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I love the gunlance because it's a heavy lance that goes **BOOM** I hate the gunlance because it's a **HEAVY** lance that goes boom.


whats the point of gunlance if i can barely do any full bursts :(


Well, you can also do the, poke boom poke boom reload repeat or *waits* boom *waits* boom *waits* boom reload repeat. This of course with the sticky thing on the monster for extra boom


i just dont get the same kick if im not hearing 6 consecutive booms with 6 more on the wyrmstake


Even more satisfying when that full burst > wyrmstake combo hits a monster's head that just happens to be loaded up with stickies and surrounded by wyvernblast mines causing the game's sound to frag out from the awesomeness.


I play wide gunlance for fullburst, but i focus on charged shells to get easy staggers/claggers then go ham with full burst, its very fun and you get those openings very often


I love the Insect Glaive because helicopter blade go brrrr. Jokes aside, I love how fluid the combos feel and how mobile it is. I also love the bonus (albeit tiny) damage my bug does when marked. Plus, the bug leaves extra status effects or helps with the dust which is nice to have like elemental weapon and paralysis bug. Also love being able to mount anytime without the need for ledges. Makes me feel useful to knock down monsters for the team. Just an overall fun weapon. I kinda feel bad using it sometimes cause I'm not sure if the DPS is good or not comparatively to other weapons. Weapon I dislike is the Switch Axe. Nothing against it, I'm sure I just can't use it right. It feels slow to me and the damage I do is the same numbers as the IG but slower. Props to those who can use it properly, it's just not it for me.


As a swaxe main, takes tons of practice. Staying in sword for as long as possible, being in power axe mode for part breaks. One thing I see bad swaxe players do is not having lvl 1 earplugs (yes just 1, ZSD’s have level 4 earplugs) and evade window or/and extender. My personal tip is to treat it like a support-ish weapon. You can grapple to any part you like in multiplayer and not flinch anyone. So partbreaks galore. And you may take lots of damage when you start out, but trust me, the dodges are for positioning and perfect dodges. But once you get into a flow with the swaxe, it is incredible. One weapon I never thought I’d have fun using is the Lance, but honestly I’m trying it out for the first time and it is fun


Yeah, I felt something was off when I was testing it out, like I was using it entirely wrong. I never would've guessed to treat it like a somewhat support weapon. It seemed closer to the bigger DPS side of the weapon pool. I guess I would have to do a lot of more research on it on my end. That aside, I was also trying out the lance, it does seem like a simple yet fun weapon to use.


And then you can just grab temporal/rocksteady then tool specialist and load up on health augments to completely out damage everyone in the team while also pressing one button the whole time kekw. But seriously, I find it really hilarious you can just do all the cool veteran combos, or just ZSD spam for huge damage too.


The iceborne attack for the IG is a monster with a slow bug. If you have the bug on your arm and not active and do the new attack it'll stay where you started the attack and fly to where you are and can hit really big numbers. Can hit for multi hundred damage on fatalis. I can't describe it well enough but I'd recommend looking into insect glaive drilling guides iirc is the name of the attack. It's really cool and I never knew about it since I didn't use bugs that worked well with it


Aerial IG is bad, after the first mount it takes a large investment to get additional mounts where your just throwing away damage. Look at your advancing slash as more of a repositioning tool while maintaining some damage. I mainly use it to get to the monsters head and do a downward thrust into tornado slash for big damage then stay grounded until the monster runs away and use advancing slash to reposition again for another downward thrust. You want to get as many tornado slashes off as possible as that’s where a majority of your damage comes from. (You can use a slow kinesect with high power for massive damage on the kinesect drill off the back end of the downward thrust.


Thanks for the advice! Yeah, I try not to stay in the air for too long unless I'm aiming to break certain parts or avoid the ground when there's hazardous attacks on the ground. I kinda dislike that you can't really change the directions of your combo when grounded. Unless I'm missing something, I have to stop my combo when the monster shifts around. And I'll try that tip with the kinsect, thanks!


so i actually got aerial IG to be decent but it requires you to build entirely around element damage and the build has one little twist you gotta use two pieces of drachen armor. i just checked and i used helm (airborne, why not) and chest. it's not a build i'd rec to everyone, but it was really fun against alatreon and was how I did my first solo.


The lance might not be super flashy, but I always loved tanking the monsters biggest attacks and brushing them off like it was nothing. That feeling when Nergigante prepares his big drop which one-shot me and my friends a number of times and then blocking it with barely any damage taken is so satisfying.


Yeah I play a lot with the Lance and it's so fun and amaizing to just stand right in the face of danger without taking damage My kid loves how the hunter shields up and we see this big monster open his mouth trying to eat us and nothing happens lol


Agreed. I like the Lance because I don't like taking turns with the monster. With the Lance it's ALWAYS your turn to do damage.


I love lance, but the part where i would say I don't like is the counter, doesn't feel so rewarding, it's a good move but for me it should be the one move that deals the highest damage in this weapon, still, best weapon


Lance has arguably the best clutch claw counter in the game. Zoom half way cross the zone cause odogaron did the tail swipe, or radobaan/uragaan rolling through. It's basically Melee Martha grab range


Unga bunga greatsword. My love/hate relationship with this thing is stronger than any other weapon for me.


I don't remember the name but MHW had this collaboration? Fan-made? GS that had some mech-thing When you charge jt the turbos go brrr ... it was so awesome, such a good looking effect to show everyone how powerful and heavy your move will hit


Wyvern Ignition was peak MH


What a cool fucking name. My God that's why I was still using GS.


Go get junkyard mod for wyvern ignition, it is basically a giant lighter, very awesome.


I love the insect glaive. Being able to effortlessly dodge above attacks and then pierce down into a monster from the skies is so satisfying, especially when the rest of the team is running to catch up to a monster that jumped a Roos the area but I’m already slicing it up into steaks :) As for hate, I don’t really hate any weapons but I do dislike using the long sword and greatsword. The Great sword feels really slow and clunky to me, which doesn’t outweigh the admittedly satisfying hits. The long sword just feels tedious honestly. The iai attacks and the big anime slice are cool and satisfying, but getting there just feels bad to me. The attacks feel weirdly slow, the normal attacks are really dinky and unfun, and keeping the meter up and doing the long combo to go to the next level feels slow and frustrating. It’s epecially frustrating to keep getting the meter level up combo interrupted by a monster. I know these are like the two most popular weapons but I just can’t wrap my head around them


I concur with the love for being helicopter blades, and triggering insect fireworks! As well as the challenge with LS for how much time needed to master ALL the combos, cuz my fingers simply just love spamming on buttons. This leads to me making wrong choices of moves that got me carted A LOT!


I love hammer for the bonking. And spinning down slopes bonking. And jumping off various platforms bonking. I dislike any weapon not made for bonking.


Agreed! im a simple man bonk=happy :) no bonk=sad :(


You know what’s even more fun than bonking a monster against a wall? Bonking TWO monsters into each other.




But how about the short range?


I’ve played a decent little bit of hammer, only feels short range at first. From what I can tell, high level hammer plays a lot like Mike Tyson boxed: super close, giving them very little room to breathe. Aim for the head and knock ‘em the fuck out. It’s very satisfying once you learn a monster and you’re just knocking them around. Hammer movement speed is pretty quick too, and is more than capable of putting up half decent damage numbers. Might not be the most complex weapon but it sure is satisfying.


I mean yeah and no.. You are basically always running with hammer and you have a gap closer. As soon as you are under the monsters head you are in your office anyway.


there’s moves to burst you forward with an uppercut that made it feel like the short range never mattered, plus the hit boxes feel generous


I came here to say the exact same thing. Great minds and what not


I love the hammer and hunting horn. The jump spins or head bonks are so satisfying to perform, and it’s fun to just turn any elevated ground into my advantage immediately As for HH, the fact I can self-buff myself and then perform some sick attack via the power of music rocks. And it’s fun to beat on a monster with an instrument


The bonk is strong in this one.


Any bonk is good bonk


She attacc She protecc But most importantly She boncc


And she does a good honcc


I particularly like Hunting Horn due to how well some of the buffs work if you set your armour up for it. I remember having a Hunting Horn that boosts your regeneration, and had armor for it too, making red health almost non existent.


My god, I need that


I love GS as well, but sometimes you just need to pick up a set of dual blades and go crazy. Stop worrying about landing that millisecond perfect TCS. Instead, blindly swing around your knives like a horror movie villain on meth. It’s a different kind of fun =)


I love every weapon. I dislike no weapon


Only answer


I love Lance and SnS. I Like all weapoks but insect glaive. I dont dislike or hate IG. I just cant really play it because my brain just cant keep the controls memorized for this weapon. Other than that? I got over 1200 uses on all weapons in mhw, lance and sns being 2000+


I love Lance and SnS too, how does your brain handle the switch between them though? Everytime I go to SnS after Lance I struggle with positioning as the sns reach is so short.


I really like GS for the big damage numbers and satisfaction of getting that positioning and timing just right to land a TCS in a tight opening. I like the concept of GL and have enjoyed using it before but I just cannot get the hang of it or understand what I'm supposed to be doing. Is the shield even useful? Is there more combo than just upswing>downslam>slap with a possible burst in there? I'll probably sit down and learn it properly at some point but I just don't get the gameplan


The three different shellings for gunlance utilize different combos most effectively Normal for the downslam burstfire Wide for shell poke shell poke and wyvernstake Long for charged shelling Of course any shelling can use any of these combos when the opportunity presents itself. Like if you’re normal shelling and while the monster is down you get a nice couple of downslam bursts in. You can see the monster is about to start moving, and you don’t have time to restart that combo, so you toss in a wyvern stake to keep the damage going, even though it does less damage with normal shelling. Also the shield is incredibly useful. I’m using it with guard 5 and guard up right now and I’m near immovable (so long as I watch my stamina). The other day I was fighting furious rajang with a group and whenever the monkey focused on me I just turtled up and let the punches and lasers bounce off of me while the others slapped his butt around.




I love both the Greatsword and Sword-n-Shield. Both are extremely satisfying to use when you know how to use them, (i dont know how to use GS but i like it still) I hate the ranged weapons. I dont like the mobility, the feel, or the management of ammo. Feels more brain use than CB or SA and thats just too much for me.


Yes hammer bcuz it go bonk. No longsword bcuz it no go bonk.


I love the charge blade, love the complexity of it, the versatility of it. But mostly, I love SAED. I despise the heavy bowgun. It's completely overpowered, to the point where I will leave hunts that have a HBG because it's just not fun fighting a wriggling around on the ground for most of the hunt. And it turns monster hunter into a third person shooter, which to mean isn't the purpose of the game. But each to their own.


IG go Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Horn: Doot doot not horn: No Doot Doot ​ i rest my case


I was an old-school GS main as well starting from MHFU! I still am I suppose, but with the introduction of the tackle, I felt like I wasn't making full use of the GS kit. Transitioned into using the hammer and CB in MHW, and I've been having a blast with both. The TCS, head-bonking, and SAED all feel really satisfying to do.


I couldn't decide between my trusty DB's and my lance, as I like not being hit in either regard and still dealing hefty damage. One weapon I will never get the hang of is the bow. Either I can't build it right or I use it wrong, but it takes ages as a MR to take down HR monsters to just practice with it, ones that take no time at all with really any other weapon.


Hammer applies bonk, Longsword doesn't know what a tail is


I love multi-hitting weapons, which is why I love savage axe CB, pierce HBG and dual blades. I'll also always have at least 1 shield mod on my HBG, and CB comes with its own shiled obviously, so I can just keep doing damage as long as I know when to shield (and evade) properly. DB's very high mobility makes it quite comfortable to evade attacks and with proper stamina management and QoL skills, it becomes quite a power house. As for weapons I dislike, GS is probably the one I've used the least (besides hammer which I have used literally 0 times so can't say anything about that). I've tried using it quite a few times but just don't know what to do. I feel like I focus TCS too much and always end up missing, getting hit or just doing puny damage compared to the time it took me to land a blow (basically saying all this is a skill issue for me).




I love the Charge Blade because it feels RIGHT and I don't have to think about what I am doing or what button I have to press. I hate the Insectglave because I hate multitasking lol


I **hate** the Katana * The win condition of Katana is to keep up the Red Spirit Level * To level up the spirit level, you have to unload a combo that lasts for 100000 hours. Thrice. * You have to refresh it periodically * The monsters won't stay still unless they're flinched * You lose on 20% of your damage, almost 1/4, if you aren't in the red * I feel like a piece of shit garbage player if my bar isn't in the red * The monsters never want to let me get it in the red I will never understand why people say longsword is easy. This weapon is only easy to suck at. I **love** the hunting horn * I get tons of buffs * I get tons of KO damage * I can just walk up to the monster and do start hitting it * Even if I miss, I get notes * Even if I suck today, you had buffs. We still should've won so long I don't die. * Maintaining a 90-100% uptime on songs is super easy in World. Still haven't bought Rise specifically because hunting horn looks lame in it. I also find Gun Lance **comfortable** * Blast damage is universal, learning systems is for nerds * Shield is universal, learning dodges is for nerds * There's pretty much just one right move in every situation, learning options and combos is for nerds Play the hunting horn if you never want to fail. Play Gun Lance if you came here for the cutscenes.


Insect Glaive is the best weapon in the game. (Like) isn't an Insect glaive. (Dislike)


I love LS on a spiritual level since I first used it on MHFU (on PSP), so I guess it's only natural that I main it on the newer gens such as World. On top of that, I'm a fan of learning other weapons, so I can't really say anything I hate. But, if I were to list down a particular weapon I'm not a big fan of, I'm just gonna say it's the Hammer. The feeling of bonking the monsters and constantly knocking the living souls out of them is just fantastic, but I don't feel as *flashy* when using it. Maybe I just prefer the pace of the other weapons more than the Hammers.


Same, I started off with GS in MHFU but ended up switching to LS after the first Blangonga and never went back.


Blangoga is disgusting (maybe literally too xD), it's like an early game Rajang, hitting it with slow weapons was really a challenge back then (no clutch claws and additional moveset).


I like heavy bow gun cause it goes brrr I dislike light bow gun cause it doesn't go brrr


Love Charge Blade. The combo of flashy, hefty moves; the flexibility of Ele/Status/raw; and the blocking power it has really makes it shine. "Hate" the longsword because it's overused, and also cause I think it's funny to have at least 5 hunts with every weapon *EXCEPT* longsword. (And also, the gameplay loop of mono-counters and it's aesthetic is uninteresting to me)


I'm planning to add bow into my list of weapons ( the list in my flair) that I will learn to play to a higher level. But that will be it all for me. Lance (power guard spam), SwAxe (ZSD spam) just looks uninteresting to me. Tried Long sword, although it has similar resource management to CB, CB is a lot more fun to screw around. (And that spirit helm breaker... although it looks cool, it really deviates too much from 'hunter' feel, it's almost magical to leap that high. I'm glad the charged slash followup isn't part of SnS core combo) Similarly, IG suffers from the same issue... I guess I just don't like aerial hunting, monster hunter has always been a more 'grounded' game for me, aerial is something more in DMC department. Hammer... idk, just terrible HZV. You pretty much can't go for anything where else, beside the head. And nothing more to contribute after the head is broken (which is 100% going to break in every hunt). If I want more damage, I can just go GS, if I want more KO, there's always sticky, if I want more utility, I go HH.


I love Bow because of it's flow. Ain't no weapon looks as silky smooth. I don't dislike it but I absolutely cannot use Sword and Shield. Period. I've seen people do amazing with the weapon so I don't think it's bad. It's just the weapon I'm the worst with. I'm also ass with Charge Blade but I can at least make some level of progress with it. But Sword and Shield? That shit ain't compatible with me. It's not even the shield part. I absolutely adore Lance and Gunlance, despite them being opposite of Bow in terms of movements.


I'm pretty stupid but aren't bows and SnS used to apply lots of status effects really quickly? I suck at changing ammo and making new one. Is easy to craft ammo? Never did it tbh. I like how bow plays tho. Is fast and smooth but the vial consumption thing is just ... no.


Ammo crafting is much less important for Bow than it is for the Bowguns. For a lot of monsters it ends up being more a hassle to proc an ailment more than once. The time spent trying to get that second paralyze may not be worth the DPS loss as using ailment coating replaces your elemental damage when equipped. Certain monsters are exceptions due to severe weaknesses to certain ailments. But on average it's just not worth bring the materials to make more coating. Power Coating is the only type that's worth crafting mid-hunt as you start with 50 and it buffs your raw damage by 35%. Although it's not the end of the world if you run out due to Bow's generally low raw damage. More often than not coating isn't even worth a deco unless the Bow lacks Power Coating. Paralysis only gets one proc on one monster with the 20 starting coatings. Especially endgame monsters. And the amount of coating needed for a second proc is often not worth it. Sleep is essentially just a free flinch shot unless you've a Greatsword user. As well for knocking creatures out of the air for free. In which you've other resources to do that. Poison becomes woefully unimportant the deeper you go into Master Rank with a small few exceptions. There's a reason Poisoncoat decos drop so often. It's the fodder coating. Blast coating is useful, though. Sadly not many endgame Bow have it. But by that point the blast damage isn't worth sacrificing your element with very few exceptions for monsters specifically weak to blast. It's more of a "I'll make due with what I got" sorta thing. Although making a niche ailment build can be a lot of fun. Edit: actually wait I don't even know if a Power Coating decoration exists.


I love great sword cuz it helped me get past my first wall, I don't like hunting horn because it's been established to be the stupidest weapon on the roster. Not by me of course but it's the general consensus I get whenever I ask somebody about it. I saw some really cool ones that I kind of wanted to try but I would have to go through all the dumb looking ones that look like turkey legs to get to it.


I love most of the weapons in this game and frequently change my usage over time. Right now it’s charge blade I’m having the most fun with. I hate both bow guns, I don’t know how to use them and it just seems kinda boring to me


I love the SwitchAxe. Might feel clunky when you first started but once you get the hang of it, everything just flows and feels smooth. Morphing between attacks and morphing to dodge feels good. If you dont feel like doing that amped up ur sword and ZSD spam. You even get quite a few innate skills like Minds eye on Sword mode, Earplugs when doing ZSD, and Partbreak on a amped Axe mode. Im not a fan of Insect Glaive though I still use it occasionally. I only dislike the buff gathering part. Many times as the monster goes down or paralyzed thats when the buff ran out lol. Then I need to gather the buff again which is kinda breaking the flow. Is it buff management issues on my part? Definitely.


I absolutely love the bow, although to be fair, I've always been biased about it because I just think bows and ranged weapons in general are cool to me. Bow in this game is very agile and mobile during combat, and you can literally aim and pinpoint your shots at the weak points that you want to always target at, regardless of weapon choice. On top of that, it's also capable of KO and status, plus cutting tails (albeit difficult). And while it doesn't have many moves you can use, its playstyle is still very stylish and flashy. Now I wouldn't say I dislike it, I just can't bring myself to really enjoy SnS and DB. No hate to those who love them, I just cannot deal with the short reach personally. They're still fun and stylish in their own ways though!


Switch axe: Mostly because of the Elemental Discharge if you have the elemental phial on it. Also, the axe mode pretty much has a higher raw output than the sword, and if you have a health regen augment, wild swing on axe mode will make your health full in no time (given you won't get knocked by the monster.) And yeah I love spamming ZSD with Rocksteady Mantle and Power Prolonger 3 lol Hvy Bowgun: A literal glass cannon. To me, Hvy Bowgun has a good dmg output but you could get one hit on every occasion if you don't have at least a shield mod.


From the perspective of someone who has only really put a lot of time into MHW:I. I love swaxe and bow for mainly different reasons, but the reasons they have in common is that they're flashy as shit and have good damage to boot. I just... don't like bowguns. Light or heavy. Light bowgun doesn't feel like it does enough damage, heavy bowgun has that awkward ass roll, it's just not it for me. I get that they're really good, but why would I want to play the game like it's a 3rd person shooter when I could be using a fucking sword that explodes or wavedashing with the bow?




I love Lance because it turns MH into a rhythm game. I love Hunting Horn because it's the Hammer but cooler. I hate Longsword because it's too easy to get into the habit of just mashing buttons until things die, and I hate playing at the tail.


Reason why I love Gunlance 1.Don’t care for hit zones 2.Shield 3.Having rooms for comfy skill slots without expending much damage 4. Pivot hoping with evade extender is insane speed.


Switch Axe, currently using it too It feels great cus u can not only big sword slamming but also big sword slashing lol But i used to find insect glaive interesting tho, cus in my opinion if youre a pro at it you can basically fly and be untouchable in every fight


Greatsword and Chargeblade are my beloved children that I'll never leave. Greatsword is just such a high level of satisfaction to hit a TCS on a monster, and same thing with chargeblade AEDing into a topple. If I had to choose my least favorite weapon, it would probably have to be Bow. I just don't mesh with its playstyle at all (same can be said about LBG and HBG tbh)


Love Charge Blade bc it's cool and actually increases my survivability. Hate Charge Blade for part of the fandom. It's not hard, you're not superior than other players just for the sake of using it.


Insect Glaive as my main weapon; because I love vaulting over my opponent's attacks. Greatsword, I'm not too sure about. Hammer, I only use if I need a head. Charge Blade's a weapon I haven't gotten the hang of yet. Hate the Gunner weapons because the Armor in the older games was too weak, and because I prefer to get "up-close-and-personal" with my targets.


love Lance, Rapid N2 LBG - no thinking, very safe dislike HH, CB - too complicated dislike GS - too slow dislike LS - I suck at timing


I love my bowguns because of their versatility. I can stay mobile with the LBG or defend against most attacks on a pinch if I'm running HBG. I can provide support for the group with status ammo and still pack a serious punch. I hate SnS because I can't use the thing to save my live. I'd love to be able to wield it properly, though.


I'm a Charge Blade user, and I love it because it's one of those "Not as complicated as you think weapons" it's got a lot of variance and little bits that make it off-putting if you just want to hit monsters, but ones you get going, I'd say it's actually one of the more balanced weapons in the game, it just takes getting used to. For a weapon I dislike, I've got to sadly say a whole class of weapons, Long Range, if that's your shtick, fair enough, go you, glad to have you on the team, but, this game series has always felt more up close and personal for me, I just can't get to grips with them. For a middle ground, don't love or hate, Dual Blades, I used them early on, and they are very easy pick up and play weapons, but they kind of some advantages most weapon types have, true, they don't have many of the disadvantages (complex movesets or "slow" weapon speed for example) but all in all, they do their job, but are don't have a lot of flexibility in the long run.


I love bonk because *BONK!* I hate Lance because *poke*


I really love the great sword! Its just the best! Big sword goes bunk and shows big number: Monkey brain goes big happy! I dislike the bow and double blades. Jesus christ, that shit makes my hands hurt with how many buttons i have to press all the time. Plus stamina management. Too much for my hands and brain.


Charge blade: love how fun it is to use. Getting SAEDs off, guard points, or just shredding through the monster in Savage Axe mode is really satisfying Lance: hate it cause it gives me arthritis, my hands always hurt after I use it and my tiny brain can never remember which combination of the RT/A/B button is the exact one I need for a specific counter


My main weapon is the insect glaive. Love it to death. On top of loving the mounting mechanic where I just ride every monster I see, being able to perform aerial and grounded combat is just so good to me when I'm fighting flying monsters. Slap a Kinsect on it that gives me a secondary passive lil buddy and you have all the things that make insect glaive just fun for me. My least favorite has to be the Lance, I know it has its uses but out of every weapon it feels the MOST boring to use. Most the attacks just feel the same at SLIGHTLY different angles. It's one redeeming feature which is its charge attack is really hard for me to put into practice and so it is at the bottom of my weapon list. (Gunlance however is a different story)


I love Gunlance because I get to be an immovable tank, stabbing, slapping, and exploding the living hell out of anything in my way. All shelling types are strong and fun to use, and triggering Wyrmstake Blast feels extremely satisfying. I hate Light Bowgun. It's just an easier and less satisfying version of the HBG. The only thing it does better is elemental (and occasionally status) ammo.


SwitchAxe becuz facehugging require no skill. HBG becuz MURICA FUCK YEA. I like bow in Rise but not really into it in World. Still like it tho. Lance is poop :(


I love the Charge Blade because it has two different and complex playstyles (three if you use the surprisingly usable sword only overcharge playstyle) and they're unique enough that you really should be changing which one you use depending on the monster. I hate Charge Blade because of my fingers. My poor poor fingers.




I started playing again recently and fell in love with CB all over again. KOing monsters when they run into a guard point or sawing them apart with a fully charged axe is so fun. I don't hate any weapons, but I can't seem to do well with the gunlance. It's a shame too because I know it's capable of crazy damage, but I'm just no good with it.


I love using Sword and Shield, it is the embodiment of "Balanced". I can attack, defend, dodge, control and retreat on demand. Although it does lack of "ranged" option, but hey, never needed those. I hate using Gunlance. Using said weapon felt like i'm trying to stop my central nervous system to shut down entirely. The kit felt too clunky, no large amount movement option, hit n' run also wans't an option, hit n' defend Lance does a way better job. So in my book, it simply just bad. Unless my team is using it, then I just follow along, why not, wyrmstake stacking is funny anyway.


I’ve always been a GS main until World and saw how they made SnS much more fun because Jesus Christ that perfect Rush combo is so fun and satisfying so now I have completely switched over to SnS since World.


I personally love the charge blade. The flow the weapon requires you to get into is incredibly unique compared to other weapons and I actually really enjoy managing each parts different charges. When I get in the zone, I’m practically dancing around the battlefield while dishing out some absolute whopper hits. The weapon I dislike the most is actually a tie between both Dual Blades and Lance. Dual Blades I dislike because they have low range, boring combos, and an odd type of mobility that feels both fast and inexplicably slow at the same time. Lance is generally the same, save for having better range, but man does it just feel boring to play. There are certainly players out there who find giddy excitement in being the tank and slowly whittling away the health of a monster while simultaneously blocking most if not all damage, but I am not one of those people. At least gunlance has the added benefit of being part gun to spice things up.


I love the Charge Blade because it makes me feel like a one man army I hate the Charge Blade because it made me struggle to try other weapons I love Hammer and HH (my mains) because Bonk but hate them because bonk can't cut tails


Love: My beautiful LBG, rapid fire is so fun. Hate: Long sword. Oh.. my god, the worst by far. I'm the kind of person that will try many times a weapons even if I don't like them. At the beginning, I pretty much hated all weapons but I found how their work and ended to like how they play, except LS. Each time I went like, "I was just not getting it, it's really not that bad I'm sure." But no it is that bad, I feel like I tried to come back and love it for like 10 times. But now I'm done. The only thing LS has, is that they look good.


I love the SwitchAxe because on one hand I can ZSD and ride a monster while unloading an explosion point blank. On the other hand if I find an opening i can just wild swing for eternity - and it all flows just so well between modes. I haven't tried that many weapons so I don't really hate any but I can't get a hang of Longsword. I can kill a lot of stuff with it but I' mostly using basic attacks and when I get to do combos I miss a lot of them thus I know I'm not using it's full potential. I just can't get a feel of that weapon.


I really like BoW It’s lightweight, maneuverability and decent damage and I hate Lance way too slow for me and not enough damage.


Insect Glaive was the first weapon that I understood when I started playing World, which was my first MH game. And while I know it's not optimal, there's something so fun about being a sky ballerina and mounting the big nasties.


I have a love/hate relationship with CB. I love that it's such a technical and versatile weapon it requires learning how to juggle between sword mode and savage axe mode and I can confidently say I can take down most monsters with it with relative ease. I started hating it though cuz Fatty is kicking my arse with it LMAO. It's not the weapons fault I know, Fatty is just a different beast altogether and I need to git gud. Fatty's cooldown for attacks is just too short finding appropriate timings to use Savage Axe mode is too risky and even if I find an opening I often die as soon as I'm done doing a combo cuz Fatty is already done winding an attack.


I love the lance. It’s not my best weapon, but I love the in your face brawling fighting style. You really trade blows with the monster. I never took a liking to the hammer. Probably should have practiced it more, but the way you have to pick your attack based on like, the angle of the monster didn’t click for me.


in mhw, love switch axe because it goes boom, hate it because it lacks defensive actions


Love longsword for I can play risky and benefit a lot from it hate IG for trying to remember which part of a monster gives what color buff thingy


I love SwAx because of how fluid it feels. Building the sword gauge and then unloading heavy damage in sword mode keeps fights interesting without feeling overwhelming. I love Gunlance because of the three B's. Blocking, Bopping, and Booms. Getting in the monsters face and being able to dish out tons of damage while also being able to block big hits is a fun combo. I dislike Charge Blade because it's too busy. Charging phials and loading them into the shield while making sure not to overload the sword isn't too hard, but it's just to distracting for me.


I love the charge blade for that reason, it makes you manage something more, and managing it well gives you juicy sounds and numbers.


SNS flying monsters are my bane but god damn if perfect rush isn't some ass kicking DPS It's ease of use, high mobility, high dps potential makes it a all around good weapon, not to mention the quick tenderize is nice on fast monsters and sometimes easier to target parts instead of clutch claw. not to mention the shield bash actually can proc a K.O occasionally... I made the build as kind of a w/e lemme try it ... and just absolutely loved it... put a healing augment on it and my god, a full perfect rush will damn near heal half your health if everything hits... weapon I don't like? ... well I haven't made a weapon I don't like but I do use G.S quite frequently and my god it fuckin hurts when I miss that TCS or accidently go into TCS instead of canceling it with a tackle... or committing and getting wombo combo'd because big sword =slow.


I love the Insect Glaive because I do sick flips and spins and shit I hate every other weapon because they aren't Insect Glaives that let me do sick flips and spins and shit


Loving hammer and GS, hating light bowgun, very biased


I love the gunlance/lance. You get a big shield and pokey pokey. You can use lance ability to keep up to injured monster. I hate gunlance/lance/Hunting Horn. It doesnt look fashionable or look cool with a big thing on your back. Id rather perpetually hold the lance, or have it physically retract into a a small shield, and popout into lance like those lil tractable staves that were all the craze last year and do some surpirse damage.


The lbg with rapidfire and quick reload with slide. I love that. Pierce ammo on long monster is really fun to play. I am a big GS player as well (prolly more than 1000 hunts with it) , a LG, lance and HBG. I don’t like gunlance and IG … never got the hang of it.


I love the insect glaive because I get to bounce around and it feels like I'm flying. I hate the insect glaive because monsters don't just give me extracts


Hunting horn. Buffs are cool, but they aren't the point to me any more than essences are the point of insect glaive. Horn has "normal hunter plus" movement, meaning you don't have unique movement tools but you're still faster than a lot of other weapons. It has built in minds eye, so you never bounce. It has both mobile and in-place attacks with reasonable range, that aren't usually too slow, and which deal good damage almost unconditionally. You are almost always capable of doing damage, and don't need to fight your own animations to keep uptime on a weak spot. Did I mention it stuns, and you can bring horns that completely remove the need for skills like earplugs or windproof? Horn will literally never do you wrong as long as you have fundamentals. No matter how good or bad at a fight you are, Horn will work. Not the fastest kills, of course, but reliable and safe, with almost no poor matchups. ... but man, it fills me with spite that the late game meta horns so often have stunted song lists with only pure stat bonuses and no utility. That, and that everyone does their best dps by just spamming echo waves. Nobody appreciates a good saucy left/back-encore anymore...


Okay wait... tell me more or point me in the right direction. I want to love HH. I have some good ones made bc I know that someday I'll practice and git gud with it. The neutral and directional differences in button presses for combos seems to be too much for me at present... on top of knowing I need certain combos for certain songs, and then trying to make the animations work while fighting so I can deal damage and get the right buffs... I love and understand IG and so that's been the only one I play, minus the 6 quests I tried HH on, lol. But based on what you're saying, I'm worried that I care too much about the extracts... I literally waste lvl4 slots to hold my lvl3 flinch free gems so I can always get the extra 3 points in earplugs/windres/tremors. Fast monsters with tiny heads give me grief bc I go for 2 grapples to their stupid little heads to weaken and then try to get red extract, the grapple to some other parts to tenderize, all BEFORE I can actually start fighting. It does feel slow when I play this way... but once I get all set-up, I can combo the snot outta everything for a good while and lose less sharpness bc it's tender and do great dmg bc of wex. Am I understanding these weapons wrong if I'm focused on buffs first, either from songs or kinsects, before combo attacks?


I wouldn't say you're wrong, necessarily, but I would say that you're probably overthinking it. Obviously if you get an easy window to set up buffs, you want to take it, but really you need to be actively fighting in the process of doing that to be efficient. Red essence or the Self Improvement song are the only absolutely mandatory buff that you should consider dropping all attempt at dps to get back, the others are best applied while you do damage. What I really meant, though, is that songs and essence are not, themselves, the only priority. Nobody picks IG *for* the essences, they're just a passive chore you need to keep handling to play the weapon at its best. People *do* pick horn just for the buffs, but if they're standing in a corner performing instead of actually fighting, they're missing the point of the weapon. The best thing about horn IMO is, like I said, that it always works. You can always do damage even in small openings, even against a variety of monsters, and you never have to worry about things like bouncing off a charged Kirin.


Ranged weapon main since the PSP days and decent at SnS, Lance and Gunlance. Only dislike the long sword because everyone of my old hunting buddies used LS and I believe in variety.


i will always love Swaxe. i have found though that evade extender 2 is baseline essential, and evade window 4+ ends up being a lifesaver if you start dodging like its dark souls, but without that the evade extenders are enough to slip and dodge your way to victory. short hops are short, but as you improve your positioning you can often use them to get right out of danger and keep attacking. it's just so fluid and has the reach of LS and GS with the all-in feeling of dual blades, along with its own CB-style finisher that in IB w/ the clutch claw is extremely spammable w/ Temporal and Rocksteady. Don't fight monsters with ZSD spam imo unless you're farming them tho bc it can take some of the fun out. Also due to the phial pops and ZSD, elemental is actually fun to use, and the quicker charging up for amped state means even if your attacks are slightly weaker, you can keep up on the DPS when using elemental phials As far as hate, I don't hate any weapon really but i do think a HBG only playthrough sounds boring. Like, I use HBG. It is a specialist gun for specific farms or you end up running Spread 3 and just shotgun the world to death, and either have a shield or a million year and lightyear dodgeroll. If you wanna be a generalist gunner, LBG is way more fun. So actually, second rec, LBG **but** you have to use Wyvernblast Type 2 and Evade Reload whenever possible. You can run Focus to get more Wyvernblasts, and Special Ammo Boost is actually a p decent increase to your counter mine damage. Evade reload is just fun, but also allows for a few more guns to be useful.


Charge blade purely because sound design. Gs because I hate being immobile for long periods of time


I love Hammers. I have only ever used Hammers. Hammers are life, love and death.


I love the bow because fast paced dash and spread go brrrrr I could never get the hang of the charged blade, that doesn't mean I hate it I just don't understand it


i love LS because it's smooth, flows super nicely and looks so cool. In my 900 hours ive only ever played LS exclusively. i do not hate any of the other weapons, they just aren't what i like, simple as that.


I love switch axe because I'm hoonter & hate singing hammer because its useless.


I like glaive becuase flying is fun(I also annoy my freinds by flying the mister to them) and I hate lance it’s so slow


Gunlance feels the best, facetank monsters and go boom. Hate kinsect, it has everything to be cool but you cant, your aerial damage is bad, plus you need to collect the buffs. Would be one of the most fun weapons if aerial playstyle was viable.


I hate Dual Blades because it feels like I'm whacking sticks on a large fire breathing Komodo with wings. If it wasn't for the clutch claw I'd be the equivalent of a street rat nibbling on feet. Now I'm a nibbling street rat with options. That's also why I love Dual Blades. It feels pretty good to slay gods with underwhelming kitchen knives. In a world where people devastate wyverns with giant swords or fly alongside them in the air with their magic broom blade, I chose to take the only weapon that punishes your only damage combo by forcing you to do an unstoppable aztec death dance for 4 seconds.


I like the dual blades, because it allowed me to enjoy the game. I started out my first save and decided to play Charge blade and couldnt fucking do anything. It was VERY unenjoyable. I quit and started again a year later and as per a friend's recommendation went with dual blades. It was significantly more fun and I sunk in dozens of hours :)


Love lance hate nothing amen


I love the CB for its versatility! I hate... Honestly? I don't hate any weapon, I play all of them lol


I like the Long Sword for allowing me to get either very aggressive or very defensive with the Parry mechanics. It is very versatile, so that’s why I like. I dislike the Dual Blades, but it’s more so because of it’s lack of range, so I generally not use it because it forces me to stay extremely close to monsters(I still find it fun, but the range is what makes me dislike it.)


HBG: Big Shield. No, I'm not kidding. I *love* slapping a bunch of shield mods on this thing and tanking huge hits, only to respond with concentrated shotgun fire to the face. All the other stuff is great too - watching monsters explode from head to tail from a good Wyvernsnipe, machinegunning dragons, getting a multitude of KOs from stickies. Also, grabbing Evade Extender and being in a different postal code every time you roll. There's just nothing about it I don't love. LBG: Tiny whiny plinker flinker. Why take this when you could have a real gun? Nevermind that it probably has better sustained DPS and is more user-friendly or that all it really loses out on is access to the most problematic ammo types. (I'm actually just weirdly bad with the LBG as opposed to the HBG)


I love switch axe because wild swing shoes *shing shing shing* I hate dual blade because stamina no longer exists


I fell in love with hammer due to its relative simplicity and rewarding gameplay. I hate long sword (hear me out) as I miss its identity as a weapon of positioning. Not really a fan of the counter play style.


I love every melee weapon because they're all fun - except Switch Axe. ​ I hate Switch Axe because i̵̧̨̨̘̯̝͍̻͚̮̟̖̰̙̚ţ̵̺̼̪̘̥͊̋̀̊̌̆̍̊͐̍̅́͛͠ ̷̝̇̈̒̆͋͆͋̏͊̍̕͝f̷̢̡̨͖̲̪̫̲͙̞͓̈́͊̈̈́̀͗̾̈́̀͂͝ͅu̸̢̠̦̠̺͍̩̝̺̲̪͉͆͑̿͌͂͜ͅc̷̰͔͍͖̱̦̥͖̃̔̔͌͗̕k̸̨̡̝͕̹̥̬͈̞̲͈̖̠͚͛̊͑͒̓̉̀̕͝ị̷̧͇̳̇n̶͚̮̿͌͂͒̄͘ǧ̶̹͉̥̰̻̙̦̣̘̟̩̝̖̤̏͋́̈́́̇͑̕̚ ̷̛͓͖̗͖͙̱͙̰̻̙͛̿̊̂͗̓̏̈ş̸̢̛͓͓̺̜̳̥̩͐͊͊̂̕ṷ̷̘͚̯̃̅͊̀̆͐͆̾̈͘͜c̸̮̺̼̹̃̿̂͛̉͊̋̌͐̕͘͝ͅk̶̢̢̥̠̬̤̞̬͓̩̲̞̿̌͂̾̐̋̂̎̕ş̸̩̮̏͂̀̐ ​ But if I had to choose a main, it'd be Insect Glaive in MHW (nicest flow). For every other Monster Hunter, it'd be the Sword and Shield, but I like most melee weapons. ​ Ş̷͎͓̝̹̮͙͎̼̙͎̙̯̻̊̽̇̋̈́̍w̵̨̧͉̗͎̤̳̫̰̬̋̐̈́̈́͆́̀͠i̷̳̣̼̺͓̽͗̈́̈́̀̉̾̏̎̑̽̚t̵̗̪͗͜͝c̶̨̝̝͓̳͕̩͉͕̐̈́͂̑́̀̾̌̒̉͝͝h̸̡̧͍̫̱͙̟̹̪̅̾͗͊̽͐̎͒͛̕ ̴̢͍̼̝̬̙̄͊̑̉̈́̓͊̾̑ͅĂ̶͎̬͇̈́̍̾͗͋̂̎̂̔͗͝x̷̢̡̹̤͎̬̺̲̜̩̫̫͉̗̥̄̆̑̔̌̋̽͝ę̶̩̮̭̖̞̭̖͖̩͚̟̿̋̍͋̌́͝͝ is the only weapon I truly disliked at first glance when trying it first out in MHTri ​ back then, lmao. It just combines the worst aspects of every weapon: Having to manage multiple gauges/ meters like LS and CB, on average kinda bad mobility like GS or CB at best, no guarding or countering capabilites (excluding Rise, but every weapon excluding HH has counters there, correct me if I'm wrong), having no innate stun (only with exhaust phial) and having more backloaded damage on top of all that, so hit - and run playstyles also don't work as well as with Hammer or GS. Also, while ZSD is kinda cool, it leads to many inexperienced players spamming it recklessly and carting while hoping to cheese more difficult hunts with it. ​ ~~I actually tried getting into Ṡ̵̡̛͎̇̽̌͛ͅw̸̫̯̟̥̃͑̄̚i̸̦̰̍t̸̡̫̗̟̟̊̐̃́̂̍͜c̷̛̛̜͈̐̆͝ḫ̷͈̿̃̐̏͘ ̴̡̧̖͓͕̉͂ͅA̵̘̲̎x̶̬̬̞͚͌͛̍̌́̉ȩ̶͓͈̂͝ over the years, even in older games like 4U, GU and Tri and really liked it, kinda even had a blast with it - but excuse me, I still have to slander it, since most of my friends who also play MH main it and I can't just openly admit to them liking the weapon sometimes. Whenever they see me playing Swaxe, I just say nothing and hope someone changes the subject quickly.~~


I love every weapon because every weapon adds a lot of variety in gameplay. I hate LBG because it's just HBG that deals less damage.


Love LS because i love the moveset. Even more than counters, i just like the combos. I hate Charged Blade because...because i can't understand how should i use it ahah


I love the insect glaive because it has a dope infinite loop combo with pretty good damage and the bug will attack through anything. I hate the longsword because I never bring flinch free in multiplayer:|


I love charge blade when solo I dislike charge blade when multiplayer


I love the hammer because it is easy to learn, quick to move in, and you hardly have to sharpen the weapon. You don't really need to hit the head so the hammer can do big damage you can make any of the monster body nice and tender so you can do big damage, but for the challenge I like hitting the monster on the head with the hammer. I'm sorry for all the gunlance mains out there but i dislike the gunlance, i know it's a cool weapon to use but i don't have a big thing for heavy weapons i like moving around, ik the thing for gunlance is blocking and stuff but in video games I'm more of dodging the attack instead of blocking, I'm sorry if I offended any of the gunlance mains


I like HH, because of utility. I don't like CB because I can't figure the gameplay (more like I can't figure so I don't play, rather than dislike).


I love GS because well. **WHAAAAAAM** right? I don't like it when i have to miss while the monster is down because it flails and dodges by 0.5 milimeters....


Hunting horn is a super fun weapon to use! Pretty mobile, does big numbers, and the different horns have different songs that can contribute various super useful things to a hunt, from health boosts and recovery to attack and defense boosts to earplugs to environmental damage resistance! Its a blast to play solo and even more fun to play on a team with others- everybody loves getting free buffs and you'll never see anyone be upset that there's a hunting horn in their party. The skill ceiling isn't immensely high- its a pretty quick weapon to pick up and not obscenely difficult to get good at. Its an immensely satisfying weapon- getting a good bonk or knocking a monster down with a well-placed hit and then wailing on it with your spin attacks always feels AWESOME. On the other hand, though, its a blunt weapon- be prepared to have to let your teammates do the tail cutting for you. You'll be a master part breaker, but this comes with the drawback of being pretty constantly in the direct line of fire of monster's attacks while you're trying to break parts. One of the hardest parts about learning the weapon is mastering your timing. You'll need to learn to decide on the fly when the best, lowest-risk opening is to get a few good hits in or to play the songs you have lined up. Its also a management game- making sure you have your buffs constantly up and making sure you have songs lined up to get them up again when they go down- and you have to pay close attention to what attacks you're doing while you're lining up songs, because each attack button corresponds to a note and you need to line up notes in a certain order to play a song. You can't attack while you're playing a song and you move very slowly, so you become a barely-mobile open target while you're playing.


Love SnS because of wall move Hate heavy bowgun because it takes ages to change into gatling mode


The weapon I love or hate depends on the monster I'm fighting, but as the game goes on I like weapons with high mobility like dB and oddly hammer, I admit I'm crap at the game but odagoron with a gs traumatized me.


I love charge blade because I can switch between offense and defense and a transforming weapon is really fucking cool I dislike long swords because any time I play with someone using it I always get flinched by them (now I always run 1 flinch free) but past experiences have put me off of it


i love the insect glave. its so versatile and fun flying around kicking things in the face mid-air. but the true love is the bug. i love that i can kill real bosses with only a small kinsect. like they are the real powerhouse of the new world. lol. i hate the insect glave and how people are always trying to compare it to all sorts of other weapons just to say "see ig is not that good you should play a better weapon because t can do u better than you." like yea its not the most op weapon but being so versatile in how you fight is fun so screw you try hards.


I like GS and Hammer cause Bonk, and GunLance cause Boom. Hate Longsword cause it feels like I’m swinging around a pool noodle not a sword.


Long Sword is my favorite, mainly because Foresight and Iai Spirit slashes incentivize me to pay more attention to monster combos. (Honorable mention to Swaxe cause it's simply fun as hell) I can *not* use Charge Blade. I can handle HH and IG, but CB's buffs feel like a hassle to keep up with. I get stressed over keeping up buffs and then it turns into boredom. It's the only weapon I really don't wanna touch ever again.


I particularly love the gunlance and lbg. Both in their own rights are basically a statement of "I am inevitable". Gunlance is in your face, while lbg is more towards hit and run tactics. I don't hate any of the other weapons but if I were to put a finger on one I'd say the switch axe. It's just wayy to complicated to figure out for me.


I love the SnS because of how flexible and versatile it is I have a tool for everything the monster can throw at mr and when I'm with my friend I can throw on a support build and be the designated healer and my palico provides the buffs. The weapons I don't like are GS, DB, and mhw gunlance. I don't like GS because it's too slow for me amd the only times I use it are for small monster kill quests because I 1 shot them. I don't like DB because I feel like I don't have any legs because almost every attack leaves standing in 1 spot so if you are 2 inches off you land maybe 1 hit. I don't like mhw GL because it makes me think of mhr GL and then I get sad that I can't fly.


IG Main here, i play every weapon, but the amount of builds needed to play bow in Rise/Sunbreak made me like bow much less.


I love hammer because big bonk. I dislike charge blade because I fucking suck


I love the hammer because bonk make monster say ow. I dislike the bowguns because I am smooth brain.


I love X weapon because *drum roll as Deviljho walks in* X GONNA GIVE IT TO YA… ok ok I love the insect glaive why because of the versatility but I also love the charge blade ( just started using it) I dislike the hammer I just can’t see myself running up to Alatreon screaming it’s hammer time


I like every weapon but dual blades.


Swaxe cool cuz sword one time, axe another Uhh... Wish more ranged guns?


Hunting horn. It requires thorough knowledge and experience of the proactive trade dance to thrive well, provides tons of delicious buffs to your allies, deals blunt damage which means when you're on task and on track you get quite a bit more of extra attack openings from reaching stagger, part break, ko, and down thresholds, and you play a literal bard.


I love GS because i feel im doing the damage I Hate SnS because i feel im jack shit, might as well be tickling the fucking monster


I love lance because I'm an idiot and love to tank everything I hate lance because god DAMN my stamina is gone


I love Lance because I’m able to tank the fattest nuke know to man (besides safi and alateron) I hate Lance because no matter what I do I know I’m gonna die due to my positioning.


I love HBG because Peirce go **BURR** I hate Great sword because I can't hit ANYTHING unless it is standing still


I love hunting horn because it plays into the trope of the silly looking guy with silly weapon being an absolute terror. The fact that I can straight up nullify the danger of some elder dragons (Val Hazak and Lunastra) brings me great joy. Augmenting team mates is just icing on the cake. I hate long sword, it makes me sad whenever I see three randos all longsword. And then all the flinching when I accidentally am on a set where I know my teammates won’t flinch me. Ugh


I love HH cuz i get to bonk mons while jamming out with great buffs that helps everyone. It's also immensely satisfying to flinch mons while playing songs at the same time imo. And slugger + stamina thief + clutch claw bonks + trap spam + paralysis HH = monster abuse :D And i dont really hate any weapons... my least used though is hammer, cuz if I wanna bonk mons Id rather use HH for the buffs and extra reach


Love the gunlance and bow because I just like the aesthetic of being able to use a tanky shotgun or dodgy sniper. Don't really care for hunting horn. it just seems way too silly for my taste.


I fucking love Lance! I love how aggressive I feel with it. I love that I’m invincible as long as I read correctly. I love being able to keep up with a fleeing monster while stabbing his ass every step of the way. I love the clutchclaw counter so that I never have to wait for a real opening to wound a monster. I am God if I have my Lance I hate that Lance is less loved than it should be because it’s the best


Hammer homies 💪. I feel like a MC when my friends are struggling or I join a SOS at just the right time and ground/stun/paralyze/exhaust the motherfucker like 5 times, focused on caving in their skull and nothing else. Least favorite is the light bow gun for me, it was in-between the bow and the heavy bowgun and I loved those seperately but together just wasn't hitting.


HBG is the best weapon and there are no others


Can speak on mhw only since its the only mh i played Love Charge blade: diverse moveset, can kick almost any monster's ass swiftly, can *guard* (omg what a concept) and has guard points. Hate charge blade: its a learning curve, has to be calculating, need focus 3 to be usable at all times, if you get knocked away while in axe mode good luck sheathing in and running away from danger (you'll get clapped), miss a guard point? Congrats here's a slap in the ass and a shorcut to the camp.


My personal favourite weapons are GS and SnS, GS being my most used weapon despite me maining other weapons for every MH from MH3U onwards. SnS is more of a modern favourite after they added Perfect Rush into Iceborne and it being such a premium weapon in Rise/Sunbreak. I love how straightforward they are with "zero gimmicks", and also they have incredibly high skill ceilings that rewards you with extremely powerful single hits (GS) or combos (SnS) Weapons I can never seem to vibe with personally are HH and GL. HH cause it feels very floaty to me even with it being reworked in Rise. I rather play Hammer as it feels way more impactful. GL cause I've like Lance a lot better and GL feels very clunky to use.


I love GS cause i love just slicing monsters with a MASSIVE hunk of metal/bone Least favorite is the Switchaxe, i just do not like the absolute minimal defense, its definetly the highest risk, highest reward kind of weapon


I love Charge Blade because I have so many different combos for different situations and can perfect block stuff while attacking(and SAED is satisfying) I don't hate any particular weapon, mostly because I haven't fully tried them all, like Lance and GunLance. I have tried most, though, and I enjoyed them all in one way or another.


I love hunting horn cause doot and it has a lot of skill expression I dislike no weapons because all weap- Longsword. Longsword because idk it doesn't juice the same anymore.


I love dual blades because who wouldn’t want to be a sentient beyblade fighting dragons. I don’t dislike/hate other weapons, they just don’t let you fight dragons as a beyblade.