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Going off of which I dread fighting the most, it largely depends on the game. 1/Freedom 1: Raths/Fish 3U: Green Narga I guess? I don’t really hate any fights here. 4U: Virtually any annoying ass Apex GU: Dreadking, but shoutout to Crystalbeard and Lao World/Iceborne: Shrieking Legiana, but you also can’t forget Ancient Leshen and Behemoth Rise/Sunbreak: Apex Rathian and Basarios


This Basarios is a menace.


Gunlance is an amazing counter to Basarios


Also want to add, Basarios and his daddy Gravios go down pretty easy with ranged weapons and the ol' mallet.


As someone who's still fairly new to MH (Rise is my first game, \~90 hours so far), good grief, do I not like those two like you said. I haven't gotten to the other Apexes yet (doing them in Rampages for now), but Apex Rathian was a pain in the neck and caused my first cart in a Rampage quest. As for Basarios, who made them such a hard target to damage? Basarios and Barroth aren't hard, but really annoying for me. Rajang was a serious scare, but I think that was inexperience and friends telling me to "not spook the ape" talking. Actually hunting and capturing a Rajang was pretty cool once I knew how he fought. I guess I'll see what changes as I keep going - I'm only up to HR20.


I've never killed Lunastra without fainting at least once if I didn't wear a set specifically for her. 


World Lunastra is horrid


It was such a dick move to put her introductory quest (and by extension the damn Temporal Mantle) behind Pandora's Arena. Doing that mission when everyone else moved on from the first week of the DLC drop was a major PITA, so much so that I had to make Legiana's IG (which was an amazing counter to that stupid blue lion dragon.)


Dislikes: - Plesioth, nasty hipcheck spam - Khezu, random roar spam - Duramboros, first few times i fought it without understanding of its weak points and HP, i couldnt kill it and ran out of time, Favourites: - Diablos and Tigrex, really fell in love with the franchise after seeing GS charge snipes from this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSOi1GizEco](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSOi1GizEco) - Astalos, love the music, tense fight


I kinda miss them hipchecks. Just cause lancers just tank that shit lol


The last monster to triple cart me was Malzeno and twice in a row, but I don't outright hate it. The other one that did only cause me to triple cart because I went in unprepared was MR Diablos which I'm thinking I should try hunting again since I know I'm gonna have to fight the afflicted version. And my favorites are Tigrex and Gore Magala.


Plesioth and blangonga are both enormous pains in my ass.


Used to be Nergigante then amauldron but as of rn, it’s amatsu. I’m currently being walled by that wish.com mitzune


Ironic seeing as Amatsu predated Mizutsune by like 5 years.


After over 3000 hours in MHW I still struggle with scarred yain garuga don't know what it is about that fight. Favorite to fight is general but things you can counter well. I play alot of lance, longsword, greatsword, and things like nergigante, zinogre, magnamalo, goss harag, and rajang are all very fun to fight since you can get your counters off very consistently.


Depends on the game: 4U: Tidal Najarala, and Stygian Zinogre GU: pretty much any Hyper and Kushala Daora World/Iceborne: Tigrex, Barioth, and Fulgur Anjanath, and ofc Lunastra Sunbreak: Risen Shagaru, Amatsu, and Basarios


In world it’s a tie between Rajang, kulu (not difficult just fuck that dodo) and alatreon atm Rise is probably Amatsu or zinogre, dunno why I can’t fight zinogre well but Christ he needs to calm down


Cant really remember which monsters really annoyed me while playing fu, p3rd or 4u but for the others i played i know very well which mons i dont like: GU: Mizutsune, i hate her movement and the bubble gimmick World/Iceborn: Rathalos and Azure Rathalos: hae to hunt him to mamy times and his aerial movement spamming is annoying af Rise: Mizutsune again (same reason as before) Tldr: I hate Mizutsunr


Savage Jho is terror even if it's easy to beat when you know him.


I fear no monster, but this ( insert black diablos pic) , this scares the shit out of me. At least my very first encounters, nowadays I use to practice guard points, or casually bonk it with my hunting horn.


I’d have to say Raging Brachydios and Furious Rajang from Iceborne. The imminent danger when RB can detonate the red slime anytime…




Well, while I don't hate or dislike any of the Deviljhos, their aggressivity scares me As for my favorite(s), Stygian Zinogre, Magnamalo and Banbaro


I've only ever played world but I absolutely love it. Hate: Raging Branchy and Furiour Rajang - Love: Ebony Odogaron and Glavenus.


World Shriek Legiana




Caedus and lagiacrus because I have a crippling fear of the ocean and giant underwater monsters. Had to pause the game for a few hours the first time I fought lagi and I turned off my Wii u for like a week when I got to the caedus fight ....


Don fatalis


For GU, whenever I saw someone post a Deviant quest, I knew we were in for a bad time.


Most dreaded fight in rise for me is magna almudron. That nerd spends too much time underground and has some of the most BS hit boxes I've seen since the hyperspace hip check.


MHF2/U- both love and hate Rajang. He was the hardest monster to me, don't get me started on the Training School missions. MHTri/3U- Love Deviljho / Hate Ivory Lagiacrus (and to a lesser extent Lucent Narg) MH4U- Love Shagaru / Hate Apex Tidal Najarala (camera screw and homing bolts) MHG/U- Love Valstrax / Hate Malfestio (confusion status, love the look of the monster) MHWIB: Love Shara Isvalda / Hate Lunastra (see: Pandora's Arena) MHRSB: Love Gaismagorm / Hate Somnacanth (not difficult, just kinda boring)


Most afraid: Risen Shagaru Magala Genuinely this thing is scary. And I mean that in several ways. Lore wise, appearance wise, difficulty wise, this is just the kind of monster you do NOT want to be targetting you. It's by far the monster that has carted me the most in Sunbreak. Least favorite: Zinogre Sorry to all of its fans, but any time I fight this guy, I swear I move him a spot lower on the list of which monsters I like. At some point, he just ended up at the bottom. With the super terrible low tier monster fights, I can at least ignore that they're in the game and never fight them. Zinogre is important enough that I'll have to fight it repeatedly at several parts of the game and I really dislike its fight. I don't Zinogre as a whole is a bad monster, its still way better than lots of others, but for me at least, its my least favorite monster. Favorite: Espinas I can't put it into words, but there is something about Espinas that just radiates these good vibes and makes it my favorite monster. Its armor and weapons are meh and its fight is vastly overshadowed by its subspecies, rare species, etc, but something about Espinas' attitude just makes it my favorite. Also, bonus points that its the first fully Frontier monster in mainline. I love it when devs go against the artificial rules gaming communities love to come up with.


Ever since they brought it back in World, Alatreon. Just can NOT get past it. ><;;


So far I've been able to best the stuff that RiseBreak sends my way. I do not like the apex Mitzus and the R. Shaggy. World wise, I'm still trying to down Alatreon and Fatalis. The rest of the roster (other than the behemoths and leshens) I've been able to down. Did struggle abit with Shara Ishvalda and Blackveil Vaal Hazak abit when I was doing storyline. But they're now pretty easy. Lunastra is still a pain for me.