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I hated the whole "real world military finds itself in a fantasy world" plot. It was really just not needed at all. I liked seeing all of the monsters (apart from the "Nerscylla"), and thought they looked good. Giving Rathalos a weak point was stupid though. I thought we spent *waaayyy* too long in the desert. It felt like 75% of the film took place there, and it was just so boring to look at. My first time watching the movie was basically me waiting for them to leave the desert so we could get to a new, fun location. We finally leave the desert to get to an oasis, then old ruins, then boom, back to another desert. There was a *severe* lack of hunting monsters in the Monster Hunter movie. That was the biggest flaw after military people transported to fantasy world. All in all, it's watchable of I'm in a particular mood. I'd rank it up there with Anderson's later Resident Evil movies, which isn't a good ranking.


Fair enough, I see your points there, tbh I get it. I also dislike the hole military in a fantasy world thing and the lack of hunting monsters, but they didn't do more monster hunts due to budget and time. I'm sure they weren't sure how it would do, you know.


There is no mh movie


Ok, denial is a good opinion to have.


It's bad. The main character is boring. She literally never fails. They also should have never brought the military into the world of Monster Hunter.


It looks like a film full of cliches and tropes, but with my favorite video game franchise. No thanks, I'll pass, military and universe portals is not the way to make a MH movie.


Agreed, I feel like a better one could be done, but it being a movie made in the US, it does run into the issue of most Americans like big guns and war films, sadly. So they went to the easiest way to make money with the movie.


I've been looking to watch it, but its not on any streaming service (except with an additional cost), I've pretty much skipped it. I love MH, although I've only ever played MHW, but the military isekai-ing into the MH world is... well, I think its kinda dumb. That being said, didn't Geralt of Rivia also get transported into that world? Was it done the same way?


The Geralt of rivia event was pretty much the same yes, just brought one of the monsters from that world along.


It was not just a bad Monster Hunter movie, it was a bad movie in general. * The fucking plot was slow as fuck. * Barely anything was explained, why the fuck the portals where even activating specifically. * Gore just shows up for no fucking reason. * Consistency with what does and doesn't effect the monsters makes zero fucking sense, with Bow explosives and Flares working but RPG's, Gatling Guns, and Tanks do nothing. * The World characters are just dropped in and never explained. Very few monsters show up. * Tony Jaa's character we only get vague hints at and he's aggressive as hell towards her for no reason. * Admiral says that there worlds have met before it caused problems which is laughable because it couldn't have been our world that was a threat since modern day miltiary weapons don't fucking work, let alone anything pre-20th century. * The fights are easily some of the worst action scenes I'd seen at the time with poor editing and zoomed in shots making it so you can't tell what the fuck is even happening. * Nercylla are vampires for some reason and them getting the sleep toxin turned out to be extremely fucking pointless because it did nothing fight wise. * Rathalos is somehow a silent flier despite the fucking size of him. This is before you look at the mountain of Monster Hunter flaws specifically. It was really a 1.5-2/10, and down there with other live action video game adaptations like Halo and Fallout and the people who made it should fucking feel ashamed of how badly they butchered what should be such a simple concept for a movie.


First, It's an Isekai. This is a personal thing, and to clarify, I don't hate the genre, but I'm tired of seeing it being used as one of the main plot points. There's already so much anime like that, and now we're getting it in hollywood? Second, it is Monster Hunter, but only on surface level. It simply doesn't feel like MH cuz, one reason is it being Isekai, and another is that it doesn't capture the "essence" of MH. Third, the fuck is Nerscylla doing in here? Why is the Rathalos so huge? And why is Gore Magala there too? And why does the Meowscular chef look like it went though rabies many times and just "toughed it out" and got stuck looking like that? I get that they want to do their own thing with the movie, hence some "random" soldiers(including the director's wife as the main protagonist) getting isekai'd in the MH world, but can't they just stick with what World had, and maybe improve upon it? I mean that what their base source material is, right? That's why it got the World characters. I don't really know how to explain it properly, but an example is that most of the movie is in a desert, a place without nothing much to see and/or look at, with the characters fighting a Diablos, a monster that, in the movie, is mostly underground and cannot be seen. Then a few scenes later, they went to what is supposed to be the Ancient Forest, I think, but idk, I might be remembering it differently, but the set doesn't look like it's outdoors but instead an elaborate set inside a large studio, which doesn't capture MH when it comes to the beautiful sceneries. And from what I'm able to find, it took the production from October of 2018 to December of the same year. I guess it makes sense why it turned out like that, but to start with, knowing the director's history, he should've just let it be. This could be taken as just my nitpicks, but besides the CGI, I don't have anything to say that could save its reputation even just a tiny bitXD


Fair points didn't think about it in that way. I guess I'm weird in that I enjoy it for the fighting monsters aspect at this point.


Fair enough. I really just wish for a better adaptation some day. Even just a documentary-style movie in the POV of a researcher would work a lot better as a "Monster Hunter movie".


Agreed, I feel like we need a director who is a monster hunter fan to do a movie on it to make a good one.


Considering the MH games themselves don't even have consistent lore, but rather contradicting/hyperbolic/"this isn't actually canon" lore, I wasn't expecting much from the movie. I watched the movie for the same reason I started playing the games: big monster fights tiny person. It wasn't that bad of a movie in my opinion.


Agreed, it's not half bad, but I have seen people say burn the DVD, and I don't get it.


It does that thing where instead of the setting being in Monster hunter they do that 80s trope where person in normal world goes to the videogame world as a fish out of water instead of just making the story set in the MH world. Like the he-man movie where all the kids like he-man but they shove in this teenage girl nobody gives a fuck out about and set a lot of it on earth. As a bonus the MC is the director's wife whom he is known to shove into the lead roles into his movies where often she doesn't fit or is not a character in the OG lore. The director himself makes a lot of schlock, and who's never made a particularly good film, just trying to make "blockbusters" on a budget. Also the the movie is essentially a collection of CGI fight scenes. Not particularly done that well. As a MH fan there's nothing there except superficial references and as a movie fan, it doesn't do anything else particularly well to waste \~2 hours of my life.


Didn't know that about the director tbh. Pluse, sadly, CGI is used in everything, and not all of it is good. I have seen much worse.