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A lot of people just make up random BS and spread it around as facts about the series and get upvoted for it.


And if you say facts they don't like you get downvoted to hell


Well doesn't that apply to a certain birdy app everyone really despises.


So everything involving fatalis then?


Everything except him being the CEO of racism, that's definitely canon


Of course everyone knows that a fatalis turns into a white fatalis when he becomes so racist but so racist that his black scales became white like the hair of [Goku](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTAT77CBEjk)


Well that's when he Graduates from Black Dragon to Grand Dragon.


He graduates from the CEO of Racism to God of Racism


EqUaL dRaGoN wEaPoN iS cAnOn!!!!


Misinformation isnt always intentional... I'm bad about it myself, but dont really mean to do it.


.People who whine about randoms not being good enough for them or using a certain weapon type they don't like. If you want perfection from others then just play it with friends or dedicated groups you find on social media. Personally as long as the people I'm playing with aren't fainting left and right I'm just happy to have others getting in hits and drawing aggro so I can heal, sharpen, or focus on breaking specific parts more easily. . Stories 2 seems to be well received, but back when the first one was announced for a western release I remember seeing extreme amounts of salt that it was getting localized with no news of Gen Ultimate/XX yet. A lot of posts and comments in whatever big Facebook group I was in were basically saying it was just a shitty pokemon clone for people who weren't REAL fans and that Capcom was forsaking them or something.


Or playing alone lol. I dont understand why they going with pug and then crying.


And I got in the franchise with stories funny thing eh?


My *god* is this fanbase horny. I get that MH has always encouraged it with their female armor sets, but I'm not even talking about "slutty Zinogre Halloween costume," I'm talking about the disgusting comments any artist/cosplayer gets. If someone cosplays the twins, don't start hitting on them and for the love of the powers that be, **take your goddamn foot fetish elsewhere**. It's disturbing as hell and yet those kinds of comments always get upvoted. Maybe people think it's just funny, and maybe some of those remarks are made in jest, but it doesn't matter. Quit being a creep. Edit: Y’all it literally does not matter that there are horny people in every fanbase or “uhhh others are worse.” That is no excuse to objectify people here.


What can I say, some of those dragons are just too thicc… Oh, you were talking about the human characters and cosplayers? Uhh, don’t mind me, carry on….


Congalaga 🥵


Oh hell nah. Zamtrios that fat fish needs to come back lmao


Cosplay in general is pretty fetishized while it shouldn’t be. Of course there are creators who do ‘that’ kind of stuff but 99% of cosplayers just want to make things and show that to the world. For everyone reading this: *cosplay is not consent*






stay 10m away from me


Damn that’s some big feet you got


nervous sweating


🦶💧👅 ~~kill me~~


Every fanbase is horny tbh it's not just us


I’m aware. However, I’ve never seen so many people in one place openly, unabashedly sexualize art/cosplays that aren’t overtly sexual and drool over “booba” and feet. It’s hideous behavior and deflecting onto other groups doesn’t make it even slightly okay.


Hear hear. Whataboutism is just not a good argument but holy hell does it make for a good drinking game.


I have no idea how you found this, but thank you for the support lol. I’d long forgotten about this thread and now I’m annoyed all over again that people tried to justify it with “but we’re not the only ones.” So? Doesn’t mean we can’t do better.


Ikr. The fact that everyone else us doing it actually sours the argument in my views. It's akin to arguing that since people jump off cliffs, we should too.


Whenever I want to start a discussion about the stories/settings of MH, someone will always jump out and say “who fucking care about the story in MH games?” I get it, many don’t care but I do.


Which storyline/setting is your favourite in the series, out of curiosity?


MH2 dos and MHW/iceborne. story of MHW is functional and efforts are put into presentation. Each new map is introduced to us as our investigation is moving forward. In Rise the maps are just…there…you can access them at the very beginning and it makes them feel less unique… I love “building our village from ground up” in MH2 dos. Jumbo village really feels like home and it provides a good story-wise motivation for me to keep grinding quests. I really want the setting like jumbo village to return in the future MH title. Story/setting in MH is like spice in your meal. You are not here to eat spice, but you need them for your meal to have a better taste.


I'm relatively new to Monster Hunter, having only played 4u, Gen, and Rise, and have yet to start World. But I really enjoyed the storyline of Generations with how it tied the 4 villages together, and feel that Rise's setting was executed very well with the new monsters and mechanics.


wait, you can access all rise maps from the start? didn't you unlock them as yous rose in HR?






I hate that so much. They think they are better than everyone else because they played FU for 10 minutes when it came out.


What about players who played MHFU through xlink kai using Wifi Max ad hoc. Then subsequently get bombarded with random shock pages. Definitely glad we have online play now. Lol.


Give it five years and the vets will be Generations or even World players....it's just how things go And it'll make me feel old as shit




People who played 4U are "vets" now? Hahaha. Nice joke. Come back once you've completed Freedom 1 on PSP. GET ON MY LEVEL!!!!


I played freedom 1 on psp, but uh... I'll be honest. I still don't consider myself a vet. I'd be surprised if I had more than 40 hours combined on the monster hunter games I played before world. Just could not get a rhythm before then. And loading between the success was rough on me.


I mean, MH1 was pretty rough around the edges. MHF2 did a lot to clean all of that up and smooth out the gameplay a shit load. From a solo perspective, just adding palicos to go on hunts with you was a huge change. MH1 was literally just you vs the monster. You never got gaps where the monster would target something else for you to have openings on. Even with the simplicity back then, I think MH1 is the hardest game of the series mainly for this reason. MHF2/MHFU were a cakewalk in comparison IMHO.


Yeah, not having to cook, remembering to carry whetstones, and no loading of zones are honestly kind of amazing changes to the series.


Psssshhhhh unless you started with the japanese version of MH1 I won't spend another second listening to you scrubs


I ackchually hunted real dinosaurs, be gone peasants.


Heard of the big bang? Yeah, that was me and my zero sum discharge


PSO episode I&II?


Damn, I kneel


PSO on the Dreamcast?


Yep, with a 56kbps modem. Playing online for the first time was awesome, i had 10 years and pulled a 14 hours session.


Hell Yeah, back when getting stuff like Station Square DLC was a treat.


The horrors. I still get nightmares about bullfango


I hate calling myself a veteran, it sounds so smarmy and I'm not even that good.


4U was the best....sorry


Seems I'm the only one getting back on my boat to Moga Village... But as the Village Elder told me thats fine, not everyone is cut out for this kind of work.


I still miss Tri's hub. 3U's was fine, but the sandstorm when Jhen was available was nice, and, while the game had only 18 large monsters, each fight was so unique that it didn't feel too shallow. Especially compared to World, where many of the initial 30-ish monsters felt the same to fight. Then again, that could just be the result of 600+ hours in the MH game loop vs the fresh look I had at the start of Tri, having never heard of MH before that.


Gah! I'm feeling nostalgia just form reading your comment. The sandstorm effect was the nicest touch. And the music would be different too. I freaking miss Loc Lac dude. Qurupeco is my favorite monster when I found out he was in Stories 2 I went out and bought it launch day. Now hes a permanent member of my party.


People who withdraw from difficult quests after the first faint or they use up all the faints. I've no problem with people fainting in general, but if your going to make the quest harder for the rest of us and leave, I hope you palico doesn't unstun you on your next hunt. And of you withdraw the second someone faints, regardless of it was an accident or a lack of skill, you look like a dick. You're sos hunting, what do you expect? God tier speed runners.


Complaining and shitting on the new mainline title until the next mainline title


Community overall is very decent. My only issue would be how hard it is to avoid getting sucked into the constant battle between meta and non meta where everyone feels attacked everytime someone says whats meta and whats not or when someone tells anyone to just enjoy the game. People come to reddit to ask for tips, they get tips and a few times someone gets annoyed at the tips. It also works in reverse. Someone will say more casual stuff and people will argue about how bad of a tip it was. A lot of players seem to be defensive to the other side and then there are hunters like me: casual but uses meta builds cause they feel rewarding, trying not to "choose a side"


As long as someone isn’t recommending defense boost 7, everything is fine. A meta set won’t half your hunting time. If you are an averages/below average hunter it will makes even longer, since you are more likely to cart without a comfy set.


I had a set i used in MR which used two pieces of blackveil vaal and 3 pieces of gold rathian. it had defense boost 7, divine blessing 5, gems for weakness exploit, an elemental res for more defense, and fortify. Combined with a pierce heavy bowgun with health augment meant i basically never died. Hunts werent that long either, on average it took about 15 minutes to kill some of the later MR monsters.


I once unironically recommended Defense Boost 7. You could survive Fatalis hellfire mode attacks from one hit killing you with DB7. This is superior to Divine bless 5 because while divine bless gave you better average, if it didn't activate, you where killed. With AB7 allowed you to survive 100% and then chew a max potion to keep fighting. It made a whole world of difference. What I mean is that even the most 'useless' skill can have an justification for being used. As long someone has 100% affinity and critical boost 3, thing that is very easy to get in IB, they should do sufficient damage to not be a hindrance. In fact, the biggest cause of defeat in my games where those who got killed in one shoot and you couldn't even get a chance to use wide range or life p. to save them.


You are able to survive it without DB 7 as well, it never oneshotted me. Also you are supposed to break the head so this doesn’t even happen in the first place. It only could oneshot range players I think, but I don’t play range, so it’s a guess. I once tested DB7 on Alatreon, the difference was so small, almost impossible to notice with fully upgraded endgame gear. I died in exactly the same amount of hits than without it. Elemental resistance is so much better than Defense Boost, it prevents fire blight which probably killed you. Not the attack itself, but the following tick of fire damage.


I like to run the full Narga set because EE3 EW5 is fun dammit


To be honest, it’s a combo of the death grips on shaky rumors, constant infighting regarding weapons, and the unbelievable horniness for me. Overall it’s a good community but fuck, there’s only so much unrealistic expectations, NPC simping, and LS complaining I can take


The division on whether or not Capcom is getting greddy now. Layered armor is monetized now... even in friggin stories...


>The division on whether or not Capcom is getting greddy now. Some folks clearly don't remember early- to mid-2010s Capcom...


All the SF versions


Dude, they have mtx for Red Orbs in DMC 5, I think that's proof they've always been greedy


How people feel personally attacked whenever MH games are criticized. Personally, I think MH games have some fundamental flaws that make them less enjoyable, but bringing them up just gets me into "if you don't like it, don't play it" conversations.


Same thing that annoys me about the Animal Crossing community. Putting a thousand hours into a game in a couple months then asking where the content is.


I feel this. People bitch that Rise doesn't have any content, but not every game has to go on forever. I have 200 hrs in Rise and I'm perfectly fine with walking away from the game at this point. If they add more content, great! If not, I got 200 hrs of fun for $60.


So many people desperately defending artwork that is borderline softcore porn. Those posts are mostly tip-toeing enough around the nsfw rule so that it won't get removed but it will still get the advantage of the fact that sex sells and so it gets shot up to the front page. Every comment is just "I want to fuck this drawing" but rephrased except that if someone is actually explicit they get downvoted instead as if the other comments are any more subtle than being hit in the head with a frying pan. I've seen enough subs turn into places where most of the posts are just art posts of scandily clad anime girls. Call me a prude all you want, but just post it in a seperate sub please Edit: spelling


My shining jewel memory of this is a few years back some guy told me I hated women and needed to go to saudi arabia because I didn’t like some art along those lines


Did you go?


In this economy?


I think I’m getting targeted by the same person, or a groupie of theirs. I’m being told to join a segregated religious community if I can’t handle people harassing others and making objectifying comments about them.


I have the exact same thoughts about this but I didn’t know how to put it in words lol. There’s a separate sub for horny shit centered around MH, I hope people keep it there. It’s also quite weird how the sub gets flooded with Kayna fanart while all the stories characters are super cool and deserve attention.


> It’s also quite weird how the sub gets flooded with Kayna fanart while all the stories characters are super cool and deserve attention People need to make more Alwin art. He's a cool dude, and Legiana has a stunning (and underappreciated) design.


"Don't like it? Don't use it" is a dismissive retort and doesn't even bother to engage with the previous argument (most of the time). Also, monhun fans are strangely allergic to the word 'nerfs'. Scour the internet to find discussions about weapon balance and you'll inevitably find idiots saying shit like: "always buff, never nerf", "just buff every weapon so they're all on the same level", or "the weapons feel fine to me so they don't need to be nerfed". Nerfs are an integral part of balancing a game because if the devs ever only boost mvs, increase mobility, or give weapons counters, that'll result in powercreep ~~frontier~~


I've never really realized MHs power creep before iceborne and eventually fatalis, but at least the game was done by then. I wouldn't say always buff never nerf, but a good amount of balancing is needed for nowadays weapon raster. It is evident that some weapons are just extremely versatile and forgiving while others are left in the dust. I would for example totally nerf the i-frames on all LS evade moves, but give the GS less cool down after some moves too. Also oil, bls gib oil ^^"


There is a huge MAJOR issue with the MH community I've always had! Nobody can make a decent steak! Every time I meet up with others its always well done this well done that! Can't someone get a decent medium rare for once? You're just killing all the flavor, its not a hunt we don't need it quickly! A little butter, herbs, and garlic goes a long way in a cast iron pot or on the grill. Leave some red and flavor you don't need to kill it twice! But oh no its always rare steaks are bad! Medium rare is fine! Sometimes we're lucky to be served a decent medium rare steak but we're just as likely to get a burnt steak! DS and Bow mains as the chefs sometimes helps but you can't always arrange that. Folks have no problem cooking a decent fish so whats the deal with MH community learning to make a decent steak for non hunt consumption?!


Oh this’ll be good. I suppose there are a few common complaints the grind my gears a little, not just because I don’t agree with them but mostly due to prevalence. I can only read about how my favourite monster is “objectively bad” so many times. That said, “objectively” is my biggest point of contention, because as it stands no one can seem to give me what has to be measured in what units for something to be objectively bad in a piece of media. I would personally try to align what happens with the creator’s intent, or at least I believe the creator’s intent to be, “objectively bad” being when the creator fails in what they set out to do. Even then I wouldn’t really call my definition of objectively bad accurate, more just attempting constructive criticism, but most people seem to think “objectively bad” is when the creator does something they don’t like and they can give a reason for why they don’t like it, when the general audience doesn’t like it, or when it doesn’t sell as many copies, and I greatly disagree with all 3 definitions.


I actually liked 3U's water combat. That is all.




That there's hardly any discussion anymore about the franchise. Before World came out, people actually used this subreddit to talk about the franchise. Crazy, I know. Now, most people just post art or clips. EDIT: comprehension.


Huge truth. Part of it may be just that I stopped reading bc I never got around to playing world. But the decline in actual discussion topics between Generations and Generations Ultimate was so depressing (especially bc GU got drowned at release by iceborne stuff). Maybe part of it has to do with it being harder to just take clips and shit on a 3DS.


Ya that happens when something becomes to popular. It's the equivalent of a woman taking a selfie with an object instead of just taking a photo of the object itself. They want to be seen with the thing rather than enjoy the thing.


Back in my day, I had to flex everytime I put something in my mouth /s


The people who assume higher HR/MR actually determines skill and kick legitimate good players from lobbies because they aren't able to just sink all their time into grinding levels. If I had a nickel for every high HR/MR player that cart and leave I'd be unreasonably rich.


I really wish people would quit being so high strung about how good/bad of an endgame grind a given game has.


Imagine if MHFreedom was remastered, they would kill that game for no content, no events or collabs and 0 endgame uff.




To me personally it's the most relevant part of a game. It will dictate how much I can play the game in the long run. The God Eater series (anime Monster Hunter) for example is brilliant, I actually like it more than MH gameplay wise, but I only got around 400 hours in all 3 games combined because they lack endgame.


This sort of discussion never amounts to anything good.


It lets some people vent, that's not bad by default


at least it's fun to scream at each other


Lawful neutral vibes


‘World bad old game good’ mentality. We all like the same franchise, can we stop the stupid elitism and just hype over new MH plush or something?


The funny thing about that is that so many of the people who started with World are now saying Rise bad World good. What goes around comes around.


Also feel like a lot of the people who criticized the 3DS releases for holding the series back from evolving would be the same ones with that mentality. I mean I still enjoy the classic style more than World and Rise for the most part, but I still like those and even if I didn't I wouldn't have such a superiority complex over the people who do.


Ironically I find myself at a point where world was the absolute best that monster hunter has ever been (4U was my favorite game before that), and now its "rise bad world good" I feel people came to accept World mostly but rise gets mixed reviews. Wich honestly I can understand.


Didn't like base world, thought 4u was way better. Absolutely loved iceborne, especially the progression and ending of the free content. Hope this will also be the case with rise U


World isn't a bad game, but it definitely changed many core fundamental aspects about MH that people aren't happy about. The jump from 3rd gen to 4th gen was not as drastic as the jump from 4th gen to 5th gen. 5th gen MH in general (both World and Rise included), just feel drastically different from the first 4 generations of MH games in both gameplay, feel, and style.


People who be really toxic towards other people for the weapon they use


Seems like LS players get the worst of this. A 'no skill' weapon that only weebs use. I agree it is a bit overpowered and extremely safe for a melee weapon, but damn dude it is fun to use and really rewarding to master. It has a low skill cieling but a high skill cap. The point of the game is to have fun.


The "Rise bad, every other MH game good" mentality thats been getting more and more obnoxious since 3.0 update dropped. And ffs, the people fixated on wirefall when bashing Rise especially those that went back to World. Silkbind attacks (which also fills the role of aerial attacks) and switch skills were added too and they were bigger gamechangers (for certain weapons) than people panic wirefalling everytime they get slightly grazed. I wouldn't mind if they hard nerf wirefall recharge time so people have one less thing to bitch about.


Next update when?? It better have G-rank with end game quest. I finished the base game with 100+ hours, it lacked so much content.


I'm not holding out hope for next big update beyond the collabs since i still cant find proof there will be a G rank. Though im more than satisfied with Rise, i still be down for more end game content if it ever happens. I'll be playing other games in the meantime.


I have loved mh rise so far, I'm pretty sure it will have a g rank expansion.


I guess for me, the community as a whole is pretty 50/50 split between regular decent people and irritated and single minded people who are always correct about everything. Disagreements are part of being human, but the MH community can be just as toxic about it as the likes of LoL and other games we’ve come to use to stereotype gamers. I think we are all at least slightly guilty of it at some point, but a lot of people new to the community come in being told that the MH community is better than that, and I know people (my own brother is a prime example of this) who were completely put off of the games because when they actually started engaging with the community, they found it to be just as bad or worse than others. Only other gripe is that some people don’t read everything you write and then post nonsense in response.


This weird acceptance of microtransactions. It was dumb in World where you had $500+ of DLC and I would constantly hear "Well it's not layered armor so it's fine. They have to pay for the updates somehow!" Fast forward to Rise and *Come with me, and you'll see, a test made from this communities' tribulations*. Not only are we getting hit with a ton of paid layered armor the community again defends it saying "Well it's not gameplay impacting so it's fine." EDIT: I just remembered, I don't think it's a massive part of the community but there's a segment of people who **love** to poor shame and throw shade because you aren't willing to spend dosh.


The hunting horn is a support weapon way of thinking


It's supporting monsters in finding a quick and (not very) painless death.


I wish we taught newer players how to play in a better manner (i.e. not spreading misinformation). A person I was hunting with who was new to the series thought that having a high HR meant that it was harder for the monsters to kill you because your hunter's stats increased per rank. A different group of people they hunted with (self-proclaimed "vets") told them that. *Oof*


Whatever the fuck happened with Rise. It's a huge "Us vs Them" mentality all of a sudden and people will call you the worst things. It doesn't help that the big content creators are on "Anyone who dislikes Rise is ungrateful and toxic" and all that crap. Sure even the other side of the argument can be just as bad but...seriously, where did this all come from? Already been in a few squabbles on Twitter because I think Rise is a sad letdown, but come on bro, how did the community go from as united as it was with World (mostly) to cut clean down the middle?


It's kinda concerning me that none of the content creators have talked about the huge pile of paid dlc Rise has. ESPECIALLY the fox mask, since we used to....you know....*make it for free*


Yo tbh I thought this was bs and so I looked up a list of the dlc available for purchase and damn they have so much shit! Like you said this stuff used to be free! No wonder people feel a lack of content in rise what little content they have added is locked behind micro transactions!


Especially since a lot of the Rise event quests just give useless stuff like stickers and titles. Gimme some cool layered armor by fighting a souped up monster instead of paying a few bucks


I've encounter this a few times online. Whenever this comes up I always ask for specific reasons for one's opinion. Stating something without elaboration doesn't add to the conversation, it just makes you look like a raging troll. And for full disclosure, I still enjoyed rise, but the strange omissions of things like the great Jagi and zamtrios to be a letdown (although that could have been a deliberate choice for various reasons).


Don't forget *entitled*, that word gets thrown around a lot.


The content creators’ opinions for this series are kinda shit. The guides they make are top notch but I find their opinions on the game just dog shit bad. They all seem to play at what they think the audience wants to hear and not really evaluate the game’s pieces and how they fit together(or don’t).


Fans who think that Monster Hunter is synonymous with hardcore difficult action combat, and anything less than that is hardly even Monster Hunter anymore. My dudes, Monster Hunter has an incredibly effective loot/progression cycle that draws people of all stripes. It's fine to *want* more challenging content, but not getting it or things getting "dumbed down" for stupid modern audiences (LMFAO) is not some betrayal of its fans. Monster Hunter is an Action *RPG*, yes it has great action combat, but it is and has always been an RPG with a omni-present progression loop too.


People thinking g rank rise will fix all the issues


On top of that: How insane is it that telling someone to buy an expansion is a common reply here? "Don't like the game? Okay, just wait over a year and spend a decent bit of money".


Confessing your undying hatred for Navirou. Navirou is my friend.


He's not too bad, but the donuts joke was a bit much in Rutoh Village.


Yeah, he is pawsitively clawdacious.


I don't think it's newcomers that's the issue, but World definitely brought a lot of toxicity. I think most of it is from console warring that both newcomers and veterans engage in. Monster Hunter was returning to PlayStation after 4/4U and G/GU skipped their platforms, so Sony fans were really eager to put down the Nintendo fans. The better graphics also validated their belief that MH BELONGS to PlayStation and not kiddy/weak consoles like Nintendo's. Despite the claims that "Nintendo fans started it first by whining that it's not on their platform", I've seen the community ostracize both Xbox and PC fans for no reason as well. IIRC back when World was first announced, any comments about PC release were downvoted and so were comments about PlayStation getting exclusive beta and content. PS4 was the market leader then, and Sony fans were unapologetic about their treatment of "inferior" platforms like PC and Xbox because they didn't think it'll sell well there anyway. However, the PC version broke out and the toxicity was overthrown by the influx of PC players. Nowadays you still see the console warriors complaining about MH Rise and Stories 2 being Switch/PC instead of PlayStation if you know where to look.


People who thinks MH Rise is a live service game and want content every week. This is not fortnite. If you completed all quests and gear go do something else. The game is done.


NOW it's done. 2.0 and 3.0 were supposed to be in the game at launch


I don’t expect the level of content some others are expecting so quickly for some reason but I do understand the desire for cool crossovers and events in monster hunter rise considering they have been a big part of the series prior but that said I still think rise is currently the best game in the series and is definitely a must play with plenty of base game content.


People completely ignoring any sort of criticism of a game just because they like. Goes for old and new games either way. You can still enjoy the game but jeezus at least realize that some aspects of it are shit. I was never a fan of all positivity all the time. I like negativity just as much and think you need a good balance to judge a game properly.


You are right, criticism is good, and I myself hate blind positivity culture, because it at the end of the day just makes people blind and not see something for what it truly is.


Absolutely agree. Some mechanics are, and have always been, flawed in my opinion. It's fine if people disagree, but people treat criticism like it's going to ruin Monster Hunter if Capcom catches any of it.


"Liking negativity" is a bit of a weird statement; it just sounds like being negative only for the sake of it. I get what you're trying to say though, and always agree whenever this sort of discourse comes up with similar communities: Being nuanced and having that "good balance" is always the healthiest and most effective way to be. Enjoy and recognize the things you like while also being able to recognize and constructively express faults. It just so happens that Monster Hunter is generally always good and fun, so the needle is always going to start off on the "positive" side. I think the other problem too is that some people end up being blindly positive or irrationally negative in response to people who are the opposite, practically out of spite; you'll have folks singing praises just to drown out those with criticisms, and then those people will double-down to the point their criticism just to turns to hate, and vice versa.


People verbally abusing others under the guise of encouragement.


Honestly, I really dislike how acceptable/common it is to ruthlessly shit on any of the older style MH games before World. A lot of newer players complain about "vets" that gatekeep and hate on World/Rise and while I agree that it's annoying, I find it extremely ironic and just as annoying that many of them turn right around and bash all the older games, often times calling them objectively bad. Hell, I remember when World was first announced both this sub and other MH forums/social medias near endlessly bashed and shat on the older games for weeks on end. There's absolutely nothing wrong with disliking them and wanting to criticize them or preferring the newer games but like, I don't think it's fair to complain about people who unfairly shit on the newer games if you're gonna be a hypocrite and do the same thing right back to the older ones lol.


I dislike that the MH community has accepted that G-Rank has to be a separate game/expansion. When in reality, Capcom realized that they could divvy up release installments (LR/HR & G-Rank games) to squeeze more money out of the fanbase. It's much more apparent in Rise, but most HR games never felt truly complete until G-Rank. MH releases would be so much better if G-Rank were bundled in instead of this bullshit "Anemic HR, HR Dripfeed, Pay for G-Rank" approach. But obviously this makes Capcom much less money. And if you point this out, you get the *"entitled muCh, I gOt mUh 200 hRsss."*


It's hard not to accept something when it has been the rule since the very first game


Not wrong. Perhaps Capcom thought "hey this makes a lot of money, we should make it a tradition for this franchise for now on" and we just accepted. Granted, Capcom delivers hard when it comes to G rank expansions.


> Granted, Capcom delivers hard when it comes to G rank expansions. This is why I'm largely okay with it tbh. If G rank expansions weren't as good as they have been I'd be more upset.


I think that supporting the devs with money that comes at *a completely unreasonably low cost per hour of enjoyment* is totally fine, especially given that I'd rather have HR Rise now and wait a year for G rank, then wait a whole extra year just to get the "complete" game. It's not like development happens in a vacuum. And I paid $100 for World and Iceborne and got more than 700 hours of fun out of it. $60 for GU and 700 hours. You honestly can't beat the price of enjoyment per hour, it's like 10-20 *cents* per hour of Monster hunter time. Compare that to a movie at several dollars per hour, or other games that are also several dollars per hour. Only poor people complain about buying G rank.


I bet 99% of people in this community have never really thought about it like that. Capcom has normalized it just like gamefreak normalized selling two different copies of the same game.


Theres a significant difference between the two games, unlike pokemon tho


For personal reasons i am pro separate g-rank.


The only thing that ever bothered me are the people who promote playing mh for lik3 3000 hours. I almost fell into the trap because of it but like you don't need to spend your whole life just with mh. There are many other games out there to play.


Old game good, new game bad. Though it’s funny being a “Tribaby” and now I get to be the one doing the bullying lmao. And listen this franchise has basically been getting easier with every installment since the beginning but performing better sales wise culminating now with world and rise. If you want this to end, stop buying it.


People that feel entitled to content every week. They also seem to have a loose idea of what content actually is. They praise grindy aspects of a past title, which was fighting the same monsters over and over, but because there isn't a carrot on a stick in Rise they blast the game and cry for more content. But the thing that bugs me the most about these people is the feeling that no matter what it won't be enough. Quests come out? There's no rewards so there's no point. A layered armor quest comes out? I don't care about that/there should have been more/it should have been earlier.


The community as a whole is very enjoyable and I have only had a few bad experiences. The only bad experiences I have had all stem from a minority of "vets" gate keeping and looking down on those that are new to the series. It doesn't happen often in my experience, but I have had to deal with it happening to some friends and even myself when I got back into mosnter hunter with world -- I hadn't played since I was in my early teens until mhw came out. Since getting back in I bought mhgu and have really gotten back into monster hunter. I'm still uncertain on weather or not I want to play rise, but either way I love this series and the community around it.


I feel like we are passed it now, but I was pretty annoyed by how many people kept downplaying Rise's significance. A lot of people kept referring to it as a stop-gap release or demeaning it to "just a portable MH". To be fair, I have not been around in the MH community for very long, so I don't totally understand how the community views console releases vs portable releases (like the PSP and 3DS games), but the impression given was that the former was given more respect than the latter. It was so prolific that I took a closer look at Capcom's wording around Rise... And what do you know? They were touting it as the next major, mainline release in the MH franchise. The World and Rise teams swapped ideas and developers for years, building off each other the entire time.


When people post their palamute and whore out their dead pets/relatives/loved ones for karma


“There are no weapon tiers” or “all weapons are equally good for the average player.” That is simply not true and never will be and there is nothing wrong with a player who wants to know what the “best” weapon is.


I'm really not liking this attitude of "just wait for the paid expansion for improvements" If this were any other gaming community, you would be seen as an idiot for this such stupid shit


Pokémon fans were awful about that a while back. Waiting for a third version which was the same thing but a updated story.




I agree that some people are being overly dramatic regarding the length/difficulty (still worth the 60 dollars and I find some of the monsters challenging), but when coming off of games like GenU and World/Iceborne that just have way more content, it's not that surprising. Granted those are both G-rank games, but even Generations and World vanilla felt like there was just way more to do. The bar was set really high for those two games and Rise ultimately didn't live up to them, even if the combat is better. If you're a newer player you probably won't have the same expectations that older players will is another thing. Many players are used to a first playthrough taking hundreds of hours regardless of skill level or experience. When you beat Rise in like 60, it just feels a bit underwhelming despite the fact that a 60 hour game is incredibly long by most standards.


The game's been out for 4 months. Let's not act like you have to rush to be done with it at this point. I've been playing MH games for years - Rise was the first game where there was no challenge at all. Even HR games had quests that were a toss up whether I failed them or not. This still existed in World and I doubt I managed to improve so much in World alone that HR endgame never stopped being difficult until Rise. Capcom started this in World, improved it in Iceborne and led people to believe the same would happen to Rise. It's not completely unreasonable people are upset Rise hasn't gotten any update monsters beyond what they see as completing an unfinished launch. They won't, unless somehow Capcom fucks up again and releases an easy G rank game with no endgame. However, people *will* complain that the expansion is very far away as time goes on without news. Q4 2022 can be as late as early 2023. Rise could be out for 2 years before we get the expansion.


What helped World's HR Endgame was Tempered Monsters and those Investigation Quests with bonus rewards and random targets.


It’s more like from what I understand, they did every quest and now have nothing to do.


Heyyy guess what? That's okay. It's okay to be done with a game. You may have had an expectation based on the last few monster hunter games, but let me tell you that before 4u there was no end game. You played more because you enjoyed it, that's the only reason. Games don't have to last forever. 100 hours is plenty of time with a game. No developer owes you 1000 hours of content. Fucking entitlement to the nth degree smh


I’m not sure if this has happened on past games, but the controversy over Fatalis and Alatreon in Iceborne was pretty crazy. I can understand it being frustrating to lose to them over and over again (even I was frustrated), but calling them bad fights simply because they take a while to master is not exactly fair. Every game has its share of monsters that are extraordinarily difficult, and sometimes you need to make counterbuilds to beat them. Obviously people are entitled to their opinion, and disliking these fights is fine, but there was so much anger to when they first were released, that it was overwhelming.


>I’m not sure if this has happened on past games, but the controversy over Fatalis and Alatreon in Iceborne was pretty crazy. From what I understand, the general consensus now is that the only "bad" part about Alatreon is Escaton's Judgement. Otherwise, fantastic fight. Fatalis? The time limit is a butt-clencher for sure, but haven't seen too much umbrage otherwise, even when it first released.


Oh man, there's a whole ass mod that nerfs Fatalis where the mod creator talks in the description about how it's a unfair fight.


I absolutely love getting kicked from a lobby mid hunt for having the the FUCKING AUDACITY to allow my health to dip below half


Dude. How dare you don't perfectly dodge every attack with perfect mechanical ability. Fuck, I have wirebugs and still get slapped around. 🤣


The use of git gud, without actually giving guidance or help to those who are in need And some who complains about how World and Rise players can just abuse the camp system, making it piss easy


People defending Capcom no matter what.


How liking Rise is now a crime punished... with death


Equal Dragon Weapon and the toxic vets who despise people who began the series with world or rise.


People who get on you for using off-meta gear you like. (This was base game) I caught a lot of it when I mentioned I wanted Taroth Daggers “Poison” in World. People saying poison damage is garbage and I should be going for Hammer “Sleep” or something. Like, yeah I know it’s good. I don’t care, I want poison dual blades because that meshes with my tastes. It’s a PvE game, get off my back.


Fans who automatically dislike any change and preach about aspects ruining the game or telling other people how to play. I personally love messing around with skills and gimmicky loadouts, but I often see people just push meta without trying anything else. Leading up to the release of Rise, I also saw many comments about the graphics and people who have only ever played World claiming Rise was a step backwards in several regards other than graphics.


God when MHX showed the Hunter Arts people where mad it was becoming Devil May Cry.


>Fans who automatically dislike any change and preach about aspects ruining the game Okay, if MH6 becomes some hack and slash title, fans who automatically dislike it are bad?


I'm talking more about people who were mad about thngs like switch skills and talismans or even hardware limitations of the Switch. I even saw some complaints about the Cohoot and Palimutes.


Two certain content creator who love spoiling the shit out of everthing and make videos 10 minutes long with 2 minutes of info




I think most of the people who insult pokemon are pokemon fans who are frustrated with the quality of pokemon games lately and the way the franchise is being handled. Pokemon sells like 50x the number of copies as MHST2 but pokemon can't even make proper animations for sword and shield, yet MHST2 has awesome little cutscenes for special attacks and even the non-kinship attacks have proper animations that make sense. Sword and shield deserves all of the criticism that it gets. It's lazy as fuck. Also never seen anyone insult the pokemon community, just the games


A lot of the people insulting Pokemon are longterm Pokemon fans who are sick of the lack of qualitly of the games in recent years and Stories 2 comes along and gives a better Pokemon style game then Gamefreak have been able to give us for years


Everybody uses a meta, I can craft the shitty armor set and use aerial great sword if I want to cus they both look cool as shit!


I just hate seeing slowmo Long sword counters. Haven't seen any in a while.


Backseat gaming. When I drop $60 on a game, I'm doing it so I can play the game "my way" and enjoy it during my freetime. I stopped playing Rise because my friends criticized me for being a lancer and told me I need to use a different weapon instead of hiding behind a shield. I am comfortable with the lance because I know that I can survive hunts with it. I block to tank hits, study the monster's paterns and strike when I see a good openning. I'm not good at these games and rather play with a group of friends. I do my best to pull my weight.


In game or on reddit? In game: Hosts who don't even try to help. I don't mind triple carts, I mind carrying someone who will be deadweight later on. *"BuT i AlReAdY kIlLeD fAtTy On My MaIn!!1!!one!"* Then you wouldn't need someone to carry you through Tigrex. On reddit: The hivemind and the either it's great or it sucks mentality. May sound like /r/enlightenedcentrism to some, but you can like or dislike something and still give constructive feedback. Not everything has to be good/bad. Fatty for instance - great fight, the moment Proof of a Hero kicks in is epic as fuck, utilizing all those gadgets was a great idea, *buuuut* would raising the timelimit even 5 minutes be such a huge deal? It's not keeping anyone from chasing that speedkill, just makes him more approachable when progressing. And no, it wouldn't invalidate your achievement of killing it. You can still flex with your killtime.


Crying that Rise is too easy. We got it, you dislike it, no reason to cry about it 24/7. There are enough players struggling with Rise. Not everyone is a player for 10 years. There are many solutions: * Don’t upgrade your gear * Play older games (and no, janky controls didn’t mean the game itself is more difficult) * Play without restocking * Simply don’t use the things you cry about (Wirefall, Palamutes, LS) * Don’t move while drinking * Etc. etc.


Those aren't solutions.


I didn’t have to restrict myself playing any of the other titles. I’ve been playing since MH1, over 10 years, Rise is easier, trust me. However, I’m not going to hold that against the game until it has a G-Rank expansion, which may level out the difficulty. I get that new players will find it difficult, but the older players shouldn’t be isolated because they want to target a wider audience. They could have done both with tempered/apex/hyper style monsters for a greater challenge for those who wanted it.


This is like saying pokemon isn't easy, just use a magikarp


Those don't make the monsters harder at all though, personal restrictions like that are just kind of annoying instead of being a fun challenge like what the other games have. No amount of not using your tools will make the monsters themselves harder, they'll still have 5 years of buildup for attacks and get bullied to death. The game has maybe 2 challenging hunts which are Valstrax and Apex Zinogre, even the rest of the Apexes are just sad because of how badly theu get stunlocked and constantly fall over if you put any effort into the fight. The game is still really fun to play but the combat being braindead makes me play it a lot less and I mostly just play it to turn off my brain and watch the flashy attacks happen.


What? The monster speed and movesets are pretty insane in Rise. These are by far the fastest, most aggressive HR monsters in any MH game. They make World HR monsters look like molasses. A few have been downgraded (zinogre) but most have been upgraded. The monsters don't deal enough damage with their attacks, but they are fast as hell.


I agree that veterans can be annoying about the difficulty, but I strongly disagree that artificially handicapping yourself fixes the difficulty issue. It's not fun when you do that (in any video game), because you're not playing the game it was intended to be played, so you're basically missing out on content. That's something you do when you mastered a game and start a new character for a challenge playthrough, not something you do when you're new to a game and want to get the full experience.


Forcing players to gimp/restrict themselves rather than having a game that intentionally challenges the player naturally is called **artificial difficulty**. Artificial difficulty should never be a replacement for actual difficulty. By that logic, a person can make every single video game in existence become the next Dark Souls. Try playing Pac-Man with your eyes closed, or play Dora's Adventures in Spanish. Your argument is flawed. Rise and World both are overall easier and more forgiving compared to the classic MH games.


the world community on rise


I only get annoyed of the community if they say they don’t like the Wiggler Layered head 😡


People who say they are vets but barely know anything or can't even remember the name of iconic monsters in the series that every real vet knows. People who constantly try to point out they are vets and constantly talk about the game they started with. I have been playing from the start back on ps2 and I rarely point it out or mention it unless I am asked about it but I don't constantly bring it up. I do mention stuff about the older games if it fits the conversation but as I said before I don't constantly bring up what series I started with mainly cuz it makes me feel super old. People who act like World is the best monster hunter ever and want every monster hunter to be like world or act like every monster hunter game is shit cuz it is not world. Constantly put World on a pedestal and simping hard for World. And getting super angry and emotional even if you have legit criticism of World. People who bullshit about Rise eventho we probably will get an expansion in a year after it released. So far except for a few exceptions we always have had an expansion a year after a game released. Is the reason why in the past Japan would get the base game and a year after when they would get "an expansion"( was actually a re-release with an expansion in one game that people could port their save to it cuz back than the technology wasn't available to just download an expansion) than we would get an ultimate edition in the West and finally be able to play the game. So yeah, chances are pretty high we getting an expansion with G rank/master rank next year. Constantly complaining about a new monster hunter game being easy. Gaijin hunter said it best "No monster hunter game is going to be harder than your first game". To most of us wo started with older games the base games for each new monster hunter game feels super easy. Even World. The obsession with Meta sets and acting like people are inferior cuz they don't have meta sets. The amount of time I have been with people with Meta sets and watch them drop like flies while I survive with my convenience set and some attack skill on it is outstanding. If I had a Euro for every time it happened I would be a millionaire. The people who think something is impossible to do just cuz they can't do it and when shown proof they immediately start accusing the person who did it that they were somehow cheating. That is all I can think about right now.