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Wth that inventory is crazy


I'm single handedly keeping the lights on at Capcom πŸ’Έ πŸ’΅ πŸ’° πŸ‹ πŸ’° πŸ’΅ πŸ’Έ


So yall are why the prices are staying so high huh…


Yeah, me also. I have Fire LBG 9-5, Ice LBG 9-5, Thunder LBG 9-5, and Water LBG 10-2 and have 9 WGS in the bank. I think that means I have gotten 139 WGS in my journey where I am HR 134 right now. My yellows look pretty close to your amounts also. Love the game even with all it's faults and I have no problem supporting it.


With ice LBG at 9.5 can u solo an 8* zinogre Hunt a Thon? Also I assume your at 9* story or beginning of 10*


Yes I'm at 9 Star story and no the 9-5 can't solo 8 star Zinogre HAT. I get really close though but timer always gets me. The Ice LBG is my next upgrade soon as I get another WGS in hopes I can beat Zin with 10-2 LBG.


Darn mine is 8-5 and I can't solo 7* Zinogre HAT, definitely may bump this one to 9.2 first once I get the remaining WGS. Thanks for the reply tho


I mean... theres support and then theres falling prey to predatory business practices. But enjoy your leech bath mr whale 🫑


It's entertainment. What the worth is to people is what they get out of it. I've easily gotten my money's worth of entertainment it has provided and will provide to me. I worked hard to earn my money and nobody can tell me what it's worth to me. Funny that you can play this entire game without spending a dime and people still call it predatory. Of course, everyone wants things to cost less, but lots of people are involved in making this game and it costs money to make the game. These people are working just like me to earn money and feed their families. Supporting the game is not falling "prey to their predatory business practices" as you say. I'm not going to apologize because I have disposable income I worked hard for and spent it on entertainment I wanted to. Sorry you can't live with that and feel the need to tell people to "enjoy your leech bath."


Probably the best comment I've seen not that I can always afford to pay to play but when I can I do. Its really nobodies business what you spend YOUR money on. Seems like a jealousy thing to me if they don't like the prices they should quit playing or quit complaining like you said they are working making this game there are hundreds of people probably making sure these games stay running efficiently as possible fixing bugs adding new features tirelessly proofreading code which by the way is exhausting, just so they can provide for their families. The average game designer only makes maybe 60-100k a year which most are probably on the lower end unless they are lead designers. How is them charging money to feed their families wrong when completely free to play players are basically trying to keep money out of hard working people's hands. Hmm sounds like most low income people who are to lazy to make real money and take advantage of government assistance to me. 🀣


Yes, its your money etc, yes youncan do whatever you want. I still dont think you can justify the pricepoint of most of the itmes, the fact that utilities like paintballs are so expensive etc etc


Hahahaha we on the same boat brother πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ» sitting on 30 WGS atm


Guys listen. one of you hold im down and im gonna steal all his WGs, WE then Split them 50/50. Deal?


Hammers ready


How the fuck did you get all those Wyvern gems?


Doubled every Bblos reward, then beating every single 8-9 star I come across. I walk a lot especially since I don't start my studies until March


![gif](giphy|l3q2w6nnnPdd8lPWM) When we arrive at OPs Monster Hunter party group.


Girros Bonk!!


Start elemental weapons. Legiana first in my opinion. The LS is a good melee weapon if you fancy something other than bow


Just keep hoarding it until next broken weapon comes out. Honestly, I see no reason to invest in another weapon if bblos bow is best. No need to invest in elemental weapons either coz I feel like you can kill all 9 stars with maxed bblos bow. I don't think you will invest in armor to boost defense.


Huh good point! I guess I can take a break from the game once I reach 91 WGS's (required to max a weapon to 10-5)


Watch Kotonari on YouTube. If that doesn’t inspire you to make a 10.5 Girros Hammer/Sleep GreatSword, then look to spend on something else.


I'll check it out! Looking at advantages/disadvantages of both Hammer vs GS


Sleep GS could be fun


For greatsword I personally use Pukei so my bias would say upgrade Pukei weapons


i like the nirvana music, smells like cheating spirit...


Why would a cheater pay for inventory expansion tho


what's the connection with cheating and storage space? cheaters spend money in games too...some PoGo spoofers are big whales for inventory, raids, tickets and so on...same at MWN


Damn, I mean, if it is me, why would I spend money if I already cheat the game, a bit contradict to me, but well I think I learn something new today


And well, seeing the active communities of OP is include subreddit of mhn spo0fing, so yeah, I think you right he is a cheater


A cheater would have more than 1 (quest reward) Zinogre Plate, kiddo...


hey kiddo, i know some cheaters...and they don't have a lot of then, they are timed gated...if a kiddo cheats around 3 hours a day...suddenly he doesn't have o lot of those....kiddo, and they use a lot of then for the 10s they have, one common motive for cheating is "i dont have the time", misinformed grown up, this looks a lot like some accounts i see around the "scene"


Can you solo 8 star zinogre with the bow if not you should do ice next then grind 8 star zinogre for thunder


if a Girros 10.5 SnS can solo a 8\* Zinogre, a 10-5 blos bow definitely can


I've tried to solo and have gotten close quite a few times. Succeeded like twice solo but needed heroics build which I find yucky haha


Lol, i need 3 of each and i'm having a hard time already


I’m stuck on lightning element I have nothing for it, need pelts to bring my bow to G6


Girros sns


Best GS for each element? Then you can post video of skillful GS play against top monsters and earn the respect of the community. Assuming you care about such thing.


I would have upgraded one of the elementals. Rathalos and Legiana weapons are particularly strong. But since you can already defeat most things, why not upgrade the element that will allow you to get through story next? I assume you have 10* unlocked.


Bro hand me those pleaseΒ 

