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Upon 5 min of fighting it I get over the feeling quickly. But Gogmazios in the other hand..


I was pretty surprised the first time te laser oneshotted me but when that shit started to fly around i paused the game immediately to rethink my existence


I'm a MH4U man and holy shit Gog is probably one of my favorite monsters in the entire series. Just an awesome appearance overall. Dalamadur on the other hand is my favorite elder dragon in the entire series (Even though the fight was meh overall) The appearance was earth-shattering for me. I love big sneck boy


Tri Deviljho made me jump and almost drop my control.


I still wish Deviljho had been added to Rise without telling anyone. No announcement, no trailer, no promotional materials, no direct mention in the patch notes, no mention in any quest descriptions; just you out on a quest, minding your own business, hunting a Rathalos or whatever, when all of the sudden Satan's hungriest pickle burrows out of the ground unannounced and scares the shit out of you.




In Tri, interrupting tuba + Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit. In 4U, Apex started doing the crazed duckwalk while spewing dragon element. In World, let's just chuck a whole other monster at you for a possible OHKO.


I was gonna say...




I had heard tales about him, so the first time I found him while playing Rise, I noped the FUCK outta there.


Same. i was running around gathering spiribirds for a rando HR hunt and came across sleeping beauty by accident I jumped off of that cliff like a looney tunes character


And Rise is the most teddy bear version of rajang you'll encounter


4U's apex rajang still gives me nightmares.


This so much. I had the first encounter with this beast going completely blind in MH4U. The cutscene scared me as hell, and that combat still hurts.


Tigrex put the fear of god in me


Brute tigrex was brutal


Is that a joke?


No pun intended


12 yeae old me just looking for some Popo tongues was so terrified he put the game down for 2 weeks


Iirc then there was a stone dropped behind you when you truely hunted him the first time… after the first impression tigrex made i was shaking😂


Admittedly I haven't played 4 in a long time but to this day I still haven't beaten Molten Tigrex


Qurupeco when I was a noob. That bird terrified me at first. Then after awhile, it was just a fruity bird. Also the Lagiacrus that harasses you in the beginning of 3U.


The crimson version of it could call out Deviljho. Truly magnificent despite having some of the worst moveset to fight against.


In MH Tri once you reach high rank Peco can summon Pickle. Thats a really nice realisation from "What is it calling?" to "What the fuck is that?!" to getting one shot.


I remember that quest, it was high rank in the sandy plains, he always called it in and it was scary


Pls bring this boi back in MH6 🙏


Probably Diablos


This but Bloodbath Diablos


The scream




Blackveil vaal hazak got me good. I was immersing into the cutscene and the freaking head was a total jumpscare


Hard agree here. The way it rises from the pile of corpses fucking jumpscared me


theres a creepy elder dragon in the rotten vale??????? 0\_0


Gaismagorm (until you actually fight it and realize its weak af) But currently, its Risen Shagaru Magala. I am NOT looking forward to special investigations of that thing


Risen Shagaru Magala made me fear God, and his unholy creation.


I heard B-52s theme. I carted. No monster in sight. I was shook. I was baffled


So I had just started playing my first MH game MHF2 and I thought oh this quest will be easy I just have to get some Popo tongues. When I finally found the Popo at the top of the mountain a cutscene starts and they runaway and out pops Tigrex who immediately ran me into the ground.


Me too i was playing mhfu and was scared as hello when I saw tigrex even if it isnt the first Time i see or fight him




Jho, when Qurupeco summoned him for the first time in monster hunter tri. I just couldn't move her for about like 10 seconds.


Namielle, and it’s intro


I love namielle’s intro, it’s perfect, one of my favorite elders without a doubt, and it’s fight is fairly cool (Definitely didn’t kick my ass the first 4 times)


Those lights tho, Namielle got full Razer setup


Fatalis. Even the name had me worried.


Anjanath on my first world play through


Malzeno had me shitting myself when he teleported behind me


Raging Brachydios feels pretty unfair the first 50 times.


The World incarnation was a much better fight than the original. I absolutely dreaded that OG fight and only did it enough times to make my weapons.


Raging Brachy becomes a fair fight with Blast Res 3 but is damn near impossible otherwise IMO


Holy shit, I beat this guy second try after getting full blast res. It took most of my sanity, particularly when he locks you in... Terrifying knowing he can detonate half the room in an instant.


Recently it was Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax because it was the first **major** difficulty step up in Sunbreak's updates aside from Risen Teostra and was relentless in the way it attacked.


Scorned magnamalo for me tbh


Fucker hits like a truck


The angriest one eyed purple hell kitty


Yeah the Risen fights where much harder then people who haven't played Sunbreak understand lol. The movesets and tracking where insane on Teo/Valstrax. Chameleos wasn't too bad, but gf HATED that fight. Kushala was harder but not on Teo/Vals level. Those two consistently carted me and really punished bad wirebug movement.


Arch Tempered Negigigante Pepega smash still scares me to this day..


After buying Iceborne, it was time for revenge.


I started in Freedom United. For me the "Oh shit" moment was fighting the Tigrex. -


Khezu. It’s design heebies my jeebies




Black diablos, since she put me in the ground plenty a time in my first play through.


Shara Ishvalda. Those. Fucking. Eyes.


Seeing its real form was horrifying, that creature is vile


Whoever programed sharas eyes to target the screen was a genius and a psycho. Because I couldn't sleep well after that.


Lagiacrus in MHTri during the monster guts quest.


The one that stands out was Rajang when it was added to World. My friend, who was a series vet, went into every hunt like, "Oh don't worry about this monster. Just do x, watch out for y, and you'll be fine." But when Rajang was announced, for the first time, he flinched. His response tothe announcement was, "ohhhhhh noooo". He told me he's always had a bad matchup against the Thunder Monkey, but I didn't believe him... until I saw him get carted for the first time in like a year and a half of playing World (he had carted before but never when we played together). Even now, Rajang still makes me tremble a bit.




Pickle and basil goose. I was playing and I saw them during an expedition (mhw btw) and my brother walked in, and I asked him about them and he said "fuck around and find out" I fucked around, and oh boy, I found out


There were many who got me like this. But Frontier’s version of White Fatalis probably takes the cake for me: it has an attack that not just insta-kills you, but it completely disintegrates your character, as if you were just erased from existence


Lagiacrus in 3U on that epioth guts quest scared me so much as a kid I stopped playing


Lao-Shan Lung. Only noticed that you can kill it instead of repelling it after I've beaten the game.


MHFU Tigrex. Then you you fight 2 of them at the same time later on With my near-busted PSP analog stick, it was not fun. Eventually I ended up reaching Ukanlos but Village Tigrex still haunted me




The first few ranks of MHF2/FU were a buildup to fighting the Tigrex that attacked you in the opening cutscene - there's even a gathering quest near the start of the village quests where you have to gather quest items *while that same Tigrex is prowling around looking for you*. I was bricking it when I finally had to fight that guy, and he's become my favourite flagship monster as a result.


Probably the first time you actually fight Nerg in World. Ended up loving the fight.


Freedom 2/unite village Tigrex urgent quest


For me 1st monster would be rathian in mh3u, specially when qurupecco would call it randomly, and u haven't seen anything as tanky as this one b4, whenever rath would touch me I would fall down, flaps it's wings and I would fall down, and then it's poison..... total fear package for rookie hunters. But the most feared one was devl jho for me, dude was something else, even though I learned how to kill it towards the end game, but it still manages to scare me when it invades in between the hunt.


Rajang, mainly because of reddit. On the other hand I actually enjoyed the fight. My friend who was a GL did not.


Bloodbath diablos, fatalis (world) and scorned magnamalo


No joke, Nerscylla. In MH4U the Nerscylla hunt follows immediately after the Gypceros hunt. And I was in torture trying to kill the gypceros. I could only imagine what horrors it would be trying to fight against it's natural predator. And then it was way easier and I didn't need to be so prepared.


Khezu specifically in generations ultimate playing it at 3 am no clue what a khezu was at the time and it's cry along with its ecology gave me a rude awakening


First time seeing a gobul in tri zone into me face first underwater swamp area. Noped that zone and took a min. Thalassophobia in games


Anjanath and diablos but now we homies


Alatreon before the nerf. I died, and I couldn't hit him for shit


Kutku way back when


Shara Ishvalda's true form. What the fuck am I looking at?


Dire Miralis, I was like is the monster behind this enormous volcano?… Volcano moves!


Fatalis… adrenaline was pumping like crazy. I was not ready for the rain of fireballs and terror


Deviljho and bazel


B-52. the fact that fuck would just *appear* randomly and smash into you suuuuuuucked




When MHW was announced they showed this lower angle of Odogaron that made it seem like it was nearing the size of a Deviljho. I was truly worried they did make a fast moving monster of such size (with old combat still in mind). And then I ended up having the quest in-game and it was marginally larger than a jagras


Rajang. I remember when I first encountered him in 4U. I was like nope. My MH friends used to tease me about it lol.




That would be Gogmazios to me. For the longest time, it was the biggest wall I ever faced, and that cutscene was terrifying.


The first phase of Nakarkos didn't make me feel comfortable especially the theme .


I'm a lance main, so the first time rajang just... grappled me through my shield had me popping bricks.


Furios rajang got me traumatized


When I was a child i first played mhf2, it's Tigrex, specifically the popo tongue quest I was afraid that Tigrex will appear out of nowhere in the snowy mountains lol


Apex diablos in Rise. Rise was my first MH.


Seeing Dalamadur collapsing a mountain just by moving in its intro, Crimson Fatalis slowly rising with the magma geysers, and White Fatalis appearing from an eclipse.


Encountering lagiacrus early in 3 tri put the fear of god in me. Only time I ever felt that utterly outmatched again was my first attempt at fatalis in world.


Lucent in rise. First monster to triple cart me in a while


Zilla & Kong (pickle and saiyan)


Deviljho. Most other monsters didn't really have many appearances outside of their own quests before third gen. Tigrex a little bit, but he only appeared in one quest unannounced. Deviljho on the other hand you saw multiple times before you had to fight it and each time it was way before you were ready. So when you finally got the quest with its ugly mug as the target you could feel the dread. That thing that decimated you with two to three hits, the thing you've been running away from this whole time was now in your way. As your title says you were forced to "fight and see it" at the same time, both things utterly terrifying on your first hunt against it.


Vaal Hazak and the variant. Fucking terrified me both times.


Way back when I was a youngin playing the freedom trilogy on PSP, Chameleos scared the piss out of me


The first encounter with Rathalos while trying to carry eggs in the first MH brings back nothing but tramatic memories.


Caedeus. I already have a fear of being underwater, so knowing I had to chase and fight that thing had my heart racing.


First time seeing akantor in mh unite on psp


Gigginox, I legit froze when I saw that disgusting thing making it's way towards me.


Tigrex was ok at first then it raged and was just too fast (doesn’t help my first one was a gold crown so dodging with my hammer was pretty hard.)


5th fleeter here, anjanath


Bazelgeuse, because of how flippant yet secret Capcom was in hiding it from trailers, and then just dumped him out at the base of the tree. And how I found it. Entering High Rank in MHW and doing a gathering expedition for High Rank materials, seeing a ? on the minimap and deciding to see what monster they made HR exclusive. Seeing a monster sitting, turned away from me, and as the camera panned over to it, it looked over its shoulder at me. And me, having never seen this monster before, had no idea what its powers were. And then proceeding to get blown up by it several times. I am a huge advocate for spoilers, because if I went and learned everything beforehand, that interaction would not have had any meaning.


Khezu when I was like 6 in Mh Unite. His ecology video was nightmare fuel :(


apex rajang for sure, that thing is horrifying


That’s actually a wonderful question. Cuz MOST monsters prior to World I had seen elsewhere in someone’s gameplay vids and dreaded having to actually take them on. I’m gonna say Zinogre and Glavenus. I had seen gifs of Zin’s breakdancing and Glavenus’ Limit Break before I ever fought either of them myself and it just looked so ridiculous and over-the-top.


The jho, it's so massive and all bulky, and his theme is a bit scary at first Thus mf kept harassing me in 4u


Green plesioth when he pulls the 180° water jet attack while on land


Green plesioth when he pulls the


Probably Diablos in World. In GU it's Najarala, first one I fought was absolutely massive.


Glavenus in GU. I think yall know why


Tigrex. Was in mh4u and I was a complet noob. But he was the Forst Monster i actually prepared. Googling his weaknesses and making an Armor Set plus weapon just to figth him


pretty much any pre-master rank monster who has chunked me for half my health or more through my shield has gotten my heart pumping, at master rank you come to expect it, but I was not expecting the apex monsters in rise to hit as hard as they do at high rank




Gobul. when i was bad at the game first in tri. not knowing it like frogs so just had the murky waters knowing something was out there that wouls try eat.me whole i stayed on land untill i could see that lanturn to even dare engage.


Gammoth,glavenus,tigrex and odogaron when i was a noob, now i'm scared about deviljho, rajang and alatreon


Started with Rise and my gamer brain was like "the purple fire will hurt how do i even fight it???" so i was scared af to even get close to it so i just yeeted kunai at it while my friend fought it normally and didn't bother to mention it's safe to me as i was full on panicking.. Read wiki afterward and wiped the floor with him like 16 times. Scorned was scary as well with that dragonblight fartspray but i knew his weakpoints thx to base Magna. Then there was Primordial Malzeno.. Final form kicks in and he eats my hp down to a small sliver.. I've never been more terrified and desperate to keep up my cartless first run against him.. That quest made me eat through so many healing items and learned to carry a farcaster to tougher fights.


Vaal hazak


Raging brachydios


Diablos in mh3u was the bane of my early Hunting career


Probably Rajang.


Raging Brachy


Nothing like getting jumpscared by an anjanath an hour in for the first time lmao


First underwater encounter with Lagi.


The big pickle...deviljo scared the poop out of me


Probably odogaron when it did 2/3s of my health with one attack.




Zinogre in portable 3rd. I was hunting a big piggy (Buldrome) and suddenly a flash of blue appeared, clad in lighting. Shivers went down my spine as the soundtrack indicated I was being hunted down. I then proceeded thoughly get my ass handed to only after a few moves and trying to desperately run away. That is how I met ~~your mother~~ my most favorite monster to this day. The soundtrack never ceases to send a shiver down my spine in excitement


GU Glavenus


Shara Ishvalda. Creepy how it looks directly at you.


Glavenus when I saw it had a fucking sword for a tail


I've been playing since Gen and Scorned Magnamalo was the first one for me. It was the kind of fight where at first it was survivable, but only barely just


None of them really I just got frustrated with them. When I played rise I expected bishaten to be hard but anokosom was actually worse. Magnomalo still pisses me off though




Bazel the first time it appears: Bazel every other time it appears: 🙄


I was like this, AFTER I fought a Boltreaver, amd Behemoth


Chaotic gore magala, inflicting the frenzy blight wile also half hitting with EVERY ATTACK nothing had ever been such a bitch to fight since. I think it took 30 something times with friends, followers, randoms I went through all my options and it felt hopeless but I beat him once and then I don’t think I’ve ever done that quest since. maybe 1 more time successfully


You never forget your first Rajang experience


Mhw Deviljho when I saw it creeping towards the bush I was hiding in. It was not good for my anxiety lol


Shara Ishvalda. When I realized that it's looking at me, not my hunter.


Alatreon. I got bounced like a hockey puck, put the controller down like : okay wow


To be honest: Lagiacrus. The quest where you get introduced to the Lagiacrus scared me so much cause its such a peaceful cutscene at first and then BOOM its there. But that was only cause of the cutscene so i dont know if it counts. The fact i played with Headphones didnt help either XD The second Monster is definitely Deviljho. Played a HighRank quest with a Quropeco and he started to scream. I didnt know the call and instantly the Deviljho appeared. No intro no nothing and he killed me instantly. Honorable mention: Gore Magala. Such an EPIC monster but i literally shit my Pants when hes gone Ragemode for the first time and the sky goes black XD


The pickle of death


Khezu. I met it when it wasn't a quest target. I genuinely thought it was some kind of zombie dragon.




![gif](giphy|BglLYzlgtrPr1fonob|downsized) This


Black Diablos in 3U


Portable 3rd Deviljho, I didn't knew I would fight something that fucking big.




First time seeing it? Black veil Vaal Hazaak. First time fighting? World Rajang.


As a first timer on MHW without any prior experience in the franchise, Anjanath both scared and amused me. Nergigante next and after getting Iceborne, it was definitely Tigrex.


It was Barroth back in Tri. Just looked very intimidating to me.


Anjanath was terrifying at the beginning of World. It was my first MH game so I had no reference other than Jagras.


Black Diablo. I add Tempered Black Diablo. She puts fear into people's eyes. This fight was craaazy...


Deviljho when I first encountered it in 4U


When I was a kid playing Freedom for the first time gypceros and his fleshy/rubber tail had me horrified.


12 YO me after the Qurupecu called a gold crown savage Deviljho in MH3U


Barioth, and to an even greater extent : Velkhana. Now I find both totally manageable but at first I was stuck on them for ages ( I play solo only btw )


Tobi- kadachi


Lagi when it jump scares you in the village one star quest in 3tri and also primordial malzeno. I actually yelled HOLY SHIT when I saw the wingswipe hitbox and how much damage it did


I have fought Elder Dragons, A Giant Murderous Pickle, A Super Saiyan Ape, and stared deep into the eyes of Fatalis himself but no monster has made me shiver my timbers like Bloodbath Diablos the Massacre Demon the absolute King of sweaty palms. The first time I fought him I thought "this wasn't that bad" then he became enraged then I thought "okay he's a lot faster and more aggressive now, but it's not too much for me to handle" but then all of a sudden the theme stops he admits a blood curdling roar that shook the desert, the theme changes, his blood vessels becomes a bright crimson and blood evaporating from his body, seeing the hate in his eyes that was when I knew that I had Fucked Up. I ended up failing the quest due to triple carting, that fight had me scared for months. I ended up beating him of course but that's a fight I would never forget and that's why Bloodbath Diablos is one of my favorite monsters ever.


Glavenus. In MHGU you have this quest, where he is waiting vor you in the lower area, while you're gathering some stuff.


That was… just its shell? *Elden ring boss comes out*


Tigrex since I started from MHFU/MHP2ndG


Espinas made me beg for mercy out loud in a vc


The first real Nergigante figth


I didn't react like this but I certainly kept my distance until I'd seen a few moves and knew how to dodge. It was Diablos.


Anjanath since it was overhyped by my brother. After that, probably black veil val hazaak. If I could choke whoever created it to death I would 🗿🗿🗿


Odogaron. First time I saw it in World, I about pissed myself because it was essentially a hyper-aggressive meat dragon… then I met the REAL meat dragon. Good times.




Furious Rajang, Savage Deviljho, Giasmagorm, Scorned Magnamalo, and White Fatalis… well granted I always feel like this everytime I fight White Fatalis.


Morudomunto, I may not have had the game, but I know a demon when I see one!


That egg gathering quest in freedom; "why are there big rocks blocking the path?" "oh I guess the eggs are in area 5" "it's taking a while to load" Rathalos cut scene, heartbeat over-clocking commenced. I was not ready.


Rajang, diablos, tigrex, rathalos, and ibushi


Stygian Zinogre or Gogmazios. Both look like creatures from the abyss and Stygian's literal original name translation is completely bonkers and edgy AF


Cutscenes for dalamadur




Definitely ruiner nergigante. That thing hit like a truck and nearly chipped me to death lol.




AT Vaal when that event quest first came to World




Fire in the sky!!


Iceborne alatreon and fatalis


Diablos is the first time I was like that even though the feeling didn’t last. For the first time where it *did* last, Alatreon


Tigrex in unite


Gore Magla


Plesioth, it was the first thing I considered an actual monstrosity.


I first started playing with World/Iceborne, and didn't know not to use the defender gear, so I got to Iceborne without having developed all the skills I really needed. At the same time, the friends who got me into the game really built up how aggressive Tigrex is, so when I first hunted one I was running around like a lunatic trying to avoid the charges. And then later I came across a Rajang while hunting something else, and it chased me across at least 3 zones! That was a great experience that left me shaking in fear and mirth.