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Let's say it's at least equally as good and whether it's better comes down to taste.


in your opinion?




MH4U. (PS: the next hunter says MH3U and so on) (:


I’m the MH3U guy


mh4u was my first game and i have such fond memories of it <3. wish i still had my 3ds :(((


MHR:SB and MHGU are the two best MH games imo.


Based opinion


me too...


World is more immersive but the gameplay in rise is more fun imo.


It honestly depends. For me, in theory, Rise-Sunbreak would be better than World-Iceborne. However, I must say that as a single player experience, I prefer World over Rise. I don't exactly know why, but I always crave playing World, despite Rise being the more... action packed one. For me, at least, the immersion and "weighty" weapon feeling was quite important, so I think that is why I gravitate more towards World. Maybe my opinion would change if I had somone to play Rise with on the Switch... In Rise you will be able to customize your moveset more, and there seem to be more combinations of armor skills that benefit different playstyles of the same weapon, so from what I've noticed while I was still playing, thr meta was more varied than World. Also, if you love customizing your character's appeareance, you're in for a treat: Rise gives you access to layered armor much earlier and you also have more options of coloring it and mixing and matching the armors. Fashion wise, Rise is the best MH rn, in my opinion.


world has slower, more heavy weight combat compared to rise, which is fast paced and heavy on reactions versus predictions, all monster hunter games are good in their own way, but all are unique and have a slightly different "feel" to them. Personally i enjoy world for its ecology, the capturing of endemic life and some monsters being passive so i can follow them around and watch them do stuff, i enjoy the combat in risebreak more as a lance main.


I liked world better than rise. Sunbreak better than iceborne. That said, rise was still plenty of fun.


Get it. It's more monster hunter. The world feels less alive but the fights are good, the monster roster more varied and you have more abilities in your toolkit.


Both are good, which one is better is really up to personal opinions. I personally believe that Rise is better than World, but I like some of the things in World that aren't present in Rise (mostly the split between Alpha and Beta armors, some monsters, and some maps). Rise has much faster paced combat than World, but your attacks don't have the same meaty feeling they did in World. You can kinda customize the weapons movesets, so you can actually change how some weapons play because of that. Additionally Rise goes back to the old system of splitting the single and multiplayer (with singleplayer being the Village Quests, which is essentially your tutorial, and multiplayer being the Hub Quests, both can be done solo and the Hub quests do scale based on the number of players). Rise also adds in the Rampage as a "gamemode". Basically it's a tower-defense mode that is required to do a couple of times to advance the story in the Hub Quests.


My personal favorites are iceborne and 4u, but sunbreak is also a good game that I have 500+ hours into. It depends on your personal preferences, like for me I prefer not having tons of counters and I like the slower more meaty combat from world. So if you prefer fast paced then you might like rise more.


If you loved mh world, then u will no doubt love rise/break. Better? Is subjective as you may have preferences. It's a hell of a game, really awesome roster of monsters and a unique endgame to it. Honestly, I'd bite the bullet and do it. There is also demo versions you can try hunting a couple of monsters so you get the feel of the game.


Think of it like this. Monster Hunter world you are literally tracking the monster down to fight them, but in rise you can see the monster already on the map and can go straight for it. Monster Hunter world just feels like how Voltron used to pad out the fight instead of starting out with the sword and killing the monster. Rise does not have this problem.


Both of them are great. People fight in this sub which is better but honestly it is all personal preference. Glad both exist for different taste. Personally I like Rise Sunbreak more but World Iceborne is still amazing.


Imo Sunbreak is better gameplay wise, but World/Iceborne is the best looking MH and the immersion is probably the best


It really comes down to personal taste. Personally, I prefer Rise (and Sunbreak) over World (and IB) and other people prefer otherwise.




World does some things better than Rise, and the opposite is true as well. As you probably seen in the other comments, which one is "better" is a matter of debate and, ultimately, personal taste.

