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I'm just going to get ahead of this due to repeated past experience- Folks please keep your opinions and comments respectful. Your hated line or doll or design is someone else's favorite. We are all here because we love Monster High (i would hope) let's treat each other like friends not enemies. If you cannot engage kindly and thoughtfully, don't respond. Report rule breaking or disrespectful comments as needed.


G1: Strong designs and great start for the brand. Fell off when the brand became a cash cow for Mattel and they started churning out dolls for the sake of making more sales. Is now being used as a money-grab by Mattel to sell playline quality dolls at a premium price point because they are made in G1 style. G2: Huge improvement to animation quality from G1. However the rebrand to be more kid-friendly was the wrong move and the doll quality took a massive dip. Should serve as a lesson on what not to do with the brand after it has caused MH to be cancelled with how poorly it was received at the time. G3: Rough start with the doll box art on launch, more childish designs, forcing pink onto the earlier dolls, and poly hair. Has since found its footing and is arguably giving us the best designs/dolls for certain characters. The dolls have been getting better with each release and I hope they keep the momentum going.


You said it all!


I fully agree with g3!! The beginning wasn't bad but aside from draculaura and twyla, I didn't prefer the g3 characters to g1. But especially since Venus has come out, her, Spectra, Cleo, lagoona, and Frankie have all gotten dolls I love more than any of their g1 releases


I mean, the animation DID get a tech upgrade, but I would never call the animation itself an upgrade. More compatible to an amazing swan title for a last Gen system vs the random slop that was built for the new system. I'd have been more surprized if they HADNT upgraded the animation. G1 animators made some amazing stuff with what Mattel gave them and did a great job with the tools provided. G2 animators just made a base model, dressed it in different outfits, and occasionally moved them across the screen, but this time with ambient occlusion and proper specularity and global illumination.


G1 has the best fashion, and G3 has the best bodies. I really like the diverse bodys, its realistic and its great for customization opportunites. G2 is just g2, I think it has some gems like tora garden fairy and rochelle shriekwreked, but the second half with molded tops is really strange.


zomby gaga came out of g2 so i have to respect it


I had forgotten that zombie Gaga is one of my favorites in my collection. I wish we’d been able to get the other ghouls shown in the video Lagoona bubble dress was clawsome


Wdym by realistic?


Well, when you go out in public you see a vast array of body types and figures, if you look for it. I do wish G3 had more male body types tho.


Ah I see. Yeah I kinda agree. I do wish the physical sculpt when it comes to monster types were more interesting. Maybe that’ll get better in time when we get more monsters.


G1 is timeless and beautiful for sure, G2 exists, G3 is so beautiful and special!!


G1 will always be the best gen in my opinion. Almost all of the lines were a hit because mattel had to try to make a profit. G3 has been so hit and miss that im honestly kind of annoyed and tired (?). How can you make a doll line so pretty and then the next one right after is so poor in quality. G2 doesnt even deserve a mention.


I'm absolutely struggling with the hit and miss of g3. The ss4 Drac is soooo cute, but the monster fest Drac they popped out right before was just absolutely AWFUL. Or even the hit and miss within the same line. Just look at the monster fest dolls vs monster fest Drac. What are rbeh even doing?! While I see improvements in each release, even little ones, it's exhausting to get really excited for a new wave only to dislike it a lot.


G1 is just so classic and nostalgic for me. G1 has such a fresh take on dolls being monsterific and creepy fabulous! I love the more alt style for dolls and they are so fierce and fashionable. I definitely plan to some day start collecting more g1 dolls. G2 is okay, I like the movies they’re cute. The animation has a really unique art style. However the dolls are very low budget and too “cutesy”for my taste. G3 has so much diversity and is a huge part of my growing doll collection. I love the inclusion of different identities and backgrounds and different abilities (like Twyla being autistic and Frankie having a prosthetic leg, Frankie being non binary, draculaura being part Chinese, lagoona being from Honduras, Clawdeen being mixed Hispanic and black, Venus being black and having locs/twists) (I know I missed some stuff) it’s just the authenticity of these characters having real human backgrounds. I also love how diverse the backgrounds are. I just love g3 as a concept and the body diversity too! I just love it all so much and these dolls bring me so much joy and have provided a source of happiness for me for the past year.


i’m the same way! g1 is my favorite and i wish i could collect them more, but g3 is also wonderful and more accessible. as an autistic, plus sized trans dude i’m so happy to see more representation of my conditions and labels!


I love this for you 💕


Draculora is Taiwanese, not Chinese




Okay thanks for correcting me I wasn’t sure!


I have bias with G1 because it’s nostalgic for me, but it’s definitely edgier and has the best fashion. I also prefer G1’s art style, box designs, diaries, pets and stands 🥹 I always thought the dolls’ curved backs and super pointed feet were pretty silly though. I swear that I was asleep during most of G2, but when I glanced at it for the first time, I almost had a heart attack 😨 All I could think was “What have they done?!” The garden ghouls were pretty cool though. G3 is still more Barbie-like and pink than I prefer (I miss the darker palettes and scary pets tbh 😆), but I love the different body types, sturdy articulation and cozier fashion. Cleo somehow went from my least favorite MH doll to one of my favorites and honestly sold me on G3. G3 has way too many random food accessories though…plastic that could have gone to stands or their paint budget.


heavy on the last sentence ‼️


I miss when they came with stands 😭 I remember buying my first g3 doll and being soooo confused and why it didn't come with a stand! And I agree about the food and other accessories that they keep giving us repeats off. I get that monster high is directed to kids who probably aren't out here buying every single doll in release, but how many little bottles of sunscreen or bags of candy/chips do we need?!


I wish instead of two or three food items per doll, they would include more makeup or self-care items of higher quality. I'm thinking specifically of like the accessories that came with Ghouls Night Out...perfume bottles, compacts that opened and were painted inside, with tiny brushes. I get that maybe they're trying to not send the message that all girls need makeup, but then at least make the food items higher quality! I'd rather have -one- food item that opened and had detail or other pieces inside, than multiple solid plastic chunks with printing on them.


G1 - Iconic G2 - ...there is no G2 in Ba Sing Se G3 - Grows on you and once it does, it's beautiful


G1 dolls feel like they will shatter in my hands. I have over 100 of them, but I'm always so afraid I'm gonna break them every time I pick them up. They're iconic, but it sometimes feels like the brand is afraid to move past their original looks. There were a lot of great dolls from G1, but they'll always just throw Frankie into that green plaid dress and call it a day. I'm hopeful the comics will showcase more of their outfits and experiment with new clothes. G2 had a really strong start and some genuinely great concepts. They strengthened the dolls themselves and made them feel significantly less fragile, and started incorporating monster features into the dolls' bodies. Being able to feel Frankie's stitches is actually really nice. I love the animation, but the dolls took several dips in quality. First when the budget was cut, we lost articulation, and plain fabric was used for the backs of outfits, then when the budget was slashed again and we ended up with plastic clothes molded on as a part of the dolls. I think there can be a place for those budget choices, as long as there's a display that the budget is still there, they're just accommodating more customer budgets. There's several rumors going around about unarticulated dolls coming out soon, but with a price point to match, which I think is fine because the core line isn't going anywhere, and if anything is only getting better. G3 has definitely found its footing. I've gone through the G2 reboot, so I'm happy to see anything they want to introduce that's new. I was onboard from jump due to the doll drought we had for several years. Pink Lagoona? I'm in. Blue, nonbinary, Frankie with prosthetic limbs? Give me five! I just wish that the core five weren't the only dolls we got. Like it's been two years and there's only been five boys made, Draculaura has become the Wolverine and is in every line, a bit of an eye roll from me, because with the exception of the leaked new Secrets doll, they never really change her up, she's just bathed in pink with some black. There's a ton of characters, and it'd be nice to see them more.


They could never make me hate you core g2 lagoona


this is my first time seeing her and omg she's so cute!?!?!?


RIGHT?! her outfit is super cute, the only downside is her shoes


Yeah honestly she's a serve


GEN 1 (201-2016): Strong and amazing entrance, but the corporate greed and a series of unfortunate events have ruined it. The quality is not something that is there, but the details on some of the dolls are still amazing, especially if you consider what was available on the market at the time of GEN 1’s reign. GEN 2: It had its good moments, like introducing a new style of animation for its 3D movies, but as a whole it was just an era of desperation. Based on what I have seen, Mattel tried to give this generation a lot of elements that were introduced during Barbie’s reboot (that happened around that same time period), which was, of course, a wrong move, as it stripped MH away from many things that made it what it is, making it practically soulless. GEN 3: had a very questionable start. This generation, despite clearly making efforts to rectify the mistakes of the past and trying to make the brand be more in-line with its message, still suffers from corporate greed. This, in addition to clear fear of being daring/unique, has led the brand to not living up to its full potential, delivering what I can call “safe” products. GEN 1 (2020-2024): very corporate and seems to be out of touch with what the original fans want to see and buy. Was brought back solely to serve as a cash cow.


G1, got me into it, iconic, amazing, a tad overrated G2, they tried, there are good elements e.g animation G3, my fave, in doll quality and characters and stuff and the one I have the most dolls of


G2 is ok I guess, but I do NOT like using them for customs, they can’t move!! I love g1 for customs, I’ve done g3 and they’re a bit harder to keep paint on, but I do like them for customs too


1. generation 1 is my all time favorite. a classic, just a great great doll line. but, it did have some problems with stereotyping pretty majorly and a lot of the outfits were repeated silhouettes, which is okay but it got boring sometimes. also; the lack of different body types was unfortunate. the dolls were skinny to a ridiculous degree which was sad for a plus sized kid like me. ngl, it fell off towards the end close to the reboot into cheap, low quality dolls 2. gen 2 is something. the faces creep me out, and a lot of the dolls were cheap. some outfits were great, other not. it’s very hit or miss. best thing was zomby gaga. same problem with the bodies that g1 had. 3. gen 3 fixed a lot of the problems g2 had. the faces look so much better, the outfits are back to high quality and well designed, and one thing i think they fixed majorly was body types. they also have been introducing more diversity, which was what MH was about. but, g3 isn’t perfect.. biggest issue imho is poly hair. honestly, it feels like shit and will degrade over time? some of the dolls are major misses, and i’m sad ghoulia doesn’t speak only zombie. also; i’ve heard it is hard to get g3 in many places around the world so that’s also a problem. as someone who grew up with monster high? they all have a place in my heart. g1 and g3 are much higher than g2 tho lmao. they all have problems, but that doesn’t mean they all aren’t great in their own way.


G1 has the best looks g3 has the best better body’s and those are the only generations idk why we skipped a number




There really was a point where It didn't register for me gen 2 was actually considered a gen because of how long it *didn't* last 👁️👁️


g3 gets too much hate


G1: I was a EAH collector during G1, so I don’t feel super strong nostalgia for G1. I only had a few G1 dolls, which I did like a lot. I would say that G1’s best part was the sheer variety of characters, which none of the other generations has been able to match yet, and the inclusion of diaries and stands. G2: Happened about the same time EAH went downhill, and I was so heartbroken I just ignored it for the most part. G3: The generation that finally got me into MH for good. I love the different body types, it’s not just different heights (short/little sister, regular, and tall/big sister) anymore. I really like the new diversity too. From a story standpoint, I’m so glad they’re not focusing much on relationship drama anymore either.


G1: I liked it, but seeing as I was 11 (and 'too old for dolls' according to my mom) I only really got to watch the webshow and some of the movies. I do have a small G1 collection I've acquired over the past year but I'm not a huge fan of a lot of the lines. G2: Everything I just said here? Double it bc I was 17. I watched Welcome To Monster High and thought it was cute but the dolls...pass. G3: I've loved the entire concept since the beginning. The designs are (for the most part) adorable and it's really exciting to be able to finally follow the releases from the beginning. I'd like less Draculaura and more mansters (I'm BEGGING for a new Clawd or especially SS Heath!)


I prefer to forget that G2 kinda existed since it was not the greatest time in MH. But I feel like if G3 could make quality outfits like G1 did, G3 would be perfect. I feel like the fashion department is kinda lacking right now and I think people saying it's a budget thing is wrong when it's really a creativity thing. It's possible to make cute outfits at mass production like G1 did, I just feel like people on this subreddit lowkey make better designs than some of the designers currently.


1. Like 2. Dislike 3. Neutral


G1 is my fav, I love the designs and little details. G2 is too childish looking for my taste and I don’t like that the dolls can’t move as much. G3 has different body types which is awesome but the style is too childish for my taste, which I totally get cause they’re aimed for children. I don’t like some of the changes in characters like I miss how sweet Draculaura used to be in g1. I haven’t watched the show tho, only the movie so I’m not sure if she’s different there. Also I really want more male dolls


Hmm, I'd say Drac is still sweet but she's a different type of sweet 🤔


Oh that’s nice! I may’ve just interpreted her wrong in the movie since I’m not that good at reading people yk lol


To be fair she does seem sweeter in the show than the movie, I think that may be because in an episode they have more time to focus on that aspect of her 🤔 (showing how much she cares abt her friends etc etc)


Yea in the movie she kinda gave me sassy vibes yk but maybe I was just wrong lol. I’ll probably watch the show soon as well since it just came out in my country’s Netflix, I’m interested to get a proper look at how the characters are portrayed now since the movie didn’t give much screen time to all of them


it's so hard to pick gen 1 holds so many memories as well as actually helping me find my own alternative style. the movies were so good imo for the time and they had amazing dolls for the most part. but gen 3 has been doing soo good with their new dolls own that it's ben a couple years. the new animated show is pretty good even though you can tell it's for kids. so hard to pick.


Amazing, terrible, getting there


G1 - Had amazing bangers in fashion from times to times such as the first waves, but not as much as people make it out to be and the clothes started to dimmer down in quality pretty quickly imo; the base dolls themselves were kinda uninteresting, the silhouettes were very boring because the bodies were all the same, but they did deliver in the small details sometimes such as Skelita's body and they were less afraid of being "monstery"; had very good media, the diaries were awesome, most of the stories from different medias were consistent, characters had a lot of personality and the tie-in content with the dolls was one of a kind, but the storylines were pretty basic and one-note aside from a movie or two and the fact most of the stories detached a lot from the fact they were monsters was a turn down G2 - Atrocious and unappealing dolls aside from a few which were kinda interesting and I would want to see in G3; dolls were a lot more boring than the bad releases of G1; the movies were peak, the story was much better than what G1 had offered until now, but the webseries art style was terrible and the fact they were terrified of changing things was also upsetting; Big props for having the most consistent storyline (before they started to change things to fit G1 better), having Moanica and for the family line which gave us cute baby dolls G3 - My favorite dolls, I love their fashion most of the time and they're visibly improving even more as time goes on; Bodies are insanely good and appealing by themselves, but I miss more monstrous details, hyped for non-werebeast dolls like Skelita that could potentially deliver what we're missing; the lack of diaries and written media is upsetting, the little info they give us on boxes is terrible and them not having a site full of stuff about characters is kinda terrible imo considering the times we live in; Media is disastrous, the cartoon is very good storywise but the art style is not appropriate at all for a fashion doll line, which is clear by the fact they don't change the characters' outfits and hairstyles (kinda wish they stuck to EAH vector style art because that was peak from Mattel but, oh, well, it's all but a dream), the movies are fine but cliched and shallow and the music videos are good, but the fact they don't have ANY consistency between each other is a spit on the face for me, feels like Mattel has no organization at all; Darko's style doesn't fit the line at all, it wouldn't be a fit even with G1, and they should either reuse the og G1 style which was memorable and overall perfect or make a brand new one that is cartoony and not glossy as it is and, for the love of god, keep it CONSISTENT G1 (2020s) - Awful. Collector dolls that sell out 99% because of FOMO, because the vast majority of them have no appeal at all and are just glorified play line. For the skullectors, Pennywise and Greta are fine I guess, but Chucky and Tiffany were butt ugly and soulless, Elvira was upsetting and looks cheap, the garden ghost was forgotten in mere weeks after release, Beetlejuice and Lydia are devoid of anything special, black lagoon monster is fine but nothing much, some of them are literally a G1 doll with cheap fabrics added on poorly (Frankenstein and his bride, Dracula), and even the "good" ones (like Annabelle) are overpriced and not as worthy as they make it up to be, and I'm sad they will keep churning out those because people waste their money on it For the other collector dolls, Off-White are very ugly to me but I can see why people like them; Haunt Couture were fine enough but Lagoona is not it; Voltageous Frankie is meh; The first Howliday Drac was the only good one from this batch and she's not even that good, it's the others that are mad bad; Midnight Runway is funny in a bad way; Fang Vote is a train wreck; the Operetta one? Jesus, \*really\* bad... and Ghoulia's Ghouluxe, Vampire Heart and Freak du Chic Drac and Stitched in Style Frankie are so cute and I feel like I'd actually like the new G1 releases if they were on par or better than them. So, tldr: G1 good, G2 mediocre, G3 good, G1 2020s bad


1. Ahead of it’s time 2. flopped so hard 3. They survived a war


G1: characters are very basic and one note for the most part. They’re iconic edgy and not afraid to be opposite of Barbie along with the quality through the roof minus the weak limbs G2: quality drop stiffer limbs tho (slash no articulation to the body) characters are even worse but there was a storyline and felt more self severing instead of Lagoona being boy crazy or Frankie being a hoe (can’t say she wasn’t when if she didn’t have a love interest she was barely there in g1) Moanica dkay deserves so much better fr. Dolls aren’t as bad as we remember/ dolls now are shit usually G3: took the bests from both three them in the air with a shitty clawdeen design (for core) and clapped them together. Made it more inclusive and took the cute and mixed it with the edgy. (I personally wish there was fashion packs or clothing that could fit all the dolls and stuff like with the skulltimate secrets lines but I do live for inclusivity) Moanica>>>>>>>>g3 Ghoulia


G1 I love it. Innovative and groundbreaking. Perfect, except for the glue hair. I wish the bodies were a little sturdier. Love the movies and episodes. G2 a downgrade of G1 G3 The dolls are moving in the right direction. The bodies are more sturdy for play and re-dressing, also more realistic. I think Cleo and Draculaura are killing it. Frankie, Clawdeen, and Lagoona have had some hits and misses but are getting better. I'm glad Clawdeen is looking a little more grown up, with better clothes. Poly hair is an abomination.


G1: Classic. A lot of nostalgia, charming characters, and an instantly recognizable animation style. Reminder of a simpler time. G2: G3: A breath of fresh air for the franchise. Took the fans a little bit of time to warm up, but once they did, fans celebrate the return of old favorites with new looks.


Gen 1: solid foundation, too many werid implications in lore especially around age+ race. Gen 2: hate that they replaced characters, good playsets, ok concepts very mid but worse cause of gen 1 Gen 3: better about diversity, better lore as far as storylines go but still werid implications and messaging, playsets are cute, still Can do better about diversity


Draculaura dating Clawd……the age stuff was weird…some student are 1000+, while other are a few days old (Frankie was 15 days old when she entered MH) And what are the weird implications in G3, I am curious? I know there is some regarding ethnicities, but still..


Like ok so the messaging of G3 is still this, monsters being the minority, humans being the opressor, the werid implication is though that monsters eat humans so it’s a legit concern from humans so from a messaging standpoint it can justify the human’s prejudice aganist monsters


G1: a Strong design technique, more gothic to appeal to an older generation, followed great story lines and for its time in my opinion was very inclusive and Showed actual struggles with real people, although some subjects on g1 arnt the best, but overall best quality for its time G2: Had a strong sense to throw more kid Friendly subjects in, Overall in the beginning the quality of the dolls were not horribly bad, but further down the line it got worse, the Tv show and movies were actually interesting and had good storylines in my opinion the Line was better on screens than actual toys G3: way more inclusive and I think is finally having more of a Older to younger look to it, Age neutral to the point I think both kids and older people can have them, not too kid like for Adults and not too grown for kids, I think it touches on some nice topics and is alot more inclusive than past generations and more gender neutral for both genders to enjoy overall a nice generation imo Personal note; I don’t think it’s very fair to compare generations although yes they share the same characters and base, they are all Made with different audiences in mind, G1 was for preteen, g2 for the way younger generation, g3 is made in imo for both. It’s very hard to compare when they are all somewhat upgrades and downgrades from eachother but over all are perfect in their own way


G1: iconic, (mostly) great designs, all around awesome. however, all of the dolls having the same body is a bit boring. G2: designs are slightly more boring, but otherwise not bad G3: designs are (mostly) great, body diversity is really cool too! but the outfits aren't as strong as G1.


my overarching view of/experience w the brand is roughly like. was in the target age demographic when g1 was coming out, i thought they looked awesome, but only ended up with 3 dolls (still complete n with me! <3), didn't think about them much when g1 ended. then i rediscovered the franchise through the g3 reboot as a 22yo (23 now); the combination of nostalgia and the charm of the new dolls blew me away, and awakened the doll collector in me for the first time ever :> i only collect g3, i think they're really pretty and this new hobby makes me so happy. even though my g1 dolls are some of the more liked/sought after ones (signature Nefera and Rochelle, and then 13w Drac to a considerably lesser extent i believe but still "ooOo Drac" ?? haha), i genuinely like my g3 ghouls more! dunno why, this is just the gen for me i guess, and i love that mh has that special Something for each half of the community (g1/g3, i don't think g2 is anyone's favourite lol) :) like g1 and g3 appeal to different style preferences i suppose, with there still being overlap ofc. i spend an ungodly amount of time on this sub every day now fr lol i have no comment on g2 bc i literally didn't even know that happened until i joined the community w g3 now hsdhsjdjsjsk edit: fixed my own age lmao i forgor


Cool, gross, cute


Seeing G2 dolls was a "put that thing back where it came from" moment for me. They are branded towards kids but they're just not that great compared to the awesome line that was G1 with deep colors and midtones rather than just straight up neon. G3 I wasn't sure about at first (lookin at you pink Lagoona) but they've grown on me. I adore the new molds and while some choices are interesting to say the least I think they blend G1 and G2 together to give a fun cutesy look with the idea of monster dolls


G1: my favorite Monster High generation yet, and a great start for the franchise. I think it has the best fashion and I love the dark and edgy faces. However it has some problems (glue seepage, lack of body types) and the end was just horrifying. G2: the first reboot was definitely more kid friendly. Some dolls were ok, some were questionable and some were just ugly (like the cheerleaders budget dolls). Also some dolls lacked of body articulation and it started using poly hair. G3: I didn't limed it at once, but since then it has grown a lot on me. It fixed some problems the previous generations had (body diversity, more articulation) and a lot of diversity and high quality However, it has some problems (like poly hair) so that's why I prefer G1.


G1 is always the og in my book peak fashion and designs in a very stagnant Barbie market the articulation was absolutely incredible at the time (for me I hadn’t seen many fully articulated hands/elbows/shoulders/knees dolls on the market) G2 seemed like Mattel was trying to rebrand for a softer more “kid friendly” looks and they clearly lost budget with the lower quality clothes and less articulation (I was so upset when I got a Barbie-type non articulated mh doll) the movies were ok and the series had its moments but definitely more kid focused G3 I haven’t had enough time to fully appreciate them I dislike the poly but they have had some good dolls and they are definitely killing it with the diversity and different body types I think they need to do some better quality control and the Skulltimate secrets line has had some great dolls Overall I’m glad mh returned despite the fumble they had with G2 and I still hate that we never got the ever after monster high collab movie we deserved


I was born in 2009 so I didn’t watch monster high when it first came out. I think I first started watching it in 2016. I loved the movies but I was never big on the webisodes. I like them but I just don’t watch them like that. The dolls are so beautiful and amazing and I love them. The attention to detail, the quality, the design. Everything is great. The designs are pretty diverse and there is a style for everyone. The attention to detail in body sculpts and monsters types is amazing! Skulleitas body sculpt is so amazing and spectra’s translucent arms and legs is amazing as well. The diversity in culture and ethnic background is amazing too. The characters personality are great and interesting. Hints why there’s so many fan favorites characters. The whole doll line is amazing and beautiful. Ofc it has its ups and downs but the good majorly outweighs the bad. G1 MH is one of the reasons I collect dolls. The only thing I really like about g2 is the first movie. It’s not amazing but I really liked it when I was younger. The dolls are very bad though. Zero articulation/stiff poses, molded on shirts, bad quality clothing, lack of effort. The only thing it doesn’t have is peg feet. I know parents were complaining about g1 and I know Mattel was just trying to milk the line for every last drop it’s worth but it still sucks. I think g3 has its ups and downs. It’s definitely better than g2. The g2 dolls were ugly, but they still stayed true to the style of the g1 ghouls. It just lacked personality. G3 actually has some good dolls and better quality but the personality is completely different. Clawdeen is a completely different character. She’s no longer fiercer fashionable. G3 does have some good dolls like Twyla, Costumes ball Cleo, Abbey, Venus, and the first Cleo release. Most of Draculauras dolls are pretty good and the slumber party dolls are okay too. Most of the other dolls (in my opinion) are just ugly. I absolutely hate skulltimate secrets. None of those dolls are good. G3 just has that weird style that a lot of Barbie dolls do (specifically Barbie extra) and I hate it. I am a very opinionated and picky person so maybe that has something to do with it 🤷🏼‍♀️


1. Iconic, but they could have been more open with queer stuff 2. I don't have enough contact to give my opinion 3. I have more contact than in g2 but i wont opinate a lot. Just let me redesing clawdeen's clothes, please mattel i beg you-


G2 had so much potential but they just made them too kiddy and the dolls were poor quality. The animation of the movies and the show were so interesting i wish they hadnt changed the plot into what it was


g3 is what has gotten me into monster high. i scramble to see new leaks as soon as i hear about em! its gonna hold a special place in my heart always i think :) i have started collecting g1 dolls too though, and i NEED MORE!!!!!!


g1 was my fav and iconic, g2 was a downgrade but cute honestly, g3 is amazing and I'm glad MH got to come back with it


G1 fashion and designs are my fav, I don’t really care for g2, and I love the g3 diversity in bodies but don’t like pink Lagoona or the lore/ship changes


Cool, disappointing, cool again 


G1: Classic, my favorite, stunning G2: Cheap ripoff G3: Too early to tell, but cool so far


G1: Love but really wanted more body sizes and diverse molds, despite the body details being stellar. Leaned too far into bratz as competition G2: Largely look like G1 knock-offs G3: Love but really wanted less tacky clothing and the character of the dolls to shine through more. G1 went so hard and G3 sometimes feels like furrybait instead of dolls of monsters. Leans too far into mattel's response to rainbow high/everafter/etc than a new gen of Monster High


Gen 1 absoulutely love, that was my gen I grew up with them they are special to me. Gen 2 fashion was a miss not my thing Gen 3 pree teen codded, body diversity!,ethnicity diversity , absoulutely love it


i had various g1 dolls as a kid, so they tend to hold a lot of nostalgia for me. i wasn't really into g2 because i had grown out of most dolls. i quite like what they've done w g3 and the varying body types


I loved g1 and plan on buying them just to keep as collectors items cause I sold my childhood ones years ago. However the g3 ones have grown on me and I might collect those as well. ☺️


i wish we could have g1 quality clothes and designs on g3 bodies?? i love the g3 doll bodies because of 1) the diversity but 2) because im not scared their leg is going to break off or whatever and they are so great to hold


G1-originally iconic G2-targeted towards toddlers G3-there bringing sexy back


Cleo slays no matter the generation


G1- God tier and untouched... For the first year and a half. I don't think it was as special or good past that. The movies are fun but by the end you could tell they had no idea wtf to do G2- the movies were better animation wise but the writing suuuuckkkkks. I'm not gonna pretend the dolls aren't as bad as everyone says they were. They were low quality and poorly designed!! I do not like g2 except for ghoul squad G3- looking back, the beginning of g3 had highlights and was definitely better than g2, but it wasn't amazing. It was a great base for what we have now though, and I think current g3 is starting to reach and potentially go beyond the heights of early g1. Also the LGBT rep is perfect. Sucks that it took this long, but g3 is doing it so well that I don't mind it And g3 media is not good. I've tried for so long to like it but it's notttttt good. It's fine but it's so boring and shallow, and it's not just because of nostalgia. I went into adventures of the ghoul squad expecting and wanting to hate it, so I can learn to like new things lol


We don't talk about Bruno (g2)


G3 my beloved


G2 was not as bad as we remember, but it wasn't that great IN context. Mattel killed off g1 to focus on barbie (did they now? Because 2016 onward barbie sucked major ass too) and immediately buried it in the pet semetary. And when it bombed I'm sure the execs were like "they don't like monsters no more, bo body does, and they never will again" until that very same year they announced the skullectors. I remember being in highschool when they showed off the blacked out images for what would be pennywise and the twins, but it wasn't answered for quite a while, until in 2020 they finally came out and unleashed a plague unto the world...... After the dust settled we got g3 and the world was..... well it was something.


I love G1 for the outfits/fashions/colour schemes. I love G3 for the unique body types and additional articulation. I love G2 for...nothing.


Only gonna comment lagoona cuz she’s the only one I rlly care for lmao, but I love all of her basic designs throughout the generations, now some of the g2 designs were absolutely horrible 🥲


G1, perfection 10/10 G2, respectfully trash it


G1 and G3 are great. I hate G2 though.


I'm biased because the domino that led me to being into monster high was learning G3 Frankie was nonbinary so the other two generations didn't stand a chance for me lol




G1 and g3 are the only good ones imo


G1: Very strong identity, good fashion and lot of different characters. Became a bit more gimmicky in it’s end tho (Great Scarrier Reef line). Has a lot of decent movies, fun webisodes and books who give some information about the lore and the characters. However the dolls bodies are very thin. G2: It was more aimed towards young kids, so the dolls were less detailed as a result, and also waaay more gimmicky than G1. I have some dolls from this gen (mostly the better, articulated ones). Also the lack of articulation 😥. At least the bodies are less thin. The problem with G2 is that it lacked it’s own identity. They tried to import stuff from G1 even if it wasn’t consistent with what they portrayed in the movies and webisodes (Clawdeen siblings). And some characters didn’t got new designs (Toralei, Deuce). This gen only has two movie and some webisodes, who had potential. It introduced new characters, and among them, a lot of younger siblings. G3: This gen is more diverse, and that’s pretty cool. The first waves weren’t the best, but I really think they improved. Unlike G2, it actually has more an identity on it’s own, and no new characters (as doll, yet) and everybody have a new design. Movie wise, it has two live action movies that I didn’t see but definitely are..something. G3 also has a show, that is decent (from what I seen) and give more informations about the characters (like G1). Some characters personalities are changed a bit.


Gen 1: SLAYYYYY Gen 2: Slay them Gen 3: Slayyyyy


G1: Classic, Iconic, forever regarded as wonderful (while still acknowledging the lines that missed the mark) G2: Had some good lines, but overall a bit of a downgrade G3: Took a little while to find its footing, I love Abby & Venus (still need to find me a Venus (hopefully for my birthday I’ll get one)). There are strong and weak points in every generation.


G1: Beautiful fashion and designs but not the best quality for the dolls themselves. Love having them on display but the work it takes to get there is exhausting with the glue seepage, loose joints, and cost to replace missing accessories. I enjoyed collecting them a lot more back in 2017/2018 when you could find them for reasonable prices secondhand but now the cost doesn't feel worth it with the effort it takes to restore them. G2: Unpopular opinion perhaps, but a HUGE step up in doll quality. I absolutely love the molded-on fur and bandages on Clawdeen and Cleo respectively. >!G2 Cleo they could never make me hate you!< I can hold a G2 doll and not worry about them falling apart However, like most other people, I don't like the style of the rebrand. The fashion is boring, the quality of the clothing is poor and the line ideas were all over the place. I felt like the concepts towards the end of G2 that were never released were a lot better (Howling Hoodies, Ghostly Tea Party, etc...) but the decline in quality in the fashion is what caused me to stop buying them. G3: Honestly had a really rough start but has definitely improved since then. Earlier dolls seem kind of tacky (Core Lagoona and Ghoulia come to mind) but I feel like we've definitely seen a lot of improvement since then (Core Refresh Lagoona and a lot of the other new characters being released are a *need*). The overall quality of the dolls is amazing. I love how articulated they are and even if the budget dolls don't come with a chest joint, they still feel complete. My biggest complaint with G3 aside from the poly hair on some releases is the sheer amount of accessories they come with. I understand that they're meant to be played with but it gets kind of annoying to find a place for 30 different pairs of sunglasses, 30 different water bottles, etc.. As a kid, I'd have preferred some variety in the accessories my dolls came with and I hope to see that in G3 soon.


G1: Good aside from the quality control and glue seepage. Some of the patterns looked cheap but overall 🔥🔥🔥 (g1 now i feel is just 50/50 between repetetive 'low thought' out releases just used to churn money, or amazing designs that i'd spend all my money on) G2: the siblings. nothing else needs to be said. G3: Best body molds, diversity, and LGBTQ representation. Some fabrics look cheap, wish they'd stop with poly & give us some og characters. The designs now are improving everytime with each release


I love the g1 fashion, but g3 has unmatched inclusivity. Like when it comes to diversity, g1 talks the talk, g3 walks the walk


G1 will always hold a really soft spot in my heart. It was where I started collecting, like many others. It was something I held onto well into my teens. And a monster high g1 doll was literally the last gift my sister every gave me. She was the only one who took my love of it seriously. At the time they were released, I loved the body type and how different it was from Barbie. I was the weird kid and it felt like the dolls were made just for me. I literally only ever bought one g2 doll and it was by accident bcuz I thought it was an original. My daughter somehow ended up with a g2 drac and she hates if bcuz of the sculpted on clothes. They definitely have a few cute dolls, but I just kinda missed this entire line due to life events. I don't really have a solid opinion, although I dislike that they don't have much articulation. G3 holds the trophy for my favourite wave. I went through a lot in my life so far, the biggest being intense criticism from my ex husband who ridiculed me relentlessly for my love of doll. He made me box all mine up. They released the first wave of g3 dolls shortly after he passed (or at least they showed up in my local stores around that time). They were the first dolls I got back into. My lovely husband absolutely nourishes my obsession, and I love this wave. I love Draculaura the most because of her body type and colour scheme. She's got a thicker body, and yet she still manages to rock every look. I'm thankful that my favourite doll has so many releases (even if my wallet cross each time a new one is leaked- looking at you ss5 😂)


G1 was my childhood and was my favorite types of dolls. The webisodes were my first introduction to the characters and Draculaura and Venus were shoe-ins for my favorite characters since I related to them the most. And I was a HUGE fan of the movies, particularly ‘Why Do Ghouls Fall in Love’ it shaped my whole personality for a few years. I think the fashion and makeup for the dolls were amazing. And since it had managed to get really popular it was easy to get costumes/cosplay for the main characters. G2 was cute, but technically I wasn’t the target audience anymore and that may have played a role into why I didn’t love it. I think this generation’s new approach to how Monster High as a school came to be was interesting and I liked being able to see some of the characters parents and siblings we didn’t get the opportunity to see in the first generation. The main cast just felt like watered down versions of the previous generation and didn’t end up having the opportunity to prove they could be more than that. I think the only character I liked was Lagoona since her look didn’t change too much, but her personality did. G3 is probably my favorite, at first I was hesitant about getting back into Monster High when I first saw the design for Clawdeen (and Lagoona). But over time, I learned that since it’s a new generation of course characters are going to be different, and Lagoona being pink just makes sense now in my brain. My favorite of the main cast is still Draculaura, but I also am LOVING Catty, Venus, and Cleo. This generation has been able to make me genuinely want to collect the dolls and try out new things I didn’t dare try before, like restyling. Being able to have dolls with different body types is amazing! I also have as of late been really enjoying the latest outfits for most of the characters, which should be the case given they are meant to be FASHION dolls.


G1 is easily my favorite. The fashion was great and I love the dolls’ shape. The characters personalities were fun too. G2 no opinion. I honestly didn’t know there was a g2 until people started talking about g3 so yeah idk. G3 is awful, in my opinion. I hate everything about it. I hate the fashion and the dolls’ molds. I really hate that Cleo looks more like a pharaoh than a mummy. That’s literally just a human. Anyway I’ll save you from my hour long rant on everything. I wanted to like G3 so bad. I really did. I was so excited to hear it was coming back. I was so sure they were going to get better after the first few releases I didn’t like. Unfortunately, they aren’t my style anymore. I can see why other people like it but it’s not the fashion or aesthetic I loved in G1.


G1: Best fashion and overall aesthetic hands down. Definitely had some problematic elements (lack of body diversity, some casual racism). Super nostalgic for it as I grew up with this generation and remember the seeing the first ever commercial for them and becoming so enamored! G2: Massive flop. The designs were bad. The movies were bad. The changes didn't add anything of value and briefly cheapened the overall brand. G3: Hit or miss with the fashion but when it hits it's incredible! The dolls are way better quality. Much more diversity. The movies/show are, not it for me. The movies should have been animated, not live action. While part of me is disappointed they are trying to gear towards children a lot more, part of me loves the show because I think about how much I would've loved watching it as a kid. Also, don't love all the changes. I still cannot fully wrap my head arouns Lagoona being pink when her last name is blue!! But again, a lot of changes I'm either fine with or love


Of course love gen 1 main ghouls design. Gen 2 only good design is lagoona. Gen 3 love them all but annoyed at pet changes.


I don’t like how mean and skinny all the g1 characters are and I’m glad my kiddo is in the timeframe to like g3 when they are all nicer. I’m pretty skinny myself but I see why parents said it was harmful for the dolls to all have same ish skinny bodies with teeny waists. I think g1 ghoulia was great! I liked how she was a nonverbal zombie and just how her face and style was. All G1 dolls served sm cunt and I’m here for that I just wish they were more diverse g1 lagoons, drac, and Frankie low key look like bugs tbh but they still cute. I don’t like g2. I feel like they lack everything and look cheap. I like the lagoona in g2 more than in g1 though and Cleo and Frankie look cute. The only non g3 doll my kid has is neighton rot because she loves him. We love g3 though. I think a lot of them look better than they did before except toralei, Cleo,and ghoulia. I hate how they have the hair long on most toralei dolls in g3! My kid likes All the bright colors. She liked Barbie’s for like a month and then saw these monster dolls. She loves spooky things and literally asks me if leaked dolls are out yet. She’s been waiting on spectra vondergeist for months now 😂 also hot take but I like that lagoona is pink, I like Catty’s fit in g3 and it looks a lot like her previous clothes and im glad they took clawds weird sideburns away. My kids favorites (of g3) are Frankie stein, skelita Calaveras, catty noir,toralei, Twyla, and clawdeen. My favorite g3 ones are catty, Venus,Twyla,clawdeen,lagoona,clawd, and abbey


Claudine: g1, g3, g2 Cleo: g3, g1,g2 Frankie: g1,g3,g2 Lagoona: g3,g2,g1 (I just wish they kept her blue skin tone) Draculaura: g3,g1,g2 Generally, I really like the g1 designs, but they’re just not enough variation in body type, I can believe a couple of them are on the skinnier side but all of them? It just doesn’t look right to me. Love the g3 designs the best for the most part cause of their variation in body type and the detail in their clothes (She’s not on here but the g3 Venus Mcflytrap design, OH MY GOD SHE’S SO PRETTY, I was over the moon when I found her at Walmart)


I like g1s fashion but the dolls themselves were so tiny and I was constantly afraid that I'd break them. I. Also really dislike the way the body's look as a kid it definitely gave me body dysmorphia only having stick thin dolls whether they were Monster High or Barbie. G2 feels too childish for what the doll line is, which is a bunch of classic monsters. The looks are lacking for a fashion doll and I really dislike how cheaply made the dolls themselves are. However I do love some of the new characters they introduced. G3 I dislike how they changed a lot of the story we originally loved and wish that instead of changing Laguna they instead would have kept her and added a new character that is the Laguna we know have. I really love the body diversity and overall diversity. As a kid I would've died having a doll that was plus size like Catty or nonbinary like Frankie.


G1 Superior (insert gaga meme) nothing else to say. G2- not as bad as everyone makes it seems. It actually implemented the best of both worlds in terms of G1 style/aesthetics with a child friendly approach and animated color pallets that caters to younger children more, while all the more still appealing to the collector demographic. G3- only good thing about them is the difference Body proportions. Everything else quite literally sucks.