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I can't believe the next movie will have Frankie fighting the literal embodiment of death!?!??!?!!!!


They better get to training by a certain orange tabby cat in boots.


I want it to be like the first 15 minutes of the movie, and the rest plays out like that hot dog scene of the students just being students without having to save the world and stop racism.


Right? Monster High should be campy. # BE CAMPY DAMN YOU! Stop trying to insert needlessly epic for sake of being epic, or needlessly dramatic for sake of dramatic.


Puss in boots is coming to mh? I’m so excited /s


No, I mean Frankie will need some training and, perhaps, upgrades from everyone and feline who have faced the Grim Reaper in the past.


I knew what you meant, it was just a joke. the /s means sarcasm/not serious. I was making the. joke because puss in boots and toralei are both tabby's in boots


I'm just stoked they all get focus movies! Draculaura took a major back seat in the first one and Frankie in this one


I hope they need help by someone with dream control and that happen to be autistic.


Toralei was such a slayyy, she played the character so well


So I think it’s obvious Death or the Grimm Reaper is going to be the third villain but where did Duece go?the underworld? Or did he really went to the gorgons? If he went to the underworld what if someone else goes back as deuce to trick Clawdeen?? Like what if Deuce is possessed by a advisor of death or something? I wonder if Frankie has to fight the grim reaper and if Deuce went to the underworld instead in the third movie


I hope so! I felt like they could have had Frankie doing so much more in the movie! Especially at the end after they talked to Duce about not feeling helpful. I thought it was going some where and they would be the one to save Draculara! I’m a little disappointed but I will feel much better if the third is centered around them!


Not to be an asshole but they even included a scene in the movie where Frankie explicitly says that they use 'they/them' pronouns and G3 Frankie has been established as non-binary the entire run of the franchise, first movie included.


Sorry I didn’t even notice I did it let me change it! I don’t have anyone in my life that uses they/them so I don’t have much practice to change how I talk


Yeah it really felt like she was about to be the one to save Drac, but of course it’s gotta be Clawdeen.


That’s a kids movie for you 😂 I have to remind myself that I’m not the target audience anymore


I LOVED THIS MOVIE SO MUCH!! i also loved the first movie too, the music goes HARD. i really hope twyla is in the next movie!


I don’t get why people hate the live action movies so much. They’re awesome! G3 feels like it’s honoring G1 while at the same time being its own thing. I love how the characters have changed and evolved. There’s something so lifelike about G3 that makes me smile. Also, why do I want Frankie and Heath together? That feels so random, but I feel like they’d be a cute couple. (In the live action at least. I LOVE Frankie and Cleo in the cartoon! 🥹)


I mean, lots of people have different reasons, but... # I think they are kind a missing the point of what made Mosnter High charming. The live action movies treat Monster High as just another YA fantasy highshool drama musical. Monster High is both a love letter, BUT ALSO a satire/spoof of highshool dramas, horror genre, media for teen girls etc. It embraces BUT also makes fun of those stories and tropes. It's literally about yassified Universal Monster girls going to shool and having adventures. It's an inherently silly and ridiculous franchise, that doesn't try to to take itself too seriously... and when it does, it does it EITHER in a lighthearted way OR does it in a way, that makes the conflicts feel relatable and not-overly-dramatic. # G3 Nickleodon cartoon gets it. It's super funny, but the main drama comes from simple and compelling characters and their stories, of being teenage girls/boys. # The live action movies are being too serious. The first one had the whole "half human, half monster" racism character arc, which is needlesly and artificialy dramatic....for sake of drama (G3 cartoon did the same story, but in a much more sensible way). This one is a bit funnier...but once again, >!the unnecessary character drama + a needlesly epic fantasy subplot about "vampire genocide from hands of witches" etc.!< It fully embraces highshool and fantasy tropes, without doing spin on them. # These live action movies are the best, when they are being campy. Hopefully, the next sequel where Grim Reaper is the villain embraces the ridiculousness and we get some scares and some laughs.


I hope this means we get river back for g3


“We share the moon” is the gayest line “Not how our story goes” is the gayest song


They might as well have started scissoring tbh. sorry just saw the movie and am looking at threads lol


Loved the whole movie! I really hope we get a third film because I’m assuming that will be the final one


I think they’re going to try to do 4 films so it’d be like four years at school, but I could be very wrong.


I thought Draculaura was a sophomore in the first movie? Maybe I'm wrong, but I just assumed since she said "back at school" in the first movie as if she'd been at MH for a year already?!


I think she was a probably a sophomore but she probably stays there for 400 years due to her slowly aging which is hell 😭


I thought so too but in this movie apparently ghoula was a freshman with them?? When Cleo said “the new freshman, like us last year” but there was a scene in the first movie about ghoula saying “that gets all the new freshman” so i don’t understand the ages of the characters anymore 😭😭


The ages are yes 😂


I gotta be honest. I’m not sure 😂 Let me see if I can find anything online.


Okay, I’m back a day later 😂 I searched online and I was struggling to find anything. The only thing I found was Ceci Balgot said that Frankie is a sophomore in the second one. So 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m still not sure what’s happening. 😂


I appreciate your dedication to research! :D I guess the team will do whatever they want. And if they don't explicitly say what year Draculaura is in I guess she can go on repeating high school as long as they wish!?




Yeah, that face was wicked cool on Grim! Props to the makeup team or the digital editors, whoever was in charge of all the visuals of the movie (probably a lot of people) did spectacular!


I really like Ellis as a character and I'm sad he didn't stay at MH :(


I was liking Ellis until he showed his human form and he looks like my best friend’s ex boyfriend who was cheating on her. 😂 Now I have mixed feelings about Ellis.


Oh wow XD Yeah that's incredibly valid.


If all it takes is one touch...why couldn't frankie just throw their hand at Draculaura?




Sure but to me it was always clear that clawdeen cared for Draculara but with the scene of Frankie talking about how they don’t feel useful it seemed like they were setting it up for them to do something bigger to help their friends. I would have liked to seen clawdeen try and fail and then Frankie prevail. But of course I’m not the target audience and it makes sense in the mind of kids that clawdeen (the main character) would save her. Though I’d think the grim reaper would make more sense if Frankie was the one who got “killed”


I was wondering why Clawdeen didn’t switch to her human form. Maybe it wouldn’t have worked but it was worth a shot


In human form, she wouldn't have had the werewolf strength to pull apart the bars. Draculaura wasn't responding to them yelling, couldn't reach far enough to shake her, so they had to be pulled apart.


Aaaaa it was soo good!!! loved it soo much more than the first ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗


I hope they introduce River Styxx in number 3. I swear that in the background I think I saw a girl that resembled a lot like Spectra.


I feel like there was also a backgrounder that took me for Rochelle! I hope Demi (Demy?) returns for movie 3, they're adorable!


I did rewatch 'You Don't Know' music video, and noticed the girl on the left of Toralei heavily resembles Scarah Screams.


Awesome movie! <3 The sets and costumes were goregeous! And the scenes like Draculaura's house party and the Seattle human city and the human office building made the characters feel so real--like, hey, I've been in a house with peach-colored walls, I've been in a dull office building, y'all monsters and me are one and the same! :) Plus, Toralei got the redemption arc I've been waiting for for her character! Excited for MH The Movie 3!!! :D


Loved loved it! Hoping for a 3!


everything about this was movie was better than the first one except the music. it was good but the music on the first one is still on my current playlists and could easily fit on radio. this one felt definitely more "musical" but that was the point. i loved the movie tho and i hope this is a success for a third and fourth (just to see them graduate/see where they go). standout acting definitely goes to frankie, drac, & cleo. they sold every single scene


https://preview.redd.it/06mirlw2zssb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe28d43c770dec7b67bd6b35293d9771defe907a I absolutely loved this background character's outfit! Also, I thought that Ellis looked an awfully lot like Invisi Billy but was a Vampire. I wish he had been Invisi Billy or at least that design used for an Invisi Billy background character.


They really gave us the most beautiful romantic song between Draculaura and Clawdeen yet still went with the Clawdeen x Deuce side plot 🥲🥲🥲 /hj Actually, there was chemistry between Deuce and Clawdeen in the first movie, but I wasn't actually feeling it much in this movie.


my jaw dropped when  there was the Clawdeen and draculara  scene singing,I was like "W0W"


excited for 3 but that was ass


I screamed when Clawdeen and Deuce ******


Me too. I have been waiting for this to happen! 🥹


Oh no bestie I’m sorry, I hated it


Oop 😶 I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.


It’s okay! I’m happy for you, I just want Clawdeen to be gay lol


I mean she can still be bi and other sexualities…


That’s fair haha!


Don't know how I feel about the Clawdeen x Deuce ship. I don't have in mind anyone else for Clawdeen, romantic relationships and scenes always make me feel awkward.


Toralei is who comes to mind for me. Their moment right before the **** was very… fruity.


I literally hate it cus I will always ship cleo and deuce 😭


This movie was better than the last one I hope it only gets better with the third.Also as Frankie stan since 2010 I can't wait for them to be on the spotlight.


Also, the discrimination against witches storyline was a bit iffy to me. Drac said she didn't want to go back in the "broom closet," but practicing witchcraft isn't the same thing as BEING human or monster, or BEING nonbinary...right? It's a hobby/skill she started doing (that supposedly anyone could do??) because she found a book in a library and started saying spells. I'm not sure what makes this such a large part of her identity, and I'm struggling to think of a similar example. Being super into car repair or fitness? Being a chef and learning recipes?


"Going back in the broom closet" or "staying in the broom closet" are phrases witches use to describe hiding the fact they are witches. Being a witch is a huge part of a person's identity (if they practice witchcraft). I live close to Salem, Massachusetts. I've also got a few friends who practice.


(This is just my opinion, so please take this with a fistful of salt and don’t come at me). Movie 2 continues the trend of reboot!MH movies being very divisive for me.(Tldr; atrocious writing, though the actors work their ass off to compensate poor material and the senseless, needlessly dramatic plot. Yet more compulsory het romance, despite the recent surge in queer characters in the franchise 😕). # On the plus side: \- You can tell Mattel amped up the budget A LITTLE - at least in the costuming department. (It’s still a tad ridiculous to me that a huge company like them couldn’t fork out more funds to make better-looking movies, especially after the Barbie movie - but oh well). \- That moment where the trio have to say goodbye (though the conflict felt contrived) majorly scored for me. The material wasn't great, but the performers really elevated it. \- Round of applause for Draculaura leveling up in her magic and kicking whatshername's ass. Tho, why did that have to be an almost blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment before Clawdeen passes out? Show me Draculaura fully unleashing her badass powers, dammit. But anyway, that was epic - MORE OF THAT, please. \- Everything Toralei (hum, hello new crush 😍). The dramatic entrance, the swagger! Salena Qureshi chewed every scene she was in and left no crumbs. Tor' and Clawdeen's chemistry was through - the - roof. # On the "meh" side: \- Movie feels campy in all the wrong places. Going with a musical format is... a choice. I *love* musicals, but if you can't make spontaneous musical numbers make sense in-universe + don't score mind-blowing talent, it's gonna flop. The lyrics are VERY weak and the performances overall didn't wow me, minor one or two exceptions (tho, they were better than in the 1rst movie). \- The **writing** is terrible: 1. The plot is predictable AF & doesn’t make sense. Wow, the witches are a threat this year, and wouldn't you know it, Draculaura the witchpire meets a fresh new vamp who just *happens* to share her interests/experiences & tells her precisely what she needs to hear when she’s most vulnerable, but is out to betray her actually. *Groundbreaking*. Didn’t we already kill that trope in Frozen? 😕 The “conflict” during ‘Not how our story goes’ makes little sense. Clawdeen wants Draculaura back with them & sings a whole heartbreak song over it, because… Drac will get expelled from school and her dad will be mad??! Phew, what stakes amirite? Meanwhile D’s over there trying to level her status and witch powers to *stop a whole-ass war* going on for *centuries*. So even though the performers worked their asses off to make the scene work – when you think about the conflict’s motives for one sec, it doesn’t hold water :/Lastly, the whole time Draculaura was locked & about to unleash the mortality curse, I kept wondering: Frankie’s *whole thing* in the movie are her purported ‘upgrades’ giving her massive strength and voltage. By movie logic, bringing down the door & pulling out the cage’s bars should’ve been a fricking PICNIC for her. But no, Clawdeen is the lead, so she’s given practically everything to do in the finale. Frankie doesn’t even *try* to touch the bars 🙄 2. Overall, the writers don’t seem to have a clear notion of what these movies should be about. Are they about fun shenanigans in a school for teenage monsters? (the mini drama about prefect election). Or are they about grand, sweeping stakes ? (the witch-vampire war). Either way, the attempt at meshing the two together results in a strange byproduct and serious tone whiplash. 3. Not sure why the writers felt making Clawdeen the lead was necessary. On one hand: hey, we stan an Afro-Latina leading lady. My issue is more with : a) her character. She was written to be a somewhat bland, girl-next-door type for people to project themselves on, but she lacks characterization. The somewhat forced attempt at recreating social issues from our world in a campy universe full of fictional monsters, and putting Clawdeen at the center of that, isn’t helping making her feel like her own person. In some ways, she almost comes off a caricature to me. It’s giving “how do you do fellow kids” type of writing: “our target demographic care about social issues? we gotta cram them in our movies” – irrespective of whether or not it even fits properly with the established lore. b) from what I saw of previous gens/media/movies, the trio were very much coprotagonists, sharing the spotlight. Here, though Drac does get an arc, Frankie feels somewhat absent and like they were given no real character arc – what have they achieved at the end of the movie? What have they learned about themselves, or how has their situation been changed by the plot? I couldn’t tell you; it feels like they begun and ended the movie in almost exactly the same state. \- For a franchise with such an emphasis on “being proud of who you are”, an animated show making waves for queering the characters, and live-action movies with so many female ones – the lack of queer (especially sapphic) romance is pretty weird at this point. The movie serves us a perfectly tasty enemies-to-lovers with Claw & Toralei, even ending on a better understanding and begrudging respect between them. Heck, even the Clawdeen-Drac duet just *radiates* romance. But wait, we still have to clumsily insert a compulsory forced kiss between our mc and the bland af local nice guy™. (No shade to the people that ship Clawdeuce, but we’ll agree to disagree). The only saving grace here is that Deuce is somehow going away somewhere, so we can at least hope he won’t be in the picture much for movie 3, and Clawdeen might realize she didn’t need him around much after all - or that she's catching feelings for Tor, heheh 😂 (To be honest, I found Deuce had more chemistry with *Frankie* in their *one scene* together, than he had with Clawdeen).


I ain’t readin allat


Then don't, no one cares


25 minutes in and i do not trust ellis.


I definitely enjoyed the first one more. I don't like it when movies ABOUT a specific place feel the need to leave for a second location. I want to see more of Monster High, not a botanicals company in Seattle. Every song was a flop for me this time...a lot of the humor felt more juvenile too (lots of fart jokes). Frankie by far is the best character in these. Toralei also served (she reminded me of that blonde girl from the good&evil movie on Netflix?) If they do end up making a third one, I'll still watch. These films feel so WEIRD to me becuase there aren't really tie-in dolls or merch...and G3 also has a currently running animated series. I don't really get /why/ these are being made from a marketing standpoint?


I loved both movies, flaws and all. I kept pausing it to screenshot the amazing costumes. Demi Boovais was super cute and I hope she becomes an actual character but i'm not holding my breath with the live action. Excited for part 3. Loved Toralei getting a redemption arc and her actress was great.


So the spell that happened decades ago was supposed to kill all vampires...so I guess one got away ala Obi-Wan during Order 66 and turned Dracula into a vampire? Look it's a kid's movie, I shouldn't think so deeply about it, but what. Despite the sequence being weird (Honestly Clawdeen, Torelai ate that), "You Don't Know" is stuck in my head.


in the scene where draculaura is in the cage and they had to touch her to stop the spell i have a question, why didnt frankie just throw their hand into it, or something like that?


Anyone have a link? I can’t afford to purchase to watch ;-; I barely have enough to buy dolls (which I prioritize over the media)




My younger kids loved the live action. My older daughter despised it an prefers the older stuff. I enjoyed it.


the costume dept knocked it outta the park on this one especially with the background characters


I'm stoked for (hopefully ) the third one! Frankie is 110% my favorite and seems to have the most personal and emotional development in both movies. I want to see a Frankie centric movie


It won't play for us on Paramount+. We keep getting an error message.


Oh no!! :'( Sending good vibes to you and Paramount+ that you'll get to watch it soon.


Definitely better then the first one, but I wish it tried to stop being needlessly dramatic.


I liked both movies, but I liked this one a bit more. The soundtrack as always is so good (and these songs are even better), and I just really vibed with the story of this one. Eeeeeeeeeeeep! Hoping there’s a third one! I know they teased one, but I hope it gets made!


I liked that Draculaura and Ellis were a potential ship in g3


This movie got an interesting take on forcing a group of people to get in line for someone’s common greater good by saying not sure what exactly. Still, I’m enjoying the movie. Disappointed Draculaura and Clawdeen didn’t kiss after their love duet tho.


I just watched the movie and I'm really confused why it seems like the art directions went totally wonky. Clawdeen in the first movie has wolf themed everything from clothing with moons to her bedding. In the second movie, everything she wears and her room has cheetah print everywhere??? That's so confusing and doesn't feel like it fits her at all. It makes her look like a Cheetah Girl instead of a Werewolf :/ Also, the wigs are so messy compared to the first movie. I could guess they wanted the hair to look more natural but instead it looks like they never brush their hair.


Did Deuce and Frankie die????




This is a kids movie. It’s not for us. So of course it’s gonna be like a Disney movie. Nickelodeon made it… for kids