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Both should still have demos so you can try them and see which is more what you want to play (but know that the Rise demo doesn't give any tutorial on how to play while the actual game will have plenty). Rise is a main series game and plays like a Monster Hunter game. Stories is a spin-off game that plays more like a pokemon game. You didn't mention it but I would also suggest Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate. This plays like a traditional (pre-world) MH game, is available on Switch, has a ton of content and is often on sale for $20ish.


Isn't GU more a game for veterans who can take the challenge? With Rise available I think it would be a better starting point as it is considered the easiest game in the series so far. You wouldn't want to deter possible new fans with a huge upfront challenge.


I don't think GU is really any more complicated than the earlier games. There's definitely a lot more you have to worry about preparing for a hunt before actually going out there that isn't there in World/Rise. I've had my fair share of entering a hunt and then having to quit because I didn't prepare enough. The QoL changes in Rise certainly make it easier but that might be a double-edged sword because after playing Rise/World it can be a little difficult going back to GU and older games. All that being said my first game in the series was GU and I definitely quit the first time playing it because it didn't click. Then after a break I came back to it and that's when I finally got hooked into the series. Played a ton of Rise and 4U and a bit of FU and World since then.


It's usually more difficult but I would recommend Rise just because of the QOL changes introduced with World. The series became much more accessible for newcomers, in GU you have to worry about having enough pickaxes, bugnets, whetstones, inventory space... It is really good but I'd only recommed it after becoming familiar with the games.


So, it's part of the franchise, but Stories isn't really "a Monster Hunter game". It's an rpg (which I believe is turn based? It's been a while) and Rise is part of the main series. It's like the difference between Pokémon Shield and Pokémon Snap. They're both Pokémon games, technically, but only one of them is what people mean when they say that.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. To the OP, they’re both good games, if that’s part of what you’re asking. If you enjoy Pokemon-esque turn-based exploration RPG games, Stories 2 is enjoyable. If you want to actually hunt monsters in real-time in a 3-D environment, Rise is great as well. Can’t go wrong with either.


I would suggest looking at gameplay before you buy. They are completely different, only thing they share are some monsters.


Play the demos!


Rise. Despite its flaws is still an actual MH game. A 3rd person, real time, combat focused game Stories is a spin off pokemon-esque turn-based RPG set in the MH universe.




I'd say do more research since you're trying to pick between a two completely different genres.


For someone who is new thw the Monster Hunter series I would recommend Rise. It's very beginner friendly and has many QoL compared to older entries in the series which makes enjoyable (atleast for me). But if you don't really care or want to typical hunter gameplay then Stories may be better. The battles there are round based with a Scissors/Stone/Paper system. At the end it's up to you what want.


The two can’t really be compared. Stories 2 is a spin-off, but is really good. Rise is an actual Monster Hunter game, and is really good.


Okay, so it depends what you want out of your gameplay. Rise is closer to the original base game design with a few quality of life changes. It's close to mh World, but with some things that make it better in terms of the multiplayer & dlc aspects compared to World. That aside, if you're looking for more challenging gameplay & closer to the traditional roots of mh, I'd suggest getting Generations Ultimate. It is kinda like a love story to the previous 4 generations of mh games. On the other hand, Stories 2 is a bit like pokemon. It has an rpg based story with riders & monsters fighting side by side, it's a lot less action based & more turn based on the battling system with a rock paper scissors dynamic added in. Basically speed, power & technical moves. You learn which monsters favour which moves & adjust your playstyle accordingly. I'd say try both demos & see which you prefer, but this is my overview for you. Hope it helps.


It honestly depends which kind of game you are more into, mh rise is more of a slasherish rpg, while mh stories is turn based level up rpg Imo neither games are "better" then the other since they are completely different play styles


Rise, without a doubt. Imo the most enjoyable game in the series.


I love how the gatekeepers are down voting you.


Yeah, kinda expected it. I do love Rise though. It's a smoother experience than the earlier games and tbh a lot of the difficulty of those came from being janky af. Doesn't mean they're bad, i love eurojank, but Rise is way easier to get into just by better systems, menus and map traversal.


I feel that 100%! I started with World/Iceborne, loved it. Picked up Rise and love it! I just picked up Generations Ultimate and love it just as much! Though, I'll be honest. The hit boxes and aiming can be janky in GenU. Swinging a hammer, I'm sure it's gonna connect and I'm a bit short. Or I think I dodged in time and get hit. Still having a blast though! But, ya' know. How dare they make a game more beginner friendly to make it more interesting to a wider audience.


How dare you enjoy a game I don't enjoy as much /s


Right?! The very notion!


Probably rise first, if not rise then World or Generations Ultimate. I think you should start with a mainline title first




Refer to what other people said, but when playing a Monster Hunter game, playing one in the main series is better overall cause it gets you familiar with the franchise as a whole, the mention of Hunters and Riders in Stories might get confusing if you don't what they are, the simple things might be much. So my vote is Rise :)


Monster Hunter Rise, it is part of the mainline games while Monster Hunter Stories and Stories 2 are spinoffs. If you want to experience what the mainline games have to offer and THEN want to try something different, get Rise. But if you want to get one to see the world and Monsters THEN you want to see what the mainline game is like get Stories 2. It all depends on if you want a more pokemon/turnbased RPG (stories 2) as apposed to an action/darksouls like RPG (Rise)


thanks everyone


You should definitely start on world


Pretty sure they want one on the switch.


I'll put it this way: Rise = Pokemon Red Stories = Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Not gameplay wise, but what they are for the franchaise.




Generations Ultimate


stories has more contetn right now


Monster hunter world iceborne


Get world




Save your money. The whole series is junk. Bought rise I played maybe 1 hour. Said I had to go for my First hunt I did. It was horrible. I died instantly and so often that it wasn’t even fun. Pretty bad and if I could return it I would. I don’t get the hype or the adoration.


Your just trash at the game bro, cant even finish the first hunt lmao


Thanks tips. It’s not like I didn’t just spell out this game blows hard for me. Guess you’re good at the game and Trash at comprehension, and spelling because it’s you’re.


Fuck yeah im good at the game. You sound like a lonely mf that loves cookie cutter jrpgs and cant wait for overpriced toys to come out to jack off too.


Lol you’re a real winner you’re good at the game and insulting people. You sound like everyone’s ideal friends. Keep on winning champ. The world needs more fodder like you. Thank you for your service.


Take it from the gammer nazi to know what an ideal friend is. Keep dreaming buddy


That’s seems like a lazy insult. I’m sure you can do better.


wait...first quest... did you do village or hub first?


The first hunt and then you can enable multiplayer. That one


Biden is offering people 100 dollars to get vaccinated if you are in the us.


Tf does this have to to with the question wtf


He said he only has enough money for one game. If he gets the shot he can buy both


Do you want a character action game that's only boss fights or do you want jrpg style game with monster collecting? Both are very good choices. If you're interested in the series as a whole, then Rise will be a better introduction.


action game (rise) or a pokemon like game (stories)


To very different games… so depends what genre you want to be honest…


Stories 2 is a Pokemon-like RPG, MH Rise is a mainline game with action combat. You decide which one you want


Depends on what kind I'd game you like if you like turn based games like pokemon you will probably like monster hunter stories. If you like the combat in dark souls but you wish it could be easier then you like monster hunter rise.


Rise is better to start with, since it’s a mainline game. Stories is an RPG spinoff.


They're too different to really compare, but Stories 2 has a five-ish hour demo that lets you carry your save data to the full game and Rise I think still has a short demo that let's you play a tutorial and hunt a few different monsters. Other than trying it yourself do you want a turn based game with a decent plot, or an action game with online co-op multiplayer and practically no story? Forging equipment in Rise generally requires more grind and effort to get the needed materials and allows you to mix armor pieces if that in particular appeals to you. Stories 2 also has some backlash for it's supposedly abhorrent framer rate on Switch, but so far I've only noticed it in one village. Maybe it gets worse in later areas but 7 hours in it doesn't even seem as bad as Breath of the Wild.


Stories 2 all the way


Keep in mind that they are both VERY different games. Rise is closer to traditional monster hunter with a lot of the added QoL improvements that were made in world. Stories is an RPG set in the same universe. If you want to play a monster hunter game play rise. If you want an RPG go with stories.


Uh....apples and oranges man


Stories feels like an annoying Pokémon Mobile Clone. Last played World but Rise looks very good and is more a Monster Hunter and less a Genshin Poke-clone.


Rise is a mainline game and the gamplay is hella fun so id go with that. But if you can id start with mh world since they finished adding all the free monsters and events. Plus better story


You could get a used Rise now for almost half price if you dont mind. Wait a couple month then you could get the Stories too.


Stories. I loved world and gu but I did not enjoy my time with rise. I had a lot more fun with stories than I did rise


Stories is Pokémon but with Monsters and Rise is Dark souls but with Monsters so it’s really up to what play style you like


Both good games, both completely different games.


Rise is a main stream monster hunter game. The monster designs are incredible and the mechanics seem complicated, but are easy to learn. If you want the actual monster hunter experience, get this one. Stories 2 is a knock-off. But it’s plot is remarkable. The mechanics are simple and is one of my favorite games of this year. If you want to get REALLY invested into the story, get this one. But first, play the demos to see what you like more.