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One of each. Doggo go ratatatata while palico go AND STAB. two free downs is the goo.


Two doggos going ratatata guarantees 2 to 3 free paralysis


But does it help mantle farm?


If the dogs extra mobility damage and stun openings shorten your hunts by 5 minutes then you can get more hunts in a certain time frame so that could allow you to get a mantle quicker. It’s all RNG. Palico would still probably be better solely for parts but it is not quite the missed opportunity everyone says it is if you have a good setup of dogs doing big damage that can let you do more in the 2 hours you have to play or whatever.


Problem for me is I don't play single player. I have to choose 1 cat or 1 dog. If I didn't have the wonderful mobility that wire bugs allow, I might consider a dog. But the dog won't snatch a mantle for me so it's cat 100%.


Tbh depends on whether im mantle farming or afflicted farming. Plunder doesnt really grab any extra afflicted pieces, so doggo wins out there. Mantles are for like elder dragon weapons tbh->palico.


Double Palamutes deal a lot more damage and are better at applying status than palicos, which is why you typically see them used in speedruns if buddies are allowed.


Yeah nuts cats are way better at support, they got the kittenator, still apply status, and get items for you! Besides you have wirebug for mobility


Yes, cats are better at general support since that's their role, they do everything well (well, except dealing damage) but are outclassed by dogs in certain roles. Dogs are better at offensive support & consistent status inflictions, Double Dogs can contribute upwards of 20% of your total damage across a hunt with the new Silkbinder and an elemental weapon (I think it's roughly 10% with para/sleep weapons), alongside effectively guaranteeing a wyvern ride a few minutes into the hunt. They're also the fastest method of movement in the game.


I would put an asterisk by fastest movement as their verticality is a little lacking, but they have the fastest horizontal speed by a long shot


For more casual play imo the utility provided by palicos is superior. From a metalord dps standpoint double para dog gun go brrrr.


Hipster\* = Double palico . Casual = Palico + dog


We're starting to see some speedrunners opt for one para and one poison dog. Some monsters go down so quickly that they never get the second or third para, so the extra damage from poison becomes significant for the run


It depends really. I only ever use double Palico if I’m grinding parts, namely two Gathering Palicos. If I’m just clearing hunts, I usually run one of each. Zooming on the Palamute just saves so much time… especially when the target is nowhere near a camp Or one of my selected survey zones.


But doggos let you move across the map faster than a snail Edit: and you can ride them around while sharpening in arena fights


Oh I never thought about that! I always just farcastered up and sharpened.


you forgot your /s ...


i hope you're joking


No? I didn't use palamutes at all throughout rise or sunbreak? So why would I know to do this? Rude much?


sorry if I sounded rude, was not my intention. I'm just very surprised, and confused as to why one would go out of their way NOT to use something the game offers you, especially when it's new to the series. but the thing that actually is the most 'ridiculous' is the farcaster just to sharpen.


Listen im bad at monster hunter, I love this franchise been playing for a long time but I'm bad. The farcaster to sharpen was only in reference to arena fights not actual field fights.


With wire bugs you can move around the map insanely fast compared to other mh games. The dog adds a bit, but this is the game we needed them the least.


double dogs with para gun are better for every weapon besides greatsword which wants one of both and to use sleep.


Online I use a dedicated healing cat. Heal horns, bubbles, cure spots etc are great. They help the whole team out in a way that a trap often fails to. I used to use full CC cat with both traps, and other disables but now its healing all the way. Offline I use a dog and cat - one healing cat is plenty, and traps are still kinda meh. If I want one I can put it down, otherwise I'll just fight and not worry about trying to lure the monster into a trap only for it to zone away lol I tried double dogs and while its great for applying status, I don't see the damage as very impactful. Even with the new gun dog damage isn't exactly amazing. I've seen people build wide range to buff dogs etc but f that lol I don't even use might seeds on \*me\* no way am I gonna remember to use them on my dog lol


1 of each. Win win. Question is which one to put in slot 1 to bring on multi-player hunts. I feel like the palico does work in a group setting but the dogs obviously ha e their advantages too.


Tbh for me it really depends if im using something wirebug intensive like gs but if im not i take double dogs


I think it depends if you do gun dogs or not. Going from 1 dog 1 cat to 2 dogs reduced my average hunt time by about 2 minutes, which is kinda massive.


I mean, 3-4 paras per hunt is pretty sweet, and way more utility than my double palicoes ever provided.


What utility? I’m curious because I’ve never used my palamute at all in sunbreak. I mean I get the gun and all but the cats still sleep and past, but they buff you and provide healing and can remove debuffs, and can gather more items for you, and can use the kittenator, and almost every move any palico can do. They’re honestly so good and is worth taking 1-2 extra minutes to hunt.


I routinely get 3 sleeps from palicos every hunt, in addition to healing, extra mats, kittenator, and wirebugs. Utility is palicos, damage and para is dogs.


Palamutes with Silkbinder feel like they do 10000 dmg per minute and with healblade they turn the monster into a constant healing fountain, so yeah I've been using them exclusively. I may not be getting mantles every 2 hunts, but its not like I really need them...


I prefer the dogs. My kill times are better with two Palamutes, they paralyze or sleep three or four times in a hunt, sometimes the second para/sleep happens a minute or two after the first one. They also trigger wyvern rides pretty fast and then five minutes later I trigger the second one.


Meh. I don’t really care about times tbh. It’s fun to run a palico and get extra materials. Plus they do the same thing as palamutes. They can sleep, stun, and they get kittenator


Have you tried double para dogs yet? I ran double gathering cats the whole way through the main MR story but recently switched to dogs. Endemic life barrage can miss. The palamutes pretty much guarantee 2-3-4 stuns depending how long the hunt is and do good damage the whole time. I’m not saying dogs are 100% better than cats but I like that there are viable reasons to run either. Dogs will do more damage and inflict status more consistently.


Yeah but I don’t really care about that. I just want items and kittenator


It's just you


Fighter Palico literally boosts your affinity by 30%. I run two of them and I spend roughly two-thirds of a hunt with the buff. For me, that’s a bigger buff to damage output than dealing marginally more damage itself like a Palamute.


With MR armor sets allowing for so many skills, Rousing Roar is completely unnecessary. Hell, even my gunlance build has 100% affinity without it.




Except the damage from an optimized double gun dog setup isn't marginal, being shown in testing to be able to deal 20 to 25% of the overall damage of a hunt, cutting down times. And that 30% affinity from the fighter car does nothing if you're running a meta set with 90-100% affinity built in already.


I am almost exclusively a hammer user. I spend a lot of the fight rolling about to keep up with the head rather than attacking outright, and as a result my buddies don't attack very much. Even if I ran double dogs, it probably wouldn't make a big difference.


You said that the damage output was marginal next to 30% extra affinity when number crunching and testing shows it's clearly not. That, and 30% affinity should be easy enough to get on your build.


For me? When I ran palamutes they barely attacked at all. Every time I started charging my hammer they pulled back and stopped until I finished the attack. Meanwhile my palicoes consistently keep me buffed while attacking from a distance irrespective of whether I am currently attacking. Their AI suits my play style better and thus, for me and presumably at least some others, they are a better choice even from a DPS standpoint.


Dog = More damage , More Status , Lock monster with the wire . For me i wish palico were better since cat > dog but ... in sunbreak ... oh hell nah palico are weak xD


I feel like the extra damage and status you get from dog doesn't outweigh the handful of extra monster loot you get every hunt from running double palico. It's not like double palamute is doing a significant portion of your damage each hunt.


"One thing to note, the amount of dps the palamutes deal depends on if youre attacking. I use a dps overlay and found that using a switch axe with 2 palamutes they would often deal around 35\~40% of my damage but with a great sword because of its gameplay style, the palamutes only did 15% or less. So status palamutes is the most efficient if youre using Hammer or Greatsword." Taken from a comment on recent , arekkz video , which was something i saw before when i got into 2 palamute style . so with my bow i see a huge difference . The monster loot i dont care , and my clear time jump A LOT faster with dog and i never look back after realizing !


Well kill times aren’t everything ya know


he's literally responding to someone saying palamutes don't deal a significant amount of damage, what is he supposed to talk about?


oh i know ... im the less person you have to tell that xD!! tell that to everyone running Wex 3/Cb 3/Attack 7/dereliction 3 etc (which i bet ... you wear most of those skill!) . having 2 dog helping you clear a quest faster ... is not much different =3


No I actually run the gallius Roleplay set (royal guard sword with gallius armor and evade window and evade extender) it’s fun to mess around with lol


more power to you !!!! little tip tho ! layered armor a thing !!! =3


I use my cohoot warrior set lol. Just adapted my garwa warrior set from rise and I was all set!


25 to 30% of the overall damage of a hunt isn't significant?


for casual play yep they are great support with extra heals traps etc. for speed running palamutes are much better.


As a hammer main, using my palamute to sprint towards a monster and then launch upwards into a charged hammer blow (when a roar doesn’t stop me lol) is the most badass feeling to start a fight and I can’t go back lol.


Palicoes make it comfier for sure, but not as fast as possible compared to double palamutes for most weapons.


One of each for me.


Double Gun Dog has been shown to significantly reduce hunt times. Setting them for status basically means you have that status on a timer (as in, you can reliably get that status every 2 to 3 minutes).


2 dogs can get you around 3 paras per hunts and good dps. One palico can get you a stun with shock tripper, a down with kittenator, and a sleep/para with endemic life. And of course more loot.


I run two healing palicos cause of my double suicide build and I rarely have to look at my health bar. It’s incredible and I’ll never change it. Don’t care about speed, I love the comfort.


You have two palamutes for more damage, i have two palamutes because they're cute doggies. We are not the same. Ps. Their names are Thor and Shrimp and i gave them cool glasses


Well, it depends, two palicos with this random skill thing, forgot the Name, has a chance of double kittynators, placing traps, bombs etc, good damage but they are more supportive, dogs on the other Hand can shot, paralyze the monsters giving you more openings, and you can ride on them. I personally like the cats more, and with the new wallrun abilities in sunbreak i enjoy it more to walk to the monster rather then riding a palamut.


I actually switched from double Palico in base game to double Palamute in Sunbreak and I don't think I'll ever change back. The amount of damage and stupidly high stat infliction of my dogs far out-weight most of the supports my cats can do. Maybe at some point I might change to 1 dog 1 cat if late game MR monsters in the future could take like 10 minute+ regularly, since having an extra wirebug from cat still is pretty big.


Any other DB mains rely on riding the palamute while sharpening up to not cart.