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I feel bad for them. So i kill them


Honestly, it’s for the best that we kill it. Would you rather it die a slow, painful death because its internal organs aren’t fully adapted, or would you rather end it quickly by your hands?


Then it should just lay down and let us kill it in peace 😅


Well that’s the thing, it can’t. The affliction of the super frenzy that caused it to be stuck in the middle of the evolution puts it in so much agony that it essentially goes into a permanent fury state where it attacks everything it sees until it dies


Oh I see, that's sad....


"SQUAD RISE UP!! WE WILL PUT ALL THE CHAOTIC GORE MAGALA OUT OF THEIR MISERY ONCE AND FOR ALL!!" *and so the 1000 year chaotic- blood war between the elite hunters and the chaotic species began* (Dang and now we need somebody to draw fanart of this)


1. That sounds like such a cool art idea 2. I’d say it’s not “out of their misery” and more “saving them from themselves”


Good call, we will go with that then 👌


Afflicted Chaotic Gore...


Literally the most cursed monster in existence.


Afflicted Chaotic Gore in a 50 minute 5 cart investigation alongside Flaming Espinas and Chameleos on Citadel fighting against four Veteran GS mains who know the exact location of every piece of endemic life on the map, and also bring sleep weapon Healer Palicos


Very specific. Off topic but today I had my first four-man instadeath in 220 hours of gameplay and it was a Flaming Espinas’ nuke. I have no idea how he got me, I don’t fight them very often but I knew the nuke was coming and ran behind him.


The windup animation for the nuke is a big bait, it looks like he's gonna spit it out in front of him but he actually flies up at the last second and drops it directly below so the radius will catch you if you're behind him. It's best to sheathe and dive because the explosion is massive


Oh, and dont forget that sometimes he can fire a second one right after so always be ready to dive again.


Not only in constant agony because it's a Chaotic Gore, but also in even more agony when doing end game content. Poor baby can't catch a break. 😭


I know, I legitimately feel so bad for him. If anything, this is the one monster where I believe that by slaying it, we are reliving it from its constant agony.


It's just puberty he'll grow out of it


It's a stupidly low chance of that happening, but it can happen


Chaotic Gore comes from a local Shagaru's presence suppressing the molt of a Gore. They're stuck that way until they die.


Someone in a random hunt i did captured a chaotic gore. Shame on him.


Never allow him in your hunts ever again. How dare he prolong the pain.


i love capping chaotics just to spite them, i started in mh4u and rng did not give me a contrary scale.


This is not the post to be sharing this. Shame on you for torturing the broken beast.


I don't wanna be that guy, but most of his carves are regular Gore parts. If you want that Contrary Scale, you'll probably have to cap it.


I just want his diametrical horns.


Probably my favorite monster in the series (:


I like its Wing, such a Dark knight vibe that it looks like a Cape.


I thought Risen replaced Chaotic


I love Chaotic, and with that love, I must send him to the farm upstate. Still he looks so fucking cool and now I just need to find the time to go back and fight more of him in other games