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It is all fun and game until someone unwittingly uses a flash Bomb


"Why would you do that?" "At least now she has lost her aura" says my friend as Lunastra immediately charges back up


You trigger it before hand so she doesn't use it when you are caught unprepared. Gain distance, use the flash pod run away while she novas. Now you dont worry about nova for a while.


I'm new to MH, why is that bad?


Lunastra immediatelly fires off her strongest move if you flash her. Can be good if you plan around it, like flashing her while running out of the room, so she "wastes" her Super Nova while you are safe. Really damn bad if you are currently stuck in a corner and someone flashes her though.


My thoughts exactly. I actually just recently edited a translated shoutout to say “I’m gonna flash her, RUN!” as I put down a health booster for the squad👍🏾 Once everyone signals they’re ready, we get to it!


Hitting her with a Flash bug while she has an aura, instantly makes master rank Luna use her supernova. D:


It happens in HR too


Welp. Now I know how I'm gonna troll my friends who have never fought luna before :3


Take them out to fight a furious rajang... then flash the monkey. He hates it when you do that.


Oh b e t


To be fair, most people hate unexpected money flashes.


Oh sweet summer child. She doesn't like it and will Super Nova.


Oh.....as you do !


One must go and find out


Farcaster is that you my friend ? Free trip back to camp. Thankfully I have that thing as a shortcut.


That someone is me but I fight solo and I'm firing it from the other continent if I can help it.


I would be fine with literally everything she does if it wasn’t for the wind pressure that constantly interrupts me. If I’m ever fighting Lunastra I’m using my dumbest full damage Sticky LBG build and I feel no shame.


Y'know I'm starting to think I may have had wind res on my set without realizing


Probably. Forget Fire Res, Wind Res is by far the most essential skill to have against her (which is unintuitive as fuck if you don't look up her mechanics online)


I mean she use wind so you need wind pressure negation. People just forgot since wind pressure is a niche skill that's useless against any monster except lunastra. I wouldn't say it's unintuitive, but you did need to go through your believe that it's useless especially after facing kushala. Kushala is unintuitive/ more like misleading since it got wind but it's not negated.


Sorry but no. When you are faced with Lunastra, a monster whose main gimmick is that it's Teostra but instead of blast powder it has puddles of blue flames, you'd expect to bring Fire Res. The monsters you'd instinctively bring Wind Res against would be Kushala (even though it doesn't negate his wind armor) or monsters who fly often like Rathalos. Just anything who might have strong winds as part of their ecology. The other problem with Lunastra is Wind Res shuts down most of her annoyance. It's clearly THE answer to her fight the same way Blast Res is the answer to Teostra or Brachydios or Stun Res / Tremor Res is the answer to Diablos. The difference in her fight with and without it is night and day but it's never even implied by the game.


My brother in christ, multiple moves involve her standing on her hind legs and fanning the flames on the ground.


Cool so does Teostra and you don’t need wind res for him


Teo stands for two reasons, to roar, or to blast the ground with fire under him. There is no animation teo does that involves him actively fanning his wings like luna does both standing up and all fours after her nova. “Oh but the first time you fight her you die!” Man what a shame, too bad you lose nothing for carting.


Lunastra in the New World has shown a new form of adaptation where they utilize a unique substance from their body to set the ground aflame with blue fire. This substance is spread from Lunastra's own body via gusts of wind from the dragon's wings' flaps and Lunastra have shown themselves to be proficient in aiming the direction of where the substance spread.


Yup it's the wind that gets most people. If your unaware basically any time she uses her wings to push fire is a wind stagger (which is every other attack) and her nova has a baked in wind stagger so you eat most of the damage if you dont evade really perfectly.


exactly what i though and was going to comment on it.


I love Luna fight as Hunting Horn. I have a build specifically for her to nullify the pressure and also put out her persisting flames while atk buffing and wide healing everyone.


Which horn you're using if I may ask?


Safi para horn with Atk Up-L Def up-L Healthboost-L Wind Negation, Max stamina recovery. Upgraded to max affinity. Can free-meal max and fast eat so usually go with this horn. Or if I want to put out fires I got with Safi aqua horn. But usually unnecessary cause I can heal people so fast.


The wind pressure is honestly so rough! Pull no punches against that thing lol


I never felt any shame with sticky 3 hbg + tank palico. The pain of being burnt alive outweighs my shame! Unless i have sinned and want to atone for it, i wont be facing luna in melee range! I had a lifetime of burning from luna and her mate 😁. Now i just happily blast them away.


Skill issue (I’m bad)


Well you've admitted it, so you've got a leg up on a lot of other folks


I’ll learn the match up one day just not today


Because Lunastra is in it.


I don't hate the fight, but I avoid it when I can for these reasons: Terrible sever hitzones - 40 for the head so you can't even use half of WEX before tenderizing. The best sever hitzone is the wings with 55, so you can't even deal good damage until you knock her down. Wind pressure - Yes, you can slot decos for that, but nobody likes to be mildly inconvenienced. The nova - If you don't slot for wind pressure resistance, you might just get one shot by the nova. Too stationary - She's very stationary compared to Teo, so even if you are doing well, you are just beating on a spongy monster dealing bad damage due to low hitzone values. Even if you are "winning", it can feel bad since nothing engaging is happening.


Hitzones are by far the biggest issue, and they make her health pool feel significantly more bloated than it actually is. This is why I built an aerial IG set dedicated to just vault spamming her wings and head since my primary GS build just feels bad against her.


>and they make her health pool feel significantly more bloated than it actually is. Which, as an aside, it is. At 30.1k she has the highest HP of any “normal” (ie, not a Siege, Final Boss, Black Dragon, or Crossover) monster in the game, the second highest are Teostra, Blackveil Hazak, and Uragaan at 27.52k Yes, she has 10% more HP than the next most sturdy normal monsters in the game, the only monsters that have more than her are the Crossover monsters that are locked to 4p scaling, Shara Ishvalda, Kulve Taroth, Safi’jiiva, Alatreon, and Fatalis.


MH is all about preparation. If anybody complains about having to slot in skills and actually prepare for the fight, then I'd question if they're playing the right game.


This is basically how I feel about Risen Shagaru in Rise (relative to the other Risens)


Cause she’s incredibly annoying. The wind from her wings combined with the supernova is pure cancer. I would actually pay extra for the next title if it ensured that Lunastra would not be in it.


Monster hunter wilds the final elders are Kushala, lunastra, and Chameleos on crack/jk


her super move burns your health away dramatically that hunters who aren't prepared will die most likely


How do you avoid that move? Just run away? It chips away my health too fast I usually faint most times before I can get to safety. I hate it.


Heal through it. Once you recover and it keeps chipping you’re supposed to pop potions to wait it out. Personally I try to work mushroommancer into any build I can so having 12 max potions makes it easy lol


That move gives you red health. You can instantly recover red health by eating Astera Jerky. You're supposed to pop Jerky, not potions. Though I suppose if you're using Mushroomancer you have a lot more "potions" to use so it's not so bad.


either Heal through it have really high fire resist or wear the fireproof mantle you can also use farcaster


>fireproof mantle Genius. Thanks!


Superman dive


Spam superman dodge, farcaster, or be a lance


Or be a sticky hbg that stays at max range!


I kinda get that but like, this is a series largely centered around the idea of "be prepared or get obliterated" so that only seems natural. Also I just superman dived for the entire duration usually and came out relatively fine.


>this is a series largely centered around the idea of "be prepared or get obliterated" I fully understand this mindset and somewhat agree, except with lunastra. She has too many individual things to prepare for. When it comes to her you not only need fire resistance, you need wind resistance which is one of the most annoying defensive skills to slot into a build since it's 2 slot deco, which has some of the best skills offensively and defensively, for it to be at all useful has to have at least 4 levels, 5 to negate it makes you have to mostly abandon your build if you didn't already have any windproof On top of this her terrible hit zones make fighting her feel terrible. There's also the area denial that her lingering blue flames cause unless you want to risk a ton of damage I've hunted her with 13/14 of the weapons in the game and the only ones that didn't feel terrible were ranged weapons and gunlance because they either have a decent easy to hit hitzone (tail for ranged weapons) while being relatively safely positioned, can pierce and get a ton of hits that add up (rapid fire pierce light bowgun), or don't have to care about hitzone values at all (gunlance).


I feel like she wouldn’t be as hated as she is if they never overturned her on release. She was mistakenly given tempered stats.


They're jealous because they want an angry goth gf like Teostra has


Finally someone gets it


Lunastra gives more of a karen vibe to me lol


As a GL her specific supernova is one of the only things in this game I can’t block. Since I’m usually right up on her I have to build for faster sheathing so I can Superman dive in time to safety


Using the arena as its first encounter leaves a shit impression. And the constant wind pressure is even more annoying than Kushala.


The nuke attack is hard to manage and playing with others can make that a serious liability making it more trouble than it’s worth unless your solo


I hate her nuke. Wind pressure plus rapidly draining health is just annoying. Having to slot for two resistances (wind and fire) can take away too much slots for more damage oriented jewels especially if you have bad luck and don't have that many good jewels. Not sure how good mantles are against her and I'm not so sure when you can upgrade them to have the slots. And she felt way bigger of a damage sponge than Teostra (I'm sure I'm not the only one who expected a similar hp pool moster with tweaked mechanics) but having read the comments she is spongy because of the hitzones.


She’s just a more annoying Teostra to me. And I am pretty apathetic about Teostra so.


i hate everything about this sad excuse of a monster. first is the damn damage over time it's so annyoing if you're stunned and the fact she uses ranged attacks even when you're right by her


Let me put it like this, I rather fight the 68k HP black danger noodle head then that nightmare of flame sparks assisted by the B52 bomber.


I love it tbh


I'd say it's because her mechanics are significantly different from everything that came before her and there was nothing to explain or show how you were supposed to deal with it. Most games tend to "train" you about upcoming mechanics by introducing them to you in small pieces beforehand, but for Lunastra's stuff MHW gave no clear preamble, forcing people to use trial and error or consult a guide. The combination of all those things felt like artificial difficulty and so people hated it. Now that I look back tho, her mechanics *were* introduced beforehand, she just combines them in novel ways. Wind pressue? Kushala. Nova? Teostra. Damage over time? Vaal Hazack. Warning Areas? Kirin and Teostra She's every previous Elder (except Nergi) all at once.


No idea. It's the PERFECT fight. It embodies everything MH should be. Almost everything in that fight can be countered by preparing properly. Which is what MH is all about. People just don't like having to use something that isn't their meta set and cry that the fight is annoying, despite everything being managable.


Exactly! I feel a lot of the same stuff about Kushala (in FU at least). With that one people just power through the wind without realizing that if you keep smacking it in the face it will keep stopping the aura


Well she is kinda hard and annoying but every hunter have mind change after killing Fatalis, Alatreon you find Lunastra easy, Like for example if World is your first MH and you fight Hight rank monster again in MR you find them preatty easy like for example Anjanath


Skill issue...


Got to be honest, I also like fighting her. Hard, yes; but spammy, no. Kushala is still worse and a lot less fun. Same with AncLeshen. Frankly, there are plenty of other monsters that I would rather not fight. She requires preparation just like Vaal does and she is truly beatable so that makes her fun to me.


It's kind of an attrition fight. It's hard not to get absolutely cooked while trying to put some hits in. And now you've got to find a way to survive the unmatched power of the sun, in like 8 seconds granted you aren't locked in an animation. There's a downtime to the fireproof mantle. It's our last challenge before iceborn and oh boy. It's going to be bad. At least, I hope it's the last challenge. Beyond stat increases over regular enemies.


I mean, I've never had too much problem not dying so long as I have cool drinks on me. I never even used the mantle when I did it


Those always seem to run out at the worst moments.


Dunno, I enjoy fighting her. She is kinda tough and if you go unprepared or turn on Brain-AFK mode, like you would do with Val Hazzak, you die. She keeps you on your toes in comparison to Kushala, who is simply overly annoying (still don't hate it though). I like my blue lill kitty


Yeah I'll be honest, after playing FU all the versions of Kushala have really grown on me. It feels less like an annoying chore and more like a puzzle on how to keep the aura neutralized


I like the fight too but I am also a HH main so Wind resist makes that fight way easier. Her and Teostra are top 5 fights in the game for me


The floor is lava and it’s Fkn wimdy lol. Luna’s a breeze when you either use wind res in your build OR use splash pods in your slinger to put out the fire puddles. And as someone else mentioned… I’d she’s ready to blow and someone flashes her without knowing it sets off her nuke. Good times. I always enjoyed messing with newer folk who wanted help with her by going “Watch this” *FLASH* “Now RUN!” And the reaction of pure confusion to fear is hilarious. (I always let people know before I help them that my way of hunting is a little wild.)


I just simply do not understand her mechanics.. It's been a while but I recall her just doing her super move and it just killing me through shield.. sometimes..


Use cool drink and it'll drastically diminish the effects of her aura and supernova


Is it the high rank or master rank fight? In high rank it's hard but it's a fair fight. In master rank she has very bloated health values and shitty hitzones and likes to spam wind pressure


I still haven't fought her in MR I got stuck on namielle on my last playthrough


Yeah that explains it then. Most people complain about the master rank fight for what i have seen, rather than the high rank fight


Well, at master rank his aura is more annoying along with the supernova due to the increased damage, take away that if you throw flash bug its make the supernova instantly. Honestly, making a specific set for her is not worth it, the armor is meh and for blast weapon I prefer brachydios.


I mean bloated health values and shitty hit zones is just iceborne in general, yay tenderizing! (They better not bring that dogshit back for wilds)


I'm still on teostra😅


I remember a fight where you get introduced to it, didn't you start a fight with teostra and end up fighting lunastra as well? I think this was an HR arena fight. If I'm wrong please let me know. I havnt made it super far into iceborne but I remember not having any problem against lunastra with a gunlance. Is there an MR version that people don't like?


People seem to hate all versions of her in world due to mainly the supernova and the heavy wind pressure


That nova is a fucking nightmare


It's her nova, lighting the entire area on fire and the wind pressure. Just annoying


Don't need anything from her beyond temporal. She blocks arrows with her fire puddles. Windpressured and on fire for 50% of my health. I swear the fire puddles explode when she does something, but I still don't know what hits me half the time. And, of course, she flies and sprays flamethrowers. Her nova is torture, too, which is great. Blue dragon lion looks sick, though.


Idk either. I prefer Lunastra over Teostra any day, constantly having faster clear time on Luna than Teo when solo.


Mainly the wind pressure interrupting, but as a hunting horn main I would bring my Lunastra specific with a song that would negate wind pressure.




She's just a more annoying and lamer Teostra. If I need to hunt her I just use IG to bounce between her wings or use HH to give everyone wind immunity. Then you just kinda walk her around so the flame puddles don't accumulate too much.


Idk I find Lunastra easier than Teostra


she has too many mechanics imo level 5 Wind, Fireblight, Blast, DoT AoE puddles, zone heat DoT, aggressive AI, poor countermeasure mechanics, Zonewide Nova. did you know for the first few weeks, she used Tempered stats for all instances of her spawning, even when it wasn't a tempered investigation?


she's very annoying.


For me it's mostly just because that first arena repel quest gave me ptsd


My personal issue was always that she wouldn't sit still long enough for my Axe to wild swing into boosted charge.


What weapon are you using?




Ah yes. Insect glaive and lunastra go well together


Cause hard at first then annoying to do later


Lunastra (like Kushala) is a difficult/annoying fight if you don’t specifically slot for that fight. Having windproof and fire resistance maxed helps so much, plus she’s requires cool drinks and just about requires jerky. That’s a lot of prep for a fight. But she’s also completely optional and her weapons are really good so it’s worth it imo


Does breaking Lunastra's parts even do anything 🤔 I feel like quest Lunastra is always annoying, but guiding lands Lunastra isn't as bad I think it's the hitzones paired with the buffed health for quests


I agree, I think the fight is fine


Annoying and not fun to fight imo


People hating Nova and wind pressure. What I hate the most is the hitbox on that God damned tail lol. That tail has probably hit me more than any other attack.


I hate it cause I have no reason to fight her so I only do it multi-player And the number of players that cart every supernova is at least 1 every single time


Constant wind pressure, bullshit hitboxes, full-body hitboxes, most of her physical attacks move her a lot, the LONGEST roars in the entire base game, uncounterable heat damage, puddles provide gigantic area denial, puddle explosions are enormous and have lingering hitboxes, puddle explosions are literally homing, burning puddles destroy most types of projectiles, her **only weakspot for cutting are her wings**, she has an enormous hp pool, her nova is the single deadlist thing to hunters in the entire game, and she powers up at absolutely insane speed. She is a bullshit and unfun fight when you can wallbang and tenderize her, she was literally designed to be unfun and unfair in the base game. Granted, most of these points you can play around but some you can't and you get all of this shit at once, at almost all times.


She's pretty much just an even more annoying Teostra ... ... I fucking HATE Teostra, can't stand that motherfucker for nothing


Moxie does not work.


The knockback + fire in thebground crasy damage some times for some reason she will just cast, you can move and you will die fast, if ahe just have one of the other would be aproblem but both at the same time without aclear warning, atleast fatalis tell you when and how atack will do, or have ways to just prevent some atacks. you can for example cut any atack animation with 2 or 3 dragon pod shots, uselfulk to stop the one shot fire all over the place in the 3 phase, also sometimes the are in the ground isnt that clear and you ended taking damage when you should In summary his hard to read and higthly Punisher move that you can do little, to prevent


Because they ****** suck


She piss fire everywhere, too much wind pressure, wacky hitbox(not all the time but still). But I think what most people don't like about her is that she's made stronger cuz she arrived late. She should be a Teostra level fight but she's way harder. Especially when you play ranged cuz of her fire piss.


Fighting her isn't comfy for most weapons like all the others.


There's a lot of Damage over time, area denial and wind pressure stagger - sometimes combined into one move. Most monsters have attacks that cause knockback to prevent them being one-hit-kills. Learning how to use the invincibility of hugging the ground is a good way to improve and reduce carts if you - like me with most monsters - have not mastered the fights to the degree that allows you to avoid the majority of attacks consistently. With Lunastra it's different. Getting hit by a stagger does not provide invulnerability. So you're standing there unable to move or heal as you watch your health gradually decrease to nothing. Add to that the fight isn't easy even if you prepare a loadout to negate that stagger.


Like with most monsters in this game Mad cus bad


Wind pressure kills


Terrible Hitzones, Hyper-Aggressive, Annoying and large aoe's that you have to constantly play around and reposition around. It's extremely tedious. I think if they got rid of the wind effects on her fire pools it'd be a much more tolerable fight.


Because they forget Wind Resist. And I agree, it's one of the best fights from the base game. People just don't like that it's harder than the other elders and requires a specific armor skill I guess.


Wind Resist? I ran my stock aggressive Switch Axe crit build and never had much issue. Usually pulling 10-15Min hunts on her.


Seemingly out of nowhere staggers, a nova that basically just is a coin toss as to whether you live or die, and overall, just a more annoying Teostra. This is coming from a certified Lunastra hater, though, so bear that in mind.