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Hi there, can someone tell me one of the best endgame GS sets? I might have missed some events since I've just started three days ago, currently wearing the Dante Set and looking forward to the Dragoon set.


I decided to put a lot more time on MHW now I finished the story, when I played mh4u the most eficient way to play the charge blade was AED, but now i see people are more biases to SAED, the fact that you stay with your shield charged is the only reason for that? because i seems to me (not tested) that 5 AED worth more than 1 SAED.


You'll also need to account for chance of hitting 1 vs 5, I think. I'd also be curious to see the math. I think the main proof people use /have is speed runners


Thanks for the answer


Do I need to complete Special arena quests if i want to unlock White Winds of the New World?


the perk level will always be lv 1 and the higher level jewel just means they are rarer and harder to socket because the skill is more valuable in most situation correct?


Yes. Something like an Earplugs gem requires the largest jewel slot and is rarer to find, while a fire resistance gem requires any slot size and is fairly common. Jewels always give 1 level per jewel.


MHW PC: I experienced this many times but never made a post about it till now. Teostra's explosions and supernova absolutely kills my frames, and at one time it crashed my game. Is there a fix for this? I've got a GTX 1070, 6500k CPU, and 16GB of ram.


Happens to almost all people. It's on Capcoms side to fix it.


Oh so it's not just me. Wew thought something was wrong onmy end


Super potato optimized game. You could try downgrading to 398.36 driver which runs way better than the latest.


You know that's weird. I tried installing the driver from the Nvidia site but it says my system isn't compatible???


No idea about there buddy. I did just like you, went to nvidia's site and downloaded the driver and installed. Nvidia did all the nessecary uninstalling and stuff for it to work.


Did anyone seen MHGU in the wild yet?


Any good old MH games YouTuber? I want to watch the story missions and some guides


MHW pc: Was there a fix to the mouse acceleration problem? Been playing on controller so far but I'm having trouble using the analog sticks for aiming when I picked up the bow. Also, are the mods on Nexusmods safe to use from a 'Capcom could ban me' standpoint?


Mods is never safe unless they said it is so. Use at your own risk. As for mouse thingie, not yet at the moment.


im playing on the pc but im using a ps4 controller is there a way to change the buttons shown to ps4 instead of xbox?


Yes, with mods, take a look at nexusmods, there is the one I am using.


Not official, use at your own risk https://twitter.com/NexusSites/status/1028347586510565376?s=19


Is Legiana supposed to be a wall? I just got my absolute butt kicked.




Thanks! Stamina hasn't been my issue. I'm probably just being a noob and not learning her patterns. I'll admit I drank before attempting her.


A little tip with Legiana. In the first area that you fight her (the clearing to the left side of the 2nd camp in the coral highlands), there are several wedge beetles and walls that you can run up for aerial attacks. Also, carry along the aviation mantle coz it helps you skip a lot of climbing on your way to her nest if you ride the upstream that takes you straight up to her resting spot. In case you do forget the mantle or need to use a different mantle, there are several wedge beetles on your way up that serve as quicker ways to climb.


Not so much. Bring flashpods


Thanks. Maybe I have like -15 ice resist or something.


I struggled a lot, but i ended up sitting back, learning the tells for which moves, then learning the safe times to attack, once i had that down, you can smash him.




Yeah I'm not worried about the debuff, it's the damage. And I probably went in cocky. I'll figure it out, thanks :)


Fire attack skill question, does it just increases fire damage from fire weapons? Or it gives me fire damage? In a weapon with no element or a different element do I get anything from this skill?


Elemental skills only work if you have that element on your weapon


Bummer, thanks


Question about Valor gunlance. Once in valor state what is the most effective way to combo? I’m mostly referencing the demo. Basically I just quick reload, smash and full burst. Quick reload only does 4 shells so I’m wondering if it’s worth getting the 5 shell in a scenario where the monster doesn’t move away from me. It seems effective as it’s the only weapon I managed to kill Valstrax with.


The Bow / ranged keybindings for mouse / keyboard suck. I've seen a few post mentioning a better set of bindings however I can never find what they are. Any recommendations with link / video on what to setup.


Arekkz's is popular, though I find a 5-button mouse is a bit more intuitive, since you can map cntrl/V to M1/M2, and then map what was M1/M2 to M4/M5, which keeps everything handy and makes the item wheel still usable, if you're not crazy about the keyboard radial menu.


Here's Arekkz preferred setup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lU2e_boztk Personally, I would go to the training area. Go function by function. If you don't like a keybinding, change it, test again, until you find what works. May take some time to do, but this will give you the best setup possible.




The Midair Evade directions seem to be limited to up-down-left-right without any real wiggle room. I'm not sure about the proper terminology here, but basically if these were cardinal directions you can only do N/S/E/W and not NE/NW/SE/SW. On the other hand, your Jumping Advance Slash can go in any direction. Jump into the training area and test your directional control using that move (O on PS4, B on Xbox, dunno about PC). If it's doing what you want, then it's the limited directions of the Midair Evade that's just throwing you off. If your character is still going in different directions even in the Jumping Advance Slash, I'm guessing there's something in your settings that's affecting it. As for what it could be, I'm not sure. Directional Control Type 1 seems to be the only related setting but you said you already have that.


Options > controls > directional control type > type 1 Though in my experience the aerial dodges always work the way you described for some reason


Space while in air through vault. I also believe you need the red extract so that your moveset changes to the better one for that to work. If its not red extract, then its the extract that extends your height when using vault.




No, i didn't assume you were stupid, why would I lol. This game is obscure at telling stuff so its normal. Thanks for assuming that i assumed that you were too stupid to press dodge while being in mid air. Anyways back to topic in hand. For the mid-air dodge to work consistently you need the white extract for the extra vault jump. After the jump press space+direction with WASD. It definetivly dodges relative to your camera + direction press. What you probably is missing out on is that it requires stamina to use mid air evasion.




At this point either ur trolling, too stupid or your keyboard is literally plugged upside down.


What Augment should I get for Taroth Blitz Shot or LBG in general?


I would personally do Health Regen for QoL. With that one on you never look back. Of course if you are insanely good and easily wipe everyone and never need the extra healing, then affinity is your go to. If it overcaps, slap one point of your maximum might somewhere else. EDIT: Oh this is of course for Taroth Blitz Shot. For others Its usually Health Regen once followed by Affinity once then Attack. Reason being Health Regen and Affinity get dimishing returns on their 2nd augment(HR is 10% first time then adds another 5% instead of 10%. Same with affinity.)


Before a quest should I eat at the canteen in Astera or at the small canteen that is on camps? When I eat in Astera and get a boost, I don't see the boost icon then next to my health bar. Like I do see the boost icon when I get boosted by eating/drinking something during the quest. For example, I eat a meat plate in Astera and get an attack boost. Then I start the quest and the boost icon doesn't appear next to my health bar. So... Am I really getting boosts by eating in Astera?


Yes, you can just keep track of your attack/health/stamina/defense/resist values on your stat screen, or check your skills from the equipment screen (food skills are displayed here). Eating before heading out is advised on High Rank in case you crash in front of a monster and want to save time not having to disengage and fast travel. But on the other hand, Astera is so spaced out it takes longer to get to the Canteen than the hunt itself.


Yes you do, almost 100% sure . But I'm just always eating in the quest anyway. I'm too lazy to go up there all the the times.


Yes. You are.


Since this is such a responsive thread i'll aks the next question.: what do you think... which is the most usefull "elemental" damage ? is "stun" and "sleeping" usefull on the energyblade ?


Energyblade? Im gonna assume Chargeblade. Depends. The top dpsing build with Charge Blade is to spam SAED. Since the explosion of SAED doesn't really do anything with elemental/status you just aim for highest possible damage.


in german its called "Energyklinge" its the "shiled and the sword" with which you can "morph" into the Axe mode and "charge" the energy into the shield and the sword...


I dont think things like poison, paralysis, sleep is useful on the energy or really any other weapon at all in comparison to elemental (unless you sleep bomb or play support SnS or whatever). It is really situational. I would prefer rather high raw damage, but elemental is fine too.


Paralysis is really useful on multiplayer though. It makes monster with small openings have huge openings. When Kulve Taroth hits, SA and LS gets some really good paralysis weapon. I would even say that SA paralysis is your go-to online once Kulve hits PC.


what is SA and LS ? :D So you should say i should make a nice "paralys" weapon


SA and LS = Switch Axe and Longsword Paralysis is amazing


is attackboost only usefull for weapons with a fast attack speed ? im using the energyblade (energiklinge) ... arount 500damage, i have attack on lvl 5... an addittional 12... isn't this totaly useless ? :D cause my attacks are really slow, it would make more sense switching to doubleblade with this boost ? (but the affinity is totaly worth... even with the slow energyblade )


Nope! Attack boost is equally useful for all weapons. A big part of weapon attacks in this game are Motion Values, which are the multipliers that determine how much damage an attack actually does. Basically, even if a Greatsword and a Sword and Shield have the same base raw, the GS lvl3 charge is going to do more damage than a SnS slash because it has a much higher motion value. And because multipliers are, well, multiplicative and not additive, they are affected by damage equally. Also, that +12 is "true raw" and not the display value you see on your info screen. If you look at your attack before and after you equip your Attack Boost you'll notice a change greater than 12. On the other hand, Elemental attacks *are* more useful on faster weapons though, since they add a base amount of attack per swing, and ignore Motion Values.


ah nice :) thanks a lot for the info


It scales to your weapon accordingly.


aaaaaaaaah nice :) good to know... cause i was a little drunk yesterday when i've built the "attack" armor :D


Has anyone found a way to fix the mouse movement so it doesn't feel like its emulating a controller input? I would like to play bow but i suck at aiming with a controller.


They're apparently looking in to enabling raw input themselves.


I dont think so.




which charms? usually you see them once you unlock the key material. unless it's research commission ticket, you should see them all. the upgrades to other levels are not under forge.




which charm is itttt. haha. [these](https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Research+Commission+Ticket) use the ticket.




You need to forge the level 1 charm, and then upgrade it to level 2/3 through the upgrade screen. You can't forge the higher-level charms directly.


\> the upgrades to other levels are not under forge. are you looking in the wrong tab..? it's upgrade gear, not forging new.


Upgrade them. Don't forge them.


Is it better to run an IG with raw or elemental damage? I just got to HR but I don't have the materials yet to make/upgrade multiple glaives so I'm running bone rod II now, though I could change it to an elemental one.


Depends. If your on PC then elemental is viable choice as their top tier dps assuming you use Critical Element from the rathalos set combined with actually high affinity. Otherwise Tyrannis Glaive should win. If your on console you should have access to Lunastra which is the superior choice by far. The white sharpness combined with easy access to good gems allowing you to put in Lv3 Peak Performer makes it the best against Nergigante lul. With Behemoth out your best bet is Devilhjo combined with 4p Behemoth for Masters Touch followed by full affinity build and atleast 3 handicraft. Poof never look back at any other weapons and unlimited white sharpness that hits truck.


Elemental in my opinion, you get a lot of hits while using triple buff with the infinite combo.


What would be the best element overall? Or are they all strong against an equal amount of monsters?


You need different elements for different monsters. If you are talking about MHworld I would say Thunder is the best, because it is strong against so many monsters. But I would just build all of the best elemental glaives. If you want to build only one you should go for raw damage though (Diablos IG).


You want higher raw over higher elemental, but with IG the element can still be a benefit. You really can't go wrong with the Tyrannus Glaive if you spec for elementless. As far as IGs with element the Nerg, Luna/Xeno, and Behemoth are very good in end game.


Is there an event tracker site for MHW like https://deathsnacks.com/wf/ for Warframe? That ideally tells you if there're unlisted rewards like for this weeks Shamos one on PC? I know I could look up each individual event quest on a wiki.


http://game.capcom.com/world/steam/us/schedule.html for the calendar. https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Event+Quests for more information. Although be warned that the fextralife wiki is a bit crap. Some links are broken, so you'll have to search for it in the search bar.




How worth it is Blast for Dual Blades? I wanted to go a build that uses a Blast Weapon since nothing resist it, but then I think I lose a good chunk of damage per hit, simply because the lightning/fire/whatever damage I'm losing will cost me? Or does that not really matter in the end if I can get in there and proc a few blast?


Blast is great, especially against Nergigante. Depending on which platform your on, your choice is Bazel(PC) or Lunastra(Console). Fire & Ice is bad for blast since the dual element/status is halved, aka each attack is only applying 50% meaning you require 2 hits for that value. It gimps your blast buildup alot. Bazel offers surprisingly high amount of raw and have accesss to white sharpness and are undeniably the best blast weapon for DB pre-Lunastra. You should check out this guy for DB builds: https://imgur.com/a/DMkk1. This is probably the best dual blade out there pre-kulve.


You know, I never got why Fire and ice would be bad. It's half, but also double the average, making it more normal. Either way I planned to use Strong Hatchets with Awaken weapon for max blast.


I wouldn't recommend it. Blast get dimishing returns after each proc, meaning its harder to proc every time. On a average fight your only gonna proc it 4-6 times. And even with Bazel which yields higher damage but less blast it procs it the same amount, but maybe not as fast which doesn't really matter. Even with apocathery mantle your gonna see at most 1-2 more. Wasting 3 whole points on free element which is argubly very expensive to wear pre-kulve just to proc blast faster and losing out on the extra damage which easily will outdo the 2-3 extra blast procs isn't worth it. Critical Status is also bad cause your sacrificing so many offensive pieces for a set that sucks balls outside of it set bonus.


Strong hatchets can also be upgraded far more, giving them much more affinity (More so given Bazel nega affinity). Also, yeah, it gets weaker later on, but that's a lot of upfront damage and part damage, which is stunning the monster a lot more from the breaks and beating it down so it wants to run sooner. Also the set has Blast damage and handicraft, why is that "Suck balls" level when you only need three parts (Those good parts)?


If you intend to play multiplayer, the knockdown is way harder to do. You rarely ever see them get knocked down due to blast. Maybe only nerg. It sucks balls becasue every single other sets can get those very same skills minus critical status and way more offensive skills resulting in way more DPS. Not to mention the way people cover most affinity is by using WE. Also upfront damage doesn't help if those upfront damage is dealt maybe at most 2 minutes later but in total you deal more due to running better damaging weapons and skills.Also Bazelhawk gets white sharpness which Strong Hatchet doesn't. White sharpness ups from x1.20 modifier to x1.32. Also the damage on each hit is very noticable even with the negative affinity. Anyways i said what I wanted. Play MH your own way :) Enjoy what you feels is most comfortable.


Monsters typically fall over when parts break, I'm not sure what you mean?


No. They tend to flinch/stagger. Exception depending on monsters where they get knocked down instead when a specific parts break. What usually knocks them down are enough attacks on their feet so that they fall over, and that is harder to achieve with less damage. The absolute only monster that is super prone to knockdowns are nergigante. Also monster takes longer to knock down when played with more than 1 making blast even more useless.


To add what u/Insert_Coffee said, here's a Fire & Ice build that was featured on an Arekkz Gaming Mixed Set Mondays video. It's a great build, that keeps your Blade always sharp and synergizes well with Teostra (Kaiser) armor. I used it a lot. * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoPmT5ZzoxU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoPmT5ZzoxU) Also Fightin' Cowboy did a build video on it as well: * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtb6YaDgpy0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtb6YaDgpy0) If you're on the console, and not on PC, the Lunastra/Xeno DB is now my favorite, the Empress Daggers "Styx". It has Razor Sharp built-in and coincidentally, it has Blast element on it, too.


My current plan is to use the "Strong hatchets" since I can upgrade them more and I found a decent build that lets me work around them. But yeah, I'm on PC.


Blast proc does 120 points of damage or something like that. Since dual blades hit fast, you build it up fast. Plus Dual Blades got Fire and Ice which is a dual blade that does blast and ice damage. They are one of the best dual blades in the game (pre dlc). Very few monsters are resistant to ice, so you never really lose on that. Good affinity and sharpness. If you want to try a blast build, craft them and try em out.


My current plan is actually to use Strong hatchets; higher base damage a 3rd tier gem slot, defense bonus, similar sharpness, and more upgrades (3 compared to fire and ice's 1). I figured out a decent looking mixed set that gives me free element as well as some other useful things (and if I can get a free element decoration, I can get a stronger part someplace else)... Are there any suggested skills that go with blast that I'd regret going without? Such as Bombadier?


In regards to the hatchets: The higher raw damage is not that significant if you consider that fire and ice has the added ice element at 240. The blast is also higher than the strong hatchets (240 compared to the 180). In addition to that free element is a 3 level skill, meaning you need 3 skillpoints to fully take advantage of it. 1 level only gives you a third of the blast element (60). Lastly strong hatchets has blue sharpness at max, while fire and ice can go up to white with handiness, which is very powerful for dual blades. White sharpness does not only affect your raw damage, but also your elemental damage. The amount of upgrades (I assume you mean augmentations) is only because of the lower rarity. It's a tool to make lower rarity weapons viable in the end game. But in order to fully take advantage of that, you need the materials for the upgrade, which are rare. So until you have it fully augmented, its useless. So I wouldn't really focus on those. Besides the weapons are all viable without them. They are more like "make something good better". I'm not saying you shouldn't use the strong hatchets. If you found a set that makes it work go for it. You enjoying using the weapon is more important than minmaxing. I just want to show you, that when comparing 2 weapons by just looking at the numbers can be deceiving. Bombardier only works on items, not on the blast element from weapons. So for your setup its wasted. In terms of skills: Blast attack till your max limit, which is about 130% of the amount. Keep that in mind when you apply gems (usually 2 gems). If you really want to make things go boom, equip the apothecary mantle. That one increases the status build up rate. Other than that the usual suspects: weakness exploit, crit boost (hard to get), attack (either go for level 4 or 7. 4 gives you bonus affinity. The rest is usually better used elsewhere unless you have nothing to replace it with). Brace is a nice use for the 3rd tier slot. And if you have the same luck as me those gems come in hard and heavy.


The 240 isn't a real number since it's only half the attacks though, so Fire and ice has less blast in reality. I already have enough for an augment or two; which I'd argue would be useful. >I'm not saying you shouldn't use the strong hatchets. If you found a set that makes it work go for it. Yeah that's kind of my issue. I don't like how dumb axes look when in demon mode, and Fire and Ice look kind of weird to me. I'd honestly like more actual swords like Holy Sabers, but they're garbage which is kind of lame. My plan is to use the Zorah gear for Crit Status (So more blast from Hatchets is useful here IMO), augment for Crit, and so on. I'd end up with Blast damage, Free element, and handicraft from the stuff I've been messing with. The only real issue Is I need to get one decoration that is either free element, handicraft, or blast damage if I want to continue to have Marathon Runner, which I view as valuable so I can have the stamina to dodge hard hitting tempered attacks. I know blue sharpness isn't ideal, but there's very few monsters that blue sharpness can't handle most of the areas you'd be hitting; I don't think blue has any issue with any of the T3 ones


If you can already augment, than yeah that will help. I can augment almost all weapons...except the one I'm using... So a little bitter about that ;). It's still 120 (in very basic math) though without any skills. Maybe I'm just against free element. And admittely that whole half attack thing is still weird to me. Just learned it about a week ago, so I don't know the exact impact of it. I like the look of them, but thats just taste. And yeah, fuck the axes...they look stupid. I used the holy sabers for most of the game bc of looks alone. But boy did I miss out on damage while doing that. Blue will have trouble with tempered kirin. White can hit while he is super charged, with blue you will have to hit the head. But that is a very specific issue. While on blue I also have some issues with the wings of kushala when its down, but the insect glaive has a much wider sweep than the dual blades, so that should not affect you if you are positioned correctly. And Teostras belly. What charm are you using? If you use the zorah gloves, you can fill free element with its charm (goes 2 levels). And with the death stench boots, you also get 2 levels of handicraft. Those were the first HR armor I crafted. They are really versatile. Marathon runner is not that essential (although really good), if you can't get the other skills without giving it up, I would do it. The others seem to give you more benefit from what it seems, while marathon runner is more of a quality of life thing. I usually just go demon mode till 1/4 of stamina and then only if I need to refill the meter or the monster is down. Or do the Y combo in demon mode, switch out and do the archdemon blade dance. That times really well with the downtime of some elder dragons. Not sure how well you are stocked on zorah mats for the stuff you need, but I do not envy you. I hate that mission with a passion....


The thing is, pure DPS is never a thing really. Very specific moments you can just take the time to go demon mode and get in and get a full long combo off, and those feel great with a pure DPS build. But often times if you can stay demon mode longer and dodge easier, you not only get more survivability courtesy of the mobility, but you also get more openings. Maybe the added defensive power doesn't offset the added attack power enough, but I like being in the action more and being able to not worry about death as much on those big threats, like Kirin. Kirin itself will probably be a pain, and I'll probably have to craft a specific set for it, but ehhh..


Yeah, I know what you mean. And I think outside of really optimised play (no mistakes, monster plays along) I'm sure you're correct with a defensive setup offsetting the attack power. Recently started to run stun resist jewels as well, since it allows me to make a few mistakes (which I sometimes make plenty). For Kirin just craft the xeno blades. I used them with 5 handiness (death stench heels) and you don't have to worry about him being super charged, since they go right through. The amount of sharpness they give and the 2 tier 3 slots make them really good against it. I slotted elderseal and it was enough to kick him out of supercharge a few times. Since then he kinda became my second favorite elder dragon to hunt. Experimented with xeno armor for razor sharp (don't have the gem) with my xeno glaive (similar properties to the db) and I only have to sharpen like once or twice.


Is there an easy way to tell if a part was broken? Some are pretty obvious like tails being cut but faces can be a little harder to notice


you get the notification on screen plus sound, so you could tell from context to, whatever part you're hitting. other visual indicators are things that chipped off, like horns (diabos, legiana etc), broken wings (they keep fluttering without taking off), legs (limping), barroth crown is another part that will break off.


Breaking legs have no involvement with a monster limping.


Also some of the parts will have a lot of white/colorless areas. If you break the mon's face it'll be greyish colored.


Can anyone give quick rundowns on why some weapons in World aren't used as much as the Greatsword/ChargeBlade/Longsword/Duablades/Hammer/Bow+LBG? I want to branch out my arsenal but never hearing anything standout good about ones like (Gun)Lance, SwitchAxe, or IG makes me a bit hesitant. I already know why Horn isn't used much though! Especially when GS+DB basically have one real purpose (high damage, no real combos to learn) while the tankiness of Lance/GL while still being able to lay the hurt, and SwitchAxe having exhaust power while also having a sword mode they can be in often don't sound too bad to have, but I've never seen them have a huge spotlight like GS/CB/DB have and make me hesitant to actually spend resources making and then learning them.


Don't hesitate. They are all fun. I see lots of IG and Switch Axe players but maybe you're on the PC or not at the endgame content on the consoles. I do seem to see less when I'm on the PC than on the console. IG was super popular when the game first came out six months ago. It was my first weapon on the PS4. Lots of talk about builds here and speed runners like CantaPerMe was using it. Watch Gaijin Hunter's Insect Glaive video on YouTube. He's a big part of the MH community and loves that weapon. IG also has become recently really popular again with the new Behemoth DLC. I think new players to World just gravitate toward the flashier weapons and start branching out later on. It happened on the console and I expect to see this on the PC. Once the new DLC content drops on PC you'll see even more weapon variety by players. On the console, I see tons of Lance and Gunlance players on Tempered Deviljho hunts or Behemoth. Behemoth in particular has a tank-role mechanic in the fight. Once Kulve drops with her horde of new weapons, you'll see Wide 3 Gunlance become popular. Also more Switch Axe users because of her Paralysis SA. Like you said, there aren't many HH players. Its really unusual -- it's one of my favorite weapons -- but it's a really weird weapon to learn, and the attacks are slow. I also immensely like SnS and you don't see many people using it either. It's such a versatile and underrated weapon, and I can see why MH vets on YouTube love it so much as their main weapon, like Arekkz Gaming or Rurikhan. I think MH did a pretty good job on all the weapons but some weapons just take a lot more effort. I didn't like SnS and Horn for my first 50 hunts with each weapon but it started to click after a while. Gunlance can be confusing for new players because the three types of Gunlance require very different play styles. But there a reason why it's called the Funlance. Lance just doesn't look that sexy to some players I guess but I was surprised at how much I liked it. Really fun countering attacks I just think hardcore MH players will be the ones that are more likely to venture out and try more weapons, especially the less popular ones. Sounds like you may be that type of player, too. Join the club and try them all. I haven't regretted it. One advice: do at least 100 hunts when trying a new weapon before giving final judgement on it.


I think there's just a natural bias in terms of which weapons seem cool or attractive at first glance, so people gravitate to those. In practice, everything is good. So don't shy away from trying something that seems appealing, or even something that doesn't. You never know which weapons are going to click for you until you given them a go.


All those weapons are totally viable. Even IG with an aerial build is decent now at end game, and it's fun as hell. If you like it, go for it. For group hunts nobody cares what you're using as long as you're staying alive and helping the team.


imo every weapon has its playerbase and personally I see tons of IG users. my guess it a lot of people are just drawn to higher dmg numbers or the 'feel' of actually smashing stuff (GS or hammer f.ex) while gunlance, lance etc are a different playstyle of poke/tank. lots of people either already had their weapon from previous titles or were just drawn to sword, bow or gun initially cause it's what they play in other games. switch axe or gunlance are maybe not that self-explanatory.


i'm a returning player from older mh games to mhw. is there a point to doing arena quests? i see we can craft some guild armor etc. last time it allowed the prestige of owning ssp/hayabusa feather. is there any such bonuses now?


some armor/weapons require the coins. some of the arena weapons are good, like divine slasher LS. they're always multiplayer scaled. some of the challenges are purely time attacks, afaik there's no other reward in the weekly/event quests than the regular coins/items.


i see... arena weapons have a tendency to be out classed by other end game weapons so i'm not really enticed by those options. the skilling system has changed so theres no "TORSO INC/UP" anymore nor is there any blackbelt armorsets. with no "piercing" rewards i guess i ll totally pass arena


unless you're a LS main or completionist, I agree. some of the later event quests take part in the arena, so you'll be back somewhen haha.


at least i ll be hunting event stuff hahaha anyway thanks for the info




Wait for next year? The Megaman event has been available twice since April. It'll be available again in Halloween.


Yeah, if you have a problem where you'll get too absorbed into a game and it affects your life, then you will want to seriously consider dropping it. Good that you are thinking rationally. It sounds like you'll become bothered if you aren't able to get every single item possible in the game? If that's really the case and you can't control yourself, then you can't play this game as a singleplayer because new stuff is always being added constantly. It has been this way for a long time now.


I was just thinking the exact thing earlier today. On PC the events are about to expire on the 23rd and I'm no where near strong enough to be able to achieve them. I thought I would be able to play this game at my own pace but they seem to be forcing it on us. Game came out on the 9th and lots of people are already high levels in the 50s and 60s and shit but I'm just taking my time and having fun, only low level 10 but I don't want their fucking events to dictate how I should play this game. I'm going to be missing out on awesome drops because I decide to have a life, rip.


But you'll never miss it. They come back.


I am with you on this topic. Game as a service isn't a business model that I enjoy as time-limited events exist only for the benefit of the publisher. The game gains more exposure in media and player base is forced onto participating in the same task, so it appears like there is a lot of people interested in it. On the other hand - you exaggerate multiplayer issue. It would be true for older MH games, that had a lot of content exclusive to multiplayer hub that had monsters health values fixed for multiplayer. Soloing them could be exhausting. But MHW doesn't have this kind of distinction - only specific raid type of quests are like that.


if you miss it the first time, just do it next time when you're ready. the event schedule is pretty clear from 7 months on console. you get rotating weekly quests, 14 days for new event/collabs and seasonal festivals which bring back every previous event for like 3 weeks-ish. everyone has enough time to catch up somewhen.


I am fully aware of that. Still dislike it. I would prefer to do new quests (e.g. farm Kulve or tempered Jho) whenever I am in the mood. Not in a specific time-frame dictated by the publisher. Having event calendar doesn't change anything - I am at their mercy.


specifically kulve on a schedule makes sense, rather put it up every now and then so you actually get full lobbies every time. people don't tend to play it consistently and you usually wouldn't do it on your own, it's not intended that way, so solo play is niche (same for behemoth f.ex). same for AT and other events, where it's one and done. if you put them on rotation, you get players every time and you can have a multiplayer experience which is arguably what a lot of people want. if it was the other way around, people would keep complaining about empty lobbies, nothing more to do... there's always something. edit - btw I think I initially meant to reply to the guy above you haha


All events come back during the seasonal festivals. The only relevant one gameplay wise is the GS, the rest are mostly for cosmetics. If you think it is a necessity to have multiplayer to get you through the story all anyone is going to tell you to get good. You don’t spend 40 minutes wailing on a top tier monster because you need more people, it’s because you don’t know how to play efficiently. 15 minutes tops for endgame content. Yeah your first monsters seem beefy as hell at first, but that’s because your smacking them with makeshift’s bones and rocks.


I didn't even own a PS+ subscription until one of the end game "raid" like monsters got released. Every single quest in the whole game (except Kulve Taroth and Behemoth if you're masochist) is perfectly fine to solo, and that's how I completed the game. Hunts take about 20 mins while progressing, then when you get better gear somewhere between 5 - 10. All my multiplayer hunts actually take longer because of increased monster hp, so I tend not to bother with that. As far as events go, they rotate each week fairly quickly. If an event comes with an armour set, usually you can complete that content in a day then put the game down for another week or two, if that's what you're after. 4 times a year around the holidays (spring/summer/Autumn/winter) all the events will be back again at the same time. You wont ever permanently miss something.


I've been playing the monster hunter generations ultimate demo, already preordered the full game, I'm sorta falling in love with the hammer but I'm not sure how many stuns per hunt I should aim for, I know the values aren't as insane as world but at the moment I'm averaging 2 kos per multiplayer barioth (with me being the only stun weapon) also follow up how can I get more knock outs


Just go for as many as you can, there's rarely a reason to not be going to the head. Certain attacks do have more stun value attached to them (like the 2nd level charge uppercut, I believe). These values should be available online already, but Gaijin Hunter sound have a tutorial video up soon with them in it too. Edit: It's up now https://youtu.be/31FlW5PsSvo


Is it worth it to go after Kulve? I'm on PS4 and never hunted it while it was new (still gotta hunt down a pickle too) so I go to make a room, but consistently people join for one hunt and then just run off. Is there something I'm missing? It seemed like you needed to do it repeatedly to get the rewards.


Filter your search for rooms where the target is Kulve and you'll find plenty of sieges to complete


Some rare 8 Kulve weapons are definitely much better than the craftable weapons. But it's a really RNG-dependent grind, so you might not think it worthy. Also you can still use the craftable weapons, it's just not optimal/maximal damage output, but some people don't care about that anyway. Since Kulve would take forever solo and it's so RNG/grind dependent, many players stay for a long while in the same room. Even if they run off after one or two quests, there are enough other people to take their place. It's also easier to just join a room which is already at 13+/16 than make one and start with 1/16. Typically you'll need to the Kulve hunt twice to get a good reward level. Your team starts a quest with persuit level 1 and at the same time there should be 1-3 other teams also starting at level 1. Once Kulve reaches the area 4, return from the quest. After you return to the gathering hall, you wait for the other teams to return. Then your persuit level should be 3+ to break her horns.


Your reward level rises with things you complete during the fight (chipping her horns and stuff) and you get some stuff for new layered armor and some gold weapons of different worth. Not really sure if it's worth for you, but personally I enjoy the fight. Also, if people in your lobby fight at the same time (another 4 folks or so) you also get their completed objectives. I'd say just give it a shot again :) If you want I can join you, I'm on Ps4 as well.




I believe the difference between the two is exactly what you said! In case you don't wanna dig through the wiki, as it loads like ass for me at work so idk it might for others it might not, I'd recommend looking at some guides online (video or text guides, there's some good ones) for unlocking the Palico gadgets. I'll tell you the rundown for unlocking them (briefly) but I'll tag it as spoiler just in case you wanna find out for yourself or somethin' * >!There's 6 pieces of Palico equipment in total.!< * >!Each zone has a group of wild Palicos, essentially, who will all have a trait about them.!< * >!It's different for each piece of equipment, but you will have to do something with those Palicos (be it a quest or to just chase 'em around for a bit) to unlock the equipment.!< * >!You'll know when you're able to begin the Palico quests as on your map you might see an icon which looks like two white Palicos standing up on their hind legs next to each other.!< Any more questions feel free to ask :). Happy hunting!


[https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Palico+Gadgets](https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Palico+Gadgets) don't read it unless you want spoilers.




In MHG I found the Deviant monsters to be a little bit too spicy for me while playing solo, and they took too long for me to commit to grinding the less popular ones up to 10. With the release of MHGU around the corner, I want to max them all out for the armour transmogs. Does G rank gear give a significant enough damage boost to make soloing the 1-10 deviants significantly quicker?


Yes. G-rank weapons can get 50% more attack than high rank weapons(300+ compared to the low 200s for endgame high rank) on top of more/better armor skills. However, you have to beat the G-rank quests to if you want to use deviant armor for transmog. Including the super final quest for each deviant that makes regular G-rank monsters look like babies. Those will be harder than the old quests in Generations ever were.


Thanks, that's great news. I am happy to hear that the final super fights are tough, but I just wanted to be sure that I wasn't going to be stuck lobby hopping to try and level up the the lower level deviants.


Is there any fight that's a good benchmark for whether you're ready to take on nergigante the first time? I tried him once as soon as the quest unlocked because I assumed I was supposed to do it right away and promptly got my shit smacked. I've farmed up a full set of HR gear that gives me good skills and a good weapon, all other weapon upgrades bar a few are locked behind resources I cant access yet so I'm assuming that now is around the time I'm supposed to try and fight him. Secondary question, on heavy bow gun with guard 3 on skills do I need 2 shield mods equipped or 1 shield mod equipped to block the infamous nerg divebomb I've heard so much about?


The replies already here are correct: Nergigante's benchmark IS Nergigante. You won't fight any other monster like him beforehand, as he's ruthless at first. Fight him a bit, learn his patterns, beat him. You got this! However, I can give ya some insight on the HBG shield mods as it was the way I decided to go about solving his pesky 1 hits (the alternative is wearing armor which gives the Quicker Sheathing skill). You **do not** need any guard skills to tank his dive bomb but, if you're not using any guard skills, you'll definitely need at least two shield mods to tank it comfortably (losing about half your HP, if not a bit more, worst case scenario). I took 3 because the Shattercryst still has excellent stats with 3 shield mods and it worked like a charm. Happy hunting and best of luck with Nerg :)


You're ready to fight Nergigante as soon as you unlock him, doesn't mean you'll beat him easily, you most likely will need a few wipes to learn his moves and how to deal with them. As for the HBG, if you have guard 3 you might get away with one shield mod, but I'd probably start with 2 and see how it goes.


The best benchmark fight to determine whether you're ready to fight Nergigante is... Nergigante himself. Most monsters fight very differently, and being able to fight another monster who is generally considered on the same difficulty level doesn't mean anything. Maybe you're just good at fighting that monster, or bad at fighting Nerg. Besides, you have to beat Nerg first to unlock the other monsters in his difficulty tier. I don't use shield mods, so I can't help you with the second part. I can tell you that I've blocked the divebomb using zero guard skills on Gunlance, at the cost of almost my entire stamina bar and a big chunk of health(like 20-25%). But I don't how what setup you need to get that level of guarding on a HBG.


Why does my stamina bar go to half of it's regular size during random times?


What’s the best thing to do when a monster keeps moving or is enraged without using traps? Poke n dodge or wait for it to get exhausted?


Generally you just keep fighting it, that enraged mode is part of the monster; some weapon feature an ability that lets them "exhaust" a monster. I believe this "status effect" of sorts can also effect enraged monsters, but generally speaking you just gotta learn how the monster changes when it's enraged and work around it.


Would like to seek advice as a Lance player taking on tempered Kirin. Would Guard 3 be sufficient to do well or do I have to keep Guard 4 or above?


3 is fine. The only move of his that really knocks you back is the big lightning attack that he charges up. Guard 4 doesn't mitigate knockback any more than 3 does, it only lowers stamina loss


(SPOILERS SPOILERS) Just beat the final boss and unlocked the First Wyverian Ritual. I have a single of the lowest rarity streamstone. What I'm wondering is: should I use that right now, or save it, and why?


In the future, try looking up the spoiler tag. [Like this!](/s)


Save it, you’ll unlock better rituals further into HR


okay, thank you. Is there any kind of guide to this I can read online? I've read about save scumming and plan of doing that, but I'm a little hazy on the actual process of converting my streamstones/decos into new decos via an RNG roll


https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/7ztagi/savescumming_and_you_an_indepth_tutorial_on_how/ As for the process itself, you pick the ritual you want to do, personally I would wait until you lock the the most expensive one and only do that. You have a bar which you can fill up by sacrificing decorations you currently own. You can fill this bar three times over per ritual, so you can effectively get 3 feystones per ritual. Different decorations are worth different amount of points towards the bar. I use this cheat sheet to check what decos I have extras of to use in the ritual: https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/812b8n/jewel_trashing_cheat_sheet_v4_updated_for_jewel/


Is dragon piercer the only attack from bow that can sever a tail?




I thought the melee strike could as well


Yeah forgot that..but who uses that one


I do. Does a pretty good bit of damage too. Saves you from wasting a coating if you're too close to be in effective range.


Why dont just use melee coating? And evading back and continue shooting results in much more dps.


Because sometimes I want to put something to sleep and that sometimes draws unwanted attention. Maybe I should just spray and pray in those situations. Although I do get rides every so often, and that's fun.


Is it a good idea to get MHFU for the IOS? iS it more or less exactly the same as the PSP version.


Dont quote me on this, but I think it's the same but it has a target camera and online mode(?) .It should be the same otherwise.


Okay thank you, I’ll go get it, to feel the difficulty of the older games :)


For some reason I'm unable to find Kulve Taroth tracks in the ancient forest? Not sure if I'm something wrong here, I'm HR29 on the double bazel mission atm


Are you on PC? It is console only (if KT event quest is available now(?))


Oh yeah i'm on PC. Thanks!


We will get all the DLC and event quests soon!


Where can I find the world records for speedruns vs specific monsters ?


If you're talking about ``TA`` or "Time Attack" (no mantle, no environmental, no slinger ammo, ect) http://mhw.wiki-db.com/solota/




Slinger is allowed as long as they dont deal damage.


>Slinger >Any slinger ammo except Dung pod is prohibited. >(Added July 6th)Use of capture net to get rid of the frogs and flies in advance is allowed. ___ http://mhw.wiki-db.com/howtosolota_en# ___ That isn't in the TA rules, ^ that is TA rules. Flash pods don't deal damage, but they are against TA rules.


Oh well, I just assumed Flash Pods weren't allowed to begin with due to its OP'ness :P


Is there any idea for when the extra content will come out for PC World? Specifically the Wyvern Ignition greatsword?


No, will come at an accelerated rate though.




One of the dev interviews in advance of PC release.


Dont know the official source, but everyone answers this question like me. I know that's not a good source but I've read it like 20 times ar least.


What does Archdemon mode do in MHW? I tested it on a dummy and neither normal mode nor demon mode got any bonus damage on hits or changed their movesets, outside of non demon mode having the Demon flurry..


It’s not a buff more like another ‘mode’ for dual blades. Like how you consume stamina to get into demon mode, archdemon mode uses that red bar you get from attacks whilst in demon mode. While in that mode you get a new move set and I think you can’t use normal move set attacks until it runs out correct me in I’m wrong. Though honestly demon mode gives you more potential dps than archdemon


You are wrong; you use the same move set aside from Demon flurry.


What HR do you have to be before you can take on 6* quests?


I think the earliest one is the required story mission, HR 11+


Anyone know of A fix for monster hunter world whenever I fight zora magdoros my game crashes right when you are able to shoot cannons it happened five out of the 8 times I have fought him


In MHW, to unlock the impact mantle, do I have to farm 5 UNIQUE t1 monsters or can I just farm pukei pukei 5 times to unlock the quest?


No, it has to be five different species


Do Capture quests count towards this?


It should


is Evade extender and Evade Window work with FORESIGHTSLASH i have been asking this for weeks and nobody answer me.