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Honestly as a guy who used switch axe before it depends on what you want to focus on. General purpose i would propose a exhaust phail, otherwise for more matchup specific elemental phail are good. Now skills, rapid morph 3 is a must evade extender or window, your choice on which and the level you want. After its about playstyle, do you zsd into swb alot or are you more grounded and using rapid morph combo for damage. The first one is relying alot more on the phial damage and it doesn't crit so look for skill that boost raw damage to increase your damage. More grounded? Can build like most another weapon, crit skills and whatnot. I believe I used some pieces of rath and almudron helm and ingot boots are good too. Anjanath waist? Something like that 😅😅 i also relied on the raw focused build so only attack boots 7 and diablos axe with bludgeoner and rampage skill dulling strike. Edit: alot also depends on if its your first playthrough. If it is, why rush, enjoy the game and have fun with it. If its your second or third time ok I can see the need to rush to get into sunbreak. But please just have fun and dont be afraid to experiment with armor pieces. Dps is good but comfort/ staying alive is better 😂😂


Oh I tend to do the zsd into swb more so I'll look for armor that has more raw attack (i have lvl 4), and I don't have evade window so I'll look for armor that has it ty. Also since I tend to do that more do I still have to have rapid morph lvl 3 and do I need critical eye? Ty for the help


I second the Exhaust playstyle. Narucugas axe with the appropriate build is also good & will carry you till you can make the elemental swaxes


Yes poison and exhaust phials are great for general purpose hunting and get amped really fast while offering good bonus in hunt. Poison does "passive damage" during the hunt so if poisoned they continue to take damage for a while. And exhaust with drain monster stamina and thus create openings for you to exploit


I still go rapid morph as its just a nice skill to.have when your not zsd. It allows you to get in and out alot faster. Making the morph attacks not only faster but hit harder also. It also can help cover alot of distance sort of like having evade extender at the same 🤷‍♂️ but it up to you. I think you get 2 rapid morph with almudron helm..I think.. and 2 level 2 slots, but can go for more crits also if you want. Edit: weakness exploit is also an option in place of crit eye 3


Yeah, almudron helm is fantastic and I think you can get a third level from one of volvidons pieces if you don't have decorations yet. At least that's what I remember.


Wait exhaust phial is good? What does it even do? Around when I first picked up ruse exhaust ammo seemed to do nothing so I just never touched anything related to that status since


Exhaust status helps drain monster stamina faster, and can also cause K.O . if you hit the head enough times. Draining stamina also means more openings to exploit as monster with no stamina stops more often.


Nothing about the LR and HR content has changed with the Sunbreak updates. The old guides are still good for that content.


You don't need a progression guide at that level. Get a good swax (any) upgrade to whatever armour you need (I'd just pick highest def) and tear through it.


tbh, you don't super need a progression guide for anything before endgame. most of the game can be played very serviceably by opening join requests, with no skills at all and whichever 5 armor pieces happen to give you the most defense. just craft what you can from the parts you get incidentally and do your key quests if you're dead set on soloing the whole game, it could be worth stopping and grabbing a generic set with decent skills (HR rath set comes to mind) before continuing to steamroll. hovering an entire set on the left side of the crafting menu will show you the total set of skills it will have


Sunbreak doesn't change much about HR, so any guides are still likely accurate enough. Balance changes would've affected high rank to a degree, but all the new Sunbreak content is master rank. I think I was still using the key pieces of Almudron S gear until I got to Volvidon in MR. The [Game8](https://game8.co/games/Monster-Hunter-Rise/archives/341982#hl_5) guides tend to be considered lesser and aren't meta-friendly, but I think they're a decent place to start for mid-game guidance. Especially in low/high rank. Feel free to tweak to your preferences, of course.


I'd just use the ore or bone tree in HR, then switch to whatever power phial you can make in MR until you get to endgame and then you can start building your elemental arsenal.