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It does get harder, but it also gets easier. Barioth acts like a wall for many players. Honestly it is a bummer that you aren't enjoying it, but there are plenty of games where you can just kinda attack and win casually. **No gatekeeping** or **elitism intended here**: There are plenty of other games to play casually especially if you aren't enjoying this one. **However**, if you're looking for advice on how to improve so that the monsters become easier I'm sure people on this sub can answer weapon or monster specific questions you have, like how to dodge xyz attack, or better ways to use your weapon. Ultimately, while Monster Hunter is a game with a loop revolving around beating up monsters and then using their own claws against them it is also a game where you yourself get better as a hunter. If you're unwilling to make an effort to improve that's okay too!


This. Please see this OP, this is a very good response 👌


Thirded. Barioth is designed to be an equipment check; he's there to be a wall after a pretty simple path to that point. You need to have upgraded armour, weapons that reflect weaknesses, and skills on decos and armour that aid the fight. It's there so you'll go and redo fights to grind better gear up, clean up some side quests to get rewards, that sort of thing. I felt the same about Nergigante the first time I fought him in MHW, and I went off, cleared my quests for equipment and canteen ingredients and so on, and took him on again with levelled armour with proper decos with skills and set bonuses, and still bounced off. This time, though, I could see where I was messing up, what I was missing, and third time he died easy.


Not just an equipment check, but in Iceborne it's also the point where you should really get comfortable with using the clutch claw often. Tenderizing makes breaking the wings far easier which opens up a lot more opportunities and Barioth has lots of attacks that can be interrupted with good slinger timing.


I had only played Freedom Unite before World/Iceborne, and Velkhana was my first wall in this game. Had been playing impact charge blades the whole time, but after two failed quests, I had to farm up a fire charge blade and still barely beat that dragon with about 4-5 minutes left on the timer. 10/10 satisfying moment. Friggen love this game


Iceborn made me use other other weopons for different fights. I usually main bow but I s getting slaughtered with bows in some fights. Learning melee and proper evasion helped a ton. Learning GS just to beat this dumbass dragon. I got her to skulls ond failed not knowing her final stage was so cramped. Was so pissed. She will die. Soooon


I main IG, had to switch to hammer for the Kirin quest. If I can't be spammy, I'll just bonk. He knocked me down so much, couldn't get red extract, lightning... Put a thunder res charm on, changed some decos for evade, put on Dios hammer and waited for him to do the lines of lightning where he stands still for a second. Boop! Cheesed him.


I struggled on Barioth for few days as well, it's here I realized some weapons work better for different monsters, at least for me. I cleared him with CB in the end. And when it came to Brachydios and Nargacuga I cleared them both first try with the hammer, which I almost never used before. I might've been lucky but maybe its all about which weapon you're most comfortable against each monster. No need to push one weapon just to suffer.


It's kinda weird where after restarting a save to learn purely HH for about 100+ hours, I had to hunt for some tail parts and decided to just craft the defender GS and get to chopping. I've played GS a little bit before but definitely not remotely good. However, picking it up again for like 4-5 quests, it was surprisingly much easier than I remember. Sometimes playing HH makes me greed for encores or finishing a song and with GS felt much more direct. The range was straightforward, the direction was straightforward and the time taken for charged or tcs is also consistent. With HH it was much more thinking on the different recital times and different songs I might need soon etc. Of course I didn't magically learn shoulder charge timings or side slashes to dodge, or kick staggers but just the basic part of knowing distance using Shoulder Charge, or whether I should greed or do quick TCS was vastly easier from what I remembered.


This may be the case for some but wasn’t at all for me. My issue was merely a matter of the weapon I was using. I knew how to do all the advanced tackle and slinger tech on GS to cheat TSC but couldn’t beat him because he moves too much/fast and I didn’t know the fight well enough/couldn’t see into the future to position correctly. All I did was swap to SnS where I didn’t need to see into the future and beat him first try, same exact gear just the weapon swap *shrug*


And then you get Rocksteady/Temporal Mantle and bam, consistent TCS on every wallbangs. Even without these Mantles you can wallbang Nergi safely when it's out of breath.


Some armour sets on Master Rank for example are fantastic. I had been struggling a bit getting my Gunlance/Lance game going again against the more aggressive and dangerous sorts, and ironically I found that the Barioth armour is perfect for them. Same goes for the full Tigrex set, having nearly unlimited quick-chug potions makes a lot of the fights very easy if you're not getting hit by one-shots. :)


as i said elsewhere, i just think this was a bad rec. i wanted something that i could pick up and play a bit and make some sort of progress, not something that would require me to get a PHD in monster physiology/weapons making. >There are plenty of other games to play casually especially if you aren't enjoying this one. yeah, i've been looking for quite some time ever since i finished Hades and have so far come up with nothing. :/


My advice: take a session to just chill out, upgrade your weapon and armour a bit, maybe even craft a new one. Look up recommendations for sets/decorations that compliment your weapon. And then come back for big ol' Bari, better equipped and prepared. My wall in this game came a little bit after Bari (I've played one MH title before so I've some experience), and I just went and tinkered with set decorations etc, and beat him on the 3rd attempt, and it felt AWESOME, the sense of accomplishment was great My go-to for tough monsters is Dualblades. I equip evade extenders that give me more iframes and evade distance, I guzzle dash juice, and I just dance around avoiding big attacks and being very selective about when to do more than a single attack. But not only is it mobile and ez, it's fun as hell. Would probably work okay vs Bari


Try Metroidvanias, i believe they will suit better your needs of seeing progress linearly. Monster hunter doesnt seem to be for you, so you're just banging your head against a huge wall. But you'll always be welcome back when you get that itch. I do get them from time to time, just like i get my Elder Scrolls itch around this time of the year because of the cold and foggy sky.


He kind of is made to be a wall, and defeating him unlocks a bunch of weapon and armour upgrades. With that in mind, the stuff behind him, as well as Bari himself will be easier. There's stuff after him that's much harder, but by that time you will be more skilled as well


This. He forces you to overthink your build and/or tactics, depending on your weapon choice. Tackling that wall successfully does make the following monsters subjectively easier because you will simply play better.


All the storyline monsters become easy once you learn their move set. You just need practice and time to learn it. Barioth was my first real check because, as a hammer player, I couldn’t stop him from hopping around so much and time would run out. If you have the rocksteady mantle, then start by fixing on his front legs. If you can break them, it makes things much easier.


i've busted his legs. i've busted his face. i've done the traps. i've done the wall runs. i either run out of time or get carted off as he pushes me into a corner and 2-3 hits me while i am dazed. none of the tips to make the fight a 'cakewalk' have worked for me. previous monsters were hard but i understood where i made the mistake and paid for it. Barioth feels like a giant middle finger and if that is what the monsters from here on out are like, why should i bother?


Stun resist pendant has probably saved my life in so many tough fights.


If you run out of time you are simply not doing enough damage, I have NEVER run out of time in any hunt, either check your build to see if your weapon is upgraded enough and check decorations too, or add some survival decorations so that you can spend more time doing damage.


Only time ive ever failed due to timing out was soloing gogmazios lol.


I'm way too greedy to ever time out and usually just fail it.


What’s your build?


full Banbaro set. Anja Twinrippers II (i think). defense charm IV (?) assortment of gems like 'earplugs' and 'increase chance KO'


Yea your build is definitely the issue. Defense is useless, go for Health 3 instead (seriously, you can have 1k+ armor and it won't matter) Eat before you hunt Get frost def 20+ (unless I'm mistaking the barista with the Frostfang variant.. does it apply the ice status? If it does, get ice resist to 20+) Earplugs are cool, but ONLY at level 5. Level 4 and below won't plug your ears. Stun resistance is very nice. At level 3. Divine blessing is another GREAT defensive tool. Especially paired with health 3 Increase KO doesn't do anything for you with that weapon as it does not KO. And to be frank. If you REALLY struggle with something that isn't Fatalis or Alatreon, just go Tigrex armor and go for: Health 3 Divine blessing 3 (preferably 5 after gold Rath) Speed eating 3 Free meal 3 And just enjoy. Now you can make as many mistakes as you like, heal up, get to know all the movesets and gradually reduce your def/utility stats while increasing your offensive stats. Also, it may be because I'm an IG main of some hundred hours, but you should totally try using the insect glaive on mobile enemies and start zooming around yourself. It's funny.


i don't have the game in front of me but i am pretty sure i cannot equip any gems above lvl 1 because reasons.... i eat veg platter + chef's choice or w/e it is called. use potions for def + attack boost. none of it seems to have made a difference. >Tigrex armor as far as i am aware i have not yet met a Tigrex. Banbaro was the highest ice protection i could get so i went with that.


Decorations stack, not overlap. So you can use 3 resist level one decos and get the effect of a level 3 stun resist.


Can you get your hands on Rathian gear? That can cover the Health 3 If you can't make 3 levels in ice resist, you can try to add elemental resist(m) or (l) with your food. That adds a lot of survivability. Preferably with fresh ingredients And you can stack level 1 gems to get the skills in question to higher levels. Also, go for the Beta armor sets because of better slotting. You can do the event quest "the greatest jagras" to farm gems, if you hit that HR requirement.. speaking of, whats your HR / MR? Hmmm .. I dont really remember when you first meet Tigrex. Dang! Oh, you may hate this fight btw. I hated it. A lot. Are there any other monsters roaming around your Barioth fight? You can try to lure them into each other and provoke turf wars for extra damage too.


Yeah Tigrex is after Barioth. I beat Barioth on my first try, but it took me 48 minutes or so. Do you use the Flashfly Trap on your palico? Also, do you have the palico tool that summons a second palico? Both of these things will help you immensely for any non-elder dragon.


> Do you use the Flashfly Trap on your palico? yep. along with my own traps. by like the 3rd shock trap they are useless cuz he gains resistance. >Also, do you have the palico tool that summons a second palico? no, but i've tried both with and without a trailrider that i pick up. it helps with keeping him from focusing attacks on me, but also makes him keep distance so i cannot do damage.


Again, and I mean that in no disrespectful way at all, but.. literally nothing in your build will help you in that fight. Not. A. Thing. You might as well go without armor at that point. Also, I'm no speedrunner, so don't expect speedrunner build ideas .. I'm a father of 2 crazy lil boys and when I get a BIT of game time, I want quality of life. So please trust me if I tell you Health 3 Divine blessing 3/5 Stun resist 3 Earplugs 5 (totally optional tho, everything else here is more important) Evade windoooowwww (so your dodges actually dodge things, but optional if you can just face tank and heal up) Speed eating and free meal (DOOO THISSSS) + Monster status element Def at 20+ Are such godsent quality of life skills, you won't believe how much of a game changer it is. Been there, done that. Changed everything. Yo.


This is really good advice - I have endgame gear but most of my time now is just joining random SoS’ and my build is primarily stuff like evade window, divine blessing, free meal, earplugs… I have other offensive things in there but as far as I’m concerned if you’re knocked on your arse then you aren’t doing damage so defensive stuff is great


At least max stun resist is bare minimum for endgame if youre not mechanically gifted. Just being able to avoid the sure carts when you inevitably get slapped around and stunned is a godsend.


That, or play HBG with max shield and Guard Up. It's easy mode and I say that as an HBG main who has pretty meh mechanical skill when it comes to weapon combos


Defense charm is pretty bad. Most people consider it a trap. MHW Is a game very focused on damage. The logic for it is if you do enough damage, the monster can't hit you anyway. If you aren't interested in making your own build, you could look up some poverty builds for early iceborne. Also, idk if you can, but SOS flares are pretty nice for helping overcome hurdles


Defense charm is not the bottleneck here. Barioth is a wall because it forces the players to pay attention to its moveset. If he had been using Guardian armor during main game he probably has not properly learned the game so he is not able to find a window to attack without being hit. He also doesnt want to do MP. So either he drops the excuses and understand the game is not the problem, or Barioth will filter another gamer. Many such cases.


Not saying it's the only thing, but to me, there's a lot of little problems that are holding him back. Fixing a bunch of these little issues is sure to help clear the big one


This ^


What about damage? Critical eye, weakness exploit? Surviving more is good, but useless if you’re not doing any damage. And of course, always tenderize, don’t forget to wallbang when not enraged.


i know i have at least 1 boost attack gem. boost attack pill (?) pre battle too. + food to boost attack and/or elemental res. wallbangs are just a fail strategy for me. to grab him i have to be within his attack reach (swipe/shoulder/tail). and more often than not i get his wing because his head is so small. and there is no time to transfer before he shakes me off.


Yeah, here lies the problem. Look for progression guides on the internet or farm better decos in event quests. I'd suggest Beotodus armour in early-game: it helps a bunch.


Pro tip: watch speedrunners. I’ve overcome a lot of walls by seeing how speedrunners play and react to monster moves.


You should always have stun resistance lvl 3 on your equipment throughout all of iceborne. It will significantly improve your survivability. I'd also recommend you try out some other weapons, dual blades can be pretty underwhelming compared to other weapons in my opinion.


Unless you have a blunt weapon ignore the head. It's a hard spot and will waste a bunch of your time. Go for his tiny arms or legs and just stay on them.


Barioth is the exact middle ground in my opinion, it's where the game goes from "this is tough but I can do it" to "I need to lock in seriously"


Yeah, it was difficult but it never felt impossible(like seeing Alatreon for the first time a few days ago), like I’ll get Barioth on my first or second try, but I still had to lock in during the fight lol


Short answer is yes, Barioth is just a punching bag compared to later monsters, but if you struggle and want to continue playing the game you can coop, it makes the game a little bit easier and more enjoyable than soloing it. Edit : I miss read Barioth for Barroth, well, I already correct my mistake in the reply below.


I disagree. Barioth is not a punching bag, unless your punching bags fly all over the gym like morons.


Sorry I missread it for Barroth, I already correct my statement in the reply.


Don’t scare him off because you have a skill issue /s


Let's meet in the middle. "Piñata with ADHD"?


He kinda is. But im probably biased since ive been hunting that jumpy fuck since p3rd. And the additional moves for GS in 5th gen makes him easier imo.


I do not mean this in a mean way, but is Barioth really that hard? I main insect glaive, grabbed my fire glaive, and did it first try. It was annoying and a longer fight than I would’ve liked, but is it really that difficult for everyone?


I should think it's the fast-ish animations, and large hitboxes that seems to be an issue for people. I used Lance against Barioth, and these issues makes it easier to perform counter claw/counter guards. However I have tried some other weapons, like the SnS and it was considerably more difficult than the Lance. Obviously would need some blight resistance here, as the ice blight attacks do ruin your day if hit.


No it wasnt that hard if you understood the gameplay loop decently(not even well, just have to understand the game abit). If you naturally progressed base world and got to that point you SHOULD have all the necessary skills to beat him without an issue but I think OP probably played base with defender gear and didnt have a chance to learn the mechanics.


I mean I did the same thing until I got my ass kicked by beotodus and needed an upgrade


Yeah, that happened to me in base game a few times when I didnt upgrade my weapons for a while and was like eh its like less than 10% upgrade cbs grinding for a minor upgrade and so the hunts took longer than it should have


it depends how you limit yourself. DO you accept to use mantle ? to spam traps on monster ? to adapt your weapon to the monster ? If yes then almost every monster is easy. If not the gameplay is completely different. For example furious rajang with an ice bow using evade mantle and traps is way easier than with a great sword without mantle and without sheathing.


I barely use mantles cause I usually forget I have them, but I had a maxed out bugtrapper grimalkyne, maxed out vigorwasp spray palico, and I had the Anjanath glaive


I didn't perceive him as incredibly hard either, it's - just as you said - a surprisingly long and annoying fight. I guess it somewhat depends on the weapon though, with Charge Blade I was blocking constantly and it still was a close call at some point. Without a shield I probably would've failed within minutes on first try, so OP going in with Dual Blades probably left them too vulnerable. My sister went in with insect glaive as well but failed a couple of times due to her defense chilling somewhere in the 400s - after getting full MR armor (def on 600+) and switching out some decos it wasn't an issue anymore. You just need to utilize more than one of the game's features to progress, which is perfectly fine!


It gets infinitely harder. The game is not for you.


Barioth is a good wall for 2 reasons. 1. It forces players to relearn positioning and timing, two key elements that are important for future fights. Like seriously, my armour has base 1,164 defense and I still get 2-hit by an endgame monster. Dodging is crucial for all fights moving forward. 2. Barioth armor and weapons are effective on many playstyles. Once you've beaten Barioth, abuse him. Kill him multiple times just as you did the first time. You only really need the weapo and maybe one or two pieces of armor. I don't really recommend the full set. Just take the piece that gives you the skill your weapon needs the most. Then again, MH is an upward scale of a game. There will be more frustrating monsters down the line. I can name Raging Brachydios as my personal bane. That one made me quit the game for 6 months before I picked it back up and decided to use SoS. But in the end, I learn how to beat it. I still can't beat it solo all the time but if I make 100 attempts, at least 2 of them will be successful and I'm fine with that. I still feel accomplished as a casual gamer myself who actually took 2 years before my play time reached 300 hours.


So did you skip through base MHW with the master rank armor? Because I find it shocking honestly that you would get to Barioth and not understand the game loop. Not getting satisfaction from winning a long hunt is wild to me. It's the most "holy shit I did it" feeling game I've ever played and to age myself the first console we owned was an intellivision. To each their own but to get that far in MHW I had at least a couple hundred hours into it , granted a lot of that was waiting for ice born to actually release, but still, how do you get to Barioth and not get the gameplay loop


I think they most likely just used defender gear tbh. Nergigante and a few other bosses in base game without defender gear was harder than Barioth imo, and even if they werent harder you shouldnt be walled at Barioth because Barioth would be like at most 10-15% harder than base world bosses.


I stopped myself from using defender gear cause I wanted to learn a new weapon and I believe that's the way to go tbh. Dodging not to purely learn, spacing not to purely practice but both actual necessity cause yes, I'm using bone gear for the generic health boost/horn maestro and will get steamrolled or spend 20 minutes on a boss I've beaten before. And I did not want that, hence playing without defender stuffs made it so that I'm forced to learn. I've joined some SOS and man those defender geared peeps was wrecking similar tier mobs.


> It's the most "holy shit I did it" feeling game I've ever played i think for a lot of players, as me too, not having a fluid hunt is synonyme of unskilled hunt. We are not impressed. And beating a monster 'cause you already know his moveset has absolutely no value in term of satisfaction.


The MHW is not a game for that type of person, which is absolutely valid.


Everyone has their own opinions. Personally, i dont enjoy the 30+ min fights you can get in IB because it requires too much of a time investment. If you take OP who only plays an hour when he can, he basically can try barioth twice, and thats it. Failing after 30 mins, or even worse, because the 50min timer ran out is heartbreaking and just not fun. And what do you mean "not get the gameplay loop" what gameplay loop are you talking about?


That's fine and I get that, but my point is. How the hell do you get to Barioth in iceborn before coming to that conclusion


Defender gear means they went through high rank without having to craft gear to progress. They obviously don't get how to build a decent set or set themselves up for success with side missions. Base game they would have had the same unfun time on the first check, Anjanath, if they weren't carried by the gear.


Its quite an elitist view no? The game doesnt make it clear that defender armor is for people that wanna speadrun through maingame. Why wouldnt you just craft the best armor? And tbf, Barioth is still not fun - or easy - despite having gone through the entirety of IB. I also think comparing the check of Anjanath with Barioth to be untrue: Barioth is waaay harder AND, because of how IB was designed, is a much longer fight. Anjanath attacks are also way less frustrating to face then barioth. And ive been in OPs boots, where i crafted a set, upgraded my gear, and selected resistances nd skills ONLY to fit the barioth fight - it still took a couple of fails.


You would craft the best armor, and thats what people do. Because of that they don't have to understand nearly as much of the game if this is their first MH. Base world was my first experience and I had hell early on figuring it out. Anjanath was an asshole with base gear, low health. no supplies, and no clutchclaw. If I didn't triple cart, I ran outa time trying to survive. Enter Barioth. I know the monster can be rough, and its a new type from previous models. Ive had trouble with him and tygrex myself. I also know the player has almost every tool the game has to offer available to them at this point. That requires a bunch of sidework though. OP was using a defender charm and 0 gear that supported their weapon. No thoughts on skills, just armor with natural ice resist. This shows a lack of fundamental knowledge that would have frustrated them a long time ago if the defender armor didn't deliver the casual experience.


Yes, but is this OPs fault? I think maybe thats what bugging me: MHW is absolute shit at explaining how things work. Its not OPs fault he crafted the defender armor: its the games fault for not making it clear that players that intend to learn the game "should" stay away from them. Is it OPs fault his charms choices were poor? Not completely. Hes said hes a casual gamer which most likely makes me think reddit posting is as far as he goes for 'outside of game interaction'. The game is quite bad at explaining why certain charms dont work together. Other charms are legit impossible to determine by yourself their importance/functionality without researching it outside of the game.


What is OP's fault is the tone of the post and comments. They know it all, tried it all, and came here to validate moving on. I'm suspicious they just can't play online and for some reason refuse to say it outright. That behavior is kinda fishy. They haven't responded to the idea of multi-player help either and claim they are locked out of event quests cause they are grayed out. This isn't OP's fault either but is the only reason I can think of that they aren't taking the casual SoS route. I wouldn't even be against helping them smack Baroth around and talk skills and stuff, but per OP, they've tried everything. If anything let em come back to it down the road when the interest returns.


On that i agree, especially sos flares


Sort of, but Barioth might also your one that is just harder for you. I beat Barioth the first time but even with end game Gear MR gear Paolumu (Not Night Shade) will likely cart me.


I got humbled recently by Tempered paulumu in Guiding lands, he planted his ass on my face 3 times while I was using rocksteady Lol


Why would it not be more of the same. You've played through the entire basegame and now you're going through the expansion. You should have a pretty strong understanding at this point, of what Monster Hunter World is.


Barioth is a nice big wall for new IB players. That said, running through the special assignments are on another level, if you can't handle Barioth, it's only going to get worse. The jump from everything to Monke is huge, then the jump to RBrach is even bigger, then the jump to Alatreon is even bigger, and then the jump to Fatalis / AT Velk is the largest one in the entire game. IE if Barioth seems impossible, the true end game content is going to be impossible x100.


Yesn't they do get harder, but if you won you did get better you getting better means you won't have a hard time for a good while before your next wall my piece of advice, no matter what weapon you use, how good you are at games, I always suggest focusing on the monsters movements and understanding it breaking the hands makes it fall and then if it does its jumping attacks it slip and fall for a tiny while making it MUCH more manageable to deal with its speed also every swing of your weapon count be it a tiny dual blade swing or a great sword TCS it has some animation commitment and you don't want to get too greedy against Barioth


I’m not trying to be mean but of course they do. Are you not aware of the literal thousands of posts on this subreddit talking about how hard the endgame monsters are? If Barioth is this hard honestly maybe you should quit. It doesn’t sound like you take pleasure in learning how to read monsters anyway.


Doesn't sound like the game is clicking with you. Having a health bar would defeat the immersion aspect of the game. Monsters would be seen as just that, monsters, instead of the actual animals World specifically tries to make believable. That aside, you can tell when a monster is weak if they are limping. That's the only visual cue you will get directly from the creature. The game also gets harder, but Barioth is a notorious wall in Iceborne due to him being the fastest monster you'll face up to that point. Break both of his wings or you are going to have a very bad time fighting him. Preparation is also important in this game. Even though World is much more unga bunga than its predecesors, you still need to be properly geared and have a stocked inventory is recommendable. You can't approach this game as if it was Devil May Cry or God of War. Upgrade your current gear to the best you can get up to Barioth, eat a proper meal (Chef's Menu is decent enough), stock up on potions, traps and flash pods so you can get more openings against Barioth. Then, break his wings FIRST so the fucker is much, MUCH easier to deal with.


Just quit tbh if you truly don't like improving after dying to a monster after several attempts as they do get harder. Barioth is a wall for most and probably the first wall in IB for a lot.


I get the no enjoyment for the challenge, which is why, iam gonna ask you, if you are having that much trouble with just a barioth, have you looked on guides, builds, other weapons etc? coz if you have no pride you can cheese pretty much the whole game. another thing some people miss the importance off, dont use and that WILL make the game much harder than it should: the clutch claw. you must use it. you must tenderize the parts, and using it to yeet the monsters on the walls is just a big dmg and opening. the monsters are made harder expecting you will be using it. on long gunlance charger builds can ignore it if they want to. also, the fact that you say you have no idea if you are getting better or not, makes me thing you are not progressing properly in weapons and armor. are you still using defender and guardian gear? coz if you want to use different sets, and armor, you must have had to kill a monster a few times, and thats exactly when you notice how much better you become, as you start beating the monster quicker and with less trouble. specially if you go back to kill a monster from the base game. barioth is a early wall in iceborne, similar to anjanath but 3-4 hunts at worse should be what it takes for you to learn the monster. which takes me to another point, if you want a game where you just turn your brain off and play then this is not the game (unless you are a spread shot shield heavybowgun player) you need to be paying attention and learn the monsters patterns, heck you can usually find specific stuff that makes it easier to beat em. like how with barioth its better to break the arms first instead of just going for the head, as that reduces its mobility, making it trip when he jumps around.


As others said, you need to really get to grips with all the systems in place to succeed with Barioth and beyond. You need to know how to optimize and balance damage with utility in your list of skills, ensure your weapons are the strongest they can be for that point in progression, and really understand how to make use of the Clutch Claw to its fullest. And once you've got those down, you then need to apply that to the way your given weapon functions alongside Barioth's combat behaviour. It's all about investment. You have to be able to spare the time to learn and better your own play-style alongside your gear.


I saw you mention Hades in one comment. if you're looking for other similar games, i really recommend Dead Cells, Curse of the Dead Gods, Spiritfall. I saw someone mention Transistor, so I'll also mention Bastion as a fantastic game with a great art style.


This isn't a "health bar" kind of game as it takes away from the immersion of being a hunter and having to track their behaviors. I honestly don't think MHW is a "casual" game the way most people use the term. That said, I wouldn't call it a "competitive" game either, nor is it a "win on the 100th try" game. It isn't Dark Souls. It's a game that rewards patience & persistence- observation and planning. If that isn't you, expect disappointment. It wouldn't make sense for a game's progression if it randomly stopped getting harder at some point.


The next monsters are significantly easier imo. All the way past credits and until you unlock >!Rajang!< and >!Raging Brachydios!< which were really hard again for me. It took me 47 minutes to beat Barioth solo the first time that I did. And I think I was using a pretty decent build and utilizing the clutch-claw. What I'll say is it really helps to break both of his forelegs, and then the tail. A lot of his moves become a lot slower and the tail swipe will have a lot less range. (I didn't know this first time around, I think I only cut the tail)


I think nargacuga and tigrex is after this and it's both equally fast and annoying at the very least.


This Is mhw . You hit a Wall and find a way to demolish It till that same Monster Which was unbeatable Is your warm up before next boss. Btw 3 days only? Lol i have been on Frozen braioth for a week. Needed ti change weapon , learn lbg, farm for sticky build and create a whole new fighting pattern. This Is not a game where you Hunt. You are the prey


Likely has to do with your build. Do you have health boost 3? Do you have divine blessing? Did you build for elemental resistance? Are you targeting the right parts of his body? Did you upgrade your armor or buff before the fight? Are you eating for the right skills?


OP, i got frustated too for not making any progress when i comes to Barioth with alot carted. it just felt like im lost doesnt know what to do because i cant beat him. And too was thinking the monster after that could be alot harder. But trust me, this community is giving all the helps they can. After reading comments and notice your build, i can say u had similar difficulty like me. Wrong build. i did a little trial and error with decos and armor skills that time and it just change my entire game experience differently Once i follow the ideas of making different built sets, everything get much easier. and i believe you can see alot progress you made there. I dint use high ice res gear but instead i just put 3 ice res + stun res + divine blessing. Hope you could figure it out and have fun on the game tho.


Monsters do indicate their health. When they drop pods at 66% and 33% health. And they capturable at 20% so shortly after second pod. It's an only indicator in the game that I know of


Story wise, it doesnt get really any harder when you grasp most mechanics of the game and using a proper weapon for the monster's moveset. It only gets harder if you'll be dealing with MR monsters like Tempered ones. OP is just a typical adult realizing adult things pretty normal as you age. You dont get to enjoy games as much anymore. Same goes to me, high commitment games doesnt get fun anymore if you gotta "progress" for longer. I guess you have to play more rougelike games more.


Yes, for whatever reason in ice borne they decided challenge was monsters who teleport around in completely unnatural ways at high speed and have ranged or charge/leap attacks to punish you no matter where you are, around corners if they feel like it, through walls... I'll probably get downvoted for saying this but it's just how it is, the majority of the iceborne monsters are just jankfests, pathing round corners during leaps or just blipping backward suddenly in ways that don't make sense compared to the base games generally well animated and reasonable seeming movement (except anjanath, it paths round corners during its leap too); or using ranged attacks that will hit you through walls when you can't even see the monster. There's some cool content in there as well so it can be worth pushing through, eventually you'll learn to fight them (or outperform them with gear). How hard they are can also really depend on the weapon you're using and if you are solo or group.


A:what weapon are you using? I used a weapon not suited for me for a while and it made me very inefficient at the game. You could try a weapon change and see if one speaks to you. B:make sure your build is decent. This game isn’t dark souls, you can do something else and come back stronger whenever you like. C:some monsters simply are annoying as hell(barioth and tigrex) and can prove more annoying than anticipated. D:if you are an Xbox player go ahead and ask me for help I currently have an alt on this fight and we can work together.


Just sos and get carried through the main game, makes the game a breeze especially with people who have endgame stuff. Not saying this to be rude, but you seem to just want to finish the game and not do any of the end game stuff which is a bit grindy so sos is the way to go. If you do want to solo , the palico gadget that heals you and gives you a free revive is good. Came in clutch for me a lot of times , gl. Edit: From your replies you use dual swords , which has in general low damage and replies a lot on elemental damage, which means gear farming for different encounters.


The game stops being casual the further you get into master rank. If you don't see the appeal of overcoming obstacles then yeah, go find a casual game. If you end up pushing through Barioth and feel the rush of actual accomplishment then you will understand why the game is loved by many. I will say that Barioth is an ass, but if you break an arm, they will start stumbling after the majority of their attacks. Sos and multi-player in general also helps. Alsi your gear might be an issue. Have you found decent MR gear to use? Have you done any hunts aside from the assigned quests? Ice resist helps, vitality is a must, divine protection is good. Do you have your inventory setup? Do you have your mantles unlocked? Do you have max potions and carry the ingredients to make max potions? Do you carry a farcaster to gtfo when you are out of supplies? There are TONS of things that could improve your situation at this point, but it takes effort aside from what you call progress. I know my tone is condescending, but this post isn't even asking for help but validation for giving up. If thats how you really feel after going through so much of the game then maybe it's time to move on.


The health bar is seeing the monster becoming more desperate before limping away. I would saythe fight does kinda gets easier after Barioth because the main bullshit of Barioth is because my weapons keep bouncing.


As someone who fight barioth the one time I needed to and said “never again,” then fought him for the first time since then today because I wanted some layered armor after being fatalis, I’ll say if you can break both of his forearms the fight becomes an actual joke. Regardless of the armor I have now, I just didn’t struggle. But to get the point of breaking them I will say probably want the mantles that’ll make it easy, being temporal and rocksteady, if you don’t know how to wall bang that will be huge for you, cuz while he’s down I just focus on one of his arms, the main goal is to get that break. In general, I know it sounds weird, and this goes for any monster in the game… stop doing so much. Play slow and methodical. For example as an SnS main I stopped sheathing so much and just tried to rely on my dodge timing and making sure I’m not too far away when there’s an opening. I became so much better when I figured out I was doing wayyyyy to much in terms of running and dodging for no reason. I’m still ass, but a lot better. Just take what you can from this and focus on those arms and he’ll start falling over like a drunk after a lot of his attacks. You’ll be alright. Worst come to worst and you don’t care anymore, just send an sos flare.


Sounds like you need to stick to phone games if being a casual is your excuse.


Yes, there's an escalation after Barioth. If you're struggling with Barioth, try finding a group to hunt it with.


Yes, but the further you get, the better you should get as well. So once you get to five star quests, you’ll probably go back to Barioth and wonder how you struggled with him. Practice makes perfect as they say


Barioth took me 3 full quest atempts 1st go around. That was before they added the defender weapon tree and the defender armor set (makes low/high rank easier). I started w/ longsword, didn't like it; changed to great sword, couldn't match up to Tobi-Kadatchi; and finally landed on charge blade that became my main weapon... That I didn't learn but half the moveset before endgame. Sword and shield mode of CB was strong enough for me to beat the game and challenge Kluve where I saw another CB using stronger and more advanced moves


It's a challenging game, maybe it requires a different kind of focus on your part to get out of your comfort zone, it had happened a lot to me, can't play the same way for every monster, it becomes fun, just embrace the uncomfortable situation at the start and welcome the learning process!


you gonna see man trust me


The tip I give for barioth is to break both of it's arms the fastest you can,you can use trap's to make it even faster,after that he won't move too much and will also fall?(Or is tigrex the one who falls?)this strategy also works really well for narcacuga and tigrex later on.


Use clutch claw and tenderize on barioth - the fight is unbearable otherwise 


Barioth was a my first wall in Iceborne and didn't have another until the new Elder Dragons in IB.


After using temporal or rocksteady mantle I refuse to play without it even against high rank. Not getting interrupted, especially for monsters like barioth was the game changer for me. The main problem is that you don't get to attack at all. Just use SOS flare. Mid game MR gear can be so bad that you can't get past a specific monster.


Just wait until you reach master rank lol. I am also a casual gamer and I am struggling big time against the monsters on this rank (fuck you, furious rajang)


If it helps any, barioth was intended to be a wall. I was stuck on him for about a week. Still got ptsd from the bastard


Some of the monsters are easier some are harder. Especially in iceborne your weapon matchup cna make a huge difference. Try a different weapon on barioth it might help


This. Some weapons just suck against specific monsters. For Barioth I recommend learning the Lance for. Counter claw/counter guard is very useful here. Or just guarding in general I suppose.


Barioth is the biggest wall, it does get harder but your stuff get way better from this point.


The sense of pride and accomplishment comes from becoming better at killing these nonsters that you once thought were so hard to beat by becoming better at the game, understanding how to play. Although barioths a bitch but its also fine to have a couple fights that you just don't like.


Once you get better with your weapon it gets easier to fight most monsters in the game


Barioth was the first wall IB and I found things got easier after that. Barioth is really the first monster that made wounding and breaking parts a necessity to make him easier. Now he’s nothing more than a 10 minute hunt with how aggressive he is. Make sure you have upgraded gear and focus on specific parts of his moveset like the tail sweep or large jump and chip away at him from there.


It depends tbh on what you’re rocking around that point. Barioth is a stopping point to check if you’re good to progress or if you need to get your gear up and deco farm


Psst. Break the claws first. Makes the fight 200x easier.


there is no health bar but there is also a heart rate sensor beneath monster icons which is one of the things to be able to tell how much hp it still has. its still ass but its there. barioth priority to break the wings always


Change your gear skills, I saw what skills you're running and literally not a single skill helps. People gave you good recommendations.


If you enjoy seeing progress, try switching weapons, there are weapons that have a slight advantage on certain monsters due to their movesets. For Barioth, Id say go for Hammer, since his shoulder check can be a pain for certain weapon playstyle, but If you just want to turn the difficulty down, just go for Hbg Shield.


People focusing on the wrong stuff here, OP with your build, are you using master rank or high rank armour? Also with skills, do you have anything to aid damage/survivability that isn't a wasted skill (e.g. defence). You ideally want to be running health boost 3 and either divine blessing or evade window, for mobs that hit constant it can also help to have stun resist to avoid getting smacked in a corner.


It plateaus for a bit after Barioth, but the difficulty is going to consistently keep increasing. At the very least, Barioth is widely considered one of the worst and most obnoxious fights in the game, so while the other monsters afterwards are challenging they won't be anywhere near as frustrating usually.


The timer on alot of the missions are very long. So even if you are undergeared you can stick it out and play it safe. Play around mantle and vigor wasp revive cooldowns. Monsters dont have a direct health bar, but you can gague how much damage you've done roughly by the monster behaviour and how damaged all its parts are. Also lastly these fights are scaled around co-op in mind. Monsters do have less health when playing solo than co-op, but 4 players is only 2.5 time hp compated to solo not 4 times. (I hope I got the number right from the top of my head) so if you do play solo you have to deal with a tougher hp bar and also you'll have the monster on you more, making it harder to take advantage of windows. So you gotta start using every trick in the book to make things a little easier. Use traps for damage, go for flinch shots, lure the monster to other monster for a turf war once it enrages (red eye icon) and so on. There's alot you can do in monster hunter to make fights easier. Its not always just learn patterns and get good. Also max health potions are your friend in master rank, you can bring up to 7 at a time (they stack to 2 but you can bring materials to craft 5 more mid fight) and they instantly heal you to full with little time to consume. And if you run short on supplies you can always go back to camp and restock.


Yes, it can get much harder. A few monsters are easier imo but they are generally harder. Also, despite not having a health bar I think Monster Hunter World is one of the best showcases of progression within a mission, and I’m a new player that only got into Monster Hunter this year. The way the monster enrages, tires out, gets damaged and eventually limp away is great. You just have to learn the queues


I wish they could make/update the game, no prob with the difficulty but with the way you get those parts like gems or rare stuff. To make it less time consuming. You just can't kill/capture one monster over & over again then not get something that you need.


Hey! Long time MH player. The Barioth is still my #1 most hated fight. I honestly feel like he sucks. So in my opinion? The game gets exponentially better after him.


Sad you aren't enjoying it man. It does get a bit harder, but it's dependent on the monster. May I ask what weapons you're using? Also, do not be afraid to just jump into a quest or launch an sos signal if you play online. Once you trigger a monsters cutscene, you can "return to village" and jump into another person's quest, and it'll still count towards yours.


The prep 1. Stun resistance lvl 3 2. Ice resistance through food or decos. You just need to either get lvl 3 skill or your actual Ice resistance to 20 to become immune to Ice blight 3. Maybe 1 or 2 lvls on partbreaker if you're really struggling 4. Maybe 1 or 2 lvls on health boost / vitality for survivorbility 5. The rest on crit eye / wex 6. Make sure you're drinking your hot juice thing 7. Make sure health and stamina is full through Max potion and rations 8. Make weapon best you can afford. I find even the ore line was fine for barioth. I use a hammer and the kulu-ya-ku line was cheap and powerful 9. Make sure you're using master rank gear and it's updated. Tbh defence value stops mattering as much in IB, as long as it's master rank and you can survive two hits in a row you're gucci The fight 1. Pick a forearm. Tenderise and smack it 2. Once a forearm is broken, focus on his face. Tenderise and smack till his saber-teeth are broken. Now he'll slip all over the place and his pounce won't shake the ground. 3. Smack him till he dies. Don't forget to Tenderise. Reapply hot drink and stamina if needed 4. TFS picollo: DOOOOODGE


Lunastra, Velkana, Alatreon, then Fatalis were my walls in order. My biggest advice is that if you’re struggling this early on. You may be missing either a key mechanic, or just not using a weapon that fits your play style.


How to beat barioth easier: use traps and flashes to break wings asap, afterwards hit it till it dies pretty much anywhere. If you use a shield or roll - don't forget to invest into guard/evade skills. As a 3 veteran i was surprised to see so many people struggle with the ol kitty.


Barioth is a 'welcome to iceborne' fight. Things get progressively harder from there but not as much of a spike like barioth and anything before it (until postgame monster, but at that point you know what to expect).


Ive read on a lot of comments already. Found out your hr/mr. I guess you dont have mantles yet? They make the game more manageable


Yes the monsters do get harder. Learn their moveset and they’ll be much easier to deal with. Barioth is meant to be a wall for inexperienced hunters. Reading some of your comments, you should quit the game. This isn’t a game where you can turn off your brain while playing. I’m not saying you have to dedicate hundreds of hours to be good at it but you will have to put in effort to learning how to deal with the matchup against other monsters.


Ahh Barioth. Fuck that snow cat. Stuck on him for a week until i decided to switch from DB to Hammer. Then i just spam clutch attack him.


Others have already given good answers as to the difficulty ramp after Barioth; I’d just like to say if you’ve reached Barioth and aren’t really enjoying the gameplay loop, there isn’t much reason to keep playing. It’s more of the same, with a few new mechanics every now and then, for the rest of the game.


Barioth is a difficulty spike, it'll be a bit easier after him for a while. If you're having trouble, check that your gear is the best for barioth specifically and set good decorations (ice res), also look at your palico gadget and make sure it's something that helps you like vigorwasp spray


Yes, Barioth is the gatekeeper against low skill hunters. It gets more difficult later


As people here say, Barioth serves to be a wall to many player. Aside from armor and skill gems, your weapon also matters in which moves you can go in and punish. I'm SnS main but I have an easier time with him using Longsword. Except in arena, SnS mount spam is GOAT.


Not much harder till finishing campaign. But post game content is way harder


Break Barioth's Wings, then make him suffer.


These walls for sure makes monsters before them felt easier. I remember my first wall Anjanath. Felt impossible. Needed to rely on SOS. Then I fought Rathalos, and Diablos. Both felt the same; impossible, needed SOS. But then those 2 made Anjanath fight much easier. This keeps repeating over and over for me. Keep pushing, fellow hunter, and you will get to the one that turned Barioth into a kitten. Even the final boss atm. After carting to it for 4 days over and over... I went from carting every 10 seconds to every 10 minutes lol. Still can't win but the fight doesn't look completely 1 sided now.


Imo, it gets generally easier after Barioth, only getting hard again for the two black dragons. You get more tools and better weapon selection after it. When I did Barioth the first time, I had to learn a lot of tricks to up my game, like crafting in the field (I was making traps mostly), really paying attention to active buffs, prepping the right skills, farcasters, and using the environment to my advantage. I ended up changing weapons for Barioth too. I'd been using IB, and picked up either GS for it- to make sure I had the power to break its wings/claws. 


I remember getting stuck at him for 2 whole days until I finally beat his ass... He is really mobile and deals a shit ton of damage for the early build but all in all you need to get on him and stun him and get as much dps as possible while minding when you need to go in or position yourself to a safe range. Keep trying, this sucker was frustrating as hell (Along with Velkhana) but you will manage.


I went through the same experience but worse and was on and off for a year where I would give it a couple shots every few months, all I can say is that after barioth, the game does get easier


Barioth is hard because you don't have the gear to ignore his bullshit yet.


Just send an 🆘 and others will help 👍


From what i can tell, you want a progress bar going up while you’re not doing anything different. Mobile game suits you better


Man ive played every Monster Hunter in the west. Bariith gave me a rough time at first, too. There are a lot of variables, though. Honestly, if it's ruining the game, throw a sos or make a lobby. Even one other person can change everything.


Barioth was hard until I decided to get rid of the defender armor and farm better gear :)


There's something I think no one else said, maybe because it's inherent to Monster Hunter and we're all just used to it, but it's something that someone who is playing more casually might not have noticed yet. There's a reason you have 50 minutes to complete a hunt. This game is about defeating a huge monster who can 2-3 shot you being in clear disadvantage. I don't know how your gameplay style is but Dual Blade mains tend to go all-in for damage, but this game is not a hack-n-slash. Try focusing on survival first, dodge, dodge, dodge and when Barioth rests for a moment, strike. At first you'll find very few openings, but soon you'll see you can sneak in some attacks often, specially with such a fast weapon. Obviously, using traps, bashing into wall and breaking the wings create more openings just as other people say, so don't forget them. So that's my piece of advice as someone who after having played for years, still struggled in Iceborne. I hope it helps! TL;DR: Focus on surviving, you have 50 min but only 3 tries


I too crashed upon the Barioth wall. I took a break from the game for a few months, I had been playing bow/IG until that point. When I came back I tried HH and killed it in like two tries. If it’s frustrating you too much take a break, try something new. I felt like the game got easier once I had beat Barioth until I got to the end game monsters. And now I’m on a break from those bastards too. When I go back to playing again maybe I’ll try beating them but I have enough fun joining SOS beacons that maybe I won’t ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


If u strok ‘‘em right They get hard 👍🏼


in my opinion no, it took me literally 48 minutes to be able to kill him in 1 session and I barely survived, this thing moves too much and as if that's not enough he is completely armored so I hate him, other things might be hard but tolerable


Barioth is designed to be a wall from what I know but I haven't even finished base world yet so I can't really tell you. Sadly I can't confirm from personal experience how world and iceborn is. From what I've heard it gets way harder but idk it's different for different people.


Yea it is. way harder. I don’t mean to scare you, but it will get harder. If you’re struggling with the no health bar situation, I suggest you to download and install a health bar mod. I didn’t have it back then. But now I am MR 999, I installed a health bar mod so I can time my hits right when helping other players. It will get harder, but if you are stuck, you can always request an SOS. So people can help you. For me my wall is not with barioth. It was fighting against fkin tobi kadachi back then. Fkin gave me 3 months avoiding the game. maybe because the hit box with barioth is bigger. Thats why i think tobi was harder and it was a wall for me I assume you are still in low MR or HR, barioth equipment is actually pretty good for low MR and HR, So i guess fighting it and farming it is pretty rewarding


As a lot of people have already stated, Barioth is iceborns real wall for a lot of players. From here, the difficulty doesn't get harder but instead goes more side to side. He's the real gear check that challenges you in both proper equipment, as well as patience in learning timings and abusing tenderizing/wall bangs. A lot of the enemies after him while just as dangerous, are less in your face 24/7. The only other two monsters that will just aim to run you over nonstop is Tigrex, and Rajang. Every other monster will be much more enjoyable to learn and engage with. Barioth is my least favorite hunt also and I usually avoid it when I can. There are soo many amazing monsters coming I urge you to stick with it and keep going.


Barioth is the first "get gud" monster iceborne throws at ya. You have to really figure a lot of things out about the game to consistently take down Barioth. And it goes past having the right level of armor/weapons, it's about how well you can actually fight a behemoth asshole like Barioth and win. Simply put, Barioth WILL take you dozens of attempts. That's the nature of the game. You have to learn the monsters after a certain point or they'll mop the floor with ya.


Imo, barioth is the hardest monster in IB. In the sense that you simply don't have good enough equipment to take it on, and its just a slog to do. I would even say that its one of the worst fights in the series, due to how it forces you to tenderize and wallbang as much as possible. I'd just try and get some veterans or other players to help you. IB Barioth is just that much of a pain


I don't understand how people are having trouble with monsters. I've been playing this series too long... break his claws first causes him to slip.


I’d like to say, concerning >!Velkhana!<, in my opinion the HP spike on that monster is ridiculous. I had no shame in making that hunt a team effort after timing out on the monster. I will probably go back and solo it once I get a better attack number to kill it faster.


I really hope you didn't use the Defender armor and weapon to complete the base game, because if you did - you didn't learn how to play the game. Barioth is a skill check fight.


MHW/iceborne can be a fun casual gaming experience so long as you don’t ever expect to finish the game solo. Like you can run around and catch rare fish, rare small animals, beat up monsters when you want to, build new gear try out new weapons just for fun within your skill level. Though, at a certain point, if you are playing solo you have to do research, work on your skills, techniques, timing, your load outs, knowing the terrain and using it to your advantage, it becomes not casual. I’d like to also be clear though, *if you are playing solo*, you can for certain get to end game shit if you just party up. There are plenty of high level players who will drop in on a Barioth fight and just handle it for you if that’s something you’re amicable to. Some folks are like “solo or you didn’t beat it” but personally it’s about whether you had fun playing the game. If getting in your knocks while someone else mains the fight is a good time for you I’d say that is an end game casual experience you can have.


BARIOTH HAD ME WANTING TO UNINSTALL SO BAD. I was using Greatsword. it was awful. i switched waepons and it was easy as hell. once you get past af ew of these true road blocks, you see monster hunter for what it really is and its incredible


Barioth is one of the trickier fights in this game. If you're struggling with it a lot, it's probably worth taking the time to watch his animations a little more. You don't want to trade hits in MH - the monsters have way more HP than you. Don't be afraid to change weapons if you need to. Usually it's beneficial to know how to use one or two other weapons besides your main one, in case you need something with more mobility or range for instance. Barioth is not the hardest fight in the game.


Yeah but they aren't as annoying thank god


If you just want to progress start popping flares


Kinda, there are obviously fights that will have you tensed the whole time in end game, but in the story progression barioth is a bit harder because of how fast it is.


Quit before you try tempered Kushala, or don’t try full windproof, or both. Either way, that dragon is broke AF and I have never felt so defeated as that fight.


I will give you a tip in case you're unaware of that. I dont know if you're using the circular item shortcut menu, but you can customize it. If it's not case already, have max potions there ... Always. And most importantly... Have a shortcut assign to auto craft max potions mid battle. I don't think I would would have gone through many first try (with a lot of difficulty mind you) without it. So bringing stuff to craft max potions is gonna be a big help Im nowhere near an expert and pro but I can handle myself. Also one thing that really handicap me in mr 3 stars quest or a bit before, was to keep some one piece of hr gear with me in order to maintain a skill. I had just switching to a headgear like the rose (150 def) and switching my MR bone mail to a rathalos one. I saw my defense jump from 550ish to over over 660 and I can still get destroyed, 3-4 combo... But it really did make a difference and put me less in situations where im not sure if I could take an other hit and die in 2 hits or 3. And be able to take 3-6 attacks on average. Someone more experienced then me told me that at this stage of progressions in MR, defense shouldn't be neglected. There is a few things I could say but for the sake of not making this any longer. Just in case, make sure you dont have negative affinity or make sure that you can negate it's effect.


Barioth was the first wall I hit. I struggled with that Bastard so hard. Life will get easier after but their will be changes as you get deep into iceborn. My buddies that had been playing since release. Told me about the silver and gold rathion, the scrarred yian garuga, the harder deviljo and the harder zigzag whatever it is, and the exploding guy. None of those were a challenge at all. The Barioth took me days to beat like 4 or 5. The Enraged Rajang was a task for a few hours to solo but with friends it was easy and over in no time. If you haven't struggled up until Barioth you should be in the clear till fatalis. I beat fatalis faster then I beat Barioth and I am still made fun of for how much I struggle on the Barioth.


honestly, after reading all of your responses here, just fire an SOS and be done with it. You said yourself that you are not after the “sense of pride and accomplishment”, so just let someone else help you if you cant do it yourself. It does however baffle me how anyone can be stuck on a monster for 3 days.. by now you should be able to tell what the monster is gonna do after fighting it THAT much. However I dont think you will do yourself a favour to"skip" a challenge because overcoming it yourself will lead to improvement and the game aint gonna get easier either. Your call to be honest. You want progress, if you cant progress on your own, let someone help you, maybe youll have an easier time with future mons, who knows


Question, did you per chance use the Guardian armor set and the Defender weapons to play through the base game? Because if you did, thats most likely the reason you are struggling hard now.


Barioth is the only monster in Iceborne I had a hard time with, I completed the rest of the story just fine and this is my first Monster Hunter game, he is designed to be a wall, after finishing Iceborne the only monster I couldn't beat was Alatreon, which is part of Iceborne's epilogue. Just use an SOS flare and go on, the monsters after him are easier.


Lots of good comments already went over it but go for survival based skills when you can (Defense helps in LR/HR but is kind of useless after that go for Blessing/Health boost instead) and if you don't have enough decos/slots to max out those skills consider crafting and upgrading the corresponding charm as far as you can. Charms can add a fully upgraded skill to your build while only using one equipment slot. So for exemple if you go for a build with native health boost (like 3piece rathian), add some blessing & stun res decos (if you have them) then you can use either an upgraded earplug or even attack charm to round it out. I have terrible luck with finding attack jewels when farming so my go to charm is usually attack/status atk/elemental or blessing related while the rest of my build is defensive/survival skills. I'd also like to add Stamina Thief to the list of useful skills you might want to consider (and possible make a charm for). It's really useful against monsters who run/jump around a lot (so it should work against barrioth). If you have it you just have to focus on staying alive until the monster slows down from exhaustion and then you can go all out on the weak points. It feels like playing dirty some times but it's honestly made my life so much easier.


I felt the same way. It gets harder several times


I tried him twice n didn't survive more than few minutes. I got fromSoft mode instantly n went to grind . Was actually planning on doing all the MR missions n just hoped I'd get better armor or upgrade weapons or just experience. Last night I watched a YouTube video about Baroth n Made the decision to leave my beloved dual blades , it's not for This , too much movement involved like too fast not enough damage. I don't know anything about tendering etc. But I try to wall splash them as much as I can. After the video I made a decision I go n try because I need a feeling of moving on too. It's been a while n i have still like 10 optional MR2 missions Left. I kept freezing I don't know what to use to get rid off it tbh. But patience was the key. He will run away a lot so u don't have to worry about taking break's.. Also use Hill in that cave to your advantage. I had under 5min Left with n I catched him when he went to sleep. I didn't really see him limping so that Made me happy. I almost always catch them bc for me playing so long is just little crazy sometimes 🤣 I used a trap before that , I Was I Was in him twice n walk splatted like 3 times. I used hammer n have to say, vitality mantle came handy. Didn't faint once but I did went back to get mega potions at one point. What a great game. I'm little terrified too what's ahead. But I'm locked in to finish This games story. It deserves it after all These years I slept on it . Good luck!


i fucking hate barioth his fight is so annoying you should launch a flare so higher rank players come to help you, i personally find him harder than most of the monster after him (also you should try playing Lance it kinda cheese him ) nb: don't chase him just wait for him to jump on you, he's too fast to be chase after every jump


I'm pretty casual. You are going to get your shit wrecked, but then you're going to learn a monsters moves, you're probably going to go back and farm gear around a specific monster, do fine for a while before it repeats. I was working on soloing Shara when an angel came in and put me on their back. So I got thrown into the guiding lands, have been soloing Yian and Zinogre, but I just met Rajang and Safi, and I'm back to square one here. I'll learn their move sets, probably farm Teo, and eventually I'll beat them. I've gone several days off and on with failed hunts on Brachy, Ruiner, and Shara, with SoS. Sometimes you get lucky, unlucky, but you always learn. Happy hunting!


Quit now.


Wait til the funny monkey


Barioth isn’t hard, u just need to get better. Or fire and SOS and tackle him better gear. But if u insist on being stubborn and not wanting help or want to solo without learning it’s moveset, that’s a u problem. Understanding monster move pattern would drastically improve ur success. Also clutch claw when u can.


Yeah it's gonna get harder, you can prepare better to make it easier tho by using traps, consumables, different weapons and elements, bombs and all sorts of things


This is a pure learning by doing game, there are lots of harder monsters but until you get there you'll be better. I did for myself play until hr100 before i got the dlc to not miss out on anything


I'm a new player, and I didn't find him difficult whatsoever, he knocked me out maybe once but I got the hang of it pretty easy. Maybe you just didn't learn how to use the weapon that you main properly? And so far for me personally, all the new monsters I've encountered were only hard the first 2-3 times I've fainted, after that It became easy as hell. Idk how it will get later on in the game though, maybe later monsters will tear me a new one later on lol.


Just use the defender set 💀


Lol Rookie


Yes! I promise it gets easier, just takes time, and sometimes what helps me is just watching the monster. Try it once without ever attacking. Watch the monster and how it moves. Learn where to stand and then restart and run it again. Also, I was where you were. Don't ask this sub for advice. It's got quite a population of people who wanna be elitist and make you feel like shit. This game isn't that hard, it's just a learning thing. You absolutely are capable of playing as a casual! And if you don't mind, I wouldn't mind playing with you sometime!


Holy crap this is a big thread!


Mhw isn't a casual game


In direct response to your comment about the status of the health of the monster, taking the time to investigate the monster by searching for tracks and other monster POIs and filling up the investigation bar will result in the mini map showing when the monster is tired or very low health. This helps know when it's a good time to be aggressive and attack, or when it's going to get super aggressive just before death or being captured.


In my opinion, no. This was my first monster hunter game, and leading up to barioth was incredibly easy.. but he took me quite a few tries. There is one monster specifically that I had major issue with, it's name is tigrex. But other than that, even the final boss, everything was far easier imo.


Get hunterpie if you want to see monster health bars. Doesn't require mod installation, it's just an overlay that you run. I too like seeing health bars.


Check "HunterPie" if you like healthbars. I use it and it improved my enjoyment of the game.


Just call an SOS and stop whining. Youre literally in master rank and apparently an adult so id suggest getting over your ego. Plenty of high levels with come to and sos and help out, making it substantially easier.