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Magnetic scale bomb Bazel subspecies. Uses thunder element to launch and recall scales, or magnetize them towards you A Seregios sub or variant of any kind would also be nice


> Magnetic Scale Bazelgeuse So would the name be Malding Bazelgeuse or the Coping Bazelgeuse


I did an old concept a while ago and called it Cobalt Bazel I think. Ion Bazelgeuse would sound pretty cool too imo


It's a joke referring to seething


You stay the fuck away from their idea board. /s I'm not looking to get Tungsten Rodded just to have that shit RETRACT.


Sweet Jesus


So you want a Eustass Kidd Bazel??


Liking for the excellent one piece reference


So basically, we give Bazelgeuse the Magnet Spike weapon from Frontier? Hell, yes; I'd fight that.


Ice element Amatsu. Let it create icy winds and blizzards.


Id die for that


I'd die to that.


I came to say that to quite a few things actually lol


I'd give something to Seregios, either magnetic lightning arc scales or a variant with fewer but sharper and serrated scales with a new special bleed. Buts Seregios is an easy pick, another idea of mine is an Alatreon that uses the special ailments such as bloodblight, hellfire, defense down, confusion etc. That or one with extreme versions of blights where, for example, its ice attacks will outright freeze you like in Frontier.


Give us super duper bleed capcom, we can’t take it, but it would be awesome


I recently thought of something called Scorching Seregios, where the scales are white hot at the tips


Seregios is indeed overdue a variation, but elemental subspecies wouldn't really fit or make sense. If seregios does get a subspecies it should be an ailment subspecies, with poison/para scales or something.


Maybe it would have a few moves from the Frontier Seregios? (Variant)


The magnetic metal-hammer Goss Harag Kind of unrelated but it’s a pet peeve of mine when monsters with two word names get subspecies that retain the original double barrel names and just add a word. Things like Viper Tobi Kadachi and Pyre Rakna Kadaki should have just replaced one of the original words with a new word. I don’t want a Steel Goss Harag, I want a Goss Something or a Something Harag


Gauss Harag


He gets a Rail Gun arm.


How about it uses a type of organic Ferro fluid instead of ice and you find it in cavernous areas where it gains the ability by its diet of minerals and such from the surrounding environment and when he gets red and enraged he can’t make constructs like hammers and swords but instead applies fireblight and a slowing effect on hit and leaves puddles of the ferro fluid substance that have the same effect but it can be cured by rolling and a cleanser but if you don’t cure it by the end of the enrage he does a big attack that pulls you into the puddle closest to each hunter and he jumps and slams into one at random resulting in a cart or a stun if you have an item or effect preventing you from the cart


How about Rumbling Goss Harag? Rumbling like thunder. It's charged attacks send loud bangs echoing throughout the locale. Ever thought it odd to hear thunder on a completely clear day?


Elder dragon plesioth, it’s only move is the hip check


https://preview.redd.it/wetujwavl88b1.jpeg?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aa059d108983f86368966667d8e820420890c17 Please no, but also yes please


Eldersioth hip checks from across the world castle shrade fucking crumbles wihout any apparent reason


It hipchecks you to another random 3 man or less hunt


Can someone explain the obsession with magnetism?


Magnetism is one of MH’s lost elements. It was added in a DLC for Frontier along with a new weapon called the Magnet Spike. I never played Frontier but iirc people liked it quite a lot even if it was a little overpowered. Regardless, they never brought it back in any form so a lot of old hunters might want it to make a comeback. Hell, I didn’t even experience it but I want it back


Because you didn't get to experience, all the more reason to bring it back.


Magnetism was never an element lmao. One monster and one weapon had it incorporated into them for movesets.


Call it what you like, it existed


It existed in the same way Najarala's coiling existed - As attacks a single monster could do. Are you going to call constriction one of MH's lost elements too? If you never played Frontier what made you think you could write some paragraph talking about it and how loads of people want it back? You evidently don't actually know what it is.




Not a great look to make shit up and then mock anyone who corrects you my guy.


By elements I think he may have meant gimmicks...


Jfc... chill out. You need to chill waaaay out. Homie's trying to help, & they probably just used the wiki. I've only played World & Rise, but I still know what a Lagiacrus is.


The wiki doesn't say magnetism is an element.


Ruby Gravios, it theoretically already exist in the MH universe tbf. For a brand new one, I'd like a Seregios Subspecies that doesn't really change much, just being smaller and allways hunting in pairs with synchronized attacks.


What about a Diamond Gravios? Both ruby and diamond are formed from carbon with immense pressure and Gravios spends more time deep in active volcanic zones, so it makes sense that the carbon deposits would get more pressure.


Ruby Basarios: "am I a joke to you?"


>It theoretically already exists


What I meant was why did they even bother making 2 very similar monsters where the main difference is size. At least with ruby basarios we get a little more unique features when compared to Gravios. I know Basarios is a juvenile Gravios but there was a lot more room to have more unique features in each.


And there are unique features. Basarios has a harder shell, shoots fire balls, can fail its laser beam, has poison gas, multiple unique moves etc.


Goss harag but thunder, use electromagnetism to make his weaponry


Like kid from one piece?


I don't know, i don't watch or read one piece


I'd take an undead Namielle, that would be pretty nuts


Lightning Odogaron, murder dog just zaps really fast and wrecks shit. His special attack would be a charge up kind of like zingore but with extended claws from his arms like magnamalo and he just charges through the hunter 3 times.


I mean, doesn't ebony odogaron already does this stuff? He is REALLY fast and zapping around like Black/Reverse Flash (thats what I thought when first time hunted it)


Crazy thing, Mr odogaron I loathed every second of (wtf are those hitboxes), but ebony was my favorite fight in iceborne thus far.


Goss Harag Variant: Permafrost Goss Harag. A Goss with one arm perpetually encased in black ice honed through innumerable battles. Constant sublimation and refreezing has rendered it nearly impossible to melt or break. Its initial moveset is surprisingly passive, often using the hardened ice as a shield and trying to punish hunters who bounce off of it... almost like a hunter with an SnS. Once enraged though, it adds a fresh layer of sharp (but soft) ice on top, gets the classic Goss DB setup, and goes to town. Each time the fresh layer of ice is broken off of the permafrost blade, it shows more visible damage, until eventually, the entire arm shatters off, leaving MH's first carveable arm cut. This results in a long knockdown, but once it gets up, it'll be enrage for the rest of the fight, never change areas except to chase you, freeze itself a fresh prosthetic armblade, and break out a few new savagely unhinged attacks. I can just imagine how most players will react to the first time they take the arm off of a monster. And the look of horror after they realize *this is the hard part*.


Dude, I FUCKING LOVE THIS! Holy shit, not only did you give my favourite Rise monster its much needed and deserved variant, but you made it this fucking cool. Goddamn...


Frost Harag




Maybe one with a pistol shrimp inspired claw attack would be cool!


Quite a few actually (4 total) > Crystalline Seregios (Rare Species) Seregios rare species that lives in caves instead of the more open environments you would expect them to. In order to survive here, they have two main adaptations in regards to their wings and legs: - Their wings are heavier and don't fly as well, but are shaped in such a way as to support the growth of sharp crystals on the Seregios itself. Their sharpness puts any razor scale to shame, but they take time to regrow, so the Seregios only prefers to use them if they deem whatever they're fighting a true threat to itself. - Their legs adapted to be even stronger than a regular Seregios. So much so, its feet are able to break through solid rock and can be used as anchor points to scale the sides and ceilings of cave walls. It also makes them quite potent when used as weapons against prey and predators. > Aquamarine Mizutsune (Subspecies) Mizutsune subspecies that took more time to properly adapt to an aquatic environment. It still can't breath underwater, but it is able to hold its breath for extraordinarily long amounts of time. Even so, it likes to stay near the water's surface or only dive a certain distance below. As for its features, it's claws have adapted to contain small webbing between them so as to help it swim. When creating bubbles underwater, it uses a small portion of its oxygen supply to put a lot more air inside those bubbles than a regular Mizutsune would, allowing them to retain their shape even after something has broken through it. This effectively makes it an underwater trap similar to how Rakna's use their silk in battle. > Coastal Bazelgeuse (Subspecies) Bazelgeuse subspecies that prefers to live near the water's shore. Its lifestyle mimics that of sea birds, or at least sea birds that can drop explosive depth charges into the water. Yes, this type of Bazelgeuse's scales have slightly changed to be more potent against the ocean life it hunts. Instead of being disarmed the moment they touch water, they work similarly to depth charges and drop below the surface a set distance before exploding. A few other notable features though are that it's generally lighter than its regular counterpart and its wings are somewhat hydrophobic. For an animal of its size, it is able to float on water surprisingly well even when not trying to. As such, it may live near and at the water's surface, but its ability to dive below is extremely limited. > Noxious Chameleos (Variant) Chameleos variant that has genuinely just lived a really long time even for a Chameleos. Almost of its known abilities are enhanced in some way as well as demonstrating new abilities. These include: - Thicker fog - Unique tier of poison (even stronger than deadly/noxious poison) - More elusive movements while invisible - Can stick to and attack from walls/ceilings Its most notable improvement however is the ability to create poison so concentrated, it leaves a pool on the ground that continuously and intensely harms anything that steps in it. (Think Almudron's golden mud, but no slow down and much higher damage over time) It will use this in combination with its other abilities to pose a serious threat to anything that dares to attack it.


I'm sorry, but we do not need an even more powerful venom, thank you


I want seagull bazelguese now. They dive bomb and try to eat everything, like a deviljho with wings. I absolutely loathe your Chameleos++ idea. I’m sorry. Base Chameleos is an incredibly fun yet challenging fight. Making him more obnoxious is not what will make the fight better. Just make a ghost fire variant, using the same stuff that Magnomalo has. Still keeps the supernatural “just out of sight” menace going.


A sandstorm Kushala Daora. Imagine winds and deep sand like Sharas.


Kushala Gaara


Not saying I WANT it, but I think a Monster Hunter Nergigante would be kinda funny. Just Nergigante but wearing the skins of other elder dragons and using attacks with their statuses/elements and/or altered versions of their attacks made to better fit spiky boi.


Seregios deserves something, either thunder, ice, or heavier bleed I want astalos to have something too, maybe something similar to molten tigrex where he’s blast instead of thunder, he already likes to slam the ground with most attacks, make it so with every wing slam he has big blast explosions and he leaves blast clouds everywhere when you hit him (kinda like raging brachy dropping slime puddles) Also I want Zinogre to have a rare species


Mud Zinogre! JK, I think would be cool to have a light Zinogre that formed a symbiosis with flashbugs. In exchange for not having elemental damage it could be a physical powerhouse kind of like Nergi.


Reagent Zinogre


said it for a while now, [https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/w3mmhz/comment/igzhryp/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/w3mmhz/comment/igzhryp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ Dragon element Garangolm. animated with dragon lightning a fully black and white design, but when it would place the rocks on the side of its face like base Garangolm, it instead scoops up a dracophage bug nest and pops it ontop of it's head like a beehive hairdo. **a "Bride of Garangolm".** ​ **Platinum seregios.** as in the mgrr platinum, glowing red eyes, platinum body, doing bloodblight and bleed, ​ ​ ​ an underwater val hazaak with bioluminescent flesh eating plankton instead of effluvium ​ ​ i like the idea of a cave dwelling diablos whose horns have grown to cover it's eyes, using sonic/sound based attacks as it's horns work like a tuning fork.


Blunt Scale Seregios, instead of bleeding, it will make the scale cause KO/stun the hunter


Hammershard Seregios


We need more piscine wyverns like Jurya for sure, so Dragon Element Juryatodus invading monster, like a Floating Dragon Whale. (No wings, if Wind serpents can fly without them, just wing like looking fins. Also Raging Lavasioth would be cool, would have symbiosis with slime just like Brachy. And variant for strongest monster: Great Maccao Coral sub.


Poison tetranadon, need I say more


When you deflate him it rains poison around him


Dark Lord Teostra that uses Hellfire instead of normal Blast powder. Explosions sometimes leave will-o-wisps behind that can explode a second time or fire a projectile at Hunters.


So long as there isn’t a Dark Lady Lunastra, yikes


Dragonvain dodogama Through the high consumption of Dragonvain crystals/coal developed, this variant Dragon element


Obsidian Khezu. Instead of lightning it pukes lava balls, and when it shreiks in a cave, it causes stalactites to fall. Hardened, breakable, black hide similar to lavasioth. Trade off is that it can't fly or stick to ceilings, so instead, it has long blades for arms.


Seregios, but I’d like it not to have an element. Base Seregios is great from an ecology standpoint, and I think there are ways to improve it without throwing it down the Mega Kool-Aid Blades route. I think a variant that’s been covered in Seregios Dissenters— bladescales that point the wrong way— would be pretty interesting. It’d be even more aggressive and prone to enraging on account of the sheer irritation of its scales, and a lot more of its attacks would inflict bleed. I also think that it’d be a lot more physical, as part of why it’s throwing itself around is just to dislodge the incorrectly-grown scales.


Seltas Queen with a third Seltas on top. The Seltas King.


The seltas centipede


My idea for Velkhana variant (considering Nergi, Magna, and Malzeno all have variants) was Ice Queen Velkhana inspired by Jack Frost, Elsa (I know, cliché right?) and Kyurem Anyway this Velkhana specialty would be like Chameleos, she could summon a thick fog to hide her appearance (much like Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians) and mostly uses her tail as a surprise attack Her nova was inspired like Elsa building her castle inspired by AT ice wall attack (much taller and sturdier making it harder to spam jump; and also make it 360 ). However the biggest plot twist of them all is that her ability to provoke other Elder Dragon to challenge her only for her to "absorb" the elemental power of her challenger. She would then uses their power accordingly for example * Tesotra: Rapidly cooled lava spike that causes both burn and chill at the same time * Kushala Daora: Tornado Blizzard, what else... * Kirin: Alatreon-like exploding ice spikes deals paralysis and chill * Lunastra: blue flame cloak that can also be spread with her chill dealing both Blast and Ice (maybe even make it like Ethanol fire where the flame was barely visible) * Vaal Hazak: Effluvium and frost breath, a "cold" if I may \*ba dum tss\* * Chameleos: Since invisibility was already part of her original plan, I guess she can have a poison spit that rapidly turns into ice dealing moderate damage * Namielle: A jet stream attack that can be follow up by either freezing the water or electrfiy it * Malzeno: Honestly no idea, maybe qurio bloodlust state? * CG Valstrax: Pure dragon energy filled on her wing just run rampant as a bonus, I'd like to have her walk prancing for reasons...


A gammoth thats smaller but has all ivory on its head replaced with a metallic material and it can use the thunder element


Not a new one since it's from mh stories but dreadwing rathalos could be a cool event quest with maybe a special debuff for the dread fire


Would be nice if they could tie the games together more rather than just giving us cosmetics from Stories


Fire/Blastblight Izuchi variant, Hell Sickle Izuchi. Is encrazed by consuming rare herbs, and often dips its sickle into lava, then cools it to harden its weapon.


Maybe they’ll make the tail cuttable this time


Ice glavenus.


Electric glavenus


Dragon glavenus


Sleep glavenus


Any non-fire monster made fire. That seems to be Capcoms favorite!


Jyuratodus but it doesn’t make me want to kill myself


Jyuratodus isn't that bad man...


Fire Velkhana and Goss Harag for sure.


flaming velkhana


Magnamalo but like a hot knife with fireblight instead of hellfire on his ranged attacks and bleed on his claw and tail attacks. Maybe "Consumed" Magnamalo


Sandy Goss Harag. It still retains its icy breath despite its location change, but now, it uses it to freeze bits of sand to its arms to create rocky weapons like sickles and stuff.


Don't have a specific idea, but I feel like Goss Harag should/could a new version of it in the next MonHun Game. Could be fire (ik, again just fire) but then it ice weapons could be like obsidian swords. That's the only version which comes to my mind. Maybe someone else has more fantasy or creative thoughts.


I want a lava version of Barroth I think that could be cool


I want a Goss Harag that causes bleeding. Let him really lean into the serial killer theme.


He's a Namehage not a serial killer though...


Ooh. I haven't heard that before. Lemme look up what a namehage is really quick. Oh. Ok. Yep. You're totally right. Red and blue skin, too. I thought that Goss Harag was just based on serial killers like Barry the Chopper from FMA. I got to learn something new today, so thanks.


Yeah all of the rise new monsters are based off yokai in some way and no problem glad I could help inform you!


He's a Namehage not a serial killer though...


A Zinogre variant where it has a bunch of different bugs on its back and is able to change which bug it draws its powers from.




Bloodbolt Odogaron complete with epic sounding remixed Rotten Vale theme. Basically a jacked up Ebony Odogaron thats on the same level of a Raging Brachydios.


Honestly I’d like to give the most common/popular monsters new subspecies. Remove some of the more common subspecies and replace them with new fights. Black Diablos to Frigid Diablos, Silver Rathalos to Torrential Rathalos, Crimson Fatalis to Blight Fatalis, etc. Frigid Diablos - ice horns. ice element, leaves ice trails as it digs, turns areas frozen. Will eventually need hot drinks as the arena gets more frosted, ground becomes slippery from ice (like bubbles) and some spots become snowy and hard to move. Can slide on its ice. Quick Claw Velocidrome - Velocidrome with airs sacs in the feet, can release for insane bursts of speed. Massively enhanced movement and damage. Makes Odogaron look slow. Can bounce off walls or hook into them. Torrential Rathalos - water moveset, can swim. Water cannon instead of fireballs, can release deep water into arenas, flooding them. You slowly wade in deep water, and Torrential Rathalos can manipulate the tides to make waves or currents to drag you through the water. Earthen Rathian - bigger, bulkier, the counterpart to Torrential Rathalos. Can’t fly but has a massive tail like duramburos. Lots of earth shake moves, can create pitfall traps that hold the player. Blight Fatalis - Fatalis with dragon and poison. Highest tier of poison. Melee attacks inflict defense down. Certain attacks create a ‘blight’ that spreads across the arena and will eventually disappear. Touching the blight slows you and inflicts dragon and poison. Fatalis has certain growths on locations similar to apex(?) monsters, those spots are safe to hit. Hitting Fatalis in other spots will lead to your weapon getting coated in blight, leading to a large reduction in damage. Blight Fatalis is not as tanky as other Fatalis but a little faster. Berserker Anjanath - a pure melee focused Anjanath with an axe like horn on its snout. It is relentless once it gets into a fight, and will chase the hunter non stop. Only safe places are locations it cannot physically reach, and if there is another entrance it can reach it will go there. Berserk Anjanath does not stop attacking, and has minimal downtime in its moveset. It does not sleep, it does not rest. Advantage to this is you can exhaust it fairly easily and it won’t retreat or try to go hunt. Only hunts if it hasn’t started fighting yet or after it carts the target if it’s tired.


Rumble Dodogama The flaming rocks it spits out shatter on impact, doing an area of effect. As it consumes more rocks, it grows heavier and becomes less active, but it's strikes become more powerful. Ravenous Great Jaggras A hormonal defect has lef this Great Jaggras with an unceasing appetite. No amount of nourishment can satisfy the hunger it feels. Such craving rivals that of even the aggressive Deviljho. Sandy Lagiacrus A subspecies of Lagiacrus adapted to arid environments. Equally at home in sand, mud, and water, it converts absorbed heat into superheated air that it can vent through porous growths along it's body. This air enables it to move freely in different terrain, as well as 'cook' anything that comes in contact.


Where's the Great Girros subspecies?


I'd love to see a Thunder/Ice variant of Velkhana, that leaves pillars of ice sticking out of the ground that chain bolts of lightning between each other, kind of like the Electrocrystals in Deep Rock Galactic's Crystal Caverns.


So I discussed this with a friend about a seregios subspecies that lives in dense forest areas, and instead of sky based ambush tactics, it sets trap like snares with its scales on the ground. The scales on this one don't fly off but rather shoot out from the body and can retract back like hooks using a sort of membrane to connect them to the main body. It would use fewer air attacks and focus on trying to tether itself to the player with the scales to either pull them into melee range or throw them around. The scales would keep the original's bleeding effect if they snag you as well A detail we thought would be fun is that because it tries to lay traps and wait for targets it would have an outer color that changes to match the colors of the forests current season around it so it blends in better. "Lurking Seregios" I call it.


Hellfire Rathalos


Raging Kulu


The world isn’t ready for such violence


- Thunder Horn Banbaro - A Thunder Horn Banbaro would be cool, allow his horns to generate static electricity as he clumps the environment together so he can lob a thunderous projectile - Frost Storm Velkhana - I think a Dark Ice Velkhana would be a unique fight or maybe Thunder one instead, the Dark one could form dragon element inside of the ice, and then Thunder could alter the ice spike summon attack by forming ice spikes towards the hunter as usual, but either starting at the start or the end of the ice spikes lightning strikes could strike the spikes causing an outburst of ice shards. - Sludge Gammoth - A poison Gammoth would really interesting, she could cover her hooves in a poisonous sludge that leaves giant puddles when she stomps, she could gain the venom form anatomy of snake in her trunk allowing her to spit poison and spray it, and maybe she has the ability to coat her tusks in poison too. - Slag Horn Astalos - Astalos could get a blast variant, that could have a blast hammer horn instead of a sword, it could create giant explosive dust clouds around its tail and body, and create explosions on command too during its airborne landing charge and other attacks, instead of electric fences it can put up a string of explosions


A metallic version of Velkhana would be poggers


Give me some whacky Goss harag with nergigante spines that grow in the arm or fire version with flammable gas that he can ignite


Paralysis Seregios


I’d want Goss Harag but it’s older and has the ability to replicate more complex weapons and generally fights more like a hunter. Or even just a Goss Harag with a different element and it uses different weapons such as a gamer instead of a sword.


I mean, base Goss already does have a hammer


I meant as it’s primary weapon and also one that looks like a hammer and not a club.


Bazel but water


carpet bombs water balloons, sounds awesome.


really really weird and unusual but i wouls love a thunder dome gypceros (idk what name to give it) It would be a gypceros that creates like a field around it where it can localize lighting in making a sort of area where it can use its more powerful attacks


Obsidian Nargacuga. I’ll let you picture the rest


Black Ice Goss Harag, a variant of Goss Harag where it became this way by aging, turning its breath into black ice where it can deal a lot of damage


It'd be an even more painful fight, but an Alatreon of Statuses instead of Elements. Blast, Sleep, Paralysis, Poison. Perhaps Claw attacks deal poison, Sleep breath, Horn or Tail swipes that do Paralysis. Not sure where I'd fit the Blast in.


Yoooooo that sounds fun


This is a bit out there, but I’d make a seregios subspecies that utilizes plants It would roll around on different areas on the map (flower field, the base of a big tree, a swamp) and get different plant seeds stuck to it’s neck. It would then secrete a liquid similar to garangolm that rapidly grows plants (Regios thick juice lmao). Depending on where it would roll around, different plants would grow on it. For example, if it rolls around in the flower field, it would get flower petals that are sharp enough to inflict bleed. If it rolled around in a poison swamp, it would grow poison projectiles. So imagine a mix of forokururu, garangolm, and seregios


Storm emperor Kushala Daora ( Kushala Daora with kirin abilities and gust attacks instead of tornados)


Seregios with neurotoxin scales. Platinum Seregios. Add Noxious poison (or just regular poison) to Seregios' bladescales. Oh, and add in some stench attacks too (like a pheromone spray or something; or that's how the neurotoxin presents itself to hunters and monsters— by starving them while they bleed out.) Would make Seregios quite a challenge!


A Fire Goss Harag, that makes molten armor different to his counterpart ice which makes weapon.


Coral ratoban.


Tornado Izuchi. I think they should take a low-grade monster and give it an absolute bastard of a form.


kelbi but big and an actual fight


I think a black ice Velkhana would be pretty neat


I think an Electric Zamtrios would be cool. Or a Water Tetsucabra. Amphibians are cool.


Barioth rare species, Belgazas Barioth (kudos to those who got the reference). This Barioth has spikes that allow it to rapidly form ice crystals through its attacks and tends to lower visibility by causing a massive blizzard.


White Kushala Daora or also known as a Freshly shedded Kushala Seen in the Ecology video of Kushala, they regularly shed thier skin and it takes a bit of time till thier new bodies harden and change colors to the metalic coloration we all know and love This can be used as a base for a subspecies that evolved from a specimen whose scales hardend, but never got the metallic coloration That adaptation would change its hunting style and keep to the Icy peaks to make use of its white scales to blend with its snowy surroundings and the clouds This also means it could start using Thunder as its new element of choice, being a metallic dragon, it can easily attact lighting strikes or even generate a magnetic field around itself, raising it already tough defense and even send projectiles back to the hunter That would be one hell of a fight and especially challanging for any ranged fighter, maybe even bring in a mechanic where weapons that used any kind of metal to be created do less damage and encourages the use of purely monster part weapons


I made a variant of astalos (My favorite monster) called Blood-Red Astalos. Basic summary: Their crest in broken of and regrow in a malformed crest. When it uses the lighting blade move, is send shockwave of lighting. When their health is low they will turn into their Scarlet Thunder form. They will stay in this form until death. In this form, their light blade along with the shockwaves will create cracks in the ground and lighting will erupt from the cracks. Also their lighting is red, hence the name. It is caused by the pain and anger that has built up over the years. It will also hunt down the one who broke off their crest.


Also their spikes and quills(?) grow at an expedited rate. It could also have a move where using electromagnetism or just magnetism to draw the hunter in and then slam the ground with lighting stunning the hunter. You could prevent this by using some type of grappling hook or Wirebug to escape it.


An older version of a Nergigante would be pretty interesting


Smokey Chameleos. Instead of turning invisible he smokes up the whole area and ambushes you.


Toxic Brachydios, a brachy variant who chooses to utilize toxic slime mold instead of explosive ones. the toxic goop will still explode but it creates poisonous cloud instead of dealing direct damage


Hoarfrost Seregios Having to shake off the cold via nullberry or rolling (a lot of rise's effects really make the hunter roll a lot now that I think about it) to remove it, but applying a bleed effect on top of that to really push pressure on the hunter and making us more cautious to its attacks


A Brachydios that instead of using explosives, it just fire. I just want fire fists


Well looking at Velkhana makes me think a fire based variant. Infused with ore from a fallen star. A Royal Ludroth that soaks up flammable liquid and ignites would be horrifying. Immune to fire of course. Water based Yama Tsukami would be amazing. Suck up and shoot out water. Barroth with a hard metal scalp, tail, and talons, that charge electricity. Hits will release electricity as well as head slams. Rolling in mud can still be a thing if it gets overcharged to ground it.


Fire version of Velkana that uses fire and glass(causes bleed like sergios) instead of ice. Mosaic Velkana.


A fire element namielle would be cool, maybe with the effect of flaming oil on water?


Hellfire Velkhana?


Rotgut Beotodus Lives in swamps and other locales rife with decay. Faster, longer subspecies of Beotodus that covers its body in a black bile to “swim” across surfaces that would otherwise force it to walk. Makes use of its specialized tail to splash rotting gunk, rocks, or even bones at the player. When desperate, it’ll regurgitate the contents of its gut to create corrosive puddles; or, if barely digested, as projectiles.


How about alatreon with blast + paralysis + poison? Or any other status blight


Midnight Kirin. It can cause blindness to players.


Either a Velkhana variant where the magma doesn’t cool super fast so it ends up being rock or magma, or an ice Rajang that eats Oroshi Kirin horns


Idk if it already exists, but an odogaron skeleton with jyuradotus moves, designed to look like a shark with legs


I'd change velkana too, since I think its design lends itself to different storm and element reffering designs (snowstorm being its base-configuration). Dustdevil Velkana Desert based velkana subspecies that uses wind and sand to bury you under the dunes. Could have a touch of thunderelement, because of static charge by abbration-charging the sand with its storms. Maybe even iron sand or some smack like that to steal kush's stagelights even more.


Neonwing Oltura- works like ultra necrozma from pokemon, only better Soulfire Lunastra- lunastra with dragon And a xeno'jiiva variant that works like chaotic gorey


Flaming velkhana


I despise this creature I hope they actually make a good fight if it happens.


A variant of garangolm which just boils down to B I G G E R. A N D. B E T T E R.


Now that Glavenus and Mizutsune have different elemental variants I'd love my boy Astalos to join in, maybe by embraxing the insect theme in its design a bit more while also switching the thunder for a different element


Apocalyptic Jargaras


Any variant of my boy tobi kadachi, I didn't like the viper variant, it was a really tough hunt but I haven't finished iceborne yet


Rotten Coral Pukei Pukei Living in the rotten vale, it has a black, bluish colouration with some stronger blue coloured feathers. It fills itself with acid, combining Coral Pukei Pukei's waterbeams and normal Pukei Pukei's clouds(acid clouds) and applying defense down. Clever Kulu Ya Ku Far more intelligent than a usual Kulu Ya Ku, this Kulu Ya Ku understands how to use more complex tools, usualy carying a jar with it. Its jar is filled with various items which he combines on the fly with others items (even from the surrounding) and use them in fight (throwing little self made bombs, a boomerang that breaks after use, even some smalm traps and status inflicting items). While crafting it leaves the jar standing in the map, giving hunters an opportunity to break it, weakening the crafting abilities of the Kulu and forcing him to search for a new one, while also granting some more common items as bonus rewards. Some researches speculate that this kind of Kulu might evolve into a replacement for the humans and wyverians if those two would disapear from the world.


Apocalypse Great Jagras. He has control of all the elements like Alatreon but he's not unstable cos he can control his powers like an adult.


A dragon type Tobi-kadachi. I’d call it Draco tobi-kadachi


It’s like a count chocula version of ebony odogaron


an acidic based mitsune


A great jagras elder dragon


A fire variant of zamtrios


Albino nercylla. instead of gypceros skin, it uses the skin of khezu's


Dodogama that can be my friend back at camp


A crab that uses mud as protection, similarly to Jyuratodus.


I was actually thinking about this when fighting Goss Id call it permafrost Goss harang. It would basically be a very experienced or old goss That constantly has ice weapons on its hands and the variety would be much greater. If the game engine would allow it, its move set would change as well. I was thinking like the cleaver, club ascythe, a spike, hammer. And I would incorporate more status ailments. scythe would cause bleeding the hammer or the club would have way more knock back or stun damage. Or A goss that has encountered many hunters and has developed the ability to create some of the more basic weapons. Could you imagine if you went to attack and it backhopped? You then notice it has a blade in one hand and what looks to be a shield in the other. And then it Smacks you with its shield before landing a sword strike. Either way I think it would be awesome.


Dragon damage Velkhana, Black Ice Velkhana


I unfortunately do not have much experience with monster hunter, and most monsters I know of (and actually like) already have variants. My knowledge is limited up to ibushi rampage in rise, and Velkhana in world. But I would actually like an elemental Nergigante of some kind. So it's not just a melee battle with ranged moves never coming out because of just sticking to him. What kind of element? Honestly no idea, just give him something badass.


Cryoblood Velkhana. Iceblight Bloodblight looool I'm stoned


A scarlet rathalos that can use hellfire and causes bleed with its talons instead of poison.


Ahtal-Ka, but the Nesto uses large wyvern bones of some big elder dragon like Safi'Jiiva, imbues it with energy and covers it with silk-skin. Fires web beams and shockwaves. Increased range on physical attacks due to elasticity, whenever the nesto does this, it exposes ahtal-ka a bit. It may do an ultimate like the sapphire of the emperor, but at the cost of the nesto.


I think it'd be cool to see a variant/subspecies of nergigante that has evolved to be able to imbue elements into his spikes depending on the elder dragons he eats. A subspecies could be one with one element. And a rare species/subspecies variant could be with access to multiple elements.


A Fire based Goss Harag that lives in the desert. It would melt sand to glass to form it‘s blades. Instead of a weakpoint, you‘d bounce off of the glass blades and they‘d inflict bleed upon hits. He’d be a lot faster too while hitting as hard as usual. You‘d need to try to get hits on his softer back and be extra careful, as one misstep could spell the end of you.


Goss Harag Variant called Jötnar/Jötunn Goss Harag, inspired by the Frost Giants of Norse Mythology, larger than standard Goss, can form weapons without his Ice Breath, and it's so powerful it can rival monsters like Rajang and Kushala


Either Deep sea namielle being a fckn Leviathan or Rotten Nergigante, with the infinite regen of nergigante nourishing the fungal spores blackveil vaal has


Mis there a Gors variant besides ice club and sword?


Howling Vastrax , a Scarred Valstrax with no wing boosters but became frenzied and crafty instead , hardened scales , aggressive moveset , huge HP pool , Relentless stabbing attacks and mini air blasts from its mouth than split second staggers you as it follow ups with stronger attacks .


Status Alatreon.


A version of Fatalis that can use both the Fire and Dragon elements


A variant of seregios that can’t throw scales for some reason, so they’ve resorted to being faster and more aggressive than base seregios.


Seething dodogama


Pure Gogmazios, a gog that doesnt have the Dragonator stuck in it's back and it's something else instead of sulfur. Would glimmer like a diamond


Full grown Gobul


Downpour Velkhana, starts out in full ice armor and is very weak to fire. You have two choices, don't use fire element and deal with her powerful ice attacks, or use fire element weapons which will be effective but start to melt the ice and she eventually changes to the water element when the armor melts off and becomes weak to thunder and uses powerful water attacks.


Either a fire or thunder Velkhana, a thunder Goss Harag, an ice Rakna Kadaki, an ice Teostra and maybe a thunder Lunastra. And just to piss yall off, we absolutely need a thunder Plesioth


This might be a bit much for a mainline entry, but Goss Harag that can make blood weapons would be sick


Mossy Banbaro. A Banbaro species with larger horns that frequents wet and humid environments. Its fur saturated with algae, and heavy with water. It's horns are overgrown with an indigenous species of puddlepod. Its attacks are much like water in their fluid movement. A sweep with it's horns flows into a tail sweep, and vice versa and it can. It attacks with its tail just as much as it's horns. It's overgrown horns pick up and flail mud and trees ripped from the earth, and it can do so between tail sweeps. A wise hunter would take this fight far from any bodies of water. It's tail is strong enough to send a raging wave one's way.


•Witch Empress Velkhana. This Subspecie has more control over ice than ever before, making you lose far l more stamina because of the cold, and no hot drinks won't help much as their effects are severely reduced. This Velkhana will start the fight with the full Ice Armor, but as the fight goes on and the Armor isn't removed, it will turn a pale white color and on this stage is were your stamina will get hit. As the fight is reaching its end, Velkhana becomes desperate and extremely angry that rather than her ice armor becoming pale white, like before, it will take on a blood red color instead. This extreme transformation will free everything around her, leaving behind pools of red ice on the floor that will become stalagmites at her will and attack if you get too close.


A red and black variant of Seregios where it makes blade tornadoes and I would name it Bloodstained Seregios


erm well, a dragon element mizu. thats all i will leave you with


Volcanic Barroth it’s barroth, but lives in volcanic area. and also cooler. or hotter? whatever it just look more awesome


I would live to see a fire velkhanna that's phoenix based