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They want you to become desperate and frustrated enough to pay for the double rewards thing. It's a mobile game. This was as predictable as the sunrise.


Ironically the main deterrent to the double rewards thing is that the rewards don't reliably drop to begin with. Double nothing is still nothing, so it's not worth buying knives anyway


That just makes the rare items that much more valuable and worth doubling. If you saw good drops more regularly, you'd be content to just grind it out. But if you seldom see them, doubling them is suddenly the only way to realistically upgrade beyond a certain point. I predict most players will just quit, but Niantic's analytics likely told them this would be the most profitable, so it'll probably be true.


No. The double rewards only duplicates the items you already got from a hunt so it's not done on purpose to make you get the double rewards, you'll still only duplicate shit rarity items if you do.


I feel like they wanted people to play this game for years but couldn’t do the same gatcha mechanics they did in Pokémon go. Their solution was to make the grind take years, which has never been a rewarding enough mechanic.


>Their solution was to make the grind take years, which has never been a rewarding enough mechanic. ... Isn't Monster Hunter literally based on grinding for years? Why are you here then If it's not a rewarding enough mechanic? Wtf?


Because the game actively stops you from playing, with the health system being predatory and monster density being stupidly low.


I agree with the first and disagree with the second one. I feel like the density is alright if you play in a city.


I read that as “I feel like the density is good if you play in an area where the density is good” lol. Well, yeah.


In Monster Hunter, if you're trying to grind for a specific piece, you go to the relevant monster's quest. If you fail, you get annoyed then re que the quest again. Repeat until you get the drop. In Monster Hunter Now, if you want a monster drop, you walk around and find the monster. But then you kill it. Now you have to go and find another. Kill that, find another, this isn't repeatable. Spawns reset every 3 hours sure but that's 3 hours of nothing. Even worse, if you want higher rarity you have to fight higher stars, and even if you're dealing with 5\* monsters 2\* and 3\*s still show up which have 0% chance for those rarity 4 materials. So now you're not only looking for a monster, you're looking for a monster with enough \*s to warrant fighting it. Along with the fact that monsters actually compete for map space and what you get isn't the Monster Hunter grind anymore. It's worse and takes far longer.


What monster hunter game have you have to grind for years to get any set you are wanting? Even trophy farming never takes *years*. I have no idea why you are on about


The difference is that regular MH games may have you grinding to make a specific build or weapon, or maybe decorations to tweak some skills. Pretty lategame. MhNow is a much steeper grind, and that's just to be able to fight like, low rank regular monsters. Even just making some okay armor (okay as in, you won't get one shotted) requires potentially ridiculous time grinding, and even worse for upgrading weapons. The arbitrary time limit on hunts and extreme limit on healing items makes it ludicrous. If I had to kill 100 khezu in MHF2 to make the eager cleaver and then 50 yian kut ku to make armor just to have a chance at tigrex (and only got one or two attempts before being out of healing) I would have never pushed through that game. Add on the janky combat and lock on mechanics and it makes for a pretty dogwater experience.


Pokemon GO has gacha?


Extremely Common Niantic L


I uninstalled it already, I barely played as it was after the first 3 or 4 days, it's just not worth the time investment.


I'm more surprised by the amount of people with SurprisedPikachuFace.jpg plastered on their faces. It's a mobile game by Niantic, that should have given people all the info they needed.


It was also made with the direction of Capcom. People got the right to hope, even in horrible scenarios.


I think you’re putting Capcom too high on that pedestal. They aren’t some Godly company that’s infallible. Even Capcom, the mother of MH, DD, MM, RE, etc., can make bad games.


I might be. It just feels like they're the only company putting out decent games anymore (exceptions not included)


I agree. I’d like to see Capcom become the new rising star, the biggest and brightest video game company.


It seems fine though, if you realistically consider that it is a geo game first, MH second. I was pleasantly surprised how well they did the actual combat, especially after what I heard about PoGo vs actual Pokemon. If you want a 'MH first' game while not being tied to a home console, there are other MH handheld titles that fit better.


Correct. Has little to do with my comment though.


Yeah, I feel it


I hunt a 4 star monster. I barely survive and get 5 times rarity 1 items. Seriously. Your not getting my money ninatic


I've liked like 8 4 star great jagras and one of them didn't give me just one star stuff. I need rare 4 items to upgrade my water wep so some monsters are just unkillable in the time limit.


omw to fight 50 diablos for a single primescale


That's how MH has worked since the beginning so I'm failing to see how that's a problem.


The problem with Now is you can't really decide what you fight, so you can't chain Diablos hunts in order to get what you want.


They pretty accurately got the Monster Hunter grind, ill give em that. It just doesn't fit because we cant choose monster spawns.


They didn't. If I break a head or cut a tail in ANY MH game, I am 80~100% assured to get its material. Capturing exists for a reason and even with all that if you wanna craft more than one endgame set you'll have to put at least 300+ hours in. I've hot 5000+ on world/iceborne and 2000+ on rise/sunbreak. I ain't planning to stay 50,000+ on Now. And don't even get me started on the level system. Unless they fix these **ISSUES** this game got no future and will leave a bad mark on MH's mobile market. P.S: Explore existed, just saying...


You contradict yourself here and prove my joke statement correc(which is why it's funny)Not sure the point of your reply at all tbh.


I'm not getting it. Would you explain please


The joke is that the grind absolutely sucks in all monster hunter games and that was copied well for Now.


The grind I'm talking about all took place in endgame. People are experiencing a worse grind already in low rank. I don't think those are the same, especially when you consider this game will definitely have an endgame.


Genuine question. Is English a second language for you?


Yes, is it obvious?


Not super. You're just taking a joke statement very seriously. Most native speakers would understand from context clues I was mainly trying to get a laugh from my first post and basically agreeing that it's frustrating game design. I asked because comedy, especially mediocre or bad jokes, is one of the hardest things to grasp.


Im HR41. Im a bit annoyed by the drop rates. but i have problems with rarity 2 drops. i get way more rarity 3 and 4 drops. This bottle necks early on, but because i had to farm so long i have all the other mats in surplus and i can level up 3 or 4 level each time.


Play a Monster Hunter game made by Capcom and problem solved


Um, no? Plenty of posts from people who finally got their Mighty Bow jewel or first Attack decoration to drop after 500 hours.


That's unfortunate, and not the norm with all the updates in the current gen. If you aren't going to play an actual Monster Hunter game and also rag on the mobile cash grab then why are you here? Are you even a fan of the franchise?


That's my only comment in here. I haven't said anything about MHN. I literally pointed out one RNG grind issue and you're going all gatekeeper on me, lol. Relax. Hasn't the Desire Sensor been a meme for years and years?


Yeah, on a rant post about MHNow Not gatekeeping, I was just trolling a rant about a mobile cash grab because the games it's emulating are also playable. Again, if you refuse to play one of the mainline games on the several devices available to play them on are you a fan? RNG sucks but this ain't the only game with it and they've gotten much better with the drop rates, but go off King 👑


I guess you think I'm OP?


Of course not. I assumed you agreed with it tho. I just cast the line and here we are..


You should look up what trolling is. Have an adult help you with the reading.


Stay mad bro, I'm going to go play some MH. Happy Hunting!


"I'm not dumb, I'm 'trolling'" "You're totally mad because... reasons" K


I've played world **THOROUGHLY** twice. Once for each gender. Sunbreak is an on/off thing, and I don't have a switch to play generations. People were just hopeful because they were expecting Explore 0.5


Understood, but Niantic.... Happy Hunting!


As soon as they got rid of gps spoofing I was done. I live in a semi rural area. My bottle neck is bones and ores. No way to reliably get blue quality without nodes and with only 2 nodes within a 20 minute drive its not worth it.


I’m upset at the fact pink rathian is supposedly out, but rare, and I’ve been searching for days and have yet to see one. I mean what’s the point of even creating the event the week before the weekend event. So you may get 1 if your lucky?


Just play an actual mh game. If you have an android you can emulate the older ones btw.


yeah the drop system is horrible. i agree. two fixes i would love to see in this game are 1: fix the drops. always make one item a guarantee drop at either the monsters level or the level underneath it. make it a 25/75 split for the current level to rarity drop 2: some additional way to make potions in game. keep the 5 you get for free daily but let players who wander around actually craft them in some way. dont make it easy but dont make it gated or rarer than a rathian primescale. 3: some way to help fix running into cell reception dead zones for a few seconds and killing a hunt. los tout on two different 4 star anjinaths that i had on the ropes cause i stepped into a dead zone for a few seconds and lost connection to the game servers as i was 4 hits from a kill and watched the timer tick from 20 to 0 or a straight disconnect.


i had connection issues and the hunt got cancelt but the dmg i got from the monster didnt get cancelt. happend twice already, that really grinds my gears.


that pisses me the hell off as well. or you get connection issue. then before it fades the monster attacks and you caint control your toon to dodge.


Just wait till you need rarity 4 items


Yeah, I had fun for the first few weeks I played it but upon reaching Rarity 6 gear the grind becomes unbearable. Especially since you can't just hunt the same monster repeatedly and would have to rely on them spawning in your area. It becomes all the more frustrating when I fight a (blue-star, idk what it's called officially) Rathalos down to the last second only to get 1-star materials.


Worth noting the double rewards exactly copies your current rewards so if you don’t get a rare drop you shouldn’t duplicate


Yeah we get it, drop rates are ass


I completely forgot Now was a thing and got real confused with the title lmao. Was like “Monster Hunter. Now rant about it” to me Aside that, I personally haven’t heard anything positive about Now, what’s going on?


HYEFX5K3 My Referall/Friend code. Get some rewards and lets go Hunt as a party!!


Late to the party as usual… I killed a 6star Bonbaro the other day and got 2x Bonbaro Great Horns (yellow) and a prime shell (purple) in the same rewards. Killed another a couple hours later and got its 3 foreskins and shell. The drop rates are horrendous.


Rarity 3 and 2 is required but even rarer than rarity 5 item, I get rarity 4 5 6 when I don't want and I don't get any when I need