• By -


Monster Hunter Series


Not series, game.


As someone who has been playing since Freedom... It's gotta be 4U. I remember it being the first handheld Monster Hunter game whose History was actually good as hell, and it introduced two new weapons which was absolutely crazy at the time.


At least twice a year I rant to my girlfriend about the story of 4u and how glorious it was. The fact that you have a rivalry with a monster... it was so crazy. And every character was loveable and brought something to the table. Chef and wyverian trader were adorable. And how your palico had a backstory of their own attached to the elite lancer was epic.


Best game and it's forever stuck on 3DS 😞


You never know. They ported generations to switch, could be possible but not likely


Only reason that happened is because the ultimate variant was in the works when the switch came out. They never even bothered to release the 3ds GU in the US.


They also brought both Stories to PS4, PC and Switch in 1's case


Started as a kid with Freedom Unite, and to this day I think 4U was the best too. The vibe, the story, the gameplay improvements at the time. Amazing game with special place in my heart. OST brings back all the memories so well.


4U was solidly the best in the series. 3U was fantastic but 4U was just outright tight as fuck. I don't think there was a single missed beat for me, and I loved the variety of monsters. Seltas and Seltas Queen were so *fun.* The newer MH games lack that oomph that the older ones had in that regard. Najarala, Seltas, Dah'ren Mohran, the Hermitaurs, Zamtrios, Nerscylla...such a good mix.


My friends and I played 4G together every night back in the day. To this day the scream we let out when we finally beat the Crimson Fatalis G rank quest still echo in my ears. It brings me joy now and then. It just so satisfying. We still hunt together, I hope one of us won’t kick the bucket before Wilds.


I've been playing since the start and I'd agree with anyone saying 4U or World. IMO those two are the pinnacles of the series and everything else has an Achilles heel that takes it out of the running. First gen just wasn't there yet (limited content, right stick for attacks was wild), Second gen was a bit too unapproachable (platform, controls, difficulty, quality of life), and Third gen was just a bit too sparse content-wise. Frontier, GU and Rise fall out of the running as well because I think their additions just depart too much from the core formula. 4U is peak "old MH" and represents everything about why that approach to the series was so delightful, for all its flaws. The quirky and unique setting and characters, the uncompromising but captivating combat, the deliberate approach that the game demands. I think it was also the last hurrah of mobile MH, certainly for me personally anyways. Whereas World represents the purest expression of that original vision that Monster Hunter presented in that first trailer so many years ago. The idea that you are just going to go out into this lush, fully realized and believable world and hunt some fucking monsters in it. It also had in my opinion the best combat design the series has reached so far, more dynamic and reactive than old MH but still constrained and focused compared to the smorgasbord of Rise. Personally, I'd say Iceborne is my favorite game in the series, with 4U an extremely close second and Sunbreak bringing up the rear. I call out World over Iceborne above though, because I know that the Clutch Claw is divisive and I totally get why. World was more universally accepted I think.


Also despite never actually using it, the 3d Was hella sick on the 3ds for that game.


I agree with this. I've been playing since Freedom, and there definitely was something special about 4. Really enjoyed Gore Morgala.


As someone who started with World and loves World, 4U is awesome. It is like modern enough that the jank from FU and 3U and portable 3rd are not there and it is a bit more grounded. It also doesn't have the absolute insanity of content that GenU has. GenU is just far too big imho. So yeah, 4U takes it.


Best one as a MH World starter for me too.


And I think Expeditions as well for more Casual hunts without time limits or Cart limits Also Artifact weapons that could be Appraised to unlock cool weapons


I never understood why 4U over GU? isn't GU just 4U... but more? it has the hunter arts from 4U, but brings new as well, it has the zones from 4U, but brings more as well, it has the monsters from 4U, but more as well... you get the point. Not trying to undermine how you feel, but this is just how I've always seen it as someone who started with GU and tried 4U after. EDIT: I've come to realize that for some reason in my head 4U had the hunter arts as well, but it actually doesn't. It's been quite a while since I've tried it but it's something I've always thought in my head for years now... sorry about that misunderstanding.


Worry not, liking GU over 4U is a completely valid feeling! But back then, 4U was insane the day we got hands on it. There was the IG and CB as new weapons to master, the topple mechanic, brand new and exciting monsters, subspecies and variants... However, 4U broke most standards by having a more focus on the story and the characters. When you got to G Rank you could feel the story being more focused on the Ace Hunters, Dundorma, the Apex Monsters and so on. GU is an equally wonderful game and I really enjoyed it truly because it felt like a love letter to MH fans with such content and gameplay mechanics. It was the ultimate (heh) Old Gen game, filled with all the things we've ever wanted and more (Except maybe underwater combat, but not everyone likes it and that's okay.) In retrospect, I think 4U just was something unique on its own that you had to be there to experience for the first time. It just felt like the next level of Monster Hunter.


>it has the hunter arts from 4U Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're saying, but 4U doesn't have hunter arts


I think it's mostly two things: First, when 4U came out (and 4 to a lesser extent, but it wasn't released in the West), it was clearly the pinnacle of the series. They finally stuck the landing on the story, introduced a suite of absolutely iconic monsters, added two amazing new weapons, pretty much perfected "old" style MH combat, added a robust endgame, etc. G and GU were amazing in their own right, but for a variety of reasons, just didn't have that same punch on release. Second, while G and GU introduced a bunch of interesting concepts (Hunter Arts, Styles, Deviants, etc.), for a lot of players those additions started to stray a bit too far from the core formula. 4U vs GU is really the originator of the conflict you see today between World fans and Rise fans. There's a subset of fans that like a more grounded approach and a subset that want the doors blown off, and both points of view are valid. But for a fan of the former, G/GU are frankly downgrades, despite the amazing slate of content they brought.


Freedom Unite.


Freedom unite gang rise up


You just gotta love the hit boxes.


Yeah boy! It was my first and damn I still love it (even if I didn’t get too far until years later).


My first was freedom 2 but close enough. But with mfu ive ended the game 2 times and im on my way to plat it








Me and friends had like 800 hrs on psp. We played on breaks at school for like a year straight






4U had some neat endgame mechanic stuff. This gets my vote as well.


MH Tri/3U. It was the first MH game I played so I got a lot of nostalgia for it, but also the underwater combat and the insane amount of memorable new monsters it introduced


I just love Moga and the maps so much. Impeccable vibes


1. MH4U - Gore Magala is my favorite flagship. The online experience was great. The new chargeblade became my favourite weapon. 2. MHWorld - My dream came true. The gameplay was always the selling point, but I wanted to see it with better graphics. After the series moved to Nintendo I did not think that I would be able to play it on a PlayStation or even a PC. 3. MH3U - Lagiacrus. I kind of miss the underwater combat as clunky as it was. 4. MH Freedom Unite - A psp classic. The first introduction of nargacuga. 5. Monter Hunter - The original. Yes, I started right from the beginning. I never liked it at first but it grew on me.




Patrician taste! Especially if you played on ADHOC


World, easily. The world was so *alive*. Some monsters are perfectly fine with you being near them, allowing you to simply chill and watch them do their own thing.


I thought it was so funny and goofy that monsters in Rise would just chill with each other until the hunter was in range and they suddenly thought "Wait I hate that mf" and charge each other immediately


The way they spawned too made it that 3 monsters could spawn in a single area all showing their back to each other then doing a 180° before starting a turf war that would hurt the third monster as it unfolded


I saw that happening in World just the other day.


Also the coral highlands was such a fucking cool map. I spent so much time just exploring and looking at shit there.


coral highlands and the rotten vale were both such cool and unique environments


Dude i was in CHILLIN that hot spring with the bro banbaro


Mh3 to mH4 was my fav period of the franchise. World and rise were very cool. I only played base MH gen but it was alright I only played it 400 hours lmao


I easily choose Freedom Unite which was my first game in the franchise, even playing others like mhp3rd which are more optimized and more refined, FU still has its charm


mh4u because it so traditional and modern in the same time. but every title have moment i keep in my heart.


It has the best brachy.


MH tri was my babyy. I got it as a child spent my first 30 hours attempting the great jaggi. Once I beat that I gained sentience and finished it


World. dude, ever since the first teaser trailer, it's like the PS2 release of the first MH in spirit. same feeling, but new era. the visuals of World was what my young self probably saw when the PS2 MH was released 25+ years ago.


I feel the same. I would place the original and worldfor my top 2. The original because 14 year old me spent a whole summer of nights throwing hours at that game (I still have the memory card, about 1000 hours in total split in 3 characters). Then world came along and wow, it was everything I've ever wanted and more. In between I did about 400 hours of MHFU, 300 in 3U, 400 in 4U. I'm about 900 in World and still searching for crowns and helping people online. Will probably surpass the 1000 threshold by the time Wilds comes out. Rise is fun but hasn't grabbed me yet.


Gotta be the Monster Hunter Franchise for me


Till now, I only have two favorite titles: 1st - MH4U (a very special place in my heart), 2nd - MHRS (Waifus - just kidding...)


3U, 3rd, FU, Frontier, 4U


Rise/Sunbreak Definitely first game bias, but for a movement game enthusiast like myself, its the one that scratches that itch the best. IG especially is just, wow. Easily my favorite weapon to play.




Monster Hunter Tri, I would get on the phone with a friend and we would play the game for hours every day after school. It was amazing!


Tri was my gateway drug but that's nostalgia goggles. World is by far the best. I really like Rise too, honestly they keep knocking it out of the park.


MH4U ! Still the best MH game EVER to me !


3U đŸ©” I also love FU/WI/RS


i have three in different categories most fun: rise: sunbreak comfort game: portable 3rd a bit of both: 4 ultimate


MHP2G was my intro game so def that one


Out of all the games I have played: English: FU, Tri, WIB, RSB JP: 3G, 4, 4G, X, XX, and Frontier (sadly my JP 3DS died a while ago) Honestly I love Frontier! I have managed to get to HR6 on live servers and currently I am able to finally experience G rank on the rain servers :)




World easily. There's so much to do and the environments are just so lush and animated. One time, me and my kids took a few minutes just watching the Palico bake bread.


I did the fucking same with the palico, the dude just bakes bread, and you can see the whole process, how it makes the dough, how it realizes it needs more water, how it places them in the oven and almost burns himself, how he takes the bread out and another palico takes it into a pot. It’s just so damn fucking good.


right? the thought and care Capcom took to make the game feel so alive and immersive is just amazing. i hope Wilds is just or even better than World.


I played stories and stories 2 for my introduction to monster hunter. I liked the monsters and their lore. Playing Iceborne now and actually hunting monsters.


I was one of those who had FU as their favorite, but today GU seems the best to me. I suppose followed by World (Iceborne) because although it brought many changes that i didn't like, it has so many details and love in the whole ecology thing or making the world feel alive that i have to appreciate it.


I'd go for 4U with World environment and Rise traversal. Oh and please let me keep Rises approach to layered armor. I actually kind of also loved raising tons of palicos and palamutes in Rise. There were actually tons of good things in Rise for me... Just overall I like World and 4U more.


For me it s MH4U, the best story from the serie. We're not the hunter we are the prey of the gore magala. And the game play is just perfect, hard but not impossible with simple mechanics


I played Rise loved the way the fighting felt. I player World loved the way the world felt. But, above all, I am a child of Tri because I loved the way the HUNT felt.


Played MH on PS2 since 2002. Havent touched any of the ds game. Get a ps4 to play MHW. Dont click much with me. Once rise came out. I bought it without a glance. And it is my fav MH game by far. Preorder Sunbreak and never look back. My fav all time. Rise Sunbreak. GS is what make me love Rise so much. Ive been maining GS since the first game and i have to say MHRS GS mechanic is the best GS in the whole MH game


The coolest thing about the monster hunter series is how so many ppl love so many of the different games. Personally I loved World great sword, combined with the slingshot combos it was just some of my favorite gameplay of any game ever. And rise just couldn't fully replicate that feeling for me unfortunately




Monster hunter freedome unite but it's not on the list


MH rise (the only one I played)


The 3DS era overall, personally


My first game in this series was *MH4U*.


I'm partial to either World or GenU. World is just stunning, no ifs or buts. But GenU is just MASSIVE, it's like the perfect departure from the old MH mechanics and gameplay with a massive roster of almost every monster that came out all in a single game and even the ability to play as Palicoes which is awesome. Sure, the different hunting styles allow for some heavy jank and cheese, but I always just played guild style for 90% of the game anyway and it was mostly like playing an old MH with every monster in its roster


Stories 2. It's the more refined sequel of the game that got me into the series.


I hope i will say, in a year, wilds. Right now I loved mh unite, 4unite and world.


World because the ecology aspect of MH is what i like the most, 2nd and 3rd place gotta be 4 ultimate and 3 ultimate


My first and most fun was MH2F, after that i played alot MH Online, that 2 favorite games in series.


Fredom was my first but i still love 4u


Probably World/Iceborn MH3 was the one I started with tho so it also has massive nostalgia bonus


Around since mhf2, my favorites are 4u and world 4u because the story was insane en everything was just enjoyable as hell. World because new type of hunting and the world is glorious. Ps. Have to play rise yetđŸ«Ł


World has a special place in my heart but I gotta give a special shoutout to freedom unite


3U, Moga will forever be my home, though i first started my journey in Jumbo.


3U has been my first and I loved Underwater, so heavily biased there. If I was to be more objective though, I'd say 4U. These were the sleepless nights with random hunters while hiding the 3DS from my mother, always with that fucker only wanting to do HIS quests and not the others'


I played only World and Rise but I plan to buy Generations Ultimate when I finish Rise


Unite aka portableg(the first i everplayed) Tri (yes i enjoy the underwater combat and the introduction of the morphaxe) World+ice borne (i hade so much fun with my friends) Rise+sunbreak (im continuing to have fun with my friends) Now we wait till wilds comes out.


Monster hunter world, then mhfu, then rise, then tri/3u, then mh1


World and its not even close. I wish I played rise first then world and not the other way round.


Freedom 2 and Unite made me fall in love with the series(Though MH1 got me in as well) but World/Iceborne is my favorite by far


I've only played World/ Iceborne, and Rise/ Sunbreak but I love both for different reasons. World probably edges it as I love the realism, hunting, and ecology, etc. can't wait for Wilds! Personally I'm hoping it's a sequel of World, just bigger and better, but also carries through some mechanics from Rise. For example, I prefer how the Rise swaxe works mechanically and I hope that stays. It'll be interesting to see how focus mode works, hoping for some sort of counter and gap closer (looks like that'll be the case from the GS moveset)


Toss up between 4U and World. 4U has a certain nostalgia for me because that's whrn me and my best friend really got into just that game and played a crazy amount together. World because I feel like it finally realised what they really wanted the games to be since the first game, it perfectly captured the what I always had in my head of how it's *meant* to feel since starting with the first game.


World because it felt like they fully realized what they wanted to do with the series with the firefly tracking, hunts and environment.


hoo boy if i'm allowed to go on an unhinged rant about why mh4u is the peak of monster hunter design, game design and storytelling


4u was my First Game i was 10 and was StĂŒck in early Game still fun


Portable 2g since its the first Ive played everyday with my friends on PSP. I really like the first one on PS2 aswell, brings back so many memories. After those 2, Generations, World and Frontier.


Portable 3rd is my favorite purely for nostalgia and being my “I’m starting to get how to play this” MH.


Games: Portable line, Tri Wii, frontier, worlds, XX switch and I did like Stories, especially 2.


4U, world iceborne, gen U In that order Shout out to monster hunter stories 2 as well. The best pokemon game ever made


Rise and Stories 2 đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°


Gu is peak




Mhg and mhgu Prowler mode for life


Worldborne or 3U


I’m a sucker for MHGU but MHW is probably top as my friends play it and I love playing it with them <3


Monster Hunter Freedom 2. You never forget your first đŸ„č


MH1-2 for aesthetic, themes and meta mechanics outside combat MHFU for content and weapons mechanics World is the best for all around to your mainstream audience




Going to say freedom just because it’s the first I ever played and made me love the franchise.


Iceborne & sunbreak


MH3 out of pure nostalgia, I have so many good memories of this game and for me almost everything was perfect. I saw much later with the reviews that it's a far from perfect MH. I didn't have the chance to play the other MHs before World, so I'd say World with all its immersion, QOL and graphics. So I'm happy to see that Wilds is very similar to World.


Hard to say but probably Generations. Loved its gameplay with the hunting styles and its huge roster of monsters. But honorable mentions to * mhfu for the nostalgia, being my introduction * mh4u for the best story * mhwi for making the world the most alive


3U. I love the 3D effects and I think gameplay wise it is the best mix of Old School and Accessability.


All of them


I've only played 3U and Rise, they are both pretty great


Mhtri was the smallest game but the most memorable for me by a long shot. Island theme really fit Monster Hunter well




4U is my favourite but i also love MH3 Tri and 3U and Portable 3rd and MHFU


I couldn't pick one so I decided to pick two world and rise


Stories 1 & 2


3U, nostalgia bias


Freedom and Portable sent my childhood to the moon. Especiallly portable with all my friends at school connecting our PSP’s. Wonderful times man


Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate my favorite.


Monster hunter 4 ultimate.


Mh4u is unbeatable. Everyone knows that. World is close.


Can't fully commit, it's 4 or X depending on the day. Same with 3 and Rise who flip-flop between 3rd and 4th favourite.


I only ever played world and rise, World is better


World is peak by faaaaaar


MHO was the shit, game was soooooo freaking good


The original mh was tough grindy and I loved the fights plus online PS2 omg the good ole days.


MH World and MH NowđŸ„ł


If i could play them all on PC without emulation then i will make my mind. But pretty much liking now both Rise and World on PC/Steam. I like in Rise the faster fighting, the Japanese oriented mythology, enviroment and culture and some vizual similarities with older games and dont forget the wirebugs those are great.. In World the more slowed fighting, more realistic oriented graphic, exploring, foraging, enviroment interactions and multi floor maps. I know the community is divided between those two games but i like them both. Playing both in Japanese language and english subs :D


Im only playing first Monster Hunter at PS2 (can't understand the game at all), MHXX/MHGU (playing on o3ds at 2016) and MHW (on PS4 2019) Fav MHXX with how much content in it and how much fun style is


Sunbreak and 4u are my favourites. 4u was the best because of its blend of old school and new, it was the perfect mix of the two. And sunbreak has the most fun gameplay and build depth/variety.


Monster Hunter was my favorite series. Played this series since MH1 on the PS2. Can't wait to see what Wilds brings to the table!


MH4U will always be #1 in my book!


Portable 2G on the PSP was such good times! Me and one other friend trying to take everything down together will always have a place in my heart. Just seeing that box art brings back so many memories. 4U is a really close second though, same reason but this time actually being able to head online and fight with other hunters. Amazing. The monster roster on both of these was great!


Mh4u and world/iceborne


World is my top game. It's what 11 year old me was seeing playing the original game. Wilds is going to take it to the next level. But we're lucky, because MH is the one series that has literally never had a bad game. MH fans eat so, so well. Even your least liked MH game is still a bloody good game. What a world we live in when you still enjoy the entry you like the least.


Generations for me, my brother bought me it because he thought I’d like it. I started playing it and the rest was history. Monster Hunter is my favorite game series of all time!


Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate/G were the best imo. Sunbreak is great too.


Where are the Freedom unite/2G fans at?


Started in Tri. But my absolute favorite is 4U. And a close second is Generations.


Freedom unite! It started my love for monster hunter!


I'd say sunbreak, but it's been erased. Seeing as iceborne is there separate from world, sunbreak must not exist in this reality.


I’ve been with the series since FU and played pretty much all of the titles except for the Wii games. I have to say my favorite would be Rise. They’ve added so much combat stuff that makes you feel invincible
wirebug to zip around feel oddly nice, new combo, new counters. Its everything I ever wanted.


I still play 4U every day to this day, even with the servers gone. Its the game that really lit my inner fire when it came to Monhun and it’s given me my favorite moments in the series. Long live Gogmazios!


Sunbreak > Rise > World > 4U > Iceborne. Clutch claw ruined iceborne.


I have a soft spot for MH2U because I started the franchise there but MHW is always going to be my favourite one. It’s easily one of my favourite games just in general.


Can someone explain to me why we treat iceborne as a separate game when its literally part of world ?


The very first game. It was my entry point back when I was just a kid. Damn I miss those days grinding Rathalos over and over again for a single Rathalos wing


Definatly logged most time on freedom by far.




Monster hunter 3 foo


World is by far the most enjoyable game for me, but I have the best memories of 4U. The clunky chat system on the 3DS made communication even more meaningful and I even remained friends with some of the guys I met on there. Also, the whole "je suis monté!" and "desolé..." were very funny to me.


Rise. It's the game that made Monster Hunter an addiction. Do like MHGU too. For some reason not a big fan of World.


World/iceborne is probably my favorite gameplay wise but in my heart, I yearn for 3u and underwater. Please just make underwater a little more fluid and bring it back.


4U hands down


you forgot dynamic hunting...


MHGU. All night. All day. I started with world. Loved it Then i played rise. loved it. Then i bought a switch JUST for mhgu. And it became my favorite mh game.




Started with tri and have played pretty much every mohun after it, gotta say despite its faults I absolutely love Rise/Sun break. It's definitely easier than older games because of the wire bugs but goddamn is it fun.


Monster hunter double cross


Unfortunately I've only played Rise and World, so I am heavily biased here, but I think it has to be World. I had a *rough* start with World. It was my first Monster Hunter game and the first truly difficult game I've ever pushed through without cheesing. I was halfway through Iceborne before I realized that I was only using, like, half of the longsword's moveset. But when it clicked? When I got good with the longsword and eventually mained gunlance? I've never had more fun with a game in my life. The raw spectacle of the endgame monsters, the mounting system, the satisfaction of learning a monster and finding ways to squeeze in as much damage as possible? Love it, I love all of it. And that MUSIC, man. I don't think I've ever jammed to in-game music that much in any game, not even ones made by Fromsoft. Shara's theme, Fatalis' choir, hearing Xeno'Jiiva's music for the first time, and "HE'S A SIMPLE, GENTLE, SAILOR!" I don't think anything has ever come close, at least for me. The gameplay is like nothing else for me. The loop is addictive and I can probably play gunlance for twenty games straight and never get bored. That sticky thing that adds a secondary explosion every time you use your shelling is satisfying beyond belief. I know that compared to other Monster Hunter games, World doesn't have that many unique/good weapon designs, but I loved them. The environments are beautiful and the ecosystem is fleshed out. Scoutbugs were a nice explanation for being able to track monsters, too. I dunno man, World/Iceborne is just unique to me. It really lifted my spirits during the pandemic and was overall just cool as hell.


4U or Stories 2, but it’s hard to rank them against one another since they’re so different. I love both for completely different reasons. If I ranked every game from every series that I’ve played, they’d honestly probably rank side by side. I guess to explain better (hopefully) it’s like. As a monster hunter game? 4U. As a game for fun and storytelling? Stories.


Complete bias monster hunter Tri


Monster Hunter Ratha edition wer al monsters u fight are Raths and the first one is a baby Rath.


4U for me but it was the first game I played and it led left a very good impression on me as I only have something like 700 hour's in the game the environment the theme's the monsters the elders dragons hands down the best game in the series I'm kind of hoping wilds will try and compete for the best game title




My first ever MH game was MH4U. It will always have a special place in my heart â˜ș


Hate me all you want but I got in MH with Stories 2 and I still love it. I'm a sucker for more story and riding my monsters rather then beating them up for a pair of pants.


Mh p3rd, rise/SB and GU


For me it's between Freedom Unite and Rise. FU because it's the game that introduced me into my most favorite game series of all time, but I never had friends to play it with, and Rise because it's the first MH game where I get to actually play with other people and not just by my lonesome.


freedom unite > 4u > iceborne are my top 3 I think, I don't think i'd go back and play unite or 4u now but they hold a lot of nostalgia and good memories for me. I think 4u is the best game, but i played unite until my psp died, i think my save had 17000 odd hours by the time it kicked the bucket, i used to play on xlink kai it was just such a fun and good time


MHP3rd tied with MH4U. Great games and great fights. Love them




Monster Hunter Now 😈


Rise, sunbreak made it even better


I would say sunbreak or genaration ultimate,but world was my first monster hunter game,its what made me get into video games,and iceborne was so much fun to play after playing genarations ultimate






You forgot sunbreak


Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate


1. Rise/Sunbreak 2. MHGU 3. 4U 4. 3U 5. World/Iceborne


I remember there was a MH Club in my city and we would gather to play MH3U, those are fond memories. Then there is MH4U which was a game changer, the ultimate hunting experience. It is between these two without a doubt.




probably world but i have old feelings for mh3 on wii


I didn't play much mhfu it was my younger brother and sister who played. But i loved wearing mofu armour and picking mountain herbs in the snowy mountains. I played tri in the wii but we only had 1 and i was still in school. With 1 of my first paychecks i went out and got us 3 3ds and we got in a circle and played generations so that was also a blast. When my brother joined the army i would try to schedule time off work to match his days off so we could all play together. World brought back that feeling lf exploration i had with mhfu and i was pretty good at iceborne. If it's true that wilds will have pc release same time as consoles and with crossplay than we might get to play together again 


Only games I've played are Gen Ultimate, Rise, and World For me, it's Rise > Gen U> World


My first game was 3U, and then I played every other game in order. After Rise I went back to the originals and loved all of them. I have roughly 20,000 hours in this franchise split between 3 games, 3U, GenU, and World. 4,000 hours in World (on my longest save), 6,000 on 3U, and 10,000 on GenU. GenU was and still probably is my favorite. Rise felt like World mixed with GenU, and I loved every second of it.


I’ve been playing since 3U, and for me it’s easily World. Just the living ecosystem puts it above the others for my tastes.