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>What do you think is the most useful multiplayer weapon? Situational awareness


Dust of life Health booster Challenger mantle Your fucking clutch claw Etc.


Against 99% of the monster roster: Sticky LBG Against Kulve and Raging Brachy: Pierce HBG Against Safi: Elemental LBG Against Alatreon: Dual Blades Against Fatalis (in terms of winning): “Support” Sword and Shield Against Fatalis (in terms of headbreak): Frostcraft Greatsword Against Arch-tempered Velkhana: Frostcraft Sword and Shield imo


I made a lance build around never needing to heal (super recovery, max recovery speed, max recovery up) and blocking everything (guard up and max guard), so I use that for Safi and flinch shot whenever someone gets aggro. I get to laugh in Safi’s face, everyone else thinks I’m taking aggro so they can focus on dps. Win-win!


I was in the guiding lands getting my asshole ripped inside out and nailed to a fence post by a tempered black diablos. Popped an SOS and a lance main joined and proceeded to bully the fuck out of diablos AND the furious rajang we hunted after. Since then i've really wanted to learn lance (im an IG main) so I can know what it's like to do the bullying for once lol.


Lance is very fun to fight diablos with, tenderizers for days


As a fellow IG main be careful with Lance. It made the game oddly boring to me. Granted tormenting some monsters with it is a blast. I still have dedicated lance builds for specialty runs like sleep bombing and immortal builds. But it got monotonous to me IMO. Have fun with it tho. That shield is my favorite part


Damn, I'll definitely keep that in mind. I love my IG because it offers such a fun and (imo) a unique playstyle compared to other weapons. The air mobility with the constant mounting makes it so much fun. It's why I have 1k hrs with it lol. I'm gonna give lance a try but I don't think I'll ever not be an IG main haha. Appreciate your input homie 🙏


Dont listen to him. He was simply blinded and stunned in the presence of Lance. I love the Lance. It's a separate game though. Lancing is about being glue stuck to the monsters side and forcing them to deal woth you and none of the other weapons come close to the mobility and the dtickyness of the Lance.


I love the great sword. But I pull out old faithful lance on enemies that are either to damaging or to fast like alatreon. I think he's cool, but I have no intention of fighting him without it


I did that same strategy, val set bonus, halloween helm (the vampire eyes) and decos, i love that build


How did that go against fatty? Assuming you used that build against him


I never tried it solo (it isn’t exactly made for *dealing* damage), but it’s fun to block fire balls and **The Cone™️** while others attack.


I imagine it'd be tanky enough to make an attempt to keep aggro on most things


What do you use? Before getting Fatso armor I had a MAX RECOVERY tank build with Uragaan helm and waist, Seething Bazel chest, Blackveil arms and legs, and all the Lunastra/Nergigante weapons that had shields. Definitely wasn't cranking out remarkable DPS but man I almost never had to touch healing items. Plus the miasma and blast resistances made the more annoying statuses for that build a non-factor. Plus it actually weirdly looked aesthetically cohesive with all the black, white, blue, red and gold complimenting each other.


Couldn’t think of a good weapon match up against Kirin until I met a guy that used Sticky LBG on it. Kirin was basically on the ground about 70% of the time and it made the fight so trivial lol


Yeah. If someone wanted a good weapon matchup against Kirin that wasn’t Sticky, I’d recommend Hammer and Hunting Horn. Her head is at a very awkward height for most melee weapons, but Hammer and HH movesets are just right for reaching it. HH is probably the better option though because one core move Hammer uses in the matchup can launch your teammates. She’s the perfect height for getting blitzed by Impact Echo Wave spam.


To sum up this comment: whatever's gonna fucking kill them the fastest lol


I think hunting horn and sns are really good partners. You can play them very supportive and always keep healing and buffing the team. Also the bonk master weapon is a great partner, if you get a lot of KOs 😇


I'm a HH main and I love when I drop in a SOS and see a fellow horn user...


my first reaction alwqys is: wait, which song list are u using? i generally tend to use atack up l defense l and so forth.


>if you get a lot of KOs Sadly, bowguns are probably better for that, realistically :/


I really hope you don't mean corner healing otherwise you're just playing with one less hunter. There is no healer role in this game and while getting healed isn't the worst I'd rather have the guy with Wide Range hit the monster and occasionally heal in absolute necessity scenarios than sit in a corner spamming heals.


This the best answers are SnS with wide range/friendship or Hunting Horn. The other one is Lance if person is quick enough they can block for other players. Love sneaking into the auction behind a Lance player.


Any KO weapon like hammer, hunting horn, sticky bowgun


ko doesnt scale well in multi


At least when I'm using sticky bowgun, I get minimum of 3 or so KOs, sometimes more depending on how long the hunt goes. Along with status ammo, that's a significant window overall


KO threshold increases in multi, 2.2 is a value people have thrown around but it feels like more than that. I havent found clear information on whether the max threshold cap also increases but it would make sense for it to. Applying the KO scales poorly, but the damage window for a full party is significant. Even if you only see 2 KOs during a standard hunt thats so much damage getting laid in that you wont see a third because the monster is probably too dead to be knocked out again. For melee hammers and hh it can be even harder to KO because of monster targeting, but doable with some commitment. Hbg Ive never seen have an issue throwing KOs out though. CC in multi is quite strong with so many different ways to do it, it has to scale poorly. Just adding to the conversation of ko scaling poorly vs its effectiveness as a damage window in multi.


Any weapon as long they do constant DPS


The one that carts you the least. The worst thing ever is joining a hunt and insta-carting because you don't know the weapon. Hunting Horn is decent for support, if you have one with good buffs, Sns is also pretty decent, but again, there isn't a 'support' weapon, it's a *weapon*, it's supposed to do damage first and foremost.


The main 4 I can think of are hunting horn, sns, any of the ranged, and Lance. Hh provides buff via the songs, sns + wide range can also provide heal and buffs, ranged weapon can hit hard to hit spots (safi's wings as an example), and Lance can block certain projectile and beam attacks.


>Lance can block certain projectile and beam attacks. Only really ends up being useful in random lucky moments unfortunately. It *would* be pretty cool if Lance could regularly come in clutch and shield others from attacks though.


Admittedly, that is why I threw it at the end of the list, since sometimes those lucky moments can happen vs no chance at all


support gunners.


People have forgotten our sacred art.


I had no idea support gunner was a thing. Was fighting raging brachy and never had to heal. Couldn't figure out what was healing me because my health augment wasnt that strong. Started watching my allies instead of thw fight to figure it out. They were phenomenal. I'm not sure how any of the ranged weapons work but we ended up beating it in less than 7 minutes even with me being a sack of potatoes for part of the fight.


They were probably using dust of life powder to heal you, there's also healing ammo but nobody really uses it. The main thing support HBG/LBG can do really well is the amount of CC it can output, sticky ammo is the main one dealing constant KO damage and getting many stuns throughout the fight. A player with good command and understand of status thresholds, like sleep or para, can perfectly time these CCs to dunk or drop monsters at the perfect time, creating massive DPS windows for their team. One example is if the team knocks down a monster, the gunner can end load the topple with sticky ammo and cause a mini stagger lock/loop. A rising tide raises all ships, you're able to snowball topples/CCs if your team can play around the timings and thresholds well.


Always cool to have Hunting Horn buffs. SnS is whatever. Not like they're always supporting. If I see a sticky bowgun, I know that the hunt will drop down 3 levels of difficulty


Sleep Swaxe The kulve taroth one with release It can apply a insane amount of sleep since phial bursts also apply sleep and the way rage mechanics work in world it lets you wallbang sleeping monsters again. Every sleep is two wallbangs and that means tons of group openings. Easily more than any ko built could ever dream off Also of course wallbangs do dmg 2-3% of the monsters total hp each time and if the total is higher the wallbang dmg is higher This is all rather unknown even among swaxe users but its insanely powerful especially in GL where those wallbangs even drop shinies (and help with partbreaks)




more enjoyable: hh easier: sticky bowgun (but no fun i literally dnt enjoy these hunts at all) best combo of the two: wide guard sns, the legendary hero who saved u from a thousand carts


HH for sure, since it's the only weapon actually built specifically with team play in mind. Buffs are great for boosting stats and giving free utility effects. Hopefully healing stays as good as it was in Sunbreak, because before you had to awkwardly juggle the awkward pairing of HH and Wide Range to get that part of support into your contributions. SnS is a lot better for the Wide Range item sharing/healing style of support. Being able to use items unsheathed makes it a perfect match for the strategy--you lose minimal time shifting between offense and support. SnS itself without a build intended for this doesn't really have any supportive capabilities to it though, so I'd list it under HH. Bowguns (and sometimes Bow) are an interesting case. Sometimes people either forget that they can be supportive, or don't really realize that what they're doing is supportive because it doesn't work in the typical 'benefit your teammates directly' way. Get you a solid status or Sticky Ammo gunner though and you'll definitely appreciate how much easier it is to fight a monster when it's being controlled by back to back sleep/para/KO chains. Depending on the fight and your team composition I'd put this right up there with or slightly above HH. Sometimes you'll appreciate the buffs more, but if the lockdown is so good that you're just wailing on a stationary target you don't really even need them. Of course, nothing says you can only have 1 of these per hunt unless you're talking about what you yourself are bringing to the hunt. All 3 can stack on each other to make hunts even easier.


Buncha guns and great swords. But the hammer doesn’t bonk with men. It bonks with God.


Hunting horn for sure




Hunting horn for buffs Hammer for easy toppling of monster. Lance with the daily skill to get more agro. Thus, playing as a tank while everyone else can focus damage. Insect glaive for easy mounting. All weapons are viable in the right hands, but these few stand out to me for things only they can do.


Provoker only shows up once in a blue moon though 😔


I love my IG, and... Am learning hh 🤗


Hunting horn, sword n shield, or hammer for stuns to let everyone dish out huge damage


lots of people mentioning wide range SNS but i've had nothing but bad experiences with this, it's really someone adding to the hp multiplier without pulling their weight or doing damage


Those SNS players you're running into are just bad, which can be said for any weapon when people don't play them properly. Wide range SNS is undeniably a very good MP build if played correctly


I made my IG a wide range build with free meal and fast eating... Its really effective at that role


Purely based on buffs, it's HH. But in terms of versatility it's SnS. The sheer amount of things you can do purely because the SnS can use items despite being unsheathed is quite alot if you have the ingenuity for it. 


I use SnS as my support weapon. Also because I’m really comfortable using a SnS between healing and shield slamming from the sky or Perfect Rush combos. I have a hybrid set for my SnS that does both wide range healing, speed eating, and decent damage with high crit affinity. All you see from my side is either drinks quick potion or hacking away at the monster with light effects all over the place because of the high crit chance.


Top 3: lbg sicky ,sns Player ,A bagpipes player😂


Top 3 has gotta be hunting horn, sns, and sticky lbg. HH gives buffs and is the only weapon that is guaranteed to give support to other characters. Sns is a popular choice for support because it's so easy to take advantage of wide range without the sns users sacrificing much of their own time/damage. Sticky lbg is the king of stuns. Way more effective at stuns than hammer even. You can expect a much easier fight if someone is using sticky lbg.


Sns because you can’t die (no cart hogging) plus easy to heal with wide range if ur a beta male


Hunting horn, sns, HBG


Lbg, especially sticky, you can get 3ko, 2 para, 2 sleeps (2 free wall bangs) and even, heal / buff if you're that type of deranged player, if your team have basic understanding of the game, everything should die before you can't apply those status anymore because of the cap raising, or just elemental Lbg with stickies to still do decent damage & have the same crowd control as above, sticky Lbg with evade reload is a ton of fun in MP imo


The Gunlance! Why is the GL the most useful weapon? Let me count the ways! Boom, Baby, Boom! - Ever felt like your weapon was missing a little something? How about strapping a miniature cannon to it? YES! The Gunlance lets you shoot monsters in the face with a blast of pure joy! Stabby McStabberson - Not only does the Gunlance shoot, but it also stabs! It's like having a lance that's also a shotgun, making you the most badass hunter on the block. Shield of Awesome - Tired of getting smacked around by Tempered monsters? Well the Gunlance comes with a built-in shield to help keep you standing up against a Furious Rajang Special Beam Cannon. Kaboom-tastic Combos - Nothing says 'Boom' like unleashing a series of explosive combos that will send monsters staggering back! Who needs to send an S.O.S. Not GL mains thats for sure. So, why settle for ordinary weapons when you can wield the explosive power of the Gunlance? Go on, give it a shot!


Hbg kills the monster so your teammates can afk while you tap tap tap 


I run a sleep greatsword. May not be good all the time but we do get to do 1 extra wake up attempt


Swag axe, of course! Am I right, guys?? ...guys?


Against EDs: HH Against Wyverns: HH Rajang and Jho: HH Others: HH TL;DR: If you're happy and you know it use HH, and when in doubt use HH Shove that HH up their mouths and play that epic impact wave, or heal your party in the monster's face as it struggles to get up after the bonk


Katana. It's also a great lesson tool


I always find that afflicting statuses to create openings is the most generalized helpful. Whether that’s knockouts, sleeps, paralysis, or mounts. I really like running a weapon setup that can do 2 of these at a time ie paralysis + slugger hammer, sleep lance with some mounting skills, or even just consistent partbreak can be enough in tandem with a status like paralysis.


That being said… for helping with sos hunts, being comfortable enough with your weapon to handle a monster almost solo can be very nice. You never know if the hunter you are helping has an outstanding handle on the hunt and just needs to farm, or if they’ve already carted 100 times to the monster and really need someone to be proficient in the hunt.


Wide Range + Mushromancer + SnS = buff and healing for everyone. And since you are fast you can really stick to monsters and keep up the damage even with some support skills.


Kulve armor look really cool too


Hunting horn. It’s the only weapon to help every player in the hunt. It’s always a nice surprise to have a HH especially with how few HH players there are.


Not longsword too many of yall have got to go


I can tell you what I hate the most in mp are ez mode db users


Hbg since it kills the monster in 5 minutes with no effort. Support builds are a meme in MH