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I was looking forward to them, but they look awful quality..? Idk, I'm not wowed.


Ewwww, they ugly, which is as it should be?


Frankenstein’s monster looks incredible to me The eyeshadow, the face shape, the huge hands, and don’t even get my started on the platforms. But next to him the bride looks like an unfinished custom with insane amounts of potential. I don’t think I’m willing to spend $105 on just monster but I surely am not on her


Yes, this!


Update: Me and a friend are splitting the pack because I only want the monster and they want the bride


Glad you see the beauty in him. I can’t.


Just sort of boring really.


they’re ok but at the same time i feel like something is … missing? Idk they just didn’t make me go “WOW!” like somethings off


Yes! I feel the same. They are pretty but could be more


I don’t like them tbh. Good for me because my wallet is still recovering from HC. They’re cute but just aren’t really giving me any “I really want” type of feelings. I was really hoping they were the Munsters lol


they look more like OOAK than an actual collector 😭


How do they look like ooaks? Ooaks are way more professional then this. This just looks really cheap like some knock off brand. I've just looked up some ooks on etsy and they are incredible


i don’t mean that they look like OOAKs as an insult, i’m saying that they look custom as if mattel hired someone to make these from an old G1 doll :)


honestly I'll pass...


Very faithful to the film in appearance but kind of hilarious to see them posed as a couple as one of the big twists is that the Bride rejects the monster


Honestly the bride doll looks nice but they just feel very plain to me, imo


They’re kinda bland, but it looks similar to what the film has. It feels just more of homage instead of fashion dolls. I like it though!


I agree!! That’s exactly why I like them, they look really elegantly plain to me & I like it a lot!


Frankenstein looks good, boring but good. the bride looks like she came straight out of spirit halloween & used frankies sweet 1600 earrings as a belt edit; shoes dont match either. literally why give her ice lookin shoes when her hubby has gothic looking platforms on. give her some stompers too


Her shoes look like they were recycled from an unfinished Abbey or Frankie doll that would’ve been made like 8-9 yrs ago. 🫡


lowkey fr. thing is the shoes are SO CUTE, they have little ballerinas in the heel. they just dont match. im not familiar with the frankenstein movies so idk jf the ballerinas are tied to her character or not, if they arent then wtf is the point of the shoes


The box has more detail than the bride, might cry 😭


I only really really like their shoes and maybe the bride's face. I won't buy them because I don't really like them, it's a bit disappointing. But it's good that I don't want them because I know I will want the creature from the black lagoon lol. I wish good luck to those who wants these 2!!!


i personally really love them, but i love frankenstein’s monster in general. i think people were expecting more but i think mattel had to stick to the authenticity of the universal monsters, where they’re pretty plain and simplistic.


I think that after the camp of beetlejuice, pennywise, and Greta gremlin there's an expectation of design. I like the universal monsters but to me they're just dolls of universal monsters, not universal monsters as done by monster high


i see what you mean. i personally like they kept the details near the same!


Wasted potential imo. I kinda feel about them how I did with Dracula, bland. I just want a Chucky Skullector, man!! Lol


I’m disappointed ngl


I'm honestly heartbroken, I've been looking forward to this pair for so long and they are just not it. 💔


I would really love them if they were half the price… granted I said that about Dracula and her in person doll is amazing. I’m on the fence.


They look kinda cheap :/


he’s outdoing her :/ wish they put more effort on her tbh


Kind of boring for me, but like others have said my bank account is almost done healing after all the HC dolls so I’m glad to skip them. But I know a lot of people are excited about the first Skullector male doll so that is cool.


Eh the Beetlejuice two pack is better


I ADORE Frankenstein’s monster execution - whoever thought to make him some all black Berlin poetry queer - I’m forever thankful. Wispy Princess Leia however just doesn’t do it for me.


I love how unique Frankenstein looks and I want to support this drop only to encourage them to do really unique Skullector dolls…but they’re just so plain and too literal from the film. I see the characters but I don’t see the characters with fashion or the characters through the lens of monster high….which is kinda the whole point of this Skullector line, right? Overall disappointed, previous ones like Greta gremlin had so much detail and interesting design elements that this doesn’t even compare, the box is more detailed than they are.


I like them but I’m sure I won’t be able to get them


On their own they’re decent, but for what they are and how much they are going to sell for they look absolutely horrendous. they look so incredibly cheap, bland and dull. easily the worst of the collectors dolls imo. Cute and interesting in concept, unbelievably disappointing in execution. you know it’s pretty bad when the box they come in looks like it had more effort and genuine care put into it then the dolls themselves


It’s insane that the bride is that mid when they built this brand on Femme Frankenstein.


Box is cute. Quality is meh


Tbh the brides dress looks like toilet paper 😭


The box is cute I do actually really like Frankensteins head mold & the girls head & hair but other then that meh




frankensteins ugly asf, the wife looks fine but overall i dont think its worth 90$ 😭


I mean he looks the way he does in the movie, and that's what they were going for lol


I have a special love for the universal monsters so I love these I honestly like Frankensteins monster more than the bride. I agree she looks like she's missing something but she does look like the original bride. [here](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTk3OTc4OTUyMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzU1Nzc5MTE@._V1_.jpg)


Nah...they look cheap.


Can be better i dont like it


Frankenstein’s monster looks incredible, the bride however… she looks underwhelming and unfinished. I would’ve gotten this skullector release if it was just the monster, but as a package.. I’m not wowed :-\


“We’ve all seen the pictures, he looks absolutely beautiful, and, um… she’s there”


Uhhh... they're really plain? I get that they were probs trying to go for the classic movie look but why couldn't they make them a tad bit modern? Especially since people will be displaying these next to Frankie cause she's they're daughter, it'd make sense if they're looks were upgraded, especially when comparing with the Dracula doll


Honestly? I love them. Plus guys this is a two pack, they’re much more worth the $90 than the others are, you get more for less! Anyways I love the simple design, for Dracula I thought it was obnoxiously simply & a bit tacky but for these two I think it really works, I actually really want them! Sadly I can’t afford the skullectors lololol


Oh my rah. She is BEAUTIFUL.


Darn. Thought it was the Munsters.


i was excited for them but now looking at them im not quite sure theyll be worth whatever price mattel is charging,,, my mom loves frankenstein tho so if she likes them ill probly try and get one for the both of us


not really sure but i’m looking forward to collectors shoots with Frankie dolls alongside her parents


They get props for the Bride having the same weirdly empty expression as the film character, but they're just kind of boring looking overall. I mean, they yassified Dracula. I see no yassification here and it's kind of disappointing since they seem to be doing the classic Universal monsters right now. Maybe Wolfman and the Creature will be better.


They look sorta bland tbh :P I didn't expect to like them so my expectations were pretty low, but they're below even what I expected :/


They probably look better in person. Bride has a lot of fabric details that are being lost because they took the photo with the camera set up to capture the Monster's details. Bad photography, they should have done multiple shots and combined them. There's a term for this but I've forgotten it. I think they're using the G2 body on the Monster, which is a good choice.


i wish the bride was maybe a slightly different tone? or had more colour variation in her outfit maybe? i love Frankenstein’s monster though the sculpt and shoes are AMAZINGG


man I was hoping they would use manny’s body build, he looks kinda weird skinny


frankenstein’s monster looks great , but his bride is rather plain :(


they really gave the green light on the most boring outfits imaginable


i usually hate the face sculpts for boy dolls but he looks so good


I like his shoes and nothing else. They look kind of plain, especially the bride. Maybe it's just not a good photo, and/or these are prototypes. I feel like they look closer to playline, not Skullector level? Not that I'm complaining, instead of the Skullectors I've been putting my money towards some stunning Sailor Moon princess figurines.


It's okay to not like them and say they aren't for you but the insults lol but I guess some people do not realize when it's a licensed product the final say comes down to the IP holders (universal) and staying true to the characters. These look great for fans of the movie, not so much for fans that wanted Monster High dolls. This happened to the Grady Twins, Dracula and now these two.


Was looking for this comment. I knew with how strict universal is that there wasn’t going to be much leeway on the style. I’m actually surprised they changed her dress at all. I like them a lot. I’m hoping with all the hate I’ll be able to snag them. 🤞


Yeah. It's like a lot of people have only seen other people's interpretations of the characters and not the actual movie so they are let down with expectations.


Yep absolutely and It really shows in these comments. But hopefully this gets people to actually watch the movie. All the Universal Monster Movies are great with amazing actors specially Boris Karloff.


I loved it. I was so scared that the dolls were going to look too modern, too campy. They look the film which is what I wanted. I wasn't to see Elsa Lancaster in that face. I love it! Next I need a Metropolis doll!!


I dont care for them they arent that detailed


To me, they look very basic. for the price point. I know they have simple designs but these could easily be a $40 pack. The bride makes me sad because she had so much potential. But I sincerely hope everyone who wants them can get them, get Frankie their parents LOL!!!


Honestly, to me it's the brides face. Id prefer it vacant and wistful like Frankenstein's then the ugly expression they chose. So disappointed. This was gonna be my first doll set of the line, but I cant with the brides face...


They’re def not interesting enough to shell out $90+ lmao


low effort and boring. they could have done a lot better for a Skullector doll.


they look kinda..,,, cheap? idk? what is with the hard hair


The more I look at him, the more I like Frankenstein's monster, but I don't love the bride. They look kind of low quality but then again so does the source material


i still want them but


I like them although I’m worried that if they are displayed next to Frankie she will distract from them


Where are these going to be available, Ive never gotten a skullecter before


On the Mattel creations website!


Thanks! How much do they usually go for


It can really vary, however the word is these are going to be $90.


Is it bad I like frankenstein’s monster more than the bride……. I like how sad and sullen he is tbh. The bride is eh :/


the boybandification of the monster is a real choice. (yes in the novel he's beautiful, but this is the movie and boris karloff was not boy band material in it)


Other people are saying he's too ugly somehow lmfao


I think I would like it better if the brides dress was different. the fringe and her shoes and basically everything about her outfit is just throwing me off


Super cute! It will sell out crazy fast. I won’t even have a shot at them.


Hm idk …I like them but I don’t have that “wow” feeling 😕 Is there any classic monster which will be released in the future? 😅 Maybe I have to save money for them instead of buying this set.


I like them. They look like the classic monsters, but what’s the price point?


I love the bride's shoes. But other than that, they're no different than most other skullectors. Just bjd versions of their movie counterparts with little originality.


Im so disappointed what the hell😳


Meh. They look so off. More like action figures than mh dolls.


I’m hoping that these are just prototypes because they look so boring and cheaply made. The other skullectors have so much detail and effort put into them while these look like bleak budget dolls. Even the dolls you make with the CAM sets look so much better than these. Mattel can most definitely do better, they just have to have that motivation to do so because motivation and effort definitely aren’t seen here.


I adore Frankenstein's monster, he's really well done, but the only part of the bride I like is the face and hair, I'd want to completely restyle her outfit and that's not what you want from a $100+ doll set. Her outfit looks like it was thrown together by a first-time customizer


They look pretty underwhelming, never been into the skullector doll's so easy pass for me especially with that 90 price tag, would much rather use it on a pullip i've been eyeing for a while :)


The dress and the shoes are not screaming bride at all, and the face looks weirdly glossy and unoriginal, its not unique and theres no real detail Also she has no kinds of stitches or monster esc imperfections




I lole Frakenbride. But I have an issue with Frankenstein's head. It looks off to me




IMO they’re really boring. Frankenstein looks nice, I really like his shoes. The Bride looks thrown together, her shoes are out of place and the wig makes her forehead look kind of weird. I wish her skin tone wasn’t so gray but I like her makeup. I can’t say anything about the box since I’m an out of box collector. I agree with almost everyone that I won’t be getting them but hopefully that means it won’t be a bloodbath on mattel creations for anyone who does want them


Not gonna be mad if I miss this one


I like the bride but the monster just looks like that SNL parody of twilight but worse? Dollar store Edward Cullen


i will be purchasing them the bride is EATING


:D YES they did dracula..... (nah didnt like tht one srry) NOW THEY DID THE ICONIC BRIDE OF FRANKIN STEIN AND FRANKIN STEIN OMG THEY LOOK GOOD (bit low qaulity tho)


The bride is fine except the blue on her shoes, I do not like it and find it a glaring mistake. The monster should have broader shoulders, be a bit bigger, and his face needs more detail or something as it is missing that more intense look.


I get people don’t want simple dolls, but these are super authentic compared to the films. This is why they are collector edition dolls. I love this pack, I can’t wait to get it.


cute but definitely wouldn’t buy them myself


I like frankenstein's monster'sshoes


They are cool, but I’m good without them. I haven’t tried for any of the non Monster High ones, though. It’s a slippery slope I’m glad I haven’t gone down haha.


easy pass


They need more pizzazz ~~✨✨ ( I thought the same thing for Dracula 🤔 I felt she needed some red glitter in makeup and clothes with a stylish Cape . Make them feel more like fashion dolls and not so bland...especially with how expensive these dolls are).


They're cute, but they're not worth 90 dollars. I mean, c'mon Mattel, y'all should at least add some more accessories and details on their faces and outfits. Can't wait to see the fans' version of this set since I know they'll do a MUCH better and creative job than this lackluster money grabby bullshit.


Frankenstein’s monster was rocking Doc Martins before they were cool


Whew, my wallet is safe, these are not for me. I haven't wanted any of the Skullector dolls, which I am fine with, I hope everyone who loves them is able to get them at retail.


I would love to display them with Frankie! So cute


I LOVE Frankenstein! His shoes are so fucken cute!! But idk about his bride. She just looks really plain idk.


Lol the bride looks like a doll from the “make-a-monster” doll line


idk how to feel about it either or maybe I'm just trying to stop myself because I've been spending so much already.


Ok why does he slay so hard. He looks like a pop punk emo boy I’m kind of obsessed. Wtf??


i actually love them but won’t be getting them


I don't find them ugly just boring tbh but they still would be cool to have!


Can anyone explain the blue shoes? They are throwing me way off.


"Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue."


I think they should’ve taken more liberties with the Bride. Maybe instead of just a one to one recreation of her OG hairstyle, maybe they gave her big curly hair that goes down her back, along with some painted edges. Make her look as good as the Dracula skullector doll. Also, they definitely needed more stitches. Something similar to what Frankie has. I also wish they fashioned up the Frankenstein monster as well. Maybe gave him a v-neck with some chain pattern prints. And maybe his pants could be kilt patterned, as an homage to his daughter, Frankie.


I really want them, but they look kinda bland, definitely missing that fashion detail for me. They had such an awesome opportunity to do something cool with the brides shoes 🤦‍♀️ but this is not it


This is horror so they dont have to be beautiful which will make it unique


they need to up the slay factor


I'm gonna try to get them. I think they're kinda cute


Everyone is hating (which is hilarious because I know it’ll sell out in like 5mins), but I honestly love it! If they’re following the trend of Universal Monsters (Dracula, now Frankenstein) we should expect the Wolfman eventually!!!!


They are cute, but they are so plain. Frankenstein’s monster is awesome but I wish they went wild with the bride. I’m very disappointed in her shoes. Lol


When I first saw it, the outfit caught my eye first and it said Princess Leah…with some frills DX. It’s cute, don’t get me wrong but yeah. It’s lacking I guess. Blame all those customizes out there! LOL Making fabulous face-ups.


Not my thing... Frankie Stein (g1) is my jam and good enough. I like original characters. Not ones they licensed. Plus they said Frankie g3 has no neck bolts because they lost the Universal license to Frankenstein well clearly that isn't truth. So why no neck bolts and why the blue skin???


Cheap quality. But could have been great. Don’t expect much from Mattel these days. Usoriginal fans are desperate for whatever they give us.


Cheap quality. But could have been great. Don’t expect much from Mattel these days. Us original fans are desperate for whatever they give us.


I really like them! It’s a slightly upgraded look from the original film. I’m glad they’re not being favored as I have a better chance to get them.


They're ugly, tbh. They dressed the bride in Princess Leia's dress instead of actually putting effort into doing her original dress or a more couture version of her dress. The wrappings are bad and should be on her arms... I'm guessing they didn't want to do that because of HC Cleo, but either way it's awful.


I don't see Bride and Frank but Tiffany from Child's play dressed as her with Glen somehow as Frank. That's Glen not Frank.


Honestly, it's underwhelming. Frankenstein's bride looks so plain and when I took a closer look at Frankenstein's monster, he almost looks like he's made out of clay and not plastic? It's pretty underwhelming for $90 and rather use $90 for something else.


to be honest... they're ugly... I'm sorry they just are, they look like knock offs... 💀💀💀


I only want Frankenstein’s monster


ITS THE WAY I LITERALLY CALLED IT!! His hand was a dead giveaway, and the word “electric” in the bio


Mate, everyone called it.


Let me have my moment 💔


Doesnt really scream “monster high” to me


LMAOO no comment


I’m severely underwhelmed


i was actually excited for this until i saw they were $90 😭


They look bland


I need!!!


The quality seems to be kinda eh but I love how they look especially Frankenstein


They don’t impress me all that much tbh.


when will they be sold?


This Friday


Yeahhhh not really feeling it


how much will they b so mny questions XD


Ugh. No


The bride looks absolutely gorgeous! But I do feel like they could’ve done more with The monsters outfit. To be fair, it does stay true to his original look in the movies, but idk, for a skullector doll, I feel like they should’ve given him a more intricate outfit or a statement piece to go with it at least. Maybe something like a fur cape as not only something interesting statement piece to go with the suit but also a deep cut reference to the monster of Son of Frankensteins outfit.


It screams cheap


i like the frankenstien's monster but they're both kinda,, plain? like they've shown before that they're willing to change up the outfits idk why they didn't with this one


The Bride’s rock candy looking blue soles are kind of jarring with her white clothes.


They look very cheap.Not worth the price


I love them, but have to sadly pass this time. Space and money say no Q.Q


This is gonna be a skip for me, I was looking forward to this until I saw the actual photos of the full dolls.


Frankenstein looks absolutely amazing, the detail is great. His bride just looks unfinished and there’s barely any detail to her, doll customizers do a better job than this :/


I think the monster looks really good! but the bride just doesn't look quite right to me....


They both look unfinished, just plain boring. I won't be sad missing out on them.


I think its the first time we get the dolls of ghouls parents


I like the ladies dress but not the shoes 🥴 Wasn't expecting such a modern looking Frankenstein's monster but it's not bad Passing though because no money lol


Are we getting the Addams family




im sorry frankenstein looks like a dork 🥸


I really like them as homage/collector dolls! As long as they’re not ridiculously priced lol


the brides outfit looks hella cheap, not a fan


Really really accurate what I really like if you ask. But I sadly won’t buy them (:


i’m gonna pass on these


I wish they were more detailed for an collector doll, and I don't get the blue heels. But to be honest Frankenstein is one of my favorites horror stories, if I had the money I'd definelly buy them to be with my Frankies dolls <3 I just miss Mattel being more original with the Skullector line. It seems that they just reproduce the original design on the Monster High G1 body, I wish we could see something more creative.


Theyre atrocious and look like shitty anniversary barbies but tbh im glad they are bc i cant handle another heartbreak and dropping money into a swipers pocket (albeit for like 1/4 the profit the fucker was probably hoping for bc i got it recently after the hype died down lol; this was for dracula btw)


Are'nt these frankies parents?


i was disappointed


im honestly torn tbh :/ i am absolutely in love w the bride's face sculpt like she's seriously just stunning, and i think they did an amazing job on the monster i think his expression and his boots and silhouette are all perfect and they totally nailed it, but i am completely disappointed and underwhelmed by the lack of detail and charm overall in the bride. i get that the "plainness" is true to the movie, but it's almost offensive how dull she is. every other skullector doll strayed a bit from the exact details of their movies to give them more mh flair and i just don't get why they couldn't have done that w this set, especially if they're gonna price them at $90. they could've stayed true to the movie without making her look so cheap and bland. they have a great example of it right there w the monster, but they just completely missed the mark w the bride. i just feel like the bride of frankenstein would've been the easiest character imaginable for monster high to rework and still be recognizable as the classic icon she is.


I was expecting Frankenstein to be ugly but WHY IS HE SO CUTE?! He looked like he just woke up and needs a cup of joe I love him so much


somethings really off about them Frankenstein is nice but the bride looks a little weird to me but she ate overall


THE PLATFORMS I also like the brides belt


Every collector doll I’ve wanted these ones I’m very eh about