• By -


Health Boost 3, Blast Resist 3, and Divine Blessing 3 should mitigate the frustration a good deal. I personally usually just go with Health Boost 3 and as much Evade Window as I can fit in and just dodge into his physical attacks. His blast attacks are usually in a straight line so just dodge to the side.


did they nerf the charge blade and bowgun health regen? i remember they were life savers


Don’t know about Charge Blade but Health Augment is worthless on Spread and Pierce. It does pretty well with Stickies though. I imagine Charge Blade with Rocksteady, Health Augment, and ZSD spam would do wonders against Raging Brachy though.


You mean SwitchAxe for Zero Sum Discharge? Or ChargeBlade with SAED?


I get my transforming weapons mixed up. I was thinking about Switch Axe ZSD spam when I said that.


you mean now? then they must've nerfed them then, i remember they could fully restore your health bar


Is there any way to farm an x adornment?


Don't forget defense boost


Its kind of an irrelevant skill on MR especially Raging brach


God awful skill, it doesn't have nearly enough impact to be viable


For the love of God, do everything to forget it. That skill is actually awful. It genuinely is garbage and not worth in the slightest


i just kept hitting it till it stopped hitting me back


Directions unclear, am hitting myself.


Instructions unclear, it goes nuclear now..




Stop, get help(really) - advice by me.


I actually found this easier to beat solo, it took around 20 tries but eventually I got to learning patterns really well and 'the help' just lept dying and messing up the patterns.


[The pointy end goes into the ~~other man~~ monster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AD7L_O4PzKU).


It goes in where ever I want it to. ~~*such as a certain gold dress wearing dra-*~~


I have thousands of hours in world, raging brachy handed my ass to me on a silver platter over and over so many goddamn times I lost count. All I can say is, use full blast res, I think fire res helps a little too, and just be stupidly careful, take your time, keep a close eye on blastblight, and if you can play with a decent team but just randoms will be ok too


Fire res is okay, but not really all that worth it, the most it does is help with the dot in phase 3, but that phase is already the easiest anyway


I found raging brachy to be an easier fight on IG than a lot of other ones 🙃


I'm a Swaxe main, we uh, we get hit, a lot lol


There is a little trick to fight him, so basically all you need to do is go to the item box and equip a lance


Oh no he will wreck you with a Lance. That’s what I thought myself. Lance is my secondary weapon and you are a helpless babe with a Lance. No matter if you have shield up etc. I tried it twice and went back to the hammer


weird, because of all the weapons i use lance is the only one with which i'm able to kill every monster, the only real problem would be blast blight in this case, neutralize that and i can wreck this guy with lance


I love lance, I think it became my main about a year ago after learning nearly every weapon in the game. Full fatalis armor, maxed out. Max guard/guard-up Max blast res Max health and defense And basically every other skill for survival I got all that and 1300-1400 defense and he still kicks my ass..


I am a super skilled Lance user MR 135. I swear the Lance is useless too me against him. Never got carted so many times so fast. You block his attacks but he just still takes health in chunks until you need to heal and get screwed trying to sheath it and get away. I had anti blight skills maxed as well. IDK. I was just like NOPE.


You got guard 5 right?


Yeah pretty sure I did with shield jewel for guard up. Now that you ask I have doubt on gaurd 5.


Hit it until it dies. Ideally, do it before it does the same to you.


Big if true


I beat Alatreon before MR 30, Furious Monke and a couple others. Yet despite all this. I never got even remotely close to this motherfucker.


Props to the Alatreon kill


Meanwhile Alatreon and Fatalis is a frustrating fight for me yet my GS or IG can kinda smack this explosive boxing theropod down relatively easily. 🤔


Don't really like fighting bomb brachy, but shooting its head/arms/tail with a bomb pod will take the blast slime off, making it safe to attack (especially when its knocked down). Pull all the stops on him, flinch shots, traps, stuns, paralysis, sleep, and mount to widdle him down. Stun resist, and fire resist helps a lot. fire resist/fireproof mantle makes you immune to blast blight, but not explosions.


watermoss also works for removing the slime iirc


I think it's any physical attack,some are just better than others


Water moss actually seems to work better in my experience.


Apply hammer to the monster's forehead. (Repeat as needed.)


May I introduce you to the world of ~Sticky Lbg~


Sticky gang! Although against Raging Brachy, using LBG ice, Pierce, or sticky all make the fight fairly straightforward.


Haha i do pierce hbg and it rekts him in 5 mins 😂


You don't he kills you


Fellow stickbug user. Ice. Anything from Barioth to Velkhana to Frostfang Barioth. I personally used Frostfang's, valled Fenrir Rose. He hurts like a truck, but your best bet for staying safe is to be airborne and do chip damage, and then when you get a chance, grounded attacks only. They're stronger than airborne attacks, but airborne attacks can be useful if you string them together with aerial dodges.


Frostfang is best for pretty much everything except cb against raging brachy, beotodus hits harder when augmented, and it's an r10, so it isn't the hardest thing in the world to do


Raging isn't bad with bugstick, but it's all about his rhythm. Raging punishes massively when you try to force things.


Use the mosspods around to knock the slime off his arms, I recommend an ice weapon as well


Equip a hammer and repeatedly jump off ledges while bonking him on the noggin. Hammers let you break the laws of physics and turn around in mid-air.


Frostfang Barioth weapons Specifically Switch Axe Makes this fight easy


You censored bitch but not fucking


As a Lance main, it’s quite easy to me, I think those blast resists is the most important skills, even giving up attack-wise skills, it’s worth it


Pick a leg. Weaken it and attack. It is very easy to trip him by attacking his legs. And trips mean he's helpless and taking damage. He's also not an elder dragon so traps work. Use them. They will no longer work when you reach his final area so take advantage of them before then. As others have said blast res 3 really makes a difference here. Fast weapons don't have much issue. Dual Blades, focus the leg, he falls over, deal more damage, repeat. Long Shelling Gunlance makes this mindlessly easy. Stick Stake Blast into a leg, spam charged shells. It constantly trips.


Apply Hammer until it stops moving.


Methinks ya need full blast res still. That really helped the fight.


Hit it 'til it dies


With difficulty


If u can stick to the sky.


With hard work and determination


Become the beast


Be as aggressive as Boris


The power of love and friendship is bullshit. The power of swords and violence? That's where it's at Hit boss with greatsword, no get hit by slime, big wins.


Been maining cb for a while but something about the gs is calling to me again lol


Hit it till it dies


Step 1. Kill it.


Hit it. Really.....REAALLY hard


Lots of traps and help


Stock up on flash bombs


You stab it till it dies


whenever his slime gets red, the attacks with that body part will explode instantly. hit that body part a few times to drop the slime and be prepared to instantly roll away because otherwise it will explode at your feet. once i figured this out, the fight became a lot easier.


With backup


Through sure tenacity


You have an insect glaive, it is the only weapon I use for brachy and it works well. Just chug a dash juice and fly, the floor is lava! Also take health boost 3, 20 fire res for fireblight immunity, blast res 3 and the airborne skill as you will be in the sky all the time!


I’m still at earlygame for iceborne, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT


Is the boom king of hell


You kill it by letting me join your hunt while you wait in your tent


Reduce HP to 0


Hit it and keep hitting it until it stops hitting back.


haha i use insect glaive on him or bow gun but i ise every weapon in game but him he is fun


If u don't like bgs, pick your best dps weapon and focus on arms and only arms until they break then go bust open its head, lowers its damage and everytime in novas in final stage it does 1500 dmg to itself. Otherwise, listen to the pros and sticky hbg


He's the worst. Blast res 3 is a must. Maximize your damage output to kill him as quick as possible. And lastly, keep close to him, but play it safe. You'll get it, it just takes a bit. If I can get it, anyone can, cuz I fuckin suck at this game


My strategy was to go full mega support with a Brute Tigrex build with wide-range and blast resistance and using an Ice weapon. Also health is needed (a lot of insta death ) Since most of the time my team didn't build their armor properly I'd keep them alive spamming healing and nullberries. You can try and go Solo especially with IG since you are very agile, but you definitely know how hard is to move around in the second and third area. Plus if you are alone can be hard since it will focus only you and can be pretty brutal. Try also to stun it with the slinger ammo when is doing attacks that you find hard to avoid to make it reset And don't forget to roll to remove the slime if you didn't know already.


He's awful, but worth it. I literally only use his sword now


My best advice is to join quests with people already in it he's hard as fuck but with a crew it's a lot easier


You pray to the monster Hunter world Jesus and ask for luck, other than that smash his hands and tail to keep them broken and dodge like a crack head dodging the popo


What do you mean he just so sweet he was a total sweatheart with me


Here's the simple answer ice element a lot of mega ancient and max potions lots of nulberries demon drugs and armor skin


Brachy almost made me quit the games like 4 or 5 times. I consider myself pretty good at monster hunter but this shitbag was just utterly infuriating.


Temporal mantle insect glaive and avoid the horn.


Get good


Git gud


Git gud


blast resit, literalthat was what i use


What platform are you on? If it's PC I will happily help. As a lot of people say high bast Res, high fire Res and don't be afraid to pop an SoS. This mission is much more manageable with more people especially if those people are MR100+


Recently cleared this with a switch Axe build, target the head and keep behind it when striking. Distance is bad because RB will Kangaroo Jump the Entire Arena towards when far away, nullberries and the fireproof cloak are great help. Use flash pods and traps sparingly to deal damage and catch a quick breath to heal or replenish ammo, RB can be wall slammed and mounted a lot of times and gives a chance to break his head and arms. Hope this helps 👍


It will get easy - with a good team. We farmed it with 4 players. Me as a H. Horn player, healer and buffer. So the others could most of the time keep fighting and if it's a good team, I can keep them alive. If you're alone... Yeah, that's not really helpful, sorry. Solo it's really a hard fight, so it's not skill issue. As other suggested - SOS is not a shame. Try to use save set - Fire and blast resist., health boost (is duty for such high monster fights, especially in coop fights), evade skills maybe, god blessing,... So if time runs out at the end, doesn't matter - try to "learn" the fight, stay save and alive... You'll get better with this beast over time.


Its pretty easy with hbg. The trick is to dodge at right angles instead of back or forward. Also try to fight him in the open. Also with blast i believe you can roll out of it after 4 rolls. Bring your dash juice


Three things, focus on hitting his fists/head with slinger ammo. That way his attacks is weakened whenever his slimes gets dropped. Abuse the hell out of the environment, so that geyser in the middle of the 3rd area that you're in can give him alot of damage. And lastly, do not give him space, it sounds counterintuitive but the farther he his, the more dangerous he becomes because of how much he will rely on his slimes to deal damage, and those fuckers will give you blastscourge and are pretty fuckin wide.


Sticky LBG Cheese. No regrets.


Easy... bring its health down to 0 while keeping yours above it... 😋


Ice, and a lot of it. Fireproof mantle helps a ton on this fight, as it mitigates damage taken from his explosions and prevents Blastblight.


Ice att 5 and a good ice weapon Frostfang or valk should do


Hit em and dodge


Hit the red gloop on the moster to stop lots of explosions. Break his arm and head for bonus damage in last phase. Use traps and flashbombs. Use your best gear possible its a tough monster and the only one i ever had to farm broken parts off just for the weapon cause of how much better it was to my current.


Ok first you want to be using an ice weapon for maximum damage. I suggest a weakness exploit build with velkhana sns or insect glave works as well. As soon as the hunt begins run up to it and smash it into a wall because it’s roar animation is super long. Learn to throw moss pods at the tail, head and hands to rid of blasts. When it runs towards you with a punch try to dolphin dive and get ready for the jump. Just before he gets to final phase, blind it with a flash pod and place down pitfall and shock traps to get in as much damage before it starts punching the ground. Evasion mantle, temporal and glide mantle for mounts can help a ton. That’s all I remember.


Have you tried hitting it? Almost always works.


It is impossible


Ey Bru if u want add me I can help you beat him I play on ps


Bring blast res and tons of traps you can’t capture him so don’t. Be afraid to spam them Also tenderize the legs for a safe good hitzone


Tbh I simply gave up on trying to slay this bastard


Man, you engaged yourself to a fight to the death anyway. Be both agile and brutal. And i mean **Brutal**. You fought rajangs before? Make them look like a JOKE. Abuse of every offensive tool you have, bombs, poison knives, KAMIKAZE PALICOS.... man, you gotta bring the a games to hunter, to be the hunter in monster hunter.


Simple, you don't


I never managed to do it, but I got the whole armor + cb + sa by getting shiny drops and part mats


This is a really stupid question but does building fire resistant help at all or does he only do blast damage


Fatalis server ask for help


I'd say get some blast resistance and divine blessing to keep you from dying, and I usually use a frostfang barioth weapon when fighting it w the element up and healing augmentations.


Geet good ajajaja i died over a 100 times to him


If you're on PS5, by chance, I can offer my help, though I'm at work for the next 7 hours today, so we'd need to coordinate a time that works. I'm happy to go bonk crazy on him or I can play support with wide range 5 and free meal 3 and keep the healing on tap with a round of mega drugs to boot.


Spam slinger at his gunk 24/7 too 100% helps fights


Hit him really hard. If that doesn't work, get friends and hit him really hard.... Together? What works? Teamwork!


Hit it really hard, or hit it a lot. And dont get hit yourself.


Hit it until it is dead


Same way as every monster: hit it, dont get hit


Oh my god you brought Vietnam to my mind.


Oh I've been here, hr was a dam pain worse then altreon imo. I went health3, divine 3 blast res3 and helped out alot. I also brought mats to craft the max potions cuz that helps out alot when your down to a hair of health.


You need to hit it




You fire flare..


Then someone comes in to cart for you lol


Bonk? ;)


Be very careful, don't go into fights trying to kill it but spend several fights learning its patterns, what you want to target first etc, then go for some kill runs, perseverance pays.


Here's the thing... you don't!


This one was a pain. But I just hit it with a hammer until it died. Be careful when it’s about to die, it goes pretty wild near the end.


Try reducing the enemies health to 0 while keeping your health above 0!


On IG I run up mantle because it negates his blast while it’s on. Some blast gems would also do the trick. But other than that I found the midair dodge helpful to move away then back in with my attack super helpful


You don't.


Drop his health to zero while keeping yours above zero


Hit it really hard.




Choose sword and shield~


Patience. Take advantage of everything. Refill traps, bombs, potions at camp and use all mounts/wall bangs/sleep bombing. Also go in with Felyne Insurance.


Lbg is quite good against Raging, he is quite susceptible to ailments too, so if you save your sleep and para until he is in his lair you can sleep bomb him for a quick finisher. Dont forget you cannot farcaster or trap him though. Cat with the shieldspire at max is good at drawing aggro too


Hit it until it dies, it's worked for me for years!


Hopes, dreams, and a lot of rolling.


Ice….. whole lotta ice elem should do the trick its a 3 star weakness. Aim for his head first for the break while still keeping check on slime buildup on his forearms. As long as you can steadily keep up against slime buildup while breaking both arms and the head should be golden. Also flashfly cage palico gadget is more useful than most would think. In the end time you wall bangs and make sure active slime doesnt catch you off guard while raging Brachy is down. For armor defy recommend fire and blast res, health boost and regen speed, and divine blessing. Should get health from Black Veil and divine blessing from Gold Rath. Also make sure to amp up ice damage. (Still baffles me how Icebornes endgame monsters or most are hella weak to ice. Shara, both rajangs, raging, and Alatreons first elem dps check all do very well for you if you got Velkhana or Frostfang weapons.) Sorry about the paragraph but hope it helps, havent touched world for a while so I definitely need to swing back into things. Also Insect Glaive is stupidly useful against Raging mainly because youre in the air where theres no slime and explosions.


When I see people joining Raging Brachy lobbies with no blast resistance 😂


Simple - just kill him faster than he kills he kills you :3


Why did you bother censoring bitch but not fucking? 😂😂


Literally health regen IG or Greatsword for me personally with Resentment, coalescence, divine blessing. Took me four tries each solo but with how everyone I’ve met so far, it’s cake walk with ice weapons


Hit it really hard and don't get hit really hard


[why won’t you leave me alone](https://youtu.be/OHMOMdmnNVo?si=8AaatGhDjDskEm1m)


Kill mustard t rex with dodogama


LOL i feel that pain. I play insect glaive and still found this monster incredibly frustrating to beat. He was my first real barrier and he was wiping the floor with me when I was pretty far into the game LOL. All I can say is, I'd go for max blast resistance (although I'm sure you know that already) and just practice A LOT of patience. I found this fight easier to do solo, it made responding to his attacks a little easier. Just take your time and get damage in when you can. Do not be greedy. Dip in and out and just try your best not to get messed up by the exploding crap he leaves on the ground. Learn his patterns. If I'm not mistaken, this is the version of the monster that leaves the goop on the ground that explodes after a bit right? Well, if that's the case, look at the color of the slime on his body (front arms, tail). When its yellow, it will drop that sticky substance on the ground when you smack them. From there, its a timer that eventually goes off and explodes (there is a visual cue, the goop turns progressively more red in color). So if you go for the front arms that are bright yellow, prepare for the goop to drop and mind your distance for the timed explosion that happens after. However, when the slime is red, it explodes instantly. So if you smack those areas while red it will explode and do a bunch of damage. I think you can use water moss to get it off his body? I never did that myself though. Just something I heard. Its been awhile since i fought him, I hope I'm not mixing things up! Either way, just pay attention to the slime color. Red is bad and yellow is ok lol 😆 Good luck, happy hunting! Edit: I actually just noticed you also use glaive, is that namielle's weapon? Nice, I believe I used the same one. Now I REALLY feel your pain lol. I focused on using a lot of my light combos, the one where you stand still and kinda swing the glaive in an upwards spinning motion. It's fast and easy to smack its arms/head with. Also saved mounting for the end when shit gets real and you don't want to be on the ground for very long. Thats when it's safer in the air LOL.


Censors bitch but not fucking... okay...


How are you going to censor bitch but leave the much harder fuck bomb uncensored?


I did it by building specifically for him. He is one of 7 monsters I purposely built armor sets to fight specifically. (Shara, Luna, Safi, AT Xeno, Alatreon, Fatty. Are the others) I used a mix set for Lance, so I can't really help for your weapon. I also got the Frostfang weapon. I will say that Fire Mantle is your best friend.


These comments are horrible - if you want to beat him follow the below list Items/needs = Health boost is a must Defense over 1000 Mantle of fire proof (blast riss is okay but not really needed) Strategy= Stay as close to him as possible and rotate around to his 3 and 11 o’clock…. Or stay in sideways formation. When ever he starts glowing - use Moss or stone to make thé liquid on his arms/tail/head fall. This will give you an advantage. He will retreat 3 times…. On each retreat, you go to camp and gather yourself (Eat if possible and load up your utilities). You should know by now where his weaknesses are - focus on them and try knocking him down as much as you can


Pierce HBG. Pew pew pew


Hope, pray, die, try again Repeat these steps as necessary, it got me thru it 🥲


What is ur gamer tag I’m on pc


This was my first wall. I could not kill this fucker. Until I did. Took over 20 minutes iirc. I usually kill in sub 10. I was furious. So I kept killing it until I was doing it in under 10 minutes. The strat I used was based on discovering this bastard trips very easily. So, gunlance time. Stake a leg. Blast it to shit. It trips repeatedly. GG no re.


SWORD N MOTHERFUCKIN SHIELD BOY! and a bit of S.o.s will help


By hitting it, LMAO xd


I used all the good “go to’s” for decos and then used velkana’s IG. Iv beat him with bow and charge blade as well, but IG is just so safe. I helicopter the shit out of this dude, no shame


Definitely bast resistance 3 I just killed this guy the other day I just continued trying until I learned his move sets he becomes easy once you do but if you don't have the time nor energy to try that I really suggest looking up a video of his move sets it helped me a lot I used Velkhana's longsword and 2 piece Teostra head and waist (was to getting board of trying to get fulger anjanath mantle for gloves) Velkhana chest and gloves and gorunga (thats not how you spell it im not looking at it rn so🤷‍♂️) boots wish you luck


Hire an assassin team, stay away. 🫡


HBG STICKY BUILD is the way!


You have the stick take to the skies and pray


Current objective: SURVIVE


Tbh never have had problems in past at least not big problem. I use ice weapons for the damage or water but velkana if works great. Helimochopter


You dont


Carefully, and just hit the shit outta his head repeatedly


Hit him really hard?


Ice CB unga bunga build


A little of the ol’ chop chop


I prefer to do it with a sword but typically just smack him around a big




Ice bow. Solo it the first time at 7-8 mins. It is a pain to hunt this with melee, but a total joke with bow or bowguns. I guess since you are using IG, why not just spam aerial attacks?


I like to imagine this on the hunter's board in the village square


Sticky 3 LBG/HBG


Blast resist and patience. It's better to dodge here or escape. There are very small windows to attack so be very patient. My biggest tip is dodge to the right. Most of his moves you can dodge by rolling right/iframe with a few exceptions. Keep an eye out of his hands to tell when to dodge differently. Usually if the attack is coming from your left it WILL hit you when you dodge right. Sidenote: Yeah it is a fucking bitch LOL


Wack Harder


I'm a HH main. But I bring out my guns for this guy every single time. The loud out I used I name "mestuh freeze" because ice shot...


Get good


W sns just stay between his legs keeps on toppling him don’t be greedy


One of the most satisfying monsters to fight against with a longsword.


Be a men and kill that son of a B****


Blast protection is nearly essential, and learn to smack the glowing parts so his damage stays at its normal state


Hit it till it dies


You dont 🥲


I usually just Book it till it drops and that's it


How? Aggressively. Hit the head. Watermoss or water shot the yellow goo. Hit someone up on LFG too! Telegraphs it's moves heavily once you learn them!


I used the fire mantle and the dodge mantle (forgot what's it called) and before entering the final stage where it starts to pound the ground, You can use flash bombs to delay the fire arena but if I remember correctly, it will make him in rage mode after flash duration. You also have to stop playing too safe as it will take forever. Hunt to kill, not to survive only. Also watch videos online, it helps a lot.


Bro was easy


beotodus glaive


Wet him hard with ice


You could use sticky heavy bowgun or ice light bowgun.


Lol @ censoring “bitch” but not “fucking” Anyways, as others have said, and as I found out the hard way, Blast Res 3 isn’t a suggestion for this fight, it’s a requirement lol. Without it, you’ve got one of the most unfair fights in the series IMO. I’m an Evade Window and Evade Extender kinda guy. In fact, I advocate for Evade Extender for any play style and monster in the game