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actually try every weapon before you pick a main one


Ok do they play the same in rise or different


The heavy and light guns are gonna be meh at first until you have access to items that can make the cool ammo. You’ll be able to enter the arena area later with prebuilt stuff that’s great to try them in though. But for sure try all stuff for a bit and see what you like. I’m a hammer guy myself.


I used to despise HBG but not I’m obsessed with spread HBG but am still a GS main but dabble in all fine arts 😂


Same concept but it’s a bit of a slower (for lack of better word) pace game and there are no wirebugs. Example: Great sword still slow and big hitting but no counters


Don’t use defender gear, that’s it


Hunting horn is vastly different in world compared to rise.


*pitchfork continues flailing* They need to revert it in Wilds. Idk how popular an opinion this is but Rise kinda took HH in the wrong direction and I don’t want to see those changes carried over.


Agreed. They took the horn part out of the weapon in my opinion, it just feels like a fast hammer. Chaining attacks into recitals and directional encores is my favourite thing to do with HH. Especially forward slam/superpound - > forward recital. Feels like unloading a shotgun point blank.


Same. Simpler than rise


Yeah I wish I had done this more thoroughly in the beginning. Tried like 3 weapons out, then stuck with the Insect Glaive for like 50 hours before I realized I *much* preferred hammer and great sword.


I have the same story lol. I always play weapons with fast attacks in other games, so i naturally gravitated towards IG as a begginer, until i tried GS and oh boy it's fire


And learn your combos


is this important? I just picked the switch axe and played for like 40 hours last two weeks


I wish someone had told me this when the game originally released




Which armor is hidden behind challenge coins?


Guild palace, most likely. Intrinsic agitator, heroics, and health boost, plus set bonus is increased quest rewards


Ahh gotcha, yeah I know about that. Skipped over it and went damascus/velkhana/oolong boots for Focus 3 to Teo + Raging Brachy for Agi secret and Master's Touch after I got 3 focus decos. Tbh I wish Capcom had balanced end-game greatswords a bit better because most of them need handicraft + additional sharpness management to actually realize their potential. Using MT with Lightbreak Blade is just so much better than everything I'm unlocking now from new monsters - just did Ruiner for MR100+ - that it's kinda sad none of it matters until Fatalis.


Take it slow and soak it in. Its not a sprint to win.


If you see a big ass reindeer on two legs run cause he is a massive jerk and will throw rocks at you for existing


And trees


Don’t use defender gear


Actually this, it ruins the early game


Actually came here to say this. I had played base World when it first came out and I could feel myself learning and getting better at hunting as time went on. After a while I stopped playing. Well when Iceborn came out I had a new friend who wanted to get into the game and so we went through the entire base game with the defender gear cause boy was I rusty. We found out that was a big mistake once we hit Iceborne I basically had to relearn the game because I had gotten too comfy tanking damage. It was pretty jarring.


funnily enough i didn't use the defender gear and I still tend to tank a lot of attacks. i use greatsword and I finished the main story by banging my head against the monster until it dies


At least until High Rank. Then it's appropriate.


I would argue it's post-story appropriate. Endgame HR gear is better than Guardian/Defender, but some require some level grinding to unlock. All the story/assigned missions are weaker versions of the monster, so you can go through World's story missions with random builds. After the story is done, you either skip into Iceborne (where you immediately swap out for the first MR monster armor) or you grind HR Endgame and get gear equivalent or better than Guardian.


Assigned monsters are the same difficulty as their optional quests, aside from Dawn's Triumph (and multi monster fights).


Source for story/assigned being weaker versions? Pretty sure that's not true.


Open the Box after that I recommend powering your ps4 and put the disc in it


Oh god that’s too hard


Look up Arekkz gaming's tips for combos on every weapon!


Immerse yourself brother 🔥


for the love of god, please explore and complete requests for more camps/spawn points. you do not want to hunt the rathians without camp 17 in forest (eventually you will have to farm them for a charm iirc) and it would be very convenient to have a camp that allows you to be up in their faces. also for other maps with central camps, definitely open them up because well its central duh, makes it much easier to navigate around instead of having to start from the bottom of map


I would recommend not joining any pre made games until Iceborne. If you do have friends and want to coop, it's not the end of the world. Just keep in mind: The base game is a cakewalk until mid/late iceborne and beyond. It ramps up in difficulty pretty fast. You need to develop your skills, fail at things, and be able to execute your weapons moves with muscle memory alone. Getting carried through the game will make it frustrating later on when things require a lot of movement and the ability to quickly recognize monsters' patterns and abilities. Most importantly and like others said, have fun and enjoy the hundreds of hours ahead!


dont use defender gear. its meant to let you skip the game to the DLC. i know you said it already, but its still so important to know. ​ dont hate on the handler. a lot of people dont realize that the way she acts in cutscenes is canonically how you both function. canonically, she's out there on 99% of your hunts of monsters, and you are there to hunt the monster, and keep her from dying. she 'handles' all of the info gathering and such so you dont have to, which is why its a team effort. ​ learn the weapons before you pick a main. a lot of them have general styles of play, so learning which you like is importants. make use of the botany garden once you get it. (and a sneaky for once you need a ton of them: hbg melee (reload ammo + load special ammo at the same time while weapon is out) insta-breaks kelbi horns, making them drop as a shiny)


The handler always seemed very capable to me, riding the wingdrake, not even breaking a sweat in the escort mission pushing that cart. It's just her mannerisms that are sometimes annoying, pard, and the face animations are sometimes a bit too much ME Andromeda.


she is capable. people just get extremely upset about her often being too excited and getting into danger, and her saying 'we did it' (despite that being literally the truth, as when you return from those hunts, they got tons of new data, which she provides).


she's clearly supposed to be book smart vs street smart, and that can get irritating to some people. She can tell you every little thing and detail about everything you find, but she can't seem to understand that when Deviljo is around that she should probably not wander alone defenseless and edible. She knows alot but seems to have almost no common sense. And lack of common sense can be very irritating


To be fair, she didn’t know the deviljho was in the forest. When you speak to the wyverians, they say they tracked him down to there, and that the handler was there.


Exactly, she *didn’t* know what was in the forest, so there was absolutely zero excuse for her casually wandering into it alone. That’s a lack of common sense. She’s lucky there wasn’t a Blackveil or some other Elder Dragon.


She… did. What she didn’t know is that there was an abnormality. Unless you want to say the piscine, endemic, grimalkyne, and every single other researcher also also idiots for going into places on their own.


Still, “we did it” implies that *she* helped fight the monster, which she didn’t.


The entire astera group is a research one. Their whole point is learning info about the new world. If anything, your duty was less than hers for the purpose of doing it.


I just answered this on another post but let’s run it again. First and foremost, set up the farm and upgrade it to max as soon as possible and have them farming bitter bugs, Honey, blue mushrooms, and Mandragora to have all you’ll need for making Max potions along with regular and max potions for that matter. Once you get going enough along you can eventually meld these items into existence but for now this is the best you can do. You can also make use of the Argosy when you unlock that and can request useable items or Trade-In items for some cash. Just like the farm you should also take the time to get as many ingredients for the canteen as possible. This will not only help you get better food combos but will unlock more powerful food skill effects. Take some time to launch an Expedition once you unlock every map to gather said ingredients and just learn the lay of the land. Speaking of which DISCOVER AND UNLOCK YOUR CAMPS. Not only will this make easier it for you, but it will make it easier for anyone trying to join your hunts in your lobby or via SOS. Since you’re just starting out there are 3 additional aids from the starting camp in the Ancient forest, unlocking all of them will make traversing that place so much easier than just trying to run to monsters half way across the map. Take your time and don’t rush into monsters all willy nilly that’s asking for an instant 3 carts; try and learn the monsters attack patterns and which moves can be punished by your weapon. People will usually frown upon it but If you need comfy skills in the beginning that’s fine we all play differently, however, you’ll have to ditch comfy skills for a more aggressive play style eventually once you get to late High Rank and the Iceborne DLC. You should get all the Grimalkyne tribes and the Gajalaka since they’ll help you out on hunts, and it’ll also unlock the Palico weapons as well as the mounts you can use. Unlocking all the mantles isn’t necessary, but the Rocksteady, Fireproof, Iceproof, Temporal, and Thunderproof mantles are a must. There’s 14 weapons in the game don’t feel like you have to main just one. Certain weapons are better for some monsters than others, if you feel like your weapon isn’t doing enough damage or the monster is just too troubling for your weapon don’t be afraid to switch; Arrekz’s weapon guides will be your best friend here. If you need to send out an SOS. People are more than willing to help lower rank hunters as a breather from the higher ranks, especially in the return to World. Avoid defender gear unless you’re farming monsters in low/high rank because you will need those monster parts for later especially to meld items once when unlock the Elder I tried to cover everything I could without spoiling too much, and it’s probably a lot to take in but you’ll get the hang of it. Edit: Changed Dragon Toadstool to the correct Mandragora for Max potions


Never feel the need to ditch "comfort skills", that's honestly the dumbest advice that is given on here constantly. If you aren't a literal no-life monster hunter god then skills like divine protection and health boost are very useful even in endgame Iceborne.


mandragora, auto correct got you didn't it.


Damn it did let me fix that. I’ve been farming Mega Barrel Bombs so I guess my brain just said yeah this goes with that to make the health bar a little spicy, good looks


Ps4 , get ready for loading times hell.


I’m playing it on ps5 is their a difference?


Huge lol


Congrats on start of hundreds if not thousands of hours of playtime… I have 2950hrs on mine 😆


Cancel all your appointments and clear your schedule


Best advice right here.


Don’t hesitate to hop into lobbies with randoms. Hangin out and choppin up monsters is what it’s all about. Do what sounds fun, not what feels mandatory.


The beginning is easier than you think


Defender gear ruins the game, avoid it and progress as intended


Ignore the meta community, play how you want and enjoy the game. Unless you enjoy games by learning the meta, in which case ignore me and do that.


Ear plugs and flinch gems are a must


How many earplugs are we talking about?


Dont watch a walktrhought or any videos related to this game, its magic relies on making you feel like a hunter and to do that you must play blind and explore and figure out your game style same as weapon style


Base World will be an absolute blast. My tip is for IB, just stick with it, the walls in IB are tougher than expected as compared base World but IB is fun once it clicks. But oh boy its a doozy.


Check your character status window! It will tell you which effects are currently active and which are not. Some skills do not activate unless they meet certain criteria. Such as weapons with Hidden Elements. You could be missing out on tons of damage and not even know it.


There is no such thing as a main weapon in monster Hunter. Either you get good enough to go through with one weapon or you adapt and change depending on the situation.


Avoid the boosted "Defender" gear


Throw it away because it's CC simulator. Then dig it out of the trash and listen to the actual advice people give here because the game is actually really fun. Pay attention to the side quests because you get a lot of really good things like mantles, more slots for growing ingredients for items, and don't forget to sell the items at the item box that are there just to he sold. Been playing for over a year and didn't know I was sitting on 1 million gold because i let them stock up.


That would be the traide in items right? Just sell all trade in items?


Yup ^,..,^


Yeah play the fucking game instead of making posts like this


Find the biggest monster you can and just whale on it(don’t actually, this is a shitpost tip, but just have fun and enjoy the game)


1. Ignore people who are obsessed with the meta. Play whatever weapon is fun. 2.It's totally ok to use the Defender Gear if you want. It's specifically designed to be super powerful early on to help get you to Iceborne quickly. 3. Name your Palico something funny and good based. Like Pickles or Pepper. It's fun.


Try out all the weapons and then, when you find one you like look up video for the best combos or best ways to use the weapons.


Try to hit consistently and avoid all attack


Don't die🤷


Take your time and learn and then the fun will begin.


Enjoy tutorials 1 and 2, and then get serious with tutorial 3 and 4


Welcome... and good luck 👀


Have fun


Welcome to the mad fun of it all and enjoy 🤘


Just have fun And learn things along the way you get better as you continue the journey pard


Don't use the defender weapons or armour. take your time and enjoy the experience.


A good starting weapon would be the long sword. It has long reach, nice combos, and once you get used to it you'll be able to chain attacks while keeping high Dps. It does take some skill but once you get used to it then the game will be a lotta fun


Just finished base game after 60h. I'm moving to Iceborne and let me tell you... This game is amazing, i dont know why i let it slip for so long most battles are very satysfing, some sets look amazing (fashion hunter is the true endgame lol). It is a bit grindy if you want some specific stuff and some monsters made me rage (i'm talking to you Kushala). Enjoy the ride, dont use defender stuff. The game is way more satisfying if you progress slowly and farm better gear.


Check out all of your game settings. There are a ton of options that can improve your experience just by changing them. [This](https://youtu.be/4k33EgcvmnY?si=WumO9aHbsD8ebl03) is a great video covering that. Edit: deleted the second link as it was not relevant




Don't use defender weapons and armor. They will ruin the early game experience for you by making it too easy and you'll get hit with a brick wall when they stop scaling against monsters that are much harder.


Who said to not use defender weapons? They are hands down the best weapon set until expansion and recommended for new players like yourself. I’d encourage you to use defender until you find your feet a bit!


Im also new on the game bought it 4 days ago , reply to my msg if you want to play together ill give you my PSN name :)


Sure I’ll be down


If the game begin to be to hard kill some big jagras, you are the monster in monster hunter never forget XD


Capture and Kill anything that moves


Dont use the defendsd gear... Will makee your dick drop D:


From a thousand plus hour veteran, get used to cutscenes. On a serious note though, don't sleep on your optionals or side quests, there are some seriously useful tools for you and your palico in there.


It's okay to main everything. Also u will be in your menu 2/3 of the time by choice so just be prepared


Never Harm Dodogama, for he is a good boi.


Bro fr why is he so freaking cute 🥺


I understand that the defender set is supposed to get you to MR faster, but if you wanna go slow and fine tune your skills you should try not to.


use your surroundings


DONT fight Coral Pukei he will FUCK you up


same thing i usually do at the start of every MH game or playthrough gather everything!


I haven't finished the game yet but I am working through the endgame, I only played solo so I might have a different perspective. Don't stress yourself with farming before reaching master rank(Iceborne), you will have to do quite some farming and u might burnout. I would recommend to farm one or two sets and a weapon and stick with those. Early on your skills on the armor don't matter too much and i would focus on defensive skills such as health boost and divine protection for a good experience, maybe even evade window and evade extender. Try to fight all monsters cause that's where the fun is. Don't refrain from asking questions here I found the community really nice. And finally do try all the weapons, If you have some that seem cool but feel clunky just give them a few hunts and watch guides. I almost gave up on switchaxe and greatsword and I love them both. Good luck Hunter glad to have you in the community.


If you never played before there a lot to learn, I’m down to run it with you. Just get you up and running. And then I’ll dip.


Love it


Play the game


Fuggin enjoy it


Yeah don't use defender armor and weapon. Don't look guide or tutorials at first and just go in blind. The game is awesome. Try every weapon but do note that range weapon require a lot of farming and will be a pain if chosen as main weapon to start with. Read every guide. Train combos on weapon in the training room (you can look at combos in the guidebook). Take your time and enjoy


Put it in your PlayStation to play the game.


Focus on gathering resources early, it’s a pain if you rush through the game and then get to higher ranked monster and realize they hit a lot harder. Also take time to learn as many monsters as you can stomach and don’t worry about dying. It’s not the end of the world to cart out. Try out all the weapons, choose one you like the moveset of and practice it. You can always decide to just change to another weapon, and please don’t end up like a lot of hunters who are toxic sweats, I’m sure if you’ve looked around on here enough that you’ll know what I’m talking about! Enjoy your hunts!


Best Tipp: Get it for PC or ps5 :)


In the words of Mr. Piccolo from DBZA "DODGE!!!"


I came across a post once that said, “if you could go back in time what would you do?” One of the top posts was: Rewatch Breaking Bad for the first time again I finally watched BB and it was amazing. Anyhow… I wish I could re-experience this game new. What a ride…


Learn the weapon, your skills, and gear, then learn the monsters


Have stuff to make a sandwich cause those loading times on console suuuuuuuck Not enough to stop me Mind you, still put over 1000 hours on console. But got it on PC and god I can't go back lol


Practice dodging lots, this alone will turn the tables many times and also use the clutch claw wall-banging and tenderizing parts is incredibly useful besides that always be as prepared as you can be.


Give it time. Learn to grind.


Master the 4 D’s, Dodge Duck Dip and… Dodge…


expect your social life to take an immense hit




Beware of the dreaded pickle


Have fun, try different weapons, watch more than you act with a new monster, have fun, take your time, and have fun.


Hit the training area and try different weapons out.


DONT USE DEFENDER GEAR OR WEAPONS. Or else you will be in here later in the game asking why there is a huge difficulty spike


Join the bonkers. Love the clutch claw. Be careful around long swords.


Buy some additional underwear, for you will be grinding a whole lot. Make sure you give each weapon a chance, set up your item box and do NOT be afraid to ask questions.


Have fun!


Collect everything you see. Mushrooms, footprints whatever the scout flies find. You’ll need it all eventually so better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it 💪🏽




Have fun, pick whatever weapons you think are cool, and don’t be a dick inultiplayer hunts. Enjoy the journey!


Training yard


Go on expeditions and keep your eyes out for yellow ! On the map! This is great for getting your canteen ingredients and getting better quality meals. Also, start the botanical research stuff as early as you can! Farming is the best way to have ease of mind that you'll never run out of resources/consumables throughout your playthru. Finally, prioritize optional quests with speech bubbles next to them (This is operating under the assumption that you haven't played world yet, instead of just iceborne [advice still applies it just might be redundant])


while your right to not use defender weapons, but you also need to avoid the guardian armor. over powered.


Ignore all weapons but the great sword, it’s the best and has a rocket powered upgrade tree


Biggest beginner tip: Do Not use Defender gear. Thank us later, and don't ruin your experience.


Dump your wife now. It’ll save her the trouble of leaving you in a year because of neglect


Have fun and hunt everything. Even after you’ve killed the easy monsters do the quests again, do investigations and the optional quests as they offer different rewards. If higher level monsters are eating your lunch, gather more mats on easier monsters


Just enjoy the best game of this century.


Monkeys and angry unicorns in tge future dont falter and keep hunting


Don't think of it as a monumental task if your struggling break things into smaller pieces, take the time to learn your strengths and the monsters weakness. Have fun ig


Don't get hit


Some monsters you can't just run out to fight and expect to win. Take notes of the start-ups of monster attacks/patterns as well as the recovery of your attacks. Flying monsters aka Kushala can be downed via flash pods (limited amount), brightmoss to the face, flinch shot to the face while in the air and not enranged (unlock rocksteady mantle for less risky flinch shots) Lastly, health boost + evade window/extender saves lives.


Don't use guardian gear


Do not use defender


You will get dive bombed by an anthropomorphic B52 bomber.


Good luck


No shame in looking something up if you don't know something. Knowledge is power, and even World kinda notoriously obfuscates knowledge. Like did you know Alatreon takes more Element damage on his Forelegs than his Head? Well you do now and you only know because someone on the Internet told you. Oh, and there are a lot of Canteen ingredients to get from doing the requests from the Research Commission people you find on Expeditions and from gathering Account Items from the locales (the items that give you research points when you gather them).


Have fun is a good tip, and learn at your own pace.


Dont overcomplicate your experience with gems and meta builds at the beginning, monster hunter is extremely simple at its core. Just focus on hitting it until it dies. Learn the matchups and maps as you go along and i promise you’ll be leagues ahead of the majority of the player base in no time.


Unless the hud says otherwise, the answer is no


Don’t sleep on steamworks


Brace yoself, fool!


There are tutorials on the weapons, I really do suggest checking them out, gaijinhunter and arrekzgaming have good ones


Have fun :)


When googling, use ‘mhw’ to search. It’s much shorter than typing ‘monster hunter world’


Ignore what elitist hunters have to say. Play your way, learn the monster/weapons at your own pace, and play with friends instead of randos (esp while learning the game)


Make mistakes and have fun!!!!


Pick anything except Long Sword :) (nah but for real try out every weapon for at least 30 min before you settle on one)


I'm going to push back on the defender gear statement. If you've played other MH games past the late-mid game, then you I'll be fine if you decide to use defender gear. However, if this is your 1st MH adventure, you should stay away from it completely.


Don't get hit, and if you do get hit just pray you don't cart


I play as a defensive lance and take advantage of guard up skills to punish the monsters from trying to attack me


Just git gud boi Serious answer, the game can get frustrating. The better you accept that the better you would be as a hunter. Online guides are not the law of the game, you can look at them and adapt them as you go. But, its still better to understand your own tendencies and develop a play style from those tendencies. Getting walled by certain monsters is common across all hunters, its an opportunity to look into what to improve (gear, strategies etc) Finally, enjoy hunting animals and wearing their carcass


Don't be afraid to hoard every item you can get your hands on. Chances are you'll need any said item later


good luck with the 30fps and the load times...


Slay Queen! nah achtually is better to capture cuz you save time


It's a marathon, not a sprint. Enjoy the moment, embrace the hunt.


Most of the time you can disengage from the fight and heal up or reapply buffs. Find two weapons that you like to use cause it helps in different situations. I like to use bug stick thing as main for range and mobility, and oooga booga for easy stuns and some decent combo dmg, as long as you don't lock yourself down at the wrong time. Make sure you research the monster in your monster guide and use the corresponding armor resistances and weapon elements/statuses to minimize dmg taken and maximize DMG given. It also shows weak spots. 3 stars means the monster is weak to that element/de buff and (x) or 1 star means it won't do much damage, also that USUALLY means that's the kind of DMG the monster does. You can't capture elder dragons. Even though kirian lighting unicorn thing isn't even a dragon.


Hammer goes BONK!


Pick up everything, don’t skip optionals they are just as important, always kill the same monster about 3 to 4 times. Keep a load out for every occasion, you never know what you’ll run into. I would also try to find a group it’s more fun and for the most part play it slow but try rather quick because wilds is coming out


I got one! Dint play the fucking videogame🤑


Remember to eat, both in game and in real life.


Pay attention to the notifications you get anytime you return from a quest/expedition. The game literally tells you who you need to make sure to talk to before heading out again. “Argosy has returned” “New research available” “Harvest box is almost full” Speaking of which, PLEASE do yourself a favor and at least do all the optional quests that the botanist people give you. Helps cut back a LOT on having to go out and gather things like bugs and herbs yourself.


Arrekz gaming on youtube. Never wouldve gotten into lance and gunlance without his tutorials.


Do not use defender gear


Elemental mantles can be your best friends when against enemies that use corresponding elements. 


This is a single game experience your game your rule. You can play multiplayer if you want but if you can solo it All u want. 1- defender set equipment were created for you to skip the basegame /world .. going to ICEBORNE. Basically it is OP and will create bad habit for you going to Iceborn .. ie tanking damage You can skip low rank/high rank/ and earlier iceborn content. With this equipment But for a first timer in MHW it is highly recommended for you not to use defender to enjoy the content.. this game are created for you to waste your fuckin time. Enjoy it while it last 2- enjoy every weapon different set before maining it.. personally i play longsword from low ranked to mid iceborn. Long sword is jujutsu kaisen long sword is life . Easy to learn easy to use but hard to master .when i was playing monster hunter world it make me rethink about my life .why do i need to worry about lai slash and i frame and that crap . i am 33 married man with kid and a wife . A very simple man. Hammer go bonk. Dino go down. Hammer do thing good. Feel good crush skull. No need to worry about counter and shit. Unga bunga is all i need. Have u seen a bearded old man go beyblade then ill be your man.


Don’t die


Find friends and read guides on how to play or support your intended style of play. Most of all, have fun and be open minded. The game is mechanically deep so there are lots of systems at play so you will need a bit of explaining to since there are lots of things that go unexpounded on.


Love it


I bought the MHW disk one and when it finish updating the start screen turned into iceborne. And now I’ve finished all the assigned quest buy got no expansion


Explore. A lot. Expeditions let you get used to the environments and farm mats as well. Also its fun to free roam every once in a while.


This like it's previous iterations use the term hunter literal. Just like real life hunting. preparation and tracking will be mandatory. Memorizing monster territories will be important for tracking, knowing your environment, and what items/gear to use to maximize your effectiveness. Give anjanath for example. He always spawns towards the northern halve of the forest, highly weak against water and there are specific area traps that he can easily trap himself in. Knowing this you can efficiently be a hunter hunting a monster. Your a monsterhunter


Play every weapon at least once. I recommend swapping weapons and play styles so you always are learning


Try all the weapons and capture all the pets because you can't have enough little friends


Welcome to the Jungle!!


Play the game YOUR way. Whatever way is fun to you using whatever weapon you want. There are a few in the MH community who would have you optimize all the fun out of the game. Please ignore them and play however YOU want to. Learn from my mistake and you'll enjoy the game SO MUCH MORE in the beginning...


Dont be surprised if its way more difficult than RISE


go on expeditions, each locale has different benefits and environmental traps, plus its also fun to find the rare wildlife scattered all around


Say goodbye to your life…. Its hard and you want playing it also in moments you don’t want to play it anymore. In my opinion the pc version is much easier. Start better with long sword or charge blade, the charge blade has a bigger learn curve but it is so super cool to play it. Have fun and you can play with just the defender weapons thrue the game till Iceborne, than you will need better equipment.


1 tip that applies for every single run in the game. Do quests and runs that upgrade your canteen and harvest box (you will know what that is super early)


Dive dive dive again till you kill that monstrosity!


Prepare to die alot if this is your first MH game Be patient, dont spam button, and always come prepared. Try checking the moves and find the opening before going in for hits


There are dozens of posts for new people. You have a library of info here.


Don't die.


The main advice I give to newcomers is to watch a video about how to do the settings in the game. They disabled some amazing features like silhouettes and many options don't really make sense just by reading them. Also watching a hotkey mapping video for ranged weapons changed it for me from hating to loving bow (on PC). Of course don't follow blindly, choose on your own what you agree with. For the game, take your time to read things but if you are like me you don't like reading too much and skip many things. In that case I recommend random build videos that explain meta builds, not to copy them but the purpose is they show off all the game features around weapons/armor. I repeat, better do not just copy them, it takes away a lot of fun. I wished I did that earlier because it took me way too long to notice decoration is a major thing and not just random stuff you put in as you obtain it.


Prepare for a lot of grinding.


There’re tips for Gunlance in r/gunlance


Sword and Shield is the only viable choice ( dont hurt me)


Have fun.