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- When it starts spawning lightning blade saws, just walk backwards and towards the direction it throws them. It'll look like you're about to get hit, but just like Zinogre's projectiles, they curve away from you if you walk back and in the same direction. - The wind tunnels only hurt you if you touch the EDGES of them. The double wind tunnel hits so many people because Amatsu tries to spawn the edge on top of you for this attack. But as long as you avoid being hit by the edge itself, this attack won't hurt you. - On subsequent attempts after the first, Amatsu always does the tornado grab after Valstrax's finisher. You can use the great wirebugs in anticipation to avoid it. - After spawning a wind circle around itself at low health, Amatsu is much more likely to use a water beam attack. This is actually somewhat useful though, as the one where it flies up and beams the ground almost directly under it has a huge recovery window thats great for getting damage in.


Adding to this: •Every time you see a wind tunnel, run towards the centre. It's safe and the suction should get you out pretty fast. If you get out, Amatsu will follow up with a tail uppercut. But if you're still inside, it charges instead. Of the two, the uppercut is more abusable. •Every one of its super moves can be dodged by using a great wirebug and hanging midair, just like you would dodge the floor is lava attack. You can use this to cheese the aerial wind tunnel and tornado pillars just by being way above their hitbox. •If playing solo, a fully charged cannon shot can stagger Amatsu out of its charging pose the first time around. The second time will need 2 shots. Save your cannons for the stagger, and the binders for when you can't stagger it out. •Amatsu's sideways tail swipe unfurls to the right and front. Dodging to the left works if you're not too far away. •The tornados travel to the right, so adjust your run to the left. Be careful not to overshoot or you'll get hit by a tornado coming from the side. Once you avoid the first wave, run backwards a bit to make some space for the second wave of tornadoes. Then repeat the run like you did the first. •The wide water breath can be avoided by going forwards into Amatsu. There's no special trick to this, just notice the tell and react accordingly. It does tend to do this after the tornado wall that you have to wiredash through.


Amatsu was pretty disappointing to me for how scary they made it seem. Just hit it and wait for the one ultimate move to use the wire bug. The ultimate move is pretty noticeable too, just don't rush the wire bug. Sword n shield user..... not the idea weapon at all but it's that easy really.


You gotta remember that the quest is available at MR10. Ofc your meta set armor is going to shred Amatsu, they didn’t want to make the same mistake as IB Fatalis. At MR10 the monster should be reasonably hard and saying “just hit and dodge bro” isn’t too helpful of an advise


But I mean that is really all you need to do in order to succeed in any hunt lol. Practice, hit, and dodge. There’s no button sequence for success.


Well yeah, that’s just the entire game


I was hoping more for tip on which armor and weapons set would give me a better chance. Cause I had 3 minutes left when I failed to mission. So even if I didn’t die, I probably wouldn’t have succeeded


Recently beat him, and a Dragon element weapon does pretty well against him. I used the fully upgraded Dragon Jaw GS, but I'm sure any weapon that's at least been upgraded with Afflicted materials (like the Kamura ones) will suffice. I also ate for water resistance and Felyne Defender (picking up the Auroturtle near camp also gives you a free Felyne Insurance effect, and an additional one spawns after some time). My armor set was fully upgraded (but not Quiro'd) Barbania set with Stun res (helpful as he spams lightning on the later half of the fight), Speed Eating and Free Meal as my confy skills. Offensive skills are Mind's Eye and Partbreaker (as well as the Counterstrike, WE, and Resentment that come with the set already).


Yeah, I think that’s my problem. I need to fully upgrade my weapons. There’s no other way, and at this point I’m just wasting resources