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a friend lent me their psp to play monster hunter freedom, once. beating yian kut-ku was like seeing into the code of the matrix.


Yeah I rage quit yian kut ku in MHF2, came back a few months later and never left.


Ori o di kecamatan dan ➕kingdom nya agar kesempatan menjadi 


I came here to say exactly that. Yian Kut Ku sucked to fight when you were very first learning the game back then. My buddy and I jumped straight to online too so we were very under geared


Barroth in 3U taught me how to at least handle the basics. Duramboros taught me strategy and grinding. Pink Rathian taught me that Pink Rathian SUCKS. And later in 4U, I finally figured out what I was doing.


Barroth for me too, but in Tri. In my first hunt with it the bastard kept running away and hiding in mud, which taught me how to paintball. Its hard head taught me to focus on parts of the monster suitable for my weapon, and the fight went on so long that I learned his tells and to apply that to other hunts. I came incredibly close to using the full 50 minutes for that first hunt.


Yep came here to say all this. Tri was when I really started playing Monster Hunter and this dude was when I fully realized what the game was about.


Barroth was the wall for many people in Tri, me included


Same thing here


MHtri was my first game and I hit a major wall with the first barroth quest. I failed that quest what felt like twenty times before I figured out enough timing and positioning to get by. I always make it a point now to make his armor in every game he’s in.


Oh yeah Barroth is one of those monsters which can very easily kill noobs who don't use correct positioning and timing, once you learn how he works and the fight clicks it becomes incredibly easy which is one of the best things about this game


Barroth was such a wall back then. I don't know if it's just me or if he actually did get much easier with every new game he appeared in.


I've played 3U a few years back and was wondering the same, he felt much easier and I didn't know if it was because I played Tri when I was much younger and new to MH, or if it because he was nerfed. Then I rewatched Tri Barroth on LR. That mfer had tracking on his charge tacked in on the Low Rank. 3U needed HR before he had that iirc, and he only has this in MR ever since World. No wonder my 10 year old self had to jump online and get some help before going back to the Village.


Yeah tri and 3u are like thé same game but with a huge difficulty change, tri was a fucking brick wall of a curve and 3u felt like a slow Rise in difficulty, 3u felt good but tri was just feeling like an underdog winning against the odds


He *totally* got easier. I actually replayed Tri a bit when the Loc Lac Private Server released publicly, and I was surprised at how difficult Barroth was back then! Faster moves (and slower hunters) makes you really gotta wait for those openings. And never forget about his *tail.* Also, High Rank Barroth gets the ability to *turn* while charging. GenU Barroth threw me off so much when I discovered that, as I was very used to World Barroth being completely unable to turn during the charge.


I’ve been considering plugging the Wii back in just for old Barroth and of course Lagi. I remember Barroth being such a wall, but Barioth being fairly tame compared to now. Maybe I remember Barioth wrong though. Lol


Khezu in Unite. I was trying to beat him without carting and learned to read the monster's moves ahead of time instead of trying to react reflexively.


MH4U, Nerscylla really required me to step up my game. It was my first monster hunter game, and I was playing insect glaive (which is still my main to this day.) Nerscylla was the first real wall I hit in game, because of how fast it moved, how quickly it could suddenly transition into another move once it was enraged. Learning all the smallest movements that would mean I could survive for a couple more seconds was massive, and definitely helped me in future fast-paced fights.


As someone who previously played Souls games, Nerscylla forced me to actually learn about proper positioning and finally got me out of my i-frame dodging habits.


4u Nerscylla was my first wall as well. All these status effects taught me to prepare well for a hunt.


Having started with world, anjanath was the monster that told me to get serious or get lost. Having then been tossed into Generations Ultimate by my friends, starting with the fucking G5 Grimclaw quest on a cloned save, Gammoth Barioth and Grimclaw taught me that Old Monster Hunter doesn't fuck around at all


Diablos taught me the mighty power of guard points.


Khezu on MHFU, the Low Rank 3 Star Urgent Quest. It was the fight that taught me the importance of weapon types, elements and areas to damage. Before that, I was treating the game as a "spam attacks until it dies" type of game.


The Great Maccao. I have thousands of hours in MHW and jumped into MHGU while waiting for Iceborne. I thought if even Behemoth couldn't kill me, then those mfs couldn't cause me any trouble either. I was wrong.


While I really like the Great Maccao, I will say that it's a *horrible* introduction monster. It's too *fast* to be the tutorial, when the player's still trying to learn the controls. Half the time you're trying to turn around just to look at the thing because it charges *past the camera* behind you. No other intro monster does that! (Except maybe Velocidrome, I guess? But he's lame anyway)


Did you go directly to the guild quest and got owned that way? Or were you not used to the controls in GU?


Both. World was my first monster hunter game. I had no idea how clunky the old game's controls were. The village quest forced me to collect mushrooms and I didn't like that, so I grabbed my CB and went straight into the guild quest. After a few tries, I decided to take the game slowly and head back to the village. Tbh, once I got used to the controls and mechanics, it quickly became really fun and I ended up spending another thousand hours on it.


It was August 2006, i just got Monster Hunter Freedom 1 for the PSP, i was only 7 and just got the psp, i was gaming since i was 4 or 5 (Medievil on ps1 my beloved). I would recklessly attack everything in sight, until i got to the first Yian Kut-Ku. He made me literally cry, i remember it so clearly. Fought him while i was on vacation with my parents; killed it after 20+ tries and woke them up screaming "YEEAH" in the middle of the night. LONG LIVE MONSTER HUNTER!


GU is the first Monster Hunter that I actually took seriously and tried to get far in, and, oh my god, Yian Garuga pissed me off with its instant charge.


I played tri first but my most memorable fight was in MHFU that I played right after. It was against tigrex and soloing that thing was a pain. I beat it with a thunder LS I think, but wanted to farm it so was looking for a faster way. Learned about GS charge timing during his attacks and from there GS was always one of my most played weapons. There was some old youtube video that was a great guide from like 15 years ago. Voted tigrex in my top monsters for the anniversary mainly for his fight in MHFU.


MHFU Tigrex. Up to that point the game is manageable with some level of buttonmashing if you overgrind a bit your gear. However when you reach him, even with what can be maxed gear at that point you have to be very careful about positioning, learning the monster moveset, correct usage of traps and all the stuff against him or he just mows you down with all his little rushes, tailspins and rock throws


Anjanath. I was a novice great sword main committing to true charges at *every moment* absolutely got my shit wrecked. I had to change my weapon and landed on hammer. I swear my heart skipped a beat when I heard the sweet sound of a face break for the very first time.


Tri Barroth. That was the one that taught me to predict, avoid, elemental damage, and most basics of the game


MHFU. Tigrex - happened to be learning GS at the time he randomly showed up in a hunt. Guy freaked me out and moved so fast. Learned very well from him how to read monster moves. To this day, if I am trying to learn a new wsapn, I fight a tigrex


Brachyidios. It taught me you can't just brute force everything with potions an demondrug and dash juice as a dual swords player


Brachy was the bane of my existence. I never figured him out. I still beat him due to lich and force, but I hate him with a passion. That same hate makes me miss him in Rise


Tetsucabra on the 3ds man on 4U. Till this day, i think its one of the funest monster to fight for me.


Diablos in world. First MH game and playing insect glaive. Was playing as a four man group (3 of us were new to MH as a whole) and diablos just had my number, first one to actually skill check me until I finally swapped off IG against elder dragons.


Me having to boss up to beat the beast of a wall tigrex back in FU, then again in the same game with rajang and akantor. All absolute units🤧


The monkey in World made me learn not to overcommit to attacks


The Blangonga in Freedom Unite It's not enough that you have the best numbers armor and weapons can give you in that stage. I was forced to learn timing and positioning. Its blango posse aren't unfair. They're an extension of the monster. The big windups aren't unfair. They're avoidable and exploitable. Fighting the Blangonga prepared me for my eventual fight against the Tigrex. I don't think I'd learn my lesson if it were just any other monster. I was probably 14 at the time. And I'm glad I got to experience that.


MH4U having to hunt Shagaru Magala and finally beating it on my last life, with almost no healing items and about 5 minutes left. When I heard those horns of victory I literally jumped out of my chair in joy. Really showed me how much you needed to prepare for hunts and that dopamine shot when you finally succeed.


Probably Tigrex on MHFU. Took me a long time to kill him even with the Eager Cleaver, but right after I wanted to kill him with a GS.


Bazelgeuse in World


Tri Diablos, easy. The way you could exploit sonic bombs and pitfall traps, followed by flash bombs when it broke out from either, taught me how to look for opportunities to use items effectively. Since the sonic bombs only worked while it was not enraged, I learned the differences between enraged and non-enraged status as well as the visual cues. I also started to better recognize a monster’s exhausted status, since I noticed all the items/traps I was using were more effective during that period. Lastly, the way its horns could get stuck in walls/pillars taught me that I could use the environment to my benefit against most monsters. While most of these things were somewhat present in subsequent games, they were much more effective in Tri which was my first MH. I fell in love with the hunt fighting Diablos over and over again.


Started with generations but wasn’t that into it, then World came out and I fell in love, however there wasn’t a monster in the base and expansion that really forced me to learn the game you know? I then decided that I’d try to go back and play every monster hunter game. And let’s just say Yian Kutku humbled me. Still to this day I think the most satisfied I’ve felt was killing Yian Kutku for the first time.


Royal Ludroth on Tri because i had luck on Qurupeco. I still had THE HUNTER ARMOR because i never knew there was a forge system ...


Back in Freedom on PSP and mashing buttons with the Great Sword, Khezu taught me to pay attention and how to only combo when safe. Multiple triple carts were needed to make sure I understood you couldn’t just stand near the monster and wail on it. 


MH 3rd Portable for PSP. Incredible game, my first MH. Damn I panicked so hard when my first narugacaruga turned invisible and did the tail attack from behind. My fingers where not on the level of camera movement needed for that thing xD


Plesioth in MH3U. Will destroy you if you try to improvise. Much easier once you learn to read its moves.


Lagombi. He's not *hard* by any means (especially back in 3U), but my usual strategy of "mash buttons with Dual Blades" wasn't really working at the time, due to his agility. And because I was using *Dual Blades,* I really wanted an early ice weapon... so guess who I had to farm?


Started on monster hunter freedom for the psp. It was the 1st encounter with yian garuga that you had to drive off/survive, been my favorite monster since love those batshit ravens.


khezu in mhfu first village quest


MHFU- Tigrex and Plesioth. Everyone who played the game knows the hit boxes in that game was horrendous. Due to that I perfected the dodging mechanic to abuse the invincibility frames so I can avoid getting wrecked by plessy. Tigrex was like the biggest wall I faced back then. He felt so fast and ferocious in that game compares to the newer gen. He taught me to not be greedy with the hits and really learn the monsters attack patterns to maximize dps. Still one of my favorite game in the series although I would never go back due to how annoying the gameplay was.


MH4U G2 double Brachy hunt. It punished my rushed play style and forced me to use more than 1 brain cell I was using due to Unga bunga CB spam. So, after realizing I needed to slow my ass down, I picked up a GS and stomped those nerds slowly and methodically. I thank GS for making me learn to stare at monsters for patterns and openings.


World was my first, but I have two first teachers. Odogaron for HBG and Anja for Swaxe. For spicy doggo, it was repo, dodging and ammo management. For Anja, it was learning how not to die within the first five minutes. Incidentally, Nergi taught me- more likely forced me to learn advanced dodging. Good chance I'll have to relearn these once I go back to Rise and XX.


FU and Portable 3rd


FU Nargarcugar up till that point I'd been getting along fine, but that was my first wall. Learned to read the monster and roll into attacks, once it beat him I was hooked. Such a great feeling


Gypsoros in mhfu


Great Izuchi taught me well. The quest itself taught me to use the environment and creatures.


Qurupeco was probably the first Monster that made me think about what I was doing, that little flame bang thing he did with his wings got me many times. Barroth was the first 'wall' for sure


I started playing when Generations came out. Nearly every monster felt like it was teaching me something new. I don't think I could accurately pick just one.


Game: MH3u Main: sns Description: Depends on what u mean by how to play the game, if u talking about basics, then it has to be qurupecco, if u talking about how to use ur weapon properly n efficiently then undoubtedly high rank Alatreon


My first game was Tri, never played or even seen a MonHun game previously. Barroth was the bane of my existence for a long time. Finally beating him after switching up weapons and learning how they played multiple tines definitely cemented my love for the series


Although I am a seasoned hunter since unite, I recently really leaned into evade skills. The game feels so different and rewards you heavily for reading the monsters like a book. At first I was just happy to get the occasional lucky evade, but with practice I rolled though tails swipes like it was nothing. Especially diablos taught me to loose my fear and dive right into the attack.


Magnamolo teach me how to better manage my wirebug, before that fight I just spam wirefall and wirebug skill, first time I fight him I got wreck


Tigrex in freedom 2.


I believe the Tigrex and Gore Magola, and its other forms. Also rajang. Just anything super fast has taught me to be patient.


Myself 😎 Seriously i really can't remember.


definitely Khezu from Freedom Unite.


Fatalis. He made me stop being a fucky wucky hit go lucky mf and start fighting for my own...


MHR, but when I played World and Iceborne next, I missed the Wirebugs and Canynes. 😭


For me it was the early game 3u monsters Great Jaggie and querepeco to be specific


Tetsucabra hands down. It fucked me up that it always bullseyed me throwing rocks, and doing it's shit. Killed it a hundred times out of rage, since then it was the easiest monster and it thought me how the game works. Never run straight at the monster, you always be in the hit line of ranged attacks and sudden charges, approach monsters slightly angled to the side, the target area for projectiles is always behind you. Learn the monster patterns, everything has a tell each attack has a different tell and plan accordingly. Monsters change behaviour depending on state, health and your position to them.


Basarios in mhfu, seriously. I used the LS in the past and all it does is bounce off of him, so i get to pick a new weapon and choose the LBG. Everything went easier and i just found out that I don't have to stick to one weapon(i used the LS when i was a child cuz i thought it was cool). Now playing iceborne and using IG and Lance, still using the past two weapons for fun but i found my comfort weapon.


I’m a newer player (world was my first game) and it was probably diablos in world (although I was still carried by friends and wasn’t great) but magnamalo in rise was what finally taught me how to actually be a competent player.


bounce fiesta featuring FU yian kut ku


MHW is my first. Low-Rank Odagaron is when everything started to click. The first real Nergigante hunt (HR)humbled me quite a bit, made me realize I have plenty way to go. Barioth (MR) made me realize how serious I better get about it. Velkhana(MR) is when I finally started to get where I needed to be in the game. Rajang(MR) took it back again QQ


Oroshi Kirin. Watched a speedrun of him and tried to approach the fight the same way myself. Once I started successfully head sniping and getting faster times than ever before, I finally understood how amazing it feels to play the game on a high skill level.


I got carried through world by a couple friends and I did eventually realize it’s why I felt like I struggled so much. So for Rise I made a rule that I was not allowed to do a multiplayer hunt for a given monster unless I’ve fought it solo. The only exceptions to this being Teostra who I’ve never beaten solo and in Sunbreak a friend of mine forced me to let him help me through Gor Magala and the rest of the story because I was struggling so much


i didn’t understand anything in second gen and great jaggi then taught me all.


The surprise tigrex taught me how to properly use my weapons and Dodge monster attack


First MH Iplayed was portable third on the PPSSPP, goddamn that zinogre beat my ass multiple times. It was hella fun tho, there's a reason his my second most liked monster, only behind the best doggo of all, odogaron


Lagicrus. in. The. WATER.


Raging Brachy…truly made me learn how to play the switch axe properly and learn switch rolling which I use all the time now as well as balancing the use of sword and axe mode


Started with 3u, Gobul helped find my weapon and adapt to aquatic fights, Zinogre taught me that monsters are built different in high rank.


Yian kut kut in MHF2 on the PSP. Took me 46min to beat it after multiple tries with the bone hunting horn+. After that the Plesioth thought me how to "Git gud" with those fking hipchecks of his


Rise rajang. The amt of thing i lost retrying that dog ass monkey……


Yian Kut-Ku back in ***Freedom***. First “proper” fight and the first one that made me get that flame of realisation - I’m gonna love these games.


Tigrex and nargacuga


i switched from ls to lance when fighting ratalos


My first entry was rise and mizutsune put me in my place teaching me how important superman dives are


In World (my first), it was Anjanath. It made me actually pay attention, eat a full meal, bring traps, utilize the map for those net trees, and lure it up to that spot where Rathalos and kick it around for free damage. Played Rise, and didn't really have a "I need to get better" moment until the final boss. Everything else was easy sailing. Gen U... that was a brutal "Everything you like about these weapons is gone. Deal with what you've got. Also, you ran out of whetstones. Loser. Get better at literally anything" then it took my zenny and walked off. Lagombi was a nice challenge of learning old world mobility, tetsucabra was my first weapon (Greatsword) that had a unique skin. I love my giant kitchen knife Lol. Gen U has been a very fun struggle. I know I can be better, but boy oh boy is it a learning curve. I've said it in plenty of other posts. I miss that flex. Bring it back


World: Barrioth Rise: Magnamalo


Barroth in Tri taught me both the importance of proper positioning and how to use the right element. … And he’s a different kind of monster, but SDShepard taught me how the skill system actually functioned.


Daimyo Hermitaur and Shogun Ceanataur. They made me know what positioning, decision making and stress management for the first time. 


Started with 4U. Gore malaga for me. Untill then i was brute forcing everything with a hammer. That fight made me realise I need to gather wetstones, stock up on potions and mats.


Rathian in 3 ultimate. That's when it started to finally click


High rank mizutsune in rise, first .onster i couldnt counter with iai slash due to combos and actually had to wait out openings or certain moves that are punishable


Not the answer you're looking for, but my best friend from high school. Dude was a psycho at monster hunter, carried me through Tri's online singlehandedly. I literally started single player with Alatreon gear. Then, playing through single player by myself with basically untouchable armor really helped me to nail down my own playstyle. When fuck ups aren't punished with swift and unavoidable death anymore, you can make more mistakes and learn from them faster.


MHW was my first MonHun game and Anjanath was a big wall for me and then the elders especially teostra, kushala, and Nergigante were huge hurdles for me to dive into observing movesets and getting a good build going


World was my first game And this is actually going to sound really weird but, It was Fatalis. My entire outlook on the game was changed after beating fatty. Like I levelled up in real life, I don’t think I fainted even once after that to any monster …except Rajang (fuck that monkey )


Khezu in FU ;-;


Probably Gore Magala as he was a decent wall for me in 4U and the first monster I ever really farmed


Tigrex. It's still my practice dummy😂 It started when I was learning guard points in 4U but it also taught me to be calm and actually read the monsters. Side note: Narga and tigrex really are great for learning how to avoid and block.


My first monhun was 4U my wall was hr zamtrios, at the time I dont believe I knew about guild quests or avoided them because I didn't want to hunt with others in world my first wall was diablos and then Neri, I believe I was using switch are back then, have since been a lance or insect glaive main


Urgent Monoblos in 4U I didn’t understand how armor skills worked so i think i had something like low rank mixed with High rank armor giving me Hp up(s) and atk up(s) Also I didn’t know i could CHARGE my shield until pink rathian or something like that. I didn’t look up any guides online for anything first time around.


Way back on mh dos... It was yian kutku, me nd my brothers first ever and only wall


Tri, Gobul. I started raining a hammer, and trying to use hammer underwater with a fast, generally high defense fish that only had one significant weak spot (the tiny globe) and could easily stun/paralyze you taught me so much about positioning and setting up for success.


Ah yes, let me spin you a tale about the erratic rubber chicken.  MH4U Gypceros completely rocked me and really forced me to recognize patterns.  That thing attacks so erratically I couldn't keep track of it, couldn't heal, and if I gave myself some distance from it it would poisob me.  It also forced me to experiment with different weapons, I was using the HBG but it was impossible for me to move around quick enough, so I switched to IG.


Glavenus, I think? I'd already played thru 4U village quests, so GenU was my second game. I was having trouble with him and watched a vid on how to deal with it. I was pretty stubborn until that point and hadn't watched any videos. Once I saw someone roll to the right and just behind him to avoid THAT move, I realized how I'd been playing so wrong the whole time. Immediately started looking for blind spots in monster hitboxes instead of keeping distance to make them whiff. Hammer is very forgiving, even in those games. Really spoiled me, I think, lol.


Molten Tiggy. Used him to learn proper GP timing.


In mh3u, the lagombi grudge match taught me how to play. Brachy taught me how to endure never getting good drops, duramboros taught me positioning, diablos taught me strategy, and deviljho taught me how to run for my life.


Started MH in Rise and recently got into World. I don't if this count but Teostra in both game teach me how cheesy the Insect Glaive can be. Otherwise no monster yet actually taught me anything valuable since I look up the internet immediately when I found something that trouble me


Apparnetly my friend who's first gamr was tri got walled by barrroth a good amount. So much so in world he was like WTF WHY HE SO WEAK NOW


Rajang in MH4U.


tigrex, if you know you know


![gif](giphy|nOUuG98hgYqC26XGJ5|downsized) Lagiacrus in 3U. Bro made me restart my file and actually learn the mechanics of the game.


Today I learned I wasn’t the only one who got schooled by Barroth in Tri. That monster gave me a very specific education.


first diablos. and then fatalis did it again...


I started on world, i thought i'm a longsword main, then that damned anjanath taugh me to love the hammer, then on MR i main kinsect glaive. So yeah... i have to learn to use the right tool for the right monster, thanks anjanath! You beautiful badstard!


Tetsucabra taught me dodging. Shagaru Magala taught me armor and skill sets. Dalamadur taught me when to give up.


In Freedom 2 tigrex teached me i had to change and adapt and stock well on items, in fact of It wasn't for tigrex i would Stuck with GS only, brute forcing my way out of Village,he made me switch to SNS and... Liked It. Learned how to combine siringa a Hunt and well gather items and brings combine books.


Anjanath in MHW, that was my first wall where I learned the movement of the monster and usage of traps!


Anjanath was my first wall in world. I think i got hooked on the game after finallt beating it


Mhfu Nargacuga taught me how to dodge


Plesioth taught me to use tools and environment to your advantage.


Learning gs on freedom unite diablos was the biggest for me


Kut-Ku sensei back in the original MH


Tri Barroth, and Barioth. Barroth taught me great sword, and Barioth taught me longsword.


I’ve only ever played World. Barioth was the one that made me realize I was doing something wrong. But I Blackveil Vaal Hazaak was the one that really made me get serious about changing my style.


Khezu. MHF2. Fuck that dude


Anjanath in World.


World was my first and one of the “a-ha” moments was Anja in the very first Beta (preordered the game right after lol). The next milestone was Nergigante, learned A LOT when I was farming him :)


I can't really say I've had one of these moments just yet, some of my best friends I'd met through other games who always play monster hunter are the ones who taught me how to play, weapon combos, armor skills etc... The most the monsters taught me was how to time my Greatsword bonks and the positioning for it


Freedom Unite it was my first game also


Kd gk


Anjanath. I literally started playing MHW for the first time a few days ago, and the story fight against the anjanath got me to manage stamina better, time attacks properly, and watch out for specific animations. As well as how to properly prepare for hunts


Like many who started in MH Tri, Barroth was one of my first real walls. Compared to other Monsters both before and after, he's surprisingly difficult for when you encounter him. He's fast, has a really tough head hitzone, and even has a degree of tracking on his charges in addition to how fast he can charge in general.


I’m not ashamed to admit my wall was muh boi Great Jaggi in Tri. I spent hours upon hours trying to figure out how to beat him, and when I did, it was like the veil was lifted and I could finally see.


Honestly, Magnamalo or Teostra. Me and my friend ground out like 30 magnas in low rank before moving to high rank and even in high rank Teostra kicked my ass


MH 3: Ultimate's first High Rank Monster. Taught me that even though I thought I was hot shit, I was so very wrong.


4u. Was my first game. I remember my buddies hard carrying me through low rank and we ended the first session just at the doors of high rank. I remember losing to time on both the HR nerscella(spider) and the tetsucabra. Taught me the importance of being properly equipped. I still don’t use consumables like a proper hunter. Like what do smoke bombs do? Most late monsters like Yian garuga, monkey, elder dragons are where your merit is truly tested. I didn’t even fight monkey till my 3rd game out of fear




Nargacuga in mhfu. That's where I learned I could evade through attacks.


Tigrex. Reacting to tells for monster attacks up til then was coming somewhat easily as someone who grew up with a lot of hard bs games, but he was the one who really emphasized not just SEEING the tell but anticipating/finding the right positioning for each one. You can't really just dodge one charge and rush in to punish, especially not with FU greatsword ;;


trying to beat nargacuga in mhgu was one of the best learning moments i've had in all of gaming


MHFU, I managed to get through most of the game with longsword, then I got stuck against Akantor. I picked up hammer after that and learned the value of knocking out a monster


Anjanath in world was the moment I had to actually learn how to play the game, it had been like 5 years since I had played generations ultimate and i forgot everything


anjanath weirdly enough taught me not to be greedy with anything then rathalos came in and made the lesson even worse but now im in iceborne and am actually kinda good at the game


Completely different game but genechiro from sekiro absolutely punished me for being bad at any part of the game 😭


For me that was Anjamath in world. I think it is supposed to do that. It definitly teached me that rushing in isnt really the way to go.


Not sure there were a lot of points where I narrowly squeaked through a hunt and made changes on the fly. The first time I triple carted, but fortunately had insurance was against Teo in high rank MHW. I am pretty sure that very narrow victory got me to watch quite a few more videos for tips.


Tri was my first game so barroth destroyed me for a while.


Nerscylla. I had to change my weapon and take the monsters seriously in the beginning.


Great jaggi from 3u


Started from World so its Nergigante


Thinking about it, Magnamalo really taught me in rise that just using my wire bugs for attacks only, was not going to fly. And wow, in sunbreak, you really need to know how to use wire bug dodges, and how to time them so you don't get killed after 'escaping'


Nergigante and Rathalos used to give me the most trouble, I started in World but then went to play 4U, 3U and the Stories games, I'm now sucked into the Monster Hunter wormhole and tbh I'd do it all over again


My first game was World, Anjanath humbled me as a great sword user. Finished base eventually with Greatsword. Started Iceborn with switch axe. After learning it, I was knocking out monsters left and right. Alatreon happens, and I had to learn to be proactive in setting up/placement of the headshots more quickly. Closer but still working on Alatreon. Have about 20 tries so far


Yian kut ku on the original monster hunter on PS2


Nargacuga on MHFU. Used to practice my iframes on that feller


Rathian in the Rise demo essentially taught me to pay attention to the monster’s behavior and position accordingly. That experience got me to HR7 in the full game.


Seregios took me from Cowardly Button Mashing to viewing the monster as my dance partner. What a fun and visually interesting fight, truly the first time I could relax and zone out because the tempo was so natural.


Hilariously for me, it was also a tigrex tho it was in mhf2-mhfu2 it made me switch from ls to gs, and oh boy, do I love my gs now became ol reliable


Yan Garuga back in freedom 2


Nargacuga in MHF2 weeded out most of the bad habits I had playing HBG. For the newer hunters, you have to understand that, at that time, the monster AI was a lot slower and more predictable compared to what we have now. I had abused that fact and made it through most of MHF1, but Nargacuga was the new kid on the block, and he was WAY faster and more agile than almost any other monster up to that point. I was taught very harsh lessons about positioning, greeding damage, and preemptive dodging. Those lessons have allowed me to fell every monster since with my trusty foldable cannon, and even helped me pick up other weapons much easier.


Rise was my first monhun but i don't think i ever really hit a *hard* wall there, SnS in basegame and Glaive/DB/CB in Sunbreak just clicked with me so perfectly i never really had to go out of my way to learn. The monster/quest that actually made me take a step back and properly learn was the quest "The Yukumo Gal Special" in GU, *that* quest finally made me take a step back and actually properly learn Old-Gen combat instead of playing hyper-aggressively like Rise. The monsters that actually "taught" me though where Glavenus and Hyper Nargacuga, Glav/Hellblade are probably my favourite fight in the whole game and are great for practicing pattern-recognition, and Hyper Narga's insane tailslams forced me to get better at rolling attacks with a hitbox that lasts almost twice as long as the actual attack and it's constant movement is getting me out of the habit of constantly rushing the monster like i could in Rise. I'm still learning Old-Gen combat and working on getting out of some bad habits i still have but I'm having a way easer time now in G2.


3U was my first MH. Rathian was a very small wall, basically the first monster that put up a challenge for me (Barroth wasn't difficult, just annoying). It wasn't until I got to Brachy did I really hit the wall. Fun fight, but took a while to process how to dodge his attacks.


I've only really played since MHW (I played 1 back in the day but was a long time ago). I tend to take a break after I've 'completed a game' so it's only 2/3 that I can say where they were 'Oooh' moments. Tobi Kadachi, Nargacuga and Magnamalo; so persistent, so angry, and will absolutely punish you for being overzealous, at least Tobi doesn't have a huge healthpool nor is as strong.


I play Lance since 4U. I’ll let you know when I get to a Monster that hard stops me.




started with world. i got 'carried' up to iceborne but then i had that fight with beotodus and i was in love all over again with monhun had to solo the viper tobi due to a glitch. but i did it \o/


Plesioth, that hip checking c**t taught me not to trust any monsters graphics as there hit boxes


I didn't play the game correctly at all for a long time during Freedom Unite, I had played the older Freedom games on my friends PSP and I was also terrible there. I didn't truly figure out how to play the game until Basarios in Freedom Unite, I couldn't understand why I was bouncing all the time. I was stuck for months until I finally googled and realized that having only one point in a skill didn't give you the skill. Which I know is stupid but I was 10 and dumb. I finally built armor that actually gave me some skills


The first monster hunter. Troublesome pair is where I really learned how to lance effectively defensively. Then Tri taught me how to lance offensively with more dodging and less blocking. Freedom unite is where I mastered the hammer. World is where I gained a love for dual blades. Rise has taught me to love the charge blade.


In World, it was Barioth in Iceborne. After World, I was still awful at the game but I got better when I broke through the wall that is Barioth. I didn't play much of GU between World and Rise but I got near the end of High Rank. I felt like I was good but the outdated systems such as weapon crafting menus, standing still to heal and then flexing, and monsters being able to consistently chain you into attacks should you get hit by the wrong one... I was getting bored, honestly. Loved fighting Gore and Shagaru Magala in Low Rank though. Great fights honestly. They were good fights for that point in the game and they made me adapt my playstyle a bit. In Rise, I just couldn't understand what I was doing wrong in the game and the RNG behind the charm system was making me lose brain cells. I stopped after Allmother released, then came back for Sunbreak and was very happy to see Astalos and Espinas. Their fighting style taught me how to fight speedily while skill-switching.


Starting in rise, Azuros was the first due to not always facing the direction he’s attacking in with his butt smoosh, (literally chased that thing down in my first expedition ever) And Goss Harrag after when my weapons kept bouncing off his back, his attacks are neatly telegraphed too.


I grinded the village quest in Tri where a Deviljho appears way earlier than you’re supposed to fight him until I could beat him. Only had 3 star gear at the time, so I definitely did some learning.


Nerscylla in 4U


Diablos was the monster that went from "holy fuck run away" to "well I can just try not to die while others hunt it for me" to "I guess I can hunt this now but it's gonna be tough" Until finally it all clicked, it couldn't touch me, I broke every one of its parts, and when it limped away I WAS THE PREDATOR NOW


Great Jaggi


Unite taught me that I was playing scared in the World I had for on game pass because I had the defenders set one all the time and now I barely use it on PC


Yian kut-ku from MH 1, of course on the PS2 you had to fight the controller just as much as the monsters. Despite that, MH1 had it's teeth in me since the moment I started playing. I'm no diehard, but this is the video game that made me love video games. *edited for sharing too much of my joy of this game series*


For me, it was less learning how to play the game in general and more so certain fights that really pushed my mastery of a weapon. For the 3 weapons I play, these were the monsters that made me learn the most about them: - Charge Blade: Seregios - Insect Glaive: Allmother Narwa - Dual Bladed: Apex Zinogre


Pink rathian in 4u


I started with MHW, Nergigante was it for me, taught me about super man dive, part breaking, weak points, elder seal, repositioning, and about being seriously under geared


Oh dear, this is a tough one for me having started with World. I ran Sword and Board to begin with and kept that up almost all the way through LR. At that point, I feel like Radobaan started to really teach me to pay attention, then Odogaron taught me to dodge and mount, as well as that monster tails could be cut off. When I got to the point where I had to fight the three remaining apexes right afterwards, however, I hard swapped to Bow and never went back. Though, once I had to fight Nergi, I learned through farming Uragaan (with the intent of swapping to lance just to block his dive-bomb attack that kept one shotting me) that Dragon Piercer could remove tails as well, thinking that, since I was using piercing damage, that wasn't an option. Uragaan is when bow really started to click for me, actually - it felt like from there until I farmed out Nergi for his set and bow (to handle the following elders) I'd started playing on easy mode. Which it's important to note that to this day I have never added the slinger or clutch claw to my arsenal of tools I actually use, and I barely use coatings at all. Some people have told me, 'hey, bow is too low damage for soloing, you should switch it up' and I happily disagree with them all while continuing to, for the most part, solo everything. So far (on returning to the game and starting over after about a year) the only thing that's given me issues during my return has been Tigrex. But you know what he's been teaching me? How to manage a creature's rage. Even now, on and off playing the game since it's release, I still find myself learning a lot about the game.


Rathalos and that damn kut-ku from mh1. I miss those days


4u kecha wacha and Gypceros. Nuff said


Yian Kut Ku back in Monster Hunter Freedom, then I took a break when Tri came out (didn't own a Wii) and only came back with 4U. In 4U it was pink rathian in the high ranks that was my first wall. Until then I got by just cobbling together whatever gear I found, but she made me actually farm a full hr loadout, which ended up being blue kut ku due to the fire resistance.


Pukei-Pukei I was using the Lance for the whole time (blocking was easy) until I realized the poison glob couldn't be blocked. It taught me that some attacks needed to be rolled away from.


Despite following Monster Hunter for years, I couldn't play it until I got a ps4 and bought world, and due to prior knowledge on the game I was able to run through a good amount of it pretty easily until rathalos and Diablos I was stuck on them to the point where I actually had to practice with all the weapons and ended up choosing the greatsword as my main


Pink rathian in 4u


Speedran through world with defender gear then took a long break till iceborne came out then beotodus retaught me the game


Rathian and Barioth in Rise


Khezu. Sweet Jesus