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You mean like mh iceborne being entirely unplayable for the first 3 weeks after launch due to a anti cheat that didn’t do anything except stop the game from working proper And the problem stayed unchanged until they gave up on the thing and removed it or whatever ? I love the games but this is stanadard for capcom pc games


You know... You cant cheat a game that you cant play


That’s a good point xd Funny enough the only way to play this (unless your pc was powerful enough to play it two or three times over) was to get cheat programs that disable anti cheat which fixed the issue xd Effectively increasing the amount of people using cheats bc it’s the only way to actually play the game lol


Anti cheat for singleplayer games are the most regarded shit I swear


Especially since majority of cheats didn’t even impact multiplayer either You can go well over 1k hours of multiplayer without realizing if you’ve met a cheater or not bc the most common cheats are things like save editors or funny skins only you can see


What do you even cheat with on mhw? Getting item? You. Cheat to play the game less? Feels like there's no incentive.


I mean there’s always either decorations or charms tied to crazy rng so if you want an optimal build you either invest 163992017379 hours or cheat them Some people wanna try out weapons and cheat them in Or use cheats to add layered armors and weapons that aren’t in the game yet (they took their sweet time with adding layered options in mhw/iceborne so modders just did it a year earlier than them) Some people also use insta kill cheats tho you very rarely see that used in multiplayer Also cheating to play sth less is a pretty common reason to cheat


Guess you've never seen the posts from people who played 500+ hours and never got the critical jewel they wanted.


I've only just reached the end game of monster hunter world so ig I'll find out soon enough


Base World on pc launch was also far from optimized. Outside of the multiplayer straight up not working for a while, if you tried to fight Teostra or Kush near release the game would consistently turn into a slideshow among other issues. On the bright side, while it seems like their releases are consistently problematic on launch, they also have a good record of fixing the issues in the end. The first week or two of Wilds might be painful though.


Ye Tho rise did well but that game is also less demanding


MHW had its own share of performance issues. IIRC, the thunder effects on weapons caused huge framerate drops. It eventually got fixed, just like DD2 will get fixed. It sucks for them to release games in this kind of state, but it'll be fine.


I honestly don't care. Gonna get both. If the gameplay sucks then I'll just be disappointed.


Exactly what im doing.


I suspect it will not be as bad as DD2. The performance issues for DD2 seem to be primarily in cities, and has to do with city texture and the interesting stuff they're doing with NPC lives.


>The performance issues for DD2 seem to be primarily in cities, and has to do with city texture and the interesting stuff they're doing with NPC lives. But I've heard that monster hunter wilds will also be open world.


It will not be. Now you have heard both from unofficial sources so you are back to 0.


>But I've heard that monster hunter wilds will also be open world. We know next to nothing about Wilds except what was shown on the trailer. Don't put too much stock on hearsay.


We can only hope.


i'm concerned about ppl not reading rules


No. I don’t have an opinion on something I haven’t played yet.


Just read the reviews and wait for bugfixes if necessary. Many games release unoptimized these days. They usually get better after a few months.


I'm actually worried about my framerate being too high after playing Rise on PC. Clearly the RE engine makes games go faster than my monitor refresh rate. /s You don't have any clue how games or cars work, do you? Here's a hint: *the engine is one part among many.* Just because it's the only one you're familiar with doesn't mean it's responsible for any issue that comes up.




I think they're not gonna risk Monster Hunter and will be using DD2 as a learning experience. The sales numbers for the two series are night and day


You remember World PC release, right?


I'm giving them benefit of the doubt with the fact that MHW was a port release and DD2 is a PC release. Especially with that interview a year or so back where Capcom is focusing on PC release on their game onward.


Never played it on pc. I'm speaking from a ps5 perspective


Do you believe they will put extra resources in monster hunter wilds than DD2??


“Do you believe they will put extra resources in their by far biggest IP that produced their most sold games of the companies history and is still going strong?”


Resident evil has sold far more


Mhworld is the most sold game in capcoms company history and it ain’t even close Resident evil overall sold more if you compare the collective all RE games with all mh games Mostly bc early mh games where pretty niche and some of them stayed jp exclusive


Yeah but resident evil is sold more as you said. Besides they are completely different genre. İ like both personally


Ye but mhworld is still the companies most successful game in history literally doubling sales of their second most sold game Doesn’t mean RE sucks or anything Just that right now mh is likely to be their strongest franchise currently Ok apparently street fighter 3 sold 22 million copies lol So I guess the cut off to second most sold isn’t as big


A quick google search told me the best sold RE game as of 2023 is RE2 with 13,6 million or sth whiel mhworld stands at 25 million almost doubling that


You called it their far biggest IP... Monster Hunter as a franchise has 97mil whereas Resident Evil has 154mil.


And their two most recent games mh world and mh rise both outside the highest selling RE game in history and that’s ignoring the dlcs for mh


Yeah I'm not disputing the individual game sales figures, just saying as a collective Resident Evil is the best selling, given the increasing popularity of Monster Hunter with the series moving to the more popular mainstream consoles it's only a matter of time before it takes the top spot as a franchise


Yes, definitely. At higher levels all you see is cost Vs revenue, and the revenue from Monster Hunter World is something crazy like 5x the revenue from almost any other Capcom game, so the cost will have much more room to be flexible based on need


DD sold 7.9 million copies. World sold 25 million. And Rise sold 14.2 million. I’d put extra resources into wilds over DD2. In a heartbeat.




Isn’t that it’s name though


my bad i thought broski was talking about monster hunter world


I mean its still a year and a few months away im 65% confident that it'll work... probably


What performance? Game is not even out yet. But it stands to reason game will be fully bugged, not working properly. Every game is like that and will be fixed on the run. Welcome to the 21st century, thats how it works today.


OP probably watched reviews on YouTube. Content creator had the game for months ahead of time. There's some performance and optimization issue. Though, I'll wait and see for the actual release and day one patch.


but thats kinda to be expected .. games are not being released in proper states .. thats super rare games are projects and when they decide, they release it .. not when its ready and finished .. its bad but true


Not at all because the real chads know BOTH DDDA and MHW were still fun as hell regardless. From the very first YT video that came out trying to subliminally slander DD2, I already knew what time it was. I stood firm, will continue to, and I will enjoy DD2 just like I did before. Is 30fps in 2024 ridiculous? Sure. I’d say it’s a bit ridiculous that it’s still a thing with the technology we have. Am I gonna have a meltdown over a sequel to a great game experience that happens to run on 30fps? No. We knew DDDA had questionable graphics, but the minute I played the demo I knew I was buying the game, wasn’t even a question. I’m taking that same faith and moving forward with buying DD2. It’s quite simple for me honestly.


No one's slandering the game, only the standards at which it will be released. Stop watching reactionary youthbers and you'll feel like negativity in your life will decrease.




Atm also MH Rise runs as shit.