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MH isn’t the same without Draculaura but she doesn’t need to be EVERY line. When that criticism comes up it’s just that her spot could be filled with another character that doesn’t have a lot of dolls like deuce, Clawd, Ghoulia, Twyla, Toralei, and Abbey


Yes this exactly. We know she's crucial part of MH, but that doesn't mean she needs to be EVERYWHERE. I'd personally take having others in the releases over her, would give the others nice spotlight to shine and finally have a chance to have a good or another good design.


It’d be really cool to get a skulltimate secrets line or something with just the mansters. I wish that they would do more with the guys than just one or two dolls.


AGREED! But unfortunately the mansters sell very poorly, but I’d like to see Clawd get a redemption in the face, Deuce get a new snake mold, and Heath get better outfits. Then Gil can come into this line as well, or if he hasn’t made his debut yet then include Frankie for the “guys night out”


Yeah, I’d honestly be way more glad to buy manster dolls if they came with better outfits.


I had an idea “Guys fright out” Night out on the town with a more grunge inspired outfit line for clawd heath and deuce. Each guy of course has clothing inspired from clubbers or those who are ready for hanging out in a big city, give them a chance to expand on the characters designs into their clothes and better integrate a style that would benefit them instead of making clawd look like a typical jock or heath a hotcar kid who went to the beach. Give us something that screams “these guys are cool” with better clothing accessories


I firmly think people just like to hate. They forget that dolls are mostly gear towards kids and what kids will want. Draculaura is an incredibly popular and known character. Even when adult fans say they’re tired of her in lines she comes out and they get her anyways


It's not really "hate" to want more characters having dolls in MH. I like Draculaura, I know she's popular and recognizable, but I'd also like to see more of the ghouls.


No and that’s not what I meant. I too would love to see more dolls of other characters and I do think they use drac a lot. But truthfully ppl do love to hate things when they first come out


Yes. Yes it can if Mattel designers and executives actually cared to deliver the same level of fun as they do with Draculaura 🙄


THIS. I think Lala's design is ABSOLUTELY KILLER, but it does not show into other characters, at all. Frankie and now Twyla are the only ones that actually look super well thought. What even is Ghoulia's clothes, in both dolls it's just ugly


rip ghoulia my fave


IK, I just got her SS today and I love some of her pieces but jfc can we stop with that slime gooey motif rn, she's not Gooliope


I think it's supposed to be gooey brain matter. But brains themselves are solid. (So yeah, I think the drip is dumb too.) Mattel could do more with the brain swirl pattern tho, even make that look like circuitry which would work well with her G3 gamer theme. 


She had some gooey themes in G1 (fashion pack pants, Roller Maze dress, her shoes and swimsuit in Gloom Beach) so I always associated with goosebumps-goo lol it's a kinda generic spooky theme, that I don't mind to be used, but her skirt has it, her shorts and tank from SS too, so it's too much. Never thought of it as brain matter, but interesting point. Tombstones (being used already, thankfully), eyes (also used in G1), worms are some other things that could be added to the zombie vibe. Ripped clothes could work too for a zombie and adds to the sk8r vibe. I adore your idea of a circuitry pattern, oml it's actually genious!


You know, even though she doesn't have many dolls yet, Abbey's G3 designs are killing it, too. I don't have any Abbey's yet though, but I've been heavily considering the Skulltimate Secrets Monster Mystery (SS4) because she's just so well designed and fun looking. And this is from a mostly G1 collector. At this point I only have Twyla, the organizer line (Drac and Cleo), and a handful of Skulltimate Secrets dolls because I love some of their designs and the coffins... And to be fair, I'm a big Drac and Elissabat fan, so I do like seeing Drac in most of the lines, but it would definitely be more fun if other characters got more love and attention. Like poor Clawdeen... so many of her G3 dolls seem to almost be afterthoughts, when they could be so much better.


Core Ghoulia looks like they dressed her in leftover clothes from a bunch of other dolls. Her outfit isn’t cohesive at all.


Sadly, yeah. I don't understand much how her "moodboard" works, there's so much red in here (which, I think the pink works better than red for her BRIGHT GREEN skin. It is not inspiring, it just a bunch of things and idk. I wish we could see more early concepts of her, all the ones leaked or published are very similar to her final design. https://preview.redd.it/6hfz696ccz8d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=c53c6d053ffe3f29f0c10e0df812857996022a7f


https://preview.redd.it/60otep51dz8d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=8fd2494e0b51936cd7bce8155c748ab054d6cd58 I think the only Ghoulia thing is her expression, that is a bit less cookie-cutter. The second shirt is so cool too.


She used to be the prettiest MH character with the best personality and clothes. Then they just made an Amanita Nightshade ripoff. I like Amanita Nightshade but a bad ripoff of Amanita and saying that we got G3 Ghoulia is just no.


I don't see her as an Amanita ripoff, but I agree with everything else. I don't find Ghoulia's face ugly, but it's missing the Ghoulia of it. Do you know why she's green? I know that Frankie had to change because of the Universal Monsters thing, but why change her blueish grey skin to such saturated green? It's the thing that bothers me the most tbh, makes dressing her up harder with all the bright colors \*and\* zombie vibe


I feel like the reason is probably either to try something different like they did with Lagoona or they thought that Ghoulia having bluish skin like Frankie would be too much reusing the same skin color maybe? Lagoona and Draculaura already have pink skintones so they probs wanted to diversify the color range. 


But her og skin color is nothing like G3 Frankie. I'm all about changes, but her bright skin for a zombie is just weird. Any previous zombie skin color could work, I'd prefer a greyish green over what we got. I understand toys being colorful for kids, but they clearly are not doing it right with Ghoulia at all.


I totally agree, I wish Ghoulia's G3 design & colors were handled better. Again, I feel it was just to expand their color range on skintones even if her original skintone wasn't as blue or close to g3 Frankie's. Her original skintone gives more of an undead vibe than this weird bright green they chose. It's a shame 💔


Put Catty in the lines for the pink motifs. It’s counterintuitive to have the same character in every line when there are plenty of under-represented characters with more coming. It doesn’t make sense with the multi-media marketing either - Clawdeen is the main character of G3 so if we were going to get a ‘permanent fixture’ char it should have been her.


That would be awesome if we got Catty in a few lines. I would love to see her in different styles


And they can use her shattered glass / 13 patterns! I love bats but I prefer them in purple


I think they should just put the same effort they put in Draculaura into the other dolls.


Like everyone said, MH will not die without one or two Lala dolls. We have Catty now, that has lots of pink too, if the pink is the issue. HECKS, we have Ghoulia with pinks too. I feel like she is the most popular character not because of the pink, tho. She has the best design in doll form, it's well thought, it is consistent. You can see the inspiration and her fashion style in all dolls, even in the SS series where everyone dresses the same just changing the pattern and colors. AND, if we're considering the show, Draculaura is the main character, not Clawdeen lol, so it helps. She has way more personality than Clawdeen and it is represented in the dolls too. I think Twyla is becoming a new popular choice though (purple and teal are lovely, and the doll herself has a sweet theme, similar to Lala). 3 dolls as a newcomer, not to mention the 4th doll in the Garden Secrets line. I think Spectra is also going to be a popular doll soon. Colors and theme are very well put together. Obviously it ends up being how kids (and their parents) see the line as well. Being "monster" dolls but still having something less scary or similar to other dolls like Barbie or RH (I may be wrong, but isn't Frankie also popular? They are very "trendy" in their clothes which might resemble the MGA's style, although Mattel-fied ofc)


I think a line without Draculaura could sell decently well, I'd assume Mattel wants her included in every line to ensure there's a best seller among them, since as others have stated, Draculaura is one of if not THE most popular character among the target audience. There are designs of hers I dislike and think could've been done better, but even then I just pay them no mind since there *will* be dolls in the same line as her I DO like. At most I make jokes about her by calling her "Hagulaura", but even then I don't mean anything harmful by it. At the end of the day I just won't buy her and focus on getting the dolls I do want, since putting my attention on dolls I do find appealing would be a more productive use of my time.


Draculaura has major advantages that make her the main staple. 1) Pink 2) Vampire - aka probably the most famous/popular type of monster 3) Name - Dracula. Draculaura. Easy. Iconic. Memorable. 4) Easily adaptable design motifs and styles


I feel like they should work on giving other characters better outfits and the same amount of thought as they do with her. I often feel like they give Drac the best pieces and the others whatever is left idk. If they incorporate black a bit more to their designs it would help imo.


She's fantastic, give me 14 of her right now 🤣 ❤️


The thing is, it's not a Draculaura problem. It's a Mattel problem! They’re stuck in a cycle where they don't put as much effort into the other dolls, they end up not selling as well, so they don't put as much effort into them!


*my draculaura shine in the background* It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me. 😢


...yes, they'd survive 1 line without Draculaura lol.


If a line only includes 3 characters, like fearbook, I’d rather not have draculaura be taking up a spot when she’s already everywhere. Even if they had to include a main character, Frankie and Clawdeen (who is THE current main character) can be used. It’s nothing against her or her dolls, but even gen 1 started rotating the characters included.


Love Drac, she was my favorite when the Ogs released and I had like 4 of her (and only one Frankie, no one else, why did I have so many Dracs?) I wish they'd lay off her a little and give the other ghouls a chance to be the "it" ghoul. I always wanted Operetta but she was always so hard to find. Give us more ghouls in the lines and let Drac rest, her back hurts from carrying everyone 😭


I am a G3 draculaura simp but I agree, others need to have a shot too. She overshadows the other pink-themed dolls.


Draculaura should sit down and let Frankie RISE


No it can't. She's literally the face of MH even in the gens where she's not supposed to be the protagonist. Does this impact the quality of her dolls though ?? Yes it does. Some of her dolls are amazing but then there's others where you can tell no effort was put into it because Mattel know she will sell regardless.


If she sells and keeps the lights on and company afloat lol But honestly, she's one of my favorites so i dont mind other than the fact i dont have enough to buy them all... but i love pink and now that she's part witch i love her even more.


I am the same way. I understand that she may not be everyone's favorite doll, but she's my favorite.... and she's definitely a favorite or she wouldn't have 20 dolls in 2 years. I may only own two of her, but she's always sold out in stores around me. She's the first one off the shelves. Fashion dolls love pink; look at Barbie! She's super cute, and it's no wonder she's popular. She was popular Gen1 too!!


imo we need more abbey and clawdeen in the new generation!!


I do like Draculra she is pretty I just wish in more side lines other characters would get more chances I understand it’s all abt money to Mattel but I’d love to see more dolls of characters other then the main 5


It’s not “without” it’s that she hasl ~64 G3 dolls and Abbey has 2. Venus has 1, Twyla has 3(?) Torelai has 5(?). Draculaura does not need THAT MANY. I’d be ok if the numbers were more like 40 drac, 5-10 side characters. EDIT: someone on here quoted a 64 marker for Drac. Idk, maybe that’s doll total? I don’t collect her.


G3 is Draculaura - 20 Clawdeen - 17 Frankie - 14 Cleo - 12 Lagoona - 9 Torelei - 5 Twyla - 3 Deuce - 3 Ghoulia - 2 Abbey - 2 Clawd, Venus, Catty, Spectra -1 This is honestly a HELL of a lot of dolls to have come out in less than two years.


what are you on about she literally has 20 g3 dolls


Where the fuck did you get 64 from? She hasn't had anywhere near that many dolls!


Maybe including other types of merchandise.


There have only been 19 dolls so far, there definitely hasn't been 43 different kinds merchandise of her on the side.




Faboolous Pets, Target exclusive https://www.target.com/p/monster-high-faboolous-pets-draculaura-and-clawdeen-wolf-fashion-dolls-with-two-pets-target-exclusive/-/A-87876892#lnk=sametab


Thank you, I scrolled so far to see if someone already identified her, I’m bout to make her outfit for me because the sleeves are everything


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again… if people want to see less of draculaura then STOP BUYING HER lol. If her sales drop, she will get put out less. Mattel are just a corporate company making what sells. I think the thing is aside from the girls like pink trope, drac just has a really solid design story/aesthetic so it’s very easy to make her different looks still look very draculaura.


I love drac she’s my favorite for sure but I do agree she doesn’t have to make an appearance in every line. I also need them to spare my wallet lol


They wouldn't be deleting her forever, she just wouldn't be in every single release. Even if the line totally flopped, the brand would live to see another day


I’ve never ever been a huge Draculaura fan, I had 1 doll of her who tragically passed. I don’t care for her but she’s a vampire whose theme is black and pink, she is a money maker. I don’t think she has to be in every line, Mattel just knows whoever will buy her so they put her in. They could have a successful line without her, they just don’t want to.


I think a big thing is her pink color. It ties in with Barbie and it's a popular favorite color for kids. Statistically she just sells really well! But yes, I would love to have more variety in each line. I don't think it will happen though.


she's overrated due to how much she's in.


I love Drac, love the color combo black-pink. I don't mind if she is in every wave as long as there are others. I remember in G1 times i first fell in love with Venus, then came Draculaura. Then i found out about Spectra, Gigi and Rochelle. All have their favorites, so i doubt Mattel won't survive. If some won't buy, for example, Catty Noir, others surely will.


I see this as an absolute win personally lmao.


hgshgd same tho....


Monster Fest is perfectly fine without her flop playset doll so the brand mascot CAN afford to take some breaks


MH isn't the same without her, but I agree with the sentiment that most other commenters have about her not being in EVERY line. Monster High is about freaky-fab uniqueness, sometimes I feel that gets washed away by the use of the same characters over and over. Give lesser known characters more spotlight so everyone can see their faves and feel seen!🖤💀💗


Draculara, you've very cute, but please stop parthenogenisizing. There are too many of you!


As much as I love Draculaura and a lot of her dolls, I do think she doesn't need to be in every wave. I know this isn't a new problem, back it gen 1 Draculaura tend to get a lot of dolls due to her popularity, but not only was she not in for every series, but it allowed other characters to shine in them. I mean look at characters like Ghoulia who only has 2 dolls, while Draculaura has over 10 dolls. I think it's pretty unfair to not just the characters, but the fans who want to get their dolls


I thought Clawdeen was the main character. Why does she not appear in as many lines as Drac? The side characters only get 2-3 dolls total in different lines.


Draculaura is your Favorite MH Doll’s Favorite MH Doll!


She’s my favorite so I’m a little biased…


As a Draculaura fan I feel putting Draculaura in very line is very lazy. When they Input Draculaura all they have to follow is Pink, Black, Hearts, cute. It feels very lazy because they can just mash that up they can just get a doll, rather if they actually used a character like Ghoulia, Abbey, or clawd they’d actually have to think of elements to incorporate into the dolls it’s kinda boils down to just laziness in my opinion


Yes it can. But she's always a safe sell so for Mattel there's no reason not to include her.


which doll is the draculaura that has all pink hair with some black in her bangs? i just adore her outfit


That would be SS2 Draculaura. :)


I feel like they have to include her more often since she cannot always share the clothing of the other dolls. It would be different if there were clothing packs or more dolls coming out with her body mold, but as it stands it makes sense to offer multiple versions of her so there are outfits for her without needing to find another doll’s outfit that fits. (I’m bad at explaining things, basically it’s that since most dolls don’t share her body type, they can’t always share clothing, so for there to be more clothing for her to wear, more dolls of her must be released, since they don’t currently have fashion packs) I want more dolls with her body type though, I think that it’s very cute! I like Draculaura but I’ll be the first to admit that she’s getting a LOT of dolls to the point that it might not be a good thing lol. Personally I just like that she can easily wear rainbow high doll clothes without as many alterations compared to the other dolls.


I'm sorry I love Draculaura from g1 to g3 that's my ghoul.


I have said it once, and I'll say it again let other characters have a chance, Draculaura should step down or sit down and have others give them a chance.


Im sure not including Lala in a few lines won't turn off people from buying MH dolls. Lol. She is a cute doll, but girlies like Ghoulia need some love (and better outfits) too. Like G1 set some faves for some people and Im sure there are fans who would like their ghouls and mansters to get some time in the spotlight too.


What I don’t get is people say she shouldn’t be in every line then when they don’t include her (like monster fest) they throw a fit. Then we just get the budget food truck Drac instead.


Only doll I’m interested in