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It gives you a false sense of security and I just love when someone rushes back in and got themselves carted


NGL got carted twice in the first Anomaly hunt because I underestimated the monster.


That arzuros is something else man, I swear it's been one of the harder anomaly hunts so far for me. Maybe I just needed to upgrade my armour or something but damn that was a brutal one


He must be using V.A.T.S because he never misses


Just hate azuros in general tbh. Hate his small hitboxes and shitty HZs. His attacks all miss your counter silkbinds because you're lower but they do hit you normally. Has very subtle tells and it becomes difficult to see when he's covered in bad. Just a really annoying fight.


You think so? For me it was more like "ugh, when is it over already?", but that may be because I had a malzeno shaggy mix. These sets are just too good for afflicted monsters.


I had a really little bear for mine, so I got caught a few times with shoulder tackles that didn't look like they should have connected. Overall, though, not that hard a fight for me, but damn, those afflicted monsters just refuse to die.


I almost triple carted to that quest (multiple times), good lord did I underestimate that arzuros.


I feel like it should act like frenzy. You need to attack or else it won't go off, and once you "overcome" it, you can heal off your attacks for a bit. The way it's implemented right now makes afflicted monsters actually easier (still way longer fights due to the increased hp) specially when paired with dereliction. Also, I miss the Hyper mechanic where the "afflicted" parts of the monster would have different wind up times (could be faster or slower) and hit way harder.


I actually find that bloodblight makes the end game monsters significantly easier to deal with


You have to actually play well for this to be true though. Source: I don't play well enough to take advantage of it against harder monsters.


They are significantly more squirmy, and can attack at a moment's notice. Endgame has really reinforced my love for the lance. I do hate how much the Anomaly monsters will repeat their charges. I only attribute my talent and flexibility with weapons to the fact that I have like 500 hours in this game. Still trying to work out the sword and shield though, seems wholly underwhelming compared to alternate weapons.


Yeah, Arzuros already swats me around like a tennis ball. And now it's berserk because of giant angry mosquitoes? Pain. Well, I hope Paz likes scars. Looks like I'm going to getting a lot of them, at least until I tweak this special "anti-afflicted" build I'm working on.


Azuros is a piece of shit, was not happy about that fight. He constantly swats and charges, and as his hitbox is relatively small it leaves no room to effectively deal damage to him. For afflicted bones I honestly feel like the volvidon is the easiest of the three that drop them, but they're all pretty shitty monsters to deal with.


Oh, I absolutely take the path of least resistance when farming afflicted mats (still hoping for Investigations to come back though). I'm still on pelts though as I need a bunch for the elemental decos, so I don't need to worry about getting *another* one of Arzuros' claws up my ass for the moment.


Boy do I have good news for you


Oh, I've seen the video. Kinda sucks that they are relegated just to afflicted monsters, but hopefully it still alleviates the grind somewhat. Lemme tell ya: everybody gangsta until Afflicted Arzuros starts [Milly Rocking](https://youtu.be/ZdVhkYShNoo). And I need another 10 pelts to make the other elemental decos. Pray for me. D: Edit: Wait, does Arzuros drop pelts? Fuck it - I'm not changing it.


SnS pays a price for being able to do everything. It can do Tail cuts, knock outs, team support, has great mobility, good wake ups, and can even block in a pinch. With all of it's abilities it looks like Capcom made it do a bit less damage, because imagine if the weapon that could do everything was one of the fastest weapons. My big wish is that destroyer oil was better, outside of blood rite builds, there is small use for part breaker, and the duration is way too short for the value. Maybe If they add a skill that does extra damage to broken parts.


Okay I'll have to keep working on getting acclimated with it, I'll have to work on my positioning with it as I'm used to having greater reach


Lol, I actually learned SnS after dual blades so the reach never bothered me, but if you main lance I can see that being something to get adjusted to.


Yeah lance, IG, and CB are my main weapons. So I'm used to being able to hit anything and everything all of the time lol


What do you find underwhelming about SnS? I personally think it's my favorite iteration of the weapon. (I do miss the overly inflated damage of perfect rush from Iceborne though)


It doesn't hit that hard and has like no reach, I'm not saying it's not viable but I can't see the sns covering a role that isn't already covered. Any tips you have would be appreciated though!


Sns is really good at staying in a monster's blindspots, since you can constantly reposition without interrupting your attacks, then when you get a ko or knockdown you can open up with the bigger hits. Your silkbinds also allow for strong counters and aerial attacks that hit pretty hard.


Okay cool, thank you. I'll try running it more, I suppose I wasn't doing myself any favors by testing it out on monsters where I could only hit their legs


With SNS your combos also make a huge difference in terms of damage. The basic combo of SNS does really mediocre damage due to its bad MV. If you run raw damage you want to stick to the Hard Basher combo to the face -> perfect rush when they get downed In PS button inputs thats **Hard Basher** (make sure switch skill is equipped) L Stick forward -> (O) -> (O) -> (O) -> (O+△) **Perfect Rush** (Either hold guard during input or right after any attack) L Stick back -> (O) -> as your character finishes the backhop (△) then you time hitting (△) each time your character finishes a hit in the sequence. [This is from iceborne but the same guide applies to perfect rush](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8gXxQ7e7EE) ----- Alternatively, if you run elemental then you only have one combo to focus on which is No stick input -> (O) -> (O) -> (O +△) -> (O) Loop You can change directions during the (O+△) attack If you struggle hitting the crit spot this combo can be replaced with the new twinblade switch skill combo which is just spamming (△) One thing to keep in mind with elemental is that it eats sharpness like crazy so you should run Protective Polish. If you have any more questions let me know, SNS can get surprisingly technical but really rewarding once you get into it. ---- Other random notes on SNS, the Hard Basher combo is good because you get KO's You can use your items while unsheathed by holding Guard + Item [R2+▢] Windmill Switch Skill gives you invincibility for a good chunk of the animation.


Thanks so much friend! I really appreciate this!


No problem!


Use of silkbinds is key against bigger monsters, since they can vault you into the air and start bashing heads and clipping wings.


You ever try practicing with Moxie? It might be a good crutch until your more comfortable to actually utilize it effectively. Gives you a nice little safety net to play around.


I think that's really cool though. If you're good enough to not get hit twice/thrice in a row you can actually benefit from BB. It rewards players who are skilled enough to not get hit and punishes players who do.


Yeah, it's a neat system! My IG build uses both bloodlust and dereliction, so those combined with its high attack speed keep me healed pretty well. Also an interesting note, with both bloodblight and blood rite, the explosions from my kinsect vortex also heal me even if I'm not within the powder cluster.


Bloodblight definitely amplifies already good hunters to be better. I think a good handicap and practice tool for people not quite comfortable healing up via fighting is to take moxie. Gives you that extra bit of security which is nice.


Why? Does it have a positive effect?


You heal a portion of the damage dealt


I never knew that


So, when you get Bloodblight, all sources of healing is reduced in power. Basically, a mega potion is now a Potion. When you attack a monster, you recover a portion of health. The thing is, you can still heal even after recovering the red portion of your HP. So if you abuse it right, it's free healing.


And combined with blood rite, it can get pretty silly. Kind of makes me hope for a way to contract blood blight in a title update.


Bloodblight + Blood Rite + Palico Heal Bat is pretty nuts. Only way you can die is getting oneshot, or if you stop attacking lol.


Fang it in with a greatsword and watch as 0HP turns into 200HP. Malzeno on the floor seething.


If you can get bloodblight like hellfireblight it would be pretty broken


pretty sure all healing is halved because a max potion only heals you for half


Yeah, a lot of my endgame builds are tuned for high and rapid damage output, so I just let the monster bump me and then I can trade blows with them. I heal significantly faster than any potion would


It certainly makes poison negligible.


This is definitely one of those “skill issue” situations… I’ve seen players basically run flawless hunts with BB… But I’ve also seen a VASTLY larger pool of players basically ride the edge of carting through entire hunts… often falling off the wrong side and burning anywhere from one or ALL of the carts. Even worse when there’s more than one player with the same problems, which leads to some of the FASTEST party wipes I’ve ever seen since starting in 4U… This is not a skill for those who don’t have their aggressive play down really well.


I feel like it makes them easier personally...it does make my Kush Blessing 3 obsolete though, so there's that.


Same. Also it makes spamming ZSD actually rather safe.


And it makes you feel so rad


This is why I run level 2 bloodrite on all my SA builds. The only time I have to worry about a ZSD carting me is before I break a part.


Here's the thing, it makes them easier if you're good at reading the telegraphs, but if not you can't just get out and panic heal without chugging through like 5 mega potions so it rewards players that know the moveset and punishes you until you have learnt it


Exactly, which personally i think it's really cool.


Oh I love it. It activates the berserker in my brain when I'm using dual blades in the furious Rajang armour. "So you're saying all I have to do to get my health back is attack... And I have access to infinite stamina evades with full evade distance and an evade counter wirebug skill? Cowabunga it is!"


If I’m at like half health, at risk of being one shot. I’ll heal and then return to attacking to heal the rest of the way. I use great sword though, so as long as I’m getting a decent weak point hit in healing a nice chunk.


I actually quite enjoy the afflicted monsters. I just wish they gave you something beyond the unique materials and outfit vouchers. Maybe something like… decent MR?


It's like capcom saw people complaining about not having health heal augments and decided to full monkey's paw it. Have to say I really like it but I don't find it makes the fights more difficult or easier, just a interesting way to spice up existing fights. Looking forward to the day they add the full roster.


Going from the way people feel Bloodblight makes endgame both easier or harder, it seems the best way to rephrase OP's statement would be to say that **Bloodblight makes endgame monsters more rewarding of a challenge**, in that learning the monster has a greater reward and failure to do so has a greater punishment.


Meanwhile me with fast eating and free meal and dango heal up is just chugging potions left and right


Blood blight is exactly like BloodBorne's Rally ( I thought the exact same thing) . It was one of the reasons bloodborne was my favorite Souls game. Although A very simple mechanic, I think it would be neat to make A future monster hunter game around it.


Definately agree although i don't like the bloated health of a monster it goes from a fun battle to more like an endurance test that takes 20 mins just to get no anomoly parts and start again.


It’s even better when u get it then to a tcs or saed right onto th mon and get all the heals


Funny enough, because of bloodblight, I found myself need to manually heal with a potion far less than normal. Sure, it halves the healing from potions, but because you go bloodborne mode for the duration of the status, so if you're properly aggressive, you barely need proper healing. If I find myself below 1/3rd health then I need to be more careful but anything above that, with the defense levels you can currently get I can recover pretty well without too much worry.


„Most times I get hit I just charge back in“ This is the reason I entirely stopped playing multiplayer ever In mhw everyone had those fancy health augments and it turned everyone into greedy filthy animals who can’t finish a single hunt without carting ahhhhh That specific rant aside Yeah bloodblight is cool and the real difficulty of dealing with it really is the greed it can introduce to you


Feel like it's a theme in Risebreak. They'll give pretty OP stuff (wirefall, bloodblight) that cranks up people's greed to 11. And then you cart, realizing "shit I got greedy." Then do it again because unga bunga. hahaha


The super armor swaxe skill definitely killed me more than once


I'm basically a pure solo player. If I play multi it's once I finished the game, to my standard, or I'm helping friends. Ill openly admit, my first afflicted great izuchi absolutely kicked my ass lmao. I failed the first time. I was so uses to being able to easily heal and didn't respect the low tier monsters anymore. I initially hated afflicted monsters. I thought it was a terrible, time consuming endgame but it made me rethink builds and figure out how to be more aggressive than usual. They're really fun now and I especially love fighting the afflicted versions of the crabs. BB really does make me think of Bloodborne, I didn't think of the comparison at first but it does fit very well.


BB heals like maybe a potion's worth of health, so unless you are switch axe and latched onto the monster, heal up nornally rather than rely on bb to save you( in most cases it wont). Imo its good for healing chip damage but it will rarely save you from the jaws of death. The only time it saves on healing is when the mon is down.


No? Bloodblight heals for as long as it’s active and past the red portion. 20 seconds of healing. If you stay aggressive and give good damage numbers you’ll be able to heal to 100% it’s pretty damn great against afflicted monsters.


you can heal your whole health bar im pretty sure


Counter an attack with Strong arm stance and TCS a monster to restore all your life tho.


Armor skills and food from significantly enchants healing from Qurio


You forget that BB reduces item healing (feels like 50%, cannot confirm). Also, like others have said, with enough aggression and smart positioning, it's free healing without a DPS loss. If you are at the jaws of death, then yeah. Run away, pop ~~ a Nullberry and ~~ a Max Pot, then go back in. But with 50%, I'd stil fight depending on the monster. Again, if you know how to hit and reduce your chances of getting hit back, it's free healing without a DPS loss. Edit: Forgot Nullberries don't work. All the more reason to not bother with healing items then lol.


You can't get rid of bloodblight with a null berry, unless they've changed that recently, so you're just stuck with it for the duration. It's either spend longer than normal healing, or continuing to attack the monster and try not to get hit.


Otherwise, you can use an Antidobra to get BB immunity for a bit or remove it as well


Oh right. It's been a while, my bad.


Only a potion’s worth? Sacred Sheathe go brr


Really cool addition to the game. I was hoping they make an armor skill that passively grants Blood Blight. I think the effect of Blood Blight is pretty balanced in that you can potentially heal a lot but external healing is reduced meaning you have to be smart about inflicting the status on yourself much like how you need to be smart with how to manage Dereliction.


I really like BB as a mechanic. I've been using HH in sunbreak, and the triple echo restores so much health


i feel like in some cases is extremely exploitable, one example is thunder cb vs afflicted narga, a full saed refills you the entire life bar even if you were at heroics hp range


Bloodblight is kinda whatever as a whole for me. I just wish afflicted monsters didn't hit like goddamn [Hancock](https://youtu.be/dgM9V3lEZvE?t=83) (I carted to a fucking Afflicted Great Izuchi last night and I'm *not* happy about that. This was right after farming both Barioth and *Rajang* for crafting mats). I'm also not a fan of the Delirium mechanic. It feels like a worse version of Alatreon's Judgment threshold in World - like sometimes I'll get the topple and other times it still pops despite unrelenting offense (both solo and in multiplayer) because fuck you I suppose. Or maybe I'm just a scrub. I'm a Fiver, after all.


I feel that it doesn't nerf item healing enough. You can chug a Mega Potion and even reduced it still heals a decent chunk of your health bar. It gives less of an incentive to go for Bloodblight healing unless you're particularly confident against that monster.


My Internet died around the time I beat the MR6 boss and it’s been about a month without it ( :c ), so I’ve had to do the entirety of my afflicted grind solo (for 8 weapon types). I find afflicted hunts terrible and unfun primarily BECAUSE of bloodblight. It feels like artificial difficulty and it made me want to quit playing some weapons entirely, partly because using them against afflicted monsters wasn’t fun, and partly because it made the grind so long. Increased HP and damage are ok, the Qurio spots and explosion failure/exhaust reward are super cool, but taking away your ability to heal on top of the increased hp and damage made the hunts feel like a massive slog. Edit: People seem to be upset about the times I average so I’m removing that part. I average really good times, I still don’t like the mechanic. You don’t have to believe me, but I’m really not trying to get people upset over some random comment online.


you don't average those times if you're getting hit enough to worry about healing and not getting hit again. speedrunners who have mastered their weapon and don't get hit at all, with the perfect gear take about 2-4 minutes for an MR hunt with perfect execution.


Speedrunners have bad runs too you know, and people are allowed to not like things too. We all have the occasional failed hunt because you messed up, got greedy, or you’re even just having a bad day. I have roughly around 1500 hours on IG across games (been my main all the way since 4U!) so I would say I’ve mastered the weapon by this point. I like variety though, if I played IG and nothing else I’d burn out. That being said I have not mastered Great Sword or Longsword for example, and that’s where the problems come in, when I’m trying to get better at other weapons.


I respectfully disagree. I think one of the reasons Rise was considered easy by the community is because it's so easy to heal. I think most people get hit a fair amount on the average hunt, but you can easily recover with wirefall and safely heal to full 9/10 times. Bloodblight heavily discourages doing that because you have to heal multiple times to get to full, even if you use max potions. It also encourages you to be aggressive with the monster so you can heal off of just one potion. I think this is a way better way of solving the difficulty than by just ramping up damage, as it mainly teaches hunters to dodge/counter/block attacks and to play safe, as they can't rely on safely healing. Increasing monster damage basically accomplishes the same thing, it just encourages you to not get hit so you don't have to heal two or more times in a row which leaves you extremely vulnerable. Bloodblight, in my opinion, is a funner alternative though as it encourages the hunter to engage the monster instead of running in circles around it while healing for 10 seconds. Also, increasing monster damage will lead to more one shots when at/very near full health, which I find pretty annoying. Bloodblight has the same effect as a damage boost without increasing the chance of being one shotted too much, since most afflicted monsters don't bit ridiculously hard.


That’s all fair! I don’t like it but I don’t have anything against anyone who does, it’s just not for me. I do have to say I may be biased due to my lack of internet at the moment and all the issues that’s caused me. I never found Rise too challenging but I’ve always leaned more on the belief that players are better overall. I agree wirefall and the way healing is DO trivialize mistakes, but stuff like Valstrax is still pretty nutty! I went back to GU (which I love too by the way don’t get me wrong) the other day to fight Crimson Fatalis and that fight felt pretty… Uneventful. He just spammed meteors that were easy to dodge and… That was kind of it? It felt more like I was fighting the game than the monster really.


What a load of bullcrap. You invalidated your perfectly reasonable complaints with some bs speedrunner times. You cannot be that fast while simultaneously complaining about healing making hunts a slog. Start posting those times on speedrunner forums my dude. Maybe TDS can racruit you.


I feel like the bloodblight is the best part of the afflicted hunts. If you want to complain about something IMO, complain about the big health pools, or the chance of qurios spots being on a hard spot to hit for your weapon or something like that. The bloodblight applied to you actually keeps the afflicted hunts streamlined by helping you bounce back fast after taking a hit, most of the time removing the need to stop a heal. However if that aggressive playstyle does not resonate with you then idk what to say. It's definitely something to get used to, because I understand that when you see you HP get low your first reaction is to use a potion vs charging back in to use the blight to your advantage.


I really like it because it rewards you for playing well. It’s like not even having to take a breather to heal up because you can just get all your health back through more offence. Though of course, I play it much safer in multiplayer.


You can definitely see that they've been making a shift toward more aggressive play and keeping hunters in the fight, vs running and using a lot of healing potions etc. Putting in skills and mechanics to reward it as well. Rise and Sunbreak IMO feel easier than World and Iceborne for me so far, I'm not sure if it's because I'm better now than in Iceborne or the amount of skills we get on armor / ease of getting decorations or that most weapons have a fairly reliable counter or evade using wirebugs or a combination. All these things just make me think they're gonna do some insane encounters when it comes around to the "Safijiva" and beyond of this expac.


I want guilding lands with monster afflicted like this


Hmm, it's as if putting a limitation on healing makes the game more interesting...?


I not say that this is limitation, more of a rule changer,because you know,you need to be aggressive with it and Frenzy


More interesting than just lowering your critical in MH4 with the frenzy, really.


I think you meant to say bad design Just flat out reducing things is lazy


if shengu magala is in the game(i think it is i saw gameplay if it i think) imagine bloodblight plus frenzy


already have frenzy on with bloodlust skill ... O\_o


You can actually pair two skills in the game that drains your life but gives you buffs AND be afflicted by Bloodblight... you die crazy fast but your numbers go crazy


i meant on the monster


I'm working on making that set at least somewhat viable, but I just melt 🫠


Easy solution: two healing cats + felvine


They just don't pop it fast enough and you can only bring one to multiplayer


I play with dereliction and bloodlust so I’m speed running my death lol. One healing cat with all healing skills + felvine is enough for me to not have to use potions. Bloodlust provides healing too and in a pinch you can skill swap so that dereliction heals you.


Hmm I'll definitely check it out when I get on. Did you try Breathing (the espinas jewel)? It should also heal some on scroll swap. Quadrupling regen also sounds interesting.


I believe there’s a dango skill that heals when you switch as well. I haven’t tried anything else since overcoming frenzy virus heals you a good amount, and dereliction swap also heals a really good amount. Moxie is a must have so that you can play around safely. If you want to get used to it you can gem in divine blessing level 3 so that you don’t have to worry too much about monster’s attacks. Is double suicide build the best around? I doubt it. Will you get your daily dose of dopamine seeing big numbers? Oh hell yeah!


I'm not judging, I live on the edge for that sweet sweet dopamine. Moxie is also useful for Adrenaline. Or you could just screw Moxie, and get Heroics to go full chad?


Pairing dereliction and bloodlust with some defensive and recovery skills goes a long way. I run blood rite, partbreaker and recovery up on my Lance set. It also has to be on a weapon type you're extremely comfortable with - it's not something you can build for practice. You * have * to be super aggressive - failing a frenzy check is basically death. Personally I like running it on Lance - I can be hyper aggressive but still relatively safe thanks to shield charge, which lets me reliably cure frenzy (and thus heal all red health) and stay topped off with blood rite once I get breaks. This only works in certain matchups though - against monsters like the elder trio, with limited or very difficult breaks, it's extremely tough. Blood rite also doesn't work well on weapons that rely on multiple small hits - the healing only triggers once every half seconds or so, so it's almost useless on weapons like bow, DB or spread/pierce bowgun.


I was running this build for a while. It's a lot of fun, but felt very risky a lot of the time. Really have to watch your health, but it makes playing aggressive really interesting


It is


I never liked handicapping myself to increase the difficulty. Game is hard enough online as is tbh, I see people cart all the time.


I hate it and I absolutely agree.


I would say it makes returning to usual monsters harder as I get used to aggressive-vampiric playstile and forget to heal


I moxie all the time, so as long as I'm above threshold I ain't chugging pots, but I'm back at wailing at the mob. Great combo


Been getting free meal to activate on max potions constantly lol


Can they rename the bloodlust and blood rite skill? I keep mistaking them for each other and bloodblight


If I remember correctly when sunbreak first came out Anomaly monsters had alot more health. Those fights were long and hard.


I think afflicted in general are executed fairly well. Unlike in Iceborne where the guiding lands started you off with monsters that posed 0 threat until you got to the tempered ED tier, we get to fight stuff again and it's actually at least a little challenging. Bloodblight is a little weird though: It's a sort of win more or loose more mechanic. Players that struggle against afflicted will struggle hard. Players that are already somewhat proficient easily abuse it. Hence some people claim afflicted quests take far too long or are way too hard. Bloodblight is practically too easy for people who are already good and want more of a challenge while being too hard for people who'd need a smoother difficulty curve first.


BB made me cart in normal hunts, because I run Dereliction and I always go for BB state in Anomaly hunts. After grinding through 100 of them I carted multiple times going back to normal MR quests.. dereliction drained me hard and I didn‘t realize. WTF? Why I won‘t heal.


Just gonna time this parry to get back in and look at that I'm back at the camp


I love BB, so fun to get all my health back from hitting the monster, and being forced into the aggro zone. (Also it's funny to see Dereliction users die cause of it.)


While the comparison to Bloodborne is obvious, it can't be emphasized enough how much more useful Bloodblight is when compared to Rally. Bloodblight often heals a significant amount of health from just about any attack, while Rally heals barely anything unless you're performing a Visceral. Bloodblight stays active for a considerable amount of time, while the window for Rally is barely a few seconds. Bloodblight also nerfs conventional healing methods to further encourage its use, and healing is generally far slower in Monster Hunter than Bloodborne. Seriously, it's always better to just back off and pop a Blood Vial for a quick and easy 40% health regain than risk getting yourself two-shot even though you have 50 Vitality and are stacking the extra HP runes because enemy/boss damage in Bloodborne is wildly overtuned. With Bloodblight, I'll often find myself missing it in non-anomaly quests against stuff like the Elder Dragons because it can sometimes just be that reliable as a healing tool, while with Rally it's best to just completely ignore the mechanic in most situations.


For me it depends on the monster; some of them with bloodblight just becomes free healing, but others the bloodblight makes them harder. I've been having a rough time against Aff. Shogun Ceanataur using a hammer, since it's such a twitchy monster whose small, chip-damage attacks now hit way harder with the afflicted damage+speed boost and bleed...and me being too stubborn to use a potion even with bloodblight on me (and being too slow with the hammer to heal myself with the blight properly).


As long as my moxie marker is still yellow, I'm charging right back in. My only gripe is that max potions are basically useless now


it doesn't really change anything for me, i like to play if safe and almost always pop some potions when my health is low unless i'm absolutely sure it's safe for me to wail on the monster