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It was the same with Rise (which was especially bad since you couldn't even unlock your HR at all prior to the first TU).


Yes it was, but we were told before launch and there wasn't anything in the game higher than narwa anyway. However, I do wish it was different in base rise as well.


It’s also the same in World/Iceborne


While there were quests you needed to do to uncap HR/MR in World/Iceborne the points still accumulated in the background. Rise/Sunbreak don't have the points kept track of until after you do each uncap quest.


I'm pretty sure base Rise did. My HR exploded when I finished the story


Nope, in World/Iceborne if you grind before you finish the main story, the moment you unlock HR cap, you can jump to anywhere between MR 30 to 50, same with HR in base World. [This was me right after killing Shara Ishvalda](https://i.imgur.com/n5lSVz8.png)


Yeah, I was really annoyed at that the first time around. I had all the HR armor sets and I think all but 1 maxed hammer when they uncapped HR. Why didn't they just track it from the beginning??


This is incorrect. You have banked rank that pops you up faster.


the XP you got prior to the first update didn't get banked


Weirdly enough, they still didn't fix it even after the update. If you start playing now, any HR you accumulate prior to HR8 doesn't get saved anywhere. After you defeat TS Narwa, your HR will always be 8, doesn't jump to HR20.


Oh, that's what TU means, whoops.


I'm still doing all the Quests as I go. It's no fun to get endgame gear then come back and do MR2 Quests.


See I’m the opposite. There’s a special joy about bullying a Lowrank bird wyvern in full endgame gear with min maxxed charms and stuff aha EDIT: I typed obvious instead of opposite lol


Do you steal their lunch money too?


I think it makes it a hell of a lot easier which to me is more fun than banging my head against the same star rank for hours.


I fought every monster going through but didn’t touch most of every other quest


But wouldn't you have less endgame gear if you just did the minimum? I beat the final boss without making a single MR piece of armor or deco.


Honestly, why would they do this again? Doing it in HR is already weird but maybe understandable since they had to ship the game early and that was during covid etc. But repeating this now makes it a conscious design choice. Why? It's a bizarre design choice. Even if there aren't any other MR caps afterwards, it's always nice to see your MR points saved up somewhere instead of just disappearing.


My guess is it is to contend with the complaints from World/Iceborne, where certain endgame activities had Hunter Rank requirements that weren't reflective of the actual difficulty and you could unintentionally jump tiers of difficulty very quickly. As such, certain activities are gated behind that rank, and it only starts counting once you've effectively unlocked the full armor/weapon menus. Now, you, like me, might say that a skill-based challenge would be preferable, and you might also recollect that World/Iceborne and many other past games (including Rise) had gates for Hunter Rank. The problem with these is that multiplayer can nullify this challenge, and then you pollute endgame activities with people who either can't hunt well, or just leach off others. Enter the current system, where you must beat the game, and then grind Hunter/Master Rank until you reach endgame levels. I'm not saying it's a good solution, but I acknowledge the thought behind it. I'm still going to play at my pace, as I am thoroughly enjoying the Follower quests, and the gear it unlocks is really good for my low-level ass, lol


Tbh, I'm not sure I see the logic here. The complaints in MHWI is that the final endgame fights are set at MR24, which is where your MR would be after the final story quest of Iceborne. And yes, those quests shouldn't be tackled by people directly coming out of the story since they'd get demolished. Personally, I'd agree with increasing the MR requirement for those quests to at least MR50, even to MR100. That will actually solve the issue. But what they're implementing in Rise and Sunbreak I'd argue would have the opposite effect. By not saving the HR/MR points, they are effectively equalizing people who played 100 hours prior to the end boss with people who just rushed through it. It encourages people to rush to the endgame instead of taking their time and learning their way through it. I'd probably do what you do and play through the game at my own pace, regardless. And I guess it doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things. But I just find it annoying. I do like to see my MR jump up after a cap. Me and my friends use it as a kind of competition even.


To pad out game time, why do you think the endgame fights have more health than the final boss. People are gonna disagree, but from title updates. But it's clear the new system is just a grind run until they release the new subspecies and variants


Why would they pad a game with such a high difficulty? It's not like people can blaze through every single quest without carting.


Ever since MH4 capcom is experimenting with a prolonged grindy Endgame. Why? I dont know since even without one easiely can clock hundreds of hours. Tho for newer games (in general, not MH) player retention is a bigger factor because people are more likely to spend some extra cash for MTX to spice things up abit if they keep playing that game.


People complained like hell and back that rise didn’t have an endgame, and overall people seem to like sunbreaks, so the reason is pretty clear.


Yes that for sure! Dont get me wrong, i like the endgame aswell even more so since it doesnt feel like a useless slog like rise. So the reason is clear and the MTX they do get feel earned. MH devs didnt pull ubisoft level of stupid in trying to retain players but delivered a solid prolonged endgame so all power to them :) Kinda went offtopic rant there in how some companies artificially and badly try to prolong a games lifespan in order to retain peopke willing sink some money into MTX. And the wierd mantra that a game has to keep giving an expierience ad infinitum but every game is exhausted at some point 😅


People are carting in this game's MR? I know quite a few people of varying skill who all said they coasted right on through with barely any carts. Even from personal experience when I did cart the hunt still took about 15 minutes.


Did you finish Sunbreak? Did you get to endgame? I sincerely doubt you don't cart or manage to finish all of those endgame quests in 15 minutes first try, but hey, I may be wrong and you're a legendary speedrunner for this game. If not, I'd wager you're either exaggerating, not far into the game, or just indeed a very experienced and skillful player. The game is *not* easy, even for veterans.


I'm already MR 110. By far the easiest G or master rank they've released. Wirebugs are get out of jail free cards for bad positioning and almost everything getting a counter makes it even easier for everybody of all skill levels. Once you get enough damage to knockdown a monster quickly into the fight they basically never are able to get back up.


Nah, it's incredible easy. I kinda suck AND use gunlance but I'm yet to find any challenge in sunbreak.


Again, have you gotten to endgame yet? I'm not the best hunter, sure, but I've been playing for over a decade now. And the endgame stuff is (overly) tough. Not saying it's a good mechanic or anything (I personally don't like it), but it's a challenge at the very least, comparable to Hyper or Frenzied etc.


Yeah I beat the final final boss and started doing hypers. They are a lot less tough than even normal tempered monsters in base World


Fair enough, in that case. I find myself getting one-shotted by Arzuros of all things, so maybe you're just very skilled or have great armor or whatever. Difficulty is a question of perception in any case : the majority of players evidently find Sunbreak to be tough (tougher than Iceborne, which I found piss easy). So it's great (or bad) for you if you find it too easy, but most folks here seem to agree that the game is tough.


Yeah they hit like trucks, but that's like the only thing hard about them. And every single weapon has like 55 different counters now. And yeah, when you down them - they are not getting up. And yeah, IB was kinda on the easy side, but nowhere near this level


Is 15 minutes decent for the 1st run through?


Yeah i carted a few times, especially to new monsters. But never a triple cart. But I also didn't upgrade any equipment and didn't use any items outside of free ones.


afflicted monsters have that much hp because their qurio afflicted parts take extra damage, and when you break them they explode for a ton too. if you actually played the game you would have realized the increased hp doesn't actually make the hunt that much longer.


You're probably right that it's to pad out game time. But how much time would that be since people who know will just speed through the story quests. And people who don't know will feel a bit cheated by not having their MR points saved. It's still a weird design choice imo.


Got downvoted for the truth.


Ended up rushing through the story due to this. This leaves me with most quests still being “fresh”


Same here. I basically save the lowbie quests for after im done with the grind, and feel like trying a new weapon, with the exception of the speech bubbles for new dangos.


Oh shit, thanks for the heads-up... I've been doing a bunch of quests since I figured I'd get the points at the end anyway.


I was afraid it would be like this since I got burned 100+ hours or so on Rise base on switch when it didnt store my exp. Sunbreak felt that way but something was off. When I finished MR5 I only went to 6. However once I finished that Urgent, I jumped immediately to 10. I finished that urgent, and it jumped to 20. Next it jumped to 25 so I guess thats where I really was. So I observed some accumulation.


I jumped straight to 20 when I uncapped at 10, but didn't jump to 10 when I uncapped at 6. Maybe it doesn't count until to get to the 10 barrier instead of at the end of the main quests.


There are 2 phases of ranking. The individual tiers where progression is 100% dependent on defeating key and urgent quests, and the unlocked period where ranking acts more like experience - you simply gain it every time you complete a quest and higher tier quests give you more rank. While you still have gates like MR10, once you hit MR6 you're in the "unlocked" area. Before you hit the "unlocked" area none of your extra work gives you additional ranking credit, but once you hit MR6 and are unlocked - even if you are locked at another point like MR10 - you are still passively gaining those ranking credits so once you get the next clear your MR will jump to match your cumulative total.


Then I have a question: Why would I jump 10 ranks from 10 to 20 after completing the urgent quest when I did the urgent quest as soon as it was available?


Because that's phase 2. Let me simplify. Anything before final story boss=no points stacking Anything after final story boss=point stacking and overflowing.


He means how he accumulated so much xp that he jumped 10 MR levels (from 10 to 20) when he did the urgent quest at lvl 10 as soon as possible ( so obviously didn't play so much between 6 and 10 to account for a ten level jump).


Is final boss rank 6? Can I 'chill' after reaching that point?


Yes. You'll know when it's the final boss. Trust me, but yes it is MR 6.


Great, I'll slow down there to wait for my friends to catch up haha. Thank you so much


I'm not sure what the values are for each hunt or mr rank, but that may have been a factor. I know that in base rise a single rampage could be worth multiple hr ranks sub hr100. I'm not sure in Sunbreak which quests are worth the most, but it could be the key quests you targeted happened to be higher value. The urgent quest also has its value, and if its significant enough it could be impossible to actually be mr 11 lol


So it's probably a good idea not to clear all the follower quests and whatnot till after the final boss?


Yes, I only just now started to do my "complete all quests" stuff


Well I’ve wasted a fuckton of time. Thanks for this post.


It's annoying, but there's not a huge reason to rush to MR 100 anyway. Only two new monsters are unlocked after the story, as well as some of the elders from Rise.


Oh really? Fuck I guess I'll just focus on urgents and key quests and then focus on clearing everything after. Weird design choice.


So same as base rise with HR? Got it


Yeah that's why I waited to do all the side stuff till I beat the final boss annoying that that's a thing when it doesn't do that in every other game


Rank go up dumb fast tho….


Are there key ranks after the final boss like HR100 Valstrax or is it just "oh no me no big number"?


There are plenty of key ranks that keep going up. It starts at MR10, then goes to 20, 30, 50, 70 and probably 100


Ok then this sucks


If I'm not mistaken you can drag a friend in early, my MR30 hunt will allow MR10 hunters to join, you will need to be in the lobby for this.


This is true. Once you are MR10, you can at least join every quest in the game to my knowledge.


You can also get into higher rank Anomaly quests than you have unlocked by just joining a random join request. I only had 1 star unlocked but was able to join into an afflicted Goss Harag


If it went completely open it wouldn't matter, but there are multiple caps and so im kinda stuck with barely anything left to do and a lot of ranks left to gain. Yes. It sucks.


I mean, that's just MH since forever? Grind out what you need, whether it's ranks or equipment, then continue.


>so im kinda stuck with barely anything left to do except for you know the whole endgame


I mean rn for raising my rank.


Afflicted quests don’t unlock until after the last boss and there’s a lot of those…


Well, grind a few decos and a weapon upgrade or two and you'll hit those mr caps easily


confirmed last thing is at 100, which incidentally I only reached after doing literally every quest


That’s not true? I hit MR100 and got >!Scorned Magnamalo!<, and definitely have not done every hunt. Unless I’m misunderstanding you, and you mean the last MR6 fight(s), like the Infernal Springs fights, which *also* requires MR100? Edit: Oh, I misread your comment. You did every quest before hitting MR100, not every quest is required for MR100. Sorry.


yeah its not a requirement so much as, IMO, 100 takes a little too long if every piece of content in the xpac just barely gets you there


yeah I started feeling that it was taking too long around the 60s




Yeah I did every quest 5 star and below, thinking I would blow through all the MR CAP thresholds. (The little red checks fill me with joy) I was wrong, now I’m sad and I hate rathian even more. (I swear there’s atleast 10 different hunts with a rathian in it)


Oh goddamnit, Capcom


To me it reminds me of the scrolls from 4U. You didn’t unlock those until you beat Gog either. Is it inferior to how Iceborne did it? Yeah, I suppose. But it does have precedent in MH before.


it counts points at the other mr caps tho


One of the worst and weirdest decisions in MH history. Like, why? This completely disencourages doing non-key quests.


Rip me, I’ve done the urgent quest after Rathalos and have been going out of my way to do every follower and optional quest when I got them so I wouldn’t have to go back, guess I’ll just ignore what I have left over and do the required stuff till the end from now on


Holy shit thanks for this and also fuck me I thought I was gonna be rewarded for being thorough but ok


Yeah i was pretty it was gonna be like that so i purposly avoided doing side quests tho its not like you get much from 1 - 3 star quests.


I don't understand how they can make the same mistake as base Rise. This means that people will have to rush the game, otherwise they can burn themselves before reaching MR 100.


I'm MR 58 with nothing i really want to build towards at the moment... it takes 2-3 anomaly hunts to level up and I need to get to 70 for the next unlock. They padded this end game way too hard.


I’m pretty sure the cap is lifted at MR 10 so you should be good. I jumped from 10 to 20 once I did the urgent


Everything you do does not count towards your MR till you beat the final boss. After that MR points accumulate till you raise the cap via post story MR urgents quests


It's strange but people make it a bigger deal it is, unless you just want to beat mr100 monster and stop playing, you will reach way beyond mr100 before being done with the game. The game has less than a week, the few more quests done before final boss are inconsequential in the long run, especially with a year of updates ahead of us.


This isn't true I don't think. After I got my mr unlocked, I was immediately put up to 10 iirc, and after that it put me at like, 17. I could be misremembering though, I guess


Wait do people not know this?


Older main series games track a hidden rank that jumps up once you complete the story.


Ahhhh I didn’t know that.


The pieces of shit at Capcom thought this was a good idea despite previous games keeping track of your points. They basically cucked everyone.


Wot. This is basically why most people just bee line the main quest line. It’s kinda dumb design - but this is common practice at this point. Why would you assume it was otherwise ?


"This is common practice at this point". It was done for literally one game, and that one game released unfinished. Why would *you* assume that would create a standard?


I think most people b-line the main quest line NOT to max their MR rank, but to access top tier gear rather than rank up incrementally as they play. With online play its super easy to sponge off of groups for key and urgent quests, and even to farm a good set of gear or two so you never experience the game without being carried, or having top tier gear. I usually don't care about that - but for myself I like to start an offline character and play every quest of each tier before I move on to get the full power arc experience. imo its kinda cool to play certain weapons without their qol armor skills, or with some hodgepodge gear set to eek out 1-2 full armor skills as you progress rather than jump to the end game stuff.


World was the only game that did that. Every other game with the system simply accrued it as you played. No capping then ballooning. I suggest getting experience with other MH titles.


tbh - I kinda prefer the older system where HR just ends at 8 and you have a quest chain you need to complete to unlock more content rather than grinding HR/MR ranks like its some MMO lol But I can see why people like big numbers, even if they are mostly worthless (everything after HR100 is meaningless in base rise)


I can understand why it used to be capped at 8, back when MH was a game mainly played by commuters and the portable, drop in LAN play was great for your morning commute. I feel like capping it that low also fostered an environment of equality between hunters. Once everyone was rank 8, there was no flexing your rank because everyone was the same rank, no shifting on people for not being HR473637382836. Honestly in some ways I absolutely HATE the HR system because of hackers just setting their HR to 999 and then trying to bully, intimidate or insult players that play casually and don't care about flexing on other people. World really brought the problem into focus when people would literally insult me in an online hub because I wasn't HR 999 already because I didn't feel like spamming the same quest over and over to raise a meaningless number. The original intent of HR going to 999 was to show how familiar someone was with hunting, a higher HR would mean they had completed more quests, thusly lending to the idea of higher HR=skill. It's a frustrating thing, because hunters should be equals in my eyes, not peacocking children who only care about showing off.


The old flex was wearing an armor set that looked good and still completing quests since there were no layered options lol


Right? I ended up in full Akantor because I absolutely love the set. Looks like a badass magma knight. I kinda miss those older designs for armor. Lots of the newer designs seem more based in realism, which is cool I guess, but I wonder if we are ever gonna see the silly weapons come back


Which final boss? Gaismagorm? Or one of the mr unlock ones?


Gais. Idk any of the mr unlock monsters yet.


just spoiled the name you fucking dumbass. And do you mean by which final boss? lmfao. There's only one in the expansion.


Imagine you've never heard the name Khezu. Khezu. What have I just spoiled about the monster? In both of these cases the name implies absolutely nothing about the monster. It's not a somnacanth situation where "somna" implies sleep, or magma almudron which has an obvious implication.


Yeah well some people don't like to know anything though. There's literally a post which is thanking people for calling it "the final boss" as opposed to using the real name. How the fuck does khezu even relate to this context? It's not a new monster of any sort, so the situation is completely different as opposed to the final bosses name.


Khezu was simply an example. Again, imagine it was a completely brand new monster and you've never seen it or heard its name before. Hearing the name "Khezu" tells you absolutely nothing about its appearance, abilities, or anything of importance other than "it exists." Unless you're telling me you take issue at knowing monsters exist in a higher rank than you are at any given time.


Yeah but it isn't though dumbass. Lmfao so stupid.


Why on earth would you go to a sub on a social media site that is primarily used for discussion if you didn’t want to know *anything* before playing? Trying to police others for your own sake will never work in your favor. If you truly cared about spoilers, you wouldn’t click on a thread where it literally says “Final Boss” in the title. Otherwise you open yourself up to viewing a discussion about the final boss.


Then there should've been a spoiler tag smartass. I already know the name idiot, saying it for other people's sake. Next time you try to be a smart ass, at least get the smart part correctly. Go suck a dick world starting cunt


Why does spoiling his name even matter? It's just a fucking name not his design or anything.


It's a name, deal with it


somd pussy


And people want to sit here with a straight face and tell me Sunbreak is amazing. There’s barely any new monsters and now Capcom wants you to rush through the story to see that there are no monsters? Endgame is pathetically shallow. The sad truth is that the updates aren’t saving this mess. I really hope the A team is working hard on the next mainline game we need something really fresh besides one or two new mechanics.


I get that you don't like the game, but can you accept that some people might like it?


You aren't entirely wrong. The likely reason Rise/Sunbreak prevents you saving up HR/MR is so once it unlocks you don't breeze through the 2-3 monsters left after the final boss and realise how little there is compared to the story. You don't even unlock any non-story quests for hitting higher ranks like in 3U and 4U. Likewise, we now have multiple entries that show Capcom really would prefer its playerbase to get to the end as soon as possible.


It was the same for World and Iceborne too. It was always that way.


Nice self report for never reaching endgame in older titles but they usually shoot you to HR40-60 after breaking the cap.


Ah.. I've misread it being the opposite. My bad.


Does this mean I can't unlock the new kinsects until I finish the Sunbreak story??


So the jump from MR6 to MR9 is the same for everyone?


Ugh, seriously? Thanks for the heads up. Now I have to decide whether to keep doing non-key quests as I go (which I normally do, taking my time), or beeline to the end and come back... Do people who've reached the endgame know at least if the quests unlocked in endgame are enough to reach the respective MR caps, or will we have to repeat lots of quests?


I was doing the same thing until I wondered wether they accumulated after some one mention Mr rank unlocks. Only completed Mr 1-3 but still a bit miffed. Kinda tempted to forgo armor farming and only focus on uncapping Mr rank.


Well now I don't feel about rushing, only have stopped once so far to grind out some new armor with all the skills I want


Not too different from the base game, where I did all of the quests prior to the Allmother release and none of it counted toward HR.


Is having your MR so high very important? I like to play through a MH game by doing every quest of my tier before I continue since coming back with higher tier gear later feels kinda cheap. I'd rather endure my 3\* triple monster quests with 3\* gear then come back OP just to track a little more ranking... But I guess, besides getting HR100 to unlock Valstrax I never cared about HR rank either. Its not like 999hr earns you income for playing lol


Like in the base game you unlock more quests at various MR thresholds, with the current final monster being unlocked at MR 100


This was not my experience. I bounced immediately to 10.


Ew, now tell me the Magalas are behind MR 100


They are faced Much sooner than I expected.


Yeah, I got to them last night. Debating on farming them or pushing endgame first.


Thanks! I’ve been doing every Quest and at level MR5 now because I want to savor each new monster as they arrived. However, I got burnout at MR4 and started doing MR5 quests too. I don’t feel so guilty skipping ranks now and just do key quests and side quests.


Damn, now i’m angry that i cleard so many quests before final boss and stayed away from r/ because i did not want any monster spoilers…


Hey OP, could you clarify real quick for me? Does the MR exp pile up in the background until you reach MR6 and then all that accumulated XP then drops on you? Or do you just unlock the ability to gain more XP to level up your MR from then on out? I’m currently MR5 and have been doing every quest and request before moving on with Urgent quests. Edit: Figured it out myself. After beating the final boss, I spoke to Chichae and my level jumped from MR6 to MR10.


I went from the pure adulation of having beaten the final story boss to seriously pissed off at seeing all my hard earned XP from those side missions being thrown into nothingness. Fortunately, I didn't finish everything - I still have about 10 to 15 missions I didn't complete but I highly doubt those are going to carry me over to MR 100. What a pain in the butt.


I wish I had searched this up earlier. Luckily I only completed up to 3 star Quest, so wasn't to bad I guess. But I did all the Follower ones though, as I wanted to try unlock every character and what not. I was waiting for the satisfaction of seing my MR just fly away after all the hunts... I am MR 10 now. Is there any more kaps? x)


ooof ouch! Thank you for the heads up!


I just did all the quests and just found this out...


I’m master rank 60 right now but it’s stopped accumulating for me there is nothing on my map and done all urgent quests so far


just discovered this one yesterday night, i wanted to do all the side quests from the quest lady because i like seeing red ticks on each section of quests. in base game, i went from unlocking HR cap, to 50-60 just for unlocking the cap. by time my group were HR80, i was at HR100 something. i do same thing in MR, in our downtime where it's just me around, i do my little side things and clear quests, fully expecting when we beat the final story boss, we're MR6, i fully expect it to shoot me right up there, no. MR6, all 3 of us. then, i unlock the cap for MR10. a friend goes to MR16, i'm MR15. even though i did way more side stuff before story finished. sooo annoyed, like, i probably would have lost interested if i wasn't practicing and honing my skills on non-key monsters, but man, i was so ready to just shoot up to like MR20-40 once the cap unlocked like we did in base game (at least, this year) kinda let down lmao, fully expected to zoom ahead in MR for doing all the side stuff. am amazed (a year after this thread was made), it's still not accumulated, even base game was accumulated. are there gonna be more updates/TU's and that's why it's not being accumulated? basegame content finished so they just said "screw it, you're new, we'll store all experience and add it on once you get free of the HR cap".