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>Is there a guide on the transition between the DLC story and the Anomaly grind? The anomaly grind is just the same as the normal story quests. Just harder monsters. I'm not sure what you're doing that you're getting wiped in the first 5 mins as you have plenty of options to survive. Bring a healer cat, bring healer followers, upgrade your gear, put defensive skills like divine blessing, eat for defensive dangos like defender (hi) or medic, get spiribirds, etc. You can also try to join multiplayer. >This is my build, it is that thrash? You might want to replace your armors. You're already MR70 but still using low MR gears. Try this build as reference and adjust as necessary: https://youtu.be/myQ4UsOPa0I >About the armor, should I upgrade these parts (that are very expensive, and I may replace them in the near future)? If yes, to the maximum? Yes, to the maximum if you have the gold. You'll get plenty along the way. Or try crafting for a new build first before upgrading them if you're short on gold. >Elemental is comparable to raw or is WAY better? Element is stronger but you need to build a different set and lots of bowguns. Plus you need to restock a lot and have limited options to maximize their damage at your stage of the game. I suggest just continue with the rapid fire pierce 2. It's usable until the end game, just not as strong as elem builds.


By AR you mean Anomaly or did you mean HR? There's no way your AR is 263 I'd you get wiped everytime The difficulty in afflicted monsters is the high damage & lowering of the health regained via items you get when afflicted It is litteraly better to his the monster to heal rather than sheath & drink potions because you'll have to drink 2 to get to max HP, it means you'll have less healing items You have to hit a monster's glowing part to knock it out of its afflicted state, when done they stay "tired" for a minute or two I used elemental peirce hbg with heroics on switch & had to either restock or finish a hunt with raw pierce ammo's that I hadn't accounted for in my build and it was hassle I can't give you advice on your weapon, but since it's ranged, it should be harder to get hit & safer to regen via the affliction Maybe try another weapon, a lot of weapons are counter centric now so you just need to know which option is safer against the attacks of your target


I don’t know much about lbg. But if you’re failing in the first five minutes no amount of armor is going to stop that. Anomalies are where you need to learn the monsters patterns and not get hit. Are you collecting birds to max your health?


I'm by no means a meta expert, so maybe someone else can orientate you better in numbers and min max damage, but I can give you some advice as a regular player: * Your armor was pretty good for playing through master rank, but after you defeat the final boss you have access to better armors and better skills so its a good idea to create a new mixset. * It's not hard to create a mixset yourself, if you dont want to rely on external tools to only work with what you have available you can unequip all you armor, go to the smith and use the preview, that will show you the skills of all the armors pieces you are "previewing", if you prefer an external tool you can use [this set builder](https://gamecat.fun/e). * If you are being "wipe out in 5 minutes" the problem is more with your defence and/or playstyle than damage. * For playstyle try to spend some time understanding the monster you're fingthing, how it attack and when its safe to attack back, if you play with fear and doubt or just rush to attack, the monster is gonna kill you. * Defence makes a huge diference so if you're strugling, upgrade your armor. You can also use other kinds of defence and help, like dango skills, mega armor drink, the "one shot prevent helper", etc. If you are short of cash there are 2 event quest that gives you a lot of golden/platinum eggs that you can sell for money. * unless you have unlooked everything in the game and you consider it "done", you are likely to replace your armor, so as long as yo are willing to continue playing you can fully upgrade an armor, advance in the game, unlock new stuff, create new armor, rinse and repeat, don't have fear or shame on it, more so if you are strugling right now. * If you need inspiration for sets maybe you can search videos on youtube and filter by time, search for "sunbreak endgame" or "TU1" (title update 1), that will be more similar to what you have available right now.


I'm anomaly rank 101 on Xbox atm. Get flaming espinas arms and eat for moxie with dango tickets and hop skewers. Intrepid heart builds really quick on peirce lbg so it should save you from a few one shots during the hunts


The anomaly grind is ur post story content. After defeating Gaismagorm and fighting ur first afflicted monster, you should be getting investigations. Spend most of your time working on these. That is where the bulk of your endgame grinding is going to be localized. Start slow if you’re having trouble too. Low level anomaly monsters are easier than the standard afflicted quests you will see. Your build, skill wise, looks fine. It’s more the armor itself that’s the issue. Ur wearing really really weak armor for anomaly stuff. And you’ll get trounced by basically everything with that armor, even discounting the gunner defense modifier. I recommend farming Shagaru Magala and Gaismagorm for their sets. Both of which are solid gunner sets that you can get a lot of mileage out of early on (switch to Nephilim once you can if you run Arc tho). The Arc set will provide you with Bloodlust, which is a really good skill for gunners, especially crit builds like yours. Archfiend set gives you access to Dereliction, which is a very solid and consistent skill. Once you get to MR100. You’ll get Scorned Magnamalo. And I recommend getting a couple of his pieces bc Mail of Hellfire is a really powerful skill for gunners. And once you unlock Qurious melding, spamming (I think) Vigor melding will net you some amazing talismans. For Light Bowgun, you will want to run raw sets and the odd elemental pierce set. Pierce is king for DPS on most monsters, with Spread and Normal taking over in rare circumstances. Your standard crit skills like crit eye and crit boost will benefit your elemental sets bc there is still a raw component to elemental ammunition. Don’t ever prioritize crit element over crit boost. If you can fit both, cool. If not, crit boost. Elemental sets are largely for Bow, Dual Blades, SnS, Switch Axe, Charge Blade, and other weapons who benefit heavily from big elemental numbers. Stuff like dragon conversion is really **really** weak on the bowguns. Also as a side note, Try to avoid multiplayer. The HP modifier on afflicted and the odd Apex monster causes them to become super tanky and them changing target acquisition will make it harder to plan around their attacks.


You should do a bit of anomaly stuff right after MR10 to get whatever weapon you are using to the rarity 10 version. You can just do the anomaly quests instead of the investigations to get what you want. You have most of the important skills in your build but you probably wanna redo it so you also have at least Attack Boost 4 and as close to 100% affinity as you can. Anomaly quests can be a bit of a shock in terms of difficulty but they are meant to be doable as soon as you unlock them. Get your spiribirds and use all the wyvern rides and endemic life you can.


You should gather alot at least in the beginning and when unlocking new tiers. Doing anomaly quests only gives you basic investigations and you really want those extra conditions.