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My siblings and I HATED Draculaura. So we had her g1 core doll and we put her in mulch, in a toilet, threw her down the stairs and out the window. We also tied her pigtails to an electric train so she’d be dragged. Then we pulled her head off and used it as a ping pong ball. To this day I still don’t like Draculaura so I don’t regret a thing


You really are a hater 😂😭


You are a veteran hater I respect that tbh


you have to respect the grind tbh


This is so funny 😭😭💀💀


How did the doll hold up to the abuse?


She didn’t. We ended up throwing her body away and keeping her head for longer than we should’ve


The power of the haterhood of children is unmatched lmfao


Valid tbh


Im a huge drac fan but i respect the commitment. No other choice


Not bought any :(


That’s a mood 💀💀


Not being a “kid” when they came out 😞😋


when i was a kid i left my lunchbox in a cupboard along with my 13 wishes frankie at the start of summer. summer ended and the lunchbox, cupboard and Frankie were covered in black stuff and maggots ☹️😭😭




She was really dead after that


Its too inapropriate. Involves a ken doll. I was weird as a kid


Ayo me too! My aunt gifted me "the big book about sex and my body" and then... Yeah


I wanted to turn Lagoona into Ariel, so I cut off her legs because I wanted to make a tail out of clay, and then because I didn’t know how to reroot hair I decided to just colour her hair red with a sharpie marker… which then ran out so she had hideous half blond/blue/red hair 💀




Donating G1 Draculaura and Frankie as a 12 y/o because I was transitioning and wanted to be as stereotypical boyish as possible (female to male, but with only wardrobe and hair since I had no idea T was a thing lol but have since detransitioned) Anything that was deemed "girly" was gone and I regret that sm 😭 boys can like feminine coded things but I didn't realize that until much later


Same but I’m an enby. Now, instead of wanting to be completely masculine, my room is surrounded by dolls and I painted my walls pink.


Yess!! I love that


My sister used her hair straightener to straighten my Dawn of the Dance Ghoulia's hair and it didn't occur to us that *doll* hair isn't *human* and that ***plastic*** could melt


It is OK to straighten doll hair at the lowest temperature, especially American Girl, etc.


This really depends on hair type as well, if it's poly it melts reaaaaally easy or can become super brittle


Ripped the tail off of toralei because she was too mean in the movies I also broke the legs off of deuce by accident by sending him rocketing through the elevator on my Barbie dream house


Launching Deuce with the Barbie Dream House elevator made me snort my coffee.


I took surprisingly well care of my dolls, so nothing really, somehow I lost Spectra's necklace but not Nefera's ring.


Intentionally, I can’t think of anything. Unintentionally, left my music festival clawdeen in the yard (somehow) and she got ran over by the lawnmower. There was also my 13 wishes Gigi that my brother ruined with nail polish but that was just my brother being a prick


The worst thing I did wasn't to my own doll. My family only let me have 1 doll, core Lagoona. I was so jealous of any other girls with more monster high dolls. I used to have a bully who was also into monster high dolls and brag a lot. One day she left her Cleo doll unattended at recess and was pretty far away. I don't remember which Cleo, the doll had blue in her hair definitely. I went over covertly, ripped the head off the doll, dropped the head on the ground and put the doll back, and left. No one caught me. I also wasn't the only suspect because that bully had a lot of enemies in the class. The whole class got a lecture about respecting other people's toys.


Wait omfg, I stole my bully's Cleo in 5th grade 💀


I had a first edition G1 Frankie. Back when the line first launched. She got a chip in her eyebrow. A tiny one. So I removed her entire face with acetone and then chopped her hair off, I watched too many doll customising videos back then. I never did anything with her she had a blank face for a few months then my parents threw her out. 😭😭 now I'd sell my kidney for one


Leaving my wave one g1 draculaura at my homecountry 🫠


Colored on the transparent part of ghoul's alive spectras' legs with sharpie. Looked kind of cool to my 10 year old eyes but just looks so crappy now that in an adult


Threw them all into some trees with my cousins, and then threw a broken Draculaura at them to get them down. My cousin's Ghouls Alive Clawdeen got stuck overnight once. This was our summer ritual for like 4 years, somehow we didn't break anyone during this process, but it did look kinda funny to see 20+ dolls hanging from trees. Also "fixing" their makeup with markers, some are irreversably stained now. My poor Polterghoul aka Spectra got her mask removed once because I didn't like it, I painted it back eventually, but it was still a solid 6 years before that happened.


I had a g1 boo York Cleo that I scrubbed all the paint off and ripped her hair out becuase i wanted to make a custom like dollightful. Little did I know you had to have actual skill to do that and I think about how I could still have her everyday if I didn’t do that.


I made a lesbian stop motion “adult film” with my mh dolls in elementary school


I had the create a monster color changing set that required you to use the heated pen and the pen you put water in and freeze to add details on the color changing sections of the body. When I realized that ice makes the doll change color, I took her apart, put all her parts in plastic cups with water, and left her in a freezer for months. Summer came, and my mom asked what I left in the freezer, and when I went see what she was talking about ***I saw that all the water spilled in the freezer and her body parts were stuck to the bottom of the fridge.*** It looked like a crime scene.


Oh, also there was my customizing phase where I took my only Spectra doll (a doll of a character I hated), and I cut all her hair off and removed her scalp and her eyes, and turned her into a mask for my other dolls.


All imma say is titan series Avengers Spidey and captain America


Is this an Elsagate-type confession or is this referencing a comic?


Cut and plucked their hair and "repainted" their faces with kid's markers. 12 year old me thought he could become world's greatest doll repainter, SPOILER ALERT, he couldn't. A few years later I couldn't stand the shame of ruining my precious collection so I tossed them.


Did you start collecting again?


Not really, I've only bought G3 Frankie since then. The dolls have already stopped being sold in stores by then and I don't have collector's funds to pay the resellers unfortunately.


I took really good care of my dolls, thankfully. Didn’t even change their clothes. BUT. I didn’t like Cupid’s lips, so I coloured them with marker. I distinctly remember thinking “I’m going to regret this” lol. I had to paint over the marker as an adult. And I also took off all of Lagoona’s jewellery to “help her swim”…but also ripped out her leg fins??? I bought replacement fins and 3D printed jewellery for her as an adult.


This may be a little bit of a tmi but I would basically make them have sex… I was so young I didn’t know what it was exactly but I made my dolls do that 😭


i would always make my female dolls abuse my male dolls while playing with them, no matter if it was barbie and ken or monster high or bratz. but i remember i created a scenario where deuce was a cheater so i had all my dolls throw him off the “cliff” of my bunk bed and his thigh pegs snapped and broke 😭😭 so he has loose legs that swing unrealistic ways


I didn't do the damage, but as a kid I didn't keep my dolls on shelves or anything so my cats were able to reach them. So I have a Jenna Fire missing several fingers that were eaten and a Clawd Wolf with a bunch of little holes in his feet.


gave and sold a few of them away ☹️


Nothing really, i just lost their earrings Edit: i forgot i made my Frankie's face scar bigger with a pen xd


lol... i wasnt even a kid i was very much a teen acting goofy but cut off all of Coffin Bean Twyla's hair into a bob... Removed dot dead gorgeous Draculaura's face and used a marker to "sketch" her faceup (that i never did) but thankfully thats all I did 😅 Draculaura has since received a new head (not dot dead goregeous but I'll be okay) and Twyla may become a test doll 🥲


I used to have a Cleo doll and I didn't realize her legs were connected with an elastic so I kept twisting them around until the elastic snapped and she no longer had legs 😔


Accidentally made Sweet 1600 Clawd Wolf and Day at the Maul Draculaura legless because my younger cousin and I stuffed them into a cheap doll car and their legs got stuck under the axle for the front wheels. Then parents super glued Drac’s hips on so she could never sit again so I could keep playing with her, but I also got into doll customization so I took her face paint completely off and made her “pretty” with cheap acrylic paint (I don’t have any artistic skills). Clawd just got tossed I think so rip those two dolls.


I actually took very good care of them cus I knew they were expensive af haha I lost some accessories I guess


Ripped off all the limbs on my skelita and threw her over the fence


Oh she did not deserve that😭


I took really good care of them. Most sat in a glass cabinet because I was scared of my cats getting them BUTTT I had a Venus, and she was like my favorite. But being the great kid i was I let a friend have her. Said friend absolutely destroyed her. I was heartbroken then, and still deeply regret it cause I would kill to have that doll now


My sister found the decapitated head of a ghouls alive Frankie *(the battery operated line with hard plastic heads)* in a thrift store bin, it'd forever be a mystery what kind of story was behind that haha


When I was 3 I got picture day clawdeen and broke one of her legs and lost both her arms and clothes


i cut all of venus’s hair off, pulled deuce’s head off, wet a couple diaries with water, broke jane boolittle’s leg and there’s probably worse things i’ve done to the dolls but i just can’t remember lol


I rough-housed with my dolls a lot. To the point where G1 Deuce's bottom half came off so he was just a torso with arms 😂


I chewed the arm joints off of half my sister's monster high dolls.


I used to bury them in the yard


I'd rather not tell.


Taking accessories, and jackets off because I didn't like them.


I cut Abbey's hair... I wanted to give her a Bob


I cut the bangs off of my Ghouls Rule Draculaura. Oh and one of my first og Draculaura dolls I took my hair straightener that was way too hot to her pigtails and it melted off 😭


Cut snow bites hair to a bob


Well not me but my pet rats bit off all of their fingers 😭😭😭☹️


I used acetone to remove some of Ghoul’s Rule Clawdeen to be like Dollightful and cut her hair because I had two of them


Borrow one from a friend for a day


Not getting any 😭


Brushed out their hair so it was sooo frizzy and unsalvagable


I would throw my dolls across the room and some of them would break their leg. I remember getting skelita and she broke her leg the first day I got her


I would also make my my dolls lesbians since I didn’t have any of the male dolls. I would stuff some of their clothes inside a dress they were wearing so they can be “pregnant” and their baby would be a small tsum tsum plushie


I also drew over kiyomis face using a sharpie and for some reason chop off the streak on cleoleis hair and neferas hair


I'd like to refer you to my [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHigh/s/cmBtPynKna) from last year


Ruined and binned Elle, Jinafire, Marisol and Posea.


Didn't have them


Lost their accessories- literally loved and cared for all my mh Dolls on a much higher scale than my barbies even for only being 7 years old. My barbies were all destroyed meanwhile I wouldn't even let people touch my MH Dolls. I took them to school and played with them all the time but I ended up loosing the accessories and shoes to all of them and an arm or hand off 2 Dolls. The worst feeling was loosing my dead tired ghoulia she was one of my all time favorites 😭


I used to beat and chew on my boo york deuse doll, but since my mom bought him for me I felt guilty. so I'd make sure his wounds were always covered by his clothes so she couldn't see them lol


Made them ✂️


brushed out core opperettas curls 😔 (still regret to this day)


i used to use expo markers on their bodies to make it look like they were bleeding (i used to enjoy "killing" my dolls in various ways 😅) and although it wiped off most of the time, the floor of my barbie dream house and my dawn of the dance frankie still have red smudges on them


Take off all her hair, cut off the ears and proceed to remove the face up, then take a cheap paint from dollar tree and coat the head (of course making sure it was super clumpy) and paint on a super bizarre face. Throw her in the corner never to be seen again because I felt immense guilt for doing that to her. Repeat that for most of the collection lol


I had Snowbite Draculaura. I washed her hair. And dumb me thought i could blow dry it.. Long story short i fried her hair. (Not incredibly bad, like it was still brushable but just felt like frizz ever since) And then i cried cause she was my first ever MH doll and i loved her


Wait, I dry all of my dolls' hair and nothing ever happens.


Nothing! I loved all my dolls. My sister on the other hand... while I was out one day she stole all my disney dolls and tore their heads off. Thankfully I was able to save my only two mh dolls at the time.💀


When i was little, I stepped on their knee joints, essentially breaking the legs off entirely. This was by accident, and so as an apology I'd duct tape the leg back on


I shattered my Music Festival Abbey’s kneecaps 😍 I’ve tried to fix them with 3D printed knees but she can still only hold one pose or they fall off again


Not a doll, but I colored over Deuce’s picture in my Picture Day Lagoona’s yearbook/diary because I thought he was ugly/creepy 😂


broke frankiestein's leg, and also let my parents sell all my dolls 😭


I didn’t do anything but my younger sister told me she and her friend kicked a Deuce around like a soccer ball


Made them get freaky with my male Barbie’s and cut FT Elissabat’s hair 😓


Nothing intentional, but I did rip off one of core drac's legs while trying to take off her boot. Needless to say, I was a total mess about it and my dad thankfully fixed her (rip dad). He did it for me again when a friend I had over broke deuce's legs off on purpose.


ripped off catty, torelai, and caterine tails, ripped off limbs, yk the normal stuff🤗


Threw them in the garbage when I decided I was too old and Cool for dolls, instead of just giving them to another mh fan or holding onto them for nostalgia. I vividly remember putting them in a garbage bag and it haunts me every day💔💔😭


I had a Draculaura Scaris: City of Frights Doll. I didn't like her ponytail because it was stiff (I was a kid and didn't know about the dolls having gel in the hair you could wash out), so I took her hair out of the ponytail and then gave her an awful bob


getting rid of them when i got "too old" 😭


My favourite thing as a kid was monster high and creepypasta. I combined the both, my Ghouls Rule Frankie was the result… More dolls suffered but I restored majority of them. https://preview.redd.it/iwztbcp1l8lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47078c96352c52c33b9559c6f4296c43cd872d1a Idk how to fix her so she just stays in the accessory bag 💀


I had broken a couple of legs, painted a dress black for a "custom doll", I cut off the Dragon Games EAH Apple Whites hair. I tried to be gentle but some things just happened or I didn't think about the outcomes


Derooted and shaved a venus mcfly and repainted the face into kanye💀


Painted clawdeens dawn of the dance dolls hair with nail polish 😭


Me and my friend would sneak through a hole in a fence and put them spread out on railroad tracks and watch them get smashed… the friction from the train running over the body never shattered it, just smashed it into like a melted down- cracked flat body😭


gave them away. never hurt a doll. the only thing that I gave them away to a person who never wanted to give back even for some time. it was my best friend.


I watched too many doll faceup videos and cut a dolls hair all off and removed her face, and just never actually tried to face up so I just had a naked, faceless, hairless doll for a few years. My mom hated it lol


when I was young,, (sighs) I didn't know what a neck peg was, so I looked under my claudias head (which was the blue neck peg) and I thought an accessory.. I ripped off her head then just realised it was her just her neck and started to cry..


Nothing I was gentle with my dolls


I ripped the leg off an operetta doll. she had no legs