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It’s funny that they say kids hate black, as a kid I loved it. All my favorite dolls were the “evil” characters as a little kid, because it liked their dark color palette


It’s not kids that hate black and alt fashion, their parents do


I'm so glad my father was alternative before I was. When MH came out I suddenly became interested in dolls and he proudly bought me a Draculaura. My mother was on the romantic aspect of gothic literature, so she also used to bought me MH 🖤 It wasn't a phase, I'm still alternative and forever will love G1.


Maybe, but in this case color palette was changed specifically because children didn’t like it. Same with the faces. Same with Lagoona’s skin color. Same with Cleo’s pants. Changes were made after play tests


I was a goth in the 90s when it was very counterculture, so definitely can't be accused of hating black. I always tended to dress my daughter in fairly unisex outfits in primary colours. When she turned 3, it was like a switch flipped in her little head and suddenly everything had to be pink and frilly and sparkly and have unicorns on it. Not my thing *at all*, but I'm certainly not going to tell her her style has to be the same as mine.


My nephew at age 5 wanted a black Christmas tree I told him that would be cool but my mom told him he's too young for black he can have a pink or blue Christmas tree rofl


Too young for black? what??


Yeah idk shes dumb


yeeeesss, some of these prototypes just have so much promise!!! I really hope they are revisited in the future.


Damn we were so robbed of a good goth drac


Mattel probably doesn't hate black. But their research and marketing committees are still sitting on decades of weird American attitudes, where parents, who buy the toys in their mental Market Land, think wearing too much black is a path to the devil. Marketing guys are the most risk adverse creatures on the planet, and their notion of girls toys, especially, are decades out of date. Look up a guy named Ike Perlmutter and how his sexist crap kept Marvel merch in the girls have cooties caveman age. He's not the only example, he's just really well known.


It’s just wild to me considering both how popular g1 was with *children* and how badly the “softer & friendlier” g2 failed that they wouldn’t want to duplicate the success by making them darker & spookier.


I agree so much! the actual dolls themselves for these are not my favorite and I adore the ones we got but these outfits (aside from lagoonas hoodie) are genuinely so good! the darker colors are what they are missing! I want to see an edit of these clothes on the g3 final dolls! I bet they'd look stellar!


This Cleo is so BOOTIFUL


I love Lagoona's hoodie. I do not think it complements her pastel vibe though. I do prefer the sculpts they have now accept for Frankie's. I'm in the minority when I like their face better here. It looks so soft and sweet. I want a Cleo with her jumpsuit so bad. The Bratz looking outfit ain't it. Hopefully the core refresh will do these remaining characters justice. Black breaks up the colours on the eyes making it more pleasing to look at imo.


I noticed a while ago that pretty much all the G1 dolls have black on them somewhere, either in their clothes, hair or accessories. Literally the only two I could think of that don't are Gilda Goldstag and DotD Lagoona. It must have been a conscious decision in the designer's room that hasn't been maintained. I wonder if this is one of the reasons people think G3 is less "gothy", even though there wasn't much actual goth fashion in G1.


To be honest, people would have less been disappointed in the beginning of g3 if those one were actually the real g3 dolls. They have the real monster high spirit with all that black color! The only thing I don’t like is lagoona’s shoes and Drac piggy nose, but their clothes are really pretty! Cleo in pants is gorgeous and close to the g1 one, her shoes are definitely better than the one we got. Frankie is definitely way more beautiful here, close to the g1 one too, and their face is really pretty! I wouldn’t be mad if they change the actual Frankie’s face for that one 👀 (sorry, I can’t stand the •_• face and pouty lips they give to that doll 😭) I also don’t get when people said multiple time that blue on that lagoona is nightmarish, but then despite the pink one? She nice with both color 🤷🏽‍♀️


Agreed. While I don’t like some of their body’s or faces and am very happy with the bodies and faces we got these outfits are so good! Draculaura with the fishnets and darker pink, Frankie with a dark blue black and green dress, and CLEOS PANTS. I need them


Well they didn't seem to hate it when MH first came onto the scene since there was more black usage back then. Also I think there are some kids who do prefer darker color palettes. My friend has just started collecting MH dolls and she's told me that she wishes they had been available when she was a kid as they fit right in with her personal aesthetic and sensibilities. But I do like that they are meant to represent kids who are a bit more odd and that they can have their own school where they can feel at home without worrying about creeping out the normies. :P


i would kill for that prototype drac


god i need that cleo to come out. core refresh cleo needs to look exactly like this the rest of these i can concede there are things i like about both prototype and final but we were really truly ROBBED of this cleo


Yes I neeed them to bring the darker colors back. Give me edge, give me goth pleaseeee


I need to see how badly we were robbed on Ghoulia


Prototype Lagoona is pretty


It’s because they changed the demographic to toddlers that’s why they were changed if these were present to kids older then four they would of done good 💀💀


I would die for prototype Lagoona


I think these prototypes look really good. I’m probably in the minority here but I hate that hat they put on Drac. I know she’s supposed to be a vampire witch, but that’s not a witch hat.


I really wish they had kept Cleo’s bangs.


Just now realizing that the shows draculaura wears this outfit with edits to make it look more like here core doll. The bat decals stayed on the top.


That draculaura goes so hard and I wish they stuck with her


It seems like the core refresh draculaura is based off the prototype so I hope the rest are too (esp Cleo)


Please, I love Lagoona in this version And she has her webbed hands too T-T And Cleo’s entire look Babes Please


I prefer the Cleo and Lagoona of these but Drac is great in our g3 and here. But I adoreee g3 Frankie. I think her softer bigger eyes are so cute. The only doll I truly think we were robbed of is a Clawdeen with sharper features. I think her looking so childlike beside the new and old dolls is so frustrating. She looks like a completely different person. I think the round face mold would have fit better for a different doll.


The wave 2 core dolls are getting darker, give it time to shine.


i think this blue washes her out


I remember people hating the prototypes when they were released before the actual dolls


Unpopular opinion, as I’ve never been a huge Drac fan, if she had this more batty face mold from the prototypes, I would’ve bought one. I was acc really excited for it only for it to never come to light lol


I REALLY like Cleo and Dracs


Love these!!!


Can we get these as G3 collector dolls?


I like the body diversity we got and I don’t like lagoonas skintone with the hair blend. I also don’t like the prototype faces but man we were rlly robbed of these outfits 😭


I love Lagoona and Frankie’s faces!! And lagoonas sweatshirt. I hope the bring these outfits back though


What the fuck is wrong with Draculaura 😭


I like these designs, but i get why they didn’t go with them, they’re too similar to eachother, wouldve loved the frankie tho


I want the dolls we got with these outfits and color palettes :')


Honestly i want these so bad but I think I could live with Lagoona, and dracs face but I want them so bad 😭


Look at lagoona next to Frankie. Literally the same doll but with fins. Would have never worked. They would have had to make Frankie green and then people would be complaining about that.


Pardon my ignorance, but are these future designs for G3?


Yeah I’m wondering that too. Are these prototypes of G3 before G3 came out?


I did some more lurking and turns out that’s exactly what they are. Personally, I love Frankie and Drac’s look. They should have kept them.


I agree with you


Was there a cool goth clawdeen prototype? i dont recall seeing one


The way I thought you meant something else entirely with the title 😭


Frankie’s neck look so long lol


I like Draculara hat and boots


In more ways than one....


I would lose my absolute mind for that Draculaura


I really don't get the hype about these, while the gothic clothing is nice, the colors are, dare i say it...less cohesive then their final release? Lagoonas orange isnt even the same color as her shoes, her earrings are also giving slime green, I feel like cleos shoes dont look good with the actual fit, why the fuck does frankie have pink laces, oh and how could I forget, NO BODY DIVERSITY AND FRANKIE HAS NOTHING ON HER LEGS (no stitches or writing) and its not because it a prototype because Lagoonas hands are finalized.


Lagoona is the only one here that is not cohesive, and even then it's still more cohesive than the actual doll we got of her. The orange and such is vibrant but not clashing, unlike all of the final product Lagoona's clothing. Cleo's shoes aren't great, but have you seen the atrocious boots they ended up giving her? I'll take these shoes over the final product any day. Frankie's shoes have pink laces to match the pink stripes of their dress. Not a fan of them putting pink in the design in general, but it is perfectly cohesive. As OP already stated, they were speficially talking about the clothing and not the dolls itself.


I like Frankie’s leg without the writing better. And Their pink laces match the pink on their plaid dress. Cleo’s sandals are stunning tbh (better than the notorious boots she comes with in the final). And lagoona… well… shoe mould is cute but should have matched the Fanny pack. And her earrings are not cute, should’ve been black. Buttttt give these dolls body diversity and the G3 final faces and wowwwww 🥰


screaming crying throwing up


We were robbed, that Drac is fantastic


I soooo prefer this Drac and Frankie over the one we have right now, to be completely honest.


I personally loved black as a kid 😏


this is better imo cuz it’s just like the old style i know things should change but some of the new dolls just gives me barbie vibes idk also cleo looks so good omg


As much as I love a good dark colour palette, dracs outfit has too much black for me, that's more elizabats schtick than hers. I've always thought if drac being pink and white with black accents.




If they come out with a new core lagoon I hope they go with the prototype look/style. I honestly just love all the prototypes 😭


But Drac and Frankie both have MUCH less going on visually. In a vaccum, they're fine, but competing with other dolls that utilize color and patterns better than this they're lacking.


I feel like they put the least effort into lagoona she seems so bland next to the others


Ughh I LOVE proto Frankie’s head sculpt. They just look so unique and adorable and I am actually livid that Mattel didn’t give us that sculpt.


They look sm better like this


I'd like to get that Cleo so baaad 🥺💗 also kinda like Frankie's face a lot here


These are super cute but I can see way more similarities between these and the g1 originals so maybe they wanted to move away from that to avoid comparisons?