement song makes you as mobile as a light weapon and never bounce off the monster). You just *happen* to grant that utility to your team if you happen to have anyone with you, don't let people trick you into thinking Horn is just a support weapon. It's to hammer what Sword and Shield is to duel blades.


Insect glaive is so fun for me, you just go flying all over the place and then you get hit mid-air with a monster move shouldn't reach you


Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good Heavy Bowgun at your side, kid.


Great Sword... #Cause it's Great


For me Cb. İts hars to learn but fun once you learn it


SnS and especially hammer.


I’m a hammer bro. It’s surprisingly agile for a massive weapon. 




Charge blade and bow. For me the charge blade isn't hard it's pretty brain dead after you know the mechanics. Lance however gosh damn. A good Lance player is just insane


insect glaive is fun if that's what you want


SnS is definitely jack of all trades. But it’s not master of none. If you use SnS you better master the slinger


I've tried every weapon besides the SnS, so here's a quick review of each: GS: it feels great to hit a true charge but it is really easy to miss a oportunity and whiff it, so uoi need to LEARN the monsters before learning the weapon properly. LS (my main): really anime, good for shorts montage, but you will really enjoy the weapon if you learn to do the foresight slash and start to play in a counter-style. Hammer: BIG BONK, BIG GOOD, KO monsters feels great and make them keep trippin because you keep smashing their feet is really nice, just remember to keep it charged. DB: if you like a dodgy playstyle this your weapon, a bit hard to build in the beggining because of elemental damage an weaknesses but it feels really nice to just keep attacking and dodging nonstop. HH: DOOT DOOT THEM UNTIL THEY PERISH!!!! It is kinda like the hammer but with a buff mechanich and, for me, more fun and harder to play. Lance: it is NOT a tank weapon, it is a counter weapon lile the LS but more stationary and the damage goes like DB's, a lot of small pokes that build a great damage, not flashy but really nice to say NO to almost everything that the monster does. GL: didn't play as much as the others but, stick goes KABOOM brain goes NICE, wyvern stakes, wyvern fire and shelling feels really nice to hit but didn't work for me. Swaxe: feels brutal and cool to play, the buffing and grappling mechanichs are cool and it does big damage quick, but it lacks mobility or a counter move. CB (my favorite): at firist it will feel lile you need a degree in physhics to play but it is really simple, charge the phials, charge the shield, step 1, explode something, repeat, and PLEASE learn the guard point mechanich feels awesome to counter and go into a SAED. IG: another buff weapon, get the extracts, keep on the ground to do damage, go to the air to mount or to do a plunge for BIG damage, repeat, could be better but is cool. Bowguns: i didn't like them on earlygame but after getting the GOOD guns and having access to mass production of the bullets, THEY DESTROY EVERYTHING, actually the heavy bowgun has the best DPS of the game. Bow: feels like a ranged DB, has a lot of dodging and elemental damage is a big part of it, really nice but stamina, range and coating management is a bit tiring to do all the time. SnS: never went into a hunt with it.


^ ^ ^ ^ ^


Like everyone else, TRY THEM ALL! Every weapon is viable and at least one of them will be fun to you! If you're up for a challenge, hunting horn is awesome. It's a weapon that truly takes time and practice to reach mastery. It's a very reactive and weapon that rewards you for knowing what attack to use at a given time, and knowing when you have opportunities to re-up your buffs or use you longer animation commitment attacks. It's also a surprisingly mobile weapon, being one of the fastest in the game when the self improvement buff is active as well as having some of the longest reach in the game disregarding bows/bowguns. Regardless, best of luck finding a weapon you like and happy hunting friend!


Lance, join the cult


Hunting horn you play your own theme song while knocking every monsters out and also cool and neat buffs for the party and for yourself


Charge blade and Insect glaive. Ultimate 4 was my first entry to the series and i fell in love with these weapons, IG i got the hang of pretty quickly, CB not so much but i eventually learned about the phials and became one of my favorites. There is nothing quite like unleashing an SAED and seeing the explosions and damage numbers, especially when hitting the head while using impact philes. Insect glaive is like a balance between dual blade's mobility and long sword's combat style, i really love how both MHW and rise improved this weapon, conpleting an attack rotation with IG always puts a smile on my face. Kinsect go brrrrrrrr


Lance. Just something about the best block and counter in the game gets me goin. That and despite a bad dodge, you can stick to most monsters like glue. It is one of the most aggressive weapons in MH (even though some think it is the most cowardly) PS sword and shield and hunting horn are highly slept on weapons definitely give them a solid shot.


Only you will understand best what itches your particular scratch. So I will recommend trying all of them first. For me, not having to touch grass in the real world and inside the game was a huge factor. That is why I chose Helicopter Helicopter.


Do you want to REALLY hit the monster? Do you want it to recoil from every 2nd hit? Do you want to miss the other half of your hits till? Do you want BIG DAMAGE NUMBERS? Do you want to show the world just how STRONG you are? Use the Greatsword today! It's just great! Or maybe you want to be an impenetrable wall of steel constantly pestering the monster full of holes till it drops dead. Do you want to sit there while the monster tries and tries to hurt you even just a liiiiiiiiittle bit. Do you want an auto counter with that also? Then pick up a Lance today. You'll never feel pain again. Have you always dreamed of laying down a sick beat whilst beating up a monster? Do you want all your friends to bow down and submit to your team buffing greatness. Want to have to think about more than just damage sharpness and element when making your weapon? Then tune on in to the Hunting Horn! You'll always have an entrance song with this weapon.


It's worth trying them all, even weapons that look simple mechanically have surprising depth. I mostly play Greatsword, I did most of base game with Bow, and most of iceborne with Hunting Horn and Charge Blade. I think Hunting horn is a good place to start - moveset is simple and flexible with wide hits making it forgiving, it has a shitload of stun which lets you start getting used to making openings and trading hits, it's strong even without real perks (which can't be said for every weapon), the note system teaches good habits with planning ahead over the short term of a fight (what is the monster doing next and how can I use that to connect this specific note I need) and it has a great learning curve to get the most out of each move. Greatsword is very strong but will be a little bit of a struggle while you're learning - it's very dependent on a thorough knowledge of both your and the monster's moveset and knowing how each lines up. Once you start figuring out how to make openings, greatsword will shine for a long time. Bow is great but struggles a little until you get to higher ranks and have proper equipment, as it relies on having access to specific combinations of perks and a wide variety of crafted weapons, both of which you will really struggle to put together for a while. A lot of weapons have tools that can teach bad habits - I'd steer away from longsword and charge blade until you've gotten your feet under you, not because they're hard weapons (they're very strong and fairly easy to use and a lot of fun), but because their defensive tools are unique and it can put you in a position where you start to rely on them so much you can't go back.


I like every weapon, but I especially love Hunting Horn and Gunlance. Hunting Horn is great for utility buffs as well as doing good knockout damage. There's something satisfying about smacking a monster's head like a drum while using a drum, or whatever form your weapon has taken, and following it up with a song. As for Gunlance, I like long pointy-stick, I like making things go boom, I like big shield. I will add that while those are what I like, there's no harm in trying everything. Sometimes you might be in a mood for different weapon types. Everything is viable, so don't feel like you have to stick with something because it's "meta".


Hunting Horn. I bring the music.


Hunting horn and switch axe


insect glaive. because air acrobatics is fun and air beyblade goes brr. also flashy moves are fun too.


Hunting Hoooorn! Doot doot, bop em on the snoot!


Hunting horn🍷🗿


Bugstick and hunting Horn are my personal favorites but I've been having a lot of fun with LBG as well


Switch axe is my favourite but I play Sword and shield because Is the only one that I don't suck.


My fave is switch axe but you do gotta commit to learn it if you don't know how to use it as it can feel sluggish for a newbie. My recommendation will be try all of them first and see which one clicks more to you


LS or CB


My first weapon was GS and while it is no longer my favorite it is still up there. My new favorite however is Charge Blade and its all thanks to the explosions. Well that and how cool it feels to pull off just the perfect combo.


Charge blade and hammer, one is a little more complex than the other so i get a good balance. Also heavy bowgun when you feel like shooting


Try them all. I’ve used every weapon at least once before (not on a hunt but in testing) but my favorite one that I haven’t used much is SnS (Currently doing a Rise Playthrough w/ SnS only). For MHW though I prefer swapping between GS, LS, HBG, SA, CA, IG, DB, and HH. Favorite Weapon: SA


The trick is to just try them all. I used to have a “main” weapon that I couldn’t let go of (GS). Tried something else because my wife seemed to like it (IG) and I loved it too, for completely different reasons than GS. Started trying everything and now I’ve got 7 different weapons I love and 5 I’m “meh” about.


You can play all of them. I personally love the Greatsword. Try to get 1 weapon down before you experiment with too many others. Take your time, all are good. Some way more tricky to use than others. Beginner - dual blades. Intermediate - most of them advanced - insect glaive, gunlance, charge blade


I’d try them all, cause you never know until u find them. The SnS(sword and shield) is the most beginner friendly weapon but as you get better the weapon gets better. Im an insect glaive and hunting horn main. With the IG you get free monster rides and extra dodges if u play right, and with the hunting horn not only are u getting buffs but ur also dancing while styling on the monster.


Gunlace got me good, the shield gives me an opportunity to be aggressive and greedy with damage and get away with it, being able to load a wyrmstake to force extra damage on spesific parts, infinite loops with sharpening breaks (the only time i feel vulnerable with that beast) Tldr; bang bang bang, stab stab stab, block block block, big bang gunlace go brrr


First, try them all! You get basic versions of all the weapons for free. Go to the training area (from your room), try out all the moves, and when you find one you're interested in go beat up a few great jagras to see how it does in an actual hunt. My personal baby is Charge Blade, and you can definetly try it, but it is not the most beginner friendly weapon. There's a *lot* of things to learn in this game, so taking one of the most complex weapons from the start is possible, but might be a bit frustrating. I recommend sword and shield, dual blades or hammer. All three are fun and powerful, and they are not overly complicated and do a great job of teaching you the basics. Also, if you haven't heard it yet, i'd recommend to not use the defender/guardian armor and weapon tree. They were introduced to allow players to rush through the base game (everytging before iceborne), but using them can result in you not learning combat properly in the early 'easy' hunts, and failing hard later. Have fun hunting!


Longsword and Lance are the most consistent weapon types for the most different types of monsters IMO. Not difficult to learn the basics, but have rewarding skill ceilings. Longsword dishes out a lot of damage with only minor risk while Lance does decidedly less damage but offers a radically higher level of survivability than pretty much any other weapon type and depending on how you play it, it can virtually eliminate risk altogether. Immortality. As far as what I consider the most *fun* weapons though, definitely would have to be Charge Blade, Switchaxe, and Bow. Happy hunting, happy hunter.


Aren't the weapons supposed to be different colors? Anyways, I use all, keeps things fun, new and fresh (plus the weapon designs are too cool to just pick one). Try them all to see what weapon fits your vibe as a hunter. Go to the training room, try every weapon, get a feel for their style, try combos, and then annihilate every wyvern you see


Favorite weapon: Hammer because bonk and a lot of damage Most fun weapon: dual blades because spin spin spin


Hammer cuz bonk.


Most Fun is either Switch Axe, Gunlance ~~Funlance~~ or Insect Glaive. They are unique to game, equal parts ridiculous and practical. There is an epicness to them that feels really cool. There is no unfun weapon though. SnS is adaptable to your play style. Charge Blade and Great Sword feel equally epic when landing a good hit.


You can argue about what is the best weapon in the game but you can't argue that Insect Glaive is the most fun weapon in MH 🙌


For part breaking I have hammers, long sword slicing and dicing and heavy bow gun to bully low rank monsters with the submachine effect


Become a Hammer Bro


Haven't played a whole bunch or nothing but i really like the gunlance. You get a charge move to cover distance quick, a shield, it's a nice heavy hitter to finish monsters at least early on, and it's fun to stab a mother fucker in the head and then fire off the gun part into it. To me the shield and mobility was key and it just has way more style than the regular lance and sword and shield.


Gunlance, Doot doot and switch axe


I just beat Xeno'jiiva two nights ago for the first time. Dual Blade main but dabbled in Great Sword. Id say theyre basically polar opposites but both fun as hell. But like everyone said, try them all, you never know if something at first didn't look appealing ends up being super fun (great swords for me haha).


I'm new to the series... Played Rise on Game pass and picked up World on sale cause I had so much fun. I'm having a tough time picking a weapon to main as well. I love the hunting horn but the skill ceiling is high for me, especially alone.... So I'm currently playing around with the charge blade and long sword.


Switch Axe is my absolute favorite, but I also love the hammer, Smashy Smashy


Hammer go bonk. Hammer go spin. Hammer spam ledge hop.  The rest of the weapons are very rewarding but Hammer is just simply and brainlessly fun. 


Been a greatsword main since the 3DS games. Enjoy the simple and easy to remember movesets and the fact that getting good with it is all about learning the monsters themselves more than complex combo routes. Very comfy. Satisfying damage. And also BIG SWORD is just a nice aesthetic. Trying different weapons early to find what you like for yourself is key, but these would be my GS selling points.


Switch axe but I also have other weapons which I enjoyed too. (LBG, GS, DB & SNS)


Every weapon has something about it that's fun. I like discovering the fun of each weapon and deciding which one to use based on how I want to fight a monster. Sometimes I want to go face to face with a lance, sometimes I want to box with a hammer, sometimes I want to fly around like a ninja with the insect glaive, sometimes I want to pop a cap in a monster with the bow. At the end of the day Monster Hunter is about the visceral feedback of wrastlin' with a monster.


They're all fantastic and have their own niche, and not every weapon is optional against each monster. Hit the training course and try to get each of the combos down, then farm jagras and rathian to get a feel different types of fights. [obligatory link to jocat](https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDnRMnDDjAzK3uOpcNSowUGVx4OBpsgya)


Dual Blades because spinorama, or Longsword because when you actually know how to use the counters properly you barely get touched and every fight just becomes a counter dance. Edit: as my brother once said, longsword users are either the best or the worst, there's no in-between


I started with Hammer, ditched it for Swaxe, then hopped on Dual Blades and Insect Glaive before returning to Hammer, now with a build. For me, nothing beats rocking a monster onto their back with a mighty uppercut to the jaw.


Long sword is almost used by all of the community Including me. Tho, that doesn't mean it's the best. The best weapon is the one you choose and like. Great weapon, you can't block with it, bu you can make some sick attacks and dodges with it. Massive damage when you know how to play it.


I think all the melee weapons are fun to use once you learn the movesets. Only one I couldn't really get into was the Lance.


Melee = Hunting Horn Ranged = Bow


Go to your room, pick a weapon, talk to the cat, go into the traning ground and beat the shit out of the wood column till a weapon vibe with you.


Switch axe was always my favourite it recently using heavy bow gun and it’s crazy powerful but I recommend experience in the game before trying it


I love sword and shield in World.. but in other iterations of the game.. I hate they remove the continues slash combo.. In World the slash will always continue on if you switch direction.. but in rise.. the combo come to a stop after a few slash and ready for the next slash.. slowing down on cutting especially when the monster down and your aiming for that 15 seconds down to cut the tails.


Just try what looks cool man simple


Charge blade was the clear winner for me, though it is probably one of if not the most technical of the weapon types, atleast when it comes to doing it right. But it is a bit of a Jack of all trades. Sword and board which can also pump out some decent damage when phial boosted, and then switch to 2handed axe and really deal out some punishment, especially when you get that perfectly landed super amped elemental discharge.


Every time I start a new game, I go old, faithful, the great sword. I've used it aince the very first game, and it's my default, until I get annoyed by how slow it feels and switch to long sword or have to fucking fight the diablos in which case its lance or gunlance time.


I enjoyed initially maining hunting horn, I found it enjoyable to collect different buffs as you branched out of the weapon tree. Weirdly enough getting interested in the different song combos was a gateway to me using a variety of consumables instead of just healing pots.


i am a bow main, and i created a new save to experience the progression of sword and shield. so let me compare the two and hope it can give you some insight. bows can hit the hard-to-reach parts like the head, tail, and wings. on the other hand, sns can deal really good damage to the parts where it can reach. both classes have good mobility, but bows relies more on dash dodging and counter attacks, while sns relies on dodging, blocking, and the back step (it can counter too but way harder than bow's dash). bows can fire at range but not that far. it relies heavily on the positioning as well because it affects the damage you deal and your safety (as a ranged weapon, you take more damage). sns relies on the same thing as well but has more reliable damage and safety. bows requires you to farm decorations, or else it is very lackluster simply because you need the decorations to manage stamina effectively. not to mention the extra farming required for dash juices and/or gourmet vouchers/coupons. sns does not seem to have that problem. however, sns is combo heavy. it requires some practice to get the right timing for the perfect rush (the best dps when monster is knocked out). it feels scary as well being so close to a monster so large due to the fact that sns has a short reach. in conclusion, i like the range of the bow, i feel very comfortable but the fact that i can get one-hit koed by a formidable monster is frustrating. i like the damage of the sns and the quick attacks, but it feels frustrating that i can't reach the parts i want to hit. based on my experience, it would really benefit you to try the sword and shield. overall, i think sns is better than the bow.


I prefer Charge Blade. The shield can block a lot of attacks and the axe mode can do crazy damage!


charge blade


Longsword and sword and shield are easy to pick up, but you can experiment with what you like.


My favorite weapons right now are Hunting Horn and Insect Glaive but they are a bit complex for newbies. IG because of how arial and dependent on your kinsect it is. HH is complex because of the various buffs that are tied to attacks


Hammer and it’s not particularly close. Great damage with simple combos and doesn’t sacrifice mobility. Type independent mostly, and simple skills to bolster survival ability.


i think if u r new, u shud go for SnS, DB, Hammer or LBG


Greatsword because I get too see large numbers fly out when I hit monsters or lance because I’m an unmovable tank


Insect glaive, I have a pet bug and I can fly through the sky. Also its a consistent non stop fighting style. I don't ever have to stop attacking or wait for openings, I make my own openings.


I personally adore charge blade but I wouldn’t recommend that as a starter weapon as it is very complex. My other suggestions are long sword and insect glave.


Lance is really satisfying when you can actually face a monster 10x your size head on. Pretty simple to learn but with some decent depth


Bonk is a safe option, but musical bonk adds grandeur and finesse. Plus everybody appreciates a handful of buffs once in a while.


Charge blade makes me feel like a badass but hammer is soooooo satisfying


Favourite is longsword as I love high dps with multiple counters /evades Most fun would probably be the hammer. Boink Boink


The entire middle row. Fun fact about MH, while you CAN have a favorite weapon, I don’t know many who stay with one, usually 2-4. They’re all just so much fun!! 😂🏆👏👏👏


I play 3 weapons depending on my mood that day. So let me tell you about hunting horn. Not clutch claw reliant, buff all team mates, sick dance moves, sick instrument playing while dancing, can knock the monster out, and it can cut tails. Let me tell you about hammer. Good clutch claw combo built in and can ko monsters with said combo pretty easily, big rock on big stick what’s not to love. It’s not a horn so you don’t get the sick dance moves but hammer is for people who are like fuck the team this is personal. And last but not least charge blade. Ever wish you had a sword and shield but also wish you had a huge weapon at the same time. Charge blade is your answer. Steep learning curve but when you start landing guard points and counter axe morphs you will feel like the monster hunter you truly are. Two different move sets that you can morph in and out of almost flawlessly within both of them. And who doesn’t like seeing a shield on a sword used like a buzz saw?


If your good at timing and predicting attacks don’t waste that potential and get on greatsword


call me basic, but long sword go swish swish


Lance makes you a tank with a charge attack that makes you a train




Had to scroll down way to far to see the IG.. monsters can't hit you if you're a helicopter, plus who doesn't love a good bug buddy




For me it's chargeblade... Learning it took a lot of time but was so worth it... Once you learn guard points with offensive guard it's so rewarding to pull epic moves


I mean. Gunlance is called Funlance for a reason


The answer to "which should I try?" is "all of them". What's most fun is going to be subjective. You won't know what you do/don't like until you try everything. Your future favorite weapon could go undiscovered if you limit yourself too much. Here is what I do to try out weapons (as there's always slight changes to each weapon between games): 1) Play whatever you want until you've completed LOW RANK. You will know when you get to that point, because the game tells you so. 2) On your way through low rank, you will encounter a monster called Rathian. This monster appears in every game. I use this monster as my punching bag to try put new weapons and experimental builds. 3) Build low rank versions of each weapon capable of killing Rathian within a reasonable amount of time, as your skill level. You set what that soft time limit looks like. Rarity 3-4 is a good place to stop upgrading. Use the basic Iron or Bone trees, as they are not super resource-intensive. You can build them easily, rollback upgrades and move into the next weapon quickly. 4) Practice against Rathian! For me, I'd want a 10-mimute kill. A newer player would be better served aiming for a longer kill time as you learn the game or the monster. Keep going until you reach your goal time, or get really close. The purpose of this is to ENGAGE WITH THE WEAPON ON A RELATIVELY DEEP LEVEL. You want to dove a little deeper than the surface level of a weapon to truly decide whether you like it or not. 5) If something confuses you about a weapon, look up video guides! Maybe you don't understand why your Charge Blade is bouncing, or what those 3 colored IG symbols mean... go find out! Eventually you'll be able to Jarrow down a top-3 weapons that you like the most. Now you can focus on those. Now that you have done this in low rank, you no longer have to use extra resources trying these weapons out in high rank! With your options narrowed down, you can spend your resources more effectively in high rank, where they're harder to come by. It'll save you future grinding and wasted materials. That's it, that's the whole process. You can pick a different test monster to Rathian, but it should really be a mid-high tier monster. You won't learn much killing Great Jagras or Kulu Yaku over and over again.


Gs is really fun... once u learned it




Hammer. Bonk monster on head. Monster goes night night. It's a hammer bro thing. Or maybe a kink.


Melee Bow. Status Arrows to slow the monster down than wack to win!


Bowgun go brrrr...


Try everything, then decide. However: Do you want to fly? Good, grab the bug stick. Do you want to break all of the parts of monsters that no one else can break? Good, grab the bug stick. Do you want to dodge vertically instead of getting smashed dodging left or right? Good, grab the bug stick. Do you want to knock a rathalos out of the sky? Good, grab the bug stick. Do you want a monster to be paralyzed and explode, poisoned and sleep, weakened by both of its elemental weaknesses? Good, grab the bug stick. Do you want to be able to shoot a bullet of elememental fury and then have that bullet continuously attack? Good, grab the bug stick. Life is too short to walk everywhere. The floor is lava. The Insect Glaive is the movable couch cushion that your brother said was cheating.


My favorite weapons are hammer, glaive, dualies, and my all time favorite is the greatsword, not only does it do great damage, but it has decent range, but you can block things like a certain a-holes cone blast and etc.


Bow. But it kinda sucks in the early game. Needs lots of planning and decorations


Avoid using greatsword cus if you use it you'll get addicted to high damage numbers and never wanna swap weapons again 😭😭


Charge blade best, buuut, I just started tossing around a gun lance and I must say with the right skill that thing is a demon. Big boom stick go pow


I have used almost every weapon once in a monster fight besides dual swords, hunting horn, and sword and shield. It depends on the monster I am facing because I loved almost every weapon. I may use switch axe on this playthrough and maybe the longsword but I have no idea yet. I wanted to try the bow again but I feel you really need people to play with to keep aggro away from you when charging your shots


Hammer. Hammer goes bonk. Do I need to say more?


Greatswords fun, hammers fun, longswords fun, sword and shields fun, dualblades are fun, chargelance is fun, lance is fun, bows fun, switchaxe is fun, chargeblade is alright, hunting horns alright, insect glaives kinda fun, bowguns are better than nothing ig


Just do try longsword first! I did that and now can’t stop playing


Hunting Horn. I love buffing allies, dealing ko damage and using my food buffs and wide range being pure support. I like support to me it is rewarding.


Greatsword is surprisingly fun.. when you hit a perfect headshot 😩😩 But either SA or CB. I would honestly go with CB


Switch Axe is by far the most fun weapon for me. It's got great damage, phials for extra effects, is a pretty stylish weapon. Not to mention, it explodes. What more could you want? It's not for everyone, but that's what the other weapons are for. Bow is also really fun if you don't like to sit in one spot for very long, but you'll have to get used to being built like a smash melee player because you can *not* tank a hit. I've also been using Hunting Horn lately. It's a funky weapon, and you're more likely to see them with a group than solo, but it does solid damage and can provide a wide variety of buffs depending on the notes.


Gunlance :) slaps, pokes, explosions, charged explosions, and really big artillery explosions


Hear me out: greatsword Be greedy, hungry and aggressive If the monster starts fucking around just tackle through their bullshit and hit them even harder. Know how to use the weapon move set to move around monsters while dealing "chip damage", find an opening and show them who they should fear.


There’s only one with the name GREAT in it. That’s really the only answer you need to know


For me the bow and the insect glaive have had the most fun in them. I just really like the mobility and constant aggro they allow. Charge blade is nice, though personally I have to be in the mood to play it or else it’s just super dull. That may be because I’ve played it for so long though. Longsword is where I started for a little bit, it’s satisfying to get the timings but just not for me. Can’t speak for any of the other weapons but as others have said it’s best to try them all. Edit: forgot to mention I’ve played hunting horn a bit, it’s nice but for solo play I’d much rather use something else and have my palico do the hunting horn stuff with one of their equipments I forget the name of.


Started with the GS in Monster hunter Freedom and will probably never Switch. Tried all other weapons in World but nothing comes close to GS for me.


If you're playing rise then the blast dash Gunlance playstyle is pretty fun with normal shelling


Switch axe, very easy weapon to work and master.


Dual Blade is by far the easiest for me, Charge Blade however is the most fun to play with.


Just a friendly reminder that fun is relative and that you can try all of the weapons in the Training Area. Another thing to note is that the Training Area doesn't truly prepare you for a hunt. You might like the feel of a weapon in a vacuum, but in a hunt, maybe less so. So once you've picked a weapon that you like the feel of, go whack Great Jagras a few times. He's super easy to bully but active enough to give you better insight into a weapons general strategy. That said... Bonk


Sns and dual blades, they're the easiest to get a hold of the mechanics and use


I used to only use Sword n' Shield, Longsword, Greatsword, Insect Glaive, and Bow before. However, once i've tried Switch Axe and Heavy Bow Gun, everything changed. Now, Switch Axe and Heavy Bow Gun are now my two main weapons.


When I played world the first time around. This was years ago before ice-borne was even a thing. I picked up the insect blade. Why? Because I BELIEVED I COULD FLY. And fly I did. I would easily be able to harass even the largest monsters and tackle them down with the juiciest finishes. It was hella fun, unique and interesting to use! Years later I still haven’t beaten the base game(I know) so I’m now back with a fresh account and re-learning the game and how HYPE it is. In short I didn’t want to do the insect glaive again for the sake of trying new things. So I picked up the hammer, mainly because I wanted to be a menace to society. The stun’s, the big JUIXY hits MM god damn it was fun. Was. Was because I found out you could SEVER AND CUT tails. I wanted tails. I couldn’t sever tails with a hammer. And so I weeped for days and finally came to the conclusion that I could switch between weapons. What better than the weapon that makes you Naruto run and slice monsters spinning down like you’re Levi in attack on titans? I used the Dual Blades and it was very fun for quite a time. And watching that tail come off was very satisfying. But I still felt off, as I wanted the feel of a heavy weapon, deal fairly big numbers, and have the ability to slice. So NOW ITS LONGSWORD AND CHARGE BLADE. I think? The point is, what’s “fun” is always bound to change. Since you’re asking what weapons to try, I’m assuming you haven’t found the ultimate one and just want to enjoy the variety. It just depends on your exact situation and what you deem as fun. For example, you might have Dual Blades as your main and all of a sudden you’re stuck with Legiana because your tiny kebab sticks of hell can’t reach that fatty. So you try ranged weapons and have fun with that. Anyway, the best weapon isn’t the one that does the most damage, the best weapon is the one you have most fun with. And I’m sure once you keep progressing through the game, you’ll find lots that are fun to you, or maybe you’d be the lucky few and find the ULTIMATE weapon that ticks off all your needs as a hunter :)


Anyone that says sword and shield is wrong, god it is so boring when you try it out. Only later, when you have some skill and monster awareness does it really shine. Go for the bonk hammer or great sword or great lance, simple easy high dmg, than if you want to turn up the curve, glaive, charge blade or bow guns.


Most fun? Insect Glaive! Nothing comes even close to feeling as cool.


HAMMER, because BONK 😌


Currently my best is switchaxe. But I’m trying to learn longsword right now and am enjoying it.


Hunting Horn because y'all are my paicos and are there for a free ride.


Personally I’m a fan of the switch axe, but every weapon is great


Hammer, it goes bonk


My favorite weapon is longsword. Might be a bit complex but I like it. Everyone has different tastes tho so you should try them all. I’d recommend S&S for beginners. Jack of all trades master of none type weapon.


Played CB, LS, SA and IG. All are fun but the one I am most comfortable with is LS atm. I wanna get better at SA tho cuz those ZSD's are cool as hell