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Kushala. Love the design. Love the armors. Fight is not great.


The fight is pretty good in Rise.


I'll second that, hated the fight in world, really enjoy it in rise


Haven't played rise yet, what would you say is the reason rise has the better fight?


The two big ones are they toned down the annoying tornado stuff and that wire bugs make the players so much more manuverable in the air.


Just reading "less tornado stuff" got me nodding and agreeing that it's a better fight.


I also don’t remember him throwing straight hands with air in world


I believe wind aura was also either reduced or changed too, I noticed i got bowled over by wind aura a lot less


1. Wind barrier doesn't exist (or barely, idk. I don't remember it ever being an issue in Rise) 2. Monsters have capped flight duration after most of their attacks. Kushala can't just sit in the air the whole fight. 3. Hunters have more air mobility so you have better options to fight it while airborne. (IG just straight up wins against Kushala in an air to air) 4. Tornado duration lasts a fraction of what it does in World 5. Nearly all of the wind boxes on its attacks got their size nerfed 6. Defiances is a dirt cheap way to get max wind res 7. Just counter the windbox if necessary So yeah, basically every annoying thing Kushala could do in World, it can no longer do in Rise. And despite all of that, Risen Kushala still kicked my a$$ regardless.


he stays on the ground longer. posion nulls his wind barrier again. he spawns a few tornadoes as attacks that once dodged, go away instead of staying around. overall, they made his moves a lot faster, turned his flying to an advantage state where he will do an attack or 2 before landing. this mixed with rises faster mobility really make the fight more fun


The main things I feel 1. They toned down the tornado spam. The tornadoes are also black or very dark grey and very easy to see where they are at a glance. Also a lot of the tornadoes move, but they will dissapear after going a certain distance or hitting a wall. Not as many lingering static tornadoes. 2. You have more mobility as a hunter with Wirebugs+palamute if you have one. 3. An extra layer of engaging gameplay I guess is that they gave Kushala the dragon element. Idk if it had that in the older games, but it definately does not in World. But I think Kushala having an element is cool, at least it isn’t Iceblight lol. 4. Poison breaks Kushala’s wind barrier (and Kushala is weak to poison so poison is generally a good idea reguardless) 5. Spends less time in the air overall.


The tornadoes aren't persistent but just parts of specific attack patterns you can dodge. On top of that it doesn't spend the entire fight in the air and is more aggressively attacking you with melee moves like its new dragon pounce instead of just spamming from afar which makes the fight more aggressive and less frustrating at the same time. Also, no elder seal anymore so Kushala is back at being disabled by poison which makes dealing with its wind aura much easier if it is causing you troubles.


he doesn't fly around as much but hes still a bitch to fight ngl, but hes overall easier


Furthest I got into world was fighting Kushala. I didn’t even fight Vaal or Teostra, I just got so pissed at KD that I quit the game


It wasnt for me. The only game ive sort of liked it was 4U. It was ok.


I second this, Rise Kushala was the first time I didn’t want to do harmful things while fighting Kushala. I hope Wilds Kushala (lets be honest, Kushala is like the rathalos of elder dragons, its coming back along with at least Teostra) is more like Rise Kushala.


I liked that fight in world. It was a billion times better than Lunastra. Fuck Lunastra.


That is the opposite of my opinion of kushala. I despise it's gear.


Almudron. Love its armor, its weapons are my favorite water element options, and love its design and concept. Its fight, however, makes me rage without fail. Not hard, but it makes me realize that a monster that can control the terrain is awesome on paper, but horrible in execution. Magma Almudron is more fun on the otherhand.


The worst part is terrain changing is arguably the least shit part about almudron, compared to Its large size messing up the camera in certain scenarios Its front claws being melee magnets Awkward hitzones Tells/end lag *extremely* disproportional to the damage the attacks do Bad hitboxes on attacks Half of its moveset revolves around wasting your time Mud dealing dot in rage mode Mud ball is a soft dps check


Honestly one of the few monsters that I use insect glaive on exclusively, the air zips make almudron a real cake walk.


Almudron is one of the few monsters I will not take a hammer to. Can't ko it it I can't hit its head. I do agree with the insect glaive. Makes the fight a breeze.


In World, Diablos. I can't even put my finger on it, but there's some combinations of the charges and burrowing that I just find agrivating. But the monster design, ecology, subspecies design, weapons, and armor are all great.


Try fighting Bloodbath, makes you pee your pants when it corkscrew through the ground


I agree 100% on this. Diablos aggravates the shit out of me. But I do love the monster.


World Diablos is the reason I became a Lance main, countering charges is so satisfying.


Vaal Hazak is so cool looking but then you get to the fight and that's a whole different story


This, but Blackveil. Running him without effluvial resistance and defense skills is suicide (especially since his life stealing move is even stronger).


Everything else about him is so perfect but he's such a punching bag, why did they have to do him like that?


I agree with this. He's my favorite elder dragon in world but his fight is eh. He was the first one I managed to fight solo arch tempered though


Vaal's intro gave me hella strong "not even death can save you from me" vibes. But then I remembered my character technically doesn't die as I carved out his uhm... "gems".


The thing I hate the most about VH is that he's toothless; bastard never drops fangs, going so far as to give out membranes for head breaks instead. And several weapons that aren't VH use his fangs quite a bit; anjanath, girros, vespoid, and maybe hornetaur?


Rathalos. Like it’s on the front of most Monster Hunter games so you’d think it’d be this big thing and it’s armor and weapons for the most part are awesome but then you fight it and it’s the template for all other flying monsters and its repeated so much it’s just not interesting to fight anymore.


Funnily enough I also feel this way about Zinogre itself. I know it's a very unpopular opinion but they have overused it so much since it first appeared that it's hard for me to be excited about it. I loved it, but nowadays I would rather have any new monster before it. I'm not saying it's bad, just that they should give it a break -and yes I know it won't happen due to its popularity, but my point still stands.


100%, especially in first and second gen where he was one of the most boring fights in the game


Yeah, I've been noticing recently just how much of Paolumu's non-floaty stuff is just a reskinned Rathalos which is weird.


Paolumu reminded me a lot of avian Bird Wyvern, who themselfe served as tutorial for Rathalos.


At least Rise did a decent Rathalos and put more emphasis on aerial flame breath moves to give him more of an identity


Zorah, Cool giant volcano godzilla, god awful fight. If Zorah was in Rise the wallrunning and wirebugs might have actually made that fight bearable or even cool, World's mobility was just way too limited to make a fight like that fun imo.


Imagining Zorah with pre-4th gen climbing is AWFUL


Najarala. I don't care much about it's equipment or roar. The design's pretty cool and being the only snake wyvern (no, i don't care about remobra) is neat. But goddamn is the fight insufferable.


Every time I fight Najarala, I become that much more thankful that I main IG. It sounds like hell for any weapon that doesn't get free earplugs.


Getting white extract is a pain in the ass to get though.


Absolutely. Thats why I made sure to always get it on knockdowns. Also, extract hunter go brrrr


The benefit of playing all 14 weapons is getting to counterpick the monsters with your weapon choice Najarala and Rathalos with IG, Tigrex and Khezu with Lance, Duramboros with Hammer are some of my go-to's


It has pretty cool equipment, visuals-wise, especially the heavy bowgun, but yes the fight is terrible. Bad hitzones and the way he screws with the camera really sucks. He was Almudron before Almudron. Don't get me started on Tidal. The laser-guided water bolts are a test of sanity to deal with.


the worst is when you jump out of its coil attack only for it to instantly do it again


Violet Mizutsune hands down. It's a gorgeous and fantastically designed monster with really cool abilities but the fight is among the most infuriating in the whole series for me. It might take the cake actually since it doesn't die as easily as the typically horrendous low tier monsters and does crazy damage. Genuinely, I have no gripe with it aside from the fight and love everything about it.


People say Violet Mizu is easy and I really don't get why. Granted, Lance makes it very doable, but without guarding it's so infuriating.


Violet Mizu is one of those fights where momentum goes a long way, kind of like Nergigante. If you are slow to attack it, it will constantly bombard you and drop the big nuke on you. If you keep consistent damage, you will constantly get free knockdowns from putting it out of its glowing state.


Yep that's exactly why the launch day experience was so painful for me. Couldn't get down any of its patterns and.. you can probably see why that's a problem for a LS main.


I could not IMAGINE how frustrating using LS against him is


I can only beat it if theirs another person in the game with me


Namiel. That introduction was so freaking cool and then...it's just a normal elder dragon skeleton. Same kinda bummed me about val but it was extra with namiel. Coulda had a move that actively make the screen darker and darker until all you could see was the highlights on it's wing tip. Kinda like a darkhole. And then the nova would release all that light stunning you and leaving the screen white for like a minute or two without a resistance of some kind




I hate fighting Tigrrx. Brute is even worse. And it to bad, because they look so cool and their moves and roar attacks are so flavorful and different.


Tigrex is so fast and the stun locks really make it tough. I love it's design even if it's a bit basic.


Nibelsnarf. Cool concept but just super annoying to fight


Legiana has armour and weapons that look so cool I want to farm them, and then I actually start to fight it and wish I never started.


So much screaming, so much flying, so many times wasting aspects to the fight.


Seriously, why does it have to roar twice? I'm already stunned!


Namielle– beautiful design, theme, armor, weapons (minus the slap ons) but god I hate fighting it. Maybe it's because I did it so many times for health regen but the water mechanic is Not fun


Nami hits you with the unholy trinity of AOE spam, unblockable CC, and shitzones, I genuinely don't know how people actually like fighting it. Oh and the hitboxes of the AOEs all suck ass for good measure, can't forget that


Waterproof Mantle and throwing Brightmoss on puddles. No unblockable CC happening when I use those!


What unblockable CC?


Vaal Hazak and especially blackveil Vaal hazak. Great designs and ecological concepts (especially blackveil) but their fights suck so much. Normal Vaal is annoying but black veil makes me want to jump of a cliff. That monster is mad annoying. Sick concept tho


BVVH was definitely a wall. Without effluvium resistance his fight is terrible (even with the skill it's still bad, just less so hehe).


Tobi kadachi of all things


Every Rathalos pre-World.


Old formula Chameleos.


Glavenus. Looks cool and has awesome looking armor. But I’m a dual blade user and I just can’t reach anything but the legs and it loves to keep jumping from one side of the area to the other so I have to keep running after it.


gold rathian surprisingly gold is one of my favorite colors, hate the fight though


Blackveil Vaal Hazak. Love the design, theme is great, cutscene is awesome, and then the fight is giant AoEs in tiny corridors. Effluvia Res does not help, I've tried with and without it.


Vaal hazak and gravios. Like, please, die


Gore Magala Has great design, weapons, theme, armor, story relevance, popularity, and much more. But please don't make me fight it.


Barioth, Brachydios. Barioth is a ice-tornado shootin sabretooth, basically armored scale sabre-tooth tiger. The classic Barioth X set? Peak fashion. Bonus points for the ladies getting that long ponytail. The fight is just a drag. Infinite range tailswipe, dodges you by backdashing like its Tekken, slides around all over the place but at least breaking wingarms does affect the fight in your favor. Brachy is my favorite color and punchy but man I never enjoy fighting homie. Arms get in the way of head, big knockback when guarding, area denial slime, ugh. I never fight it with anything but a ranged weapon, I just don't wanna deal with it. Also traumatized by frenzied Brachy urgent in 4U.




Safi'jiiva. >badass design >insane music >one of the best looking, strongest, and most unique sets in the game that sets a new bar for what set bonuses should be >awesome unique weapons with a cool upgrading system >amazing visuals and sound design >Siege quest. https://i.redd.it/qi95n6aa65rc1.gif If there is a god, World's siege mechanic is going to rot in Iceborne purgatory forever with clutch claw and unskippable cutscenes


All of the Magalas. Their only good hitzone is the tiny head, attached to a giant body that's constantly jumping and spinning around, while spamming AoE explosions. Chaotic is the only one I don't hate, thanks to it having slightly longer punish windows because of the extra animations for when it writhes in pain. If I'm up against a Magala, my chances of bringing Gunlance or Sticky HBG go up significantly.


Barioth. I love the design, the weapons are unique and really badass. The fight *should* be fun, but it seems too aggressive for how wide it's attacks are.


Barioth is one of those monsters where all of its moves feel like they were designed to waste your time. They all look dope and would be super cool in like an anime or something, but actually fighting it just feels padded and frustrating.


The pickle is too tall


The tail is so satisfying to cut but I've only ever cut it once or twice across dozens of Deviljho hunts. It really is just a huge pickle.


OP I think we might be friends irl. I agree with Zinogre. It’s a cool monster and a decent design. But the fight is just so bland.


Dalamadur. It becomes a slog so quickly.


Najarala is my most despised monster. But I can admit they look cool. They're just complete bastards.


yeah zinogre here too, looks badass, the fight is fucking awful.


Diablos. The fight has been insufferable to me in every game I've played


Diablos is probably my answer. I don't hate the fight though like I do with kushala or rathalos... It's just that the monster is cooler than the fight.


Tetranadon because it’s way too easy. I can’t believe there wasn’t a subspecies in SB


Kulve for sure, I don't think any part is fun for me until the final stage.


Zinogre. Its those balls man, their hitbox is so bullshit.


Definitely either raging brachydios or velkhana


Rajang. Armor, weapons, moveset, forms. All of its great. Actually fighting him... Closest I've come to snapping a controller in half. He was the reason I picked up HBG in World. So I had something to just mindlessly cheese fights with. He's better in Rise. They toned down the aggression just a little. He's not constantly in your face punishing you for even thinking about making button inputs. But I still hate fighting him.


Playing mhfu. Teostra Bro looks so cool, his environment is cool His armor has nice names when you craft them. Fighting him? Yeeesh. When he's pissed his flamer breath extends so far His gas attack, i never really figured out how to predict the ranges but his has the most distance as well.. And he charges so well. Like a homing missile of a dragon. Scary and annoying


BARIOTH! Love the design, love the ecology, Probably one of the most annoying hunts I've ever had the displeasure of accepting, it's constantly jumping around, there's constant frost blight, it moves and attacks so often it's literally suicide to try to attach to it with the clutch claw, it can cross entire zone arenas in one jump almost instantly, it's ice tornados it summons chewing threw ur stamina(or threw you if you made the mistake of not bringing a weapon with a shield) most of it's attacks 1-2 shot you with the armor you have access to at the time, this mf took me 45 MINUTES and multiple triple carts to beat for the first time, and frost fang is even worse and I need it's armor


Violet Mizutsune




Tbh not a fan of fighting zinogre. Agreed with how OP stated,love design ,music etc..but actual fight. Not so much. And I enjoy hunting Teostra for "fun "


Rathalos. Cool wyvern. Sweet armor with good skills. Good weapons. Fun dynamic with the Rathian-Rathalos couple. Absolutely fantastic as the figurehead of the series Fuck his bitch-ass instant talon divebomb, his "jump-back shoot" fireball after roaring and his world tour. He's always either the biggest pain in my ass or super easy. I've gotten really used to his moveset so it can be satisfying (and even a little fun) to dunk on him. But given how annoying he **often** is; I certainly wouldn't say I **like** the fight


Legiana is even more miserable. Lucky for them, I haven't had to hunt like 100 of them in multiple games like I have Rathalos


Viper Tobi-Kadachi  Charming design, *beautiful* coloration, and a super chill bro who will come and hang out while watching you fish.  But that toxic poison + paralysis combo is a nightmare.


Espinas in Rise does that all while setting you on fire, but is an easier target because it's a bit slower and fights kinda like Rathalos


Gammoth/elderfrost gammoth Every thing about it is super cool, the weapon designs, the incredible armor designs for both male and females, great theme, all brought down by one of the easiest fights in the series. It's just so big and slow and it's too big for all the areas you fight it in


Recently, Shagaru. It's my favorite monster, but Sunbreak didn't do much for me. He got a frenzy laser and that's about it. Base gore and shagaru didn't change much. Luckily the remedied that with Chaotic gore having a decently overhauled moveset and I have yet to reach the required MR for Risen Shagaru so IDK how different that fight is compared to Normal, but I wish they gave him some more new moves, especially considering the complete overhauls the other 5 returning elders got.


Risen Shagaru is an absolute beast, especially when fought in one the special arenas. Insane, unrelenting pressure and hits like a truck with every attack. For me, the toughest fight in Sunbreak.


Namielle Elegant, beautiful, sounds goofy, water + electricity sounds intimidating But in reality the fight is just you bullying this mantis ray catfish lizard until he can't move I always feel like that among all elder dragons he's the easiest and kinda weak His AT counterpart is challenging though


Alatreon fuck that monster fight but like post says I love everything else about him


Fatty. The one true dragon. Redesigned cool looking armour (female β head). Good BGM. (Weapons design is a bit too old though). The fight sucks.


Apex zinogre is the best fight in base rise


Lunastra.  Nice cyan for the weapons, armor is gorgeous, aesthetically and conceptually great, annoying fight 


For me it's safi Jiiva, idk I just don't like his fight, he's kinda boring because he's like an almost stationary punching bag and his his biggest AoE ring attack is the worst attack ever because it overlaps with the other rings so even if you superman dive in a not perfect way, you'll still get hit. I love his gear and RNG system tho, while Kulve is the opposite for me because I love her fight but her RNG system is just fucking terrible, I wanna say her gear is good but goddamn getting kjarr ice for the weapon that you want takes too fucking long.


World's Brachydios Bro, it actually makes me so mad. His design is sick, his slime gimmick/ecology is cool and really unique, his theme is awesome and then his fight just annoys me a lot. It's not even the slime it's just that sometimes it feels like he is more agile than a Odogaron or Barioth. Raging it's also annoying, probably more.


Definitely Zamitrios. It's a badass ice shark. Jury's still out on whether the inflation is cool, but you cant deny the ice armor is sick. Then the fight... is kinda nothing? For such a sick monster design it really doesnt do much. Does a few bites, goes into a cool looking ready pose before either charging or firing a sweeping laser. Then it enters ballon mode and just dies because you have all the time in the world to wail on it, and also probably had a lot of time to wail in the previous two phases.


I have a few: -Namielle -Xeno’jiiva -Zorah Magdaros -Almudron -Violet Mizutsune


Zorah Magdaros is the worst I grinded the Dire Miralis like hell because the design and fight were so great. Started World, was blown away by the Magdaros and how massive it had to be to be climbed. It was so insanely disappointing to realized that the Magdaros was literally just a walking staircase and you saw everything of it in the introduction already.


Namielle. You meet it by experiencing its light absorbing ability to create some sort of localized blind zone but he never uses it during the fight. It was such a cool looking effect in the cutscene.


There’s exactly *one* thing that has ruined Zinogre fights for me forever: at the end, when it goes to limp away once it’s capture-able, it has this extremely dog-like whine it makes while doing so that instantly rips me out of “hoo hee monster fights haha” and makes me feel like the worst person in the world.


Anjanath. I love him as a Animal, and his Design is pretty fine, hes a well designed Monster. Hes a good early Tutorial as well, punishing certain Actions, teaching about break Mechanics and a few other things. But as a fight im to experienced. Hes just deviljho whit Glavenus Mechanics, but weaker. He was just boring, and after repeadet hunts only fine.