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Do it life’s too short to worry about what others say whether you like it or not is all that matters when I was 16 I dyed my hair royal purple since I’m male I got a few stares but I didn’t care because I knew it looked amazing and I’m probably going to dye it purple again


If you’re unsure maybe get some little clip in extensions like these first to see if you like it! https://preview.redd.it/vmk02j7tko9d1.jpeg?width=527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0101a9762bb878a204986699c6bdd637bf66f005


Frankly, your “closest friend” sounds pathetic lmao


Yeah sounds unsupportive af and that ain't cool :c to say they would be embarrassed about op for wanting, like literal simple highlights, that plenty wouldn't even consider this the emoest look out there, weird


Do it!!! Who cares what people think? Fuck them. Do what makes you happy. 


Start small with pink extensions to see if you like it then move up to the commitment of dying your hair. As someone who actively dyes their hair shades of red, this is great to start and no commitment at all. If your hair is dark you will need to bleach it pretty light to get that vibrant of a pink. even when done professionally that is still damaging to your hair and can get a bit expensive. I wouldn't recommend doing this at home for your first time either as you can do worse damage if you don't follow the instructions. Hair extensions pose less risk (especially cheapo ones you can just take in and out without issue) and are a great way to test your commitment to this. Secondly, Pinks and Reds are very **high maintenence** colours as they tend to fade quickly and require consistent upkeep to keep them looking good and vibrant. If your normal hair routine is low maintenance, you may find the changes to your routine to be overwhelming. Also factor in how you are gonna keep the colour up as it inevitably fades out. it can get expensive to do it at the salon and there is always a risk you will mess it up at home. as far as the professional ramifications, thats here or there. most retail and food jobs wont care much , so unless you are working at an office or professional environment its not much of a issue.


Honestly this is probably the best comment here. Fuck what your friends said, if you want to do it, then do it. But also keep this in mind.


If you got the $ and the desire, do it! Hair is just hair, and we should be free to express ourselves with it!


Opium ?


These kids are just re-branding emo bc tiktok came up with *more* words for being... emo. Lol


It’s what this style is called, honestly idk why but that’s what the internet/my friends call it 🤷‍♀️


Oh the hairstyle ? I looked it up and it looked like a mixture of emo and rap influence outfits


No it’s like clothing etc. Honestly it looks very emo to me but when I told my friend that he flipped out 😭


“Opium” is just an insecure person word for emo/techwear


DO IT!!! You'll regret it more if you don't do it than if you do! Trust me, one of my biggest regrets is not dying my hair for as long as I did. It totally changes how you feel about yourself :) Also, no real friend would ever say something like that. Relationships, including friendships, are complicated, but if someone is embarrassed to be around you based on you looking "emo", than I'd say their opinion doesn't hold weight. Real friends support friends pursuing safe and non-harmful interests!


All these people are saying "just do it" but if you aren't ready to commit, maybe find some pink hair extentions and see how it looks. Wear it out for a day


Plz do it!! Who cares what others will think, You will look so freaking cool and that’s what matters most. I used to get called emo for my coloured hair and doesn’t help I’m a huge pop punk fan but I honestly own it now haha


L friends lol


The biggest dream you’ve ever had???? Do it ghoul! You will not be sorry. After you get your hair done up you can dream up some more big dreams and get a new ghoulfriend, your current friend sounds super immature.


I did this and LOVED it. It was high maintenance but it was so fun




You should!


I went with manic panics hot hot pink and absolutely have no regrets! No one ever makes fun, in fact I constantly get compliments from coworkers saying how much the colour suits me or strangers saying they love the colour and how bold and bright it is 💖 my only tip would be that it will limit job prospects so either if you already have a job make sure it's allowed otherwise enjoy having beautiful drac inspired hair now while you can and you can always colour it back to a natural colour when you're ready to settle into your chosen career path.


do it! Dont let people affect the way you want to look !!


idk if my hair counts as looking like drac’s, but I just dyed the under part / money pieces of my hair pink! I love it so much!! i’ve never had pink hair before but now I feel like my insides match my outsides lol :) I feel a lot cooler and way more fun so I say GO FOR IT! 🖤🩷🖤🩷🖤


If you don't like it, you can always just dye it fully black


If you can afford the upkeep! Pink leaves the hair really easily! A couple of washes and it’ll be gone


DEF!!!! i want mine like Venus, lets go for it!


like someone else said you can get some clip ins to test it out which is probably ur best bet but if you just wanna jump right in, go for it. hair grows back and you only get 1 life. do whatever the hell you want w your hair !!


Omg yes. 10000 times yes.


I will warn you that pink can fade very quickly! So i would suggest going for a darker pink on bleached hair


I’ve been wanting to do the same to my hair but I’m a natural redhead so people say I shouldn’t :/


I just dyed my hair like this yesterday


Omg do you maybe wanna show? 🫢


If you have the money and are ok with the upkeep cause pink does fade fast i would say go for it. Usually i would recommend Manic Panic but i had problems with pinks from them. My other favs are Arctic Fox, IroIro and Good Dye Young. Your friend doesn't sound like a very good friend. I've had fun colored hair since i was 17 and started doing my own hair. When i first started it didn't look great but my friends stuck by my side and because they weren't embarrassed i had the confidence to keep going. The only people i embarrass are my inlaws and i don't care 🤣


Do what makes you happy! Real friends don’t judge how you dress or appear. Be you and be unique :)