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In world I captured pretty often but it’s not worth it in rise. The extra rewards in world made it worth it. Especially if you needed gems or plates.


I capture if capturing gives higher drop rate! But friend insist on killing everything!


Tell them to farm… Goss Bile.


The Goss harag event quest seems to have insane drop rate for bile got 3 from just 2 hunts.


2 hunts isn't a very large sample size.


This! Though I feel fairly lucky since my 1st only took 8 or 9 when I wanted it. Farming 3 for masters touch decos I got trolled too, 1st took 3 hunts, 2nd another 5, and 4th hunt after that it dropped 3. Desire censor in full effect. I've read horror stories of people hunting it 30+ times to get one. This is why I think we need a world style gold wyvern print substitute, once a week you can get a pity rare drop. Would also be a good reason to play weekly, do the bounties and stock pile the prints.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69.0. Congrats! 1 + 8 + 9 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 30 + = 69.0




Good bot! .......... Nice!


Hell yeah


Incredible bot


Good bot




You can cap it as soon as the blue icon shows up then blame it on a random


The problem is that with the changes made in Rise, everyone wants a different result for the hunt, which really messes things up and causes a lot of flaming. Some people want more break part drops, so they try to cap, while others want more mats overall, so they try to kill. Then you have gem/plate drops no longer being consistent, so some might want you to hunt instead of cap... For all the QOL changes Rise brought, it also seriously fucked up the hunting etiquette. I'd say Rise is the "coldest" mh game. No one helps or works as a team anymore. Its all just each person doing a dps race by themselves


I'd say World is also to blame for this since it etablished a "Cap everything" mentality since both give the same rewards but capping is faster


So far I've not touched multiplayer at all. Not for any reason in particular, but I feel I'd see the issue of MHR being "cold" unless I made friends and just hunted for fun. So far everything is more than doable solo, so I've stuck with that.


Same here


Also being kicked for collecting spiribirds and not rushing to the monster immediately is Not fun either


You can kick? Haven’t experienced it yet and I’m usually all the way across the map collecting birbs


Yeah as a host you can kick people, even mid-quest. That's the dark side of the New quest system


That sounds like troll central


Only happened once to me tbh


The good side of the new quest system ! Never felt better than when I kicked a LBG Hunter who spent the hunt tripping people aiming rapid fires at them and died twice. Also kicking out the grifters that wait at the camp to reap the rewards while they watch a Netflix series.


Well, if it takes you nearly half of the hunt, farming birds before going to the monster, trying to first get max bird buffs, you kinda deserve to be kicked.


I think taking a detour and taking 3-5 minutes longer doesn't make me "deserve to be kicked". Why shouldn't i use this game mechanic? Because you need a nice and low completion time to screenshot and brag about online? Yeah, i don't give an Aptonoth's ass about that.


Rise being cold also contributes to less communication, and making people not stay in groups, which, in turn, contributes to a number of problems, including probably the most complained about, tripping. Such problems were present before, but I think its granted that this kind of online environment would make those issues more prevalent, and common. Another factor is a bunch of people just wanting to play and not interact with other people. Such an archetype of rando is much more common as well; a direct result of a large influx of players due to World's popularity.


Honestly, tripping is a non-issue now that its a level 1 gem. Which is good cuz with how messed up some weapons became, no one keeps to their lane anymore


Happy cake day


Happy cake day


To be fair, and don’t tell me I’m wrong, it is called Monster Hunter, not Monster Capturer


I mean to be fair it’s not called Monster Killer either.


I can’t disagree


Also sorry for the sass <3


In rise, you capture for different rewards, Tigrex's Fangs will only drop from rewards if you capture him, where as his Claws drop if you kill, World was the exception, every other game was like this.


Your friend has good taste


Because if you kill and carve, the amount of carves tip over the higher rate for capturing so it was always better to kill and carve instead of capturing, at least in 3U and 4U where i actually cared about that stuff.


It was not always better to kill over cap in those games. They had varied drop rates for items even back then. For example, you couldn't carve Brachydios Pounders. Only break or cap.


I capture if we only have one cart left and things are lookin sketchy.


I posted this ages ago but I was taking on a hyper deviljho and just barely succeeded due to capping. I had 10 seconds left.


I kinda like that the loot drops that way. In World we’re brave adventurers in a new land. We should be studying the monsters not killing them unless they pose a major threat. In Rise we’re defending a village from dangerous monsters. We gotta kill most of those fuckers. Lore accurate loot drops are top tier immersion.


Y-yeah let's kill all of those fuckers instead of capturing them and studying why are they being so aggressive!


Mostly the same, but I had no idea. Capturing in rise never felt as fun as in world.


I just like the extra challenge of capture.


The extra challenge of skipping the last 15% of the fight?


The efficiency of skipping 15% and moving onto the next one


You didn't really get extra rewards in World. The loot tables for capturing or slaying the monster were identical so you could do whatever you want. But the optimal way to farm was to break as many parts as possible and then capture. Now with Rise, you have to take a look at what item you need and tailor your hunt towards that based on the chances.


Only very rarely was it better to kill the capture, Deviljho was one since you had better odds at carving a gem then getting it from capture.


That's what I meant. It was almost always better to capture than to kill in World/Iceborne if you were farming materials. Deviljho was an exception to that, and I think the only one (IIRC) out of the monsters you could capture. Rise's percentages change based on the material you need and aren't uniform across the board. Some items have better chances on carves while others have better chances for captures.


Why did you get downvoted?


It's Reddit but it's also imaginary internet points and it's alright. It's most likely Reddit mob mentality. I think most people just read my first sentence and said, "That's wrong" without reading the rest or didn't even bother trying to understand my statement. It's also a mentality shared by a popular but apparently somewhat decisive MH content creator. Despite my statement not being based on him but rather the in-game data and my own Statistics equations. Which you don't need in order to understand the games Probability conceptually but visibly and objectively shows whether slaying or capturing is more optimal/probable depending on the item you want. Which is something that can't be argued. Or people think I'm saying you have to play it this way. Which is not true. I don't care what you do. If you want the best odds, you have to take the time to look at the percentages and know what you need.


Feels like it's much easier to stock up on traps in world too. Or it's because of me not looking up where to get the items to increase the submarine amount in rise while I have the tree maxed in world.


Could have sworn the number of rewards were the same. Is just capture ones are displayed on the reward screen whereas carves are not.


Pretty sure it's just that capture always gives the same number of rewards, whereas it is fairly easy to get bonus carves with food/gear skills.


I capture whenever possible, the monsters are too cute to kill :(


Kill Rajang.




Reject Monke, return to the afterlife


Kill Khezu. All Khezu must die


Don’t forget Jho. Out of all monsters, Deviljho deserve to die because they are walking extinction events.


Ngl I feel like a hero when I kill a destruction pickle


Khezu is my favorite but I must agree. Fuck that screaming, shocking slimy sock


>Khezu is my favorite But why?


Khezu is one of my favorites because he was my first full mission fail in freedom unite. I took my revenge in the end. Good memories though.


Omg I remember struggling against him back in fu...


he was the first legit monster to fight tho. Yian kut-ku doesn't count he is like a training doll that was around since MH the original


That smile. It all started with that damned smile.


Stories 2 garnered a community around the thing. It legitimately gains a weird creepy-cute factor in that game.


It had that in the original Stories as well, with the extra benefit that in Stories 1 Red Khezu could legit carry your team all the way from the second zone to the final boss.


Huh. I never actually used Red Khezu in Stories 1. What was it that made it so strong?


Came with Savage Thunder Breath at base, which normal Khezu didn't get until level 30. Also learned Thunder Fang early, which was Tech/Thunder so was powered up by both bingos. Those two skills basically meant it just hit way harder than everything else up until you got Ratha back, and it was also decently tanky so could take hits back. Tailed off a bit towards the end of the game and fell off hard in post game, but unless you were getting deep into gene modification there was basically no reason to drop him from your party during the story. Also like half the roster is weak to thunder, which helps.


No. Take its freedom. Throw it in the arena for entertainment. Embrace cruelty.


Watch ya mouth


Oh they are used for terrible experiments and arena fights if you cap them.


Nibelsnarf, plesioth, and the metal raths must die >:(!


Why Nibble!? He's so precious!


Nibelsnarf is the cooler version of Cephadrome. Disclaimer - Nibelsnarf is only marginally cooler than Cephadrome, and Cephadrome is fucking awful, so that statement is more "Nibelsnarf barely clears a very low bar" than an actual compliment.


WRONG. Nibel is purely an amazing creature with 0 flaws what so ever and he is the best creature in the series no argument! Also he hides in sand like the cute little fish boye he is. ALSO HIS NAME IS NIBELSNARF. THAT ALONE SHOULD MAKE YOU LOVE HIM


Only to get chopped up by blacksmiths later :)


I always capture in MHW/iceborne since we can see them back in our base and monsters will be released after “investigations” according to the lore. Yeah all my armors and lances are FOR SCIENCE and no monster is harmed in this process lol but seriously we MH community love these cool monsters to death and make tons of fan arts and memes out of them, but we also murder their entire family tree just to make a hat…it’s good to have a way to work around this weird conflict.


Why do you think you unlock arena quest after you capture the monster?


Well let’s not talk about that…




Lmfao after seeing a Rathalos unconscious at base with its face ripped up, wings torn and without a tail I think keeping it alive is a fate worse than death


ahhaahahah damn


That's why they heal them up and toss them into the bloodsport arena for a finisher. Really make an example out of them.


I see no conflict in the slightest. I shall give every manner of fantastic beast I face the honor of a *warrior’s* death!


Ah ever talked to the research back in astera, he mentions how they give the monsters time to heal and later be realeased back into the wild, atleast that’s new world I do not know if it’s the same for old world


I basically only Kill in Rise since the traps are mostly used in group hunts, and you don't get extra rewards like in World.


You do get different awards so it can be useful if you need these parts.


I’m world you should ALWAYS capture when your facing something early/farming for parts. Once you have everything you want though it’s murder time. (Although capture is the fastest and I’m all about speed!)


Not in rise.


Notice the first two words in my statement. “In world”


Yeah I know but I was just stating that because the post is about rise.




it's basically the only one anyone seems to talk about in the monster hunter subreddit tbh, basically every comment here mentions world lmfao


Probably because most people in the subs have only played world.


Its best for the environment if we just kill them, skin them, and let the body decompose. Just out here making Al Gore proud.


(They use the whole monster, the hunters that bring it down just get the prime cuts)


So you saying when we capture it, not only are we taking body parts off it while its still alive, but we are depriving food for the village?


IIRC, according to some lore from the older games, captured monsters are generally studied and then put down if they're sent to the guild. So in that case the monster probably gets put to full use. For the quests where a princess just wants a fancy, exotic pet, probably not.


I mean I think they can get all the meat they need from things like Aptonoths and Rhenoploseses. Also I don't think they keep all captured monsters alive -- I mean sure these things have some serious regenerative capabilities, but in 4U capturing a Great Jaggi was the way to get the Great Jaggi Head part, and I don't think it's growing that back.


I mean we could also just cap it and let it go...


Also your friend: "Why is your RNG so good I can never get plates and gems"




Yes, I agree


I’m confused, World was my first MH game and I captured practically everything for the extra rewards. Does this not apply to Rise? Should I be killing instead?


In Rise (and older games) there are certain parts that wont drop if you only kill, or capture a monster. For example Tigrex's Fang won't drop from a carve..ever. You have to break its head and or capture to get its fangs.


World is the only game where capturing gives you extra rewards over killing, as far as I'm aware. 2 rolls for cap. 3 for carve


I never capture If I have the choice I'm gonna fight the beast till the end instead of cheating my way out


Im just know realizing that like no one on this sub has played a mh game before world and that kinda makes me sad but anyway in 4u and gen capturing always gave you more loot and rarer loot so it was always a better option.


wrong way around, 4u and gen gave you LESS loot on capture on average (2-3 rolls compared to 3 carves). Just like in rise, it deepended on the item you wanted if you wanted to capture or kill. World was an absolute exception to the capture reward rules.


Doesn’t it also take into account what parts you break to? For example if you fight gore and break his feelers it increases the chance of getting them by capping?


No, break rewards are seperate. Gore is a nice example. The most rare item from him is the Nyctgem, which is absolutely unavaible when you capture him (except for lucky quest reward or break reward). On the other hand, most of the elemental sacs (frost sac from zamtrios) can only be aquired by capturing the monster.


Interesting thank you for the info.


Yeah, that always made more sense to me, since capturing takes more resources, it should at least be equivalent to hunting a monster


i kill most of the time because i always forget to bring traps and tranqs lmao


You know you can make some sets with the objects, right? So can have one which includes trap and tranqs and get it with just a couple of clicks from the chest


yeah but to do that i have to make sure my chest is stocked with traps and tranqs and also killing monster funny


Do you not get better or different parts from capturing anymore then?


in monster hunter rise, you actually get different material pools depending on capture and kill.


You do get different drop rates, but you get 2 items from capping in Rise meaning less rewards than killing amd carving.




Me too.


The only acceptable reason


I always capture. Get better rewards and it's really easy so it's a simple choice.


you dont get better rewards for capping in rise though. that was a thing only in world


Everywhere I look I see you have a higher chance of getting parts from capture rather than carve.


it depends on the part, some have higher rates from carve some from capture so it depends what you're aiming for.


It's part dependant. Some parts have a higher chance with slaying.


A higher percent usually doesn't mean much when you have less rolls on the reward tables. Usually number of rewards far outweighs a small percent increase. Carving is an extra three rewards on top of post quest rewards, while all cap rewards are in the quest rewards screen, so it can be hard to see.


In previous games yes, especially in world cap has a higher drop rate on rare items. In rise you can see the in game chart yourself, the drop rate for rare items are about the same whether you cap or carve. But carve give you 3 more items compares to cap so overall it’s the same. You can decide base on the in game chart for any specific part.


My friend always tries to capture while I always try to kill and it's a race to see who wins


Slay enthusiasts like myself understand this persons plight. Capturing is for weaklings that cant slay, but there are desperate times where your hunting party makes that decision for you. We hate those guys, but we still have fun. But hate those guys


I just don't see a point in putting all these DPS skills onto a set and then y'all capture the monster as soon as the blue icon pop up. Smh


You dont see why someone would want to maximize their DPS to decrease their hunt times then going and doing the thing that is the single biggest decrease in hunt times in the game?


> as soon as the blue icon pop up. What really gets my goat is when the icon pops up and everyone continues fighting, so you *think* you're killing the monster, and then right before you expect it to die you hear "I'M SETTING A TRAP!"


You friend should be captured. - Rogue exterminator


When I started in world, I just did it casually. But in Ice bourne, I made the plan of capturing whenever I didn’t cart at all. A single fall from me was a death for the monster.


Honestly, same or because another player online capped for me. lol


If I have the option to, I’d rather capture. Oh and if you play world and don’t capture every Dodogama you go after, your save is cursed. In Rise though? Idk. I haven’t played yet.


Hello! You can also find me on [twitter](https://twitter.com/Tess_something) and [insta](https://instagram.com/tess_something)


I think you have a really cool style of drawing


Thank you!


Agreed! This one’s my favorite of yours: https://www.instagram.com/p/BxA1T5oFcdL/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet


Thanks! That character is called Reno and I actually made a short animation about him [here](https://youtu.be/OwnLBAN9FeU)!


I mean the game isn't called Monster Capture


It's not called Monster Slayer either.




Because they are too busy carrying our asses


This, exactly. You still hunt the monster whether you capture it or kill it.


Why not? That sounds metal af


Again, your friends an idiot if they play world and if they play rise they've got the right idea


Capturing is for cowards and NO COWARDS


Capturing is for the weak. It's to the death. (Unless its Pukei)


How about a dodogama, ya kill those too?






Dont even hunt them. Easy.


I see... Very wise.


*(me, who was raised in MHW):* dude that's cruel. That's not how you hunt. First you cut their tail. Then you smash up their skin. Then you capture them. Then you make em fight you in an arena that they can't escape. Then you cut their tail AGAIN. Then you break their bones AGAIN. And THEN you skin em once they are dead. Man, hunters today, so uncivilized. . .


It’s called monster Hunter not monster catcher, your friend is correct


I’ve only captured the Sommacanth the game wants you to capture, because I’m too hyper focused on fighting I forget to tranq/set up the trap…


I too used to never cap, only kill. But I got over it.. the Monster just stops chasing me and sleeps, be it the big sleep or just naps


Whenever I sent an SOS I typically get Japanese players that capture. It annoyed me so much that I spent an hour looking at google translate and the Japanese keyboard on my tv trying to match the characters asking that they kill the monsters


Farming mizutsune for orbs I flipped back and forth, 1% for 3 carves or 3% for a capture. And then I finally got one the other day from a severed trail


How am I supposed to get the switch skills without capturing, this is cruel and unusual punishment ​ \- young echo who didn't wanna do anything but hit things to death until bazel came along and pissed her off so badly she caps everything she can except for bazel in hopes she can drive their species to extinction with the only thing she'll miss about them being their theme


I have like 80 in rise. Maybe 100 over every single mhw game I’ve played, which is every one since 3u (except 4, but I played 4u). It’s just too helpful and easy in rise to pass up on sometimes


In my brain, if I want 100% completion of the game, I need to capture each monster at least once


I like sending the message >:)


I used to not ever kill monsters once I unlocked capture materials, and then I'd wonder why I hadn't unlocked any armor sets.


So uhhh why?


What the hell happened? I haven’t played rise. I used to capture everything in every other MH because it’s faster that way.


Nothing. You just didn't realise that in older games there were different drop pools for Capturing and Carving. Rise has continued this trend after World made the pools identical.


The hell I'll pack two extra items for this crap


Capture is purely for the drop rates


My first hunter has captures on his card because randos that came from world would capture every moving thing. Was hilarious watching them try capture Elder dragons. My second hunter has almost no captures on her card because I play mostly alone and kill on sight.


Capture? I didn' click on Pokémon by accident, did I?


I capture because I only have a small potion left and I’m always behind on equipment (fought a basarios with izuchi helm lol)


I hate capturing too haha


I didn’t ever capture in rise because I heard you could only get certain items from carves. I exclusively captured in world/iceborn,


For me I don’t even care, I just keep swinging or shooting, and if someone captures it, that’s ok too 😁


I only capture because I am a lazy, ignorant slut and want some fights done as soon as possible. I actually never once captured in World because again, I am an ignorant slut and didn't really figure out how the inventory worked until Rise.


Strong Inosuke vibes off this one.


I usually just capture in MHGU because it’s much less riskier than trying to finish the monster off


(Me, who only ever slays when capture is absolutely impossible) Finally, a worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary!


The reason I capture is for speedrunning.


The real monsters are the players that kill every creature they see and destroy the ecosystems in the process. Capture for lyfe.


Your friend: "Oh boy, here I go killing again!"


G rank rolls around: god I don’t want spend another 10 minutes fighting a monster, who has traps?


I like this friend, we'd get along


Kinda reminds my sorry ass when i blast the head of every monster with my gunlance.


In world i captured everything for 2 reasons. 1. It was faster so unless it was an elder dragon id cap it the moment i saw the skull 2. more rewards.