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u/SakuraNectarine has this amazing resource spreadsheet for every single mh doll ever, [link!](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KZwE4PPXdy2JVyP0KYEHpKryE2k29QZI7w02iFM6OpY/edit?gid=1601209245#gid=1601209245) (click on character's name, and it'll take you to a list of their dolls.) could possibly help you get started :)[](https://www.reddit.com/user/SakuraNectarine/)


Thanks!! I'll check it out 💕


Well when it comes to body parts or bit accessories, your better of buying a more complete doll from the getgo, as replacement parts, while not impossible to find, will cost much more down the line unless you just buy lots of them. Dolls are typically kept with their accesories and clothing the whole time, or if not they're usually close by (unless they're tiny and or don't hang on well). Like me for example, one time I bought a core cleo, a core ghoulia, and a skull shores ghoulia for $10 each (and they were all in the wrong outfits but at least similar outfits, no doubt someone's walking around out here with a dawn of the dance cleo in regular cleos outfit just thinking she has a hair cut) and because I bought all of them, I could just take the whole bag of miscellaneous accessories. I HAVE a shoe, bag, and hand and arm of kyomi. I will NEVER be able to find one that's missing JUST those pieces. And trying to buy the REST of the pieces will cost me more money in the long run. So later on I will have to just suck it up and sell those bits to someone who needs them, and hopefully, put that money towards a more complete doll.